kroisosbitcoin · 2 years
Is BIP 119 an Attack on Bitcoin?
Is BIP 119 an Attack on Bitcoin?
This video from Trader University was shared by Adam Back as a simple enough explanation. gotta say this is so far best explainer on why BIP 119 is premature, and pushing changes without consensus results in rejection. some things missing or simplified, but over all great.Adam Back https://twitter.com/adam3us/status/1522142831351148545?s=20&t=BJsF7lt4iRTx1UcvS_b05w Watch the explanation
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kroisosbitcoin · 2 years
What is the Mempool?
What is the Mempool?
Mempool is like giving your transaction to a kid to get on the bus plus bus fare. He waits at the stop, buses come in every 10 minutes. The bus has limited seating. Those who pay more get to be seated. If the bus fare you offered is less than the others waiting, he waits for the next bus in about 10 mins. If the bus has empty seats any fare you might have chosen is accepted and the boy gets to…
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kroisosbitcoin · 2 years
Everybody Wants to Fix Bitcoin. This Man Came Closer Than Anybody Else
Everybody Wants to Fix Bitcoin. This Man Came Closer Than Anybody Else
Everybody does it. They learn about bitcoin, see that it’s slow, clunky, weird, basically a hodgepodge of technologies mushed together and it barely works. And to be fair, that’s what engineers do, they try and fix things. Elon Musk, that Soong guy, the Vlad guy, Roger Ver, everybody has a way to fix bitcoin and thinks they can do better. Well, here’s the man mentioned by name in the Bitcoin…
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kroisosbitcoin · 2 years
How to Orange-Pill Someone? Here's the Ultimate Intro Package
How to Orange-Pill Someone? Here’s the Ultimate Intro Package
To actually understand bitcoin, you need to put in about 100 hours of research into it. Not many people can spare that time but here’s a list of good resources to get your friends and family hooked and want to read more. Documentaries Mysterium Satoshi (The Satoshi Mystery) Wonderful animated short film about Satoshi and Bitcoin. Watch it here…
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kroisosbitcoin · 2 years
Central Banks Said What Now?
Central Banks Said What Now?
From this tweet: https://twitter.com/MaajidNawaz/status/1512731049272528899?s=20&t=2U1FCug1077fxMx7pYnssg “The general manager of the Bank for International Settlements says The Central Bank wants to have ‘ABSOLUTE CONTROL’ over your money… when people say something, believe them” @TogetherDec London panel: ‘Digital IDs: A Threat to Freedom’ Watch the clip:
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kroisosbitcoin · 2 years
How to Borrow Against Your Bitcoin for 0%
How to Borrow Against Your Bitcoin for 0%
Let’s face it, if you’re here, you’re probably bullish on Bitcoin. And the safe bet is that bitcoin is going to go up, way up in the following years. Here’s a way to borrow against your bitcoin with 0% interest (You read that right.) Abra, is a service similar to Celsius. You can get bitcoin-backed loans, the works. It’s okay. The interesting thing is that they offer 0% interest in 15% LTV,…
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kroisosbitcoin · 3 years
What Was the Blocksize War?
What Was the Blocksize War?
The Blocksize War was a chaotic even at around 2015. It was a nerdy fight seemingly about the size of the blocks that should be in the bitcoin network, but it uncovered a lot more than that. It showed the ugly underbelly of human greed, attempts at controlling the network, to do a hostile takeover, to distort and dissolve it. It is the main reason bitcoin is now so antifragile it might as well be…
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kroisosbitcoin · 3 years
Random Greek Guy Explains Bitcoin in Under 40 Minutes
Random Greek Guy Explains Bitcoin in Under 40 Minutes
Andreas Antonopoulos explains bitcoin on stage. Watch the Introduction to Bitcoin.
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kroisosbitcoin · 3 years
Why Should You Read the Fiat Standard?
Why Should You Read the Fiat Standard?
