kunoichigo · 4 years
•Donatello's Everything• - Part 3
Sydney's eyes opened slowly, and everything was fuzzy. It took a moment for the world to become clear, and when it did, she didn't know where she was.
Concrete walls surrounded her on three sides, and bars blocked her in on the fourth.
Her stomach hurt, and when she tried to lift her sweater to figure out why, she realized that her wrists and ankles were tied in a thick, frayed rope.
Panic coursed through her as she blinked rapidly, trying to figure out where she was. She knew she was in a cell, but where? Someone had captured her, but who?
She squeezed her eyes shut, sifting through her memory, trying to remember what had happened before the world had turned inky black and she had slipped into unconsciousness.
She remembered her parent's fighting, and going to the lair. Oh, god, her parents. They must be worried sick about her. That is, if they had noticed she was gone.
She kept trying to remember. She had gone to the lair, and the turtles had been asleep. Her stomach swooped and she turned pink remembering how she had fallen asleep with Donatello, and how they had fallen to the floor together.
"Stop thinking about him," she muttered. "I've got to get out of here."
Finally, the final puzzle pieces clicked together, and she remembered Tigerclaw's massive paw covering her mouth, forcing her to slip into a world of nothing.
Rage bubbled inside her. If April hadn't shoved her, she wouldn't be here. If she could put her selfishness aside, this entire situation could've been avoided. But of course, Sydney's safety had been jeopardized for April to get a bit of attention. The situation was made even worse as Sydney noted that this kind of behavior wasn't uncommon from the red-headed teen.
For the next fifteen minutes, Sydney worked diligently to try and break the bonds that bound her together. She tried desperately to not think about who had taken her here and what would happen to her. Instead she focused all of her attention on getting free, which proved to be very difficult.
Soon she heard footsteps stomping down the hall, and in blind terror she scooted towards the dark, damp corner of the cell.
Yellow eyes at least 7 feet in the air met hers. They glowed a burning amber, and Sydney felt sick to her stomach just feeling them upon her. Dark shadows were cast upon the figure, whom she recognized as Tigerclaw. No other being was as ominous and threatening as he was, aside from Shredder himself. This creature, this monster, had grabbed her and held his paw over her mouth until she was unconscious. She was a child. And this beast had kidnapped her.
She was an innocent human child with a life and family of her own, and he had snatched her without hesitation, taken away her breath, and tossed her in a cell. She hated him with every nerve and cell in her entire body. It was a blind rage that swirled in her stomach and made her ears burn. A jagged rock lodged in her throat and stayed there. Her nose flared as she drew in broken breaths and tried not to let the boiling tears in her eyes spill.
Tigerclaw's eyes, which she could only describe as a burning xanthous, turned away from her azure irises, and he spoke in a gruff voice to one of the Foot Clan members that stood at attention behind him.
So she was in Shredder's lair. She blinked rapidly. This couldn't be real. There was no way she had been captured by the Shredder. This was a nightmare.
She was snapped back to reality when the cell slid open with a groan. Two Foot bots grabbed her arms, digging their robotic digits into her arms. She gritted her teeth and sucked air in through her nose, struggling to hold in the tears. Her boots scraped against the ground, collecting dirt and grime, and she could feel cold mud on her cheek where her face had been pressed into the ground.
She felt disgusting and open. She felt like these villains were seeing into her life. They hadn't even spoken to her and yet Sydney felt as though they already knew so much about the life she had fought to keep secret.
Her mind was a blur, so she barely noticed the sharp concrete scraping up her knees and the metallic fingers digging into her skin as she was escorted deeper into Shredder's lair.
She kept her head down, embarrassed at the tears that had escaped the confines of her tear ducts and were now tumbling down her pink cheeks. She was ashamed with herself. Expressing emotions was her weak point. She hadn't been able to do it with Donatello, and breaking down here, in front of all these enemies who probably wanted her dead was humiliating.
She reeled forward as she was tossed down onto her knees onto damp, smoother ground.
A low, rumbling voice shook her to her very core, and she felt her blood turn to ice.
"So... this is one of their team members?" Shredder scoffed, and Sydney tried to stop herself from trembling, but it was useless. Shredder scoffed. "Pathetic. Enlisting the help of hopeless little girls. Yoshi has always been weak and powerless; it only makes sense for a coward like himself to drag little girls into his fight."
