kurokosvanillabean · 7 years
May i request how himuro would react to finding put his s/o is related to murasakibara. Please
Odd family relations ~Asami
“You’re what?!” He shook his head, blinking rather quickly. The though made his head spin. “There’s no way…….not possible. You don’t even like sweet things!” Pacifying himself, he slowly ran a hand through his hair. He reached for both your hands and faced you straight on, “Promise you are not lying?” You nodded, “Murasakibara is indeed my brother.” Hirmuro’s gaze lowered to his lap, a sigh parting from his lips. “I guess that explains your lavender hair,” He rested his cheeks in his hand, “I should have know. I mean your house has marks and dents above the doors, only a handful of people are taller than doors.”
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kurokosvanillabean · 7 years
Idk if this was requested yet. Akashi first time doing "it" with s/o. Thank u ❤️❤️
Yeeeeeeee~ Go Akashi!~ Asami
“I brought ice cream!!” you called as you entered through the heavy grand doors of his magnificent home. He was waiting for you on the steps, resting his head on the side of the railing. “So that’s why you were late. Come.” He arose to his feet, standing proudly though his movements were slow and lazy as he walked down the steps, extending his hand out for you to take. You glanced at the floor to smile to yourself, promptly taking his hand. In true gentleman fashion he brought the top of your hand to his lips, planting a delicate kiss, treating them as if fine china. “I have something I want to ask you.” He continued, escorting you up the stairs and into his room.
Bouts of wonder fluttered through your head, the anticipation lead to the conjuring ideas for what he could possibly want to ask. Upon entering his room your thoughts faded. The immense glass windows that spanned from floor to ceiling gave way to spectacular ocean views and towered over the dim lights of the small town below as the sun set. No matter how many times you’d been in his bedroom at their beach house there was always something new to look at. Akashi stealthily swiped the pint of ice cream from your hand, tearing the lid off. “I’ll go grab a spoon.”
“What do you see? Tell me.” he inquired, gliding into the room as he scooped out a spoonful of ice cream. “That magenta color, I haven’t seen that vibrant of a hue before.” While you savored the ripeness of the sky he came up behind you, pressing his hip into your backside and placed his hand on your waist. “Open.” he breathed, inserting the spoon in your mouth. You quickly bit the ice cream off the spoon, “Mmmm tasty……..Akashi? What did you want to ask me?”
Akashi set down the ice cream. “Well…….” he drifted off, sliding his fingers under your shirt. He started at your hip, scrunching your shirt up as his warm hands snaked up your skin, grazing delicately. His light touch transformed, metamorphosing into an act of yearning. He abandoned gentility, squeezing your breast as if it gave him vitality.
Through closed eyes you felt everything. The delicate tracing almost tickled and made your hair stand on end, but when at last he gave in, you melted. Like a candle he lit your inner fire. You wanted him to touch you, feel the roughness of his skin palpate your sensitive area. “Please……” you whispered. Fingers intertwined, heartbeats raced as you guided him, showed him exactly where you wanted him to be. Akashi graced your crepe-like skin, the softness- soothing. Once he reached your panty line he hesitated, “______,” he nestled his head in the crook of your neck with his lips hovering over your ear. “are you sure you’re ready? If you need me to stop….” he planted a kiss behind your lobe, slowly crawling the pads of his fingers past the waistband. “…you must tell me. Agreed?” You nodded briskly, “I-I understand.”
With the sharp, effortless cadence of a dancer he swiveled you around to stand flush against his body, his hard presence pressing into your inner thigh, warning you that he’s ready. “Then let’s go.” He picked you off the ground like a princess and set you down on his bed. You lay on your back, staring at the ceiling. This is real. This is actually happening. For the first time, you were going to see Akashi completely nude. He tore his shirt off, flaunting his athletic figure, the v-shapped lines beginning from the top of his hip bone lead further than you had ever seen before. He stood at the edge of the bed, grabbed behind your knees and pulled you down closer to him. Akashi yanked off your skirt, panties following and finally spread your legs wide apart. He began from your knee, kissing your vanilla scented skin, but the closer he got the more you worried. What if it looks weird? Did I shave enough? I hope I used enough moisturizer…. You gulped and scrunched your face. “Akashi? What are y-……ah!”
Speaking a unique language, his tongue conversed eloquently as he inhaled you deeply. Your mind writhed, body slowly tingling; The careful lapping of ocean waves fluttered through your ears. How does he make me feel like this. He rose from his conversation and hurriedly removed his pants. He slithered his way up to meet your glimmering eyes, caressing your cheek, “I’m ready when you are…….” he assured.
Your lips curved into a smile, “I want you,”
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kurokosvanillabean · 7 years
Scenario: Mayuzumi, Imayoshi, Himuro, and Kasamatsu react when their s/o accidently grabs their butt. Bonus if she shyly offers to let them touch hers later to make it up to them.
Wow, I had no idea but apparently I see Himuro as a caring af boyfriend…~Asami
Mayuzumi: The life was getting sucked out of you, energy depleting quickly. You rested your head in your hands, mashing your skin against it. Mr.Yokohashi had to be the most boring lecturer in the world. He talked so quickly that within the first five minutes you had to resist a complete collapse of your brain on the desk. Glancing over at the clock, two dreadfully long minutes remained.
Birrrrrrrrrr! You packed your things, quickly jumping to the the door and into the hallway. Finally you could eat some lunch, hug Mayuzumi and regain an ounce of stamina. On the way to your roof squatter boyfriend, you walked briskly through the groups of chatting people, swinging your arms like a pendulum.
 You stopped abruptly, gasping. You thought for sure you could notice your boyfriend, but instead you just slapped his bottom with your hand. He paused with his back turned, “Wow ___,” he now faced you, shaking his head back and fourth. “what a shame, you didn’t even know I was there” He sighed and leaned in so that his lips were a centimeter from your ear, “Expect some payback later…..” he teased. He took you school bag off your shoulder “Come get it.”
Imayoshi: You walked into the gym a few minutes before practice ended; your boyfriend gathered the team together to say a few focus points for tomorrows practice and told to the group to run home like they worked hard. He was only encouraging to a point. The boys perked up when they saw you waiting on the bleachers, noticeably picking up their pace, “Hey ___, whats up?” Wakamatsu inquired, the others following him till they gathered around you in a messy circle. “Not too much, finished my studies and thought I’d pick up my boyfriend. Is he being nice?” You stood up, greeting the players with a small bow. “Ha, yeah, he’s fine.” snickered Aomine. “Aomine-kun?! You showed up!” He pouted, placing his hands behind his neck, “Yeah, I did.” Imayoshi pushed aside his teammates, “She’s mine. Thanks for coming my dear.” He placed a hand on your head, kissing it. “Now now, go home.” the captain cooed, shooing them away with his hand.
As they left you began to feel slightly annoyed that he was using your head as an arm rest. You had an idea. You smiled on one side of your face, waiting till the team was far enough away. Then you reached behind his back, quickly squeezing one of his butt cheeks. Imayoshi did not even react. He remained calm. “____?” he cocked his head to the side to look at you, “….Yes?” you croaked, a little color draining from your face. To make things even more intimidating all he did was stare at you, waiting for something to come out of your mouth. “You can touch mine! As…..payback…” Imayoshi laughed, cupping his hand over your cheek, “You’re too cute. Just expect it when your least expecting it.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and walked you home.
Himuro: “Pick your favourite sweet, my treat.” He smiled lovingly at you, arm placed firmly around your waist. You gazed upon him with the same love you shared for intricately made confections, they made you feel happy and so did he. For later you picked out two slices of layer cake, displayed neatly in a take-away box. Himuro deliberately made sure that he was going to carry it back.
