kristine19991 · 2 months
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Bible Wichapas as "Great" Pacharawit
4 Minutes สี่นาที (2024) // Episode 1
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kristine19991 · 1 year
Alright, here we go: Merlin astrology
Immediate disclaimer: I'm not good at this.
(Scroll down a little way to see what I've actually given them — you'll see where to stop — I just wanna mention some stuff first.)
Exactly two people want this and one of them is me, but that's good enough so let's go.
So, I've gone through some of the episodes to see if the show actually tells us when their birthdays are, but even though Arthur's birthday is shown and feasts for festivals for Beltane and Samhain are held (May 1 and November 1 respectively), there doesn't seem to be much overlap that I can see. The closest I can find is that in 5x03, Gaius briefly mentions that the Horn of Cathbhadh was traditionally used at Beltane, so Arthur's birthday would have been a short while before then, if he had done the same. But I'm not convinced that tradition matters all that much to Arthur, and there doesn't seem to be anything to suggest it wouldn't work just as well on other days — plus Arthur would have missed the Beltane feast had he gone then, and people would have been far more curious of where he was, which they don't seem to be.
So we don't know when either he or Merlin have their birthdays. Also since King Arthur doesn't have a specific set of years it took place in (only roughly 6th century AD), I have no point of reference for any other astrological placements.
I could be very wrong, and I definitely could have missed other things in different episodes, but this essentially puts it as a completely clean slate, so this is based just on my own thoughts about them.
Again, I'm not good at this. This is just based off of my own past knowledge and lots of Google to check everything. Lots.
I've also based their birthdays off of a completely different type of astrology that I'll do a post on later.
Okay here we go:
Birthday: July 28th
Sun Sign: Leo
A person's sun sign represents their most basic personality, and the traits they hold that remain constant throughout most of their life. At it's most basic, the sun sign says "I am."
For Arthur, Leo seems like a perfect fit. Leos are the Kings and Queens of the stars, the leaders and front runners of the sky. Their element is fire, which shows their driven, passionate, and warm hearted nature, and as Leo is ruled by the Sun, these qualities go double. Leos are confident, self aware, and have a personality that can dominate others, which can often lead to them displaying extreme arrogance or being very egocentric. They are able to speak their mind, but if not reminded, can sometimes neglect the feelings of others on a quest for status and influence.
Leos are represented by the lion, which symbolises the qualities of power and courage. These animals are known as fearless, able to withstand great challenges, and assured in their own strength. They can sometimes be a little aggressive or overbearing, but they have the power to walk with great dignity, and both give and receive high respect.
Moon Sign: Leo
A person's moon sign represents their emotions and deeper, more veiled, identities and subconscious tendencies. They may also show a person's more instinctive self, or the potential that they could reach. Where the sun says, "I am", the moon says "I feel"; the sun is action, and the moon, reaction.
Leo moons are bright with energy, and best in their element when they are shown admiration and respect — especially for their charm and wit. They may struggle due to a demand for respect, but the respect is well deserved for the leadership and willpower they show in order to help others. They are sharp and have intellectual potential, but can sometimes try to process things far too quickly, missing subtler clues in communication and jumping to rash conclusions. Some misunderstandings can take them completely by surprise, which other people may be confused or thrown off by.
Leo moons enjoy having an outlet for their energy, seen as the "wild child" of the zodiac moons. This often manifests as taking risks, but they are naturally lucky, so this usually pays off. They are also often optimists, perhaps for that reason.
I've also given Arthur the same sun and moon sign, and not only because they seem to fit the best. Those with sun and moon signs in the same zodiac are associated with a dark or new moon, and that energy drives them to influence change, and create their own mark on the world.
Ascendant: Aries
A person's ascendant, sometimes called their rising sign, is the sign that was on the horizon at the time of their birth. It represents the public mask a person may show to others, and the impression they may give off, as well as their own personal outlook on life. If the sun and moon signs are "I am" and "I feel" respectively, the ascendant probably says, "I seem".
For Arthur, I considered a few, but decided that Aries was the best fit — in doing so, making all of his main three signs fire signs.
Aries ascendants are seen as brave, fiercely opinionated, and independent. They have a strong and commanding presence, the warrior of the zodiac, and that can come off as a little intimidating at times. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and Aries ascendants will be the ones seen to lead the battles. They are trailblazers and initiators, who base their actions heavily on instinct and quick pace decisions, though that leads them to be very short tempered, rash, and often bossy. They may leap before they look, and choose just to deal with the consequences later, but they have strong intuition, and a determination to succeed.
Birthday: Dec 23rd
Sun Sign: Capricorn
I've already given the meanings for the signs, so I won't rewrite those. I'll just go straight onto the individual sign meanings.
For Merlin, I wasn't so sure of his signs as I was Arthur's, and I actually decided his birthday based on a different and lesser known type of astrology, which I'll make a post on later, because it makes more sense for them both.
