ktpal15 · 7 years
Best of luck getting it sorted out! I know exactly what you mean about the diagnosis anxiety, so here’s hoping it just lets the doctor fix it quickly!
Just a little rant:
I’m sorry to put this here, but I need to get the thoughts out (also, very sorry for not putting this under a cut. I’m on mobile and can’t figure out how to on the app). Apologies!
Anyway: I’ve been having bad pulsatile tinnitus for a while, in just one ear. I have the standard ‘ringing’ in the other, but that’s known to be no cause for concern (it just drives you mad). Pulsatile, however – my doctor expressed that it is often different and needs to be taken quite seriously. Now, of course I’m hoping it’s just an inner ear issue, even though I instinctively know that’s not the case. The thing is, the pain is very specifically originating from my jugular vein. It throbs quite severely, wooshing away in my ear, and, just the other night, I was very dizzy from it, the nausea almost making me throw up.
I’m having some tests done this week, but I have to admit I’m feeling a bit worried, though trying not to be. Fingers crossed its nothing sinister. It just concerned me a little when my doctor threw around terms like “tumour”, “anyuerism”, and “arterial dissection” as common possibilities, as well as increased pressure on the brain. Hoping that’s not the case, but will cross that bridge if I have to.
What frustrates me the most, though, is having the anxiety over finding out the cause. It’s the double edged sword of “oh, it will be good to have this fixed” and “holy hell, what if it’s something quite serious?”.
Anyhow. Enough of that. I just had to get it off my mind. Where’s Homer Jackson when you damn need him? I’m sure that yankee clap doctor could sort this out in no time. He’d probably just give me some laudanum and send me on my merry way.
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ktpal15 · 7 years
I would love to get back to rewatch/trivia. I miss you guys!
Keep me posted on plans!
Would any folks be up for a rewatch sometime in the near future? Nothing sequential, but (as I know we’ve done in the past), we just choose one or two episodes that we all favour and watch those for some fun and banter.
I know @ktpal15 & @rebelside posted about the rewatch a while ago, so just seeing if anyone is eager, as I know the holiday season is approaching and folks may have some more time. Perhaps we can finish the trivia, too, if folks are up for that! Certainly no rush. Let me know thoughts / ideas. Cheers!
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ktpal15 · 7 years
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ktpal15 · 7 years
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KING LEAR Production Images Released - First Look at Damien Molony on stage at Chichester Festival Theatre
Read more at damienmolony.org
Photo credit © Manuel Harlan
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ktpal15 · 7 years
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The products of an evening of pumpkin carving. The artificial pumpkins are awesome!
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ktpal15 · 7 years
I assume you guys all look like your icons. So if you have a tiger as your icon, then I picture you in my head as a tiger reblogging things, Or if your icon is like Jennifer Lawrence, I picture Jennifer Lawrence lounging on a couch reblogging stuff idk am I weird?
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ktpal15 · 7 years
Well put, @lemanstreet
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In the spirit of Halloween, here’s at least one good looking monster.
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ktpal15 · 7 years
I would love to find an archive where we can get some context for these. Also, I think at some point we need to have “the boys investigating a ghost” as a writing prompt
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The Illustrated Police News, London, England, December 28, 1872
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ktpal15 · 7 years
11 Questions tag game
Here are my answers for @soot-and-snide
1. Do you play any instruments? I’m still very much a beginner, but I’m starting to play fiddle.
2. Favourite book? Neil Gaiman’s American Gods
3. If you had to go on a mission to space, or to the bottom of the ocean, which would you choose? Bottom of the ocean, definitely. I get why people are fascinated, but I’m personally just not into space.
4. Do you believe in ghosts, and if so, have you had any supernatural or unexplainable experiences? I’m open to the possibility, but I also think most reports of ghosts are caused by something else. I haven’t had any supernatural experiences, and the closest thing to unexplainable is that on six different occasions I’ve known that someone was pregnant before they told anyone or were showing. 
5. Favourite city or place in the world? I love Dublin, but my adopted hometown of Clonakilty will always have a place in my heart.
6. Are there any songs or films that always make you cry? Soooo many. I cry really easily at movies, and actually can’t remember the last Disney movie that didn’t make me cry. When I watched Moana with the little girl I nanny, she gave me a hug and said “It’s okay. My Mama cried too.”
7. Where do you think humanity will be in 1000 years? Hmm. To be honest, it’s not something I really think about. 
8. If you could have a human-like robot to help with house chores / run errands for you etc, would you? Or would you be afraid it could turn against you? I would, but I would be nice to it so that if it ever broke it’s programming it wouldn’t be mad at me. 
9. Favourite beverage? Chai tea, definitely.
10. If you had a lot of money and could open a museum, what type of museum would it be? History museum, but a super immersive one where you’re basically walking through a recreation of the era. 
11. What is your ideal sandwich? Ham, turkey, and mayo on a poppyseed roll.
I think everybody I know has already been tagged, but if I missed anybody feel free to go for it!
