krispyheartyouth · 3 years
How to download kinemaster po apk for free.
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krispyheartyouth · 3 years
10 Reasons Why your Family is Important | DON'T IGNORE THIS | Gyannbygurus
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Every time you have an argument with your family, think about how those people genuinely have your interests and your well-being at heart. You might have these questions in your mind that Why is family important? What kind of impact does it have on a person in their childhood and as an adult? Does it matter to society as a whole? I am going to answer all these questions. It wouldn't be wrong to say that you are indebted to your family for your success in life. Having said that, I wish neither to demean nor belittle your tenacity and your diligence which lie at the root of your success story. But would it be wrong to opine that your, it's your family who keeps up your self-esteem? Or to state that it is your family who understands you better than anybody else? Truth is, your family imparts the much needed stability to your life. All in all, your family is a place which is "far from madding crowd". It's the place, juxtaposed with all places teeming with the hustle and bustle, which lends you a hand to unwind. Before you read this full post I have a bonus post for you. If you are finding happiness in your life, and want to live a 24x7 happy life you should read this 👉What is real happiness? 9+1 Proven tips for a happy life? Good Wishes
10 Reasons why your Family is Important
#1. Your Family is your Support System #2. Your family loves you in a way no one can #3. Your Family gives you a sense of Belonging #4. Your family Entertains you #5. Your family helps you take decisions#6. Your family protects and comforts you #7. Your family lets you grow and learn #8. Your family helps you to celebrate #9. Your family helps you pull through failures and makes sure that you're never lonely #10. Your family is reliable and dependable Read the full article
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krispyheartyouth · 3 years
5 Best Heart Touching, inspirational and motivational Stories by Gaur Gopal Das
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Who is Gaur Gopal Das
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Image Source- English Speech Gaur Gopal Das is an Indian monk and he is a huge personal brand within the country and a superb corporate coach and motivational speaker. You'll get a glimpse of his speeches, lectures and a positive attitude through this post. So in this post we are going to read some motivational, heart touching and inspirational stories from Gaur Gopal Das. I'm very excited, so let's start. 👉 A Bonus Post for you guys- What is real happiness? Live 24x7 joyfully.
5 Best Stories by Gaur Gopal Das (DON'T MISS A SINGLE ONE)
Story 1- The Tight Hug
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After a seventy-two hours shift at the fire station a firefighter went up to a grocery store to buy some stuff for his home, when a woman came up running to him and give him a tight hug. Seeing the man uncomfortable she realized that he hadn't recognized her. She let go of him and with genuine tears of gratitude in her eyes and the most joyous smile on her face, said: "Sir it was you who carried me out of the World Trade Center on September 11th 2001." Ladies and gentlemen, you will never know how what you're doing is touching someone's life somewhere and is thus helping you live a life of purpose. Keep doing what you are doing with dedication and commitment and maybe may be, completely unknown to you, someone out there is being benefited. 👉 Also read- How to manifest what you want in life. (FASTEST WAY) Story 2- Stop Complaining
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The 27 year old lady who was a breast cancer patient was laughing hysterically at the antics of her sweet two-year-old daughter. A man who knew her and was watching the scene suddenly realized and thought to himself, "There will be we always be reasons to complain. I need to stop complaining about the wrong that's happening in my life and start celebrating the precious moments of joy". Guys being consumed by pain is automatic but being happy is conscious choice, let us choose to smile and celebrate life. 👉 Also read- World's Best Advice for Students (Every student must know this) Story 3- Life Achievements
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A man has three sons and two daughters stood around his wife's hospital bed, as she uttered her last coherent words before she died. This is what she said: I feel so loved right now. We should have gotten together like this more often." You know what one of my dear friends once said in one of his shows- "Professional Achievements are temporary; they come, they go, and they come again. Personal loss is Permanent Once a loved one is gone they never come back again, now press pause and spend time with the ones you love. 👉 Also read- What is the real purpose of your life? Story 4- A lesson from Lion
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Image Source- Pexel We all know that the lion is an extremely powerful, strong and ferocious animal, and we dare not go close to a lion. But the same lion, with all its strength, power, ferocity and influences as the king of the jungle can be helplessly disturbed and frustrated. Any guess who can frustrate a lion? A tiny bird! sometimes a bird may come and sit on the back of the lion, scratch it, trickle it or pass on it. And to say nothing of driving away the bird, the lion can not even reach it at times. And even if somehow the lion can reach it, the bird just flies away. We as human beings have our power in the society that we live in as well. Our comes from money, position, fame, influence, talent, skill but just like the lion has that bird the bird which can disturb him, we have that one bird which can leave us helpless, hopeless hoop less, sleepless, extreme frustrated, and disturbed. That bird which is our constant our constant companion is our mind. The greatest power in the world is not money or riches, in the world is not money or riches, position or influence. The greatest power in the world is our ability to take charge of our mind and focus it on and direct it to where we wanted wanted to be and not get directed by the mind. All mental health issues, depression, pressure, negativity, anxiety, stress, loneliness, worry, come from the inability to deal with the mind. Spirituality and meditation is that practice which helps us to take charge of the Mind to train it and be empowered to live a life which is peaceful, mindful, and joyful. 👉 Also read- If God is everywhere, why do we need temples? Story 5- An Eagle Story
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On a large tree at top of Mountain there was a nest, cozily accommodating the eggs of an eagle. One day as an earthquake rocked the mountain, one of the eggs rolled down the nest to a chicken farm located in the valley below. One of the hen in the farm gave her love and warmed to this new guest by nurturing and raising the large egg. After a couple of weeks, the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born, but since the baby eagle was in the middle of chickens, it was now being raised as a chicken as well. Soon, the eagle believed itself to be nothing more than a chicken. It did what the other chickens did. It's scratched in the dirt for seeds, it clucked and crackled, it never flew more than a few feet because that's what the other chickens did. The eagle loved its home and family but its spirit was crying for more. After all, it was an eagle not a chicken. The farmer realizing the predicament of the eagle, decided to help it. The farmer tried to lift the eagle and throw it in the air thinking, it will fly off. But the eagle just fell down to the ground with a thumping sound. After a few days, the kind of farmer climbed a huge tree taking the eagle along and pushed it from up there, thinking that this would help it fly. Once again, the eagle just fell to the ground. The wise man had been watching this and decided to intervene. He came close to the eagle, held its neck and started turning its face towards the sky. Like all the other chickens, the eagle had always only seen things in front of it or had looked down searching for seeds. It had never looked up towards the sky. It was painful for the eagle, the light was hitting its eyes. The wise man kept turning the eagle's head towards the sky, as the eyes of the eagle met with the vast blue sky. Something amazing happened. A surge of energy flowed through the body of the eagle. It spread its wings and started flapping them. It felt a power that it had never felt before and right there in front of the wise man, the farmer and all the hen and chickens, the eagle took off, soaring into the heights of the sky. It was it's home, the place where it always belonged. The crying soul of the eagle was finally relived and was now smiling. There are so many who have the potential of an eagle within them. What's holding them back from flying high? What's holding them back from soaring to the heights of success? -The surroundings, whom they're hanging out with. Please note, the chickens have an amazing sense of dignity too and they can and they must make the most out of their potential too. Just that you may be an eagle and being with non-eagles all the time. They make you forget who you are, and what you can do. But then you find a wise mentor who can see your current unfortunate condition, who can see your unlimited potential, who simply wants you to do well, to fly high, and live for the purpose you were created for. They try to turn your head towards the sky, meaning they try to align you with your potential. Trust me guys that process of self-discovery can be painful. After all, we have lived in the comfort zone, not looking at our vast inner sky for so long. But once we do, our wings spread wide, they flap hard and there we go. Take off, to the heights of excellence. Now it’s your turn. If you enjoyed this, then share it together with your friends – so I will keep making them! For more posts you can click on the notification bell – so once I post, you’ll get notified!.Thanks in Advance Read the full article
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krispyheartyouth · 3 years
Who is Kalki Avatar | When is Kalki Avatar expected? All Secrets Revealed
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Hello, my dear readers :) Here I am back, with another astonishing post. So, in this blog we are going to discuss about Kalki. Who is Kalki and When Kalki Avatar will come? I am going to answer all these questions and more. Stay stuck with me, but before we start here I have a bonus article for you (What is real happiness? Difference between pleasure and happiness) Now let's start, Kalki is the final incarnation of lord Vishnu. In ancient Hindu scriptures, Shambala is said to be Kalki's birthplace. Read Ancient Books Shambhala is a mythical Paradise that is constantly spoken in ancient Hindus scriptures, including kaal chakra tantra and ancient writing such as the Zhangzhung  culture, which spread Buddhism in in Western Tibet. The word has a Sanskrit root which means place of peace or place of Silence. (Shambhala= Place of Peace) 👉Also read- What is karma and How does it work? (Our life is our karma) The legend says that only people with pure heart can live in the place, where love and wisdom are the rulers. It is believed that Kalki will appears at the end of Kaliyuga.
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According to the Hindu scriptures universal time is composed of four main periods (Yugas)- Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga. Human beings are currently living in the Kali Yuga period, which last lasts approximately four hundred thirty two thousand years. This period begin after the battle of Kurukshetra. At the end of king Parikshit, some 5000 years ago. Therefore approximately four hundred and twenty seven thousand years of Kaliyuga remain, before it is said that Kalki will come. 👉Also read- If God is everywhere why we need temples? Purans predict that Kalki will be on a wind white horse and a radiant sword. It is believed that Kalki will cause the destruction of the world, when humanity completely abandons moral, when nothing is known about sacrifice techniques even in words. Kalki Avatar's mission is to restore justice and good principles. Which disappeared at the end of Kaliyuga- the Iron Age of hypocrisy and struggle. At the end of Kaliyug the population of the whole world will be so reduced to minimalism that they there will be no more power to understand what Dharma or Adharma is, and it's already there- Kaliyug. People will not have the power to understand philosophy consciousness, then at that time when there are no more good principles, no humanity left then there is no alternative. At that moment Kalki's Avatar will arise and he will take a sward on horseback. He will simply continue to kill all these evil and Adharmic creatures and mult the beginning of another Satya Yuga- The Golden Age of righteousness and Truth.
