kurokomitsuki · 6 years
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I found this and realized I never actually showed it to anybody so here ._.
a bit old drawing so it kinda sucks tbh but hey, it’s Italy lol
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kurokomitsuki · 6 years
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I drew sum 2p!itapan
I really like sadistic & yandere Italy ;w;
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kurokomitsuki · 6 years
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I dun remem when I drew this but.
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kurokomitsuki · 6 years
whoever’s still following this blog, I’ve switched to
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kuritsuki  nao so. 
That’s where I’ll be posting hetalia stuff nao.
if you still like me, then maybe folllow that?? .w.
but if not then oki
tha’s cool.
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kurokomitsuki · 7 years
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kurokomitsuki · 8 years
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I apologize for being such a lazyass and not updating at all 😭🔫 ppl are still following this acc tho so i guess i'll still post ahahahaha These are just random doodles in class so they're not really as high quality lol
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kurokomitsuki · 8 years
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I realised how much I haven't been posting and instead reblog and like things so now I shall post hetalia art and stuff again bc yeh
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kurokomitsuki · 8 years
Me: Today I pledge to be productive
Brain: But what about all the fanfictions you can read, and you can catch up with all the episodes you missed.
Me: Shit your right I pledge to be productive one day.
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kurokomitsuki · 8 years
Friend: What the hell goes through your mind?
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kurokomitsuki · 8 years
You know your OTP is ruining your life when
You start reading fanfictions multiple times because you read all the other good fanfictions already.
You start comparing people from your daily life to the pairing.
You keep coming up with awesome ideas for fanfictions about your OTP but you never manage to finish them because you came up with five other fanfictions.
You seek your OTP in everything that you do, listen to or see; music, school, the news, T-shirts, everything.
You think about them at least once every hour, if not more often.
You find yourself accidentally screenshotting every picture you find of them.
You cringe or spasm when you accidentally remove a picture of your OTP instead of rename it.
You’d rather delete apps or musci than pictures of your OTP when your memorycard is stuffed
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kurokomitsuki · 8 years
When you get an image of your otp in your head and you feel the sudden urge to draw it but then you realize you can’t draw and the idea just mocks you for the rest of the day.
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kurokomitsuki · 8 years
REBLOG ONLY IF YOU FOLLOW AND POST ANYTHING HETALia,you don't have to be a main hetalia blog
this is the second time in doing this , this fandom is dYING FOR REAL
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kurokomitsuki · 8 years
Me : *falls onto the floor before shaking with muffled screams*
Teacher : some one call the ambulance, she’s having a seizure!
Friend : no sir, she’s just reading too much fluff fanfics in the past 72 hours.
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kurokomitsuki · 8 years
I realized something about majority of my ships...
Person A: Charming, Intelligent, Can speak multiple languages, Straight A student
Person B: Loud, Obnoxious, Probably ate all the candy in the jar then guessed zero, Mega dork and proud
But also...
Person B: Compassionate, Scary threat when provoked, Very chill when mellow, Keeps things bottled up and fakes smiles to get through the day, Very tol
Person A: Standoffish, High and mighty complex, Angry at everything and everyone, Cries at everything, Emotionally stunted due to tragic past, Very smol but will fight you
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kurokomitsuki · 8 years
Teacher: *Looks to see their student writing diligently during their class*
Teacher: Look at that student. Always so on top of things during lectures. What a great student they are.
Me, writing gay fanfiction: He leaned down to whisper sweet nothings into his boyfriend’s ear as one his hands caressed his lover’s inner thigh before traveling up further…
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kurokomitsuki · 8 years
The Four Different Types Of Fanfiction
The Smut: You're favorite couple is doing the do once again. It could be kinky or vanilla, whatever. You stare at the screen, unblinking, your face showing no emotion. Inside, however, you are screaming.
The Orgasm: Fluff. Pure, unadulterated fluff. You convulse with feelings and try to hold back your squeals of delight. The worst to read in public.
The Drama Queen: It's a sad story with happy undertones. You tell everyone you cried but really you laughed throughout the torture scenes. Really, it was a good fanfic, it just wasn't... that.
ANGST: Your tear tracks don't leave for days after reading this fanfic. You haven't slept in days. You feel for the characters on a personal level. You cry for them weeks after and you still feel depressed when you try to go about your normal daily life when such horribleness just happened to your favorite character.
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kurokomitsuki · 8 years
Me : I'm going to study for the next hour!
Me, ten seconds later : *reading fanfics*
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