kr33tivity · 3 years
Hi! I saw this tik tok and I was wondering if you could do it with Atsumu Iwa Suna and anyone else you want ? I love your writing 💕
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characters — timeskip!miya atsumu, iwaizumi hajime, suna rintarō, miya osamu, sakusa kiyoomi
a/n — aaaaa i’m glad you love my writing !! hoping you enjoy this just as much <33
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☾ ATSUMU he’d just came home from practice as he walked into the room to cuddle with you (he’d waited all day lmao) but just as he came into view you slammed your laptop closed, gazing up at him innocently but he literally freezes. his brows furrowing slightly as he looks at you “huh? what was that for?” you just avoid his gaze, leaning slightly on your laptop when you hear him come closer “babyyy, ya said ya told me all yer secrets, what were ya lookin’ at?” “it was nothing ‘tsumu, don’t worry.” he whines a little before he flops on top of you, crashing his lips onto yours with a groan as his tongue swipes at your bottom lip, but he really just wanted to get your guard down before he snatches the laptop and pulls away to fully turn and sit on you before opening it. “ain’t none of that secret keepin’ ya traitor!” opens it up to a collage of his thighs and ends up all blushy.
☾ IWAIZUMI had just came home from the gym when he found you on your laptop in the bedroom “i’m home, babe—“ any other words he was gonna say are immediately cut off when you slam your laptop closed, looking up at him with a smile even though he’s frowning back “what the hell are you doing?” you just shrug and open up your phone, pretending there’s something super interesting on it “why’d you slam your laptop then? be honest with me here, doll.” his eyes look darker when he approaches you, arms crossed over his chest as he motions for you to open it back up because he doesn’t wanna force his way into your privacy :( you eventually open it back up, turning it towards him just for him to be met with a shirtless photo of himself with a few hearts around it, he ends up blushing so bad lmao.
☾ SUNA had been napping, eventually getting up with a groan because he woke up without you next to him. he entered the living room, hand rubbing over his abs as he yawned, a little pout on his lips when he seen you on the couch only for you to slam your laptop when you see him too. you see his gaze flick to your laptop momentarily before his pout deepens “nice to see you, lazy.” the couch dips under his weight as he sits beside you, but he doesn’t cuddle into you like he normally does “you okay?” “what you looking at?” you see his hand raise to gesture towards your laptop, his gaze still avoiding yours “seen you slam it, all secretive and stuff.” hes so pouty and grumpy until you finally show him that it’s just a photo of him all ugly and asleep, he almost wrestles you to delete it while telling you that you’re a brat hehe.
☾ OSAMU you sometimes came by the restaurant to relax while he worked, bringing your laptop along so you’re not too bored - plus you get free food, but just as he’d brought over your order you slammed your laptop shut, causing him to pause momentarily before setting it down on the table, sliding in next to you. “what’re you doing samu?” “can a not eat with ma s/o? unless yer busy with somethin’ else?” his gaze flicks to your laptop “no, i’m not.” “what’re ya hidin’, angel? yer shoppin’ again aren’t ya? or even worse, ya watched the new episode of our show without me.” he literally almost gets up and leaves at the thought of your betrayal, causing you to huff before turning around your laptop to show him the photo of him, shirtless with an apron tied around his waist one morning. he’s the one to slam it shut next, looking over his shoulder to see if any customers saw “ya can’t just be wavin’ that about, ‘ts for yer eyes only.”
☾ SAKUSA he smiles slightly at you when he returns from the bathroom, excited to crawl into bed with you but he stops dead when you slam your laptop closed, now standing frowning at you instead “you okay omi?” “fine.” you hear him scoff as he replies, moving to the bed again before he crawls in but you’re surprised he doesn’t wrap his arms around you like normal, mans really ignores you. even when you’re trying to start conversation he doesn’t even acknowledge it, instead deciding to pout and stare straight ahead because apparently the wall is so interesting - you end up just opening your laptop and turning it towards him, showing him a photo of him with loads of butterfly clips as you giggle, a relieved sigh coming from him “so cute omi!” “shutup.”
