kucheek · 5 years
Surviving 24 Hours On A Deserted Island
aka without his girlfriend
requested: yes
request: :0 pls write something about the vid Surviving 24 hours on a deserted island Some jimmy x reader fluffy moments
pairing: mr beast aka jimmy x reader
// I realize I haven’t updated, but here I am! Alive and somewhat well. I still really enjoy writing for this blog, so I’m going to do my best to update whenever I can. I have really cute requests in my inbox that I want to get around to writing and I hope that you guys enjoy them as I put them out! //
When Jimmy and friends said they were planning to spend 24 hours on a deserted island, you were sure they were kidding. But after some time, you realized they were completely serious. 
“what’s the point in buying all this stuff?” You muttered, watching the boys argue over which soda to bring. 
“not die of thirst?” Jimmy suggested, catching your comment. 
Repressing the roll of your eyes, you replied, “that’s why you bring water, not Mountain Dew.”
“why are you so crabby today?” Jimmy asked instead, his voice raising slightly and an amused smile falling on his face. Nothing ever really got to him, so your attitude probably didn’t phase him in the least. If anything, it was probably slightly entertaining. 
“i don’t know,” you admitted. 
“you gonna miss~ me?” he sang, the teasing note heavily evident in his voice. 
You snorted, an unwitting smile crossing on your face. “you wish. You’ve done these 24 hour challenges before.”
“you can come if you want,” he suggested.
“hm,” you hummed contemplatively, your normal attitude inching back. “you sure you’re not gonna miss me?” 
“Y/N!” Chandler interrupted, holding up a large Easy-Bake Oven box. “can we get one of these?”
“Chandler,” you began, already going to shoot him down; why in the hell would they need an Easy-Bake Oven?
“sure we can!” Jimmy quickly tacked on, throwing an arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer. 
You blew out an exasperated breath and tried craning your neck to look up at him. “why do you need a freaking oven?"
“I dunno,” Jimmy answered, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. 
“There aren’t even any outlets-” 
Jimmy stopped you both and wrapped both arms around you, pressing your face against his chest. “Chill out, let Chandler have some fun.”
“I’m just saying,” you muttered. 
“I know,” he placated quickly. “And I love you.”
You snorted and replied, “you’re coming back, aren’t you?”
“You wanna see something cool?”
With a strange look, you answered slowly, “um, what?”
“Look!” Flipping the camera around, he pointed down into the sand. You weren’t sure what exactly you were supposed to be looking at, so after a few seconds of staring at the sandy ground you spoke, “what?”
“Treasure,” his voice whispered loudly. He brushed the top layer of the sand away with his foot and you saw the edge of a dark brown chest of box buried in the ground. 
You snorted and the camera flipped back to face him. “You buried treasure?”
“I’m like a pirate,” he genuinely muttered to himself, looking down and covering the chest again off screen.
“Are the guys looking for it now?”
Shaking his head, he waved you off with one hand. “Nah, they’re staring at the ocean, they think we’re playing hide-and-seek.”
“With just you hiding?” You laughed.
You almost laughed aloud when you saw that Jimmy was already Face-timing you. “by my count, they’ve only been there a half hour.” You giggled, holding up your phone to show Katie the incoming call.
“answer, answer!” She squeezed beside you, bouncing excitedly as best she could with the limited space. 
Tapping the accept button, you were met with Jimmy’s incredibly closed up face. “what are you doing?” You tried holding back your laughter, but it escaped you when you heard Chris’ immediate voice in the background when he glanced and saw Katie on Jimmy’s screen.
“you said we couldn’t call!” 
Katie joined you in laughing when the screen was bounced from Jimmy’s face to looking up at the sky. If you had to guess, Chris probably tried grabbing the phone from Jimmy to speak to Katie and jostled the phone away from both of them. 
After a few seconds of an assumed struggle on the other end, both boys managed to squeeze their faces onto the screen. Jimmy and Chris had the apples of their cheeks tinted slightly red from the sun, and you could already hear their complaints for the next few days after they get back. 
“Jimmy said none of us could call!” Chris claimed loudly. 
“I did not!” Jimmy yelled. “I said you couldn’t call because you were building my tent!” 
“Well, now I’m not building your tent at all!” 
Jimmy replied immediately, wrestling the phone out of Chris’ hand and exclaiming, “I’ll sleep with Chandler!” A second of silence passed before he frowned and continued, “...actually, that’s not what I meant.”
“who’s sleeping with me?” Chandler’s voice called off from off the screen. At this point, you didn’t think you or Katie were necessary for the conversation. But it was still highly entertaining. 
“no one!” Jimmy and Chris yelled simultaneously. 
“come back already!” Katie yelled into the speaker and Chris swiped the phone quickly. 
“I’ll swim back if I have to!” He said dramatically. “Even Jimmy can’t-ow!”
“guys, we’ll talk to you when you get back,” you said into the phone. You already knew Jimmy would take the phone and it reigned true when his face popped up, immediately complaining. 
“what?! no, talk a little longer!” 
“I thought this was a 24 hour challenge?” You asked innocently, laughing alongside Katie.
“It is,” he insisted, making room for Chris who chimed in. “It’s a 24 hour challenge on a deserted island, not a 24 hour challenge...not...talking to our girlfriends?” As Chris finished his sentence he looked at Jimmy with a questioning look. 
Jimmy nodded. “yeah, it isn’t as catchy.”
“I doubt FaceTiming your girlfriends makes good content.”
“It does!” “please~?” They complained. 
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kucheek · 5 years
hey love, i sent it in 2 requests a couple of weeks ago and in your recent imagine you send to send requests. i just wanted to make sure you got mine, thank you!