Sydney was furious. She was anything but a weak little girl. And the way he spoke of his old friend... How dare he spit on the name of Hamato Yoshi, known as Master Splinter to her, when he was as revolting and foul as they come?
Sydney sucked in a breath, and in a shaky exhale said, "Don't you ever insult Hamato Yoshi in front of me."
The Shredder laughed an awful, cold laugh that sounded like sharp slabs of metal grating together. Sydney winced.
"So you think you're a threat to me? I'm sure my old enemy has taught you something, but you're no match for me. A weak, helpless girl is what you are, and it's all you'll ever be."
"I AM NOT WEAK!" Sydney yelled, looking up, and her stomach dropped. The Shredder was terrifying.
He wore a full suit of shining armor, and large deadly spikes topped each of his arm guards, glinting dangerously in the dim light emanating from windows 30 feet up. Three metal tips protruded from the top of his helmet, which obscured most of his face. The only part of his real skin visible were his eyes, cold and gray, piercing and murderous. The left side of his face was horribly burnt, with peeling red flesh and the charred remnants of his old skin still visible. Sydney felt sick.
"Not weak?" he chuckled, and his laugh resonated throughout the lair, which was dark and cold. Metal clanked as he stood, and Sydney shook as he approached her. She ducked her head once more, hair falling into her face. She couldn't bear to look at someone this horrible.
She let out a pained yelp as Shredder's boot kicked her in the gut, hitting the spot where she had been feeling pain. More tears spilled, and she was barely breathing as she tried to hold in the noises of crying that would surely ensue soon.
"'Not weak', she says," the Shredder repeated, and Sydney despised that she was trembling under his gaze. When he had kicked her, she had bitten her lip, and the irony taste of blood was fresh in her mouth. "You wouldn't last in a fight, but I suppose you could endure what I'm about to put you through."
Sydney's breathing came quicker as fear coursed through her. What he meant, she didn't dare ask.
"Bring her back to the cell. If those retched turtles aren't here by midnight, you know what to do." Fear swirled through her as the Foot bots dragged her away once more. She had no idea what Shredder was talking about, and she most certainly didn't want to find out.
Her stomach felt even worse after Shredder had kicked it, and her bones ached when Tigerclaw tossed her back into her cell. "Don't think for a second that in this cage those ropes will be off for a second," he snarled, slamming the door in her face.
Enraged, Sydney spit through the bars, and a bloody puddle of saliva landed on Tigerclaw's toe. Sydney smirked, then remembered her situation. Maybe that hadn't been the smartest idea, but she wouldn't let Tigerclaw believe that she was hopeless and pathetic, like Shredder had said.
Tigerclaw's burning yellow eyes narrowed as he swiped a paw, claws unsheathed, through the bars towards her.
Sydney tried to dodge the attack, but with her arms and legs tied up uncomfortably she wasn't able to, and Tigerclaw's razor-like claws tore through her skin. A scream sounded from deep in her throat, and her flesh burned painfully. Hot tears trickled down her face and burned her wound even more, which was bleeding. The blood was mingling with the tears that were trickling into her mouth, so her tongue was flooded by the taste of iron.
Even though it was May, Sydney wished she had more layers on; Donnie's lab wasn't nearly as cold as this cell. She was alright in her sweater, but her jean shorts enabled goosebumps to appear up and down her legs. Mustering her strength, she scooted into the farthest corner. Once crouched there, she rested her back against the wall and rubbed her cheek against her sweater, cleaning the blood from her face.
She was a mess. Her boots were dingy and dirty, and her sweater was filthy and ripped, now with a sickening amount of blood on the left shoulder. Her shorts were fraying in some places, and her hair was snarled and damp. She didn't care if her outfit didn't look good; she felt even worse on the inside. Shame at being captured, anger at April and Tigerclaw, and hatred at Shredder all swirled around inside her until she could no longer feel the tears stinging on her cheeks.
Sydney pushed herself farther into the corner and tried to sleep, only able to hope that her turtle companions were on their way.
