kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
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kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
Ok, what happened with yukhei was unacceptable. “Fans” made one of the sweetest, dorkiest, most amazing people I know cry. They crowded him and still did so as he was crying. I’m disgusted. Get your fucking priorities straight. If you love him that much- don’t crowd him. Make him feel safe and loved- not stressed and sad.
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kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
timeless index
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social media au
[preview] | [01] | [02] | [03] | [04] | [05] | [06] | [07] | [08] | [09] | [10] | [11] | [12] | [13] | [14] | [15] | [16] | [17] | [18] | [19] | [20] | [21] | [22] (coming soon)
↳ y/n is debuting under the SM entertainment company. nct goes to her debut stage to support their SM Family™️ and the dreamies befriend her. according to the rules of SM Entertainment, idols under the age of 25 are not allowed to have public or private relationships, so what happens when the media thinks y/n is dating one of the dreamies?
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kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
Complicated masterlist!
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social media!au [there’s also some written parts]
parings — jaemin x fem reader
genre — fluff, angst
— where both jaemin and y/n are idols and everything is more complicated.
intro | i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi | vii | viii | ix | x | xi | xii | xiii | xiv | xv | xvi | xvii | xviii | xix (final) | bonus part
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kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
so cute
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kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
NCT U/127/Dream Reaction Masterlist Post
Let me know if any missing links or links go to the wrong post!!
You fall asleep wearing his shirt in bed with headphones in and cuddling at bear (NCT)
You join their group as a boy but they later find out you are a girl (NCT U)
He had a child with his girlfriend back in high school (when he was 17) and one day he’s in an interview and the host is picking on him for not being safe, dissing his girlfriend and his son (Taeyong)
Their small adorable girlfriend sneezes cutely (NCT U)
Their girlfriend is a pro-gamer (NCT U)
How they kiss you in front of the other members (NCT U)
You two are close friends (you are also an idol) and he admits he likes you and you say you like him too (NCT U)
You’re very touchy (NCT U)
Your group being on a show with them and saying that you would like a boyfriend who would protect you and care for you (NCT U)
You watch them during practice (NCT U)
You’re addicted to ramyeon (NCT)
How you guys would kiss in front of the others (NCT 127)
You put your hand up their shirt or their sleeves to touch skin out of habit (NCT 127+Johnny)
His girlfriend’s baby sister has a crush on him (NCT Dream)
Matching couples outfits (NCT Dream)
Their girlfriend has green eyes (NCT U/127)
They meet their girlfriend’s older brother/s (NCT 127 + Johnny)
Their older sister comes to visit them during their first signing (NCT Dream)
His girlfriend thinks she’s fat (NCT U+Johnny and Hansol)
His girlfriend has big boobs and a large butt (NCT U+Johnny)
You’re his girlfriend and when you’re watching a movie the power goes out (NCT Dream)
A member of NCT Dream comments about how pretty he thinks his girlfriend is and he gets jealous (NCT 127)
Their girlfriend’s concept for the comeback is Angel vs. Devil and he sees the teasers for it (NCT 127)
There’s a girl in a sub unit who’s around their age that they have a crush on (NCT DREAM)
You become distant from him because you started receiving hate for being older than him (NCT Dream)
They get protective over their older girlfriend (NCT Dream)
The kind of girlfriend they would have (NCT Dream)
Their older sister and debut after them, making them your sunbae (NCT DREAM)
You give them back their hoodie because it doesn’t smell like them anymore (NCT U)
They meet an idol (you) that they really admire (NCT Dream)
He tricks you into thinking you guys are gonna make out but he really gives you a short messy kiss (NCT 127+U)
They meet the new US trainee and she has the total badass look (NCT Dream)
You try the hoverboard and you fall down and fail miserably (NCT DREAM)
Their girlfriend is 5′7-5′8 (174cm-175cm) (NCT 127)
Their girlfriend asks them to take her virginity (NCT 127)
You and the other members throw him a surprise party (NCT Dream)
They get their best friend pregnant and they aren’t together (NCT U+127)
A member of NCT 127 asks out their older sister (NCT Dream)
A member of NCT Dream asks out their little sister (NCT U)
He had a child with his girlfriend back in high school (when he was 17) and one day he’s in an interview and the host is picking on him for not being safe, dissing his girlfriend and child (NCT U)
They find out that Kim Jongkook from Running Man is your dad/uncle (NCT Dream)
Their older sister (adult) is pregnant (NCT Dream)
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kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
one-love masterlist
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one-love (na jaemin) 
genre: fluff, social media au, badminton!au
member: jaemin / reader
warnings: cursing, ignore all time stamps, will be updated if anymore show up later
summary: everyone who plays badminton knows the unspoken golden rule of never playing doubles with your significant other. too bad na jaemin has never been good at following the rules.
intro pt. 1 > intro p.t 2 > part 01 > part 02 > part 03 > part 04 > part 05 > …
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kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
The Deal || Donghyuck AU
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The Deal: In which a girl who is considered “perfect” by her friends, peers, and adults isn’t who she says she is. When Donghyuck, a known rebellious delinquent, discovers who she really is, he makes a deal with her to keep her secret. If she keeps the deal, no one will have to know that she’s truly just like him.
