ksogoesrunning Ā· 5 years
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a lot has changed since the last time i was actually running.
iā€™ve gained twenty pounds. iā€™ve gotten eight tattoos and a piercing. iā€™ve chopped all my hair off and let it grow. i graduated college.
i broke up with my boyfriend of 7.5 years.
i am in no way back to running like i was two years ago. but i am trying to get there. because, mentally, i am so happy where iā€™m at. i live in a new place, iā€™m going to grad school in the fall, i have fantastic friends, and iā€™m happy.
but physically i hate my body. and i want to like my body again. so iā€™m going running again. my goal is to run every day for the month of july. to get used to it again. and if iā€™m where i think iā€™ll be at the end of the month, iā€™ll be able to keep it up through the semester and iā€™ll be able to get to where i want again
so thereā€™s the life update of what iā€™ve been through in the past two years.
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ksogoesrunning Ā· 6 years
āœØWitchy Uses For TeaāœØ
A good way to unwind and replenish your energy after a spell or ritual is to relax with some tea.
Green tea- fire, passion, healing, love, sexuality
Oolong tea- reflection, wisdom, concentration
Black tea- earth, water, strength, stability, energy, cleansing
White tea- happiness, wisdom, purification (compliments moon energy very well)
Rose tea: love, compassion, psychic abilities, good luck, protection
Herbal tea- very versatile; best uses depend on herbs used. Examples are peppermint, spearmint, rooibos, etc.
If you are performing a ritual or spell that involves sending positive energies out into the universe, steep the tea nearby while it is taking place. Drink the tea when you are done- this will allow you to replenish your energies, leaving you less drained
Brew loose tea and read the tea leaves!
Drizzle honey into the tea in sigil patterns. Stirring the tea charges it (clockwise if you are attracting something, counterclockwise if you are banishing something) and drinking it activates it!
Brew your tea with distilled drinking water that has been charged with the sun/moon to give your magic a boost!
Make your own tea blends to compliment and refine your intent
Store tea leaves/tea bags near crystal grids to charge them before brewing- the longer you charge and the stronger you brew it, the stronger the magic will be
You can add things like lemon, ginger, cinnamon, cayenne, and give your magick some oomph
You can spread tea leaves (moist, dry, used, unused, etc) as offerings, mix them into or add them on top of the soil to help plants grow (bonus if theyā€™ve been used in healing or growth spells!), add them to melted wax for a personalized candle, etc; the possibilities are basically endless
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ksogoesrunning Ā· 6 years
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The Ultimate Guide to Potion Bases
We all spend so much time thinking about the correspondences of the actual ingredients that go into our potions that we often forget to think about what the potion base represents! (At least I do.) It would be nice to have a list of all the various liquids that can be used in place of water. Naturally, I canā€™t think of everything but I think this is a pretty good starting point! What else can be used? Eventually, at some point down the road, I will compile all these thoughts into a book on potion making and want to include this! Keep in mind that these are my own correspondences. Let me know if you disagree or if youā€™d change anything up! Letā€™s see how big we can make this list. Also, I should probably note that not all of these liquids can be ingested. (Obviously.)
