Requests Open
I’m back and I’m taking requests for any Monsta X, Got7, BtoB, Infinite, Vixx or BTS scenarios you might have. Fluff is my speciality so if you want some of that just drop me a message.
If you have request for a member from a different group you can ask for that too and if I feel I know them well enough I’ll give it a go.
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Prompt: Two members of Got7 (Jackson and Jaebum), have feelings for the same girl who is a trainee. The trainee has a crush on Jackson but doesn’t want to ruin her friendship with either.
You’d gone down to the dance studio to get in some extra practice before your assessment at the end of the week but currently no practice was happening. Because Jackson Wang was now standing in front of you and he’d just told you he liked you.
No. It had been more than that. What he’d actually said was this.
“Y/N, we’ve known each other a while now and I’ve realised I like you a lot. We get on so well and I think we have a real chance at being something more. So what do you say, do you want to get some food with me? We can talk and get to know each other better. See where things go.”
His sudden confession had come as a bit of a shock. You did get on well, it was true, you had from day one. Jackson had somehow found out your dad was not Korean but American and had made made the effort to come over and introduce himself to you in English, he’d wanted you to feel at home he’d said. When you’d told him you’d grown up in Seoul and only been to the states a handful of times he’d been a little embarrassed but you’d appreciated the thought behind it and you’d been friends ever since, Jackson popping in to see how you were doing if he was ever in the building, you keeping an eye on Got7’s activities and messaging him encouragement every now and then. So yes, you got on, but you’d never considered he might see you as more than just a friend.
And he’d said it in such a direct way too. The Jackson you knew was loud and energetic and a joker but he was looking at you now with such a serious expression, this wasn’t a joke. He meant it.
And you wanted to tell him you liked spending time with him too. That you thought he was fun to be around. That the more you got to know him the more you found to like about him. Because when you’d first met him there’d been an instant attraction there, one you’d tried to ignore. He was an idol and you were a trainee, if the two of you got involved you knew it would only cause a scandal. And anyway, you were pretty sure he hadn’t felt the same way. Keeping your crush to yourself was the best way to save yourself from embarrassment, or so you’d thought.
But apparently Jackson did feel the same way. And that was amazing and terrifying and exciting and you wanted to say ‘Yes, let’s get to know each other better. Let’s see where things go.’
But you didn’t.
“No.” You said instead. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
For a second Jackson simply stared at you, that obviously hadn’t been the answer he was expecting. Then he seemed to pull himself together. “Okay.” He said, “Maybe you’re right, if we go out to eat someone might spot us, people might talk. Why don’t I bring us some food back, we can eat here in the studio? No one’s booked in to use it until tomorrow.”
“That’s not it.” You told him. “The whole thing, getting to know each other better… that’s not a good idea.”
And it again it took Jackson a moment to come up with a response. “Ah,” He said, looking equal parts resigned and disappointed, “You mean you don’t want to be more than friends.”
That wasn’t what you meant at all. And if Jackson had confessed his feelings to you this time last week you would have jumped at the opportunity to get to know him better. But he hadn’t and now you couldn’t because you knew someone else had feelings for you too.
That person was Im Jaebum and that complicated things immensely.
Jaebum had been a real help to you during your early days as a trainee. He’d come across you in the cafeteria after a particularly hard day, one of those days where nothing had gone right for you and all you’d wanted to do was quit and after getting you to open up and talk to him he’d convinced you not to. He’d told you everyone had bad days, he’d told you if you weren’t talented, if you weren’t meant to be a singer, then you wouldn’t be there at all, you’d never have earned your place as a trainee. He’d said that if you wanted to succeed all you had to do was work as hard as you wanted it and you’d make it. It had been exactly what you needed to hear and he’d been a huge support to you ever since. A good friend.
But then he’d come to you a few days ago and told you he needed to talk to you. He’d seemed nervous and unsure and it had confused you. Jaebum was always so confident, it was weird. And then he’d told you what he’d come to say and the nervousness suddenly made sense.
‘I didn’t mean for it to happen’ He’d said, ‘But you’ve become someone really special to me. I think… I think I might be falling for you.’
You hadn’t known what to say at first. You really hadn’t seen it coming. You and Jaebum were close, his friendship was important to you, but you’d never thought of him that way.
You hadn’t known how to say that without hurting his feelings and affecting your friendship. In the end, you’d settled on telling him it didn’t matter if you returned his feelings or not, you couldn’t be together like that. You worked together, you were part of the same company. What if you did become a couple only to break up? That would make things difficult for everyone.
Jaebum had been disappointed, he’d looked hurt but he’d accepted it.
So you could hardly say yes to Jackson now, not when you’d told Jaebum that you would never date someone within the company. You couldn’t hurt him like that.
And you weren’t about to come between him and Jackson either. They weren’t just band mates, they were friends. You weren’t going to put a strain on that friendship for the sake of a crush. You weren’t that selfish.
So you ignored the part of your brain that was screaming at you to tell Jackson how you felt and said “I’m sorry, I’m glad I met you and I’m glad we’re friends but I don’t see us being anything more, I just don’t think of you that way.”
It was a lie, the biggest lie you’d ever told and it physically hurt you to say the words, to see the look of disappointment on Jackson’s face but if you wanted to preserve your friendship with both Jackson and Jaebum it was the only way.
And Jackson didn’t pick up on the lie. He said it probably wouldn’t have worked out anyway, with him being an idol and you being a trainee. He said he should really stop speaking before thinking. He told you he was sorry if he’d made you feel uncomfortable. And he left.
You hadn’t meant to hurt him you thought, regret instantly washing over you. He’d looked so broken. But he’d get over it you told yourself, fighting the urge to follow after him. It was for the best. And not just because it would keep Jaebum from getting hurt. Just because you both liked each other that was no guarantee things would have worked out between you two. At least this way there was no chance of your relationship falling apart, no chance of heartbreak in the future. At least this way you would get to stay friends.
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Prompt: Two members of Got7 (Jackson and Jaebum), have feelings for the same girl who is a trainee. The trainee has a crush on Jackson but doesn’t want to ruin her friendship with either.
You’d gone down to the dance studio to get in some extra practice before your assessment at the end of the week but currently no practice was happening. Because Jackson Wang was now standing in front of you and he’d just told you he liked you.
No. It had been more than that. What he’d actually said was this.
“Y/N, we’ve known each other a while now and I’ve realised I like you a lot. We get on so well and I think we have a real chance at being something more. So what do you say, do you want to get some food with me? We can talk and get to know each other better. See where things go.”
His sudden confession had come as a bit of a shock. You did get on well, it was true, you had from day one. Jackson had somehow found out your dad was not Korean but American and had made made the effort to come over and introduce himself to you in English, he’d wanted you to feel at home he’d said. When you’d told him you’d grown up in Seoul and only been to the states a handful of times he’d been a little embarrassed but you’d appreciated the thought behind it and you’d been friends ever since, Jackson popping in to see how you were doing if he was ever in the building, you keeping an eye on Got7’s activities and messaging him encouragement every now and then. So yes, you got on, but you’d never considered he might see you as more than just a friend.