Main Masterlist
Highschool AU Masterlist
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kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
The Deal || Donghyuck AU
Genre: angst
Warnings: swearing, mentions of parental neglect and abuse, etc
Word Count: +4.8k
Part: 11/?
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[Friday, Day 14: 너의 손으로 망쳐온 미래인걸]
{This is the future you ruined yourself}
You stepped out of your car and already felt heads turning to you. You didn’t particularly care at this point. You knew that people would be talking about you endlessly for the next few days. So you decided to be a little more eccentric today.
You wore black ripped jeans, a white crop top, and black combat boots. On any other day, wearing this would’ve been odd. It ruined your “good girl” look. Right now, you were nothing near that. You opened the door to the school and walked straight to your locker. You began getting your books when you heard someone approaching you. You turned your head and felt your face scrunch up in anger. Mina stood in front of you and she gave you a hopeful look. “Y/N, we need to talk.” She said. 
You stared at her blankly, “Too bad I have nothing to say to you.” You stated as you walked past her, brushing against her shoulder. Mina started after you, heading to class a few steps behind. You walked in and felt a small pang in your heart when you saw the empty seat in front of your own. Your face grew more cold as you walked past it, falling into your own seat nonchalantly. You crossed your arms over your chest as waited impatiently for the class to start. When Mina came in shortly after you, it seemed that people in the class held their breath. You completely ignored her existence as she sat beside you quietly.
“Y/N…” Mina whispered quietly.
You looked around and said, “Is there a snake in here? I swear I just heard one.” A few people chuckled as you said that and you felt slightly satisfied. Yet, you had to admit that something felt wrong. She was once your best friend, yet here you were, getting a laugh out of reminding her of her mistakes.
You heard Mina sigh beside you and she leaned closer, whispering, “Listen. I know you don’t want to talk to me, hell, I wouldn’t either. But I am determined to make you see that I would never hurt you. It was not me that posted that picture.”
You turned your head towards her and met her eyes with your own. “Then you’re going to have to try really fucking hard, because I have no more trust in you or anyone else in this damn school.” You stated. The teacher stepped in and called for the attention of the class, beginning the lesson shortly after.
By the time lunch rolled around, you found yourself getting overly used to the stares. You stepped into the cafeteria without bothering to look at anyone. When you went up to get food, you only grabbed an apple. After grabbing it, you quickly looked at all the tables with curious eyes. You hadn’t thought this far ahead of things.
Who the hell were you going to sit with?
That’s when you felt an arm wrap around your shoulders. You quickly turned your head and your eyes widened when you saw who it was.
“Jeno?” You questioned with surprised eyes. He nodded and leaned down to your ear as the rest of the guys approached, him whispering, “You really think we’d just leave you alone, Y/N?”
You felt a small smile grow on your face, but almost let t fall when you realized that the one guy you needed to see wasn’t there, Donghyuck. You managed to keep the grin on your face though as you said, “Well, I guess I shouldn’t have doubted you guys.”
Jeno smiled, his classic eye smile and started walking you to their table. He only took his arm off your shoulders when you all sat down. You all began talking about random things, as you usually did, while you guys snacked on your food. As they all talked, you noticed they all deliberately left any mention of Donghyuck out of the conversation. That fact made you slightly worried, but also beyond relieved. You were grateful that they didn’t bring him up in this moment. However that didn’t stop you from thinking about him every minute, it didn’t stop your thoughts that he was just using you, it didn’t stop you from replaying that damn kiss in your head over and over. But, it did help. It helped enough to ease off the pain slightly. You were glad that they were here for you.
{next sunday}
What you didn’t realize is that they would continue to be there for you. Over the next few days they proved to be true friends. Even Mark. (Who joined in hanging out after school) They always found time to text you, talk to you, and you even began inviting them over. It had been a little over a week since that day in the cafeteria, and you still hadn’t seen Donghyuck once. You stared to doubt him even more, beginning to forget about that note he wrote you. As much as it sucked, you had begun to get used to the feeling of an empty heart. You knew that it would continue to feel completely empty, like a piece of you missing. The only way it would feel full is if he was there, holding you again. For some reason you started to believe that him holding you again was just an impossible dream, one that you would never be able to reach.
A knock at your door sounded, bringing you out of your thoughts. You ran to the door with a smile, knowing exactly who was there. Upon opening it you got attacked by Jeno’s warm hug. You made a noise of surprise and laughed as he did so. Out of all the guys, Jeno had proved to be the one you grew closest to. Though, you still loved all of the six guys equally.
You swiftly escaped from his arms and ran to your kitchen, all of them following suit. When you got there you gave them all a look over and said, “Okay, I want you guys to know my parents are coming home from a business trip today. All do you need to behave, not that they will pay any attention to us anyway.”
