krissygrimm · 5 years
Tarot Reading Tips 💖
🔮 Learn the classic definitions of the cards - you don’t need to memorize every card’s meaning, I still use my book, but knowing a general meaning of cards will help
🔮 Wands- fire, Cups- water, Swords- air, Pentacles- earth
🔮 Using the elements helps me understand the cards and give them meaning
🔮 You can connect with a card by envisioning it and placing yourself inside of it- Stand in it and think of what you feel, see, smell, hear. I think this is a fun little exercise, though I don’t do it frequently.
🔮 Incorporate lucky numbers, personal habits and preferences into the way you shuffle, pull cards and organize spreads
🔮 I cut the deck and deal cards with my left hand (I’m right handed), but that’s just me
🔮 If you want more information on a card, pull another one and place it on top of the first.
🔮 Don’t pull too many cards or do too many readings- If you overwhelm yourself with information or deal half the deck, the cards tend to lose meaning and you learn very little from the reading.
🔮 Practice on yourself, family and friends- the more you practice the better you’ll know the cards and be able to create a story, which brings me to…
🔮 Connect the cards to make a story- this is how my mom reads cards and it always blew me away how she could just create this little story from a few cards and really give them life. Connecting the cards makes it easier to understand and less like random tid-bits of information.
🔮 Thank your cards when you’re done
🔮 Try meditating before a big reading- this doesn’t have to be classic meditation where you clear your mind, it can be very personal and whatever you feel like connects you to your cards, the person you’re reading and any deity or spirit you might be asking for help.
🔮 You don’t need to call on Gods or spirits while reading. If you’re not into that, don’t mess with it. And if you do practice this, please do it responsibly.
🔮 When I meditate I see vines, water, energy and spirits- I know that when these all come together I’m calm and focused. Your meditation will probably be nothing like mine and that’s perfectly normal.
🔮 Not a tip, but now that I’m thinking about it, is there a name for what I’m doing besides ‘meditating’ because I don’t find that fitting? 🧐
🔮 Never stop learning (exhibit A ⬆️) and don’t be afraid to ask possibly silly questions (see: exhibit A)
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krissygrimm · 5 years
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Mom is under the weather so the witchcraft is real in this house tonight. Illness be gone, I don’t have time for your shit.
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krissygrimm · 5 years
Doing some new moon cleansing , before I set some new intentions. Taking full advantage of this New Moon, tonight. I’ve been so uneasy lately, that I need to send some new changes into the universe, tonight.
#spiritualawakening #thirdeye #selflove #energy #goodvibes #love #spells #witchcraft #witchythings #magic #spiritual #witchyvibes #witchesofinstagram #witchymamma #healingcrystals #witchy #peace #crystals #meditation #witch #chakra #spirituality #reiki #crystal #crystalhealing #cleansing #wonderlustcoven #newmooncleanse #newmoon #sageandcinnamon
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krissygrimm · 5 years
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Small devotional acts.
Go for a walk at night
Listen to peaceful, serene music
Keep track of the moon phases
Wear crescent moon jewelry
Spend some time around horses
Create constellation sigils
Decorate your home with flowing white fabrics and moon decorations
Sleep outside
Drink sweet herbal teas, like jasmine or chamomile
Look at a map of the moon
Wear a tiara or silver headband
Put fairy lights in a jar to mimic fireflies 
Keep crystals that remind you of her or the moon. SELENITE, Quartz, Opal, Moonstone, etc.
Wear light blues, white, silver and black
Use glow in the dark fabric paint to add the night sky to your clothes
Make moon water
Grow flowers: White rose, jasmine, orchid, lilies, etc.
Go stargazing, use a telescope or binoculars to observe the moon
Stay up late to see the moon, or wake up at dawn
Wear long, flowing clothes
Go for night drives
Think of her when observing celestial events
Burn candles or incense with scents that remind you of her
Get a moon app so you’ll always know what phase it’s in
Greet strangers with kindness
Many, many, many other things not said here
With contributions from @littlepaintchip
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krissygrimm · 5 years
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greek mythology ↣ main goddesses
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krissygrimm · 5 years
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A peek into my book of shadows. Mine is a combination of personal journaling, witchcraft, and art!
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krissygrimm · 5 years
Little Everyday Witchy Things
💖Say a prayer while your still in bed, before you get up in the morning it counts as a simple offering.
💖Make some tea and add cinnamon to your tea to increase luck and energy.
💖Put thyme in your tea for good luck.
💖The type of tea you make should depend on your mood.