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ktpal15 · 7 years
I think it’s really interesting how we don’t see a ton of Reid’s mental/emotional reaction to the Ripper until s5, but I think a lot of it has to do with him being alone. Like, in “Your Father, My Friend” they look at crime scene photos and he’s okay, but in “Occurrence Reports” the song bothers him. I think that having Drake and Jackson around in s1-3, Mathilda in 4, and Jackson, Susan, and Mathilda in 5 gave him something to focus on outside of himself, and with all of them out of his life it’s harder to focus on things other than the trauma of not catching the Ripper, kind of like Abberline getting re-obsessed after he retires. 
BTW, the dude Abberline is investigating in the last episode was a real person. There’s a show called Murder Maps (originally BBC, but I saw it on US Netflix) that has an episode about him (s1e2, I think). While Abberline was wrong about him being the Ripper, he absolutely was poisoning his wives. 
The last episode of Ripper Street.
I’m lost and empty. Why they made Edmund so lonely in the end? Did he deserve this? I don’t know, I love this character so much and I feel so empty. I wanna hug Edmund Reid now and tell that everything’s gonna be alright, BUT IT’S NOT!!!!!!!!!
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ktpal15 · 7 years
I liked some parts of the ending and not others. I actually thought the Reid ending fit with everything we had seen of the character so far, so I didn’t mind that. Jackson’s death didn’t add anything to the story, and I would have been fine if the last we saw of him was him leaving with Connor. I also didn’t like the Bennett/Rose ending, bc it didn’t feel right for either character, but that was probably based more on Jerome’s GoT schedule than planned writing. 
Thatcher’s ending made me sad, but at least it fit with the story and was the catalyst for something good. The Mathilda/Drum ending was annoying, bc I feel like everybody forgave Drum way too quickly. Also, as I’ve mentioned several times before, Mathilda’s whole character in s5 annoyed me. My Bachelor’s degree is actually in psychology and one of my specialties was PTSD, so having her act like nothing had happened after living in a basement for 6 years felt like a waste of a potentially interesting story.
Overall, I didn’t think any of the characters really felt like themselves in s5, so I wasn’t as emotionally invested in it as I had been in past seasons. My favourite  episode of the season is actually “All the Glittering Blades” (the one that’s almost entirely Nathaniel in the cottage), because it was the only time I really felt for any character in s5.
The last episode of Ripper Street.
I’m lost and empty. Why they made Edmund so lonely in the end? Did he deserve this? I don’t know, I love this character so much and I feel so empty. I wanna hug Edmund Reid now and tell that everything’s gonna be alright, BUT IT’S NOT!!!!!!!!!
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ktpal15 · 7 years
This is accurate, but I’m going to add “researching and ending up spending 4 hours reading about the era where my story is set and not writing anything”
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ktpal15 · 7 years
Replying to @soot-and-snide
4. Thing I’m looking forward to: My thesis is submitted and only needs one more professor’s approval, then I’ll officially have my Master’s Degree!
20. Current favourite song: I’m getting really excited for Halloween already, so I’ve been listening to “Grim Grinning Ghosts” (the Disney Haunted Mansion song) a lot. 
33. Something I would love to learn: How to play a musical instrument really well
57. Favourite animals: Meerkats. There’s an aquarium/animal museum nearby that has about 10 of them, and I could sit and watch them all day. 
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ktpal15 · 7 years
get to know me, pick some numbers.
1. selfie 2. what would you name your future kids? 3. do you miss anyone? 4. what are you looking forward to? 5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? 6. is it hard for you to get over someone? 7. what was your life like last year? 8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? 9. who did you last see in person? 10. are you good at hiding your feelings? 11. are you listening to music right now? 12. what is something you want right now? 13. how do you feel right now? 14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? 15. personality description 16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? 17. opinion on insecurities. 18. do you miss how things were a year ago? 19. have you ever been to New York? 20. what is your favourite song at the moment? 21. age and birthday? 22. description of crush. 23. fear(s) 24. height 25. role model 26. idol(s) 27. things i hate 28. i’ll love you if… 29. favourite film(s) 30. favourite tv show(s) 31. 3 random facts 32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? 33. something you want to learn 34. most embarrassing moment 35. favourite subject 36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? 37. favourite actor/actress 38. favourite comedian(s) 39. favourite sport(s) 40. favourite memory 41. relationship status 42. favourite book(s) 43. favourite song ever 44. age you get mistaken for 45. how you found out about your idol 46. what my last text message says 47. turn ons 48. turn offs 49. where i want to be right now 50. favourite picture of your idol 51. starsign 52. something i’m talented at 53. 5 things that make me happy 54. something thats worrying me at the moment 55. tumblr friends 56. favourite food(s) 57. favourite animal(s) 58. description of my best friend 59. why i joined tumblr 60. ask me anything you want
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ktpal15 · 7 years
Rewatch People
It seems like a lot of us are going through tough times at the moment, and I was wondering if we want to try to make a day to hang out and watch something funny. The distraction and company might be helpful. 
Hope everybody’s holding up okay!