They all nodded in unison and you suddenly perked up, “Do you guys want to go get some boba?”
Jisung jumped up and excitedly said, “YES!” Causing you and the rest of the guys to burst out into laughter at his adorable reaction. You gathered your money and phone and before you knew it, you were out with the guys by your side. The walk there seemed to go by so much faster with them to talk to. Upon reaching your favorite shop, you were slightly surprised to see that Hinjie wasn’t there; she was usually working at this time. You quickly shrugged it off and just decided to buy without thinking to much. All the guys ordered, and you—after insisting several times—bought all of their drinks.
All of you sat at their largest table as you drank your surgery drinks. You were across the window, and suddenly became very interested in something that you saw outside. Hinjie was standing outside with her arms crossed while someone yelled at her. When the person turned their head you audibly gasped upon seeing it was Jooyoung. Your gasp brought the other guys to follow your gaze and watch the scene as well. You watched as she rolled her eyes and yelled back, pointing in a direction, that he ended up storming off towards. You couldn’t hear the conversation, but figured it was intense by the looks of it. She turned on one heal and entered the shop, her work clothes on.
“Hinjie!” You called to her as she stepped in. Her head snapped to you and her eyes widened as she saw all the people you sat with.
“Hey!” She said as she approached the table. You smiled in greeting, but cut to the chase.
“You know Jooyoung?” You asked.
“I know him from what you told me, and he came up to me asking me about you. When I didn’t tell him anything he got a bit upset, so I told him to leave.” She explained, before you could even ask the rest. You nodded and your mouth fell into an “ohh” position as you took in her words. She looked at all the guys in front of her and greeted them briefly. Then she turned back to you and said, “Well, I’ve got to go to my shift, but text me if you need anything Y/N.”
You patted her back as she walked away, turning back to the guys with a smile. “Well, on that note, wanna start heading home? I have a movie to watch when we get there.” You asked.
They all agreed with enthusiastic nods and you all began walking home, your boba tea in hand. As you walked up to your house, you cringed when you saw your parents cars in the driveway. You turned to the guys with a strained look, “My parents are home.” You said with a strong sigh. Jeno reached forward and patted your shoulder comfortingly.
“Let’s just go inside.” Jeno said. You nodded and opened the door in front of you, becoming surprised to see your mom standing in the kitchen. Your dad wasn’t with her—presumably working already—and you smiled weakly at her.
“Hey mom, these are my friends.” You said gesturing towards the guys. Your mom’s blank expression didn’t budge as she looked at them. Jeno stepped forward and smiled brightly at her. “It’s so nice to meet you Mrs. Y/L/N.”
She put on a half-assed grin and said, “Nice to meet you all too. Now Y/N, you guys have to be quiet, okay? Your father and I have work to do, and we don’t want noise bothering us.” She stated. You breathed in deeply and willed yourself to control the anger that was steadily rising in your chest, “Fine.” You managed to spit out, before turning and walking into the living room. You felt the anger boiling in your stomach as the guys followed after you. You couldn’t believe how rudely she was acting to them. She could’ve at least acted like she cared. She seemed to be done putting in effort all together.
You huffed as you flopped onto the couch, letting the guys fall into the seats around and beside you. Jeno sat on your left and Jisung sat on your right. Jaemin decided to not sit in a seat at all, rather just sitting in front of you, leaning his back against your legs. The others sat in the seats beside the couch, and waited as you turned on the movie. Jisung suddenly leaned against your side and said, “You don’t have to be upset, Noona, we’re here for you when they aren’t.”
You felt yourself freeze momentarily as the mature words left the young boys mouth. You turned you him, who was still leaning on your shoulder with a bright smile. Your eyes were slightly teary and you said, “I know. I know.”
“Bye guys!” You called to your six friends as they walked out of your driveway. Mark waved enthusiastically back at you and the other guys did the same. You rolled your eyes at their antics and closed the door. When you turned around, you jumped back in surprise.
“Y/N. What was that?” Your mom inquired in a sharp tone.
You recoiled your head in shock, “What do you mean?” You asked.
She pointed towards where the guys just left and said, “I mean hanging out with people like that. I don’t like them one bit Y/N.” You felt that anger from before resurfacing swiftly.
This time you didn’t have anyone to hold it back.
“Oh now you suddenly care about what I do!? You rarely ever talk to me, and now you suddenly care so much? Bullshit Mom. Why the hell do you even not like them? Huh? They were nothing but polite to you!” You exclaimed, your anger spilling out into your tone.
“I don’t like them because they’re literal trash, Y/N. Kids like that shouldn’t be around you; you’ll turn rotten.” She responded deadpanned.
“You mean I’ll turn into you?” You shot back, “Listen Mom, I’m done with this conversation, they’re my friends and there’s nothing you can do about it.” And with that you turned around, heading to your room, feeling better now that you let all that out. You settled yourself into your room, wanting to get done with this day as fast as you could.