It felt like days when Sydney woke up again, her head throbbing with pain. Her stomach rumbled with hunger, and she thought longingly of the pizza Leo had promised. She wished she knew what time it was. She knew it had to be after 10, but not midnight, or else the horrible thing that Shredder had been talking about would commence soon. And to think, at midnight, her birthday would only be one day away.
She was so confident that it wasn’t time for whatever Shredder was talking about that when two Footbots approached her she gasped in shock.
Once more she was dragged off. She wanted to struggle, to scream, to do
something, but she didn’t have the strength or energy.
Sydney was swept into a large open room. It was a bit warmer in here, but still had the damp, musty scent that seemed to fill the air throughout the dungeons.
Tigerclaw, who was standing in the corner, smirked. “It’s almost midnight, and your little amphibian friends aren’t here,” he said with a snarl.
Sydney didn’t bother to tell him that turtles were reptiles, not amphibians.
“Xever!” Tigerclaw yelled. “Show our guest what awaits her.”
Sydney wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but when Xever approached a large shape covered in a tarp and revealed a huge vat of mutagen, she nearly passed out again.
Sorry about this taking literal months. I feel really bad about it taking so long but I haven’t had the motivation to do so. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
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kunoichigo · 4 years
Donatello's Everything Update
I've been pretty occupied lately, by which I mean trying to do things so I'm not cooped up in the house all day. Part 3 of Donatello's Everything will come soon, I just need some inspiration. Sorry for all the inactivity!
- Kunoichigo
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kunoichigo · 4 years
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Just a few reasons why Donatello is pure perfection. There are many, many more, but this is just a few. 
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kunoichigo · 4 years
•Donatello's Everything• - Part 2
Sydney's eyes opened cautiously, and the world was still hazy. She blinked a few times, trying to eliminate the stickiness that was trying to bind her eyelids back together.
It took her a moment to notice that it was only half past 9, and that she was still in her clothes. It took her even longer to remember that she had been under a blanket with Donatello. And that she was now lying on top of him.
Somehow, he had moved so that he was sitting upwards with his head lolling back, and she had tumbled over in the middle of her nap and fallen on top of where he was sitting in his chair.
Her head rested on his plastron, and she could feel his heart beating steadily. One of his arms had been flung over her back, sealing the two together. Her face burned red when she noticed that she was sitting in his lap.
How had this happened? How had they ended up in this position while they were unconscious? Her heart beat wildly, and her face put Raphael's mask to shame.
She didn't want to wake him. She didn't want him to find her thrown over him like this; would he understand what happened? Of course not. He had been asleep the entire time.
She stretched out one of her legs until she felt her boot meet the floor. From there, she braced one of her hands against Donnie's desk, pushing her palm into it. Her other hand grabbed the arm of his chair while her other foot found the ground.
Alright. She was now in a position to stand up cautiously, but there was one last problem.
His arm was still draped over her waist. Her stomach fluttered. She had never been in a situation like this with Donnie before, and while she was terrified he would wake up to a scene this bizarre, she couldn't help but feel overjoyed. His hand was on her waist! It was insane!
She blinked a few times, focusing on the task ahead of her. The blanket had fallen to the floor and was stuck under two of the chair's wheels, so she would have to be careful of that.
Gingerly, she reached behind her and lifted Donatello's arm, blushing madly at the feeling of his skin meeting hers.
Very carefully, she rested his arm against his chest. She let out a breath of air. Good. Now she was just in this questionable stance above him, poised like she was able to attack him. Or something more... awkward. She didn't want to think about it.
But the worst was over. She could stand up now and pretend like this never happened.
She stretched one of her feet forward. And went too far. Her other foot couldn't reach as far in this condition, and it lifted off the ground in an attempt to balance her weight out.
It didn't work.
With her back leg off the ground, she lost her balance, and she, the chair, and the still sleeping Donatello lurched forward at the same time her stomach dropped.
They hit the ground with Donnie's back to the floor, and with her almost parallel to the ground.
Her head had bonked against his plastron, and she had to stop for a second to stop the room from spinning. She lifted herself off of him, shaking her head to clear the stars swimming in her mind.
Her eyes blinked open to see Donnie's currant eyes staring into her blue ones. His lip was slightly parted, showing off the gap tooth that drove her crazy.
She realized with a jolt that her arms were braced on the ground on each side of his head, pinning him to the floor.