Nostradamus Prediction about Lord Kalki
Nostradamus was a great astrologer, and whatever he had predicted had always come true. According to his prediction it was discovered that a person will bear with immense power in the world, whose holy day will be Thursday and will rule throughout the world, both of land and sea. He will be the only person who will free the world from all problems. According to Nostradamus this great person will come down from his throne and will move through the sea at air for striking the evil ones with his sword. According to Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Lord Kalki has many similarities to what Nostradamus had predicted. 👉Also read- What is the Purpose of our life?
Who would not agree that the Earth has undergone extraordinary deterioration of its biosphere? Who could argue that living a pure life on Earth becomes more difficult and challenging with each passing year? Who has not shouted about social degeneration and political turmoil, financial chaos and pain and sufferings caused by endless wars? Leaving aside each statement counter declaration and argument about the predictions and prophecies about Kalki. I will really wish he is out there, somewhere. Now it’s your turn. If you enjoyed this, then share it together with your friends – so I will keep making them! For more posts you can click on the notification bell – so once I post, you’ll get notified!.Thanks in Advance
Who is Kalki?Ans. Kalki's avatar is the tenth final incarnation of Lord Vishnu.What will be the birth place of Kalki Avatar.Ans. In the Hindu scriptures, Shambala is said to be Kalki's birthplace. Read the full post to more about kalki.When Kalki will come?Ans. It is believed that Kalki will appears at the end of Kaliyuga. Want to know more? Read the full post.. Read the full article
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krispyheartyouth · 3 years
How to Manifest what you want? (Fastest Way) Sadhguru Answers
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How to Manifest what you want
Sadhguru: Even without doing any activity you can still manifest what you want if you organize these four dimensions in one direction and keep it unwavering in that direction for a certain period of time. Bonus👉 : I have a fantastic post for you :- What is real Happiness? How to live a happy life? If you want a pleasant life you must read, Everything we as human beings have created on this planet was essentially first created in our minds. All that you see, which is human work on this planet, first found expression in the mind, then it got manifested in the outside world. The wonderful things that we have done on this planet and the horrible things that we have done on this planet both have come from the human mind. So if we are concerned as to what we create in this world, it’s extremely important that first of all we learn to create the right things in our mind; how we keep our minds. If we do not have the power to keep our minds the way we want it, what we create in the world is also going to be very accidental and haphazard. So learning to create our minds the way we want is the basis of creating the world the way we want. There is a wonderful story in the yogic lore. On a certain day a man took a walk. He went for a long walk. Accidentally, unawares he walked into paradise. Fortunate, isn't he? He just took a walk and he landed up in paradise. After this long walk he felt little tired, so he thought, “Oh, I am tired, I wish I could rest somewhere.” He looked around, there was a nice tree, underneath which there was very cushiony grass. So it was inviting, he went and put his head down there and slept. After a few hours he woke up, well rested, and he thought, “Oh, I am well rested, but, I am feeling hungry, I wish I had something to eat.” And he thought about all the nice things that he ever wanted to eat in his life, and instantly all those things appeared in front of him. You need to understand there the service is like that. Hungry people don’t ask questions. Food came and he ate. Stomach became full, then he thought, “Oh, my stomach is full, I wish I had something to drink.” All the nice things that he ever wanted to drink he thought about it and all of them just appeared in front of him. Drinking people also don’t ask questions. So he drank. Now with a little bit of alcohol in him…. you know, Charles Darwin told you, “All of you were monkeys, your tail fell away?” Not me, Charles Darwin told you that you were all monkeys and your tail fell away and then you became human. In yoga we always refer to an un-established mind as Markata which means a monkey. Why we are referring to the mind as a monkey is – what are the qualities of a monkey? One thing about a monkey is its unnecessary movement. And another thing about the monkey is – if I say, “You are monkeying somebody,” what does it mean? Imitation. Monkey and imitation have become synonymous. So these two essential qualities of a monkey are very much the qualities of an un-established mind. Unnecessary movement, you don’t have to learn it from the monkey, you can teach it to the monkey. And imitation is full-time job of the mind. So when these two qualities are on, a mind is referred to as a monkey. So this monkey became active within him. He just looked around, thought, “What the hell is happening here? I asked for food, food came; I asked for drink, drink came; there must be ghosts around here!” And ghosts came. “Oh the ghosts have come, they are going to surround me and torture me,” he thought. Immediately the ghosts surrounded him and started torturing him. Then he started screaming in pain and said, “Oh, they are going to kill me,” and he died. Just now he said he’s a fortunate being. The problem is he was sitting under a Kalpavriksha or a wishing tree. He asked for food, food came. He asked for drink, drink came. He asked for ghosts, ghosts came. He asked for torture, torture came. He asked for death, death happened. Now don’t go looking for these Kalpavrikshas in the forest. You can barely find a tree these days. A well-established mind, a mind which is in a state of samyukti is referred to as a Kalpavriksha. If you organize your mind to a certain level of organization, it in turn organizes the whole system. Your body, your emotion, your energies everything gets organized in that direction. Once all these four dimensions of you, your physical body, your mind, your emotion and the fundamental life energies are organized in one direction – once you are like this, anything that you wish happens without even lifting a little finger actually. It would help to assist it with activity. But even without doing any activity you can still manifest what you want if you organize these four dimensions in one direction and keep it unwavering in that direction for a certain period of time. Right now the problem with your mind is: every moment it is changing its direction. It is like you want to travel somewhere and every two steps if you keep changing your direction, the question of you reaching the destination is very remote, unless it happens by chance. So organizing our minds and in turn organizing the whole system and these four basic dimensions of who you are right now in one direction, if you do this, you are a Kalpavriksha yourself. Anything that you wish will happen. But right now if you look at your lives, everything that you have wished for till now, if it happens you are finished. Everything and everybody that you have desired for, if all of that lands up in your house today, could you live with that? Once we are empowered like this, it’s very important that our physical action, emotional action, mental action and energy actions are controlled and properly directed. If it is not so, we become destructive, self-destructive. Right now that is our problem. The technology which is supposed to make our life beautiful and easy has become the source of all the problems, that we are destroying the very basis of our life, which is the planet. So what should have been a boon, we are making a curse out of it. What has brought incredible levels of comfort and convenience to us in the last hundred years or so, has also become a threat to our life, simply because we are not conscious action, we are in a compulsive state of action. So organizing our minds fundamentally means moving from a compulsive state of activity to a conscious state of activity. You might have heard of people for whom they ask for something and beyond all expectations it came true for them. Generally this happens to people who are in faith. Now let’s say you want to build a house. If you start thinking, “Oh I want to build a house, to build a house I need fifty lakhs but I have only fifty rupees in my pocket. Not possible, not possible, not possible.” The moment you say, “Not possible” you are also saying “I don’t want it.” So on one level you are creating a desire that you want something, on another level you are saying “I don’t want it.” So in this conflict, it may not happen. Someone who has some faith in a god or in a temple or whatever, who is simple minded – faith works only for those people who are simple-minded. People who are too much thinking, for them it never works. A childlike person who has a simple faith, in his god or his temple or whatever, he goes to the temple and says, “Shiva I want a house. I don’t know how, you must make it for me.” Now in his mind there are no negative thoughts. “Will it happen, will it not happen, is it possible, is it not possible?” – these things are completely removed by the simple act of faith. Now he believes Shiva will do it for him and it will happen. So is Shiva going to come and build your house? No, I want you to understand God will not lift his little finger for you. What you refer to as “God” is the source of creation. As a creator he has done a phenomenal job. There is no question about it. Could you think of a better creation than this? Is it in anybody’s imagination to think anything better than what is there right now? So as a creator he has done his job wonderfully well. But if you want life to happen the way you want it, because right now the very crux of your happiness and your well-being is this: If at all, if you are unhappy, the only and only reason why you are unhappy is life is not happening the way you think it should happen. That's all it is. So if life is not happening the way you think it is… it should happen, you are unhappy. If life happens the way you think it should happen, you are happy. It’s as simple as that. So if life has to happen the way you think it should happen, first of all, how you think, with how much focus you think, how much stability is there in your thought and how much reverberance is there in the thought process will determine whether your thought will become a reality or is it just an empty thought or how you do not create any impediments for your thought by creating negative thought process. This possible… ‘Is something possible or not possible’ is destroying humanity. What is possible and not possible is not your business, it's nature’s business. Your business is just to strive for what you want. Right now you are sitting or standing, if I ask you two simple questions – I want you to just look at this and answer this. Right now, from where you are sitting can you just fly off? You say no. Right now from where you are sitting can get up and walk? You will say yes. What is the basis of this? Why you say no to flying and yes to walking? Because past experience of life. Many times you have gotten up and walked, never did you fly off. Or in other words you are using the past experience of life as a basis for deciding whether something is possible or not possible. Or in other words, you have decided that what has not happened till now cannot happen in your life in future. This is a disgrace to humanity and the human spirit. What has not happened till now on this planet can happen tomorrow. Human beings are capable of making it happen tomorrow. So what is possible and what is not possible is not your business, that is nature’s business. Nature will decide that. You just see what is it that you really want and strive for that; and if your thought is created in a powerful way, without any negativity, without any negative thoughts, bringing down the intensity of the thought process. The first and foremost thing is you must be clear, what is it that you really want? If you do not know what you want, the question of creating it doesn’t arise. If you look at what you really want, what every human being wants is: he wants to live joyfully, he wants to live peacefully, in terms of his relationships, he wants it to be loving and affectionate. Or in other words all that any human being is seeking for is pleasantness within himself, pleasantness around him. This pleasantness, if it happens in our body, we call this health and pleasure. If it happens in our mind we call this peace and joy. If it happens in our emotion, we call this love and compassion. If it happens in our energy, we call this blissfulness and ecstasy. This is all that a human being is looking for. Whether he is going to his office to work, he wants to make money, build a career, build a family, he sits in the bar, sits in the temple, he is still looking for the same thing; pleasantness within, pleasantness around. If this is what we want to create, I think it’s time we addressed it directly and commit ourselves to creating it. So you want to create yourself as a peaceful human being, joyful human being, loving human being – a pleasant human being on all levels and do you also want a world like this – a peaceful world, a loving world, a joyful world? “No, no, I want greenery, I want food.” When we say a joyful world that means everything that you want has happened. So this is all that you are looking for. So, all that you need to do is commit yourself to creating it, to create a peaceful, joyful and loving world, both for yourself and everybody around you. Every day in the morning if you start your day with this simple thought in your mind, that “Today wherever I go I will create a peaceful, loving and joyful world.” If you fall down hundred times in the day what does it matter? For a committed man there is no such thing as failure. If you fall down hundred times, hundred lessons to be learnt. If you commit yourself like this, to creating what you really care for, now your mind gets organized.