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[Monday, Day 15: 그게 네 선택이면, 결과도 네가 책임져야지]
{If that’s your choice, then take responsibility for your results}
You thought you could handle it, seeing him again. You thought being able to see him would make that hole in your heart fill, you thought that that trust he told you to have would be renewed.
Oh…how wrong you were.
Because when you saw him, sitting in his normal chair in class, you expected him to say something to you, to look at you, or anything at all. He didn’t even react when you stepped in, nor when you walked past him. He was almost like a stone. You didn’t want to believe it was him, you didn’t want to believe that your negative thoughts were true. Yet, everything he was doing was confirming them. You could feel the stares of people burning into you as they waited for some sort of interaction between you two, one that they wouldn’t get. Some of them even looked smug, probably figuring the rumors flying around regarding your relationship with him was true.
You didn’t blame them…you started to believe it too.
You stare ahead at his frozen figure in front of you, feeling your heart falling apart. Your thoughts were racing. Did he forget about your kiss? Was he only using you? Did he never feel the same way that you did about him? Was he lying to you all this time? Was he really trying to make you ruin everything you built up, just to leave you in the dirt? These thoughts swirled in your brain as you tried to keep yourself together. You knew you wouldn’t be able to last for much longer. Having him so close to you, yet so far, was killing you. Mina then walked in, eyes widening as she took in your expression—one of sadness and emptiness—and rushed quickly to the seat beside you.
“Are you okay?” She asked worried. You knew Donghyuck could hear her. Yet, he didn’t even move a muscle, didn’t even seemed concerned that you weren’t okay. He didn’t even care that you were falling apart at the seems. Mina repeated her question when you didn’t respond, but that’s when you broke.
You stood up from your seat, your chair making a loud scraping noise as it scratched the ground. You grabbed your phone and swiftly dashed out of the classroom, bumping into the teacher on the way out. The teacher called after you, but you couldn’t be bothered to stop. You kept running, unbeknownst to your own intentions.
Luckily enough for you, you didn’t have to know. Right as you ran into a back hallway, you saw Jeno, Jaemin, and Jisung. Upon hearing footsteps, Jaemin snapped his head in the direction you came from. He gasped quietly as he saw the tears running down your cheeks. They all came towards you, but Jisung beat them to it. The younger boy—who was somehow taller than you—swiftly engulfed you in a hug. You felt the other guys pat your back comfortingly. You felt your tears slightly soaking the shoulder of Jisung’s shirt, but you were too broken in the moment to care. Jaemin repeated the words, “Everything will be okay.” Over and over, as if he knew exactly what was making you cry.
Well, actually he probably did know. They are friends with him after all.
You guys kind of just stayed in that little abandoned hallway for the next few periods. By the time lunch came around, they insisted that you came with them to lunch. You were relunctant, because you knew he would be there. But what were you going to do? Just hide for the rest of your life?
The answer you really wanted to say was yes, but you knew that if the guys had any part of it—like right now—the answer would be no. So you ended up following them to lunch, finding comfort in Jeno’s arm that was across your shoulders like it always was. When you stepped in, you found yourself scanning the whole cafeteria for him. He was already there, sitting with Renjun and Chenle. You swallowed hard and took deep breaths as you grabbed yourself a small snack with the guys.
They led you to a different table than what Donghyuck was sitting at, making you give him a grateful look. He smiled at you in a brotherly way and took the seat beside you, as the other two sat across. The whole lunch, you were distant and didn’t talk. The guys tried to get you involved in the conversation, but to no avail. They understood why though, and eventually just let you sit and listen instead.
Eventually, after what felt like hours of torture, school had ended. You went straight to your locker, rushing as fast as you could. Once you got there and grabbed your bag you stopped momentarily.
 “Can I walk you home first though?”
You replayed his words in your head and wondered what the hell went wrong. You rightly cluched your bag against you and swiftly exited the school, going into your car and starting it up.
Before you pulled away, you took out your phone, sending a quick text.
[3:09] To Hinjie: Can we hang out? At your place?
As you were pulling out of the parking lot, you glanced down to see her response.
[3:10] To You: Yeah! I’m there right now if you want to come. Is something wrong?
[3:11] To Hinjie: Yeah, I’ll tell you when I get there.
When you got to her apartment, you walked right in. You knew exactly where her room was—since she lived alone and there weren’t too many rooms—and went straight to it. You opened her bedroom door and almost cried at the scene before you.
She had two cups of hot chocolate lying on her desk, still steaming hot; a pair of comfortable clothes for you to change into; and your favorite snack lying right beside them. You saw her smiling at you from her bed and you walked over, collapsing into her open arms.
She held you as you cried and told her about today. She managed to calm you down enough to get you into those comfortable clothes. Then she insisted you two share funny stories as you ate food to take your mind of things.
“Thank you.” You said, sniffling slightly.
She smiled and grabbed your hand assuringly, “Don’t worry, I’m here for you, okay? I hate to see you hurting like this.” She said with comforting expression. You sighed and leaned into her.