And he’d said it in such a direct way too. The Jackson you knew was loud and energetic and a joker but he was looking at you now with such a serious expression, this wasn’t a joke. He meant it.
And you wanted to tell him you liked spending time with him too. That you thought he was fun to be around. That the more you got to know him the more you found to like about him. Because when you’d first met him there’d been an instant attraction there, one you’d tried to ignore. He was an idol and you were a trainee, if the two of you got involved you knew it would only cause a scandal. And anyway, you were pretty sure he hadn’t felt the same way. Keeping your crush to yourself was the best way to save yourself from embarrassment, or so you’d thought.
But apparently Jackson did feel the same way. And that was amazing and terrifying and exciting and you wanted to say ‘Yes, let’s get to know each other better. Let’s see where things go.’
But you didn’t.
“No.” You said instead. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
For a second Jackson simply stared at you, that obviously hadn’t been the answer he was expecting. Then he seemed to pull himself together. “Okay.” He said, “Maybe you’re right, if we go out to eat someone might spot us, people might talk. Why don’t I bring us some food back, we can eat here in the studio? No one’s booked in to use it until tomorrow.”
“That’s not it.” You told him. “The whole thing, getting to know each other better… that’s not a good idea.”
And it again it took Jackson a moment to come up with a response. “Ah,” He said, looking equal parts resigned and disappointed, “You mean you don’t want to be more than friends.”
That wasn’t what you meant at all. And if Jackson had confessed his feelings to you this time last week you would have jumped at the opportunity to get to know him better. But he hadn’t and now you couldn’t because you knew someone else had feelings for you too.
That person was Im Jaebum and that complicated things immensely.
Jaebum had been a real help to you during your early days as a trainee. He’d come across you in the cafeteria after a particularly hard day, one of those days where nothing had gone right for you and all you’d wanted to do was quit and after getting you to open up and talk to him he’d convinced you not to. He’d told you everyone had bad days, he’d told you if you weren’t talented, if you weren’t meant to be a singer, then you wouldn’t be there at all, you’d never have earned your place as a trainee. He’d said that if you wanted to succeed all you had to do was work as hard as you wanted it and you’d make it. It had been exactly what you needed to hear and he’d been a huge support to you ever since. A good friend.
But then he’d come to you a few days ago and told you he needed to talk to you. He’d seemed nervous and unsure and it had confused you. Jaebum was always so confident, it was weird. And then he’d told you what he’d come to say and the nervousness suddenly made sense.
‘I didn’t mean for it to happen’ He’d said, ‘But you’ve become someone really special to me. I think… I think I might be falling for you.’
You hadn’t known what to say at first. You really hadn’t seen it coming. You and Jaebum were close, his friendship was important to you, but you’d never thought of him that way.
You hadn’t known how to say that without hurting his feelings and affecting your friendship. In the end, you’d settled on telling him it didn’t matter if you returned his feelings or not, you couldn’t be together like that. You worked together, you were part of the same company. What if you did become a couple only to break up? That would make things difficult for everyone.
Jaebum had been disappointed, he’d looked hurt but he’d accepted it.
So you could hardly say yes to Jackson now, not when you’d told Jaebum that you would never date someone within the company. You couldn’t hurt him like that.
And you weren’t about to come between him and Jackson either. They weren’t just band mates, they were friends. You weren’t going to put a strain on that friendship for the sake of a crush. You weren’t that selfish.
So you ignored the part of your brain that was screaming at you to tell Jackson how you felt and said “I’m sorry, I’m glad I met you and I’m glad we’re friends but I don’t see us being anything more, I just don’t think of you that way.”
It was a lie, the biggest lie you’d ever told and it physically hurt you to say the words, to see the look of disappointment on Jackson’s face but if you wanted to preserve your friendship with both Jackson and Jaebum it was the only way.
And Jackson didn’t pick up on the lie. He said it probably wouldn’t have worked out anyway, with him being an idol and you being a trainee. He said he should really stop speaking before thinking. He told you he was sorry if he’d made you feel uncomfortable. And he left.
You hadn’t meant to hurt him you thought, regret instantly washing over you. He’d looked so broken. But he’d get over it you told yourself, fighting the urge to follow after him. It was for the best. And not just because it would keep Jaebum from getting hurt. Just because you both liked each other that was no guarantee things would have worked out between you two. At least this way there was no chance of your relationship falling apart, no chance of heartbreak in the future. At least this way you would get to stay friends.
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Prompt: Yugyeom fluffy confession scenario.
........ .......
You didn’t understand how it had happened but Kim Yugyeom was currently walking you to the bus stop.
Okay, no, that wasn’t entirely true. You knew how it had happened. When you’d emerged from the back room of the ice cream shop where you worked after your shift, you’d bumped into one of Yugyeom’s friends and band members, BamBam. And BamBam, noticing the absence of your friend and workmate, Mina, had asked where she was as he thought you usually walked home together.
You’d told him she was visiting family and somehow this had led to BamBam offering up Yugyeom to you as a walking buddy.
You’d tried to protest, you were only walking as far as the bus stop, it would take ten minutes at the most. You’d be fine. Yugyeom didn’t have to trouble himself. You were sure he had better things to do.
Yugyeom had tried protesting too, saying you were probably sick of talking to him by now and he didn’t want to bother you.
But BamBam hadn’t listened to either of you. He’d apologised about not being able to walk you himself, he had places to be apparently, and he’d pulled Yugyeom up from his chair and pushed him towards you, telling you Yugyeom really didn’t mind walking you to the bus stop, their dorm was in that direction anyway. Then he’d left.
So that was how you’d found yourself walking out of your workplace with Kim Yugyeom at your side.
What you didn’t understand was why Yugyeom was being so quiet. He hadn’t spoken since you’d left the ice cream shop and he hadn’t looked at you either. It was weird. Yes, you’d noticed that he could get a little shy around people he didn’t know but he did know you. And okay, maybe he didn’t know you that well, you weren’t best friends or anything but he had known you a long time. You’d gone to school together. You’d shared classes, you’d talked.
You hadn’t really shared the same set of friends so when you’d graduated you hadn’t had a reason to keep in touch. Bumping into him a year later on the second day at your new part time job had been a surprise, but it had been a nice one. You’d been scared to say something first, you hadn’t been sure that he’d recognise you, what if he thought you were just a fan, one acting like you knew him? But he’d recognised you as soon as you’d asked for his order, greeting you with a wide smile, asking how you’d been.
And it turned out his dorm was right around the corner, making him a regular. When he wasn’t busy promoting you saw him at least once a week and if he came in when it was quiet you always exchanged a few words, talked about Yugyeom’s work or your classes.