However, Capricorn actually does fit moderately well for him. Capricorns are the hard workers of the zodiac, the ones with the determination and resourcefulness to get stuff done when it most needs doing. Their personality, and most innate knowledge of who they are is based on purpose, and the need to feel as if they have contributed something important. They are patient and brave, and perhaps the most traditional of the zodiacs, which in turn makes them incredibly stubborn. Their earth element means their stamina is unmatched, and in times of crisis, they are the most reliable and efficient, and have an unparalleled devotion and loyalty to those they have allowed within their circle of friends and loved ones. While they can be seen as boring, overly practical, and responsible, I believe that a major presence of other zodiac elements in Merlin's chart would help to balance that out.
Moon Sign: Cancer
Again, this one might seem a little controversial, but I do believe Merlin's moon being in cancer makes the most sense, and I have a lot of reasons. The sign of cancer is itself ruled by the moon, which means that by having the moon in this placement, the influence it has over Merlin's life would also be amplified. This means that his inner self and deeper, hidden, identity, would play a major role in who he is, and how he views himself, more than any other moon sign.
Cancers moons are one of, if not the most, emotionally sensitive moon signs, though its not often so clearly shown. They have a true depth to their feelings, which is often hidden away out of a need to protect themselves. It is assumed that this depth and complexity makes them weaker, when in fact the complete opposite is true — they are able to develop true resilience, and won't crumble under under emotional pressure. They are always struggling to be better, and working towards self improvement and reaching the best of their own potential, which compliments a Capricorn sun very well.
In turn, they are incredibly nurturing and gentle, with a generous and family-oriented approach to many aspects of life, whether that be oriented to biological or found family. They work towards long lasting relations, and form deep connections with the people they allow to become close to them. They are also incredibly selfless, and can easily fall into the trap of allowing their self worth to be decided by their worth to others, as in their heart they truly want to do good by others. There are the kindest of souls, always hoping to see the best in people, and often allowing others to let that kindness go underappreciated — they aren't doing the right thing for the sake of recognition. At the same time, they can have a competitive nature, and are deeply intuitive and receptive.
They can be deeply hurt when betrayed or unappreciated, and will often close off and seek to hide away at times as a means of defence. This would be especially true for someone who's sun sign is contradictory, and Capricorn is Cancer's opposite, often putting up walls against vulnerability because they fear what they may lose if they show it.
Again, his moon sign has a secondary meaning when put with his sun. Cancer and Capricorn lie at opposite ends of the zodiac, and people with moon and sun signs which conjuct in this way are associated with the full moon. This energy means they will be someone of diversity and conflict, who will struggle with the differences of what they need and want, and who they are and who they should be. They will need to create compromise, and seek to find happiness within themselves, instead of desperately reaching out to find purpose and contentment elsewhere.
Ascendant: Sagittarius
For Merlin, his drive and goal is based on what he is told is his destiny. Right back in the first episode, his pain is that he doesn't understand why he is the way he is. When Kilgharrah tells him that he has a destiny, he latches on to it, and that is the nature of a sagittarius ascendant.
Sagittarians are the adventurers of the zodiac, the explorers who see life as a quest, and for a Sagittarius Ascendant, the prize they seek is meaning and truth. They are deeply philosophical people who will see every moment as an opportunity, and will use it to infinitely expand their own horizons, in whatever form that takes. They often may have a lot of faith in things greater than themselves, and that hope is integral to the interconnected way they view themselves and the world.
They are sometimes restless individuals, and value fun and adventure. They have an urge to explore in every sense of the word, and I believe that Merlin would have indulged that far more had he been given the safety and change to do so.
They are also social, and make friends effortlessly and sometimes in the oddest of circumstances. It may be the optimism that they seem to radiate upon first meeting them, although his Capricorn sun sign would dampen that when around those he is closer to.
Sagittarian Ascendants are often unapologetically outspoken and harshly opinionated. They are naturally witty, but can be blunt, or come across as rude when that isn't their intention, and this backfires all too often.
Capricorn and Sagittarius don't have much in common, so they would both conflict. His sun sign would make him more serious and realistic than his ascendant would otherwise allow, and in turn, his ascendant would make him more impulsive and social, as all signs within a person's chart have a great affect on each other. Someone with both will often flick back and forth between positive and negatives. The contrast may also lead him to keep secrets, as his "public mask" and true desires and sense of self are quite different, but in time, these two aspects can make space for each other, and productively blend the heavenly kindness and earthly wisdom that these signs bring.
Again, I won't do his whole chart, but I believe Merlin's chart is one that conflicts in many ways, as he has many things pulling him in many directions. Many times, he struggles to choose between what he knows to be necessary, and what he believes to be right, and I think his chart would reflect that. However, I think that in time and away from the pressure he has always been under, these aspects would blend together in a very beautiful way.