It was mid September when the nights became cool enough that one could see their breath in the dark. “Are you cold at all?” he asked, almost whispering. You intended to hold his arm, touch hips as you walked, but it did not go the way you planned. Instead you firmly brushed one of his cheeks while attempting to quickly move your arm to grab his. The two of you made a small jump, both feeling a little surprised. One thing to note, he had a pretty firm set of muscles on his back side. They only jiggled slightly, but seemed muscular enough to bounce a coin off of. “Ah! Sorry.” You stammered, clinging to his arm even more tightly. “I didn’t mean for that to happen.” Himuro placed his hands on your shoulders, adjusting your body to face parallel with his, “Don’t apologize,” The jet black hair that covered one of his eyes rustled like leaves in the wind, showing little hints of his contemplative grey irises. He leaned in, courteously making his height a bit more even to yours. “but I’m going to get even at home, I hate being a point down.” He grinned before his face set into his usual stoic appearance, intertwining his fingers with yours. “Come on, I’m ready for dessert.” You nodded while biting your lip feeling considerably intrigued, “Okay.”
Kasamatsu: Fumbling through the spice drawer for some paprika, Kasamatsu flitted about the kitchen in a rather messy apron. You walked into his home, delighted by the scrumptious scents wafting from the kitchen. “Ah! Hi ___, I’m trying to cook so please just uh….set up the table.” He sprinkled the spice into a pan, tossing the seasoned vegetables in the air and catching them again. “You really suck at being a tidy chef.” He scoffed, throwing his hands in the air, “Well, I’m making you dinner, be quiet.” You laughed, grabbing two plates and two sets of cutlery, arranging them neatly on the table. Cooking you dinner was a pleasant surprise, he usually took care of the dishes, but this was a nice change. You walked over to him and discretely poked his bum; it was cute. Regardless of how subtly you touched him, he still paused mid stir to asses what the sensation was. He turned off the stove, grabbed the components of his dish and faced you, “I can’t believe you just poked me while I was cooking.” He shook his head side to side as he plated his meal. “Come on, get over here.” He removed his apron and set it on the table before positioning himself behind your chair.
You grabbed a glass of water, setting it down on the table. Your chef gestured for you to sit. Right as you prepared to sit, he grabbed one of your butt cheeks. His swift grope made you sit down immediately. Kasamatsu smiled, pleased with himself and calm sat across from you. “Eat up, I worked hard on this.”
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kurokosvanillabean · 7 years
Can I have Hyuga and his female so exploring one of his most secret kinks? (You can decide the kink) thanks!
I suck at not taking forever, but here we are! Hopefully this gets more hits than the last post………… 
Kink: Doctor
He thrust into you from behind, securing you to the bed by pushing down on your lower back. “mmm…..ooh Hyuga….” You moaned, biting your lip hard enough that the slight pain added to your pleasure. He tried to enjoy it by repeating your sultry expressions in his head, trying to fondle with your bum more, but he just shook his head “____ ? This, just isn’t…. working.” He pulled out of you and stood there, arms folded at his chest, shoulders tense and his chin towards his chest.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, flipping directions so that you were sitting on the edge of the bed. Hyuga began to scratch the back of his head, blushing shyly. “I- This…. I’m not turned on by… by the Vanilla stuff.” This was the first time he told one of his partners. He feared judgement, the inevitable feeling that a million slugs were crawling about in his stomach, but he wanted to feel truly satisfied, delve into his own realm of secretive pleasures. Breathe.
Vanilla’s a nice flavour, strong and in a way, delicate and dainty, what could he possibly be turned on by? Dungeons, aliens, animals? …….feet? You reached out and locked your fingers in his, “Tell me, you know I have an open mind.” The handsomely nude male with abdominals that could cut finally made eye contact with you again. “The thing…..my kink- is that I…..that I like doctor play.”
You tilted your head slightly, gazing upwards to contemplate. Well, could be worse, could be a dentist fetish. Picturing your man in a lab coat did turn you on a little. “Really……? Interesting. I guess I’d be okay trying it.” He looked at you, the muscles in his face fully relaxed, he appeared confident and proud. He slid his hands down your arms, clasping fingers to pull you off the bed, “In that case I have something to show you.”
There was one room in his flat that he kept locked, always, never giving you permission to enter, though you had a feeling that was exactly where he was taking you to. He opened the door without hesitation, eager to please and eager  to be pleased to his full extent. Inside lay a mock doctors office complete with a mock IV bag, exam table and an expensive looking array of exam tools. Hyuga let go of your hand, his chest puffing up a bit.This was his baby. 
He walked like a knight to retrieve his white coat and slid each arm in a pronounced, actor like manor. He grabbed a clipboard off one of the table inside, making a point of pushing up his glasses. “Now then, you must be _____, yes?” you nodded firmly, sweat causing your hands to feel clammy; he definitely felt nothing holding him back. “Well….Hop on the Exam table please. Oh, and change into this gown for me.”
Hospital gown covering the essentials of your body, you slowly made your way on to the vinyl exam table complete with paper that crinkled running down the center. The sound of the paper made you cringe, reminding you of past visits. One thing he did not know about you? You hated doctors. He turned toward you on his stool, scooting his way to your feet. “____? You appear to have gone slightly pale, is there anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable? I mean no harm.” Doctor Junpei arose from his seat and leaned with on his elbow against the vinyl cushion inches from your face. He placed his hand on your cheek, warm and assuringly. You placed a hand over his, the signal that you wanted to continue. He was sweet, kind to you always, even when in character. He winked at you, flashing a cheeky smile. “Right then, what did you come in here for today?” Now it was your turn to play along.
“Ive been having some trouble down there and some…tenderness in my ah…breasts, Doctor.” Hyuga closed his eyes for a moment, relishing in the glory of being called ‘doctor,’ how official. He radiated confidence, obviously loving the fact that you were participating in his clinic.”I see. First I am going to address this tenderness by preforming a breast examination. I need you to remove your arms from the sleeves.” 
He put on a pair of latex gloves as his eyes peered over at your exposed breasts. He grabbed your arm, moving it above your head. With a gloved hand he moved in circles, pressing with tolerable pressure. When he reached the center of your breast he tugged on your nipple, twisting lightly in each direction. You felt like a masochist, twitching as he twisted, your breast feeling achey and yet making your lower body respond to his touch. But he stopped abruptly as he saw you savor the sensations, toying with your body. He guided your arm back to your side, “You seem to be quite sensitive there, allow me to proceed with the gynecological exam. I promise to be very thorough.”
You watched him intently as he positioned the stirrups, placing your heels in the correct position. Usually this happened to be your least favorite thing about going to see a doctor, but with him the feelings of awkwardness and discomfort were dormant. Instead you waited impatiently for him to being, wanting to see his face when he found out how slick you had become. You had to admit, his odd fetish turned you on.
He sat in his rolling chair, moving his tray of tools within reach. “____, I need you to slide down as far as you can to display your…..vagina.” You scooted down to the edge of the table, spreading your legs as far as they would go, but making sure you could see his face. He blushed. “N-now I am going to examine you.”  The stutter nearly made you laugh, but the guy was trying his best to be professional so you gulped down your giggles.
To begin his exam he traced your outer lips, meeting them at the top of your clit. He stroked lightly, his feathery movements tickling this receptive area. You bit down on your lip, the delicately annoying touch leaving you thirsty for more. He continued by moving his two fingers up and down from the clit to your lustrous entrance. Slowly then faster, faster, grasping your thigh with his other hand, nearing you to climax. You tilted your head back on the table, pressed your hips down into the cushion to support the hollow of your back as it rose.
He stopped, smirking to himself as if he knew he was the devil. “I’m just going to insert a few fingers in after opening you up with a speculum.” Bitch. He grabbed the tool from his tray table, lightly lubricating it as you had naturally made the job easier. “Ready?” he asked, now fully immersed in his task. He inserted the device in slowly and turned the gears to open the duck bill. He got excited now. “I really had to use some force for those gears…. .” With a satisfied grin he removed the device and immediately plunged two of his fingers up your cavern. He twirled them around, planting them pad side up to palpate your upper wall. The place he focused on was intense. Your muscles clenched his fingers tightly only making him stroke harder in a come-hither motion. With his fingers he was begging you to melt into the magnitude of an earthquake charged by indulgence, to topple over and release. You began moaning louder and louder till finally, at last, you fell.