The thought hit both of them at the same time, and in a flustered panic, they were both trying to get off each other and get up.
Blundering apologies and awkward reassurances flew as their arms twisted around, trying to untangle themselves.
His arm brushed against her waist, and in surprise she reeled forward, and was forced to grab onto his arm for balance.
Butterflies twisted in her stomach, and she ducked her head to hide her blush, dirty-blonde hair falling into her face.
Donatello's other hand, the one that wasn't braced against the floor, cautiously took hold of Sydney's hip, and he gently pushed her up.
Sydney's voice caught in her throat. Her stomach flipped and flopped wildly, and she slowly put her hands on Donatello's shoulders, using them to push herself back even more.
Now, Donnie was sitting on the ground, knees bent, and Sydney was sitting on his lap. Her hands drew back from their place on his shoulders, and she stood up, wobbling the entire time. Her nerves were completely shot, but she forced herself to extend a hand to help him up.
He took it, and her fingers burned with the heat of feeling his skin.
When he had straightened up, he had gained 8 inches on her, and she was now looking up at him, his large hand encased around hers.
Donatello noticed what he was doing, and his fingers slid from hers.
"Sorry about that," Sydney croaked, and cleared her throat awkwardly.
"No, no, it's all good," Donnie replied, his voice cracking a bit. They both took a half-step backwards, enlarging the small gap between them.
Sydney's eyes wandered around the lab, trying to think of something else to say. Her fingers played with the belt loop of her jean shorts where his hand had been a minute ago.
She opened her mouth to try and explain what had happened when the door to the lab slid open with a groan.
Her head twisted to the side in sync with Donatello's, and their eyes rested on the fiery-haired girl clad in yellow standing in the doorway.
"What's going on?" the teen asked, her blue eyes taking in the scene, narrowing as they landed on Sydney.
"H-hey April," Donnie said, smiling immediately, to Sydney's dismay.
The attention the mutant gave the other girl never failed to strike a chord of jealousy in Sydney's heart. For months she had watched him fawn over this girl, giving her all of his attention and devotion, which Sydney longed for herself.
She yearned to be the one he bent over backwards for, without all the bending over. She didn't want him to do things for her or gush over her all the time. She just wanted to feel the unknown feeling of having the one she loved so dearly return and share her feelings. It was an ache inside her that never rested, and one that she had to keep quiet, even if she didn't want to.
April's eyes stayed on Sydney's for a moment before sliding to meet Donatello's. "Are you ready for the patrol? It took ten minutes to wake up your brothers; I'm so sick of waiting."
"Yeah, yeah, of course!" Donnie beamed. He turned to Sydney, and her heart thrummed in her chest. "You coming?"
Sydney's mood flipped. She loved going on patrol with the turtles, and fighting crime with them was something she wanted to get better at. She still had a lot to work on, but she was improving tremendously.
She felt energized now. After the nap, and the spike of adrenaline after falling on Donatello, she was pumped up and ready to hit the surface. In response to his question, she nodded enthusiastically.
"OK then, let's go," April snapped, rolling her eyes and walking away.
Once again, Sydney turned to Donnie. "I'm sorry about that. I, uh, just came to check on you."
"It's alright," Donnie said, and his eyes met hers for a moment.
Sydney's face flushed and turned hot. "L-let's get going." Donnie nodded in agreement, and they exited the lab together. Sydney gnawed the left corner of her lower lip anxiously. She wanted to say something more, but couldn't find the words, so decided not to say anything.
She grabbed her kamas from the dojo and slipped them in her pockets. She loved her kamas. She had received them from Master Splinter after completing her kunoichi training. The blade was sharp and silver, and the handle was red with yellow accents, to match the rest of the Hamato weapons. With her kamas, she felt like she belonged in this rag-tag family. With her kamas, she felt like she contributed to the team.
The coolest part about them was that the blade was extendable, so she could lasso and stretch farther with them. She was still getting used to that part, and on multiple occasions she had accidentally let it open and entangled herself. She laughed along with the others when she couldn't get out, even when April scoffed and rolled her eyes.
Up on the rooftops, Sydney couldn't get her mind off of what had happened with Donatello. It was intoxicating, really, how it had escalated so quickly. In her mind, Sydney hoped that would never happen again. But deep down, she relished being alone with him, when no one was around. Maybe in a situation like that, she would be able to tell him how she felt.