Fastest Way to get What you want the fastest Way!
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Once your mind gets organized the way you think is the way you feel – your emotion will get organized. Once your thought and emotion is organized, your energies will get organized in the same direction. Once your thought, emotion and energies are organized, your very body will get organized. Once all these four are organized in one direction, your ability to create and manifest what you want is phenomenal. You are the Creator in many ways. That which is the source of creation is functioning within you every moment of your life. It is just that: have you kept access to that dimension or not? Organizing the four basic elements of your life will give you that access. There are tools and technologies to do this. The whole science of yoga, the whole technology that we refer to as yoga is just about this – transforming yourself from being just a piece of creation to become a creator. It is my wish and my blessing that every human being in this world should have this access to the source of creation within himself so that he can function here as a creator, not just as a piece of creation. Now it’s your turn. If you enjoyed this, then share it together with your friends – so I will keep making them! For more posts you can click on the notification bell – so once I post, you’ll get notified!.Thanks in Advance Read the full article
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krispyheartyouth · 3 years
How to Manifest what you want? (Fastest Way) Sadhguru Answers
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How to Manifest what you want
Sadhguru: Even without doing any activity you can still manifest what you want if you organize these four dimensions in one direction and keep it unwavering in that direction for a certain period of time. Bonus👉 : I have a fantastic post for you :- What is real Happiness? How to live a happy life? If you want a pleasant life you must read, Everything we as human beings have created on this planet was essentially first created in our minds. All that you see, which is human work on this planet, first found expression in the mind, then it got manifested in the outside world. The wonderful things that we have done on this planet and the horrible things that we have done on this planet both have come from the human mind. So if we are concerned as to what we create in this world, it’s extremely important that first of all we learn to create the right things in our mind; how we keep our minds. If we do not have the power to keep our minds the way we want it, what we create in the world is also going to be very accidental and haphazard. So learning to create our minds the way we want is the basis of creating the world the way we want. There is a wonderful story in the yogic lore. On a certain day a man took a walk. He went for a long walk. Accidentally, unawares he walked into paradise. Fortunate, isn't he? He just took a walk and he landed up in paradise. After this long walk he felt little tired, so he thought, “Oh, I am tired, I wish I could rest somewhere.” He looked around, there was a nice tree, underneath which there was very cushiony grass. So it was inviting, he went and put his head down there and slept. After a few hours he woke up, well rested, and he thought, “Oh, I am well rested, but, I am feeling hungry, I wish I had something to eat.” And he thought about all the nice things that he ever wanted to eat in his life, and instantly all those things appeared in front of him. You need to understand there the service is like that. Hungry people don’t ask questions. Food came and he ate. Stomach became full, then he thought, “Oh, my stomach is full, I wish I had something to drink.” All the nice things that he ever wanted to drink he thought about it and all of them just appeared in front of him. Drinking people also don’t ask questions. So he drank. Now with a little bit of alcohol in him…. you know, Charles Darwin told you, “All of you were monkeys, your tail fell away?” Not me, Charles Darwin told you that you were all monkeys and your tail fell away and then you became human. In yoga we always refer to an un-established mind as Markata which means a monkey. Why we are referring to the mind as a monkey is – what are the qualities of a monkey? One thing about a monkey is its unnecessary movement. And another thing about the monkey is – if I say, “You are monkeying somebody,” what does it mean? Imitation. Monkey and imitation have become synonymous. So these two essential qualities of a monkey are very much the qualities of an un-established mind. Unnecessary movement, you don’t have to learn it from the monkey, you can teach it to the monkey. And imitation is full-time job of the mind. So when these two qualities are on, a mind is referred to as a monkey. So this monkey became active within him. He just looked around, thought, “What the hell is happening here? I asked for food, food came; I asked for drink, drink came; there must be ghosts around here!” And ghosts came. “Oh the ghosts have come, they are going to surround me and torture me,” he thought. Immediately the ghosts surrounded him and started torturing him. Then he started screaming in pain and said, “Oh, they are going to kill me,” and he died. Just now he said he’s a fortunate being. The problem is he was sitting under a Kalpavriksha or a wishing tree. He asked for food, food came. He asked for drink, drink came. He asked for ghosts, ghosts came. He asked for torture, torture came. He asked for death, death happened. Now don’t go looking for these Kalpavrikshas in the forest. You can barely find a tree these days. A well-established mind, a mind which is in a state of samyukti is referred to as a Kalpavriksha. If you organize your mind to a certain level of organization, it in turn organizes the whole system. Your body, your emotion, your energies everything gets organized in that direction. Once all these four dimensions of you, your physical body, your mind, your emotion and the fundamental life energies are organized in one direction – once you are like this, anything that you wish happens without even lifting a little finger actually. It would help to assist it with activity. But even without doing any activity you can still manifest what you want if you organize these four dimensions in one direction and keep it unwavering in that direction for a certain period of time. Right now the problem with your mind is: every moment it is changing its direction. It is like you want to travel somewhere and every two steps if you keep changing your direction, the question of you reaching the destination is very remote, unless it happens by chance. So organizing our minds and in turn organizing the whole system and these four basic dimensions of who you are right now in one direction, if you do this, you are a Kalpavriksha yourself. Anything that you wish will happen. But right now if you look at your lives, everything that you have wished for till now, if it happens you are finished. Everything and everybody that you have desired for, if all of that lands up in your house today, could you live with that? Once we are empowered like this, it’s very important that our physical action, emotional action, mental action and energy actions are controlled and properly directed. If it is not so, we become destructive, self-destructive. Right now that is our problem. The technology which is supposed to make our life beautiful and easy has become the source of all the problems, that we are destroying the very basis of our life, which is the planet. So what should have been a boon, we are making a curse out of it. What has brought incredible levels of comfort and convenience to us in the last hundred years or so, has also become a threat to our life, simply because we are not conscious action, we are in a compulsive state of action. So organizing our minds fundamentally means moving from a compulsive state of activity to a conscious state of activity. You might have heard of people for whom they ask for something and beyond all expectations it came true for them. Generally this happens to people who are in faith. Now let’s say you want to build a house. If you start thinking, “Oh I want to build a house, to build a house I need fifty lakhs but I have only fifty rupees in my pocket. Not possible, not possible, not possible.” The moment you say, “Not possible” you are also saying “I don’t want it.” So on one level you are creating a desire that you want something, on another level you are saying “I don’t want it.” So in this conflict, it may not happen. Someone who has some faith in a god or in a temple or whatever, who is simple minded – faith works only for those people who are simple-minded. People who are too much thinking, for them it never works. A childlike person who has a simple faith, in his god or his temple or whatever, he goes to the temple and says, “Shiva I want a house. I don’t know how, you must make it for me.” Now in his mind there are no negative thoughts. “Will it happen, will it not happen, is it possible, is it not possible?” – these things are completely removed by the simple act of faith. Now he believes Shiva will do it for him and it will happen. So is Shiva going to come and build your house? No, I want you to understand God will not lift his little finger for you. What you refer to as “God” is the source of creation. As a creator he has done a phenomenal job. There is no question about it. Could you think of a better creation than this? Is it in anybody’s imagination to think anything better than what is there right now? So as a creator he has done his job wonderfully well. But if you want life to happen the way you want it, because right now the very crux of your happiness and your well-being is this: If at all, if you are unhappy, the only and only reason why you are unhappy is life is not happening the way you think it should happen. That's all it is. So if life is not happening the way you think it is… it should happen, you are unhappy. If life happens the way you think it should happen, you are happy. It’s as simple as that. So if life has to happen the way you think it should happen, first of all, how you think, with how much focus you think, how much stability is there in your thought and how much reverberance is there in the thought process will determine whether your thought will become a reality or is it just an empty thought or how you do not create any impediments for your thought by creating negative thought process. This possible… ‘Is something possible or not possible’ is destroying humanity. What is possible and not possible is not your business, it's nature’s business. Your business is just to strive for what you want. Right now you are sitting or standing, if I ask you two simple questions – I want you to just look at this and answer this. Right now, from where you are sitting can you just fly off? You say no. Right now from where you are sitting can get up and walk? You will say yes. What is the basis of this? Why you say no to flying and yes to walking? Because past experience of life. Many times you have gotten up and walked, never did you fly off. Or in other words you are using the past experience of life as a basis for deciding whether something is possible or not possible. Or in other words, you have decided that what has not happened till now cannot happen in your life in future. This is a disgrace to humanity and the human spirit. What has not happened till now on this planet can happen tomorrow. Human beings are capable of making it happen tomorrow. So what is possible and what is not possible is not your business, that is nature’s business. Nature will decide that. You just see what is it that you really want and strive for that; and if your thought is created in a powerful way, without any negativity, without any negative thoughts, bringing down the intensity of the thought process. The first and foremost thing is you must be clear, what is it that you really want? If you do not know what you want, the question of creating it doesn’t arise. If you look at what you really want, what every human being wants is: he wants to live joyfully, he wants to live peacefully, in terms of his relationships, he wants it to be loving and affectionate. Or in other words all that any human being is seeking for is pleasantness within himself, pleasantness around him. This pleasantness, if it happens in our body, we call this health and pleasure. If it happens in our mind we call this peace and joy. If it happens in our emotion, we call this love and compassion. If it happens in our energy, we call this blissfulness and ecstasy. This is all that a human being is looking for. Whether he is going to his office to work, he wants to make money, build a career, build a family, he sits in the bar, sits in the temple, he is still looking for the same thing; pleasantness within, pleasantness around. If this is what we want to create, I think it’s time we addressed it directly and commit ourselves to creating it. So you want to create yourself as a peaceful human being, joyful human being, loving human being – a pleasant human being on all levels and do you also want a world like this – a peaceful world, a loving world, a joyful world? “No, no, I want greenery, I want food.” When we say a joyful world that means everything that you want has happened. So this is all that you are looking for. So, all that you need to do is commit yourself to creating it, to create a peaceful, joyful and loving world, both for yourself and everybody around you. Every day in the morning if you start your day with this simple thought in your mind, that “Today wherever I go I will create a peaceful, loving and joyful world.” If you fall down hundred times in the day what does it matter? For a committed man there is no such thing as failure. If you fall down hundred times, hundred lessons to be learnt. If you commit yourself like this, to creating what you really care for, now your mind gets organized.
