kristamokryartg371 · 2 years
BLOG #13
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kristamokryartg371 · 2 years
BLOG #12
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UPDATE: After the critique, it was decided that Timber was more associated with a masculine/men's brand so I changed it to NUDE. I think Nude is a much more neutral word.
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kristamokryartg371 · 2 years
BLOG #11
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kristamokryartg371 · 2 years
BLOG #10
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Brand name: Timber (updated to NUDE after critique from others, Timber was associated more with men instead of a unisex brand). 
Brand core values: Inclusivity, Diversity, Quality, Environment, Sustainability
Brand Personality KeyWords: Youthful, Eccentric, Diverse, Ecological, Mindful, Friendly
Brand Archetypes: Lover, Caregiver, Innocent
Description of the product: The product is a cruelty free, unisex fragrance mist created with natural scents like Teakwood and Patchouli with essential oils. 
Description of the series: The series is a fragrance mist that offers natural scents that are desirable to both men and women and are not gender defined. Each scent will be defined by a certain colour and specific symbol/pattern for identification. The scents are: Teakwood, Patchouli, Ocean Mist, Purple Oud, White Sage and Rosewood.
Packaging objectives: My objectives are to create a small sticker label to be attached to the glass bottles and to create a box that consists of 2 pieces - the inner bottom box will fit within the outer top box that sits over the spray nozzle so that the wooden cap can be displayed. 
Target consumer: Both men and women who are environmentally conscious and like to support local businesses/artisans. They are looking for an alternative to the big grocery/chain store brands that use plastic bottles and aerosol cans for body sprays and deodorants and are full of chemicals and tested on animals. They want a product that is natural and can be recycled but aesthetics are important to them as well. 
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kristamokryartg371 · 2 years
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For my final project I chose to design a unisex fragrance mist. After some research I noticed that you can purchase "fine fragrance mists" for women but the market is small for men and there is little to no market for a unisex line. I also noticed that most of the products are either plastic bottles with plastic lids or aerosol cans like AXE deodorant for men. And all of the designs seem to be very "commercialized feeling". In the past I had purchased glass bottles with wooden lids - both materials can be recycled so I decided to use those as my vessel for designing. For this project I want to use bright bold patterns paired with recycled craft paper for an organic feel.
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kristamokryartg371 · 2 years
BLOG #8 - Pristine Protoypes
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From last week, I simplified the design on the front of the package to create a better heirarchy of the elements. I added the patterns to the smaller boxes and instead of using a pocket slide-out for the ingredients and feeding guidelines information, I changed it into a foldable back piece that can be opened when needed and closed with a tab when not in use.
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kristamokryartg371 · 2 years
BLOG #7 - Prototype Update
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After last week's critiques, the main issue that most people saw with the prototype was that the ingredients list was on the inside of the package and most customers would need it to be more accessible. I decided to create a double sided card with ingredients on one side and feeding guidelines and other important info on the other with a pocket slide-out that it could tuck neatly inside. This way, the information is still hidden, but can easily be removed from the package to be read. I also decided that the original Greenies logo did not contrast enough against the darker faux brown recycled paper so I opted for a lighter more grey toned paper texture. As well, after contemplating my colour choices from last week, I decided to brighten up the colour palette which I think follow more closely with the original packaging, and feels more "on-brand" with the Greenies logo.
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kristamokryartg371 · 2 years
BLOG #6 - Rough Prototypes
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For this week, I worked on making the packaging for 2 extra flavours: Chicken and Catnip. I thought that making the individual daily serving sizes for the "value" sized container of cat treats was somewhat excessive ( I would have to construct 40 small boxes so I decided to make packages for the smaller sizes that Greenies offers.) I again counted out how many daily serving sizes were in each smaller package - it came to an even number of 8 which works perfectly for stacking the boxes on top of one another. There is quite a bit of important information on the back of the original packaging (ingredients, feeding guidelines, etc.) but I knew that all that text would not fit on the back of the outer wrapping. So I thought that utilizing the inside of the outer wrapping would serve as a good substitute. After I printed these, I noticed a few things that will need to be improved on, like the type size on some of the text, but all in all, I think this is a great first rough prototype.
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kristamokryartg371 · 2 years
BLOG #5 - Sketch Models Update
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After last week's class, I took advice on separating the cat treats into daily serving sizes (16 treats per day) and figured out I would need 40 small groups in total. I like this idea for the convenience of having the servings sizes already pre-measured for consumption, but there is also a lot more paper and/or cardboard that would be needed to make this packaging versus the single package that I created last week.
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kristamokryartg371 · 2 years
BLOG #4 - Project Thumbnails & Rationale
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Challenge: We are tasked with taking an everyday item that is overly packaged and re-designing the package into something that is more ecologically responsible. 
Approach: The item I chose is the “Feline Greenies Dental Treats” and it is a container made entirely of plastic. I am going to create the new package out of some type of recycled cardboard/paper material and it has to be able to hold 277 g worth of cat treats. I am going to create a more eye-catching design that is legible as well as create a package that is the smallest size needed to fit the treats in, as in the original package, there is lot’s of empty space not being utilized.
Outcome: I anticipate that the project will turn out well. I think that I need to stick with a simple shape for the packaging. I hope to create a more eye-pleasing design that stands out well on store shelving.
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kristamokryartg371 · 2 years
BLOG #3 - Activity Part 2 Final & Project 1 Before Package
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For my final outcome of Activity - Part 2, I was fairly pleased with how my package turned out. When printing, I just printed it at staples and glued the paper to some Bristol paper. It became wrinkled when I did the scoring and folding so I should have gotten it printed from a higher quality printer somewhere in town, it definitely would have looked much more professional. I also made the mistake of making my fold lines too dark so they were too visible on the final product. This was a fun acitivity that I really enjoyed creating. :)
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I decided to choose these Feline Greenies Dental Treats for Project 1. The packaging for this is pure plastic and I don't find the design all that appealing, so I am looking forward to coming up with ideas to make this packaging more sustainable and to create a unique and fun design.
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kristamokryartg371 · 2 years
BLOG #2 - Activity Part 2
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Progress update for Part 2 of this Activity: I have created all of the text for the package - it took a while to measure the type size and line spacing using the type ruler (which was very handy). I decided to start with the type because I thought it would take the longest amount of time to create. I used the "What the Font" app as well as "Adobe Font Finder" to find the closest typefaces to match the originals. I also recreated the logo mark using the shape tool. All I really have left to do is recreate the pattern on the inside of the box, create the barcode, create the flower on the front of the package, make some icons for the right side, and then create the outlines for the hidden flaps, round the corners on the top and bottom flaps and finalize the spacing for the folds.
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kristamokryartg371 · 2 years
BLOG #1 - Activity Part 1
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For our first Activity Part 1 we were tasked to choose a random package (I chose the DERMA E - Vitamin C Intense Night Cream) and deconstruct it by tracing an outline of the box and taking measurements from edge to edge and fold to fold. A rough prototype mockup was then made using Bristol paper for stability.
By doing this activity, I really learned just how important exact measurements are when constructing any package - the smallest mistake can make for a box that is crooked and doesn't hold together well. It was very tedious and time consuming but the physical "hands-on" work is a nice change from always working digitally.
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