The List
Vinegar: Used for cleansing and purification potions.Ā  Lemon Juice: Used in hexing, cursing, or revenge potions.Ā  Cranberry Juice: Used in love potions. Apple Juice: Used in healing, knowledge, and youth potions.Ā  Ammonia: Used in banishing, cursing, purification, and protectionĀ  Red Wine: Love potions and potions dealing with death and the afterlife.Ā  White Wine: Used in platonic love potions as well as success brews.Ā  Rum: Used in potions involving spirit work.Ā  Whisky: Another good base for potion work.Ā  Vodka: A good base for work involving rapid banishing.Ā  Laundry detergent: Good for cleansing potions.Ā  Oils: Used to speed up a process.Ā  Molasses: Used in potions intended to slow a situation down.Ā  Rubbing Alcohol: Another good base for cleansing and purification. Hydrogen Peroxide: Used in healing potions.Ā  Milk: Used in potions to promote sleep and peace.Ā  Sour Milk: Used to cause nightmares or in potions designed to torment. Orange Juice: For potions of solar importance, healing, success.Ā  Soda Water: Used in potions designed to encourage laughter and giddiness.Ā  Ginger Ale: Used in health or healing potions.Ā  Olive Juice: Used in peace potions.Ā  Honey: Used in potions to sweeten up anotherā€™s disposition. Syrup: Used in abundance and prosperity potions.Ā  Beer: Used in potions intended to induce slumber.Ā  Clam Juice: Used in aphrodisiacs.Ā  Cough Syrup: Used in healing potions and to make someoneĀ ā€˜cough it up.ā€™ Soy Sauce: Used in protection potions. (Thanks Lexa Rosean for this one!) Pineapple Juice: Used in abundance potions and fidelity potions.Ā  Coconut Milk: Used in spiritual and magical cleansing potions.Ā  Ice: Solid first, then melted for transformation potions. Coffee: Really, a potion in and of itself in my book. Vanilla Extract: In small amounts, used in passion potions. Witch Hazel: Used in communication and cleansing potions.
What else can you all think of?
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ksogoesrunning Ā· 6 years
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Todayā€™s run started out fast and ended faster. I was channelling my inner @musingsoflulu for that last mile šŸ˜Š it feels so good to run FAST again! To think I used to run this fast for longer! Oh to be a consistently sub-9 runner again (Iā€™ll get there, for sure.) !
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ksogoesrunning Ā· 6 years
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ksogoesrunning Ā· 7 years
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ksogoesrunning Ā· 7 years
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ksogoesrunning Ā· 7 years
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Run streak day: 188
Miles for the year: 748.98
Went a bit shorter today, Iā€™m trying to save up for a longer run lol, so hopefully tomorrow will be that long run!!!
It has been 188 days since I started this streak and Iā€™m still not tired of running, it has been such an amazing ride so far and my love of running has only deepened, I feel like I could carry this on forever!!!!
Happy running everyone!!!!!
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ksogoesrunning Ā· 7 years
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Easy runs that feel hardā€¦
The moment you find yourself standing in the woods, feeling sluggish and kind of not motivated to carry on because your pace is 2 minutes slower than it used to be. The moment you ask yourself if itā€™s because of the hot temperatures or the incline in almost every trail. ā€¦ And then you realise that you donā€™t care. And that the trail ahead of you is just magical and beautiful. And that the low moments just make running what you love most about it.
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ksogoesrunning Ā· 7 years
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this run is titled: ā€œitā€™s amazing i didnā€™t get poison oakā€ (but honestly since i havenā€™t gotten it hereĀ iā€™m 99% sure iā€™m not allergic to it because iā€™m not allergic to poison ivy eitherā€¦ anyway).Ā  8 miles spent pretty much freaking out over how beautiful this place is. steep uphills, downhill cruising, just the sound of the waves and my feet and my breathing. trails so poorly maintained that you have to stop to assess them and climb at certain points. i saw lizards, seals, and an adorable bunny. this run left my soul on fire in the very best way.
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ksogoesrunning Ā· 7 years
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ksogoesrunning Ā· 7 years
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ksogoesrunning Ā· 7 years
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tonight was about running even when you donā€™t want to
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ksogoesrunning Ā· 7 years
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ā€œI run because long after my footprints fade away,maybe I will have inspired a few to reject the easy path,hit the trails,put one foot in front of the other,and come to the same conclusion I did:I run because it always takes me where I want to go.ā€
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ksogoesrunning Ā· 7 years
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Itā€™s such a beautiful morning I just need to document this weather and workout
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ksogoesrunning Ā· 7 years
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Brisky autumn 10 mile runs ā¤ā¤
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ksogoesrunning Ā· 7 years
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Addicted to the runners high
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