I, more than likely, did get it. BUT, I currently have 30 messages minus one now that im answering this one haha, so I’m not 100% on which one exactly you’re referring to. But as I said, I probably do have it in here somewhere.
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kucheek · 5 years
Code Adam
requested: nope! this was just to get my feet wet and to regain my motivation. but if anyone has a request, you all know my inbox is open
pairing: mr beast aka jimmy x reader
// okay, so this is a birthday present. From me, to you. For me. does anyone else know what a code adam is? If you do, I’ll be thoroughly impressed. But you can’t Google, because that would be cheating lol //
You were looking around in the aisles in Wal-Mart. Not really looking for something but, more particularly, looking for someone. You went to the restroom and when you came back, Jimmy was long gone. The whole point in going together was to help him carry an overabundance of pool noodles and inflatable pool animals. 
In hindsight, telling him where you were going would have probably helped the situation, but you definitely didn’t think that he’d ditch you in a Wal-Mart. Or did you ditch him? You forget which. Initially, you decided against calling him because you figured he’d be easy to find.
This was probably the third time you’d circled the electronics section but you still haven’t seen him. And Jimmy wasn’t the hardest person to find, just look for the tallest person in the general vicinity. You were at the point where you were just going to call and save yourself the continued trouble when a voice came over the intercom. 
“Y/N, your lost...person...is currently in the front of the store. Again, Y/N, your lost person is in the front of the store.”
Oh, my god, he didn’t.
Immediately turning on your heel, you strode quickly towards checkout. He didn’t, he didn’t, he didn’t... 
Sure enough, standing next to a checkout line was Jimmy with a Wal-Mart employee and a basket full of pool items. He was glancing around and once he spotted you he gave you a sheepish smile. “Are you serious?” You said dryly, reaching them. Everyone that was around the area noticed that the presumed ‘lost child’ was in fact a 21 year old guy. The Wal-Mart employee laughed and shook her head as she walked off; you turned back towards Jimmy who still looked embarrassed, “seriously?”
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kucheek · 5 years
I swear to you, I have the first half lmfao I’m just trying to find the motivation to finish the second half
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literally me the past month, I’m sorry ^
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kucheek · 5 years
i just found out that jimmy has a girlfriend and almost started crying
She’s super pretty though, we can’t deny that. Like a fairy. 
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theres just something in my eye shut up
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kucheek · 5 years
Last To Leave Slime Pit Wins $20,000
requested: yes!
request: Hello lovely person, could you please do an imagine where Jimmy and the reader are acting cute while recording a challenge video and the guys make jokes and fun of them and Jimmy and the reader make funny comebacks. Basically just having fun while recording a video.
pairing: mr beast aka jimmy x reader
// so my dumbass wrote this out, like, four days ago? and I completely forgot about it, buuuut here you go! hopefully, it’s what you had in mind, and please let me know what y’all think! //
// also, I’m in love with Tom Holland and it’s beginning to encroach on my sanity. plus I rewatched New Moon //
“I didn’t even know it was possible to have this much slime in the same place.” You thought aloud, poking at the top of the slime that was piled into the tub. Jimmy and the guys were shooting a new video for his channel and had roped you into helping out.
“Imagine having to sit in this.” 
“No one is making you,” you said pointedly.
Ethan moved to stand beside you, staring at the green slime in front of you,  “Yeah, but it’s $20,000. Who wouldn’t sit in this thing for twenty grand.”
You gave it a second of thought before looking at him sideways, “You know, I can do a lot with $20,000.”
You heard a quick laugh from behind you, “I wouldn’t make you sit in this stuff,” Jimmy said, rolling his eyes and standing at your other side, “unless I know you’d win.”
You whirled around and raised an eyebrow in mock offense, “are you saying I’m a wimp? Can’t handle some slime?”
“That is not what I’m saying,” Jimmy continued with a pointed look in your direction, “because if it was, youuu’d punch me in the arm.”
“Mm,” you hummed happily, “you’re right.” You shifted back to stare into the slime before announcing, “but how much you want to bet I could beat everyone.”
“Y/N, if you want 20,000 bucks literally all you have to do is ask.”
“What?!” Ethan almost shouted indignantly, leaning forward past you to stare down Jimmy, “I want $20,000!”
“You’re not Y/N.” Jimmy shot back, “so unless you win, you’re not getting anything.”
“That’s nepotism!”
“Actually it’s favoritism.”
“It’s neither,” you rolled your eyes, “it’s not like I’m competing, so it’s neither.”
Neither seemed to hear you since they just continued arguing.
“You’re favoring your girlfriend to win! That’s not fair.”
“You think I’m just going to let her fend for herself?”
“Uh, yeah! You’re leaving us to fend for ourselves!”
“That’s because-“
“Quuuuit it,” You whined loudly, “I’m not competing, both of you chill out.”
“But if you were, you’d win automatically,” Ethan complained, “it’s the principle.”
“Damn straight she’d win,” Jimmy defended, crossing his arms.
“Babe, babe, babe, look.” Jimmy shoved his phone near your face. He’d been in some sort of kick with animals and had been showing you videos of dogs for the past 10 minutes. You were fiddling with the camera, trying to fix the settings after Chandler messed it up earlier that day.
Glancing up, you squinted at the phone screen, “hmm, cute.”
“You are.” He answered, shoving you lightly with his index finger in the shoulder.
“You are.” You mimicked, copying his actions.
“I am,” Chris announced, shoving his way in between the both of you, “we don’t have time for your perfect relationship right now.”
“Says the perfect married guy,” you shot back, “you and Katie are exactly the same.”
“We are not!”
“You kinda are.” “Yeah right” “Yeah, you are.” Were echoed back from the guys who were mixing the slime in the tub. Chris opened his mouth to say something before frowning and shaking his head, “OK fine, but she’s not here so I’m allowed to hate.”