So the fact he was so quiet now, when you’d been getting to know each other better over the last couple of months, well it was strange. Unless it was because he didn’t want to be there… maybe he didn’t like talking to you at all. Maybe he only spoke to you when he saw you at work out of politeness.
“You don’t have to walk me all the way there.” You told him, slowing down a little. “Not if you don’t want to.”
And Yugyeom finally turned to look at you. “I don’t mind.” He said, and unable to hold your gaze he was almost immediately looking back down at the floor again. “I don’t have anywhere else to be so…”
His ears were turning pink you realised, like he was embarrassed. But what did he have to be embarrassed about? All he’d done was say he didn’t mind walking you to the bus stop. “It seems like you do mind.” You told. “We’ve been walking for five minutes and you haven’t looked at me once. Have I done something to upset you?”
“No!” Yugyeom exclaimed, coming to a stop, his eyes meeting yours again. “No, you haven’t. That’s stupid, you couldn’t… I wouldn’t… that’s not it.”
You’d never seen him stumble over his words like that you thought as you stood there, watching him turn even redder. He sounded nervous and you had no idea why. “If that’s not it then what is it? Why have you been so quiet?”
“It’s nothing.” Yugyeom told you.
“It can’t be nothing.” You argued. “If It was nothing you wouldn’t have been so quiet since we left the shop. If it was nothing you wouldn’t be looking so anxious. So go on, what is it? What’s bothering you?”
Yugyeom didn’t reply right away, worrying at his bottom lip with his teeth instead as he thought about how to answer. And when he did answer his voice was so quiet you almost didn’t hear him. But you did hear him. He’d said “You.”
“Me?” You were more than a little confused. You’d just asked him if you’d done something to upset him and he’d said no. So how could you be the thing that was bothering him.
“Yes, you.” Yugyeom confirmed, still sounding nervous. And for a second it looked like he wasn’t going to elaborate. But then he was taking a deep breath and he was off. “I didn’t realise until BamBam pointed it out but since you started working at the ice cream place, well I talk about you all the time. I tell people how smart you were when we were at school and how proud I am of you for getting into such a good university. I tell them about the conversations we have, the jokes you tell me. When I hear a song you like or someone talks about a show I know you watch I mention your name. You’re so smart and so funny and so pretty and I think… I think I like you. I really like you. And BamBam kept telling me I should say something but I was scared that if I did… and you didn’t feel the same way… then you wouldn’t want to talk to me again and I’d hate that, talking to you is sometimes the best part of my day.”
You wanted to tell him it was okay. That he didn’t have to worry. Talking to him was often the best part of your day too, But you couldn’t find the words. Yugyeom liked you. And from the way he was talking he didn’t mean just as a friend. It was too much to take in. Especially since you kind of liked him too. He’d always been easy to talk to, kind and understanding. He worked so hard but he had a childish side that you found incredibly endearing. And his eyes... he had the most beautiful eyes. You hadn’t said anything though because one, he might not feel the same way and two, even if he did he had his career to think about. He didn’t need any distractions. And now he was saying he thought he had feelings for you. It was all very overwhelming.
But it seemed Yugyeom had mistaken your shocked expression for one of disgust. “Forget it.” He told you, “I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“Don’t be stupid.” And unable to handle the sad look in his eyes you stepped forward, taking his hand in yours. “I think… I think I like you to.” You told him and it was your turn to turn red.
“Really?” Yugyeom asked, looking down at your intertwined hands as if he couldn’t quite believe it.
You nodded. “I do. I think I like you a lot.”
“Good.” Yugyeom said, relief evident in his voice, his whole face lighting up. “Good…”
“Good.” you echoed. He was so cute when he smiled. “Now come on,” you said, and you started down the street again, still holding hands, “You promised to walk me to my bus stop.”
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Prompt: Wonho’s crush finds his lisp endearing because they have a speech impediment too.
....... .......
It was approaching six and it hadn’t stopped raining all day so the shop was unusually quiet. Your only customers were a couple sitting by the window and Woho, one of your regulars, who was sitting at his favourite table in the corner. Wonho had been there for the last twenty minutes but his drink was sitting untouched in front of him as he read the papers he had in his hand. There was a crease between his eyebrows and occasionally you would catch him mouthing something to himself. Whatever he was doing he seemed to be concentrating hard and it had you curious. Sometimes when he came in he came in to work but usually he’d be wearing headphones and be plugged into his laptop. Today his laptop was nowhere in sight so it seemed he wasn’t here to work on his music. You found yourself tapping the counter with your fingers as you continued to study him. The papers in his hand, they looked like a script. But he’d never mentioned he was interested in acting, whenever you talked to him about his job the only thing he talked about was wanting to improve his songwriting skills. He wanted to make music that was good enough to feature on an album, music his fans would like. Acting had never come up in conversation, so you wondered what it was he was doing.
“If you want to go and talk to him that much just go and talk to him.” Your supervisor said and you very nearly jumped out of your skin.
“I’ve had my break.” You reminded him, after catching your breath. What was he, part cat?
“We’re not exactly rushed off our feet.” He pointed out. “Take another.”
He was right. Wonho had been the last customer through the door and that had been almost half an hour ago. So you mumbled a thanks and headed for the shop floor.
By the time you realised that sitting down unannounced would be a bit weird you were already standing by Wonho’s table. Wonho though didn’t seem to notice you hovering and continued what he’d been doing, which was reading aloud.
You frowned as you listened to what he was saying. It wasn’t the words that had you frowning in confusion, it was the way he was saying them. He was saying each syllable slowly, clearly, crisply… if it was a script and he was practicing lines it seemed like a really odd way to do it. You cleared your throat, intending to say so and it was Wonho’s turn to jump out of his skin, his knee hitting the underside of the table as he did so.
“Sorry,” you offered, wincing in sympathy, “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“No, no, it’s okay.” Wonho said, rubbing at his knee. “Not your fault.”
It kind of was your fault but it had been a nice thing to say so you let it slide. “It’s just I’m on my break and I saw you were still here and…”
“Oh,” Wonho exclaimed, cutting you off, “you’re right, we haven’t talked properly in forever. Sit down.”
Not needing to be told twice you pulled out the chair opposite and sat down. “We haven’t,” you agreed, he’d been so busy lately, taking his order to go more often than not, you hadn’t really had a chance to speak. You should probably ask him how he was, that would be the polite thing to do when you hadn’t spoken in so long. But you were still curious and you found yourself putting your manners to the side. You’d known Wonho long enough now to know he wouldn’t mind. “So… what are you doing?” You asked.
“Practicing.” He said, waving the papers he was holding at you.
Well that hadn’t been very specific. “Practicing what?” You prodded.
“My diction.” Wonho said. “We’re shooting something for our fans soon, which you can’t tell anyone about by the way because it’s a surprise…”
You nodded, feeling touched. You’d talked enough to be more than just acquaintances but you were by no means super close and here he was trusting you with something that was supposed to be a secret.