Your doctor felt satisfied himself, loving that he provided for his woman. He slid his fingers out then took off the glove in an authoritative snap. “I will let you breathe for a moment while I prepare for the last part of your examination. He stood from his chair and walked smoothly to a table against the wall, constantly looking back at you and your radiant aura. He glanced one last time, pulling down the zipper of his trousers. “Theres just one thing I haven’t checked yet.” Hyuga pushed up his glasses, readying himself and his stiff member at your entrance. “Take a deep breath for me ____.” You did as you were told, filling your lungs with some extra life, but at the bottom of your exhale, he went somewhere you were not expecting. He thrusted quickly, forcing his way up. “____, hah… relax, your clenching on me so hard.” He levied his hands on your hips, pushing them down so he could muster extra force to penetrate you deeply and swiftly. Pain came first, never had you been stretched down there before. It was a dull pain, something you had to get used to, but seeing how much he enjoyed it made you tolerate the discomfort. You continued to conform around his length till he could not last any longer. His face twitched for a millisecond before he pulled out and came on your thigh.
He swayed and plopped down on his chair, leaning back to stretch. “You’re the best patient ever.”
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kurokosvanillabean · 7 years
nsfw takao please!! something about his girlfriend cheerleading for him on the sideline during a game
Takao: Drop dead gorgeous was the only way he could describe you. The boys gawked at you, the magic a short skirt and pom poms could do, following your curves, entranced by the sway of your hips as you walked. Every guy wanted you and every girl wanted to be you. But the only opinion that mattered was his. He entered the court, following behind his teammates, slicking back his raven locks and flashing his sincere yet devilish grin to his fans, though there was only one smile he reserved special for you. Only one corner of his mouth moved creating an uneven smile. The very imperfection of his grin lured you into the endless meanings and possibilities, an intriguing uncertainty.
Shuutoku’s cheer squad filled the space on the sidelines, ready to get the crowd fired up for the game. “WE ARE S-T-R-O-N-G! WHO ARE WE?” clap clap “SHHUUUUUUTOKU!!!!!!” the squaw shook the orange pom poms, while you as the captain took center stage to perform a jump into the splits “Go Shuutoku!” you shouted.
“That’s your girlfriend?!” Takao nodded as a shocked Midorima walked to his position. “How can you get someone like her? I mean…..she just seems… so much better than you nanodayo.” He pushed his glasses up matter-of-factly, standing tall and proud of his insulting remark. “Wha…..! Midooorimaa~ why are you so insensitive?” Whined Takao. He planted his palm on his forehead, leaning over as though he’d been shot. Running a hand though his hair, pushing back his bangs he stood again, smiling meekly. “Takao! Pay attention!” Miyagi ordered, pointing the location he wanted Takao.
Half-time came, the main event for a cheerleader. Shuutoku was winning as expected. You turned to face your crew, meeting eyes with each one of them and nodding in confirmation. They were ready. “Ready? Okay!” “V- dot the I curl the c-t-o-r-y. Victory!” clap clap “is what we need!” clap clap. Music blared out from the speakers, signifying the start of the real show. Dancing with a tinge of subtle sexiness, synchronized high kicks and cleanly executed tumbling from the top girls. You were the last to tumble. Taking a deep breath you raised your hands above your head, fingers splayed out to support you as you completed handspring after handspring, finishing off with a reverse handspring into a backflip. Upon landing, you wobbled slightly, taking a moment to fully stick it. Shuutoku’s team came out to watch the finish. “Yeah!!! That’s my girl!” You turned to meet the voice, giving your boyfriend a wink.
The buzzer rang, signifying the beginning of the second half.
By the last quarter the boys were sweating hard. Back and fourth shots continued, eventually evening out the scores. Two points ahead meant they were still winning, though barely hanging onto a lead.
His chest puffed in and out, sweat running down his forehead all the way past his collarbone. He glistened, smelled, but shined under the gym lights. Anymore than ten minutes and you were sure he would collapse. Over half of all the players bent down with their hands on their knees trying to catch their breath. The opposing team positioned themselves for the throw-in. Takao dragged his feet, the bottom of his shoes squeaking on the floor.
“Move those feet! Taka–o, you can’t be beat!” Takao’s face lifted from its slump. He looked like he caught a firefly, his face lit up and an obvious feeling of satisfaction.. “..hah….. This is for you ____.”
You waited for him in the halls to the locker room, picking at your skirt to pass the time. It was like a scene from a romance movie. The moment you met eyes, both of you started running towards each other, seeking the joy of each others smiles. He reached out, catching you in his arm, wrapping them tightly around you, enough so that you could feel the muscles in his arms tense to support you. He twirled you around in circles till he felt dizzy, almost dropping you on his last turn. “I love you I love you!” He squeezed you tightly, rocking side to side like child. “I’m going to get my things and you’re coming to my house.” He turned to the observing Midorima, “Midorima, you will have to find someone else to pedal the rickshaw.”
He exited the locker room with his bag slung over his shoulder feeling relaxed yet a slight twitch in his hands and a wiry energy about him. He strolled over to you with a hand in his pocket, keeping his cool by running his other hand through his bangs. You wanted him to press you up against the wall right then and there, corral you in his arms, kiss you as if your lips were the only thing worth living for; you bit your lip, letting the skin slide slowly from your teeth’s grasp. Takao paused, “Wait, here? Are you sure?” This boy knew your body language fluently. Just to be safe, you looked down the halls of the gym before nodding a desperate ‘yes.’
He dropped his bag, taking excruciatingly leisurely steps towards you, smirking graciously; like a piece of cake sitting on a table, he tempted you dearly. “My god…..can you just come here already? Please don’t keep me waiting.” Of course saying this made him stop. “Then why don’t you come here?”
“Fine.” Benevolence was set aside as you charged at him, ignoring self control entirely, pushing him hard enough against the wall that he gasped, but he barely had a chance to react. You enjoined lips with him, infusing warm saliva into a custom elixir of fervor and amour. Sweat did not always intrigue you, but on him, the musky scent made him smell like an animal, a tiger that had instinct and drive to attain its prey. You flitted you hand up his shirt, clutching his sore robust shoulder and back muscles.
Takao gradually followed your waistline, down the slopping sides of your curves to end at your generously sized bum. He squeezed when you did, synchronizing actions. Though your kisses were a drug to him, he parted lips and instead traced the outline of your jaw, stopping to nibble on your ear. You tilted your head back, your ponytail swinging behind you. To complete his drawing he kissed again along your neck, down to your collar bone where he tugged at the skin with his teeth. He looked up at you, proud of the redish mark laden on your body. Neither of you dared to break eye contact, holding each other captive in the present moment, barely even breathing. In flawless coexistence you met in the middle, both with the same indulgent intent. He used the grip he had on your bum, adhering your hips together. You felt him against your thighs, hard and pert. He grinned against you, feeling up your skirt for the signal that you wanted him-badly.
Considerately sexy, he looked at you to make sure it was okay. You scanned the hallways again before confirming with a peck on the forehead. He nodded, yanking down his track pants enough to be free and turned so that you were against the wall instead of him. He pulled down your booty shorts and left no time to adjust. He laid his hands on your stomach, one on your breast and leaned you enough to get a good angle. You felt scandalous as he filled your insides, the danger and embarrassment of being caught making the pleasurable sensation of his cock even more exciting than usual. He thrust into you rapidly, obviously enthralled as well.
The dreaded sound of footsteps echoed through the halls. “Shit shit….!” Takao whispered. He stood you upright again, urging you to pull up your shorts and act normal as he was composing himself. He grabbed his gym bag and threw you over his shoulder, pondering which door would be open where the two of you could hide. With each passing second the footsteps got louder till he suck behind a door. He placed you on the floor, a hand on his chest as he caught his breath. “Geeze…..that was fun. Gimme a moment to slow down and I’ll be coming for you.”
