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“You? You’re joking.”
Okay so some background here, @kurokkuwaakaa-to-yonda wrote a long fic where through, let’s call them “shenanigans”, an earlier handplatesGaster without the holes in his hands gets brought back into the post-pacifist timeline with the memories of what he’s done. Which means TIME FOR HIM TO FACE THE MUSIC. Since New Home probably doesn’t have any jails or anything, Asgore puts him under house arrest in the castle basement, where Alphys tries to talk with him and it’s very awkward. kurokku wrote a short about them meeting again though this isn’t exactly how the conversation went in it, haha. I winged it a little.
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Don’t hate Irina? If it were just a few days ago he would have laughed that off. That he could never hate Irina. She was his sister.
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But she didn’t feel like his sister anymore. “I... why would you... say that?”
Elluka runs into Kiril's arms and starts sobbing violently. A very, very ghostly Elluka. -chirclatiaelluka
“E… Elluka?”
He hardly expected to see her right after witnessing her murder. He definitely didn’t expect it.
He can’t believe it. “Beloved…?”
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“Y-y-you don’t seem as c-corporeal as you usually do, Elluka,” he said hoarsely, watching her hands go through his.
He was crazy. He must be crazy. His beloved died and now he was hallucinating her.
Elluka runs into Kiril's arms and starts sobbing violently. A very, very ghostly Elluka. -chirclatiaelluka
“E… Elluka?”
He hardly expected to see her right after witnessing her murder. He definitely didn’t expect it.
He can’t believe it. “Beloved…?”
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He looks towards the tools as though trying to decide if he should pick them back up despite her deliberate movements, before hearing her speak. “Is Irina sick?”
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He wouldn’t be surprised, with all this stress...
"Darling, could I please speak with you? It's something very important that requires your utmost attention." -ChirclatiaElluka
“Mm?” He looks up from his work, although not quite paying attention even now. This is a big order.
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“What is it, Elluka?”
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"Darling, could I please speak with you? It's something very important that requires your utmost attention." -ChirclatiaElluka
“Mm?” He looks up from his work, although not quite paying attention even now. This is a big order.
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“What is it, Elluka?”
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He backs way, way up, until his back hits the wall with a thud. He’s not shaking, not to that level of freaked out yet. But he has turned pale, more so than when he saw the ghost.
“W... wh... wha...”
There is what appears to be a ghost in your shop, Kiril, given this woman should be very much dead. She seems curious, though.
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Kiril is going to sit upright and stare at her, blinking several times. “Mil.. Mil- Milky?!” Wasn’t she– hadn’t she been–?! Did she survive? Was her death misreported?
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“Are you trying to be funny? Because it’s not, you know.” Not that he knows why a ghost would benefit from lying that way. But still.
There is what appears to be a ghost in your shop, Kiril, given this woman should be very much dead. She seems curious, though.
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Kiril is going to sit upright and stare at her, blinking several times. “Mil.. Mil- Milky?!” Wasn’t she– hadn’t she been–?! Did she survive? Was her death misreported?
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Ahhh I gotta sleep ;--;
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He has also cried a great deal, but he still feels tears gathering and running down his skin. He was going to have to polish his glasses again.
Is he... hallucinating?
“Ho... how are you...?” He reaches a hand up, trying to grab and hold on to hers.
Elluka runs into Kiril's arms and starts sobbing violently. A very, very ghostly Elluka. -chirclatiaelluka
“E… Elluka?”
He hardly expected to see her right after witnessing her murder. He definitely didn’t expect it.
He can’t believe it. “Beloved…?”
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I'm the only type Kiril needs :T -Elluka
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“No one can ever fulfill my desire for Elluka quite like Elluka can.”
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“That’s fortunate for me,” he mutters. But now he’s worried about what a ghost can do. Unless haunting people is the only thing. Why must he be cursed with this spirit sight?
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“...I am curious, I guess. Is your identity some important celebrity?”
There is what appears to be a ghost in your shop, Kiril, given this woman should be very much dead. She seems curious, though.
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Kiril is going to sit upright and stare at her, blinking several times. “Mil.. Mil- Milky?!” Wasn’t she– hadn’t she been–?! Did she survive? Was her death misreported?
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“...... I hope you don’t expect me to fill his shoes, so to speak,” he says, clearing his throat uncomfortably. “Not only am I not a necrophiliac, but I’m going to be married soon.”
Also you’re not his type.
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“Complicated? I can’t imagine it’s much more complex than Milky just being your stage name.”
There is what appears to be a ghost in your shop, Kiril, given this woman should be very much dead. She seems curious, though.
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Kiril is going to sit upright and stare at her, blinking several times. “Mil.. Mil- Milky?!” Wasn’t she– hadn’t she been–?! Did she survive? Was her death misreported?
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Elluka runs into Kiril's arms and starts sobbing violently. A very, very ghostly Elluka. -chirclatiaelluka
“E... Elluka?”
He hardly expected to see her right after witnessing her murder. He definitely didn’t expect it.
He can’t believe it. “Beloved...?”
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“You don’t have to... remind me of that, you know,” he said slowly. He wasn’t amused by their resemblance, not least of which because he knew why. Or thought he did.
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“You speak as if it was not your real one. Or as if you go by another.”
There is what appears to be a ghost in your shop, Kiril, given this woman should be very much dead. She seems curious, though.
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Kiril is going to sit upright and stare at her, blinking several times. “Mil.. Mil- Milky?!” Wasn’t she– hadn’t she been–?! Did she survive? Was her death misreported?
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“....Yes, I can see you.”
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He’s rather sensitive when it comes to magical, non-physical presences, or rather things that most humans couldn’t see. He backs up as she comes forward, trying not to shake.
“It’s what everyone called you.”
There is what appears to be a ghost in your shop, Kiril, given this woman should be very much dead. She seems curious, though.
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Kiril is going to sit upright and stare at her, blinking several times. “Mil.. Mil- Milky?!” Wasn’t she– hadn’t she been–?! Did she survive? Was her death misreported?
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There is what appears to be a ghost in your shop, Kiril, given this woman should be very much dead. She seems curious, though.
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Kiril is going to sit upright and stare at her, blinking several times. “Mil.. Mil- Milky?!” Wasn’t she-- hadn’t she been--?! Did she survive? Was her death misreported?
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Welp Imma throw out all the Watanuki icons, sorry everyone! Time to rebuild him from scratch with more accurate faceclaims
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