“…and I have actual lines.” He continued, satisfied by your response, “I want to fix the way certain words sound when I say them. I just want to sound, I don’t know, professional I guess?”
And it was then you realised exactly what he meant by diction. Making himself understood wasn’t the focus, he was trying to mask his lisp. “But, if you do that you won’t sound like you.” You were oddly horrified by the thought. The way he spoke was one of the things that made Wonho, well Wonho.
“That’s the idea.” He said. “But tha… tha… that’s ridiculous.” You exclaimed. It was the first time in a long time that you’d struggled to get your words out in front of him but he really was being absurd. The fact he was trying to change himself to please other people riled you and you always stuttered more when your emotions were high. “People… people li… like the way you talk.”
“Our fans have to say that, they’re our fans.” Wonho pointed out, not batting an eyelid at your sudden change in speech pattern. That was one of the reasons you found it so easy to talk to him, he never rushed you and he never made you feel self-conscious.
“I’m not your fan.”
“Thanks.” Wonho said sounding a little miffed.
Okay, so that had sounded kind of bad. “I mean I’m your friend.” You amended. Or at least you liked to think so. “I’m your friend, not because you’re famous but b…because you’re you. And I like the way you talk.”
“Really. I think it’s c…c…cute.” You admitted, blushing slightly at the admission.
And unless it was your imagination you swore Wonho’s cheeks were turning red too. “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.” He argued with a slight shake of his head.
“I’m not.” You insisted. To be honest you’d always thought Wonho was adorable, right from the first time you’d seen him walk through the coffee shop door, laughing at something one of his friends had said. You’d never been the most confident of people though so it wasn’t something you’d ever told him. But seeing him get so self-conscious over something he couldn’t control seemed to be the push you needed. “You’re an amazing person.” You told him, face reddening even more. “You shouldn’t change yourself, not for any…anyone.”
Wonho was quick to defend himself. “I’m not trying to change myself, it’s self-improvement.”
He was perfect just the way he was. Why couldn’t he see that? If you wanted to get through to him you might have to take a different approach you thought with a sigh. “Remember when I first started working here?”
Wonho nodded.
“Remember how hard it was for me to talk to you, how I could h…hardly get my words out when I was just trying to take your order?”
“I remember.”
“Did you ever tell me I had t..to f…f…fix it?” You were still doing it you realised, you were still stuttering. But then it was no wonder really, you’d indirectly admitted to him that you found him cute.
“No.” Wonho said, “No. Why would I? That was just… well… you. It’s not like you could help it. And really, what does it matter? You stutter a little sometimes. So what?”
“Exactly.” If he could think that way about you why couldn’t he think that way about himself.
“To be honest…,” he said, sounding a little hesitant, “…it made me smile.”
“Smile?” You echoed, surprised.
“Not because I found it funny.” He said quickly, clearly worried that he’d offended you. “But because it was kind of… I don’t know… endearing?”
You didn’t know what to say to that. Endearing. Wonho found the way you talked endearing. He probably meant it in a purely platonic way you told yourself, trying not to get your hopes up. You might have a crush on him but that didn’t mean he was crushing on you too. Why would he be? He was an idol and you worked in a coffee shop. You were hardly suited.
“I’m sorry.” He said, breaking you out of your thoughts. “I’m not trying to be insensitive, I know you must find it frustrating sometimes, not being able to say what you want to right away but…”
“But what?” you asked, wondering why he was finding it so hard to look you in the eye. His gaze kept flickering between yours and the table. He seemed nervous and it was making you nervous too.
Wonho squared his shoulders and sucked in a breath. He seemed to be working his way up to something but you weren’t going to try and guess what. You’d only get carried away and end up disappointed. “But…” Wonho continued having finally pulled himself together, “…I like you, and that’s part of who you are so I can’t help but like that too.”
Wait…. what? “You like m…m…m…me. As in... me?” You said, not believing what you were hearing.
Wonho, face now tomato red, just nodded.
“Seriously.” Wonho said, his answer firm. “I didn’t say anything in case it was a one-way thing, I didn’t want to embarrass myself and never be able to come back to my favourite coffee shop, but I do, I like you. A lot.”
“I like you too.” You said, the words almost a whisper.
And Wonho’s face lit up. “Seems I didn’t have to worry about making a fool of myself after all.” He said.
“Seems so.” You agreed, still slightly shell-shocked. “I… I…” you started to say, intending to tell him that you hadn’t said anything for exactly the same reason but before you could your supervisor was shouting ‘customer’ at you from across the room. “I have to go.” You finished giving him a wan smile.
“We’ll talk after your shift?” Wonho asked as you started heading for the counter.
“Sure.” You called back over your shoulder. Talking after your shift sounded like a fantastic idea.
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Prompt: You are an idol and imply Changsub is your crush in an interview. A few weeks later you guest together on another show.
...... ......
You’d never officially worked with BtoB before but you had had bumped into them backstage at various music shows and they seemed to have a real knack for making people feel welcome and at ease. And they’d guested on variety shows so often that it shouldn’t matter that you and your group members were new to it, if you started to struggle there was no way they wouldn’t pick up the slack, they might have a reputation for being immature but they were professionals and they were good at what they did. When you thought about it that way you had nothing to be nervous about.
Or at least the rest of your group had nothing to be nervous about.
And that was because none of them had implied that they liked a certain BtoB member on television this time last week, that had been you.
“If you could get to know one other idol better who would it be?” the interviewer had asked. It wasn’t an unexpected question, your latest single was about having a crush on someone you didn’t know very well and a variation of the same question had come up in every interview you’d had this comeback but it was the first time it had been directed you.
And like an absolute amateur you’d blurted out the first name that came into your head which had happened to be BtoB’s Changsub. You’d had a run in with him that morning, he’d been special MC on the show you were performing on and he’d come up to you and your members after your rehearsal to tell you how much he liked your new single. It been such a lovely thing to say and he hadn’t had to do it. You’d been a fan of BtoB since before your debut and Changsub had always been your favourite so his simple act of kindness had left you feeling giddy for the rest of the day. It was no wonder really that his name had been the first one to spring to mind.
The girl interviewing you had raised an eyebrow. “Oh really,” she’d said, surprised by your answer, “and why is that?”
As you looked back at your group members you noticed mild horror in your leader’s eyes and it was then that you’d realised you’d made a mistake. That had been one of those questions you were meant to skirt around or deflect, it wasn’t one you were supposed to answer honestly. “Um… well… he’s always been very kind to us?” You’d ventured, hoping to salvage the situation. That couldn’t be taken the wrong way, could it? It’s not like you had a crush on everyone who’d ever been kind to you. But the interviewer looked like she was expecting you to say more and you weren’t someone who coped well under pressure. “And um… he has an amazing voice... and he’s really cool… and funny… and stuff... so yeah.”