The city was calm that night, but with the familiar energy still crackling around them. Lights were aglow everywhere, and car horns and sirens filled the night air with noise.
Sydney's hair rustled in the breeze, and the cool night air made her glad she had worn a sweater. Footsteps sounded behind her, and she turned around, coming face to face with Casey Jones.
She breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought you were someone else," she explained, and Casey wrapped his arm around her and noogied her head, much to April's disapproval.
She walked over and swatted Casey's arm off. "Stop fooling around, you two," she jeered, crossing her arms. Her mouth was set in a deep frown.
Casey put up his gloved hands in surrender. "Relax, Red. At least a noogie is better than birthday punches." He tossed a light punch at Sydney's arm, and she playfully blocked it, grabbing his hand and twisting it. "Ah!" he yelped. "Uncle! Uncle!" Sydney released him, giggling.
April eyed her with disdain. "Birthday? Are you turning twelve or something?"
Sydney stopped laughing, and brushed some dust off her sweater. "Fourteen, actually. In two days."
April sneered in return. "Well, you sure don't act like it."
Anger built up inside of Sydney. She wasn't the one who acted like a child. She wasn't the one who didn't take things seriously. It was quite the opposite, in fact. Things that were important April treated like they were frivolous, and things that were light and humorous she treated like child's play.
Sydney wished she could voice her thoughts, but she knew it wasn't the end of the world. Sometimes April was a bit uptight, but who was Sydney to call others out on their flaws?
"Chillax, brah," Mikey said nonchalantly, leaning against a nearby water tower. "There are only good vibes on patrol." Sydney smirked at Mikey's lighthearted humor, but April didn't.
"Whatever," she huffed, turning to Donnie. "So," she cooed, her personality changing completely. "Explain to me who we're looking for." Donnie smiled bashfully and continued the conversation.
Sydney felt a twinge of jealousy. In her opinion, April tended to lead both Casey and Donatello on. She would flirt with each one, making it seem like she liked them before cruelly rejecting them. Sydney didn't appreciate it; Casey and Donnie were people, not toys. They shouldn't be played with.
Luckily, Casey was starting up a conversation, so her mind was occupied with something other than Donnie and April.
"So," Casey started, and Sydney turned her attention to him. "The big one-four. How's it feel?"
Sydney shrugged. "Not much different, but at the same time, kinda weird. I mean, it's not like I'm turning 18. But still, high school's a pretty big deal. That's the weird part of it all."
"Eh, you'll get used to it," Casey shrugged. He was leaning against his hockey stick, setting a chill, nonchalant mood, which set Sydney into a relaxed conversation. "At least you're not gonna be a junior like me." He poked her arm playfully. "Freshmen got it easy."
Sydney laughed. She liked how Casey was able to ease the tension in any room. The stress seemed to melt out of her when she talked to him. And that's exactly what she needed. "I guess you're right. At least I don't have to take the SATs."
Casey groaned. "Aw, man, you ruined the mood," he joked. "The vibe is gone!"
"Hey!" Mikey scolded. "What did I say? Good vibes only!"
The two teens snickered at his response.
"Quiet down, guys," Leo announced, surveying the streets with his telescope. "Look. It's the Foot Clan."
The team crouched down on the ledge and peered over the rooftop. There were at least 2 dozen Foot bots standing in the street, possibly conversing about battle plans.
Raphael scoffed. "Easy pickings. We each take 1 or 2 and BAM. We've saved the day."
Suddenly, Tigerclaw, Fishface, and Rahzar materialized from the shadows, and gathered the Foot members together.
"Sorry Raph, but we're better off heading back to the lair for now," Leo said.
"I concur," Donatello piped up, and Sydney blushed at the sound of his voice. Casey noticed her red face and cocked his head in a question. Sydney only shook her head in response. It was as if Casey had gone, "What?," and she was replying with, "Nothing."
Donnie continued. "We already know the Shredder is collaborating with TCRI. We could formulate a mission of espionage, just to be certain we know what we're dealing with."
Leonardo nodded in agreement. "I like where your head's at, Donnie. Alright guys, let's head back. We've got hamburger pizza in the fridge." The team members simultaneously licked their lips.