Fastest Way to get What you want the fastest Way!
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Once your mind gets organized the way you think is the way you feel – your emotion will get organized. Once your thought and emotion is organized, your energies will get organized in the same direction. Once your thought, emotion and energies are organized, your very body will get organized. Once all these four are organized in one direction, your ability to create and manifest what you want is phenomenal. You are the Creator in many ways. That which is the source of creation is functioning within you every moment of your life. It is just that: have you kept access to that dimension or not? Organizing the four basic elements of your life will give you that access. There are tools and technologies to do this. The whole science of yoga, the whole technology that we refer to as yoga is just about this – transforming yourself from being just a piece of creation to become a creator. It is my wish and my blessing that every human being in this world should have this access to the source of creation within himself so that he can function here as a creator, not just as a piece of creation. Now it’s your turn. If you enjoyed this, then share it together with your friends – so I will keep making them! For more posts you can click on the notification bell – so once I post, you’ll get notified!.Thanks in Advance Read the full article
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krispyheartyouth · 3 years
Krishna Vs Shiva a Terrible War | Who won? Why lord Shiva had to fight against Krishna (Vishnu)
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Why Lord Shiva had to Fight a Terrible battle with Lord Krishna! WARNING: Since this story has a Great Hidden Boon by Lord Krishna!!! Only the Most Fortunate or Sincere Devotees would be able to read to this Completely. Your Past Bad Karma, Kali, and Maya will try Hard to Stop you from reading to the complete story. But you must be determined to read to the Full Story with a Servile attitude towards Radha Krishna. Śukadeva Gosvāmī in Bhāgavata Purāṇa Canto 10, assured King Parīkṣit that -"Anyone Who remembers, in the morning the narration of the ensuing fight between Lord Kṛiṣhṇa and Lord Shiva, WILL NEVER experience defeat anywhere in his struggle of life." 👉 Also read- How to see Krishna (Secret revealed)? So Please read With Great Attention. Citralekhā secretly transported Aniruddha to her palace. How Bāṇāsura got to know and thus raging in anger, he attacked Aniruddha with his whole army and captured him. Now the story ahead… When the four months of the rainy season passed and Aniruddha had still not returned home, all the members of the Yadu family became very disturbed. They could not understand how the boy was missing. Fortunately, one day the great sage Nārada came and the whole story was disclosed about Aniruddha’s disappearance from the palace. He explained how Aniruddha had been carried to the city of Śoṇitapura, the capital of Bāṇāsura’s empire, and how Bāṇāsura had arrested him with the nāga-pāśa, even though Aniruddha had defeated his soldiers. Then the members of the Yadu dynasty, all of whom had great affection for Krishna, prepared to attack the city of Śoṇitapura. Practically all the leaders of the family, including Pradyumna, Sātyaki, Gada, Sāmba, Sāraṇa, Nanda, Upananda and Bhadra, combined together and gathered twelve akṣauhiṇī military divisions into phalanxes. Then they all went to Śoṇitapura and surrounded it with soldiers, elephants, horses and chariots. Bāṇāsura heard that the soldiers of the Yadu dynasty were attacking the whole city, tearing down various walls, gates and nearby gardens. Becoming very angry, he immediately ordered his soldiers, who were of equal caliber, to go and face them. Lord Shiva was so kind to Bāṇāsura that he personally came as the commander in chief of the military force, assisted by his heroic sons Kārttikeya and Gaṇapati. Nandīśvara. Lord Shiva, seated on his favorite bull, led the fighting against Lord Kṛiṣhṇa and Balarāma. 👉 Also read- How to Understand the Supreme Lord (Krishna)? We can simply imagine how fierce the fighting was – Lord Shiva with his brave sons on one side, and Lord Kṛiṣhṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and his elder brother, Śrī Balarāmajī, on the other. The fighting was so fierce that those who saw the battle were struck with wonder, and the hairs on their bodies stood up. Lord Shiva was engaged in fighting directly with Lord Kishna, Pradyumna was engaged with Kārttikeya, and Lord Balarāma was engaged with Bāṇāsura’s commander in chief, Kumbhāṇḍa, who was assisted by Kūpakarṇa. Sāmba, the son of Krishna, fought the son of Bāṇāsura, and Bāṇāsura fought Sātyaki, commander in chief of the Yadu dynasty. In this way the fighting was waged. News of the fighting spread all over the universe. Demigods such as Lord Brahmā, from higher planetary systems, along with great sages and saintly persons, Siddhas, Cāraṇas and Gandharvas, all being very curious to see the fight between Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna and their assistants, hovered over the battlefield in their airplanes. Lord Shivais called Bhūta-nātha, because he is assisted by various types of powerful ghosts and denizens of the inferno – Bhūtas, Pretas, Pramathas, Guhyakas, Ḍākinīs, Piśācas, Kuṣmāṇḍas, Vetālas, Vināyakas and Brahma-rākṣasas. (Of all kinds of ghosts, the Brahma-rākṣasas are the most powerful. They are brāhmaṇas who after death have entered the ghostly species of life.) The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Śrī Krishna, simply drove all these ghosts away from the battlefield with the arrows from his celebrated bow, Śārṅga-dhanur. 👉 Also read- What is Bhakti and Bhakti Yoga? Lord Shiva then began to release all his selected weapons against the Personality of Godhead. Lord Śrī Krishna, without any difficulty, counteracted all these weapons with counter weapons. He counteracted the brahmāstra, similar to the atomic bomb, with another brahmāstra, and an air weapon with a mountain weapon. When Lord Shiva released a particular weapon bringing about a violent hurricane on the battlefield, Lord Krishna presented just the opposing element, a mountain weapon, which checked the hurricane on the spot. Similarly, when Lord Shiva released his weapon of devastating fire, Krishna counteracted it with torrents of rain. At last, when Lord Shivareleased his personal weapon, the Pāśupata-astra, Krishna immediately counteracted it with the Nārāyaṇa-astra. Lord Shiva then became exasperated in fighting with Lord Krishna. Krishna then took the opportunity to release His yawning weapon. When this weapon is released, the opposing party becomes tired, stops fighting and begins to yawn. Consequently, Lord Shiva became so fatigued that he refused to fight anymore and began yawning. Krishna was now able to turn his attention from the attack of Lord Shiva to the efforts of Bāṇāsura, and He began to kill Bāṇāsura’s personal soldiers with swords and clubs. Meanwhile, Lord Krishna’s son Pradyumna was fighting fiercely with Kārttikeya, the commander in chief of the demigods. 👉 Also read- Ultimate Power of Bhakti (Every Devotee Must READ THIS) Kārttikeya was wounded, and his body was bleeding profusely. In this condition, he left the battlefield and, without fighting anymore, rode away on the back of his peacock carrier. Similarly, Lord Balarāma smashed Bāṇāsura’s commander in chief, Kumbhāṇḍa, with the strokes of his club. Kūpakarṇa was also wounded in this way, and both he and Kumbhāṇḍa fell on the battlefield, Kumbhāṇḍa being fatally wounded. Without guidance, all of Bāṇāsura’s soldiers scattered here and there. Now having the opportunity to use his one thousand arms, he rushed toward Krishna, simultaneously working five hundred bows and two thousand arrows. Such a foolish person could never measure Krishna’s strength. Immediately, without difficulty, Krishna cut each of Bāṇāsura’s bows into two pieces and, to check him from going further, made the horses of his chariot lie on the ground so that the chariot broke to pieces. After doing this, Krishna blew his conch shell, Pāñcajanya. There was a demigoddess named Koṭarā who was worshiped by Bāṇāsura, and their relationship was as mother and son. Mother Koṭarā was upset that Bāṇāsura’s life was in danger, so she appeared on the scene. With naked body and scattered hair, she stood before Lord Krishna. Śrī Krishna did not like the sight of this naked woman, and to avoid seeing her he turned his face. Bāṇāsura, getting this chance to escape Krishna’s attack, left the battlefield. All the strings of his bows had been broken, and there was no chariot or driver, so he had no alternative but to return to his city. He lost everything in the battle. Being greatly harassed by the arrows of Krishna, all the associates of Lord Shiva – the hobgoblins and ghostly Bhūtas, Pretas and kṣatriyas – left the battlefield. Lord Shiva then took to his last resort. He released his greatest death weapon, known as the Shiva-jvara, which destroys by excessive heat. It is said that at the end of creation the sun becomes twelve times more scorching than usual. This twelve-times-hotter temperature is called Shiva-jvara.  