“Would you mind if I spent the night?” You asked. She laughed and nodded.
“Of course! Also, don’t worry about changing clothes, I have plenty that you can wear today and tomorrow.” She said.
You two talked the day away, and you felt so much better now that you could be with her. Once it had been far past the sunset, Hinjie gave you a mischievous look.
“What?” You asked with a giggle.
“Wanna go out?” She asked. You looked out her window and to the black world outside and nodded. “Why not?”
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(ignore the change in outfits & dates)
[Tuesday, Day 16: 나만의 독백 아냐]
{This isn’t just my monologue}
You didn’t bother going to school the next day, feeling that you needed some more time to yourself before you faced him again. You ended up spending the whole day with Hinjie, letting her take your mind off things once again. You only left her house when it was getting dark out, and she had a night shift to get to at the boba shop.  
(Mina’s POV: Earlier today)
I stepped into school, my anger already at it’s highest. I didn’t trust that Hoojinie girl or whatever the hell her name was, and I wasn’t going to let Y/N make rash decisions over a heartbreak. I walked into school knowing exactly what I needed to do, and I wasn’t going to back down.
I immediately saw one of Donghyuck’s friends standing by his locker and I exclaimed, “Hey, you!” As I approached. If I wasn’t mistaken, his name was Jeno.
His eyes widened as he looked up and he said, “Me?” 
I nodded and said, “I need to talk to you.” As you grabbed his arm and dragged him to an empty hallway.
“Listen, and listen closely.” I began, “I need you to go get Donhyuck, I need to talk to him about Y/N.” I demanded
He gave me a skeptical look and said, ‘I..I don’t know if I should do that.” 
You let out a shaky sigh, “Okay, I know things may look bad for me, with that tweet and all, but please believe me when I say that I did not do it. I was hacked or something, I swear on my life, I would never to anything to purposely hurt her. I love Y/N with all my heart, she’s my best friend. I was never good at expressing that before, and she probably hates my guts now, but I want to make things right. I want to show her that I am innocent and that I am, and always will be here for her. So, please just help me…” I begged.
I could see the look in Jeno’s eyes visibly soften as he let out a quiet, “Yeah…I will, just wait here.”
Before I knew it Jeno was back, and was shoving Donghyuck into the hallway. He saw you and stepped forward curiously. “Mina?” He questioned.
When he was within reach, I grabbed him by the collar and shoved him backwards. His back hit the wall and he looked at me surprised. “Listen Donghyuck. I don’t know why the hell you’re ignoring Y/N like you are. You made her be herself, her true self; then you left her to the dirt like it was nothing. You broke her fucking heart, and it’s like you aren’t even affected. Now she’s hanging out with shady people and doing dumb shit, presumably to get over this heartbre–” Before I could continue, he held up his hand and cut me off. 
“Please, stop talking about how much she’s hurting.” He said, his voice cracking and his eyes growing watery.
“If you don’t want her hurting, than why aren’t you doing anything about it?” I said seriously.
“You don’t think this isn’t killing me? My heart is shattering in every possible way, but I can’t be with her. Please trust me when I say that I literally cannot. If I could help it, I would be holding her right now. I would be with her, making her feel loved and wanted. I would tell her how much she means to me, but I can’t.” He stated.
I stepped closer to him, holding a finger up. “Okay dude, I can tell that whatever the hell is keeping you away from her is bad, because you wouldn’t be acting like this. I can tell that you still like her a lot. But the thing is you need to try, no matter how hard it may seem.” I said deadpanned.
“I don’t like her Mina. I love her. I love her with every ounce of my being. But I truly can’t go near her again, she could get seriously hurt.” He replied.
I sighed and stepped closer once again, “Well, here’s the thing, love will always win. Love always prospers, no matter how hard the situation is, you have to try. That’s what I’m doing right now. Y/N probably hates me right now, but I haven’t stopped trying to prove to her that I am one of her true friends, and that I will always be here for her. I love her to fucking death and back, and I’m fighting for her to know that.” I paused to take a deep breath. “So it’s either you realize what’s the most important thing, and fight for it, or you stay on the path you are now. It’s your choice.” And with that I stepped back from him, turning around and leaving, knowing my work–for now–was done.
(Your POV: Present time)
Arriving at home was nothing like I had expected. My mom was waiting for me, like a predator ready to pounce on it’s prey. As I walked in she jumped up and prowled towards me, already angry. 
“Where have you been? With those pieces of trash? With that little boyfriend of yours, Donghyuck!?” She yelled. You rolled your eyes immediately at her, you were done.
“No! I wasn’t with my friends, nor was I with him! You know, if you were actually a caring, normal, loving mother you would have texted me asking where I was and if I was okay. Not doing what you are now, just yelling at me about my friends that aren’t to your standards!? Stop acting like you have any fucking say in what I do anymore, you lost that privilege long ago when you decided to throw me to the dirt like I didn’t matter. You lost that privilege when money became more important than me you rigid bitch!” You screamed.