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kr33tivity · 3 years
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#this is the same robot
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kr33tivity · 4 years
I’m okay with that assumption 👍🏻
ive been subtly trying to sniff out fellow denki kaminari stans and ive found like 7 theres gotta be more of us out there look if u reblog this im gonna assume youre a denki stan/simp/fan/whatever you wanna be called and im gonna follow you bc i have a mighty mighty need
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kr33tivity · 4 years
Happy New Years, early September babies! 😁😁
imagine being named April or January or whatever & being confused bc that’s not when your birthday is and your parents say “oh we just liked the name it has nothing to do with your birth” but then you realize you were born 9 months after the month u are named for
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kr33tivity · 4 years
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A lil’ Planktonyama to start off 😁☺️
Thanks, Gator Nights!
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kr33tivity · 4 years
brb crying in the club - this is beautiful 🥺😍
how the teams would react to finding out about their adorable babey like managers traumatic past (eg phsycical and verbal bullying, abuse, sexual harassment etc) 👉👈
how the teams would react to finding out about their adorable manager’s traumatic past: karasuno, fukurodani, shiratorizawa, nekoma, inarizaki, aoba johsai 
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tw: mentions physical/verbal abuse and sexual harassment 
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- they’ll all be gathered in a circle when you tell them about your past. their eyes are wide open, hanging on to every word you say. as soon as you mention physical/verbal abuse and sexual harassment, their eyes will grow even wider.
- tsukki will have a raised eyebrow, yams will nervously bite his lip, hinata is too invested in you’re saying, noya has his arms crossed, tanaka is ready to fight whoever’s name comes out of your mouth, sugawara is shocked but isn’t showing it, daichi’s in his protective mode, ennoshita is attentively listening to you, kageyama is looking around at everyone else’s facial expressions like ? 
- “y-y/n” noya says. he’s close to tears. “i’m sorry you had to go through all that.” his facial expression changes from sorrowful to a determined face. “but no worries, tanaka and i will protect you until death. ain’t that right?” 
- tanaka immediately nods, flexing his bicep. noya huffs as tanaka crosses his arms, looking around for potential “predators.”
- sugawara will go up to you and gently pat you on the back. “y/n, you know, you can always come talk to us whenever you want. or if you just want someone to hang out with, come to me. i’ll always be free for you” 
- “...y/n, i never knew you went through all that.” bokuto says, carefully studying your face. “but i’m proud of you. you got through everything. wow...i can’t even imagine. i don’t want to imagine. i can’t even imagine how rough it must’ve been. i can’t even imagine how tough it must’ve-” 
“bokuto-san, i think y/n gets your point,” akaashi says, gently pushing bokuto away from you. after getting bokuto out the way,  akaashi strolls back to you with his hands behind his back. “y/n...sorry if i’m bothering you. i just wanted to say...i’m sorry for everything you’ve been through. you don’t deserve it; no one does. and uh...want to join us for lunch? konoha’s paying” 
- konoha’s head automatically looks up at the sound of his name. “no i’m not-” 
- “yes you are. we’re all treating y/n today. and tomorrow. this whole week. probably next week” 
- “so basically forever” 
- akaashi nods. “right. y/n deserves it.” 
- tendou will immediately pull you into a tight hug. “it’s okay, y/n. you’re okay now. you’re safe with us. it’ll never happen again. you were so, so strong.” 
- ushijima will give you a sympathetic nod and look after you whenever he can. he feels hollow inside after learning about your rough past. 
- goshiki will ask if you mind if he were to ask a few questions. he really wants to learn more about you and what you went through. if you don’t feel comfortable, he’ll respectfully back off! he knows how unbottling emotions can help sometimes, so he wants to do that for you 
- kuroo will be shocked. a heavy feeling will develop in his stomach. he honestly doesn’t know what to do. as much as he wants to comfort you...he doesn’t know the right words to say. will a pat on the head help? 