Sydney stood up from the ledge and cracked her back, and it was at that moment that one of the Foot Clan members pointed up at her. Tiger Claw's head swiveled around, and his nose scrunched up in a snarl. "Get them!" he roared.
Leo grabbed Sydney's shoulder and pulled her away from the ledge, and her feet went into motion.
"Try to shake them before heading back to the lair!" Leo yelled. "We don't want them knowing where our prime location is!"
They ran across the rooftops, the bots in pursuit after them. Once, Sydney turned around, and the sight of 2 dozen bots followed by a mutant tiger, dog, and fish made her whip her head back around.
She leaped over the gap in a building, landing right behind Leo. They kept running, changing directions and ducking behind structures as often as they could. A larger gap was coming up.
Leo pulled a grappling hook from his belt, and his brothers did the same.
Raph zipped across, followed by Mikey and Casey. Leo offered his hook to April first, and Donnie to Sydney, who hid her smile.
April grimaced and pushed Sydney to the side, taking hold of Donnie's grappling hook instead.
"Sydney, take mine," Leo said, holding the grappling hook out to her. Sydney extended her hand to take it.
"Oh my god, hurry up!" April huffed, shoving Sydney forcefully.
The strength of the older girl's shove sent Sydney to her knees on the rooftop.
She got up, anger coursing through her blood.
Donatello grabbed onto Leo's grappling hook. Fortunately, Leonardo always carried a spare, and he used that one for himself.
Donnie extended his hand to Sydney, his palm facing upwards. Her heart hammered in her chest, and she took it.
Donatello's chocolate red eyes met hers. "Hold on," he instructed, and moved his hand from her palm to her waist, pulling her towards him. The sensation of his arm around her made her feel euphoric.
Leo zipped toward the other building where their comrades were waiting. Donnie followed after. With him holding onto her, the moment felt special. The wind whipped her hair into her face and there were villains chasing them, but it was an intimate situation, and her face flushed.
Suddenly, she felt something wrap around her right ankle. Looking down, she noticed one of the Foot bot's chains had roped around her leg. The bot on the other end tugged, and the force sent Sydney plummeting downwards, away from Donnie's protective grasp.
"Sydney!" Donnie yelled, still zooming towards the building opposite the one with the villains.
A scream sounded from Sydney's mouth as she plunged downwards. There were balconies, clothing lines, and an asphalt street below her, not to mention cars. This was it. This was the end.
She gagged as the neck of her sweater pulled against her jugular. Someone had grabbed onto her by the collar of her sweater, and looking up, she realized with a jolt of panic that the "someone" was Tigerclaw.
He hauled her over his shoulder like an empty sack, and the Foot Clan members tied scratchy rope around her ankles and wrists.
"Put me down, you stripy furball!" Sydney protested, kicking her legs, which moved as one due to the rope. She shook her head and writhed around, but Tigerclaw's vicious snarl startled her motionless.
"Bring the rat to Shredder's lair," Tigerclaw yowled to the turtles. "Any funny business, and the girl perishes."
"Syd!" Mikey yelled. "Don't worry! I've got ya!" He triumphantly pulled out his grappling hook again, taking on a heroic stance. His posture dropped when he realized there was nowhere to shoot the hook, as there weren't ledges for it to secure on the side of the building she was on. "I'll think of something else!" he called.
"Foolish turtles," Tigerclaw growled. "Bring the rat. You know the consequences." He turned away, and the Foot bots activated a kind of black mist that shrouded them in it, obscuring them from view.
"Help!" Sydney screamed, squirming around once more.
"Silence!" the massive feline snarled, but Sydney refused, continuing to howl in protest.
Tigerclaw grumbled in annoyance and held his huge, furry paw over Sydney's face.
She shook around even more, her screams muffled by his paw. Without air, she couldn't stay conscious.
With a few more persistent kicks, her eyelids fluttered, and she was enveloped into a world of flooding black.
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kunoichigo · 4 years
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Here’s a picture of what Sydney looks like in my style, just so you guys can get a feel of what she looks like. I drew it on Procreate, and I took the picture off my Instagram, which is kunoichigo__. No period and two underscores. Hope you like her!