The air suddenly became thick as your mother grew silent at your words. “I’m going to my room.” You finally spat, leaving your mom to her own devices, letting her ponder over what you had said.
As you reached your room you felt the anger in your head and the anxiety swirling in your stomach building. You let every thought, concern, and worry crawl into your brain and run freely. The main thing on your mind though, was Donghyuck. You stared towards your bathroom, remembering the kiss that you had and thinking to yourself.
This isn’t him.
You didn’t believe–you refused to believe–that he didn’t feel the same as you. You felt all the emotions he had for you that night, he felt the same as you. So why was he acting like this. You needed answers, you needed closer. You needed him. You couldn’t take it anymore. You made up your mind, knowing what you needed to do right now. You grabbed the sweatshirt Donghyuck gave you and walked over to your window. You opened it and crawled onto your roof. With a deep breath and a made-up-mind, you made your way to the ground. You let the darkness of the night embrace you and slid the sweatshirt over your head as the cold clung to you. You knew exactly where he would be, you didn’t know how you knew, but you just did. 
You could feel it. It was like there was something within you, pulling you towards him. So you began sprinting towards the building, the one place he would be at right now. You were ready to get the closure you needed, you were ready to show him how much you truly needed him. You kept running, that tug within you growing stronger, more urgent the closer you got. Once you were within reach of the building you quickened your pace, you ran straight in and made your way up each level. When you reached the top, you felt your heart skip a beat. You looked at the ladder and took a deep breath. 
You walked up to it and quietly climbed it. When you finally reached the top, you saw him, sitting in the same spot on the ledge that he did when you were with him.
“Donghyuck?” You said, voice suddenly weak and broken.
His head whipped around and he got off of the ledge as he saw you. He stepped forward quietly, his voice soft as he replied, “Y/N.”
(Unknown POV)
I snapped the picture swiftly of the two, a large smirk painted across my features. I opened my phone and pulled up Taeyong’s contact, “I knew he couldn’t do it.” I said as he picked up. 
Taeyong chuckled deeply and I could almost hear the smirk on his face as he said, “Looks like we’re gonna have to plan how to get her, Hinjie.” 
I laughed and replied, “Yes, yes we will.”
The Deal || Donghyuck AU
[previous] . [part 12]
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{a/n: the wait is finally over and part 11 is out!!! GOD THIS TOOK SO LONG!! I’m already working on part 12 (probably as you guys read this) and I will have it out as soon as possible!! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER!!! Feel free to leave feedback! Love you guys!! Byeee!}
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kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
fan - masterlist (jaemin x reader)
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fan - jaemin x reader text series
in which idol!jaemin finds a cellphone number of a nctzen
preview / part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12 / part 13 / part 14 / part 15 / part 16 / part 17 / part 18 / part 19 / part 20 / part 21 / part 22 / part 23 / part 24 / part 25 / epilogue
last text series: how can i love you - jeno x reader
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kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
SVT REACTIONS — you walk home in the rain
Pulling the already soaked edges of your jacket tighter against your body, you quickened your pace. You had been taking your time walking home from one of your late night classes when unexpectedly, it began pouring. Luckily you weren’t too far away from the apartment buildings where you and your boyfriend both lived, but still a good enough distance away to get completely drenched. Fumbling with the keypad lock to get into your home you stepped inside to find your boyfriend standing at the door, waiting.
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“Jagi,” he spoke with an imminent frown, hanging the jacket he was about to throw on back onto the coat rack behind him. “I was worried, and you’re so wet” he continued, pulling you into his vastly different warm embrace. He helped you out of your soaking clothes before running you a warm bath all while lecturing you about how you should’ve brought an umbrella or called him instead.
The sleepy boy in front of you would shake his head at your state when you entered the apartment. “Aish, you’re so stubborn” he frowned, remembering earlier when he insisted on you wearing your rain jacket just in case and you refusing. After pulling out some of his warmest clothes for you to change into and throwing a blanket into the tumble dryer, he insisted cuddles would warm you right up.
Before you had even entered the apartment you heard Jisoo’s fussing about how you’re gonna catch a cold and get sick. A small frown rose to his lips when you fully stepped in and he could completely notice that you were wet from head to toe. Despite his pouting he was quick to start you a warm shower and make you some tea, and trap you in his arms until you felt warm enough to him.
Unfortunately with his crossed arm stance, unreadable expression staring at you, and pursed lips, Junhui looked exactly like a disappointed dad when his child has broke curfew. Luckily for your sake you were a pro at dodging his constant stream of questions and he also happened to be exhausted. So making sure you were in his grasp and clearly warmer than earlier, he easily dozed off to sleep.
“Y/N!” Hoshi would nearly scream at your shivering, teeth chattering self. He would try to immediately cuddle before realizing it would be more efficient for you to change and shower first. Whilst you did that he would put on one of you two’s favorite movies and sit on the couch with his knees to his chest, waiting for you like a little kid. Almost melting at the sight of you in one of his oversized hoodies, he patted the spot next to him with a huge grin.