“Stop,” you mumbled, fighting a smile on your face. You were sitting off to the side, scrolling through your phone when Jimmy got bored of instigating the guys who were still in the tub. He was poking at your side, trying to get you to stand up. “Jimmy, quit-”
You were interrupted by Chandler’s loud groan from a few feet away. He had his arms dangling and his chin resting on the edge, staring at you two blankly.
“Can you guys act cute on your own time, some of us would like to keep our breakfast down.”
“Chandler I swear, if you puke in here, I’m kicking your ass!” Chris threatened, throwing an empty water bottle at his head from across the tub.
“I second that.” Chandler’s dad called out, holding up his pointer finger, “Boy, don’t you puke in here.”
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kucheek · 5 years
I had my biology exam yesterday which went AWFUL and I felt shitty but after rereading all your work it really cheered me up :) you’re such an amazing writer and I’m so glad you give up some of your spare time to provide us with the goods :))❤️❤️ ~ Sock
Sock!! I’m so glad they could make you feel even a little better. And don’t give up hope, if you maybe did badly, you can always turn things around!! Haha, I’m trying, really, even if it may not seem like it.
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kucheek · 5 years
Hi, I'm tulip and I just wanted to say I love your fanfictions about MrBeast.
Oh, thank you! 💕💕 I really, really, really, appreciate this. (also, fun fact: tulips are my favorite flower)
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kucheek · 5 years
I Gave A Homeless Man A Home
[PART 2] ~pending
requested: yes! this was also the imagine out of the last three that got the most notes, so as promised, I’ll finish out writing out this video. maybe not all at the same time bc i have a few more requests to start.
request: LOVE YOUU
Hi!!! Can you please do imagines/ a series based on mrbeast videos where the reader is in a relationship with jimmy so basically fluff?❤️ Btw I love your work!!
pairing: mrbeast aka jimmy x reader
// Yeah, super late haha but with school, work, and other circumstances, I don’t have too much time to write. BUT, I’m making as much time as possible. If anyone has any requests, feel free to send them in or just words of encouragement which i love v v v much! They do motivate me very much to get off my butt and write.   //
“Is it going to fit?” You bit the side of your cheek, looking at the TV measurements. “What are the wall measurements?” You glanced up, all the boys staring at you blankly. “...did anyone take the measurements?”
“Y/N, we’re professionals.” Chris frowned. “of course we didn’t.”
“Maybe we should call Chandler and ask if he even wants a TV?” Jimmy suggested, already pulling out his phone. You drew your eyebrows together and huffed. “how is that going to help? Even if he wants to get the TV, which he will, how are we going to know it’s going to fit?”
Jimmy waved off your logic. “let’s see if he wants this...” He quickly put the phone on speaker and after a few seconds, Chandler answered, “hey, what’s up?”
“Hey, do you think he wants this TV?” A few seconds passed without an answer and just as you were going to say something, Jimmy spoke quickly before hanging up, “alright, we’ll get it.”
Your eyes widened. “Jimmy-”
“It’s fine, it’ll fit.” He assured you, patting the top of your head in what you assumed he thought was comforting, but at the moment, you found incredibly patronizing.
You gave him the dullest look you could muster, “how do you know? You didn’t measure the ‘freakin wall.” In the background, Garrett and Chris were moving the TV onto the cart, when Chris spotted the TV stands set right next to them, “hey, TV stands!”
“Jesus Christ.” You mumbled, crossing your arms. You should’ve measured the wall. Assuming the guys had done it while they were going around the house, pointing at things that they needed to replace and buy, was obviously a bad call.
Turning back to face Jimmy and ready to argue, he had already noticed your sour mood. He smiled lightly, and poked at the sides of your mouth, “come on, turn that frown,” he moved his fingers up to try and make you smile, “upside down.”
You felt a crack in your angry front and swatted his hands away, “I’m still peeved that you didn’t measure the wall.”
“It’s going to be fine. It’s just a wall,” he dismissed, moving his hand to pat your head again. “Fine,” you sighed, “but when the TV doesn’t fit and the refrigerator is too big, I’m going to say I told you so.” Just as he was going to respond, Chris called you over to look at the TV stands that he had been sifting through.
“If we get him a nice TV, we got to get him a nice TV stand, right?”
At this point, you just resigned the idea that we were actually going to think through any of these purchases.
Checking out was a quick process that you were grateful for and you were finally on your way to Walmart, your final destination of the day.
“We should just go through the aisles and get things as we go,” you suggested, crossing your arms on the handle of the Walmart cart, moving it forward through the entrance.
“We need toilet paper.” “Are we going clothes shopping too?” “Can we get strawberries while we’re here? They’re on sale, look.”
After trying to make everyone on the same page, you gave up and just moved forward on your own, everyone trailing behind you like ducks. You felt a little like an overexerted mother, with three hyperactive children when shopping with the guys. Weaving through a few aisles, you made it towards the paper towels and toilet paper-esque aisle. You were looking at the prices when you felt a jostle. Chris and Garrett were throwing things into the cart, you laughed slightly and moved the cart backward causing the toilet paper to fall on the ground.
“Saboteur,” Chris said loudly, pointing at you, “Jimmy, she’s cheating!”
“You’re cheating!” Jimmy grabbed a toilet paper pack and threw it at an unsuspecting Chris. “ah, why?!”
Not even managing to get out of the aisle, Chris found something and stood in front of your cart, stopping you from moving forward. “We almost made a very bad mistake,” he started, holding up a plunger. “...you need a plunger,” he finished, plopping it into the cart.
You quickly noticed that there was a recurring event that happened when going through the aisles. Right as you were going to exit, someone found something that needed to be added. From lemon scented Swiffer pads to multi-colored napkins. And if you were being honest, you didn’t think anyone even bought a Swiffer. With that thought in mind you rolled your eyes, sneaking the box out and placing it onto a random shelf.