To put it very simply, Arthur's a King and he knows it, and Merlin's a mess.
So there we go. Several hours of research and writing to create something that will never be useful to anyone ever, but it was fun to do at least.
I'll do the other type of astrology soon, I have that all decided, it just might take a while to decide how I want to write it. And then actually write it.
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kristine19991 · 3 years
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Pran + this pretty sweater. ♡
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kristine19991 · 3 years
All of Pat's sleeveless shirts
You're welcome 💪🏼
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Bonus: Young Pat
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Bonus: With Pran in a borrowed shirt
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kristine19991 · 3 years
Omg… i saw your analysis on Saint’s acting in LBC and Why R U? And it made me think if you can also analyse Nanon’s acting in Bad Buddy (vs his previous works if you have seen them?). I really really love the way you analysed Saint’s acting and was hoping you could do one for Nanon… still upset i discovered the BL community on tumblr a little late tho… Your analysis is greatly appreciated 🙌🏻🖤
Oooo, okay so hi and welcome!!! The bit I wrote on Saint is here and I’ll reblog it now. 
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Why Nanon Korapat's Acting is FANTASTIC 
So Nanon is legacy. His dad, Co Khunakorn, is a very well known Thai actor who has an absolutely MASSIVE back catalogue since the early 90s. (You can see him in BL tangential I'm Tee, Me Too as the absentee father who shows back up and then pretty much out-acts the entire cast of very well established GMMTV staples. Sorry all, he just does.) 
Which is just to say Nanon clearly learned his craft at a very young age. And he is what I would call a professional grade craft actor. 
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Nanon does a lot of his emoting with his eyes, slight tilts to his head, and judicious use of those all powerful dimples. In general, no matter what character, he has an innate softness and likability to his expressions that make him, even in interviews or on variety shows, very appealing as a screen presence. 
He’s charismatic. 
Also easy to cast as a the hero, because he can play good/decent human as not boring - which is a SKILL. 
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He inhabits his roles in a really specific and highly professional way - with less physicality than Saint (Nanon’s body language is pretty uniform), but more expressive nuance to his face. He’s quiet but concentrated about the space he inhabits on the screen. 
A BL actor with a similar style to him is Taiwanese actor Sam Lin (We Best Love). 
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But I should say Nanon’s style contrasts nicely to someone like Ohm, who always inhabits a lot of space on a screen. Ohm uses big gestures and expressions, and his whole body when he acts, giving his characters a certainly boldness (even with a character like Dew). Which is not to say Ohm can’t be subtle just that he uses subtlety to quite a loud character, where as Nanon is the opposite. Nanon is mostly quite subtle and then occasionally outrageous for contrast. As actors they foil each other beautifully, and because they are good friends have great established emotional chemistry, and I think this makes for a deadly combination. This is what watchers of Bad Buddy are primarily responding too.
Also they are both VERY seasoned. Consummate professionals. A lot of BL uses green actors for one or both leads, we rarely get this level of pro paired together on a BL screen. 
Back to Nanon.
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So a great way to take in his versatility and range is to watch some of his back catalogue. And since he’s been at GMMTV for a while now, most of it is on YouTube. I actually know him from his early lead role in My Dear Loser: Edge fo 17. 
His character starts out as such a dorky loser (and being bullied) that I know a number of people on Tumblr struggle make it through this series. But he’s absolutely great in it. And while the series is a soft high school coming of age narrative it’s also a bit of a Pygmalion trope. He’s adopted by a biker gang and learns how to be cool and win the girl. So you get to watch Nanon act his way into a new identity through the course of the narrative. (Also it has a great enemies to lovers BL side couple of his bestie, played by Chimon, and Pluem AKA InSun. We’ll come back them.)
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Something to know about Nanon that many other Thai BL actors universally fail at (especially the GMMTV stable) and which is another way he’s like Sam Lin, is that he’s not afraid to appear ugly or messy. 
A lot of Thai actors (and Korean actors for that matter) are clearly invested in appearances (which is fine) but that colors their acting with a lot of self conscious reserve (which is not fine). This feels fake or disingenuous to watchers. 
Nanon will get snotty and messy; he’ll fall apart and show a double chin; he gets all over raw on a screen. It GREAT. He entirely inhabits his roles and leaves his own ego outside of the studio. 
When I say professional, that’s what I mean. He’s clearly not work for his directors. I bet he’s a joy on set. 
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So, after watching his performance in MDL:Eo17 I’d go for The Gifted and/or Blacklist. 
In both these shows, Nanon plays a slightly edgy but morally sound and driven outsider character. And in both of these he’s paired with Chimon in an enemy-to-bestie relationship. And yeah, both are bromancy enough to have feed some serious shipping. (I honestly have no idea if Chimon went out for the role of Pat or not, or if he doesn’t want to do BL anymore, or if he/GMMTV want to keep the PluemChimon pairing unsullied. I would love see PluemChimon anchor a show, and we all know Pluem would be game.) 