- “thank you for trusting us with that information, y/n. you’re so strong for sharing it with us,” yaku says as he makes sure that every team member is paying attention 
- “y/n, if you want, you can talk to me,” kenma softly says. his eyes are covered by his hair. the rest of nekoma’s eyes are wide. kenma offering to talk to someone??
- lev will pull you into a tight, tight hug and try to tell you a light-hearted joke in hopes of cheering you up. you got through everything, you deserve to be happy. 
- atsumu will get surprisingly emotional. like he’ll be sniffing tears away. especially since he made fun of you a lot in the past....you had to go through all that? alone? ... atsumu’s heart strings have been tugged
- osamu and suna won’t react too much. they won’t openly express and show concern but their minds are racing with questions. how badly were you hurt? are you okay now? what happened? does your past affect you today? did a specific person hurt you? if so, what’s their name and address? 
- kita was really protective and had already looked after you. but now, he’ll go above and beyond to make sure you’re at 100% don’t even worry about food. when you’re hungry, he provides. when you’re cold, his jacket will suddenly be yours
- aran will offer you a hug and pat your back. man, i just know aran gives the best hugs ever. he gives hugs that just say “everything will be okay, i’ve got your back so don’t even worry” 
aoba johsai: 
- iwaizumi will just stand there in shock. you went through...what? he’ll be furious at the world for letting such horrible things happen to such a precious person 
- oikawa’s teasing mode will turn down. he’ll look at you with the softest eyes and gently pat your back. he won’t say anything. there’s nothing he can say to justify what you went through. a few words won’t be able to make up for the trauma. he just wants you to know that he’s there for you 
- matsukawa will give you a gentle smile and try to make a light conversation with you unrelated to your past so you won’t have to think about the past. 
- the whole team will be treating you to ramen forever. they cherish and love you. each member has his own way of showing you that he cares. 
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kr33tivity · 4 years
this is *chef’s kiss*
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❝chapter one: links❞
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Shinsou awoke from his nap due to his phone ringing loudly near his ear. His nose scrunched up, reaching under the pillow to grab his phone and turn off the alarm he’d put. Shinsou sat up on his bed, sulking. The alarm was to get him working on songs or anything at all but he suddenly had a loss of motivation. Just like the past couple days.
Cloud Seven returning from hiatus felt like the best day. He and Midoriya had many ideas on what new merch to drop. Kaminari even wanted to try writing a song this time. But that glorious feeling was cut short when his girlfriend called. When her ID popped up on his phone screen, Shinsou felt oddly uncomfortable. He sent her a quick message that he was in a meeting and would call her once he was out.
When he called, she said she wanted to talk and spoke about how she needed to take a break. As she’s an actress and he was a singer, they always had different schedules. Shinsou asked if it meant they would break up. Her answer was, ‘By the end of this week, I’ll have my mind made up.’
When the end of the week came she had her decision made. She told Shinsou that it was time for them to part their ways. So plunged the male into stress, loss of inspiration, and willingness to do anything. Of course, Bakugo noticed how he stopped sending snarky remarks in that short period of time. And when he told them what happened, he stopped responding to anyone’s messages. Midoriya and Kaminari were the most worried. They even got Iida to try getting in contact with Shinsou, the plan failing.
Shinsou read the several hundred messages sent in the groupchat. The more recent ones were links to videos Kaminari sent to keep them “safe”. When he got to the very top, he read how they spoke about him and transitioned to finding other artists they could create songs with.
Kaminari sent the first artist, to which everyone said how great they were.
“Sapphire’s Angels?” Shinsou read the name curiously. As big of a band they were, Shinsou hadn’t heard of Sapphire’s Angels. Whoever they were, they managed to get a vote from Bakugo. Shinsou grabbed the headphones from the nightstand. He plugged them into his phone, putting one earbud in. He clicked the link which directed him to YouTube.
