theoutlawjedi · 1 year
Let it be known that I want to rp with you.
If I follow you back I want to rp with you.
If I post an open starter I want to rp with you.
If I am in the mood for one-liners I want to rp with you.
If I reblog a random meme I want to rp with you.
If I have 5,000 and a half threads with you, I want 5,000 more. I want to rp with you.
If you’re a gender bend, crossover, or any other version of a muse and I follow you, guess what, I want to rp with you.
You’re all wonderful people. And you shouldn’t be nervous about approaching me, ever. We all have enough struggles in real life and shit gets difficult, this is our chance to escape and interact and just have fun. No stress. So, let’s have some fuckin’ fun.
You can never have enough threads.
Because unless I’ve specifically told you otherwise, I want to rp with you,
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theoutlawjedi · 2 years
Reblog if you're a roleplayer with social anxiety!
This could mean you struggle with interacting with other roleplayers in the community, or get anxiety over simple interactions with others.
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theoutlawjedi · 2 years
Anon is a privilege, not a right -
Just as it says - Anon is a privilege, not a right. You don’t have to keep anon turned on if people in your inbox are abusing this privilege. Anon should be for sending love and encouragement, or for asking fun questions.
If you don’t like someone, you don’t have to follow them, or interact with them. You can unfollow, or block, or blacklist their URL. Anon should not be used to spread hate and discouragement in the roleplay community. If you wouldn’t say it with your name attached, you probably shouldn’t be saying it at all. It’s like putting on a ski mask, and showing up on someone’s doorstep to shout obscenities in their face. This is not what anon should be.
If you don’t like someone - it is NOT your job to tell them why. And if someone asks for criticism, anon is not your free pass to be a jerk. If you can’t be constructive with your critique, then keep it to yourself. You aren’t doing anyone any favors abusing the anon button to shout in people’s faces. You’re just part of the problem.
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theoutlawjedi · 2 years
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theoutlawjedi · 2 years
February will be filled with positivity.
February will be filled with love.
February will be filled with trust.
February will be filled with kindness.
February will be filled with miracles.
February will be filled with hope.
February will be filled with new beginnings.
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theoutlawjedi · 2 years
Galen has learned to be careful who he trusts and lets into his life. There’s only a couple of people that he's learned to trust. There's one to whom he is very close.
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theoutlawjedi · 2 years
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Galen edit.
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theoutlawjedi · 2 years
//Sometimes you need to let go and remove yourself from an unhealthy and toxic place in order to gain peace of mind.
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theoutlawjedi · 2 years
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Galen and Juno edit.
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theoutlawjedi · 2 years
i saw this posted by a personal friend, and i really think everyone should hear it.
in 2022, i am NOT:
changing myself to fit society’s standards
basing my self worth on things that don’t apply to me
talking down on myself
changing my personality to who people want me to be
setting unrealistic expectations, standards, or goals for myself
putting myself down for mistakes i made, even if it was a small one
in 2022, i AM:
being who i was meant to be
putting my mental, physical, and emotional needs first
treating myself like i deserve to be treated
talking positively about myself
setting reachable goals for myself, even if they require some work
accepting that i make mistakes, and forgiving myself for them
accepting that some days will be hard, and that i deserve the same amount of love on those days as i do on the good days
reminding myself everyday that i am enough
in 2022, treat yourself with the kindness you would any other person. you deserve that same amount of love. you are enough.
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theoutlawjedi · 2 years
This is an oc x canon safe zone.
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theoutlawjedi · 2 years
Reblog this if you like seeing me on your dash
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theoutlawjedi · 2 years
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Galen edits that I made.
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theoutlawjedi · 3 years
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10 posts!
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theoutlawjedi · 3 years
Head canon:
Izax the ultimate devourer also referred to as the God of Death. A code name that Galen currently lives up to. Another name he has adopted was Wrath Of the Dragon’s Fire by the Knights of Zakuul who are still loyal to the empress.
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theoutlawjedi · 3 years
Galen spent the rest of the evening walking around in the garden on the skydeck. He was silent as he walked along the path. Coming to a stop he looked up at the night sky. Leaning against the skydeck he started thinking back to previous months when he first arrived in Wild- - Space. He was discovered on Odesson by Jysella. She had taken him to Zakuul with the assurance of his safety. He was unsure, being that he had spent his life on the run and in hiding after faking his death during a battle with the emperor and Vader. Any record of his survival- - had been erased by his request. He had stolen a ship like the Rogue Shadow and flew off. Now he stood on Zakuul looking across the city.
“Sir?” A voice said behind him, breaking him from his train of thought. He turned to face the Zakuulan Knight who stood behind him.
“Yes?” He replied, his brown eyes trained on the Knight of Zakuul.
“The Empress requests your presence.”
A smile formed on his lips at the mention of Jysella. He replied. “Tell the empress I will be there momentarily.” Turning back to the skydeck Galen looked out across the metropolis and watched as the city of Zakuul bustled with life. For the first time Galen started to feel at ease, he no longer felt that he had to constantly look over his shoulder. He had developed feelings for the current empress during the months he was on Zakuul, with their relationship starting soon after. He felt happier since coming to Zakuul and starting a new life. Turning around he walked back toward the entrance of the palace to meet with Jysella. Entering the Palace, he walked down the hallway in the direction of Jysella’s personal chambers. Once he reached the doors of her chambers, he lifted his hand to knock and the doors slid open. Galen entered her chambers to find Jysella sitting in a seat in front of a desk waiting for him.
“You wanted to see me?” he asked looking at her.
“Yes, I did.” She answered looking up at him and smiling. “When I first brought you to my homeworld with the assurance of your safety, I could sense that you were uncertain.”
He raised his one eyebrow slightly “I admit that I was unsure when you said that I would be safe because I had spent the previous months running and hiding from the Galactic Empire.” Galen said as he took a seat near her.
“And now?” She asked as she watched him sit.
He let himself smile and responded. “I’m no longer uncertain and I’m happier now.”
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theoutlawjedi · 3 years
Memories? Torments?
The torment and memories are the two things that seemed to plague Galen recently, as he sat in the cockpit of the Rogue Shadow. Galen was flying the ship through space without a specific location after he sent the knight that had accompanied him for a mission back to Zakuul. With a statement saying that he needed a break, he just sat there staring out at the stars surrounding the Rogue Shadow. Galen could feel himself starting to descend to the darkness that he had once turned away from in the past; as another memory from his past resurfaced, he sucked in a sharp breath then exhaled.
Galen experienced a headache that came as the memory surfaced. With the humming sound of a lightsaber after it ignited, the burning heat that radiated from the blade as it moved to his head and towards his neck, he could almost feel the cold durasteel floor against the palms of his hands. Galen could hear the mechanical breathing from the dark figure who held the lightsaber near his head. The smell of flesh burning from contact with a lightsaber during a duel with the dark figure, his former master Darth Vader; he could see Vader's scarlet color blade clashing with another scarlet blade, his blade. The question was, should he embrace the darkness that was slowly rising or fight it?
After the memory faded, Galen finally snapped back to the present with a dark look on his face. Galen decided not to tell his family what was happening. It was a struggle that he had to deal with on his own. Looking at the controls on the ship, he finally set the ship's coordinates back to the outer rim.
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