It wasn’t the most coherent or concise answer you could have given. In fact you were pretty sure you’d sounded like an idiot. But being ‘the weird one’ was kind of your thing, hopefully that’s what people would put the stuttering down to, you being weird.
Only they hadn’t. Your answer to that one question had somehow become a ‘thing’. Articles with headlines like ‘Y/N Gets Flustered Talking about BtoB’s Changsub’ had sprung up on the internet. A video of you watching BtoB perform at an awards show, wide-eyed and open-mouthed was being shared all over social media. Fans had even come up with a couple name for you, you knew this because your sister had taken great delight in telling you so, there was nothing she loved more than seeing you embarrassed.
But that was the internet you told yourself. The internet wasn’t real life. Changsub probably didn’t know anything about it. There was no reason for you to worry. He didn’t know and things wouldn’t be awkward.
And when you walked into make-up to find Changsub already there he smiled and nodded to you in greeting then turned his attention back to Sungjae who was sitting in the chair beside him. See, things were only going to be weird if you made them weird you told yourself as you took your seat at the other side of the room  But as you looked in the mirror you saw Sungjae glance in your direction. You saw him lean across and whisper something in Changsub’s ear. You saw Changsub shake his head and shove Sungjae’s shoulder. You heard Sungjae laugh as Changsub hissed at him to shut up.
Either you were being paranoid or BtoB knew all about your interview slip up and were enjoying teasing Changsub about as it much as your sister was enjoying teasing you.
You sighed. If you didn’t do something about it then today’s filming really was going to be awkward. You needed to grab him before the cameras started rolling, tell him it was all a misunderstanding. 
…… …..
Changsub had just turned away from the refreshments table, bottle of water in hand when you’d stepped in front of him, preventing him from heading back to his group members.
“Hi.” He’d said and you’d murmured a ‘hi’ in return.
And now he was looking at you expectantly. It was an eerily similar look to the one the interviewer at the broadcasting station had given you and once again your mouth reacted before your brain could. “About what I said… backstage at that music show… I didn’t…. I mean… you do have a really nice voice… that’s true, obviously… but I didn’t…”
“It’s okay.”  Changsub said, putting a stop to your rambling. “I know.”
“You know what?” you asked. You didn’t even know where you’d been going with that sentence, how did he?
“You don’t have to worry about me taking it the wrong way.” He told you. “I know you weren’t being serious.”
“I wasn’t?”
“I know.” Changsub said again, confusing your question for a statement. “I know you only said my name because you thought it was a safe answer. It’s not your fault people twisted your words, it happens.”
“They didn’t twist my words.” You told him. You’d read the articles your sister had forwarded to you with glee. You hadn’t been misquoted, they hadn’t had to misquote you. It had been self-sabotage on your part.
“Well misinterpreted then.” Changsub amended. “People have a habit of hearing what they want to hear and there’s much more mileage in ‘This idol has a crush on that idol’ than ‘This idol said they liked this idol as a friend’, people want to read about the former not the latter.”
And then your brain caught up with what he was saying. ‘Safe answer’ he’d said. He thought you’d said his name because  people would assume you didn’t mean it. Well that was just ridiculous. “Why would you think that?” You asked, you didn’t know if you were more offended that he thought you would do something so calculated or more offended by the lack of self-esteem that thought process indicated. “Why would you be a safe answer?”
“Because I’m me.” he said slowly, clearly confused by the question, “I mean if you’d said Minhyuk for example… people might have believed there was more to it than you just liking his voice. But me, well it’s not like I’m much to look at.”
“I don’t just like your voice.” You told him, not quite believing what you were hearing.
“I know, you think I’m funny too.” He said, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. “And kind, I think you said kind. I appreciate the compliment. But I like I said, you don’t have to worry. I know you don’t like me the way some of our fans seem to think you do.”
There he went, indirectly putting himself down again and you didn’t like it one bit. “How do you know I don’t like you like that?” you demanded, “You’re a singer not a mind reader.”
“How do you know I’m not both?” Changsub countered.
You couldn’t tell if he was more amused or bemused by your outburst. “If you are a mind reader then you’re not a very good one.” You huffed. Honestly!. Who was he to tell you that you didn’t like him that way? And then you realised what you’d said. You’d as good as admitted that you did have a crush on him. Oh God… what was wrong with you?  “I mean… um… good mind-reading. Top job.” You amended then immediately regretted it. Top job? What were you even saying?
“Wait…” Changsub said, the smile on his face more genuine this time, “… are you blushing?”
“No.” You said, not sure why you were bothering to deny it. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire.
“You are!” Changsub exclaimed, smile widening.
“I’m not.” You grumbled, frowning in annoyance.
“You think I’m cute.” He said, clearly enjoying your embarrassment. He was as bad as your sister.
“I think you’re ridiculous.” you said unable to deny it but not willing to confirm it.
“Ridiculously cute.” Changsub said, still smiling like an idiot.
So much for trying to fix things before the cameras started rolling you thought with a frown. The rest of the day was going to be absolute torture, you could tell.
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Prompt: Bad boy Woohyun who tries to impress you. Another guy gets involved and you both end up in detention.
....... ......
“You’re an idiot.” You muttered, dropping your pen onto your notepad with a sigh.
Woohyun, who was sitting at the desk across from you gave a noncommittal grunt in response and continued doodling on his own paper. He was supposed to be writing a sincere apology to your teacher for his behaviour but from what you could see he’d yet to write a single word. You hadn’t written anything down either but in your defence you didn’t see why you had to say sorry in the first place. Unlike Woohyun, you had nothing to apologise for. Okay you may have used a swear word or two in your teacher’s hearing but you hadn’t hit anyone.  
“I mean why?” you asked. Woohyun had always been a little unpredictable. He was the kind of kid that most teachers would label a ‘distraction’. He was brash and obnoxious and seemed to thrive on being the centre of attention. He and his group of friends were a terrible influence on each other, if Woohyun wasn’t egging one of them on to do something stupid they were encouraging him to do something ridiculous, not that he needed much convincing, he was pretty good at coming up with ridiculous things to do on his own. And they were just as bad out of school, they were those kids that loitered around the neighbourhood trying to look tough with varying levels of success. But hitting people… as much as Woohyun liked to play the bad boy he’d never struck you as a violent person. “Why would you hit him?” You just couldn’t understand it.
And it was Woohyun’s turn to drop his pen. “Are you serious?” he asked, turning to look at you.
“Yes.” You hissed, trying to keep your voice down so weren’t overheard. You weren’t the only two people in detention and other people were chatting amongst themselves as they worked but the teacher supervising seemed to have a real problem with Woohyun. She’d already asked to him to pipe down once and all he’d done was ask you for a pen. You weren’t sure why she disliked him so much, maybe it had something to do with how often he and his friends ended up in detention but whatever the reason he was in enough trouble already. So were you. The last thing you wanted was to make it worse. “I’m serious.” You said when you were sure she wasn’t looking your way. “I was dealing with it, you didn’t have to give him a black eye.”
