kronobandit · 5 years
he honks when he want something! ___ (Doby Cat on youtube)
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kronobandit · 5 years
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kronobandit · 5 years
Staying Productive
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kronobandit · 5 years
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kronobandit · 5 years
Bongo Cat shines upon you.
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kronobandit · 5 years
Better Resolution to the Night King
Game of Thrones Season 8 Spoilers
So its a few episodes too late, but I had an interesting idea for a better resolution to the Night King. To keep it short, I thought that the death of the Night King was sudden and without much narrative weight, I am going to try to resolve that.
From what is explained to us, Bran is the living memory of the humanity. Whether that is just Westeros or its the whole world, it doesn’t matter. The Night King targets him because by destroying the memory of the world they inhabit, then he has won and destroyed humanity. Instead of doing anything (besides theories that he is just subtly pulling strings and/or warging into characters) Bran is pretty much bait.
Bran uses his powers to warg into a character and imbue a character with the skills/experience of the greatest warriors of Westeros? If the Night King wants to destroy the memory of humanity, then he can face the best that memory has to offer.
I think Jon is the most logical choice here. He is probably the Prince that was Promised/Azor Ahai and also is heavily hinted to be a warg. (This is mainly in the books I believe, but ill add it as evidence.)
Maybe before it happens, Jon tries to fight against the Night King. He is tired, but a skilled warrior and holds his own for a little while. It becomes clear, however, that he isn’t going to win the fight. He is forced to the ground and crawls towards Bran, ending up in front of him while the Night King watches, a slight smirk on his face. Jon has blood dripping from his mouth, he has minor wounds across his body.  He looks up towards Bran with a “sorry I lost” sort of look, but before he can say anything Bran explains that if the Night King wants to destroy the memory of their world, then he must defeat everything that memory has. Bran and Jon’s eyes roll into the back of their head. Jon rises again, turns to the Night King with confidence, and moves to fight. The battle is much more even, with Jon eventually being victorious. ( Sorry don’t have much experience writing sword fights!)
Since showing is better than telling, it might be interesting to see Jon adopt certain fighting styles that previous experienced warriors have been shown using. Hell, even just some acrobatics like the Red Viper of Dorne, Oberyn Martel used and some two sword fighting like we see Ser Arthur Dayne use in the flashback could be enough.
Just my two sense on a potentially more satisfying ending to the Night King. It is pretty classic fantasy “good guy wins” stuff, but considering the dark fantasy Game of Thrones was supposed to be was sort of thrown out the window anyway, it fits in with the tone of the season in my opinion.
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kronobandit · 5 years
Game of Thrones Rant/Spoilers
Spoilers for season 8 episode 5.
TLDR: GoT’s inability to give us further compelling story to continue to develop character’s arcs has led to such an abrupt conclusion that simply isn’t satisfying.
So I’m fresh off episode 5 of game of thrones. Now I think its fair to say that a perfect conclusion to this tale was never going to happen. I don’t think that what has been built up for us for so long could be finished in a satisfactory way. I expected to walk away from the season thinking “Hey, I know what they were going for, they just didn’t have the time or fine details to get us there without some rush.” I would have been fine with that. The level of rush that is seen in this episode, however, is insane.
What I don’t understand is the complete disregard for so much that has been established through the story. Cersei and Jaime’s fate is to die in each other’s arms beneath the collapsing Red Keep? Jaime, who has spent the last few seasons doing whatever he could to be a Knight. To prove he is more than just the Kingslayer, but no. He still loves Cersei and so he will just go die with her? Thats really the motivation they give him? He falls back on his broken, horrible love of her and defines himself by that and his acts of hatred, disregarding so much progress he has made. It could be argued he is similar to an addict. For so long he managed to remain “sober” but ultimately he couldn’t help himself. Or maybe he sees it as his final act of Love to try to save her, and at the very least be with her when her life ends. It is similar to Dany’s story (don’t worry we are getting there) as a tragic hero who fails to combat the darkness in their hearts and succumbs to it. The problem with Jaime is this comes off his character arcs conclusion. He expresses his love of Brienne to her, he makes her a Knight and finally does something right in the world. He has earned his title of Ser Jaime. So of course he throws it all away, leaves Brienne alone and goes off to die with his crazy sister.
Dany, Dany, Dany. (See? I told you!) I understand she has been put through lose, she feels alone and unloved by the people she wants to save. I understand why the decision was made for her to go mad in her quest to rid Westeros of Tyranny. I think the reason it feels so unsatisfying isn’t the madness itself. Dany loses so much to the Long Night that was dear to her. She loses Jorah, she previously lost Viserion (whom she views as a child) to the Night King, and she has now lost Missandei to Cersei. All of these loses are things that could have been avoided had Cersei not been an issue. Her loses are examples of WHY the system that was in place was so broken, and the tragedy of her tale is failing to overcome these things and remain moral. She has lost nearly everything she ever held dear in her quest for the Iron Throne and peace, and she simply folds underneath the immense weight of it all. Thats an excellent tragic tale of a failing hero.
Then why does it feel so damn bad? And not in a “this well written sad story made me feel emotions” way and more of the “oh god is this really the newest GoT episode or am I on a youtube parody?”
It just doesnt feel earned. They didn’t earn her sudden character change. Yeah Frodo decided to try to keep the ring for himself, but this is after 3 books of him struggling constantly with the responsibility he has. We have been with Dany for 7 seasons previous to this, watching her grow over years into a stronger character than we ever might have imagined the first time we were introduced to her. If her fall to madness had begun in earnest in at least season 7 (which we do get some hints of to be fair, hi Dickon!) it wouldn’t have had to feel so sudden when she decides to burn the capital to the ground. Maybe then they would have earned their second Mad Queen.
What Dany has been put through since her arrival at Westeros could make any great person buckle underneath the pressure, I can’t fault the story at all for it. I just wish that her descent into madness had been a controlled one, and not her being forced off a cliff so she can land on the big “Series FInale” sign waiting at the bottom.
It feels like the creators of the show were shown the end points of the show and major characters and then told they have so long to get it there. They develop characters, work on advancing motivations and changing mindsets, but then realize they only have another season to end the damn thing and decide “well, guess it has to happen.” Like a little kid making a poster, they didn’t realize they were running out of poster board for the title until it was to late.
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kronobandit · 5 years
Look at all those chickens
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kronobandit · 5 years
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kronobandit · 5 years
You: fast and furious
Me, an intellectual: quick and mad
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kronobandit · 6 years
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kronobandit · 6 years
Sometimes my wife makes spaceship noises when she gets up from the couch and jogs into another room. And let me just tell you: You haven’t known the truest, purest love until you’ve heard the woman you love (truly and purely) go “WHOOSHHH” and run off into the hallway holding her titties.
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kronobandit · 6 years
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kronobandit · 6 years
I love this
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kronobandit · 6 years
Come get this dick-fil-a
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kronobandit · 6 years
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kronobandit · 7 years
The best part of liking someone is when they nerd out about something to you, and you’re just like “Wow what a dork” but also like “wow what a cutie I love you”
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