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kunoichigo · 4 years
•Donatello's Everything• - Part 1
Her arms wrapped around her knees, and she pressed herself into the corner of her bed against her pillow.
The door was shut and locked, and she hummed to herself to drive out the noise emanating from the other side of the door.
Muffled screams were still able to make their way through her door and to her ears.
Tears tumbled down her face and her breath came shakily, her shoulders trembling.
She swallowed hard. She didn't want to be here. She wanted to be anywhere but here. Her situation wasn't a new one; she had been in this position many times before. She knew her parents were going to start yelling even before she entered the house.
The red flag on the mailbox was up, meaning her father hadn't checked the mail. He was in a hurry to yell at his wife. His car was parked right next to the door so that he could storm out of the house and head to the pub for booze right after he had screamed at her mother. Of course, she would scream right back, dragging the argument on for a while longer.
The sound of glass shattering in the other room made her flinch, although she was used to this as well.
She glanced out the window at the Manhattan skyline. In the distance, the sun cast orange and pink rays of light over the city, making the tall skyscrapers in her vision appear almost black, as they weren't receiving the golden orb's light.
She nibbled on her lip, waiting for the sounds of her parent's screeches to die down, like they always did. Another glass broke, and she twitched.
She didn't want to be here. But she was home, although it never felt like it. But... she did have somewhere else she could go.
She grabbed her phone off her night-side table and scrolled through her contacts until she came to one titled LEONARDO.
It took him three rings to pick up, and when he did, she exhaled a sigh of relief.
"Hey, Sydney!" he exclaimed.
She smiled. It always lightened her mood a little bit, the way her reptilian companions were so excited at the mere sound of her voice.
"Hey, Leo! Would you mind if I came over to your place?"
"Of course not! You're always welcome!"
Her smiled widened. Being honest, she liked the lair more than she liked her own home. It was comfortable at the lair, and safe.
"Alright, I'll see you-"
"Hey, is someone yelling in the background?" Leo interrupted, and Sydney's stomach plummeted.
"What? Ha ha, no... it's just the neighbors. They're watching sports."
"Are you sure? It sounds angry."
Sydney's heartbeat quickened. "Yeah, of course. They've got the Bills on right now."
"But Sydney, there's no football t-" Leo started.
"See you soon! Bye!" She hung up quickly, exhaling all the breath she'd been holding in.
She had never told her mutant friends why she sometimes asked to come over at odd hours during the day or night. She had never told them why her feet were cut and scratched from the broken glass left on the unswept floor of her apartment. And she had never told them how the loud "neighbors" were watching football when there wasn't even a game going on.
She slid on her boots and opened her window, jumping down to the balcony below. From there, she shimmied down the fire escape and headed to the lair.
It had become routine for her, climbing out the window. Sometimes, she went to climb through it on her way back from school rather than going through the front door. She kept her window unlocked, because it was on the third floor. And besides, who'd want to break into a rinky-dink little apartment anyways?
The evening air was warm, and it ruffled Sydney's dirty blonde hair. A mild breeze made the late sun's heat comfortable, and she was thankful it was May. No more bundling up in long pants. The turtles would venture outside more into the welcoming spring air. It made her smile just thinking about it.
After a brisk walk through the city and upon arriving at the specific manhole cover, it was officially dusk. Sydney was glad. Perhaps the turtles would invite her to patrol with them. Master Splinter had been training her in the art of ninjutsu since she had met the turtles when she was ten. But that was almost four years ago; she would be fourteen in a few days.
As she clambered down the ladder and into the musky sewers, she reflected on everything that had happened since she met her turtle confidants. She had experienced her entire teenage life with them, had become a kunoichi in martial arts, and had moved on to middle school and now almost high school.
Of course, she was overjoyed. She loved spending time with the turtles, who were like her family, and wouldn't trade them for any human friend.
Another thing she noticed was that her nose no longer twitched in disgust when she went down into the sewers. The pungent smell that had formerly bothered her was no longer present, at least not to her.
Sydney's fingers tapped together anxiously, her middle finger and thumb creating an inaudible beat. Deep inside, she hoped April hadn't stopped by the lair. The red-headed teen often shoved Sydney around, complaining about how she always got in the way of whatever they were doing that day.