Woohyun snorted. “Right… you were dealing with it.”
“I was!” you snapped, hackles rising. You could look after yourself, you didn’t appreciate him insinuating that you couldn’t.
“You told him to back off.” Woohyun reminded you. “And he didn’t listen.”
“I’m always telling you to back off.” You pointed out. “Do you ever listen?” When Woohyun wasn’t trying to impress his gang of immature friends he was trying to impress you, usually with very little success.
“Not often.” Woohyun admitted, unapologetic as always. “But have I ever put my hands on you?”
“Do you not remember our last Biology lesson?” You asked him. He’d been working at the desk behind you and had taken great delight in flicking the back of your head at random intervals and feigning innocence every time you turned around.
“I was bored.” He shrugged.
“I could tell.”
“But I have I ever gotten handsy with you?” he continued, ignoring the frown you were sending his way.
“He wasn’t being handsy.” You argued. “He put his arm around my shoulders that’s all, then I shrugged him off.” You didn’t know why Woohyun was making such a big deal out of it. Okay, so you hadn’t been entirely comfortable with the contact but as you’d told him before, you could handle yourself. You hadn’t needed him to come wading in to protect you.
“He grabbed your elbow.” Woohyun said, giving you an incredulous look. “When you told him you weren’t interested he grabbed your elbow and he stopped you from walking away.”
“For like a second!” You exclaimed. “And we were in the middle of the school corridor! It wasn’t like I was at risk of being kidnapped or something.”
“That’s not the point.” Woohyun muttered.
“Then what is?” You’d love it if he would enlighten you because the conversation you were having was making no sense to you at all.
“He had no right.” Woohyun told you, expression steely. “He had no right to touch you and he did it anyway.”
You were rendered momentarily speechless. He was talking like some overprotective boyfriend in a drama. “Wait…” you said at last, “… did you hit him because you were jealous?”
“No.” Woohyun said, the denial immediate. Then he went quiet, his eyes taking on a faraway look as if he was thinking long and hard about something. “Well maybe I was little jealous…” he continued after a moments silence, “… but mostly I was just angry. He had no right to touch you.” He repeated. “Just like I have no right to touch you,” he added before you could argue,  “not without your permission. You were clearly uncomfortable with him being so close and he completely ignored that. It was disrespectful.”
That might have been the most grown-up thing you’d ever heard Woohyun say you thought, a little taken aback. “Oh..” you said, not quite sure how to respond, “…well…yeah… it was.” You agreed. “But don’t you think hitting him was a bit much?” What he’d just said had sounded so mature, knocking his classmate to the ground for grabbing your elbow had been much less so.
“Maybe.” Woohyun conceded. “But seeing him go down was pretty satisfying.”
You should probably be telling him that wasn’t really a justification, satisfying or not hitting him had still been wrong. But the teacher was looking your way now and you didn’t want to risk either one of you getting another detention so you just shook your head at him sadly and turned your attention back to your paper, you had an apology letter to write and less than an hour to do it. You caught the proud little smirk Woohyun gave you in response out of the corner of your eye and had to hide your smile behind your hand as you got to work. To be honest you found Woohyun’s willingness to stick up for you kind of sweet. You were so used to him acting the fool in front of you and being a general annoyance that seeing him being serious for a change was refreshing. But he didn’t need to know that. If he caught you smiling about it it would only encourage him and he really didn’t need encouraging. He was bad enough already, you dreaded to think what he’d be like if he found out you didn’t find him completely unbearable.
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Prompt: You tease Yugyeom by calling all the other members Oppa except him. He gets jealous.
....... ......
The first time you caught Yugyeom scowling at you, you’d been confused. All you’d done was ask Jaebum to pass the rice, there was no reason for him to be giving you attitude. 
The second time you caught him scowling was right after you’d thanked Youngjae for pouring you some water. Again, you were confused. Did he find good manners offensive for some reason? The sudden change in his demeanour just didn’t make sense. 
The third time you caught him scowling you’d been talking to Jackson. You’d been confused about that too at first. And then you’d given the exchange some thought and had a eureka moment, He hadn’t batted an eyelid when you’d said ‘Oh, I like your jacket.’ He hadn’t seemed to care when Jackson had started telling you about the designer and how much he liked their work. But when you’d said the words ‘Well it really suits you Oppa.’ Yugyeom’s expression had immediately darkened.  
Just as it had when you’d asked the question ‘Jaebum Oppa, can you pass the rice?’ 
Just as it had when Youngjae had refilled your water cup and you’d responded with a ‘Thank you Oppa’. 
It was the Oppa. It had to be. That was the only word you’d used in all three conversations. 
Apparently Yugyeom didn’t like you calling the rest of his group members Oppa. It was almost as cute as it was ridiculous you thought as you watched him shake his head and turn his attention back to his food, faint scowl still on his face. You didn’t know why he was getting so worked up about it. You’d known the rest of Got7 for as long as you’d known him, you’d known Jaebum even longer than that, he was the one who’d introduced you to Yugyeom in the first place so it wasn’t as if you were overstepping your boundaries or being rude. You thought about telling him so but you stopped yourself. What if you were wrong? What if it wasn’t the Oppa that was bothering him at all, but something else. If you didn’t want to embarrass yourself you should probably test out your theory. Yes, that sounded like a plan. 
You turned to Bambam. “Oppa…” you said, watching Yugyeom out of the corner of your eye, “… could you pass me a napkin?” 
“Of course,” Bambam said absently, handing a napkin over then going right back to the conversation he’d been having with Mark. 
And yes, there it was, the scowl. Yugyeom was sulking over you calling other people Oppa. Well wasn’t that just adorable.
……. ……
 So you might have spent the rest of dinner calling Yugyeom’s group members Oppa at every given opportunity. After realising that it bothered him you hadn’t been able to help yourself. Yugyeom was just too cute when he sulked. 
He was still sulking as he walked you through the parking lot to your car, his brow furrowed and his mouth set in a thin line. You wanted to reach up and squish his cheeks, tell him not to be such a drama queen but you managed to resist the urge. You doubted he’d appreciate it. Instead you linked your arm through his and in the most innocent tone of voice you could muster you asked him if he was okay. 
“I’m fine.” He said shortly, looking straight ahead. 
“Are you sure?” you asked, trying your hardest not to smile at how moody and sullen he sounded. “Because you don’t sound fine.” 
“I am.” He said, not sounding any happier. 
“Mmm.” You hummed, not convinced. “I haven’t said or done anything to offend you, have I?” 
“Of course not.” 
“It’s just you’ve been particularly scowly this evening.” You observed. 
“I have not been scowly.” Yugyeom bit out, giving you his best scowl yet, “scowly isn’t even a real word.” 