The title of the video read, “Sapphire’s Angels — Without Me (LIVE)”. And the concert area was smaller than ones Shinsou performed in. The camera slowly passed to a closer view, five girls on stage. Once the shouting in the crowd died down, one with an electric guitar started off playing. Her movements were smooth and Shinsou noticed no mess ups. Another added on with the keyboard, low volume.
And the one closest to the front, started off singing. Her voice gradually grew louder, catching Shinsou’s attention. She sounded ready to cry but even with her voice breaking, she pulled through with the song. Two other girls, no instruments at hand, backed her up as the chorus. Neither took the spotlight from the one at front.
Shinsou adored the way she looked. The prop wings added onto the angelic voice and face. His heart sank watching as the camera got closer, revealing that she was already crying. Shinsou went to the comments, most people talking about how strong “Topaz” is. Some sprinkled in the backstory of the song.
When the video came to the end, Shinsou wasted no time in searching up who each of them were.
“Sapphire’s Angels debuted in late November. They quickly rose to fame and have sold out their tickets three times.” Shinsou read out loud. “While their main singer is (Y/N) (L/N), better known as Topaz, their leader is Momo Yaoyorozu, or Sapphire.” Shinsou picked at his lip.
He found out the song, Without Me, was about a previous relationship of yours. You spoke openly about it. It took you three hours to write the song and was a way to let go. And to him, it gave him motivation to write one of his own.
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❝Singer Hitoshi Shinsou’s inspiration for song writing dropped dramatically when losing his significant other and coming out of hiatus with his band members. But when Sapphire’s Angels becomes a well known name, will you become his next muse?❞
TAGLIST: @lunamoonbby @humanitysbiggestsimp @black-rose-29 @nightlygiggless @miki-jeon @lonely-hearts-headcanons @nopenotallie
And a special thank you to Gacha Gang for letting me use their names as fan accs in this series. Today I featured Ellie and Vale 😌 Ty ty ily all
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kr33tivity · 4 years
I love this but now i’m jealous of myself in this fictional world
Can you unfollow her?
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how your boyfriend reacts to the “can you unfollow this girl on instagram” prank
includes -> [gn!reader] ; akaashi, bokuto, iwaizumi, oikawa, atsumu, tanaka
warnings -> mentions of a fake person posting provocative photos
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a/n -> ahh you’re so cute when you reblog <3
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kr33tivity · 4 years
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kr33tivity · 4 years
I don’t know why but I love me some insecure atsumu
“My Friend”
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how your boyfriend reacts to you introducing him as your friend
includes -> [gn!reader] ; bokuto, atsumu, akaashi, oikawa
warnings -> n/a
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a/n -> please reblog if you enjoyed, reblogs help me a lot <3
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you were introducing him to your friend (your actual friend this time, not a lover you were calling a friend) when you got the idea
you’d accidentally introduced said friend as your partner once during a half-asleep ramble and you now were wondering what it would be like to reverse that
your question was answered soon enough
“this is my friend, bokuto,” you spoke, a friendly smile on your lips as you tried not to act abnormally
he was quick to catch your mistake, turning his head to you quickly
a few million thoughts run through his head at the time time, questioning if you saying “friend” was simply a mistake or not
he hoped it was
he debates for a moment on wether or not to say something now or wait until you were alone with him
after all, the last thing he wanted was to be broken up with in public, but surely it was nothing, right?