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kurokosvanillabean · 7 years
May I get a scenario with Aomine,Kise,Koroko,and Kagami's s/o breaking up with them and how they try to get them back. Sorry for my bad English
Si, and people who tend to say that their English is bad tend to have pretty decent English actually \(^-^)/ ~ Asami
Aomine: “Dumbass, your making a big deal about it.” he clenched his fists, making the veins in his forearm pop out and for a quick moment he reminded himself that you were not fond of any anger from him and stuffed his fists in the pockets of his navy puffy jacket. “I am not confused at all, I’m sick of worrying. I get that you’re sleeping or occupied with something, but would it kill you to answer my calls or text me back? I don’t go to the same school as you so it’s not like I can go and just find you. sometimes I think I care too much about you and it drives me nuts.” In a child-like fashion, you stamped your foot down, hands tightening into fists at your sides. He knew you were angry with him, so frustrated in fact that your lower lip and chin quivered; he of all least liked it when you got upset, partly because it took some work on his part to cool you down, but mostly because this time, it was his fault.
You quickly turned your head away from him, your hair covering your face to hide the first tear that ran down your cheek, “Aomine….. I-I need you to go now.” His face cinched in confusion, Tsk, he shook his head and tossed you over his shoulder, “Let’s go fix this on my bed instead.”
Despite your obvious immediacy of a need for a good cry and ice cream, he wanted to show you in the best way he knew how to love you: in bed. “I get that you’re mad, but I do care about you. I guess I’ll just have to sleep on your school roof.” He patted your bum and kissed your cheek, lingering his lips by your ear, “I’m sorry ____, I love you. The things I am going to do you when we get home…..you won’t be able to walk tomorrow…..” You pounded on his back a few times, decreasing the force with each blow, “You….. you suck. I love you too”
Kise: You checked your watch, five more minutes. It was a typical day during monsoon season, the rain pelted down on the courtyard, the scent of wet asphalt and the relaxing sound of water droplets hitting the fabric of your umbrella reminded you to breathe. “___-cchi! You didn’t have to come all the way here, I was going to your house anyways.” He ducked under your umbrella, clasped his hands behind his back and kissed you on the forehead, “Well now we can walk together.” He reached out for your free hand, but you quickly snatched it away, curling your fingers one by one into a ball. “I…I want to break up.” You stammered. Kise blinked, his head tilting slightly, “You what….?” he asked in bewilderment. You simply looked at him and nodded, confirming what he thought he heard. He placed his hand over his heart and took a small step backwards. “___-cchi…… I’m not sure what I did wrong. I always brought back a gift when I traveled, made sure you were feeling okay, and gave you cuddles. Why now?” You avoided eye contact with him. “Because, I don’t want to be together anymore.” Kise frowned and placed his hand on your chin, gently moving it so that your eyes would meet his. “You know you can tell me anything.” You nodded, “Just not this.” ———————————————————————————————————
A week had passed since you had any contact with Kise. Though he said nothing to you all week not even a ‘hello’ in the school hallways, but despite the silence, he always smiled at you, longing present in his eyes. It was the last day before the weekend, the dismissal bell rung. You went to your school locker to change shoes and found the blonde male had arrived there before you did. “Hey,” he said, leaning against your locker. “I want to treat you to coffee at that cafe you like” You changed your shoes as he spoke, perking up slightly at his request. To be honest, it was difficult without him. You wanted to be able to curl up next to him, have his body touching your curves and you ached to feel his lips against yours. “Here.” He slipped your school bag off off your shoulders, flinging it around his own. “Fine. Your getting me anything I want.” He nodded, “Of course.” To enact a naive sort of revenge you had him buy you practically one of everything in the pastry case along with the most expensive drink on the menu. You liked how he paid without questions and brought your item to a table. “____-cchi, I’m sorry I didn’t fight back for you when you broke up with me, but I wanted to wait a week and see how you felt. Do you regret breaking up with me? Because not getting to touch you everyday isn’t fun and I hate not being able to tease you.”  He made you smilers you tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, praise certainly had a way of making you feel special. He grabbed you hand that rested at you side, setting it on the table with his, stroking your smooth skinned hand with his thumb. “I missed you too Kise, and your kisses.”
Kagami: The Maji Burger employee gasped at his order, “You want that many?!” You nodded for him and added in your order as well, “He really does eat it all, I promise. Kagami, let’s go sit down by the window.” He grabbed your trays of food from the counter, set them down on the table and sucked on the straw from his drink. You sat down, kicking your legs around under the table, twiddling your thumbs as your palms moistened. Let him down easy- take him to get heaps of food so his brain could be a little distracted- a good tactic.
Before speaking you cleared your throat and took a sip of water. “So…. I have to talk to you about something.”
“Yeah? Whats up?” he raised an eyebrow. “Well….I want to end things… between us.” Kagami dropped his hamburger, “Wait, what? Dude, you’re not serious right?” You nodded slowly, bitting the corner of your lip. He looked around the restaurant, clearly insulted and figuring out how to take the news. His body surged with anger and annoyance, the veins on the tops of his hands filled with blood, “Fine.” he hissed.
‘Hey, let’s hang out’ You rolled over on your side, moaning about being woken from your sleep. Stupid brain, you forgot to turn the ringer off, always a regrettable mistake. “What do you waaannnttt?” you grabbed your phone and rolled your eyes. “Kagami….whhy? What do you need?!” you sighed, replying with a ‘No.’ The little chat bubble appeared almost immediately, ‘I’m outside your house. I am coming to get you. I can climb walls.’ ‘Yeah right. Try.’ The rustle of trees disrupted the evenings silence, his failed attempt easily audible, but the funniest part was his cursing. “Gah! Baka, you suck you stupid tree!”
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kurokosvanillabean · 7 years
Hellloooo can I have a date with kasamatsu that starts romantically but goes nsfw thank youuu
Right, so I feel like he is very vanilla in terms of sex but also would delve into some role-play if he felt like less of a hot mess around girls.- Asamiii
Kasamatsu: “Hey, I have this idea I wanted to uh… run by you.” he asked, running a hand through the back of his recently washed fluffy hair, a little bead of sweat trickled down his hairline so as to ruin his cleanliness and expose his uneasiness. “What is it?” you glanced up at him, eyes resembling those of an excited puppy. “Well I have these tickets….. Kise gave them to me, but they are for this…amusement park and I-I thought we could go. Together. On Saturday.” with his hand he displayed his tickets, using his index finger to slide one of the tickets further out than the other. You smiled at him, accepting his offer, “That sounds like fun!” Kasamatsu nodded, “I’ll pick you up on Saturday.”
Knock Knock He waited for a minute and decided to walk in, after all, friends usually just walk in anyways. He made his way over to your room, greeting your mother as he went, “___? Are you ready?” he called. Finally, you had been waiting all day for him to arrive. Any tardiness you could easily attribute to nervousness. Despite having a friend with plenty of fan girls around, he was useless when it came to embracing a flirtatious, confident demeanor despite having to be around females often. You opened the door, completing your look with a small over-the-shoulder bag for your things. “Okay! Let’s go.”
For it being the weekend, the park was not as crowded as you expected it to be. Kasamatsu bought you an ice cream, “So, we’ve gone on the roller coaster, and a few other rides…. are there any you want to go on?” You took a lick of your treat, the sweet sugar rush aiding your thinking. “The Ferris wheel.” You grabbed his hand, admiring the strength built up in his fingers and hand. Kasamatsu knew too much about shoujo novels; the Ferris wheel meant that she probably wanted to kiss at the top. His palms began to feel a little sweaty, his cheeks gaining a bit more color to them. Deep breath.
As you got nearer his stride shortened, his reluctance becoming increasingly evident. “Are you afraid of heights or something?” He replied instantly, “No, No I’m fine. But if you’re afraid you can squeeze my hand.”