Okay, maybe it wasn’t but real word or not you thought scowly was a pretty accurate description of how his face had looked all evening, it was a pretty accurate description of what it looked like now. “If you keep it up you’re going to end up with a permanent crease between your eyebrows.” You informed him. “And we don’t want that. Your fans like your face the way it is. So come on, tell me what’s bothering you. You’ll feel better if you do.” 
“Nothing is bothering me.” He insisted, frown only deepening. 
“Ah, so I was imagining you being all pouty and surly over dinner then?” you asked as you came to a stop in front of your car. “And I you frowning every time I called one of our friends Oppa, I imagined that too?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Yugyeom grouched, refusing to look you in the eye. 
“I think you do.” He was embarrassed you realised with a hint of amusement. His face wouldn’t be turning red like that if you hadn’t hit the nail on the head. 
“I wasn’t annoyed at you for calling them Oppa.” Yugyeom maintained, scuffing his shoe across the floor. 
“Then why were you annoyed?” you asked, not believing him for a second.  
“I wasn’t annoyed.” He repeated. “I just… I…”, he scuffed his shoe some more and then finally looked up at you “... why do you never call me Oppa?” he asked, the words coming out in a rush. 
“Um…” you said slowly, thrown by the intensity of his gaze. He wasn’t kidding around, he was being deadly serious, you could tell. You’d thought it was just petty jealousy but the fact you’d never called him Oppa clearly bothered him, . “… uh.. well…” it wasn’t something you’d ever really thought about so you were finding it hard to come up with an answer, “… Yugyeom, you’re only two months older than me.” You reminded him. “I don’t have to call you Oppa.” 
“Bambam’s not that much older than I am.” Yugyeom pointed out, his cheeks still tinted pink. “So technically you don’t have to call him Oppa either.” 
“You’re right, I don’t.” You agreed, finding the air of awkwardness he was projecting extremely endearing. “But if I don’t call him Bambam Oppa…” 
“Then what?” Yugyeom prompted as you trailed off. 
“… then I can’t call you Yugyeom Oppa, can I?” 
Yugyeom blinked down at you, obviously confused. “You don’t call me Yugyeom Oppa.” He said. 
“But I could.” You told him, and you reached up on tiptoe and kissed him firmly on the mouth. “I mean… if that’s what you want Oppa,” You added with a smirk as you pulled away. 
“Um…” Yugyeom mumbled, his face turning crimson, “…yeah.. I mean… I wouldn’t mind it… if you did that…” he stuttered. 
“Okay.” You said, unable to keep from smiling at how shy he’d suddenly become. “Then Oppa it is.”
50 notes · View notes
Prompt: Sunggyu angst. ( I wasn’t sure what you wanted exactly and angst isn’t my strong point but I did my best)
....... .......
“I love you.” 
You hadn’t realised you’d said the words aloud, not until Sunggyu froze, his hand still in your hair, his lips still pressed to your neck. You froze too, waiting with bated breath for him to say something, to say anything at all. You were pretty sure it wasn’t something he was ready to hear, not yet but there was no point in taking it back, not when he’d quite obviously heard you. And anyway, just because you hadn’t intended to say it aloud that didn’t mean you hadn’t meant the words you’d said. It had taken a while for you to admit it to yourself but there was no denying it, you’d fallen for him and you’d fallen for him hard. Trying to backtrack now would be tantamount to lying and you weren’t a liar. 
After what seemed like forever Sunggyu loosened his grip on your hair and sat back. He was putting distance between you, you realised as he dropped his gaze to the couch cushions. That probably wasn’t a good sign. 
“Did you just…” he said, and unable to finish the sentence he trailed off. 
You nodded hesitantly. 
“I don’t.. you can’t… what am I supposed to say to that?” he asked at last, lifting his head and meeting your eyes. 
“You don’t have to say anything.” You told him, trying to ignore how much the question had stung. You hadn’t been expecting an ‘I love you too’ but some acknowledgement of your feelings would have been nice.  “I just wanted you to know, that’s all.” 
You’d didn’t think you’d ever seen him look so serious. “We’ve talked about this.” He reminded you. “I can’t be a real boyfriend to you. If I want to be successful at what I do then my career has to come first. You know that.” 
“That’s fine.” You said. And it was. You knew how hard he’d worked to get where he was. He was driven and determined and that was one of the reasons you liked him so much. “I’m happy with what we have.” You continued. “I’m not suddenly going to start demanding all of your time and attention, I promise.” 
Sunggyu shook his head. “That’s not what I’m worried about.” He told you. 
“Then what are you worried about?” you asked. If you wanted to fix things then you needed to know what he was thinking. 
For a moment it seemed like Sunggyu wasn’t going to reply. Then he sighed. “Honestly?” 
“Honestly.” You echoed. 
“Honestly… now that I know how you feel I’m worried that I’m going to start caring about you too, more than I should and if that happens then we’ll only end up making each other miserable.” 
“Why would you think that?” You asked, trying to make sense of what he’d just said. How could caring about someone make you miserable? 
“Because that’s what happens,” He said, getting to his feet, and grabbing his jacket from the back of the couch. “every single time, and you don’t deserve that. I think we should call it a day before you end up getting hurt.” 
You opened your mouth to argue but you couldn’t find the words. Not that it mattered, Sunggyu wasn’t sticking around to be argued with, he was already heading for the door. “Wait…” you shouted, jumping up to follow. 
But Sunggyu didn’t wait, he didn’t even turn to look at you, he was out the door before you had a chance to blink, leaving you standing in the middle of your living room in your pyjamas like an idiot. You could feel tears welling you realised, you weren’t sure if they were angry tears or sad tears but you supposed that didn’t matter. They were probably both you mused, still staring at the door Sunggyu had slammed so forcefully behind him. How could he just walk out on you like that? You hadn’t expected him to admit he’d fallen in love with you but you’d thought he’d cared about you, at least a little. You’d thought you were friends but apparently not. How could you have been so stupid?
15 notes · View notes
Prompt: N is worried your parents won’t like him.
...... ......
Nervous wasn’t a word most people would probably use when describing Hakyeon but you knew him better than most. He might come across as being overly confident, especially when he was in front of a camera but a lot of the time that was a front, a persona he put on to hide any nerves he might be feeling. 
And that was what he was doing right now. There might not be any cameras around but that wasn’t stopping him from pretending he was totally at ease as he pulled the car into your parents’ driveway. In fact, he’d been exuding ‘calm and collected’ all the way there. If you weren’t as close as you were he might have been fooled into believing it but you were close and you could see right through him. He was worried, you could tell and intent on doing something about it you found yourself grabbing his arm before he could open the car door. 
And Hakyeon froze, momentarily confused. 
“You’ve got nothing to worry about.” You said before he could ask what you were doing. 
And that was it, the smile he’d been wearing since he’d picked you up faded and he sat back in his seat with a huff. “You don’t know that.” He argued, immediately dropping the act. “What if they don’t think I’m good enough for you?” 