When the Shiva-jvara personified was released, he had three heads and three legs, and as he came toward Krishna it appeared that he was burning everything to ashes. He was so powerful that he made blazing fire appear in all directions, and Krishna observed that he was specifically coming toward Him. As there is a Shiva-jvara weapon, there is also a Nārāyaṇa-jvara weapon, which is represented by excessive cold. When there is excessive heat, one can somehow or other tolerate it, but when there is excessive cold, everything collapses. This is actually experienced by a person at the time of death. At the time of death, the temperature of the body first of all increases to 107 degrees Fahrenheit, and then the whole body collapses and immediately becomes as cold as ice. To counteract the scorching heat of the Shiva-jvara, there is no other weapon but the Nārāyaṇa-jvara. Therefore, when Lord Krishna saw that the Shiva-jvara had been released by Lord Shiva, He had no recourse other than to release the Nārāyaṇa-jvara. Lord Śrī Krishna is the original Nārāyaṇa and the controller of the Nārāyaṇa-jvara weapon. Lord Krishna Promised that anyone who simply recollects the following fight between Śiva-jvara and the Nārāyaṇa-jvara will be freed from all kinds of fear.” So Please Read Very Carefully. When the Nārāyaṇa-jvara was released, there was a great fight between the two jvaras. When excessive heat is counteracted by extreme cold, it is natural for the hot temperature to gradually reduce, and this is what occurred in the fight between the Shiva-jvara and the Nārāyaṇa-jvara. Gradually, the Shiva-jvara’s temperature diminished, and the Shiva-jvara began to cry for help from Lord Shiva, but Lord Shiva was unable to help him in the presence of the Nārāyaṇa-jvara. Unable to get any help from Lord Shiva, the Shiva-jvara could understand that he had no means of escape outside of surrendering unto Nārāyaṇa, Lord Krishna Himself. Lord Shiva, the greatest of the demigods, could not help him, what to speak of the lesser demigods, and therefore the Shiva-jvara ultimately surrendered unto Krishna, bowing before him and offering a prayer so that the Lord might be pleased and give him protection. This incident of the fight between the ultimate weapons of Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna proves that if Krishna gives someone protection no one can kill him and if Krishna does not give one protection no one can save him. Lord Shiva is called Mahādeva, the greatest of all the demigods, although sometimes Lord Brahmā is considered the greatest of all the demigods because he can create. However, Lord Shiva can annihilate the creations of Brahmā. Still, both Lord Brahmā and Lord Shiva act only in one capacity: Lord Brahmā can create, and Lord Shiva can annihilate. But neither of them can maintain. Lord Viṣṇu, however, not only maintains but creates and annihilates also. Factually, the creation is not effected by Brahmā, because Brahmā himself is created by Lord Viṣṇu. And Lord Shiva is created, or born, of Brahmā. The Śiva-jvara thus understood that without Krishna, or Nārāyaṇa, no one could help him. He therefore rightly took shelter of Lord Krishna and, with folded hands, began to pray as follows “My dear Lord, I beg to submit that I have been very greatly chastised by the release of Your Nārāyaṇa-jvara, which is certainly very cooling yet at the same time severely dangerous and unbearable for all of us. My dear Lord, as long as one is forgetful of Krishna consciousness, driven by the spell of material desires and ignorant of the ultimate shelter at Your lotus feet, one who has accepted this material body becomes disturbed by the three miserable conditions of material nature. Because one does not surrender unto You, he continues to suffer perpetually.” After hearing the Shiva-jvara, Lord Krishna replied, “O three-headed one, I am pleased with your statement. Be assured that there will be no more suffering for you from the Nārāyaṇa-jvara. Not only are you now free from fear of the Nārāyaṇa-jvara, but anyone in the future who simply recollects this fight between you and the Nārāyaṇa-jvara will also be freed from all kinds of fear.” After hearing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Śiva-jvara offered respectful obeisances unto his lotus feet and left. In the meantime, Bāṇāsura somehow or other recovered from his setbacks and, with rejuvenated energy, returned to fight. This time Bāṇāsura appeared before Lord Krishna, who was seated on his chariot, with different kinds of weapons in his one thousand hands. Very much agitated, Bāṇāsura splashed his different weapons upon the body of Lord Krishna like torrents of rain. When Lord Krishna saw the weapons of Bāṇāsura coming at him, like water coming out of a strainer, he took his sharp-edged Sudarśana disc and began to cut off the demon’s one thousand arms, one after another, just as a gardener trims the twigs of a tree with sharp cutters. When Lord Shiva saw that his devotee Bāṇāsura could not be saved even in his presence, he came to his senses and personally came before Lord Krishna and began to pacify him by offering the following prayers. Lord Shiva said, “ “My dear Lord, only by Your mercy and grace can the living entity get the human form of life, which is a chance to get out of the miserable condition of material existence. However, a person who possesses a human body but who cannot bring his senses under control is carried away by the waves of sensual enjoyment. As such, he cannot take shelter of Your lotus feet and thus engage in Your devotional service. The life of such a person is very unfortunate, and anyone living such a life of darkness is certainly cheating himself and thus cheating others also. Therefore, human society without Krishna consciousness is a society of cheaters and the cheated.  “My Lord, You are actually the dearmost Supersoul of all living entities and the supreme controller of everything. The human being who is always illusioned is afraid of ultimate death. A man who is simply attached to sensual enjoyment voluntarily accepts the miserable material existence and thus wanders after the will-o’-the-wisp of sense pleasure. He is certainly the most foolish man, for he drinks poison and puts aside the nectar. My dear Lord, all the demigods, including myself and Lord Brahmā, as well as great saintly persons and sages who have cleansed their hearts of material attachment, have, by Your grace, wholeheartedly taken shelter of Your lotus feet. We have all taken shelter of You because we have accepted You as the Supreme Lord and the dearmost life and soul of all of us. You are the original cause of this cosmic manifestation, You are its supreme maintainer, and You are the cause of its dissolution also. You are equal to everyone, the most peaceful supreme friend of every living entity. You are the supreme worshipable object for every one of us. My dear Lord, let us always be engaged in Your transcendental loving service so that we may get free from this material entanglement.  “Finally, my Lord, I may inform You that this Bāṇāsura is very dear to me. He has rendered valuable service unto me; therefore I want to see him always happy. Being pleased with him, I have assured him safety. I pray to You, my Lord, that as You were pleased with his forefathers King Prahlāda and Bali Mahārāja, You will also be pleased with him.” After hearing Lord Shiva’s prayer, Lord Krishna replied, “My dear Lord Shiva, I accept your statements, and I also accept your desire for Bāṇāsura. I know that this Bāṇāsura is the son of Bali Mahārāja, and as such I cannot kill him, for that is my promise. I gave a benediction to King Prahlāda that the demons who would appear in his family would never be killed by me. Therefore, without killing this Bāṇāsura, I have simply cut off his arms to deprive him of his false prestige. The large number of soldiers he was maintaining became a burden on this earth, and I have killed them all to minimize the burden. Now he has four remaining arms, and he will remain immortal, unaffected by material pains and pleasures. I know that he is one of the chief devotees of Your Lordship, so you can now rest assured that henceforward he need have no fear of anything.” When Lord Krishna blessed Bāṇāsura in this way, he came before the Lord and bowed down before him, touching his head to the earth. Bāṇāsura immediately arranged to have his daughter Ūṣā seated with Aniruddha on a nice chariot, and then he presented them before Lord Krishna. After this, Lord Krishna took charge of Aniruddha and Ūṣā, who had become very opulent materially because of the blessings of Lord Shiva. Thus, keeping forward a division of one akṣauhiṇī of soldiers, Krishna proceeded toward Dvārakā. Read the full article
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krispyheartyouth · 3 years
4+8 Life Lessons From Ravana | Ravana Teachings | Great Inspirsation from a Demon
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As we all know Ravana was a demon by nature, but there were some good qualities in Ravana. Guys like you and me can learn a lot from him. So, in this post we are going to discuss some life lessons from Ravana.