From the first second you walked in the door he would be quick to usher you in and immediately help you from your clothes and into some much warmer ones, pouring you some hot tea he had luckily already made. He wouldn’t say much as per usual until the two of you were wrapped up together in bed, your drying hair against his lips as your head lay on his chest.
He would be quick to scold you on how you should’ve wore something besides the thin jacket that wouldn’t shield you from anything and your low top sneakers and how you were gonna get a cold now. His worries faded away when you had changed and were tangled up in the fluffy masses of blankets he’d placed on top of you. Lacing his fingers with your own he would he quick to fall asleep knowing you were with him, home and safe.
He would be happy for one that you were finally home and he wasn’t alone anymore, but also worried because of how cold you were. The first thing he’d do would be to run you a warm bath, and then proceed to jump in with you to as he put it “speed up the process” and “save water”. Then he would microwave some hot chocolate, since that was the only thing he could efficiently make without giving himself third degree burns, and insist on cuddles for at least a few hours.
The poor boy would awkwardly find himself blushing at the way your wet clothes clung to your body and how slightly see through they were. It didn’t help at all when you noticed and began to tease him. “I- just change into these” your flustered boyfriend would hand you some of his clothes, looking the other way. When you were finally changed and he’d calmed down, he would make you sit on the edge of the bathtub while he blow dried your hair.
“Wha-“ He would blurt out, confused on how you got so wet since he hadn’t even noticed it’d began raining. Though with one glance outside the window on the backside of the apartment, he saw that it was definitely pouring. He’d pull you inside, before casually starting the shower and setting you out some clothes on the bed. He’d be waiting for you on the bed when you got out, making sure made it into his warm arms.
An ear ripping scream would come from his lips when you opened the door. As you tried to reassure him you weren’t even that cold his words would get a little quicker and his tone would get a little higher. “Not cold, wh-what? YOU’RE DRENCHED!” He would exclaim nearly every word, being even more of a drama queen than usual. While you showered he’d stand at the door still overreacting, but when you’d jump on the bed and signal for him to come lay with you he would finally calm down.
He had been reaching for the door handle when you pushed it open so naturally he jumped back, surprised. “I was about to come look for you, why didn’t you call?” He asked sheepishly, shrugging off his jacket. Before you could answer however, he’d already started helping you into the bedroom so you could change quickly. He murmured something about hot chocolate before trailing off into the kitchen.
When he heard the slight beeping of the keypad Chan had jumped up to wait for you at the door. He’d expected you to be relatively dry for how much you talked about always being prepared. “Ah! You’re gonna get sick!” He exclaimed before running off to draw you a hot bath. Pressing a kiss to your nose when he returned, he told you to warm up in the bath and he would make you some ramyeon.
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thanks for reading! sorry about no gifs, 10 photo limit can kiss my ass.
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kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
role and rule
pairing: jeonghan/reader genre: royal au / romance, drama word count: 6,326 notes: special shoutout to @jeonghanniesfool for sending the prompt that started it all and to the writing gc for their insight 💗
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You look annoyed.
At first glance, you don’t appear to be: you sit with straight posture, head held high, and a tiny smile on your face as you listen to the other advisors argue about establishing a trade agreement with a modest kingdom across the ocean. To them, you look like you’re intently listening and weighing their words, but to Jeonghan, you’re absolutely annoyed.
He’s known you long enough that he can decipher the true meaning behind your body language. It comes with the many years of knowing you, he supposes, and with the task of being your chief advisor. Jeonghan’s familiar with your different smiles, quirks, and gestures, each conveying distinctive messages. He also knows that the feigned smile on your face is one of exasperation and that the meeting was going to be adjourned soon before your patience fizzled out. Jeonghan allows himself a tiny cough and you fold your hands in front of you on the wooden surface of the table.
“Since we cannot come to an agreement,” you announce. “The meeting will be adjourned today.”
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kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
Pairing: Jeonghan x reader
Genre: angst with fluff ending
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: swearing, insecurities
Request: could you please do a jeonghan scenario where he says mean things unintentionally and you take them to heart?? like the things he tells you become a habit?? thaaank you !
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kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
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Info: Jihoon/Reader, 3rd Person, PG-13, Neighbors AU Genre: Fluff Word Ct: 5.123 Warnings: None Summary: The man who lived next door was a mystery, quiet, reserved, and she was drawn to him in a strange way. Her landlord warned her that he was this grouchy old man in a college kids body, but she didn’t let that stop her from discovering what was beneath the surface. She was determined to get to know Lee Jihoon, and grow closer to him in the process.
It was always her dream to move to the big city, to Seoul. No matter how much her friends laughed at her simple ambitions she wasn’t swayed. Nothing would stop her. She knew that leaving home wasn’t an easy task, but it was one she was determined to accomplish. After a couple of years of saving up and working odd jobs she was one step closer. When she was finally there, finally staring her dream right in the face, she was practically euphoric. As she stood in her empty apartment, the last box from the moving truck getting heavier by the second, her freshly cut keys dangling from her hands, she had never been happier.