“Hey, I saw that.” you paused and gave Jimmy an innocent look. “saw what?” He was leaning forward, hands on either end of the end of the cart.
“You’re tampering with evidence,” he said, matter-of-factly. You snorted, trying to move the cart forward, “there’s no evidence. Move it or lose it.”
“He’ll need some glasses,” Chris said, hefting up a box and placing them into the cart. It had been a while since Garrett tapped you out to push the cart, as it slowly got heavier and heavier with everything that was being added.
You and Jimmy were in another aisle, looking through other appliances while Chris was in the one over. “Old people love...” Chris tapped the cover of the box. “...countertop ovens.” At that point, you and Jimmy were entering back and Chris motioned over. “dude, Y/N, Jimmy, tell me I’m wrong.”
“You’re wrong,” you answered, still absentmindedly scrolling through your phone.
“You didn’t even see!”
“We still need bathroom stuff, don’t we?” Garrett mumbled through a mouthful of chips. You sent him a strange look, and he offered you a chip innocently. “I’ll buy them! I’m just hungry, I thought we’d be done by now.” 
Your group ambled into the toiletry aisle and everyone was picking through the items and dropping them into the basket.
Jimmy was staring at two bottles of shampoo before taking his phone out of his pocket. “I’m going to call him.”
You rolled your eyes and raised your eyebrows slightly. “if you keep calling Chandler, you’re going to give it away.”
“Maybe he’ll think I’m just being a good friend,” Jimmy argued, dialing his phone. Quickly putting it on speaker, he picked up a Suave bottle. “hey, is he a Suave or a Head & Shoulders typa guy?”
“Head and Shoulders,” Chandler answered back immediately, to your amusement. “Gotcha.” Jimmy nodded, setting back the Suave bottle and grabbing the other. “Head & Shoulders, it is.”
“You pronounced it wrong,” you mentioned, grabbing back the Suave bottle. “it’s Suave, not Suave.” You teased, tapping the title of the bottle. 
Jimmy squinted at the title and waved his hand. “what difference does it make, potato, potato.” You only managed to walk a few steps before there was a new distraction.
Chris was holding up a bag of maxi pads. “do you think he needs these?”
“Ahh, doesn’t hurt,” Jimmy shrugged.
“They’re like band-aids,” Chris observed, reading the label. “he could probably use some bandages.”
“Yeah,” Jimmy affirmed, holding up his arms and rubbing at his elbow. “like, maybe for his elbow.”
“Yeah, these are elbow band-aids, right Y/N? You’ve probably used these before.”
You’d been doing a good job keeping your laughter in check, but after Chris said that, you snorted. “completely Chris. They’re elbow band-aids. For elbows. Nothing else.”
“Which shampoo do you use?” Jimmy asked randomly, holding up two bottles in your direction before you left the aisle. You glanced at both bottles before picking up another from shelf. “you should know. You use it all the time.”
He scoffed, snatching the bottle from your hand and reading the label. “I do not!”
“You do.” Garrett added, popping into the conversation. “you always smell like lavender.”
“Why are you smelling me?!”
“Because you smell good!”
video timestamp 3.08
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kucheek · 5 years
I Gave A Homeless Man A Home
[PART 1?] ~pending
requested: yes!
request: LOVE YOUU
Hi!!! Can you please do imagines/ a series based on mrbeast videos where the reader is in a relationship with jimmy so basically fluff?❤️ Btw I love your work!!
pairing: mrbeast aka jimmy x reader
// And here’s the final video I’ll be including the reader in, for this request! Remember, whichever imagine gets the most feedback will be the one I finish writing out. As always, please let me know what you think! //
When Jimmy had expressed his desire to give Chandler’s family friend a place to live, you thought it was renting an apartment or something to that extreme. Not an entire house and furniture included. It was definitely one of the nicest things that Jimmy had done.
One of things you loved about him was how generous he was towards those who were in need. You would think that after one gets as much success at such a young age like he had, they’d become cold and close-fisted. But Jimmy embraced it and used a chunk of his own money plus sponsor money to help others. 
You were looking through the rooms of the house that would soon belong to brother Bobby. Popping back into the soon-to-be living room, the intro to the video was being filmed. 
“Alright, thank you sir,” Jimmy said, grabbing the key before turning to talk to the camera directly, “guys, we just got this house and we’re giving it to a homeless person!” 
The camera switched over to the four others in the room and Jimmy went on, “Chandler’s family friend is in trouble and because of that he hasn’t been able to work much and he’s about to go homeless.” You stood in between Chris and Chandler with Garrett standing directly behind you.
You were just looking absentmindedly at the lens when Jimmy suddenly exclaimed, “not on my watch!” You widened your eyes slightly and raised your shoulders in surprise, giving a small laugh when he threw the key down on the ground. 
Chris immediately bent down to grab it, “that was the key, we need that.”
“So,” Jimmy continued, “we got him this house. We’re gonna deck out this house. We’re gonna give Chandler,” taking out a white envelope he smacked it on Chandler’s chest, “a couple thousand dollars to have fun with him and then at the end of the day he’s going to come to this house and he won’t be homeless. Because his lease is almost up and he has no where to go, so he’s gonna go here.” 
The camera zoomed on Chandler, “Here,” he affirmed, before the camera moved towards you with a strange look on your face staring at Chandler. 
“There’s a lot of money,” Jimmy said, “take that. Go get brother Bobby, get your dad and go have fun. While you’re doing that, we’re gonna take this house we just got, deck it out and at the end of the day we’re gonna give it to him.”
“Why do you keep saying ‘deck out’? Does anyone even say that,” you smiled slightly, looking at Jimmy with your eyebrows scrunched together.