4+8 Life Lessons From Ravana
When the demon king Ravana was attacked by Lord Rama and was nearing his death, Rama asked his brother Lakshman to go to him and learn something which no other person except an erudite Brahmin like Ravana could ever teach him. (Before you read the full post, I'll suggest you to read- (11 Impressive Qualities of Lord Rama) Ram told his brother, Lakshman, “Go to Ravana quickly before he dies and request him to share whatever knowledge he can. A brute he may be, but he is also a great scholar”. At this Ravana said that if you have come to me as a student then you must sit at my feet because teachers must be respected and you want to learn lessons. Lakshman went to Ravana and this time he stood near his feet. Ravana seeing Lakshman standing near his feet told him secrets that would make anyone’s life successful. 👉 Also read- How to Understand the Supreme Lord (Krishna)?
1. Value time.
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Image Source- Gettyimages.com Don’t delay in completing any auspicious work. On the other hand, keep delaying the inauspicious work as much as possible. He supported this teaching by saying, “शुभस्य शीघ्रम्” (Shubhasya Shighram). He told Lakshman that he could not recognize Rama and therefore delayed his chances of achieving moksha. If you follow this rule, you can save not only yourself but many other people from being damaged. 👉 Also read- How to see Krishna (Secret revealed)?
2. Never underestimate anybody.
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Image source- VectorStock He said that he committed the mistake of underestimating humans & monekys; whom he thought were lesser in strength than a daitya or asura. And as a result, he lost the battle and ultimately cost him his life. 👉 Also read- What is Krishna consciousness?
3. Never reveal your secrets.
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Image Source- FreePik Raavan told Laxman that he made a mistake of telling his life’s secret to his real brother Vibhishan, which ultimately backfired. Raavan called this his biggest mistake of life. 👉 Also read- What is real happiness?
4. Never cater to your senses.
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Image source- ShutterStock Ravana said, he had learnt these lessons through bitter experience. Greed arises from attachment to the senses and catering to them. Put them in their proper place; they are windows for knowledge, not channels of contamination. Ravana also told Lakshman about politics and statesmanship: 1- Do not be the enemy of your charioteer, your gatekeeper, your cook and your brother, they can harm you anytime. 2- Do not think you are always a winner, even if you are winning all the time. 3- Always trust the minister, who criticises you. 4-Never think your enemy is small or powerless, like I thought about Hanuman 5- Never think you can outsmart the stars, they will bring you what you are destined to 6- Either love or hate God, but both should be immense and strong. 7-A king who is eager to win glory must suppress greed as soon as it lifts its head. 8--A king must welcome the smallest chance to do good to others, without the slightest procrastination. After enlightening Lakshman with wisdom including Politics and Statesmanship Ravana gets last breath. Ravan takes Ram's name and dies. Laxman bows to Ravan and returns to Ram. I hope you learn something from this inspirational video. Subscribe this channel and press the bell icon for more videos like this. Jai Shri Rama Jai Hanuman. Now it’s your turn. If you enjoyed this, then share it together with your friends – so I will keep making them! For more posts you can click on the notification bell – so once I post, you’ll get notified!.Thanks in Advance Read the full article
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krispyheartyouth · 3 years
Sadhguru's Best Advice for Students | Must Know this Before you Die | Sadhguru Motivation
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No matter if you are a student or anyone else, you want a happy and successful life, right? You are just one step away to change your life. Warning- If you think your life is precious to you and you are eager to live an astonishing life, then this is for you. If you think your life is not precious to you should not read the post. For those who want a better life, this is for you 👉 What is real happiness?
Sadhguru's Advice for Students
The simple thing is this See.. If your joy, your sadness, your happiness, your misery is determined by something or somebody around you, the chances of you being joyful in your life is remote. For every one of you your life is precious, isn't it? It's a precious life If something is precious, where do you want to invest this life? Into what do you want to invest this precious life? If this is a worthless life throw it somewhere. If this is a precious life, what do you want to invest this life into? If you look at it this way you will find something truly worthwhile to do. If you think in terms of how to earn a living? How to get this kind of thing, that kind of thing? Then you will do something silly that you will regret for the rest of your life. Most people are a regret. 👉Also read- What is the purpose of your life? That's why they're going around joylessly because they're not doing what they want to do. They are not creating what really matters to them. They're doing something for a living. Earning a living is not a big deal for a human being every creature, every worm, insect, bird, animal is earning their living, isn't it so? With such a big brain, what is a big deal about earning a living? See, your ability to do things is not because you want to do things I want to do something is my desire. Desire is just an intention, an intention won't make things happen, an intention will only set direction, still you have to make the journey. We become too goal-oriented. Goal-oriented means we are interested in the consequence, but we are not interested in the process. Process is an end in itself. If you are absolutely devoted to the process something will come out. But now we are interested in the consequence not in the process. This goal-orientedness, I want to get there, I want to get there No, I want to win the race See, if you treat life as a race If you have to win it, you have to get to the finish line soon. You want to? If you get to the finish line ahead of all these people you won the race, you know what the finish line is? We'll be negotiating where to bury you. 👉Also read- If God is everywhere why do we need temples? If you go outside in the garden and try to catch an ant who is born here, was grown up here and probably will die here If you try to catch him he'll say, "Okay, crush me if you want" is it so? He'll do everything to protect himself. He values his life, isn't it? Very much or no? So Tiny little creature that we may not even notice we may step on him without even seeing him, unfortunately, but he values his life immensely. Does he or no? He's got spark. But you a human being At least on this planet you're the peak of evolution, physiologically at least, What the most evolved creature on the planet means is, It has the most complex neurological system and it has the highest level of cerebral capability. That means you can think, you can remember you have memory. You have a very vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination. An ant doesn't have such a vivid sense of memory nor does he have any great imagination, he has some but he has a presence of mind about the life that he is living. Because the education systems that you're going through right from kindergarten level is such.. That it is about everything except you Somebody's PhD in tourism, somebody's PhD in biotechnology, somebody's PhD in something. Nothing about this life, how does life function, there is no attention at all. A human being exists in three times. He lives because of the richness of his memory. The present experience is important and how vivid is your imagination for tomorrow is very important. Right now the problem is, these things have all gotten mixed up because discipline of faculty has simply not come. If you are postponing something you're obviously doing something that you don't want to do, If there is something that you really want to do will you postpone it or prep on it? Do you see somebody is waiting for someone they badly want to see. Only ten minutes in the ten minutes they look at the watch 25 times why they want to prep on it? You're doing something that you don't want to do so you want to postpone it I'm asking, "why are you doing something that you don't want to do?" No, because if I do this I will get that, I will get that that's not the point. It doesn't matter What is your level of intelligence? What is your level of capability? Introvert, extrovert this, that, doesn't matter. Do you have the courage and commitment to make the possibility into your reality? That's all the questions. What is it that you're going to create? This precious life, where are you going to invest it? Are you going to invest it in something that's truly worthwhile? Or are you going to throw it away? as a worthless thing this is the important thing because what you call as my life is just a certain amount of time and energy, isn't it? As you sit here your life is ticking away or no? You are young, you may not be thinking like this, but actually it's ticking away. What is ticking away is not time, what is ticking away is your life, so this energy that you call as my life, how are you going to invest it because.. If you are doing something truly worthwhile it gets over before you know what happened. Only if you're doing something worthless, it feels like a long life. Something that happened 10 years ago, you can still suffer, isn't it? Something that may happen day after tomorrow, you already suffer. What happened 10 years ago or even 10 days ago does it exist right now? Does it exist right now? No. What may happen day after tomorrow does it exist right now? No, so if you suffer.. Something that does not exist should we call you sane or insane? Success means what- 'I made it'. What did you make? I bought a house site That's an achievement, I got a job, I made this much money It's a very constipated way of looking at life. I want young people to look at it in terms of.. How we can do.. Something that cannot be done in this lifetime. Oh, what will happen if I don't fulfill it? If you, if you worked incessantly And still at the end of your life the job is not done It doesn't mean you're a failure It means you had a great vision. That's what it means. Now it’s your turn. If you enjoyed this, then share it together with your friends – so I will keep making them! For more posts you can click on the notification bell – so once I post, you’ll get notified!.Thanks in Advance Read the full article
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krispyheartyouth · 3 years
Who is Kalki Avatar | When is Kalki Avatar expected? All Secrets Revealed
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Hello, my dear readers :) Here I am back, with another astonishing post. So, in this blog we are going to discuss about Kalki. Who is Kalki and When Kalki Avatar will come? I am going to answer all these questions and more. Stay stuck with me, but before we start here I have a bonus article for you (What is real happiness? Difference between pleasure and happiness) Now let's start, Kalki is the final incarnation of lord Vishnu. In ancient Hindu scriptures, Shambala is said to be Kalki's birthplace. Read Ancient Books Shambhala is a mythical Paradise that is constantly spoken in ancient Hindus scriptures, including kaal chakra tantra and ancient writing such as the Zhangzhung  culture, which spread Buddhism in in Western Tibet. The word has a Sanskrit root which means place of peace or place of Silence. (Shambhala= Place of Peace) 👉Also read- What is karma and How does it work? (Our life is our karma) The legend says that only people with pure heart can live in the place, where love and wisdom are the rulers. It is believed that Kalki will appears at the end of Kaliyuga.
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According to the Hindu scriptures universal time is composed of four main periods (Yugas)- Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga. Human beings are currently living in the Kali Yuga period, which last lasts approximately four hundred thirty two thousand years. This period begin after the battle of Kurukshetra. At the end of king Parikshit, some 5000 years ago. Therefore approximately four hundred and twenty seven thousand years of Kaliyuga remain, before it is said that Kalki will come. 👉Also read- If God is everywhere why we need temples? Purans predict that Kalki will be on a wind white horse and a radiant sword. It is believed that Kalki will cause the destruction of the world, when humanity completely abandons moral, when nothing is known about sacrifice techniques even in words. Kalki Avatar's mission is to restore justice and good principles. Which disappeared at the end of Kaliyuga- the Iron Age of hypocrisy and struggle. At the end of Kaliyug the population of the whole world will be so reduced to minimalism that they there will be no more power to understand what Dharma or Adharma is, and it's already there- Kaliyug. People will not have the power to understand philosophy consciousness, then at that time when there are no more good principles, no humanity left then there is no alternative. At that moment Kalki's Avatar will arise and he will take a sward on horseback. He will simply continue to kill all these evil and Adharmic creatures and mult the beginning of another Satya Yuga- The Golden Age of righteousness and Truth.