Anyway, initially a lot of BL fans were disappointed in the casting of Bad Buddy because of NanonChimon hopes carried over from these two prior shows (and also Ohm has been historically undervalued). Now, clearly, everyone is on board. 
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So you can watch Nanon mature as an actor through the course of Gifted/Blacklist/Gifted Graduation series, but that’s more to do with the roles he’s being given. Frankly, I think he’s pretty great out the gate in MDL:Eo17, these ones just show his range. Gifted is a better show, but Blacklist is shorter and Ohm is also in that one, so pick your poison. Nanon plays a very similar character in both, so you don’t really need to watch it all.  
And there it is. 
That was a very long answer to get at the fact that what Nanon has (that other actors don’t) is an innate charisma and a freedom from ego. I would argue that as a result he’s genuinely one of the best Thai actors of his generation. 
We are incredibly lucky someone somehow persuaded him to do a BL. 
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The kiss is going to be VERY interesting with these two. 
* Note: Nanon & Ohm talk about their different acting styles (and acting as a couple) on this episode of Safe House 2, kindly translated by a fan. Apparently Nanon is v Method. (thanks to a kind commenter for the link) 
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kristine19991 · 3 years
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“Thank you. For trying to make a silly guy like me happy.”
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kristine19991 · 3 years
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If our love was song, if our story was written out to sing along, what kind of song do you think our love would be?
Is love a beautiful world? Something of grandeur… Is it a sky, a mountain, a sea, or other kind of splendor?
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kristine19991 · 3 years
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― Nikki Giovanni, Mirrors
Ohm Pawat as PAT & Nanon Korapat as PRAN BAD BUDDY THE SERIES (2021) dir. Backaof Noppharnach Chaiwimol
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kristine19991 · 3 years
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—  s.c. (bad buddy, 2021- )
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kristine19991 · 3 years
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Sing Harit Cheewagaroon as Todd in Not Me Episode 4
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kristine19991 · 3 years
Episode 10 details
So here we are again...things that didn't fit on the costume colours post but that needed highlighting...
I love love love that both Pat and Pran's clothes resemble the school here, with Pran's coral-red and white stripes matching the walls...and Pat's pink t-shirt being similar to the walls and his blue shirt (and Pran's blue bag) echoing the blue pillars. It seems fitting that Pat has both colours since he has a stronger tie with the school, having attended longer than Pran. (One might also say that the glass has a minty-green sheen...).
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Pat's t-shirt also has yellow writing over his heart - this is a special place for him (and for Pran), and they're back there with the one they love making some happier memories after they had such a sad ending here three years ago. And I'm driving my 'mint green symbolises their union as a couple' train again with that small detail on the pillar on the left - shown literally a beat after the teacher had implied that they looked cute together.
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And for a little intermission of Korn...once again with the pink, blue and purple of the bisexual flag 🧐
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So now back to Pat and Pran and of course the lights on the rooftop. Now, I know to some extent this could be coincidental - because as powerful as Aof is, I'm sure he can't control what lights are in the background of these shots...apart from choosing an angle to film and what costumes to pair with what location - BUT I love that here, when Pat is staying strong for Pran, holding Pran in his moment of need whilst he is breaking down, with Pat's love flowing from him into Pran through their arms, here, on Pat's side of the frame, there are more yellow lights. This contrasts the less illuminated side of the frame behind Pran, as Pran grapples with his breakdown he's drained and his spirit is extinguished.
Note also the lights draped over the railings, which are currently unlit - my guess is that they'll be used later for the scene where Pran is singing to Pat (in the red shirts from the trailer). Now, if they're not used until that scene, why have them here at all yet? Well it gives the image an increased sense of anguish and sorrow with having lightbulbs there but just not on.
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AND...I LOVE the lights in the close up of Pat's face, which resemble the colours of his fabulous shirt: the yellow, light blue, and green on the right above Pran's head and the deeper red and blue of their faculties (and parents) less prominent and further away to the left.
What's also interesting about these colours is that the first time Pat and Pran met on the roof - before they had properly established their not-quite-a friend-but-not-an-enemy dynamic - they wore deep red and blue. Then, when they indirectly admitted their feelings and kissed, Pran wore pale blue (with Pat in red and dark blue), and when Pran was ready to lose the bet to Pat (although under the wrong circumstances) Pat was wearing yellow. And do I need to say again what I think the minty-green represents...? 😏 It's just all 😍👩🏽‍🍳💋
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[Ep 1] [Ep 2] [Ep 3] [Ep 4] [Ep 5] [Ep 6] [Ep 7] [Ep 8] [Ep 9]
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kristine19991 · 3 years
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