The two of you reached the top of the wheel, the operator stopped the ride. Neither of you had done anything but stared at each other. Occasionally one of you would glance to the side when the tension became a bit much or the blushing cheeks made either of you feel embarrassed.
He looked at you, his eyes drifting to your lips. His fingers played imaginary keys on his knee, a toe of his tapped lightly. In the heat of the moment he froze. A second later, he bolted over to your side of the car and lips pressed against yours. Hesitantly, his hand shaking, he brought it up to the back of your neck to pull your body closer to his. You matched his movement, gracing your hand on his shoulder and sliding down to the beginning of his pectoral muscles. He relaxed as you touched him, his body easing any strain. He wandered with his hands, finding themselves underneath the fabric of your shirt, inching their way to grab hold your breast. The way his fingertips pressed into your skin made you press against his lips with more force, any grace in the kiss converting to yearning. He moved your body in-line with the bench and pushed you down onto the cool, metal surface. “___,” He pulled away from your kiss, gazing into you sparkling eyes, “You are so- incredibly beatiful.”
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kurokosvanillabean · 7 years
May I please have something nsfw with akashi, kise, aomine, and kagami where their s/o tries to leave them but they're too possessive to let her go?
Akashi: “Do not even think about it my queen.” he imposed, pressing his index finger on your lips. With his other hand he placed it on your shoulder while he shifted his body weight on top of yours. He pushed you down onto your back, moving a hand underneath the hollow of your spine. lifting the weight of your body into his toned chest, firm and steady. He smiled kindly with a twinge of fervor. You did not return the gesture and went straight in for a passionate kiss, wrapping your arms around his torso and pressing your fingers into his skin.
Forget that errand, he was all you needed. He set your body back down on your bed and slid his arms up the length of your sides and all the way up your arms. Arousing were his moves, they made the places he touched tingle, almost ticklish, but instead of being gentle as he reached your wrists, he tightened his grip, pinning you under his fierce will. “Never forget my orders are absolute because I will remind you my love.” He held your wrists down as he tore off your shirt, unclasped your bra and removed your shorts. He paused for a moment, admiring the delicacy of your figure, the way you looked at him as his mind would fill with profane thoughts about the possibilities of thing he would do with you.
There he went, smirking as he inserted a finger into you. He moved with the way your body responded to his touch, accommodating to your mild tremors of pleasure. “A-Akashi…… I won’t leave next time…..promise.”
Kise: You opened the door to leave, quickly grabbing a cup go yogurt before hopping in the car to meet with a study group. “Kise!!!! I’m leave-” He was right there by the exit, the result of stealthy reflexes. “Kise, please move.” you asked politely, reaching for the door knob. He swatted your hand away, snatching your wrist. He pulled your arm up to the sky, pulling you into his body and deepening the connection by firmly wrapping his arm around your hips. He nestled his head atop yours, enjoying the height difference. “I’m sorry ___, But now isn’t the time to be leaving.” he insisted. “Why?” Kise sighed, “Because I don’t want to be left at home again, I’ve decided that your staying with me today.”
You laughed into his chest, “I see…….and you’re going to stop me?” Kise nodded, picking you up off the ground and waited till you wrapped your legs around him. “I’m going to stop you and it seems like your willing to be stopped.” he kissed your cheek as a mocking gesture.
He set you down on the edge of his bed, took off your skirt and slid off your undies. “You won’t want to leave again after this.” He began planting kisses along your thigh, each one more intense than the other to the point where the last one he gave would certainly develop a bruise. He caressed your thighs in his hands creating a warm feeling adjacent to the place where he flicked his tongue over. Your body twitched, a shockwave of joyful bliss hitting your system. This was definitely better than studying.
Aomine: He shoved you against the glass of the cafe window, his left hand just inches from brushing your cheek. Midnight blue, that of a moonless night, dark yet filled with little glints of light, a subtle softness, his eyes narrowed themselves at you. You bit you lip under the pressure of his animal like coercion, the muscles in his face tensed before he spoke, “Do not move unless I tell you to.” he cautioned as his other hand grabbed at your hip, pressing the flesh covered bone firmly into the glass. “You’re not going anywhere.” Through his outright possessive demeanor, he managed to smile for a quick second, though his intent did not exactly come off exactly as gentle. He took one look at your body to examine his best strategy and swopped you off the ground into his strong, supportive arms. “We’re going home which means you have to cancel your plans with that stupid guy.” he cursed.
You took out your phone and sent a message to your study partner, “Here.” you exclaimed, showing Aomine the text. Aomine gave a stern, satisfactory nod. Even though he could be quite impulsive in heated moments, there was always something special about how he exerted his alpha traits; he acted with urgency, but with a dash sweetness, flair, to smooth over any unease he causes.
He carried you a few blocks and even took you on a subway train to get to his flat. Not for a moment did he even think about putting you down. The journey was relatively silent, both of you unable to ponder anything but the tensions of desire.
Straight after pushing the door to his flat open he shoved you again against the nearest wall, his arms entrapping you while his lips pressed firmly on yours. His hands became greedy, trailing them down from your neck, fingertips following the curve of your torso till pausing just above panty line. “Bend over.”
His command gave you goosebumps, the places he touched you feeling a new sense of awakening, the breath of life pulsing through your veins and energizing your erogenous zone. You willingly surrendered to his primacy and turned around to face the wall. Aomine dragged his hand from your lower stomach to your lower back. He outlined your bum and made his way to your special place, running his fingers up and down. “You’ve really been wanting me haven’t you?” he gloated, sliding two of his long, thick fingers into you. You gasped, tilting your head back. You want him, you need him. Now.
Kagami: The alarm clock beeped early in the morning, reluctantly awaking your mind into consciousness. Time to get moving. You hit the off button and swung your legs out from under the warm blanket, dangling them over the edge yet shivering at the sudden loss of entrapped heat. Yawning, you peered over at Kagami, thankfully he was still asleep, lucky him. “okay…..time to motivate…” you whispered in attempt to galvanize your morning routine.
Suddenly startled, Kagami grabbed your wrist. “It’s too early.” he effused. Despite the slight annoyance he found with waking up early, his half awake strength was in no way compromised and his grip on you comparable to stranglement. Using your wrist as leverage, he yanked it from your control, your body following his wishes as he pulled you into his chest. In a swift, elegant maneuver he draped the comforter over your chill body that yearned for heat. He wrapped his arms around your back, his skin warm and welcoming against yours. Entranced by his gasp, each muscle in your body collapsed, melted by his hearth-like energy, soothing in the wake of stress an early morning wreaked on your aura.
“Kagami, I love you, but I have to make my fli-” Before you could finish your sentence, he pinned you onto your back with the lumbering weight of his muscular figure pressing down and forcing your body to sink deep into the mattress. “Baka…..,” he breathed, planting a seemingly tender kiss on your neck till his affection struck like a scorpion, quickly and unexpected. His teeth gasped some of the sensitive, delicate skin, sucking vivaciously enough to leave a prominent mark. “K-kagami…..! you gasped.
Graciously kissing the broken skin again, this time with care, he moved his head out from the crook of your neck to meet your eyes, his radiating the determination of a lion gazing upon its prey. “you’re not going.” he asserted. He looked upon you, his dominance oozing a frighteningly thrilling energy. Beyond his perseverance lay a threshold of unwavering passion, encircled by a deep sense of companionship, he had to show you that he meant what he said. There was no way you were going to leave him, even if you screamed for help. You gulped, overtaken by an antagonizing fear rooted in the depths of tenacious desire. Biting your lip while trying to lift some of the tension, “You better make it up to me, plane tickets are not that cheap.” Kagami grinned for a second before his eyes drifted downward while his head followed. He bantered with you, dragging his slightly rough lips down from your jawline, to your collarbone, and grazed over your breast, occasionally nibbling at the most sensitive spot. “Ha, I’m worth more than a stupid plane ticket.”