Nostradamus Prediction about Lord Kalki
Nostradamus was a great astrologer, and whatever he had predicted had always come true. According to his prediction it was discovered that a person will bear with immense power in the world, whose holy day will be Thursday and will rule throughout the world, both of land and sea. He will be the only person who will free the world from all problems. According to Nostradamus this great person will come down from his throne and will move through the sea at air for striking the evil ones with his sword. According to Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Lord Kalki has many similarities to what Nostradamus had predicted. 👉Also read- What is the Purpose of our life?
Who would not agree that the Earth has undergone extraordinary deterioration of its biosphere? Who could argue that living a pure life on Earth becomes more difficult and challenging with each passing year? Who has not shouted about social degeneration and political turmoil, financial chaos and pain and sufferings caused by endless wars? Leaving aside each statement counter declaration and argument about the predictions and prophecies about Kalki. I will really wish he is out there, somewhere. Now it’s your turn. If you enjoyed this, then share it together with your friends – so I will keep making them! For more posts you can click on the notification bell – so once I post, you’ll get notified!.Thanks in Advance
Who is Kalki?Ans. Kalki's avatar is the tenth final incarnation of Lord Vishnu.What will be the birth place of Kalki Avatar.Ans. In the Hindu scriptures, Shambala is said to be Kalki's birthplace. Read the full post to more about kalki.When Kalki will come?Ans. It is believed that Kalki will appears at the end of Kaliyuga. Want to know more? Read the full post.. Read the full article
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krispyheartyouth · 3 years
If God is Everywhere, why do we need temples? By Vivekananda
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One question may arise in your mind that if God is everywhere, why do we need temples? So here I am going to answer this question by a story. Now Let's read it. One pleasant morning, out of curiosity, a visitor asked Swami Vivekananda, "Why do we go to temples and worship idols when God is everywhere? From water to light, human to an animal, if he is everywhere, is there a point of going to temple seeking for divine energy when it's all around?" Swami Ji smiled back and offered to answer his question in the evening. The person turned up later that evening but was late. Must Read- Power of Bhakti (Devotion) Swami Ji asked him that why was he late? The person said, "The air in my car tires seems to have reduced, and I couldn't find any air pumps to refill them." Swami Ji instantly asked him why he didn't open the tires' valve and filled it with the limitless air around. The person answered, "How can I do that? We need an air pump to push the air into the tires, so it goes inside." Swami Vivekananda said, "It seems the situation of your tires has answered your previous question." "Despite having limitless air around you, you need a pump to concentrate the air and push it into the tire. Similarly, temples are centers of concentrated positive energies, and the atmosphere within the temple influences the atmosphere within the person towards positivity and faith as well. Air is everywhere, but you do need a fan to feel it." So, my dear friends, God is everywhere; we need a pure mind and a pure place to worship, seek divine energy and positivity, and go to temples.   Thank you for being with me. Now it’s your turn. If you enjoyed this, then share it together with your friends – so I will keep making them! For more posts you can click on the notification bell – so once I post, you’ll get notified!.Thanks in Advance Read the full article
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krispyheartyouth · 3 years
11 Impressive Qualities of Lord Rama (What is Real Success)
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Hello, my dear friends. I want to ask something- What is Success? How to get Success in life? How to become successful in life? All these questions are constantly circulating in your mind. Let's know what is called Success and how to become successful in life. But before we get to all that, I want to remind you of Lord Shri Ram's qualities and achievements. If we understand Lord Shri Ram's life, then we come to know that to be successful in life, we have to adopt these eleven qualities in our life.
Qualities of Lord Rama
1). Lord Shri Ram defeated to Kings of two great kingdoms, namely Kishkinda and Lanka, but he didn't take over any of these kingdoms, nor did he collect any tribute. Today you can see, people can't even spare rupees 10 notes, whereas Sri Ram gave two kingdoms to their new Kings unconditionally. This is called selflessness and non-attachment to material gains. 2). Lord Rama could have easily started a rebellion to ascend the Throne of Kosala kingdom; he was the popular choice and had the strength, charm, and support to be the next king. Yet, he chose "exile" over the kingship. Why? Because to keep the promises of his father, Dasharatha. It is called renunciation. And today, you can see a son raises his hands over his father for his selfishness number. 3). Rama respected woman's choice and kept on politely declining offers, no matter how offensive they got. Suparnakha and others had proposed on Rama, but then he refused them all. This is called Pure character. Today, you can see how a man is disloyal to his wife and wandering with other women. 4). In any country obsessed with the cast, Shri Ram broke up barriers by breaking traditions by eating at a tribal woman's house and the berries that Shabari literally tasted. This is called true Humanity. Today, you can see that a man does not eat food on the same table with another man because he thinks that the other man is a small cast. 5). My dear friends, in the most difficult of all situations, did not go back home asking for help. Instead, he went ahead on his search for his wife. He sought allies in an unfamiliar place. He made friends, fought for his friends, killed Sugriva's rival brother, and restored his kingdom, and he reunited him with his wife. . Be Committed- Lord Shri Rama fulfilled every single responsibility in his life. As a son, as a brother, as a husband, as a friend, as a disciple, as a king, as a father, as a God, and even as an enemy. 11). Be fully aware of the Higher truth- Although he was the king, he was fully aware of the higher truth. He did all his spiritual practices and Worshipped Lord Shiva. From all the qualities of Lord Ram, everyone living in this modern era must adopt this quality of Shri Ram.
What is Success By Lord Rama?
My dear friends, Success is Not an achievement of material gains like money, name, and fame but a State of Mind where you get rid of all kinds of bondages and desires; the mind becomes completely calm. There is no harm in wanting to get something, but after getting something, if you get attached to it, tell me that if that thing is taken back from you, will you remain calm? No! right. This is called the endless cycle of death and rebirth in the Upanishads. If you get something, you are happy; if you lose something, you are sad. Achieve what does not get you trapped in bondage and not take away your peace of mind. Do not divert your attention from Ram, even after getting everything because Ram is the absolute truth. Attending Ram is salvation, and salvation is the ultimate goal of humans. No matter how much material gains you make, at last, you are going to leave this world empty-handed. If everyone gains on your achievement, this is call success. That is why making everyone a partner of your success will break your ego, and you will be free from all the bonds. This is the true definition of success. Jai Shri Rama!
Read More such Blogs-
1. If God is Everywhere Why we need temples? 2. Is idol worship wrong? 3. Ultimate Power of Bhakti Now it’s your turn. If you enjoyed this, then share it together with your friends – so I will keep making them! For more posts you can click on the notification bell – so once I post, you’ll get notified!.Thanks in Advance Read the full article
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krispyheartyouth · 3 years
If God is Everywhere, why do we need temples? By Vivekananda
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One question may arise in your mind that if God is everywhere, why do we need temples? So here I am going to answer this question by a story. Now Let's read it. One pleasant morning, out of curiosity, a visitor asked Swami Vivekananda, "Why do we go to temples and worship idols when God is everywhere? From water to light, human to an animal, if he is everywhere, is there a point of going to temple seeking for divine energy when it's all around?" Swami Ji smiled back and offered to answer his question in the evening. The person turned up later that evening but was late. Must Read- Power of Bhakti (Devotion) Swami Ji asked him that why was he late? The person said, "The air in my car tires seems to have reduced, and I couldn't find any air pumps to refill them." Swami Ji instantly asked him why he didn't open the tires' valve and filled it with the limitless air around. The person answered, "How can I do that? We need an air pump to push the air into the tires, so it goes inside." Swami Vivekananda said, "It seems the situation of your tires has answered your previous question." "Despite having limitless air around you, you need a pump to concentrate the air and push it into the tire. Similarly, temples are centers of concentrated positive energies, and the atmosphere within the temple influences the atmosphere within the person towards positivity and faith as well. Air is everywhere, but you do need a fan to feel it." So, my dear friends, God is everywhere; we need a pure mind and a pure place to worship, seek divine energy and positivity, and go to temples.   Thank you for being with me. Now it’s your turn. If you enjoyed this, then share it together with your friends – so I will keep making them! For more posts you can click on the notification bell – so once I post, you’ll get notified!.Thanks in Advance Read the full article
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krispyheartyouth · 3 years
Swami Vivekananda on Idol Worship | Real Truth | Is it prohibited in Hinduism?