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ktpal15 · 7 years
Taking from @rebelside
Name: Katie Nicknames: Chupy (short for El Chupacabra) Gender: Female Star sign: Cancer Height: 5′2 Sexuality: Mostly heterosexual, with a few celebrity lady crushes Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw Favorite animal: Foxes Average hours of sleep: 9ish, but I always wake up for at least 15 minutes to a half hour in the middle of the night Current time: 7:05 pm Dog or cat person: Dog. Cats are sweet, but I’m pretty allergic to them. Blankets you sleep with: Top sheet, one fleece blanket, and a down comforter Dream trip: Rekjavik, Iceland Dream job: History professor When I made my blog: either late 2016 or early 2017 Followers: 30 even Why I made a tumblr: So I could stop lurking in the Ripper Street fandom Reason for my URL: "kt” sounds like Katie, the first three letters of my last name are “pal,” and 15 is my favourite number for no actual reason.
Whoever wants to do this, go for it!
Rules: tag 20 of your followers you want to get to know better
tagged by @darlingpepper thanks!
Name: Maggie Nicknames: Maggie XD Gender: female Star sign: Pisces Height: around 5′8″, 1.75m Sexuality: apperantly I’m hetrosexual, whatever that means Hogwarts house: Gryff to the core Favorite animal: wolves Average hours of sleep: 5 or 6, but I so wish I could sleep more and actually function Current time: 9:30 pm Dog or cat person: Dog! Blankets you sleep with: uhm, normal ones? Dream trip: New Zeland Dream job: Film producer When I made my blog: 2010 I think Followers:  997 Why I made a tumblr: I don’t know, it was like, a lifetime ago Reason for my URL: Star wars rebel alliance and the original trio being my first love
and I’ll tag whoever wants to do it, I’m curious about all of you :P
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ktpal15 · 7 years
@sadboysoftumbl gave me the option of doing all of them for Flight, so of course that is what I’m doing!
1. Physical weak spots: he’s fairly young and healthy, but probably a bit malnourished from being a low-level worker based in Whitechapel. 2. Emotional/moral weak spots: Constant, crippling guilt. Over everything. He’s the kind of guy that accidentally takes a pen and is convinced he’s going to hell. 3. Scars or painful spots: He has a visible scar on his left cheek, but nothing dramatic like Reid. 4. Best places to kiss on their body: Neck and ears. He likes the intimacy and vulnerability, and it doesn’t require too much clothing removal. 5. Guilty pleasures: Smoking. He knows it costs money and doesn’t accomplish anything, but it makes him feel relaxed so he keeps doing it. 6. Vices: The smoking is his only vice. No drinking, no drugs, no premarital sex, no extravagant spending. 7. Tickle spots: His sides are very ticklish. Jackson discovers this by accident at some point and randomly tickling Flight while he’s working becomes a pastime of his. 8. Bad memories/experiences: His mother dying, the last time he saw his father, pretty much anything involving Shine. 9. Humiliating memories: Getting arrested the third and fourth times. The first two felt like accidents, the second two made him realise he was just bad at crime. 10. Fears/phobias: People who are insane to the point of ranting. Typhus causes delirium, so as a child he probably witnessed his mother breaking down before she died and didn’t understand why. 11. Bad or petty habits: He considers himself a great detective, and humble-brags to other cops about his achievements. 12. Grudges and vendettas: Obviously, he’s not a huge fan of Shine. He’s just not good at fulfilling the vendetta (needs better aim). 13. What gets them flustered: Being told to do things he feels are beneath him. 14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit: Adjusts his clothes and hair all the time without thinking. He’s very appearance-conscious. 15. What it takes to make him cry: He cries fairly easily in canon, mostly from guilt. Emotional problems are worse than physical- he actually didn’t cry when Bella stabbed him. 16. Dark secrets: Oh, so many. Fraud, theft, bootlegging, spying, witnessing murders- he’s had a tough life. 17. Regrets: Everything listed in 16 18. Things they’ll never admit: He wishes he’d run away from Whitechapel when he had the chance. He convinces himself that he’s doing the “brave thing,” but he really wishes he hadn’t. 19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed and how it affected them: He accidentally blinded a whole bunch of people, and indirectly killed Joseph Merrick and Nathaniel Hinchcliffe. He feels awful and tries to make up for it by doing good things to “balance” the bad. 20. What-ifs/alternate timelines: What if he had actually managed to kill Shine when he shot at him? Also, what if he had just gone with Evelyn when she offered? 21. Turning points in their life: Making the original deal with Shine, and agreeing to transfer to Whitechapel. 22. People who’ve influenced them greatly: As much as he hates him, Shine.
I’d love to see some other RS ones, especially for characters like Thatcher and Drum who don’t have a ton of canon backstory
Send me a character + a number and I’ll tell you my headcanons for:
Their physical weak spots
Their emotional/moral weak spots
Scars or painful spots
Best places to kiss on their body
Guilty pleasures
Their vices (physical or emotional)
Their tickle spots
Bad memories/experiences
Humiliating memories
Bad or petty habits
Grudges and vendettas
What gets them flustered
Ingrained habits/forces of habit
What it takes to make them cry
Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
Things they’ll never admit
People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
Turning points in their life
People who’ve influenced them greatly
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