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kurokosvanillabean · 7 years
I love love love this blog, support them please!(@incorrectknb) Also I needed to post something. Ive gained some followers and don't want to disappoint. I got a new job and have been busier but promise to get requests out. AskBox will open sooooooon!!!!!!!!
Baby Akashi: P…
Masaomi: Say papa!
Baby Akashi: P-p
Masaomi: Say papa!
Baby Akashi: P-
Baby Akashi: Peasant.
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kurokosvanillabean · 7 years
Hello~ May I request GOM having a crush on a girl that not only is REALLY short (hiyokoi short) but literally is a ray of sunshine that smiles all the time and is innocent as hell? Fluff of them being a blushing mess maybe?
Okay! So I don’t know if this is exactly what you meant by fluff, but its pretty mild and light…… Hope you and all my readers enjoy!!! ~ Asami 
Kise: He really did his best at attempting to annoy you. To him you were cute no matter what you were doing, but my god did he want to see you bothered, but the chances of that happening were very rare. He throughly enjoyed your constant skiing, but would pride himself on getting you to frown.
After school he waited outside the gate for you. This time I will get her. You walked down the path out to the sidewalks to go home and was stopped by Kise. He smiled as he came towards you, but as soon as he did, he decided to casually rest his elbow on your head. “Hey ___-cchi, you’re really short you know, even resting my arm on your head is a stretch.” Hoping an insult would work, he laughed cheekily. Besides being quite obvious, you admired his persistence. “Kise,” you looked up to him, a soft smile, “you could just say you like me.” He took his hand off your head appearing dumbfounded. He found himself blushing, loosing his suave demeanor. To rein in his cool, he flicked his hair to the side and ran a hand through the back of his head, “Well aren’t you forward? I was just trying to annoy you.” He simpered.
You stepped closer to him, extending a finger to poke his cheek, making yourself taller by pushing up onto your tip toes. “hmm? I figured you were you big goofball.” Kise scrunched his face for a second and slumped over, “You’re to cute ___-cchi.” Barely able to handle your cuteness, he placed his hand on his hips and puffed his chest bit, “Lets go get some food!”
Aomine: Grocery shopping happened to one of your preferred weekend activities. Potential combinations and possibilities of what to make for the week had a way of activating your brain in the best ways. After buying a hefty supply of pocky various teas, and grocery grocery items your hands were basically at maximum shopping bag capacity. The list you’d made was only a quarter of the way through. “….ahh….. Still so much left to carry…gotta make grandpa happy!” you huffed, readjusting your fingers to make the handles fit comfortably.
Aomine walked the streets of the shopping district, hopeful he would find a replacement for his puffy jacket since he’d managed to get a few big holes in the one he was wearing that were covered with an amateur duck taping job. He spotted what he thought was the back of your head coming out of the grocery store. He stopped in his tracks, surprise ridden on his face at the amount of bags you were carrying. He smiled to himself knowing he could easily help and all while showing off his muscles and strength. Picking up the pace, he hurriedly came behind you, sweeping away the weight off both of your hands in a brisk fluid motion. “Baka. Let me, they look heavy.” He carried them in his large hands with an attractive ease. You turned to face him, very pleased with his kind gesture, “Aomine?! I didn’t know you shopped here, Im so glad I saw you here today, those bag really are heavy and I still have to buy more food items! Thank you for carrying them.” you praised.
Aomine blushed a light pink, the contrast of his darker skin brining out his affection for you. He glanced to the side, “ah… yeah…. Where else do you have to go? I’m not finding what I’m looking for anyways.” he shrugged his shoulders, secretly hoping he’d end up shopping with you. The fact that he was bushing made it impossible not to say no. “Hmm… next place is the fish market.” Aomine nodded, noticing the height difference more than usual. He liked that you had to look up to him, it enhanced his feelings of masculinity. “Alright, follow me, I know where it is.”
Akashi: You lined up for the relay race, assigned the position of finisher. School sports day definitely had a way of motivationg you. 3….2…..1…GO! The first participants sprinted off, ran their leg and passed over the baton to the next runner. One more to go aaaand pass. Off you went, running hard from the second you felt the baton slip into your hand. There were four other runners behind you- they had to stay that way. A girl in another class edged closer to taking away your lead, stupid short legs. You turned your head around, spotting her catching up. Faster. In a last effort your face wrinkled, grunting into a higher speed that won you the race. With labored breathing, you rested your hands on your knees, sitting back a bit on your heels at the finish line to catch your breath.
Akashi enjoyed winners. He smiled and approached you with a water bottle in his hand. “Hey fun size” You glanced up at him, “Fun size? Ha, I like that one! It suits me.” Beaming at him, you wiped your forehead with the back of your hand and took his offering. The basketball player watched you drink for a few sips, feeling quite pleased with your performance, “I really though she was going to beat you.” he lied. “Oh I know! No way I was going to let that happen!” capping the water, you lingered in your success. Akashi couldn’t help but smile back at you, every gesture of your is just too cute for him to not feel butterflies in his stomach; they were small butterflies of course, composure is essential. He hid his face with his equally red hued hair, “Make sure you stretch, I could give you few that will really be of use.” You giggled, amused at his embarrassment while suggesting you stretch, “Mhm, I will. Please help!” you stammered, bowing a the end of your remark. Akashi’s face grew redder till he took a deep breath and put on a charming grin “Of course my fun-sized runner.”
Murasakibara: While walking through the hallways, you tended to stick to the sides so as to avoid areas where you would easily get crushed. Today though, that strategy did not exactly work as it usually did. Similarly to Kuroko, there was a problem of people not being able to notice you, these people, being those over 6 foot. Books in hand, you rushed off to class dodging people with finesse. You were just about to the door when a big purple wall of human got in your way. He was chowing down on a packet of crisps as he was walking which were now broken and accompanied your books on the floor. Being small, just bumping into him easily took you out. If not for his snack leaving his hands he probably would have stepped on you.
“Ah….. Sorry, I didn’t see you. You should really grow more.” He criticized and kneeled down to your level on the floor, sighing at the crisp crumbs. “I can’t help my height silly.” This caught Murasakibara’s attention, “Hm? You’re not mad?” he tilted his head at you. “No, of course not. You didn’t mean to knock me over.” you smiled at him and began collecting your books. Despite his lack of help in picking up the books, he did however help in his own way. He threaded his hands under your arms and lifted you completely off the ground and at eye level. “You’re cute.” he proclaimed. You were not exactly used to being this high off the ground and decided to take a look around before saying anything back. Everyone who looked down at you was now peering up, what a peculiar feeling this was. “I am? Thank you, I appreciate it.” you cheered.
He set you down on the ground, placing a hand on your head, “Come buy snacks with me, I need new ones.”
Midorima: Midorima stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd of people waiting to board the subway at rush hour. His height was enough, but the green hair really made him obvious, except for the fact that you only reached up to everyones chest level. Among the herds of people you tried to find the right train number to take, though people kept getting in the way of your view. In order to gain an advantage, you climbed up on the concrete from a post. Is that….? Midorima?! You cupped a hand over your mouth and called out to him, “Midorima! Its me! ___-chan!” The carrot head turned towards you voice, irked a bit by your volume, he grit his teeth and waved hesitantly. “Stay right there!” you called. You took one last look at his placing in the crowd, jumped down from the post and shoved your way through the masses of people.
Reasonably sure you were headed in the right direction, nearing the end of the pushing to get to him, a woman stuck out her elbow right as you passed by. The un-calculated block caused you to lurch forward, completely losing any footing you had. Just as you thought you would fall flat on your face, a friendly forearm saved you from your plunge. You peered up to see who the arm belonged to. “Wha….. Midorima, I’m so glad you caught me, I really though I was going to splat on the floor.” Midorima helped you back up to standing straight, pushing his glasses once you were upright, “No problem nanaodayo.” he affirmed. “Attention passengers: the train will be arriving in one minute, please remain behind the yellow line.”