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Nowadays, a question is quite trending that, should we stop idol worship. Is it wrong? Swami Vivekananda is one of our most excellent gurus, have the answer.  Here I am sharing a great story from his life. If you are an Atheist, this will change your belief, and if you are not, this will strengthen your devotion towards God. We will try to understand this by a story. Here Vivekananda clears all our doubts about idol Worship. Now let's start the story: https://youtu.be/fPc1ac_vxVg The meeting between Swami Vivekananda and Mangal Singh and the conversation between them has historical significance and has been discussed and analyzed by various scholars and biographers. At the beginning of 1891, Swami Vivekananda, while on his all-India trip, once reached Alwar in the North, currently a district in Rajasthan. The Prime Minister (Diwan) was impressed by his lecture and took him to the palace to meet the Maharaja Mangal Singh Bahadur. Mangal Singh Bahadur, the king of Alwar, was westernized in his outlooks and had no respect for Indian and Hindu culture and traditions, and felt proud for his attitude. He used to spend all his time in the company of Westerners in hunting and other luxuries. Also, he had the ego of being the king. When he saw Swami Vivekananda, he felt, "After all he is just a young ascetic! How much experience will he have although he gives discourse in English? Let me pull his leg". With this thought, the king said, "Swami Ji, I believe that idol worship is really a sign of being backward. I really pity anyone who offers turmeric, vermilion and flowers to an idol and also for paying obeisance to God". "The idols you worship are nothing but piece of clay, stones or metals. I find these idol- worship meaningless. What is your opinion about this?" It was a direct attack on Hindu belief, and Vivekananda had to give a solid reply to it. He started explaining to the king that Hindus worship God alone, using the idol as a symbol. But his answer failed to convince the king. Thereupon, Swami Vivekananda saw a portrait hanging on the wall of the court. Vivekananda approached the painting, looked at it, and asked the Diwan (Prime Minister) of the court to take it down from the wall. It was a painting of Singh's deceased father. When the Diwan took the picture down from the wall, Vivekananda asked him to spit on it. Diwanji just glanced sneakily from the corner of his eyes at the king, whose face had become red with anger, and said, "Swami Ji what are you saying? This is the picture of the late father of the king!" Vivekananda said, "Diwanji, this is just a thick paper coloured with black ink."  All were taken aback. The diwan was horrified. He trembled when he heard this. The king was furious and asked, "How dare you to ask him to split on my father? He cried, in a tone of demanding an explanation". Vivekananda saw, the kind was gripped. He smiled and quietly replied, "Your father, where is he? It is just a painting- a piece of paper, not your father. "In this picture, there are no bones, flesh, or soul of your father, and it is incorrect to think that it is just a thick paper with a picture of black ink. Similarly, it is erroneous to believe that worship of the idol of God is incorrect." Vivekananda's reply followed the logic of the king's previous comment on Hindu idols. So he was perplexed and speechless and did not know what to say. Vivekananda once again started explaining to him, "Look, maharaja, this is a painting of your father, but when you look at it, it reminds of him. Here the painting is a symbol. Similarly, when a Hindu worshipper worships an idol, the idol reminds him about his beloved deity, and he feels the presence of the Creator in the idol. Here too, it is a symbol. Maharaja is all about Anubhuti (feelings and realization). The devotees who worship the idol are aware that the idol is not God, but it is difficult to meditate upon the Nigun (Unmanifest) formless God for a commoner. Also read- What is devotion or Bhakti to God? It is the first step to begin devotion to God. The king became introverted and thoughtful after listening to this. Now Mangal Singh quickly realized the real meaning of idol worship. He apologized to Vivekananda for his frivolity and rudeness and thanked him for giving him the lesson. He also requested to Vivekananda to stay at his palace for few days". Moral- So, my dear friends, God is everywhere, worship in any form or worship the formless; we all are his child. Let's become his servitor and take his shelter and serve at our best. Read the full article
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krispyheartyouth · 3 years
Swami Vivekananda on Idol Worship | Real Truth | Is it prohibited in Hinduism?
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Nowadays, a question is quite trending that, should we stop idol worship. Is it wrong? Swami Vivekananda is one of our most excellent gurus, have the answer.  Here I am sharing a great story from his life. If you are an Atheist, this will change your belief, and if you are not, this will strengthen your devotion towards God. We will try to understand this by a story. Here Vivekananda clears all our doubts about idol Worship. Now let's start the story: https://youtu.be/fPc1ac_vxVg The meeting between Swami Vivekananda and Mangal Singh and the conversation between them has historical significance and has been discussed and analyzed by various scholars and biographers. At the beginning of 1891, Swami Vivekananda, while on his all-India trip, once reached Alwar in the North, currently a district in Rajasthan. The Prime Minister (Diwan) was impressed by his lecture and took him to the palace to meet the Maharaja Mangal Singh Bahadur. Mangal Singh Bahadur, the king of Alwar, was westernized in his outlooks and had no respect for Indian and Hindu culture and traditions, and felt proud for his attitude. He used to spend all his time in the company of Westerners in hunting and other luxuries. Also, he had the ego of being the king. When he saw Swami Vivekananda, he felt, "After all he is just a young ascetic! How much experience will he have although he gives discourse in English? Let me pull his leg". With this thought, the king said, "Swami Ji, I believe that idol worship is really a sign of being backward. I really pity anyone who offers turmeric, vermilion and flowers to an idol and also for paying obeisance to God". "The idols you worship are nothing but piece of clay, stones or metals. I find these idol- worship meaningless. What is your opinion about this?" It was a direct attack on Hindu belief, and Vivekananda had to give a solid reply to it. He started explaining to the king that Hindus worship God alone, using the idol as a symbol. But his answer failed to convince the king. Thereupon, Swami Vivekananda saw a portrait hanging on the wall of the court. Vivekananda approached the painting, looked at it, and asked the Diwan (Prime Minister) of the court to take it down from the wall. It was a painting of Singh's deceased father. When the Diwan took the picture down from the wall, Vivekananda asked him to spit on it. Diwanji just glanced sneakily from the corner of his eyes at the king, whose face had become red with anger, and said, "Swami Ji what are you saying? This is the picture of the late father of the king!" Vivekananda said, "Diwanji, this is just a thick paper coloured with black ink."  All were taken aback. The diwan was horrified. He trembled when he heard this. The king was furious and asked, "How dare you to ask him to split on my father? He cried, in a tone of demanding an explanation". Vivekananda saw, the kind was gripped. He smiled and quietly replied, "Your father, where is he? It is just a painting- a piece of paper, not your father. "In this picture, there are no bones, flesh, or soul of your father, and it is incorrect to think that it is just a thick paper with a picture of black ink. Similarly, it is erroneous to believe that worship of the idol of God is incorrect." Vivekananda's reply followed the logic of the king's previous comment on Hindu idols. So he was perplexed and speechless and did not know what to say. Vivekananda once again started explaining to him, "Look, maharaja, this is a painting of your father, but when you look at it, it reminds of him. Here the painting is a symbol. Similarly, when a Hindu worshipper worships an idol, the idol reminds him about his beloved deity, and he feels the presence of the Creator in the idol. Here too, it is a symbol. Maharaja is all about Anubhuti (feelings and realization). The devotees who worship the idol are aware that the idol is not God, but it is difficult to meditate upon the Nigun (Unmanifest) formless God for a commoner. Also read- What is devotion or Bhakti to God? It is the first step to begin devotion to God. The king became introverted and thoughtful after listening to this. Now Mangal Singh quickly realized the real meaning of idol worship. He apologized to Vivekananda for his frivolity and rudeness and thanked him for giving him the lesson. He also requested to Vivekananda to stay at his palace for few days". Moral- So, my dear friends, God is everywhere, worship in any form or worship the formless; we all are his child. Let's become his servitor and take his shelter and serve at our best. Read the full article
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krispyheartyouth · 4 years
What is Karma | The Ultimate Guide (3 Myths and 7 Truths) | You Must Know This
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Hello, beautiful soul. There's a ton of false information out there about karma and get this. If you don't understand what karma is and how to work with it, you can stay stuck, struggling with the same issues and experiences over and over again. So, what is karma really and how does it affect your life? I'll be answering these questions in this post. And most importantly, I will help you learn how to work with karma so you can use it to your advantage and spiritually grow faster than you ever thought possible coming up. So I'm going to start talking about karma from the two traditions, where this concept, where this understanding originated from. But then I'm going to depart significantly. So I'm going to talk about how karma is seen in Hinduism and in Buddhism. And then I'm going to depart a bit because, I'm going to give you a little bit more of my understanding of karma and how, how I have come to see it over the years. Karma In Hinduism and Buddhism So, first into the two traditions that talk about karma the most, and that's Hinduism and Buddhism. Afterwards, Buddhism came after Hinduism. And so ideally what, karma means for Hindus and for Buddhists also, there's only a little bit of a difference in the particularity of how they see karma. For Hinduism, karma really just means that for every action there's a reaction. So you reap what you sow. I've bet you've heard that before too. Read the full article
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krispyheartyouth · 4 years
How to see and experience Krishna Personally?
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There are more than 33 crore devi and devtas in Hindu culture. But who is the Supreme God? Many would suggest you to worship Shiva, Hanuman, Durga maa etc. But according to Shastra, we come to know that Krishna is the Supreme god. Yes, Krishna is the supreme God and you can't deny the truth. How to See God Krishna So, Krishna (Supreme God) does not appear or disappear. Krishna is always present, but we see at a certain period. Just like the sun. Sun is always in the sky, but when it is daytime, we see, and at night time we can not see. At night time we can not see, it does not mean there is no sun. It is our imperfectness of eyes we can not see. Similarly, Krishna is always present. One who has got eyes, he can see. When all the circumstances are favorable, he can see. " Premanjna-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santah sadaiva hardayesu vilokayanti" { Bs 5.38}"Dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah" {SB 12.13.1} Means, Krishna can be seen always, if we have got eyes to see. That eyes, how you can be transferred? "Premanjana-cchurita" When it is smeared with the ointment of love, then with these eyes you can see Krishna. He is always there. "Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrddese arjuna tisthati" {Bg 18.61} He is represent every where. " Anantra-stha-parmanu-cayantara-stham" {Bs. 5.35} Krishna is not absent. Krishna is always there. We haven't got eyes to see him. So, we have to prepare the eyes. "Sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam {Cc. Madhya 19. Read the full article
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