“I don’t know why, actually. It sounds cool, doesn’t it?” he admitted, laughing before clapping his hands together loudly, “team! Huddle!” He put his hand on the middle of all of you, “OK, on the count of three, brother Bobby. One, two, three. Brother Bobby!”
“Alright, Chandler go, go have fun,” Jimmy ushered him out the door and when he left, Jimmy went back towards the camera , “and now that we took care of that, we need to pick out what we’re gonna buy.” 
He moved slightly to make room and pointed to different spots of the room, “I want a couch here, I want a rug, I want a lamp, I want a table.” Chris followed, writing down  everything that Jimmy said from the living room to the kitchen then towards the rest of the house. 
“Time to hit the road,” Jimmy announced, coming back into the living room and clasping his hands onto your shoulders, “time. to. hit. the. road.” He said, giving you small shakes with each word. You reached up and tried to grab his but you only got to his upper arms, “then. let’s. go.” 
Earlier in the day, the guys had gotten a truck to carry everything from the store. Originally the plan was to take Chris’s truck but after some common sense was used, courtesy of you, they realized everything wouldn’t fit comfortably. The first stop of the day was Lowe’s, the boys insisting that they needed a dramatic entrance. You stood to the side, letting out a sarcastic, “wooow,” while they walked towards the camera, “working hard, or hardly working,” you teased Jimmy.
Letting out a scoff, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders in a light headlock, “we have stuff to do, there’s no time for shameless flirting.”
“I’m not flirting,” you protested, trying to get your head out from under his arms, “you wish I was.”
“Not in a Lowe’s!” Chris complained, loudly, “this is a family store.” 
You successfully managed to free yourself and you tried to fix the top of your hair, “this is a hardware store,” you said, with a pointed look in his direction. 
“Same difference.” Chris waved his hand and moved into the aisle over to look for a refrigerator, immediately calling towards both of you, “this one’s not bad.”
“Children, children,” Jimmy placated, moving towards Chris in the appliances. You followed, slightly skeptical that he managed to find one so quickly, “you sure?” You asked, before looking at the stainless steel fridge, “ooh, never mind, this one’s pretty.”
“Okay. No, let’s get it,” Jimmy said, not even glancing at the tag and tapping it slightly, “it’s ours.”
Next was task of finding the microwaves, which was left to yourself and Garrett. It took you a solid ten minutes to find the section after Garrett insisted that we passed them towards the front of the store. 
“That’s the last time I’m listening to you,” you grumbled.
“You’re not even walking!” Garrett complained. After your feet started to hurt from walking around, you grabbed a cart and stood up balanced at the end of it, forcing Garrett to push you. 
“Because it’s your fault we went the wrong way. I told you there was no reason the microwaves wouldn’t be next to the refrigerators.” 
By the time you made it back to Chris and Jimmy, they had already found the microwave. “What took you so long?” Jimmy asked, “we already found the microwave.”
“Blame Garrett,” you said dryly, pointing at him.
“Damn it, Garrett!” Chris said, loudly, holding the microwave, “we have shit to do!”
You hopped off the cart when Chris plopped the microwave inside. After grabbing and reserving a few more things, you were headed towards the cashier where you had originally stored the heavier items for checkout. Jimmy stopped in his tracks and started looking through the large paintings and portraits you passed by, “Jimmy, hurry up.”
“Wait,” He slid one out slightly and used his foot to lightly tap yours, for your attention, “Look, Y/N! Do you like this one? I need a girl’s opinion.”
“Yeah, if you walked into someone’s house and saw this what would you think?” Chris chimed in, cocking his head to the side and staring at the picture. 
“It’s...nice,” you shrugged, “it’s a beach.”
“A nice beach,” Jimmy corrected, sliding it out completely and looking at it for a second, “I think he’ll like it.” 
You playfully scoffed and grabbed the picture, “OK then, let’s go. We have a lot of stops and little time.” After eventually getting everyone to the front, practically prying Jimmy from the portraits, and paying for everything, you were loading everything onto the truck. Or more so, they were loading everything up and you were frowning. So you nearly drop a microwave and suddenly no one trusts you. 
“I can help,” you insisted, handing Jimmy the large picture. He gave you a doubtful look and placed it next to the others, “I think for everyone’s safety, you should just stand there and...” he scrambled for an easy task for you to do, before shrugging, “look pretty?”
“Ugh.” You whined, “this sucks.”
“You’re doing a great job,” Jimmy cheered dramatically, organizing everything inside the truck, his voice echoing, “keep it up!” With half-hearted cheers from the rest of the guys. 
“You guys suck.” You corrected, sitting down on the edge of the sidewalk and setting your elbows on your knee, propping your head on top. 
video timestamp 2.10
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kucheek · 5 years
I am so sorry for my lack of posting! I was on a roll for a few weeks then BAM, everything came raining down haha but I won’t get into the old spew routine of school, homework, work, blah blah blah, just know that I’m aware and I’m workin’ on it.
I have a post coming later today, the last installment in the video series type of thing that I have going on! Remember, I’ll finish writing out the video for the imagine that has the most notes/messages! 
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kucheek · 6 years
Giant Monopoly Game With Real Money
[PART 1?] ~pending
requested: yes!
request: LOVE YOUU
Hi!!! Can you please do imagines/ a series based on mrbeast videos where the reader is in a relationship with jimmy so basically fluff?❤️ Btw I love your work!!
pairing: mrbeast aka jimmy x reader
// Here’s the second video that I decided to do. In case anyone wants me to ever do another video, let me know. Because right now, I’m focusing on the more recent ones! Again, let me know what you all think! And can someone please give me individual book recommendations/book series recommendations, I’m trying to get back into my habit of excessive reading that I was in throughout middle, junior, and high school. //
You were directed to stand right behind Jimmy, and crouch down. And at your cue, throw up the money that was handed to you. Simple enough instructions. But after being down for the past ten minutes, having gone through a few takes, you were ready to kick the back of Jimmy’s knees.
