kramermj · 2 years
You are expected to acknowledge the participation of others in your success but never in your failures.
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kramermj · 2 years
Posting again so I can see my notifications. I need to beat some of you till the skin falls off your face.
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kramermj · 2 years
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kramermj · 2 years
Did you know that ignoring my content is safer than getting my attention by telling me how awful you think I am? Bet you didn't realize how unqualified you are.
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kramermj · 2 years
I honestly forgot this place.
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kramermj · 3 years
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first of all, @themangodojo blocking me after you say a whole bunch of stupid that you would kill yourself before you actually said to my face? did you really think I was done with you? Let’s break down this chain of vomit you just puked.
“self obsessed gun wank” okay? I see that when a human exercises a right you tend to get upset. Move along then.
“use of the r slur” which one? Retard? Refucklican? Redneck? doesn’t sound like you’ve found anything legit bad to say about me other than you’re not a fan... which again... move... along... then... if I have to I’ll speak slower because this next couple of text spews you show just how low your intelligence is.
“oh cool, and you implied that immigrants aren’t human.” okay? Citation needed bitch guy. Not that I need to clarify my stance to dogshit (that’s you), but it’s not that illegals “aren’t human,” they simply “aren’t my problem.” Something tells me you think I’m some magatarded republican that has the illusion that gay people wanna convert me or something. See, all you little worthless things that “wanna be treated like a human,” I *am* treating you like a human. I treat people badly. I hate people. You two-legged round-eared furless untailed motherfuckers ain’t shit to me.
Now for the gold... Holy shit you had a lot to unload before you off’d yourself didn’t you.
“BLM” actually NO lives matter “ACAB” *yawn* “no human is illegal” no human is my problem either. “stop asian hate” I’d agree if you really meant that. “punch nazis” I know you have a self image problem, but the nazi here is you. “landlords are leeches” duuuuude, I’d agree with your ‘they’ ass on this. I hate renting places. Fuck being told what kind of pets I can or cant have, or being told how I can park. “support mutual aid” dude you’re making up words lady. “gay rights, trans rights” well yeah, I am a supporter of human rights. That’s why I support your right to be armed so you can protect yourself from the people who ACTUALLY have a problem with you and wanna hurt you for being externally gendered in a dress (clothing for internally gendered vagina having people). “fuck autism speaks” um, I ain’t heard anything good about that group either. “stab rapists” why stop there? I’m personally a fan of castrating them and feeding their sacks to them.
We’d probably get along a tiny bit if you weren’t so stupid.
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kramermj · 6 years
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kramermj · 6 years
I have a tip jar now. Help me afford resources to do silly shit.
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kramermj · 6 years
The counting song
I almost turned it off in the first 3 seconds, I’m glad i sat through that.
Amazingly innocent and dark at the same time; I love it.
Well that escalated quickly.
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kramermj · 6 years
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kramermj · 6 years
Stop dating abusive women 2018
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kramermj · 6 years
It's not politics, it's justice.
BREAKING: Judge Aaron Persky, the justice who sentenced Stanford rapist Brock Turner to 6 months in jail, has been recalled. #CaliforniaPrimary2018 #CAPrimary
I do not discuss politics with anyone, but this is something that seriously upset me. As a victim of domestic violence and rape, I was horrified by the Brock Turner sentencing. I’m glad this judge has been recalled.
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kramermj · 6 years
I like blam.
you know what trope pisses me off the most? when the protag is pointing a gun at somebody and they’re like “you won’t do it. you’re too good” and the person holding the gun is like oh shit i am and they slowly lower the gun while the other person laughs. WHAT THE FUCK. if i were there, and somebody told me “you won’t do it” i would immediately shoot them dead without hesitating. who are you to tell me what i wont do. musty bitch
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kramermj · 6 years
The sad part is, independent people like myself upset everyone. The left is simply more likely to ask me to please keep my opinions to myself. The right may laugh, or occasionally nod and realize that I "may be on to something."
My working theory is that sexually repressed conservative white men come to this website for the freaky porn and then once they start seeing leftist politics discussed openly it makes them feel unsafe and sends them in to fight or flight mode and in a frenzy they start leaving hot takes all over any post with the word socialism in it from their porn blogs
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kramermj · 6 years
This is the extreme version of "..so cute..must pet.."
honestly this sums up wolverine so well
he said he was going hunting and ororo was like “you’d kill innocent animals for sport???”
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no.   he just wants to pet a deer
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kramermj · 6 years
...so you want more of this idiot? Good job.
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kramermj · 6 years
I'd pet both!
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