Sydney found this ironic, as April tended to be the one to interrupt what they were doing, no matter how important it was. In fact, she had barged in on Sydney's final exam before she became a kunoichi, complaining that Sydney was "too young and inexperienced" to be awarded the rank of a kunoichi.
This made Sydney bitter inside, as April had only been around for about six months, while Sydney had been diligently training for four years. Although April was two years older than she was, the sixteen year-old acted younger than Sydney at times.
But Sydney forced herself to be polite. The last thing she wanted was conflict on the team; Leonardo and Raphael already supplied enough of that anyways.
She pushed past the turnstiles at the entrance to the lair and the first thing she saw was...
Leonardo passed out on the couch, with Space Heroes still playing on the television. Raphael was sprawled on the floor in front of the couch, clutching a half-spilled bag of popcorn in his hand. Michelangelo was slumped upside-down in a beanbag chair. Upon further inspection, Donatello was found in the lab, balled up science notes littered on his floor and desk. Donnie himself was slumped with his cheek pressing against his desk, and a small globule of saliva with sliding out of his mouth.
Sydney approached him quietly. It was obvious that the turtles had spent hours burning themselves out, and had already crashed and burned at... She checked the clock. 7 o'clock on the nose.
She grabbed a blanket from one of the closets in the lair and draped it over Donatello, secretly admiring his facial features.
Every since she had remembered, she had been burying her secret feelings for the purple-clad mutant from everyone but herself.
But she couldn't help the way she felt about him.
The way his jawline curved, the way his chocolate red eyes turned mahogany in the setting sun, the way his large muscles shone with sweat when he was hard at work in the lab, all of it.
She adored his height and how he towered over her. She secretly gushed over his adorable gap tooth and how his tongue would twist sideways and poke through it when he was deep in thought.
She especially loved his intellect. It amazed and intrigued her how easily he was able to solve infuriatingly difficult equations so easily, and how he crafted such intricate inventions with his six fingers.
The events of the day suddenly came barreling towards her, and she sat down. She hadn't realized how much her back hurt, and her legs were cramping up a bit. When her parents fought, her adrenaline spiked through the roof, and it plummeted down rapidly afterwards.
Her eyes felt a bit heavy. It was a little past seven, but the arguments between her parental units always left her drained. And where else was better to catch a few Z's than in the safety of the lair?
A shiver ran down her spine. Donnie's lab was pretty drafty, and a chilly breeze blew through it. She folded her arms on the table and rested her chin on them, hoping it would make her a bit warmer, all bundled up.
It was no use. Donatello was still trying to find a generator large enough to power his lab, but it wasn't an easy task to find one in the landfills of New York city. Fortunately, there were many blankets around the lair. Unfortunately, Mikey, Raph, and Leo were wrapped up in some, and Sydney had used the last one on Donnie.
She peeked at the cotton spread that was draped over her crush, though she never referred to him as that. He was so much more than that to her.
Donatello had no idea she had been fawning over him for years. Clearly he still thought of her as a sister-like figure. And she intended to act as such around him, so as to not give away her secret.
The blanket was large enough for the both of them. It wasn't as if she was snuggling up with him in bed.
Cautiously, she took a corner of the blanket and gingerly pulled it around so that it wrapped around her with plenty of room for Donnie.
Perfect. She knew there was nothing wrong with what she was doing. But her heart still hammered in her chest. She was sitting right next to her crush, sharing a blanket with him. She wanted to think about the craziness of it all more, but weariness tugged on her eyelids. She laid her head down and closed her eyes, drifting into sleep, her drowsy mind flooding with thoughts of her secret beloved Donatello.
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kunoichigo · 4 years
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He’s baby and you can’t tell me any different.
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kunoichigo · 4 years
Quick Introduction
Hi, I'm Kunoichigo! It's a combination of kunoichi, a female ninja, and ichigo, which is strawberry. I actually have been doing martial arts for more than half of my life and my face is always as red as a strawberry, hence the name.
I'm an artist, so this is an art account.
I really love TMNT and have since I was a little kid, so expect a LOT of TMNT art (if I can figure out how to post it, it might be tricky on this device).
I'm still figuring out how to use this, but I look forward to using this app and meeting a lot of new people!
- Kunoichigo
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