💖If you want alertness, energy, and to dispel negative premonitions of the day make black tea, chai tea, or oolong tea.
💖If you want to detoxify your energy and clear your conscious mind make green tea, jasmine tea, sencha tea, or matcha tea.
💖If you want help with clarity, serenity, and wisdom make white tea or an herbal tea.
💖For an easy boost place a crystal next to your tea cup to charge your tea.
💖If you want to boost clarity use a clear quartz crystal.
💖If you want to increase your chance of love and beauty use a rose quartz crystal.
💖If you want to stabilize and ground yourself use an obsidian, bloodstone, or onyx crystal.
💖If you want to intensify your awareness and spiritual powers use an opal or lapis crystal.
💖If you want to increase courage use a tigers eye crystal.
💖While your tea is charging do some yoga, exercise, or meditate. You only have to do this for as long as your tea is charging. So like literally five minutes, trust me it makes a difference.
💖If you make breakfast give a piece of your breakfast as an offering. If you don’t make breakfast give some of your tea you made as an offering.
💖While you get dressed and do your makeup light a candle. This way you start your day off with a little light, light acts as a positive omen, and wakes you up more.
💖If you want purity and beginnings light a white candle.
💖If you want courage and strength light a red candle.
💖If you want healing, luck, and prosperity light a green candle.
💖If you want calming and spiritual awareness light a blue candle.
💖If you want psychic powers and control light a purple candle.
💖If you want positivity and beauty light a yellow candle.
💖If you want beauty, serenity, and positivity light a pink candle.
💖If you want stimulation and energy light a orange candle.
💖While doing your makeup place a rose quartz crystal next to your makeup supplies. It’s a simple tactic that really ups your look for the day.
💖If you shower in the morning turn it into a cleansing ritual.
💖Color coordinate your outfit for your days intent.
💖Carry an appropriate crystal in your purse to help calm, stabilize, or motivate yourself.
💖Carry a rose quartz crystal in your makeup bag to increase your beauty for the day.
💖Carry a spell bottle you made for keeping calm in stressful situations in your purse.
💖Carry a spell bottle you made for good luck to come your way in your purse.
💖Carry a basil in your wallet to attract money.
💖Carry rose petals in your purse to help bring all kinds of love throughout your day.
💖Wear thyme in your bra to make yourself more alluring.
💖If you curl your hair enchant your curling iron.
💖For simple divination open a book to a random page and read it.
💖Enchant and wear a crystal necklace.
💖Everynight before you go to bed charge your crystal necklace under the moonlight.
💖Stir your tea clockwise to conjure up happiness and health.
💖Stir your tea counterclockwise to banish negativity.
💖Stir your tea for your days intent, while doing this you can chant a few words making a new little spell each day.
💖For your morning tea use sun water.
💖For your bedtime tea use moon water.
💖Try to always have an incense lit in your room for aromatherapy, positive energy, general witchiness, and reducing anxiety.
💖Use essential oil as a perfume.
💖Go for a walk to connect with nature.
💖Read your daily horoscope.
💖Write sigils in your planner.
💖Chew gum, use flavor associations.
💖Text yourself emoji spells when you need a quick boost.
💖Enchant your pen, marker, pencil, etc. Enchant the words you write.
💖Brush your teeth counterclockwise to banish negativity from your day.
💖Whisper a silent greeting to the sun.
💖Play some of your favorite music to invoke spiritual energy.
💖Whisper a “goodnight” to the moon before going to sleep.
💖Energy work, if you have the extra concentration to spare. This can go very quickly and is so versatile.
💖For protection carry a salt packet in your purse.
💖Carry a sugar packet in your purse to sweeten up your day.
💖Try weaving glamours into your foundation, clarity and true-seeing in your mascara, and authority in your lipstick. Red lends power to your words. Pink offers charm.
💖Put an appropriate tarot card in your purse or planner to give you a burst of energy.
💖Keep a Grimoire/BOS on your phone.
💖Wear a crystal to boost your energy while working out at the gym.
💖If you need to take a nap place your crystals under your pillow to charge with you. You need a break to recharge just like your crystals do.
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krissygrimm · 5 years
Reblog if you’re a witch 🔮🕯
Looking to follow witchy blogs ❤️
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krissygrimm · 5 years
Grimoire Ideas📖✨
   since i’m starting to work on getting my own Grimoire better organized and figuring out what i think fits best in it for me, i feel like i should log some ideas that have helped me in my journey in hopes that it could help someone else just starting out. but just remember that your Grimoire is your own and personal to you and you alone so you don’t need to put everything in if it doesn’t vibe well with you or doesn’t fit into your craft. your book should hold things that are personal to you and your craft and what you believe and you don’t need to have every bit of knowledge in your book.