“Looks like that’s the last of it.” Seungcheol, her landlord and childhood friend, confirmed with a smile. “Rent’s due at the end of the month, no smoking, no pets allowed, blah blah blah, you’ve heard this all before. Don’t be afraid to text me if you need anything.”
She nodded eagerly, dropping the box down on the couch. “Thank you so much, Seungcheol. I really appreciate everything you’ve done.”
He waved her off. “Not a problem. I’ll see you around!”
Waving, she watched the door close behind him. Then she waited a few more seconds just to be safe before jumping up and down in pure unadulterated excitement. Part of her still couldn’t believe how everything fell into place. In a few short weeks she had a job at a restaurant, a moderately cheap apartment, and a bright future ahead of her. It was a dream come true.
After nearly exhausting herself from bouncing off of the walls she decided it would be helpful if she began unpacking. She’d thank herself in the long run. Except what she considered unpacking was mostly her digging through boxes so she at least had her toothbrush and a fresh set of clothes for the morning. But that was enough in her mind. There was Chinese takeout down the street, a handful of pizza joints, she was set. Those boxes could wait for a few more days.
Once she was “unpacked” she thought it would be a great idea to introduce herself to the neighbors. She’d never had neighbors before, she had lived with her parents for most of her life. This was the first time she could proudly marched next door and say with confidence “I just moved in!” and somehow that further fuelled her excitement. As she practically skipped through the complex, knocking on everyone’s door and showing them her best smile, she didn’t think anything could bring her down. That was before she came full circle back to the person who lived right next door in 201.
“What?” Her neighbor grumbled, a young man with dark hair and leering eyes. “Whatever it is you’re selling I’m not interested.”
Momentarily stunned, she shook her head. “Oh no, I’m not selling anything. I’m your new neighbor!”
“And?” He asked. “I’m busy, get lost.”
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kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
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Info: Junhui/Reader, 3rd Person, PG, High School AU Genre: Slice of Life, Drama, Fluff Word Ct: 3.348 Warnings: None Prompt: A Junhui friend to lovers with friends with benefits AU? Note: Not really a friends with benefits, but I hope you enjoy this regardless! Thank you for the request!
Being friends with a celebrity was never easy. When that celebrity was Wen Junhui it was even harder. Not that he actually did anything warranting his stardom beyond being extremely attractive and insanely smart. That didn’t stop the swarm of girls that followed him around from class to class, squealing his name and stroking his already overinflated ego. He would strut across campus, shirt untucked and hair tossed by the wind, casting a smug smirk at anyone who even dared to look at him. High school was his kingdom, and he loved being the king.
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kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
Vernon/OFC: Kiss me
Genre: Fluff/Friendship/Romance
Word Count: 3055
Characters: Hansol Vernon Chwe/Original Female, Jeonghan, Joshua
Prompts: “My friend dragged me to this party and I just saw my ex, quick make out with me, I’ll pay you.” AU and 36: “I can’t explain right now, I just need you to pretend that we’re dating.” for @50shadesdarkerofbizzle
Yoon Jeonghan was very pretty. He was also very rich. Rich, pretty people can be very persuasive. So when he slipped the invite to his house party for Saturday, she couldn’t say no. She had no reason to, it was a free night and exams were over. The only matter was that Jeonghan’s parties were very loud and very unlike his comfort zone, which further intrigued her in the type of friends he could possibly have to throw a bash.
Reserved, biology student Yoon Jeonghan had connections she could only dream of.
“When you took me to that Broadway because you got free tickets,” she crouched, clutching on her classmate’s arm as he led her around back. “You didn’t mention it was because you were friends with Kwon Soonyoung.” she tried not to gape at the number one arts student in the university, currently playing bartender by the pool.
Jeonghan grinned loftily, “Didn’t seem important at the time.”
“Can I use,” she nearly tripped, bumping into another guest, “Ugh, can I use one of the guest bedrooms? I need to study.”
“You mean, hide out and use my Blu-ray player, right?”
She grinned sheepishly, “What can I say? You have the whole Disney collection, remastered.”
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kpop17-fic-recs · 6 years
jeonghan; everything comes back to you
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feat. Jeonghan x female reader
genre: anti-soulmates!au, angst + a happy ending 
word count: 6764
summary:  After a long-term relationship with Yoon Jeonghan, things get ultimately more painful when he insists that you guys are still suited to stay “best friends”. Nothing’s grand about having your ex constantly coddle you, especially when he has his own terribly perfect life and you think you’re being dropped like a fading blip on his radar.
Love is like a stroke of lightning, they say.
Something so conventionally beautiful, le coup de foudre, the way morning dew kisses scarlet hued roses, rolling across their petals like chilled honey.
That’s not love. Love is the hard water grime on an old pipe, the clogged drain disgusted by bile and years of wear and tear. It’s when that pipe is so full of everything, something so all-encompassing that it needs to burst and smack you in the face.
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