“Argh, let’s do that again.” 
At that statement, you groaned loudly and straightened your legs, bowing at your waist, “can you guys get it right, already? My legs are cramping.” 
“Tell Chandler! He keeps making weird faces!” Chris accused, shoving Chandler from across Jimmy. Chandler made an indignant sound, “it’s just my face!”
“We’ll get it right this time,” Jimmy insisted after he twisted around slightly to look at you, amidst the guys arguing, “crouch down, crouch down.” 
You gave him an exasperated look and bent your legs again, crouching down lowly.
“We have a ginormous Monopoly board and thousands of dollars, we’re playing with real money. We have four contestants, they’re the winners of the merch contest, as  you guys knew. We flew them down, they’re going to be competing.” Jimmy explained, “three are gonna go bankrupt playing Monopoly, and one of them is gonna win all the money and go home with a fat stack.” That was your cue and you threw up the money highly, jumping out with a smile plastered onto your face from behind Jimmy at the same time. 
As soon as the take was over, you jumped up a few times quickly to shake off your stiff legs, “that took way longer than it should have.”
“Only took a few takes.” 
“Easy for you to say,” you glared, “you weren’t crouched on the floor for fifteen minutes.” Chandler moved to straighten the money at the banking table and Jimmy was grabbing the cards before he glanced up, “Chris, could you grab the contestants and let them in?”
“Yep,” he answered, bounding back towards the door and calling towards the contestants. You had been there when they arrived and they all seemed like good enough people, all very excited to be here. They all moved to the side and chatted amongst themselves about the insane layout of the board.
You moved slowly to Jimmy’s side, still ticking everything he needed off in his head at the banking table, “tell me again why I have to participate?” You asked sweetly. It’s not that you didn’t want to be included, but you actually had a few things to get done today and Jimmy practically begged you to be in the game for some unknown reason. 
“Because you love me,” he answered easily, giving you an innocent smile, “and you like being in my videos.”
You hummed appreciatively, looking across the banking table and grabbing one of the die, “is that really why? Because I don’t think you need another person in here, it’s already pretty crowded.” You tried convincing, tapping the die lightly on the side of his head.
“And because you’re the Chance and Community Chest,” Jimmy said pointedly, grabbing the cards and handing them to you.
“Hah! Community Chest,” Chris laughed childishly, shaking his head and gathering the correct amount of money to pass out. 
“Very funny,” you said dryly, throwing a die at him before turning back towards Jimmy. You snatched the cards from him and flicked through them quickly, “you don’t need an actual person to pass out the cards, you could just set them...,” you moved and placed the cards on the side of the table, dramatically, “...on the table. See? Easy.” 
“Nope,” he swiped the cards and gave them back, “you’re in the game.” 
Giving up on your attempt to ditch the video, you moved to stand by Chandler since he was the banker. 
“Here’s $1,500 dollars, and your marker.” Chris and Jimmy passed out the necessary funds to start the game. 
“Before we go any further, let’s get to know our contestants,” Jimmy stated, moving to film the first person, “the first winner of the merch contest is Reagan, right here, he’s competing for his little brother.”
"The second winner is Logan.” He introduced himself, “Hi, I’m Logan Michelle from Boca Raton, Florida.” 
“Third, is Mr. Fiji.” Jimmy continued before the contestant spoke, “I’m Fiji water, and I’m from Walla-Walla-Washington State.”
“And then Blaze,”
“Hi, I’m Blaze Raegan and I’m from Middletown, Indiana.”
After the introductions, the players all gathered at the beginning of the board and the game started, Jimmy handing the dice to Logan. You watched as he immediately went to the Income Tax square and had to hand over $200. 
You crouched down at the edge of the table and crossed your arms, plopping your head on top, “I’m not one to place bets,” you immediately said to Chandler, “but I’m kind of rooting for Logan.”
Chandler gave you a funny look before turning back towards the game, “he just lost $200.”
“Rooting for the underdog,” you lifted a half-hearted fist, “woo.”
The game went on and Reagan ended up on the Chance square, “ooh, chance.” The guys echoed, and Jimmy pointed towards you, “Chance card please!”
Rolling your eyes at your supposed ‘important’ role in the game that he had claimed earlier, you swiped a card and took a glance at it. Probably your favorite card to get in the beginning of any Monopoly game. You handed it to Jimmy and he read it aloud, “your card is, Advance to Boardwalk.” 
He ended up buying the property, and Jimmy went on to explain the rules of buying a property. The game continued with the players buying every property they landed on. It was Blaze’ turn and she had just rolled three doubles, “officer,” Jimmy said, patting Chris on the shoulder, “she rolled three doubles in a row” 
“That’s illegal in these parts,” Chris said, trying to unclip the handcuffs from his belt. “I told you not to actually clip them closed,” you laughed in the background at his failed attempts. 
The camera panned from Chris towards Blaze, “it happens,” she shrugged.
“You having fun yet,” Jimmy had migrated towards you from across the board and you stood up from your seat on the floor. Blaze was moved into the jail cell of the game, Chris explaining the rules. “Nope,��� you stubbornly said, “I still don’t see my so-called, ‘important’ purpose, that you said I was doing,” you air-quoted, giving him a look with your eyebrows raised. 
“Alright fine,” he admitted, throwing up the dice, “I just wanted you to be in the video.” 
“You already said that,” you said pointedly. He tossed a die at your head and it bounced back into his hands, “so what,” he quickly answered, pecking the side of your head before turning back towards the jail cell to lock up Blaze.