After the announcement the people began to press onwards in attempt to get to the front of the line. Their persistence jolted you around, causing your small stature to turn in circles. Midormia grabbed your shoulder, his hand wrapping around in a firm grip to stabilize you from the chaos. Though he was nervous to touch you so abruptly, he genuinely wanted to help you board the train safely.
You glanced up at him, your initial blush fading into a smile. His grip tightened for a second as he watched your delicate features imitate joy, making him turn a lovely scarlet color. “Come one, let’s get on.” he instructed and did his best to shield you from the pushing crowd members.
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kurokosvanillabean · 7 years
Could I request the Gom + Takao reaction to walking in on their s/o crying because she listend to a sad song? I know it's kinda odd but I just listend to the song "you were there" from the game Ico and I started crying... If you haven't heard it I suggest you should listen to it!
Here! Finally……. anyways, I turned them into stories -Asami 
Takao: Takao messaged you to say that he would be late, Midorima had apparently chosen a route that had many steep hills. While waiting for your somewhat annoyingly kind boyfriend, you opened up your laptop and delved into the world that is youtube. To begin the entertainment, you searched for your favorite song at the time and came across this one in the suggested section from what looked like a video game. At first, it was little too mellow for your mood, after all, Takao was coming, that always made you heart flutter even slightly. All of a sudden you were feeling streaks of salty tears roll down your cheek. Pondering why this was happening only made them fall faster. What on earth? Takao stumbled in, breathing a bit too hard to speak, but was fascinated when he laid eyes on you. “____-san, h…..how are you crying right now? I made it!” he exasperated. He came to your side on the couch, placing his arm around your shoulder. “Tell me, I’m listening.” You avert your eyes to the door, cheeks flushing a pale pink. “I just- The song, it made me cry…..” Takao pondered this notion for a moment. “You’re crying… because of a song? ___, you are so soft!” he laughed, teasingly poking your side.
Kise: Plush sheets are one of life’s small pleasures. Of all the beds you have slept in, he was one of the most tentative to the quality of his sheets. After an enduring two hour run after school, you decided that instead of going back home you would go rest your muscles in his bed instead as a pleasant treat; even more tempting was the fact that you would see him. His surprised face.The way his eyes gained a glittering curiosity to them, the little noise he makes, it has the power to evoke giggles and rosy cheeks in you. Arriving at his house, barely remembering to remove your shoes, you ran to his room, jumping on the bed. “Ahhhh…… so relaxing……” You sprawled out on his luxuriously velvety sheets, unravelled the mess of your earbuds and placed them in your ears. Shuffle mode. The first few were peppy, but then it hit you. Gentle acoustic guitar strums and the deep voice of a man sent chills through your body. Completely encapsulated in the soothing sound, you did not even hear Kise come in to the house and into his room where you lay. “___-cchi?” he asked, receiving no response. He leaned over his bed and pulled out an earbud, “Did you have a bad day or something? You’re crying.” He laid next to you. “Huh? Oh, Kise, your back.” You turned your head to face him, smiling tenderly. He placed his thumb on your face, wiping away the tears. “Im…. crying? Hahaha music really is powerful.” you placed the spare earbud in his and kissed him.
Aomine: There was nothing quite like a stroll through the park on a rainy day. What made the rain so pleasing was the scents. They were heightened by water, cleared of their toxins, the grass and trees wafted an energizing blend of their own perfume. An umbrella over your head and headphones at your ears you strolled down to the pond in the center of the park. A favorite hobby of yours was to sit on the bench closest to the water and admire the world, curious of how people lived their lives. Music pulsing, you sat on the bench inhaling the sweet smells while people in raincoats passed by. The rain was cold, yet pleasing enough that your eyes fluttered shut. Aomine had called while you were asleep, but even without an answer he had a feeling he knew where you’d be. He smiled, amused at the fact that you did not even wear a hat. He then tossed a towel over your head and rubbed the fabric in circular motions before lifting it enough that your porcelain skin and purple-blue lips became unveiled. “Baka, you’re going to catch a cold.” You peered up at him, smiling vaguely back. “Ah….. Aomine…. “ Shivering slightly between words you wiped away a few tears with your fingers “A-aomine, has a song….. ever made you cry before?” The basketball player placed a hand on his hip, “Ha,” he grabbed one of your hands and pulled you from your seat and into his chest, “you’re just soft”
Akashi: Good writing needs to make the reader feel something. One of the tools you use to evoke feeling is to listen to music. Today’s chapter consisted of the protagonist being isolated by their friends, which meant that a selection of mainly instrumental, classical type music was to be selected. You placed the headphones over your ears and sat back in the chair at your desk. Step one: Listen. Step 2: Close the eyes. Step 3: Ponder the things in life that caused a feeling of loneliness. The school bell rang to signify the end of the week. Everyone packed their bags a few minutes early to assure a prompt departure, but you decided to wait. Few students understood the serenity of an empty classroom, all except your best friend. They walked over to you and tapped on your shoulder. Although usually chipper, she carried a heavy burden on her slumped shoulders, the muscles in her face peculiarly unrelaxed. “I…..I can’t be your friend anymore.” she stammered, consciously avoiding your gaze. “Why?” you asked. She had no reason or explanation. Plastering on a polite grin, “Okay.” was all you could manage. Your friend left abruptly after, leaving you in the classroom. Making friends has never been a string suit of yours and so her parting left you stranded. At that moment you began to question your value to those around you, what did I do? The memory caused a few tears to fall, each in time with the music. Akashi arrived in your room and placed both his hands on your shoulders. “Hey princess, you’ve got to stop doing this, I don’t like to see you cry not matter the reason.”
Murasakibara: Today had been terrible. You had gotten the results back from a big test at school and were quite displeased with the results. The one problem though was that you were at school, it was not the most widely accepted course of action to cry in the midst of all the people. Like all brave humans, you swallowed your pride and suppressed the disappointment. Upon arriving home at the end of the day you were finally ready to pour out those emotions, there just needed to be a catalyst. Once at home you darted straight for your bedroom and turned on this song you found the other day. A minute in you felt the tears welling up. Muro-chin bursted through the door. You hadn’t even noticed he came in withe the music turned up. “____-chin? You’re crying. The music isn’t helping.” He strolled over and turned the music off, accompanying you, laying down right at your side. “What’s up?” You turned the music on again. “The song, its helping me cry. Please leave it.” Murasakibara nodded and handed you a chip.
Midorima: There is nothing better than a nice warm cup of hot chocolate on a chilly and rainy day. Midorima kneeled in front of the fireplace, fumbling to grab a measly match out of the box. His long fingers and large hands struggled to hold onto just one match, instead he would end up with six between his fingers. Frustrated with the original tactic he peered at the box, waiting a moment before he tipped it out on the carpet. He spread the matches out into two piles- the rest of the box and his one precious match. Feeling a bit proud of his thinking, he extended his fingers and pushed on the bridge of his glasses with the middle one. “Shintauro~, you make an excellent hot cocoa. The marshmallow was a good touch as well.” you noted, taking a few more sips, intermittently stirring the marshmallow around with your finger. Midorima lit the fire and placed a few hefty logs on top once the flame grew big enough, “I know your tastes nanodayo.” He stood up and went to the kitchen to make himself a mug as well. While in his absence you decided it was a decent time to play some music as well as read the next chapter of that book you started. “I’m putting on some music.” you called out while pressing play on the speaker, opening your book immediately after. As if meant to happen, the novel took a sad tone in queue with the music. Midorima walked back into the living room with his cup of cocoa, nearly spilling the hot contents on himself, “N-nano?! ____-san, so suddenly- why are there…..tears on your face?!” He jolted forward so his face was now directly in line with your, though this time his sudden movements caused some of the hot chocolate to spill on your chest. You jumped at the sudden spill. Midorima’s mouth gaped open, “Ah!  I’ll got get a rag, you just- you stop crying okay? If the book is too sad just make sure I’m around.”