You sighed. He talked such utter rubbish sometimes. “Why would they think that?” You asked him. 
“I don’t know, maybe they won’t like my job. Maybe they’ll think you should be with someone who can devote more time to you.” 
“My dad works abroad all the time,” you reminded him, “so it’s not like he has any room to talk. And anyway, I like having my own space. You know that and so do they.” 
“What if they just don’t like me?” He tried next. “What if they think I’m annoying.” 
“Annoying?” You echoed, resisting the urge to scoff. He was being deadly serious, scoffing at him wasn’t going to help. “You’re not annoying. You’re funny and you’re charming. They’re going to love you.” Was what you settled on saying instead. 
“You’re a little biased.” He pointed out. “Just because you like me that doesn’t mean they automatically will. What you class as charming they might class as irritating.” 
He was hard work sometimes you thought with a sigh. “Hakyeon…” you said slowly, deciding to try a different approach, “… have you ever hurt me?” 
Hakyeon’s took a few seconds to think about the question you’d just asked. “I trod on your foot the other day.” He said at last, “judging by the way you swore at me I’m guessing that hurt.” 
You rolled your eyes. He knew that wasn’t what you meant, you could tell by the faint smile that accompanied his answer. “I’m not talking about accidentally stepping on my toes or the time you left your shoes in the middle of the living room and I went sprawling. Have you ever truly hurt me?” 
“I don’t know.” Hakyeon said, all seriousness again. “Have I?” 
“No.” you told him, your tone definite. “No, you haven’t. Do you ever plan to?” 
“No.” Hakyeon said with a shake of his head.  “Not on purpose. I just want you to be happy.” 
“There you go then, you’ll be fine.” You assured him. “That’s all they’ll want from you, a promise that you’ll do your best not to hurt me and to know you make me happy. And you do, you make me incredibly happy. When they see that they’re going to love you.” 
“Are you sure?” he asked, still not looking entirely convinced. 
“I’m positive.” You answered, leaning over and pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. You weren’t exaggerating, you’d didn’t think you’d ever been a relationship with someone who made you smile as often or as widely as Hakyeon did, if that didn’t gain him your parents approval you didn’t know what would. “Now come on,” you said, your hand going to the door handle, “we don’t want to be late.” If Hakyeon really wanted your parents to like him then arriving on time would be a good start.
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That Tickles
Prompt: Hyunsik is your boyfriend and you like his tattoos.
...... ......
Your boyfriend had messaged you ten minutes ago telling you he missed you and he wanted you to hurry home but as you walked through your front door you weren’t met by a Hyunsik who was happy to see you. No, you were met by a Hyunsik who was fast asleep on your couch. He was lying on his front, his head pillowed in his arms, his hair sticking up as if he’d just run his hands through it, his mouth slightly parted. With a sigh and a fond smile you slipped your shoes off and removed your jacket, hanging it up on the hook by the door. He’d been working so hard lately that it was no wonder he was tired, it was just a shame he hadn’t stayed awake long enough to say hi to you. This was the first time you’d seen him in days and you’d been looking forward to spending some time together.
But hey, at least he was there on your couch and not back at the dorm, he needed be up early in the morning and the dorm was closer to where he had his first schedule. You appreciated the fact he’d chosen spending time with you over convenience, even if he had fallen asleep before you’d made it home.
As you took a seat beside him on the floor you reached out a hand, your fingers hovering over the back of his neck. The neckline of his shirt was just low enough for the tattoo on his back to be visible and like always you had the overwhelming urge to trace the lines of it with your fingers. But no, he was asleep you told yourself, pulling your hand back slightly, you didn’t want to wake him.
Before you could pull your hand back all the way Hyunsik mumbled something in his sleep, his shoulders bunching and then relaxing again making the neckline of his shirt shift slightly, drawing your eyes right back to the ink on his skin. With a slight shake of your head you gave in and began tracing the point of the star that was on show with one finger. He had so much work coming up, who knew when you were going to get another chance to partake in your favourite hobby? You’d just have to be careful.
Only you weren’t careful enough, two minutes later and Hyunsik was squirming, his eyes scrunching up cutely as he batted at the back of his neck with one hand. You froze, your hand still down the back of shirt. Hyunsik mumbled something that might have been ‘that tickles’ and gave up on swatting your hand away, burrowing his head further into his arms instead. Smiling at how adorable he sounded when he was half asleep you ghosted your fingers down the line of his spine and waited to see what his reaction would be.
Again he squirmed, but this time he turned his head in your direction and looked at you through bleary eyes. “That tickles.” He repeated sulkily, the words slightly clearer this time.
“Hi.” You said brightly. You should probably have been apologising for waking him up but you found you weren’t all that sorry. It was nice to hear his voice in person for a change instead of over the phone.
“Hi.” He echoed, rubbing at his face with one hand as he came back to reality. “I only meant to lie down for a second.” He added after a second, voice slightly raspy from sleep. “I wasn’t planning on closing my eyes.”
“You were tired.” You reasoned with a shrug.
“I still am.” Hyunsik admitted, biting back a yawn. “But I’ll get up. We should eat.”
He was quite clearly still exhausted and for the first time since he’d blinked his eyes open you felt guilty for waking him. He was an angel. If you were in his shoes you wouldn’t be apologising and suggesting you have dinner, you’d be letting him know how annoyed you were at being woken up. “No. If you want to sleep, sleep.” You told him, running a hand through his hair in a bid to flatten it. It didn’t work. “We can eat later.” You assured him.
“You don’t mind if I take a nap?” Hyunsik asked, brow furrowing. He seemed confused by your response.
“I don’t mind.”
Hyunsik studied your face for a second as if he was trying to process what you’d just said. Then his expression cleared. “Okay.” He said. “Thanks.”
“Really it’s fine.” You said as you got up from the floor. You leant down and pressed a kiss to his forehead, letting him know you meant it and then turned, intending to go to your room and grab him a blanket. 
Before you could get very far you felt fingers wrap themselves around your wrist and you were being pulled to a stop. Eyes widening, part in shock and part in confusion you turned to find your boyfriend standing behind you. You hadn’t even heard him stand up. “What…” you started to say but Hyunsik was already talking.
“Your couch is pretty small.” He told you.
Ah. Well yes, it was on the small side, if he was going to nap then your bed was probably a better place for him to do it. Why hadn’t you thought of that? You stepped to the side to let him past then frowned when he failed to drop your wrist and instead started towing you along beside him. “What are you…”
Again Hyunsik didn’t let you finish. “If we’re going to nap then I’d rather do it where there’s room for two.” He informed you
If we’re going to nap? You hadn’t said anything about napping with him. But as he continued to drag you towards your room you couldn’t bring yourself to point that out. There were other things you’d much rather be doing with your boyfriend, it had been days since you’d seen him after all but you supposed napping would do for the moment. And hey, maybe he’d let you trace another one of his tattoos while he drifted off? That would be nice.
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