Jimmy definitely isn’t one for PDA but it was those little moments, like the one that just happened, that made you smile like you were. As cheesy at that sounded. 
video timestamp 2.30
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kucheek · 6 years
Do you do requests?
Yes, I do! :)
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kucheek · 6 years
Standing Still For 24 Hours Straight - Statue Challenge
[PART 1?] ~pending
requested: yes! 
request: LOVE YOUU
Hi!!! Can you please do imagines/ a series based on mrbeast videos where the reader is in a relationship with jimmy so basically fluff?❤️ Btw I love your work!!
pairing: mrbeast aka jimmy x reader
// Ahh~ Love you too! So this is what I’m going to do. Include the reader in the first part-ish of 2 or 3 videos, which will all be separate posts, and whichever story gets more positive feedback (from both notes and inbox messages), I’ll finish out writing the video. And thank you! You’re sweet :) As always let me know what you all think! //
You make cameos every now and again on the Mr. Beast channel. Usually when you go to visit Jimmy in North Carolina, he has prerecorded videos ready for posting, trying to spend as much time with you before you’re off again. Of course, you are a special guest if a certain video has a time constraint or if he didn’t get the chance to record anything beforehand.
You were stood at the side as the intro to the video was being recorded; initially, when Jimmy suggested standing still for 24 hours you were very skeptical. That boy can’t stand still to save his life. 
“You’re going to last like an hour.” you raised an eyebrow. “tops.” 
“I’ll take you up on that,” he insists, crossing his arms at a challenge. “I’ll bet you that I’m going to last way longer than that.”
You were carrying the guitar case that Chris was supposed to be using during the video and one glance up unnerved you. “I think it’s going to rain.” you pointed upwards, grey clouds covering the sky. Simultaneously, four heads spun around to look at you and even the camera was now pointed at you. “what?”
“That’s bad luck!” “You’re not supposed to say that!” “Now it’s going to rain.”
“I doubt me saying anything, will make it rain.” you rolled your eyes at their claims, continuing to lug the case towards the sidewalk. “if it’s going to rain, it’s going to rain!” Saying the last part loudly. 
Setting everything up didn’t take too long, a few stools and everything was mostly ready for the next 24 hours, apparently. You were standing on the platform that Jimmy was supposed to be standing on as he went around and explained what was going on at each station. 
“Our first station at the event is Garrett’s paint shop, for $5, he will professionally paint you. Our second station is Chris, he’ll play any song in the world-” At that, you looked up and said loudly, “as long as it’s, like, 5 of them.” 
Chris leaned back from his stool, calling out in your direction offendedly, “hey!”
Jimmy pointed towards the camera lens and tacked on, “and not copyrighted.” He moved towards Chandler which, after some haggling, you managed to get into a top hat. “Our third station is Chandler over here, world’s best magician.” 
“And finally, we have Y/N. She isn’t a station because-”
“We need moral support!” Garrett interrupted, the camera panning over before Chandler moved his face in front of the lens. “And snacks. Lost of snacks. 
“Actually, she’s my moral support. You guys can move around and I can’t.” Jimmy said pointedly. “for 24 hours.” He looked contemplative for a second before adding, “and they’re my snacks.”
“Possible 24 hours,” you continued, hopping down from the platform. 
He went around and fist-bumped the three boys before attempting to do the same with you. But before he had a chance, you heard the exclaims from them all around. “Ugh.” With a quick glance, you saw them all trying to wipe the silver paint from their knuckles from Jimmy’s fist. 
You quickly retracted your hand to avoid his. He moved closer and, before you had a chance to slip away, he swiped a finger down your cheek. “Erghh, no.”
“Now you all have a part of me on you,” he said before motioning at the camera. “and then I’m going to be the main attraction. I’m going to stand here for 24 hours straight.” The guys stepped closer to get the final shot and Chris held up his phone. “It is officially 1:22.” 
“It is 1:22.” Jimmy confirmed and stepped up onto the platform.
“Alright,” Chris stated. “it’s official, you can get down at 1:22, tomorrow.”
“Or,” you commented innocently. “we’ll be back in an hour after Jimmy realizes how long 24 hours of standing completely still will take.”
“Which is the more likely option.” Chris laughed, sitting himself down onto his stool.
“That’s-” Jimmy started. You held up a finger, stopping him quickly and you wagged it back and forth. “ah, ah. Statues don’t talk.”
Despite the beard, you could tell he was frowning as he tried to think of a solution before brightening up, “I’m still allowed to talk though, ‘cause you can’t see my mouth move.” He said matter-of-factly, giving you a pointed look. 
“Already starting with the added rules and regulations, are we?” You teased, returning the look.
The next ten minutes were pretty entertaining. People would stop, either wondering what the hell was going on or recognizing one of the guys, and occasionally, you. And it was in that time that you already knew, Jimmy was uncomfortable. 
“Your neck is going to get stiff,” you said, your initial mocking and teasing attitude faded away and was replaced with slight worry. You didn’t think he was going to pass out from exhaustion or anything, but you knew he was going to  probably be sore the following day. And a crabby and tired Jimmy while you were visiting wasn’t your idea of a good time. 
“Yeah, it already hurts,” he muttered, a thoughtful look on his face. “Tareq!” He called out. “pan the camera over here.” 
Tareq moved the camera over, zooming in on Jimmy’s face. “alright, we’ve been doing this for ten minutes aaand I’m going to have to change up the rules a little bit. I’m able to move my head.”
After the camera moved towards Garrett, who was painting a mother and her child, you looked up at Jimmy. “second rule change of the day,” you said lightly, “next thing you know, in ten minutes, you’re gonna be able to move your whole body.” 
“You know, you're not instilling a lot of confidence. Aren’t you here for moral support?” 