he tugs a little at your sleeve — enough to draw your attention but not the attention of an entire crowd
“friend?” he asks, voice as quiet as you had heard it in a while
“boyfriend, babe. i meant boyfriend.” you said, and made a mental note to give him a full explanation later on
he hummed in response, pressed a quick kiss to the side of your face, and tuned back into the conversation
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you’d seen someone do this prank on their boyfriend before, and it seemed like fun
especially since your boyfriend was atsumu, you knew that it’d be fun to see his reaction
you knew that he wanted to meet your friends, and they wanted to meet him since you often didn’t stop talking about him
so the prank wasn’t really difficult to set up
here you sat, holding atsumu’s hand in front of your friends
he was smiling, cocky as always, until he heard the words, “this is my friend atsumu,” leave your lips
his smile drops and you can practically feel his heart skip a beat
“what?” he says quickly and with a certain desperation in his voice
you look at him, trying to act confused by what he was asking
that was until you saw the shine in his eyes and the way his eyebrows were pinned, was he actually about to cry over one word?
“boyfriend, ‘tsumu. i was kidding, i meant boyfriend.” you said quickly, squeezing his hand and watching the panic leave his face
“i- i knew that.” he muttered
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it was bokuto’s idea
you and him had somehow gotten on the topic of couple pranks, when he remembered akaashi mentioning he was going to meet your friends soon
bokuto had given you the idea for the prank, and now here you were waiting for your friends to arrive
you knew it would feel strange at first, since you always referred to him as your boyfriend, but surely dropping one syllable wouldn’t be so bad? right?
wrong, it proves a lot more difficult than you had imagined
your own heart drops as the words, “this is my friend, akaashi,” leave your lips
his grip on your hand fades for a moment, before giving your hand an attention grabbing squeeze in hopes to say, “I need to ask you something in private”
he doesnt show it on his face other than a quick glance over to you, but inside he’s concerned that he’s done something wrong
however, he isn’t willing to cause a fuss over something that may be nothing, especially not in front of your friends
once your friends have gone or he finds a way to get you alone, that’s when he it up after, the worry leaving his face once you explain
a kiss on your forehead is a gentle reminder of how much he likes being your boyfriend instead of your friend
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you’d done it unintentionally, in all honesty
the worry sitting in your stomach had grown bigger, until you could think about was oikawa not liking your friends or vice versa
you’d noticed it the word left your mouth as well, it felt strange
“this is my friend oikawa,” you said, and one could almost see his heart stop
you tried not to look at him, tried not to call attention to it, in hopes that he’d understand it was just a mistake
yet one look over to him and his eyebrows were pinned in worry, his hand reaching over to grab yours
he made a small noise, as if he was about to ask you about it, but then stopped
he simply looked back over to your friends and started to talk with them
it wasn’t until after they left that he finally asked you about what you’d said
you could tell that he was worried about it, you hadn’t heard his voice so tense in a while, not if it wasn’t something about volleyball
“it was a mistake, babe,” you said apologetically, grabbing his hand to rub soothing circles with your thumb
“i love you,” he pouted, quickly pressing a kiss to your temple
“i love you too.”
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kr33tivity · 4 years
I should really make my banner/icon less general...
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kr33tivity · 4 years
I was almost very confused and very startled
I was making Jell-O and didn’t want to wait for it to set so I just drank it as liquid but it went into my lungs and hardened in there. I went to the hospital and they took out two lung-shaped Jell-Os and then the doctor ate them right in front of me but he said I didn’t have to pay any bills as long as I didn’t tell anyone.
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kr33tivity · 4 years
new blogs —
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wait wait!! before you continue please know that i’m not moving from this blog, i’m only adding two more sideblogs for organization.
@rinkaashi — this is the blog i’m going to use for smaus. they attract a lot of dead followers and the follower/notes and interact ratio on my blog is big. all future TSP chapters will be posted here.
@kireiji (hi character anons pls read this one) — this one is for selfships and character anons, so to my anons mayhaps please send asks to this blog. my interaction has gone down a bit and i think it’s cause i actually don’t Shut Up about how much i love character anons SBDHBC. also!! all my self ship stuff goes here as well <3
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kr33tivity · 4 years
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a Yamaguchi Tadashi smau series 
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🍃 synopsis : Among us makes or breaks your friendships. The game has taken the world by storm, and with that, thousands are online playing public games and getting to know one another. Yamaguchi finds himself playing whenever he can, joining random servers in order to get a taste of everything, but whenever you two get caught in the same lobby and are paired up as imposters… An unlikely friendship blossoms.
