krxoy · 2 months
b0dy check from todayy, 17h and 30m into a fast! i feel pretty bloated tho:/ (cw: 38.4 kg // bmi: 15.8)
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i wish my ribs were more visable. (Pics r mine and im a minor! dont be weirdd^_^)
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krxoy · 2 months
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krxoy · 2 months
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krxoy · 2 months
I’m posting how th¡n I used to be a year ago to motivate me to get back there quickly! I got really f4t since then. But this was me.
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krxoy · 2 months
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normal - sucking in
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krxoy · 4 months
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some photos of me from literally a year ago when i was at my lowest. 😭 i was so hot. i felt hot, felt good, looked good. now it’s the opposite because i got so chubby. moving in with boyfriend + getting sober = recipe for disaster.
i WILL get back to this though, and i will not have it take me a year! i’m giving it 3 months.
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krxoy · 4 months
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throwback to when I was at my lowest - 12/2022 - 02/2023
I miss her so much.
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krxoy · 5 months
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laying down pics bc they're the only thing that gives me a little confidence:') but these pictures make me miss my bed so much aaaarggghhh
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krxoy · 5 months
Omg watch this if you're having problems with your weight loss 👀
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krxoy · 5 months
First of all, your account is very comforting:)
I actually have 2 questions
1. Any tips for doing a fast as long as possible?
2. What are your favourite tips/tricks for losing weight?
– take care <3
Thank you so much for that, it means a lot 💕
I'm not a professional, so please do your own research in trustworthy webpages so you don't hurt yourself. With that said...
🎀 Whenever I fast I have a goal in mind, I never fast aimlessly because I know I wouldn't take it as seriously, and give up sooner than I could have lasted if I set a specific amount of days I wanted to fast.
• I always use the intermittent fasting app because it makes me excited and proud see the hours go by and how much I achieved.
• I start my fast before going to bed, so when I wake up in the morning a good chunk of hours have already passed.
• I take care of my own grocery shopping, so I always make sure I don't have food home, so there's no possibility of binging. That's also why I start on thursday-friday so I don't have access to a grocery store (honestly, the embarrassment of going outside and being perceived its enough for me not to go out lmao). When monday morning comes I've already fasted for atleast 3 days, i'll probably have class and won't be able to buy food without missing the whole day, so if I don't take money with me, that's more hours of fasting guaranteed, normally until 17.00.
(During these days, I stay in bed binge watching, kdramas, series and movies, where I know there's pretty actresses that are also thin to remind me why I'm going through this, and keep me distracted.)
(This was before, when I didn't go back to my parents every weekend, now i use the weekends for metabolism days).
• General tips: drink a lot of water, when you feel hunger chug 500 ml of water, chew gum with an intense flavor, drink warm tea (sometimes water does nothing for me so drinking sipping warm tea helps and keeps me hydrated) (don't abuse tea if you're going outside, it's a diuretic, so you'll pee A LOT). DON'T DRY FAST. Try not to workout when you fast, you'll burn muscle instead of fat.
When you break your fast don't binge right away, you'll hurt your stomach, please be careful. And when you do eat, try nutritious food and not junk, have electrolytes and EAT YOUR VITAMINS, you can have the latter during fasting, please take care.
🎀 My fav tips are the classics:
• Drink atleast 2L of water everyday.
• Thinking about calories like they are money to spend.
• 10K-20K steps everyday + toning workouts from your fav youtuber (as i chloe ting, etc), so you don't end up skinny fat.
• Stretching after walking so your calves don't get massive, (i saw this in a japanese weightloss video, idk if its true but her legs looked like chopsticks so i'll do it just in case).
• Keep track of your sodium intake so you don't retain water.
• Pay special attention on your protein and fiber consumption, make sure these are always present in your diet, and look up how much of both you need everyday depending of your height and weight.
• If you're a beginner when it comes to workouts, be patient with yourself and start slow, take breaks if necessary, but keep going until the end (only if you're not injured), be consistent, you won't see results for a while, but i promise you they are working.
10 minutes of workout, and 10 crunches are better than nothing. Again, consistency is key, and it's better than running 10 miles only once every two weeks.
• Keep up with everything else in your life, don't let a4a consume you.
• If you post body ch3cks, be mindful, they can end up in a fatphobic edtwt thread, even if your weight is average. Those pictures can be found and shared by anyone so please, don't do them naked, showing your room, etc. People are mad weird.
• Look for harm reduction posts, there's always something new you can learn to protect yourself from the damage eds do.
• Always choose recovery.
That's it, I hope this was helpful for someone, I apologize for my bad english, be safe please!! Love ya <3
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krxoy · 6 months
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Umówimy się randkę?
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krxoy · 9 months
hunger pains feel so good
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krxoy · 10 months
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krxoy · 2 years
can i lose ~5-10kgs in a month?😅😅☺️
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krxoy · 2 years
Your fasting app with the timer on it what’s the name and is it free?
it’s called zero, and yes it is free
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krxoy · 2 years
i love when my stomach is growling, it means im doing it right
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krxoy · 2 years
Done some fasting, emptiness feels good
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