“Am I?” You said mockingly, moving towards Chandler slowly, wanting to see his attempts at making a balloon animal.
“I can see you moving,” Jimmy said dryly before whining loudly, “don’t leeeaave, I can’t mooove!”
“I’ll be back in two seconds.” You rolled your eyes, giving up your idea of slipping over quietly. “If you’re good, I’ll bring you a balloon animal.”
“You’re patronizing me.” He narrowed his eyes and with a quick wink, you spun around and walked towards Chandler when a woman requested a balloon animal. “Now, what balloon animal would you like?” 
“Uh, surprise me,” she answered after a second. 
He held the blown balloon in his hands. “alright.” turning towards the woman, he raised his eyebrows, “...you ever heard of a snake?” 
You stifled a laugh when the woman stated immediately, “you’re not giving me a snake.”
It took a few minutes of Chandler trying to remember how to make a complicated animal when he shot his hands out, offering you the balloon. “Can you do this? It’s going to pop.” 
You wrinkled your nose and leaned backwards. “uh, no. You’re the magician.” Giving up trying to pawn off the balloon, he managed to fold and twist is once into the semblance of a... 
“that’s a fish,” he said proudly, holding it out to the woman, she smiled politely and dropped a dollar into his top hat. 
In the next five minutes, Chandler managed to make two more balloon animals. Or more accurately, balloon fish. 
“At this point, you should just promote an aquarium.” you laughed as the next customer left. 
Glancing around, Garrett was painting a couple, Chris was fiddling with the guitars tuning pegs, and Jimmy was trying to catch your attention by waving his head around wildly. If he kept that up he was going to snap his neck, you thought, resolving to go see one of Chris’s performances. Up until now you heard bits and pieces of his strumming and insane lyrics, but you had yet to experience it firsthand.
When you walked past Jimmy to stand between his platform and Chris, he groaned loudly. “Y/N! You’re supposed to be my moral support.” He repeated. 
You gave him was an apologetic look but before you had a chance to respond, he cut you off with an accusatory tone. “I’m not feeling very supported.” 
“I bet everyone else is feeling supported,” he continued and you could already tell he had a pout underneath the beard. 
At that, you rolled your eyes. “I’m right next to you. I’m going to watch Chris and his little improv lyrics.”
“It’s going to be awesome,” Chris chimed in, strumming the guitar loudly right next to you. 
At that point someone had walked up, dropping a few coins into the case and Chris plopped onto the stool. “alright, let’s do this. What’s your name?”
“Matt.” Chris repeated, before starting to strum. “Matt. Matt is awesoome.” You covered your mouth, repressing the laughter beginning to bubble out. “He looks like...Logiiic!” Chris continued and you couldn’t hold back your laughter. “oh, my God.”
From that point, few people had come and gone when Jimmy called out to a guy who had been standing off to the side, observing the going-ons. Debating whether or not to get involved, you assumed. 
“Do you want to get drawn? Or do you wanna-”
“Holy crap!” The guy breathed out, taking a step backwards in shock. “I didn’t even realize, I though it was just a Town Square statue.” 
“To be real, though, he looks like Abraham Lincoln.” 
You let out a quick laugh and Chris turned towards Jimmy. “You do look like Abraham Lincoln.” 
You didn’t know how much time had passed from that point, definitely more than an hour. So far, the guys had gone through 3 trays of cookies, a box of Ritz, and a few packets of mini cookies. 
You were absentmindedly holding up the mini cookies and one by one, feeding Jimmy because apparently, since he was doing this challenge, he 'can’t feed himself’. You tried tossing them into his mouth in an effort to relieve your boredom, but taking into account that he was only able to move his head, you managed to hit his eye on more than one occasion. 
“I’m getting bored. Nothing interesting has happened,” Jimmy muttered pointedly, talking around the cookie in his mouth. He looked around, everything had been mostly stagnant for a while and he was getting uneasy. When his eyes passed over Garrett, he tapped your arm lightly with his foot. “Garrett’s painting is improving.” 
When you looked towards him, you snorted. “I think that’s what this video will end up being. The steady improvement of Garrett’s painting skills.” 
“Ugh, you’re right. This video sucks.” He complained after a beat. You raised an eyebrow and looked up at him. “I didn’t say it sucks.”
He looked down at you, pointedly. “but it does.” 
“Jimmy, I don’t think it’s going to suck,” you assured, trying to throw up another cookie and watching as it managed to get into his mouth. You had an idea of where this conversation was going to head and you were proved right when a few seconds later Jimmy called out loudly, “guys! Team huddle!” 
The boys gathered and Jimmy laid out his plan of action, they’d pack up and think of a new idea for the remainder of the video. After all was said and done, everything was collected and you were on your way to load everything back up.
“Told you, you wouldn’t last,” you said lightly, nudging his shoulder. He scoffed in return and gave you a dry look. “you said I wouldn’t last an hour and I lasted way longer.”
“Still won,” you said haughtily. “didn’t last 24.”
“I’d like to see you stand for 24 hours.”
You hummed quietly, your stance on the conversation clear. 
Video timestamp 2.00
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kucheek · 6 years
This would be cool! That way everyone would get a little something 💖
Would anyone be interested in preferences? Like one for Jimmy, Chris, Chandler, Garrett, etc… Let me know what you think because I feel that the others need more content too <3
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kucheek · 6 years
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I Put 100 Million Orbeez In My Friend’s Backyard and the Airborne Bucket
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kucheek · 6 years
I'll be honest, at first I thought "oh, let's keep it pg" but then, you know, he's an attractive young man with a beautiful face and so I say "yay, smut!" :P
Same! Hahah, it’s good to shake things up a bit, every now and again. Who knows maybe it’ll turn into a thing, someone’s gotta do it.
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