🌼 trope : online best friends to lovers 
🍃 warnings : light angst, swearing, suggestive content but its jokes and not actual nsfw
🌼 schedule : every monday and friday 
🍃 status : in progress!
🌼 taglist : open! either reply to this post, or send an ask in!
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🍃 y/n’s profile + bitches  /  🌼 yam’s profiles + hoes
💛 001. GMMWYQ // player named piss
💚 002. SMZCLQ // travel buddies
💙 003. QQISJN // catdog
💜 004. QKJAYN // interrogation
❤️ 005. YUSQQQ // airplane mode
🧡 006. FGCASD // first time jitters
🖤 007. QKWMMS // brotherly talk
🤍 008. AFGSXC // cool
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kr33tivity · 4 years
We love the protection
𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘀
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in which -> you don’t pick up because your phone is dead
includes -> tanaka, hinata, iwaizumi, bokuto, akaashi, and kenma
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a/n -> gender neutral! please reblog, i really appreciate them
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kr33tivity · 4 years
TELEGRAPH AVE [smau] || masterlist
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>> from the moment she’d met him, matsukawa issei had done nothing but make her life a living hell. years of annoying her on a daily basis for the sake of his own entertainment. it’s like there’s no escaping him, even in college. her only saving grace is his best friend – her best friend – who’s stuck in the middle. so after years of watching them fight, makki’s got a plan. a really bad plan. but what happens when they realize they’ve all been hiding something – something that could change the dynamic of the entire group? << 
pairing : matsukawa issei x f!reader x hanamaki takahiro [poly au]
genres : college!au, crack!au, humor, fluff, will def end up being nsfw at some point, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers
warnings : nsfw language and eventually content, marijuana and alchohol, an unprecedented amount of swearing on this blog, the inside of my mind is a chaotic place so i apologize in advance
a/n : this au idea came to me in a fever dream and refuses to back off so here we go 
status : ongoing
start date : [11/23/2020]
update schedule : MWF [twice per day]
taglist : [closed]
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>> playlist <<
intros pt. 1 || intros pt. 2
[1] shut up bitch basket
[2] i hate it here
[3] no fighting
[4] coexisting peacefully??
[5] please tell me it’s taco tuesday
[6] this mf
[7] matsukawa issei to the rescue???
[8] keep lying to yourself
[9] im trapped
[10] that’s clingy makki for you
[11] was it that bitch kindaichi
[12] right,,, haha anyways
[13] mind your business, rat
[14] kick his ass babe
[15] i think we need to talk
[16] like how horses get???
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kr33tivity · 4 years
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a Yamaguchi Tadashi smau series 
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🍃 synopsis : Among us makes or breaks your friendships. The game has taken the world by storm, and with that, thousands are online playing public games and getting to know one another. Yamaguchi finds himself playing whenever he can, joining random servers in order to get a taste of everything, but whenever you two get caught in the same lobby and are paired up as imposters… An unlikely friendship blossoms.
🌼 trope : online best friends to lovers 
🍃 warnings : light angst, swearing, suggestive content but its jokes and not actual nsfw
🌼 schedule : every monday and friday 
🍃 status : in progress!
🌼 taglist : open! either reply to this post, or send an ask in!
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🍃 y/n’s profile + bitches  /  🌼 yam’s profiles + hoes
💛 001. GMMWYQ // player named piss
💚 002. SMZCLQ // travel buddies
💙 003. QQISJN // catdog
💜 004. QKJAYN // interrogation
❤️ 005. YUSQQQ // airplane mode
🧡 006. FGCASD // first time jitters
🖤 007. QKWMMS // brotherly talk
🤍 008. AFGSXC // cool
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