You should read the Fiat Standard by Saifedean Ammous. https://www.amazon.com/Fiat-Standard-Slavery-Alternative-Civilization-ebook/dp/B09KKVNQBK?&linkCode=ll1&tag=kroisos-20&linkId=6460fc987b3c843b27164b62866cbe69&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl Here’s an excellent thread by Anil explaining a chapter from the book. https://twitter.com/anilsaidso/status/1483236976895483905?s=20 The Fiat…
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kroisosbitcoin · 3 years
What is Money? (According to a Bank Director)
What is Money? (According to a Bank Director)
What is money? This is what a bank director (Argentarius) tried to explain to his son in twelve letters “On Money” in 1921. One of the most brilliant and comprehensive books. A short thread Shout out to @MichaelAntonF for the book recommendation. https://twitter.com/CarlBMenger/status/1477237611483783168?s=20 Money is the embodiment of a claim to goods that has arisen because someone has…
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kroisosbitcoin · 3 years
Behind Enemy Lines: The Bank of International Settlements
Behind Enemy Lines: The Bank of International Settlements
A tweet by Sam Callahan: https://twitter.com/samcallah/status/1473815145545551873?s=20 I’ve been behind enemy lines, reading everything published by the Bank of International Settlements in 2021. Here are 10 pieces that I found the most alarming and most relevant to Bitcoin. “Know thy enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.” 1.)…
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kroisosbitcoin · 3 years
Secure Your Bitcoin With the Black Friday Deals on Trezor Hardware Wallet Accessories
Secure Your Bitcoin With the Black Friday Deals on Trezor Hardware Wallet Accessories
Trezor has a Black Friday deal, check them out in the shop. We suggest to keep it simple but any kind of security is useful when dealing with seed words and hardware wallets.
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kroisosbitcoin · 3 years
The New Relai App is Here With Only 1% Fees
The New Relai App is Here With Only 1% Fees
RELAI 2.0 IS LIVE! 0% fees until 2022 and standard fees as low as 1%. Use ref: KROISOS Europe’s easiest bitcoin DCA (Or ECA) investment app. Don’t trust words, just try it by yourself. Fees start at 2.5% Sign up and use the referral code KROISOS for 0.5% off feesSet up a monthly euro cost average buy of over 100 euro for another 0.5% and 0.5%Pay only 1% fees. Zero until the end of…
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kroisosbitcoin · 3 years
From Barter to Bitcoin: Charting 10,000 Years of the Evolution of Currency
From Barter to Bitcoin: Charting 10,000 Years of the Evolution of Currency
Why does money exist? It’s a question not often pondered when digging in your pocket for a crumpled bill or feverishly clicking “Buy Now” on a phone. The rise of digital currencies like Bitcoin provokes questions about what money is and what it can be — questions, it turns out, that humanity has explored for more than 10,000 years. Currency grew out of barter, the act of trading goods and…
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kroisosbitcoin · 3 years
Hyperinflation Could Never Happen to a G20 Country, Right?
Hyperinflation Could Never Happen to a G20 Country, Right?
This is today’s Turkish Lira. 10% drop in a big country’s national currency. Like Greg Foss says: https://twitter.com/FossGregfoss/status/1463142769480933387?s=20 People forget that Turkey is a G-20 country. This could never happen to a G-7 right #Canada? https://twitter.com/BTC_LN/status/1463149589976944642?s=20 The Argentine Peso lost 80% of its value in the last 3 years. The Turkish Lira…
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kroisosbitcoin · 3 years
Is Truman Show a Movie About Bitcoin?
Is Truman Show a Movie About Bitcoin?
Lauren Sieckmann on twitter seems to think so. I love these analyses but basically any movie or story based on the archetype of Plato’s Cave of Shadows can be reinterpreted as a bitcoin story. https://twitter.com/LaurenSieckmann/status/1455576271598018560?s=20 1/ In the film ‘The Truman Show’, Truman’s every move is captured by hidden cameras. Unknowingly, his life is part of one giant TV…
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kroisosbitcoin · 3 years
What is Bitcoin's Potential Market Cap?
What is Bitcoin’s Potential Market Cap?
This tweet shows a very promising outcome for bitcoin. In simple terms, how big can bitcoin possibly get? Well, in today’s dollar terms, basically 10 million USD per coin, meaning it will engulf everything. https://twitter.com/FossGregfoss/status/1456574401168687109?s=20 Maybe it’s time to get your hands on some bitcoin in case it catches on.
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