✏️ an index/table of contents ✏️ a blessing ✏️ a protection sigil and/or spell to keep from wondering eyes ✏️ your personal creed or rede/the wiccan rede(if you’re wiccan) ✏️ personal goals/13 goals of a witch ✏️ personal correspondences/things personal to you ✏️ your beliefs ✏️ your daily rituals ✏️ the different types of magic ✏️ the different types of divination ✏️ any gods, goddesses, deities, or spirits you worship/follow  ✏️ information on any gods, goddesses, deities, or spirits ✏️ crystals 》 meanings 》uses 》correspondences ✏️ plants/tress/flowers 》 meanings 》uses 》correspondences ✏️ herbs 》 meanings 》uses 》correspondences ✏️ essential oils 》 meanings 》uses 》correspondences ✏️ incense 》 meanings 》uses 》correspondences ✏️ candles 》 meanings 》uses 》correspondences ✏️ chakras 》meanings 》uses 》correspondences ✏️ auras 》meanings 》uses 》correspondences ✏️ elements(earth, fire, air, water) 》meanings 》uses 》correspondences ✏️ runes 》meanings 》uses 》correspondences ✏️ magical symbols 》meanings 》uses 》correspondences ✏️ feathers 》meanings 》uses 》correspondences ✏️ crystal grid ✏️ pendulum board ✏️ sigils 》how to make them 》how they work 》how to charge ✏️ moon phases 》correspondences 》what they’re good 》what the mean  ✏️ moon phase calendar(preferable something that can be removed or changed easily)   ✏️ magical times 》hour 》day 》week 》month ✏️ moon water ✏️ sun water ✏️ zodiac 》correspondences 》dates 》characteristics  ✏️ mythology of your heritage/culture and/or area ✏️ mythologies of interest ✏️ mythological creatures ✏️ star chart ✏️ constellations ✏️ celestial events ✏️ planets/celestial bodies 》meanings 》uses 》correspondences 》mythology 》relation to magic ✏️ cheat sheets ✏️ tips/reminders ✏️ spirit works ✏️ basic concepts 》banishing 》binding 》cleansing 》grounding 》ect. ✏️ altars 》what they are 》what they’re used for 》what you need 》basic set up 》plans ✏️ familiars ✏️ tools in your practice ✏️ spirit work ✏️ spirits ✏️ personal/family traditions ✏️ animals 》which animals you connect with 》spiritual powers of animals ✏️ spirits guides ✏️ sabbats 》solstice 》equinox ✏️ recipes 》spells 》potions 》teas 》cleaning products 》natural remedies 》powders 》oils 》beauty 》 body scrubs 》ect. ✏️ spells 》self love 》curses 》hexes 》protection 》banishing 》ect. ✏️ tea 》meanings 》uses 》correspondences 》spells 》recipes ✏️ rituals ✏️ visuals 》drawings 》pressed flowers/herbs/plants 》photos ✏️ meditation ✏️ a secret code or alphabet  ✏️ gardening ✏️ list of words and phrases ✏️ books 》ones you reference & find helpful ✏️ experiences 》spell work 》divination 》spirit work 》banishing 》tarot readings 》ect. ✏️ spiritual diary ✏️ magical diary ✏️ dream log ✏️ spell log ✏️ anything else you want! literally! it’s your book and its always good to customize it to you! if you feel like it should be in your book, then go ahead and put it in your book because that’s what makes it special!
            ***correspondences =things such as 》elements, colors, symbolism, planets, astrology, anatomy, ect. really anything else important tied to something.
   obviously you can pick and choose whatever works best for yourself and your craft, and i don’t even have some of these in my own book but still thought they would be helpful to include for witches like me who are just starting out who need ideas of what their books can hold! i’ll probably start posting more about my grimorire and how i keep it organized as well!
   if you think i’ve missed anything feel free to add on more ideas to pass on to your fellow baby witches!
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krissygrimm · 5 years
may the Full Moon bring you strong positivity, and allow you to set out your intentions freely!
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krissygrimm · 5 years
Divination Drinks: Teas to Aid in Divining
Divination in all of its forms (tarot reading, tasseomancy; palmistry; pendulums, etc,.), can be quite exhausting and require large amounts of energy. These teas and tea blends will aid you in divining by enhancing your psychic power, and/or boosting your energy.
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Tea Blends:
Psychic Tea (Scott Cunningham)
3 parts Rose Petals
1 part Cinnamon
2 parts Yarrow
Brew the tea, strain it and drink a cup before performing any form of divination as this tea enhances psychic awareness.
Tea for Divination (Moura)
1 tbsp China black tea
2 tbsp Lemon Balm
1 tbsp Rose Hips
1 tbsp Mugwort*
Brew the tea, strain it and drink either before divination or sip during/throughout.
Jasmine Tea
Jasmine is said to induce prophetic dreams, which can aid in the growth of psychic power and psychic awareness making this tea a good choice of drink to be had before divining. 
Drink 1 cup of this naturally sweet and fragrant tea before sleeping the night before you wish to divine.
Vanilla Tea
You can brew your own or buy ready-made Vanilla tea/tea bags. Vanilla enhances psychic ability and allows the benefits of this enhancement to be better felt and absorbed. 
Drink Vanilla tea before and during any divination work to open yourself up and be more receptive.
Peppermint Tea
Peppermint tea heightens your psychic sensitivity, as well as working to clear the mind and sharpen focus. It can also be used to cleanse the mind and body of any negative energies beforehand.
This tea should be consumed before any psychic or divination based activities. 
Some Other Things to Consider:
Some herbal tea blends may not be to your taste but this can be remedied by adding honey to taste. 
Other herbs, such as Cinnamon, are used to add oomph to magick and can be added to tea blends and teas to do just that. If you don’t want to add pre-ground and grainy Cinnamon to your drinks, you can use a Cinnamon stick to stir instead. This will add the oomph you’re after without altering the taste too much.
If you want to make your brew even more potent, stir clockwise. This adds positive energy to your tea.
[* = This herb is harmful to pregnant or nursing women!]
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krissygrimm · 5 years
TAROT tips for Beginners 🌙
⭐︎ Cleanse your deck after you buy it!! This is so so important, because you want to start working with a new clean energy.
⭐︎ There are thousands of ways to cleanse your deck. Cleansing can be something super simple, as just knocking on your deck 3 times or placing a crystal on top of the deck! Just do what feels right.
⭐︎ Interview your deck! After you buy new cards, talk to them, ask them questions and figure out the decks personality. There are a lot of fun spreads for this.
⭐︎ Sleep with your deck. Another good way to bond with your deck is sleeping with it near you. Just put it under your pillow or somewhere close to you over night!
⭐︎ You don’t have to read reversals. It’s up to you if you decide to turn the card back around. Again, do what feels right!
⭐︎ Reversals don’t always equal opposites. If you decide to read reversals, remember that it can have completely different meaning then just being opposite of the upright position.
⭐︎ Start simple. Start out with something simple like past/present/future spread. It’s super easy and gives you clarity on any situation.
⭐︎ Spend time looking at the picture. When you pull a card, really spend time observing at all the different colors and symbols before you look up the meaning. 
⭐︎ Jumping cards usually have something important to tell you. If you’re shuffling your deck and a card jumps out, look up what it means and what message it has for you!
⭐︎ Pull a daily card each morning. This is super fun and easy. You definitely don’t need to do this everyday, but it’s a good way to memorize the cards and their meanings.
and finally, practice, practice and practice! It’s going to take a while until you remember all the meanings, but just have fun and enjoy the process!🦋
✨get a personal reading from me here✨
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krissygrimm · 5 years
What I Thought Being a Witch was Like: Rituals every full moon, mad divination powers and seeing the future, communing with crystals, one with the energy of the universe, brewing potions and making mad magic
What Being a Witch is Actually Like: Drawing sigils to pass tests, asking tarot why I'm anxious and it not telling me, research, random spices on random foods, salt everywhere, stuffing leaves into bottles and hoping it works
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krissygrimm · 5 years
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A quick guide to the witches most famous symbol of power, definitely a great addition to spellwork and daily witchy life
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krissygrimm · 5 years
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Another great addition to any Book of Shadows is Moon Glyphs. Nothing says witch like the moon. I tend to use Moon glyphs when labeling my moon water or in spells to shorten the word.
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krissygrimm · 5 years
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Art by Me
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krissygrimm · 5 years
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This took a lot longer than anticipated but here are five pages on Amulets, Charms and Talismans
Again I probably forgot a few like just re reading I see I forgot rabbits foot which is a pretty well know lucky charm but what can you do 🤷‍♀️
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