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kurokosvanillabean · 7 years
If it's still open, Platonic relationship with Kise and his best friend having a movie night and just pigging out :)
I recently watched this brilliant movie with a young man who has autism and learned to live again, how to talk again, through Disney movie. Life, Animated  is the name of it and so that is why Disney movies will be used. Watch It!! Also I tend to be pretty affectionate with my friends like tons of hugs and stuff ~Admin Asami
Kise: Tonights theme is Disney movies. Kise had a particularly odd encounter with his former teammates at a takoyaki stand and felt as though childhood comforts would ease the tension that remained in his muscles.
You had rounded up a collection of movies from the local thrift store as well as contributed some of your own. Kise was tasked with buying the multitudes of sugary, fattening snacks that were to be consumed beyond indulgence; he insisted that he knew your favourites as well which was an intriguing notion.
Best friends find knocking on the door a trivial and useless gesture and so you bursted through his door, beaming with excitement. “Kiiiisseeeee-kuuuuuun!” He turned from the doorway to his bedroom, his eyes widened and his lips parted enough to shove a whole slice of cake in his mouth as you pounced on him with cat like reflexes. You held up the bag with the DVDs, “I have a ton. Hope you got us some good snacks to.”
Kise nodded and shoved you off of him. “I do. Go put a movie in and I will show you what I got.”
You strutted over to the television, feeling quite happy the two of you got to hang out tonight. The contents of your bag were strewn about the floor in front of you. “Hmmmm………Ah! Mulan.” You placed the DVD in and jumped back onto the couch awaiting the arrival of Kise. He was taking to long, “Oi! Get a move on!” you shouted.
He waved his hand in the air, back turned away, “I will get there when I get there ___-cchi. Just wait a little longer.”
“But Kiiiseee its starting already.” He sighed and rushed over with a complete bag full of fatty, sugary, ultimately satisfying goodies and a glass of milk for you, soda for himself. He handed you your favorite chocolate, Cadbury creme eggs. (Lovely easter candy) “Wah! Nice job, nice job. You even remembered the milk.” you unwrapped the candy, pleased that he knew your affliction for milk. He’s truly one of your best friends. “Now shhhh ___, I want to watch it.” Kise placed his hand over your mouth to restrict your ability to interfere with his viewing pleasure.
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kurokosvanillabean · 7 years
Can I request Aomine hanging out with his gf who is kinda tall (5'10 or something) and people are people, so they just stare and give nasty comments? Tons of love for overprotective Aomine. I really enjoy your writings! (´• ω •`) ♡ /sorry for the presumably bad English btw/
I am so happy you enjoy my writing! best compliment you can give a writer ~Asami 
Aomine: His eyes narrowed, reduced to small slivers of deep midnight blue. The hand he had so generously placed on your waist inched itself further around, his grip noticeably tighter. “Whaaa…. Daiki, you might just strangle me by accident!” He reluctantly loosened his hold, but quickly stiffened back up again. Each of his senses was heightened as he walked down the city streets with you.
There were some girls from Too making their way over to a cafe. All they talked about was gossip, the two of you couldn’t bear to be around them. On they went, prattling among themselves regarding some girls hideous outfit the other day. Soon though they immediately shifted their conversation topic as they noticed the two of you out for a stroll. “___ looks normal for once standing next to him.” the triad snickered, “I know! What a freak, she’s not normal.” One of the girls glanced at you, her eyes were glazed over and yet with an intimidating intensity that send a gentle chill down your back. Aomine let go of you. He held the girl with glazed eyes on her tip toes by the collar of her school shirt. You know he wouldn’t do anything to hurt the girl, but when Aomine gets mad, you feel as though theres the slightest chance that his vigor will refrain him from backing down. He glowered at her, his other hand clenched in a fist that made his blood vessels pop out. “Shut. Up. Your useless for anything but talking crap.” He The female in his hands squirmed, unable to plant her feet on the ground till he let her down. Aomine scoffed as they hurriedly composed themselves enough to dash away.
There you were, stunned like a deer in the headlights; you felt frozen. You were tired of the rude comments people made about your stature, but my did that girl look scared. Aomine turned to you with a smile. A nearly silent laugh slipped through his lips. You appeared so vulnerable, he knew exactly how to unfreeze you though. Picking you up like his bride he carried you and planted a tender kiss on your forehead. “They won’t be bothering us anymore.” You smiled, “It was slightly harsh, she seemed like she would pee her pants. Just don’t do that with me please.” Aomine nodded “You’re to nice ___.”
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kurokosvanillabean · 8 years
Hello lovelies!!!!!! I recently got my 6th concussion which means that doing basically anything is a challenge and my brain tires itself easily. Terrible this happened as I have recently started writing again!!!!!! 
Anyways, loads of drafts that will come out when my brain is normal again 
Love Admin Asami 
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kurokosvanillabean · 8 years
Gom S/O suffering from a severe heatstroke :o
Kuroko: Summer in the city was generally quite hot and humid. The two of you were out on a simple walk to get milkshakes when you started to notice his footsteps becoming less stable. He wasn’t really one to complain or say anything before he found the situation to be too much. His pale milky skin began to appear a little red and his cheeks quite flushed. You let go of his hand and stepped in front of him. “Tetsu, are you feeling alright?” Kuroko looked surprised for a moment, “I do? I feel a little dizzy, but I.......” As he trailed off mid sentence his body slowly leaned to one side and soon fell quickly with the aid of gravity. You reacted as quickly as you could, catching him at the last moment from hitting the concrete, “Oh Tetsuya....good thing you’re not that heavy.” You dragged him from his armpits to the side of a storefront. A stranger on the sidewalk saw what happened and offered a bag of ice he had purchased as you propped him up. “Ah! Thank you, sir, he will be alright.”
Kise: He had been working all day on a summer spread for the magazine. You wanted to treat his hard efforts and came after the shoot with a homemade bento box for him. Upon seeing you arrive on set he immediately stopped what he was doing and came over to greet you. “___-chi! You made me lunch?! All they gave me was an ice cream.” He kissed your forehead and proceeded to grab the box from your hands. “Did you walk here?” he implied as he started picking at his food. You nodded your head, “Yeah I did, I kinda regret it though, the weather is really hot today” Kise pouted and asked for the set manager to toss him a bottle of water. “Here, drink it please.” He opened it up and pressed it to your lips. As you took sips you began to notice something rather odd. “Ryouta, how long have you been out here? I can’t believe you are not even sweating!” He laughed at first but appeared as though he was about to fall over. Concerned for what was about to happen you pulled him by his arm on the bench next to you and pressed the water bottle to his lips. “Now it’s you turn to drink.”
Aomine: Aomine chose the absolute worst day to practice. You had looked at the thermometer in the morning and had advised him against it, but he is stubborn and simply would not take your advice; however, you noticed that he made sure to put ice in his water bottle. He had been out for a few hours and you decided it was about time to check on him. When you got to the court a few blocks away his back was turned while his hands were grasping the fence. He was bent at the waist and breathing hard and heavy. “Daiki?!” You shouted and ran over to him. Right at his feet was what appeared to be his breakfast. You placed a hand on his cheek and turned his face towards you. He looked very hot and there was no sweat on his face which was quite concerning considering the fact that he was practicing. “____, help.” he said through gritted teeth. This meant he felt completely awful. You knew this was serious and took him to the hospital.
Akashi: No matter how much he wanted you to stay in a place that had A/C, you desperately wanted to get out of the house. He of course would not let you go alone and demanded you take him with you to the park. On the walk there he held your hand. Oddly though, he kept turning ever so slightly to catch a glance of your face. “Akashi, what in the world are you doing? Is there something on my face?” you inquired, squeezing his hand. He let out a small laugh, “No my dear, just making sure you don’t get heat stroke or something. That sun is really strong.” When the two of you reached the park though he made a sharp change in course at the sight of a bench. “___, it’s nothing to worry about, I’m feeling a little dizzy and need to sit down.” You glanced over at his face and waited till he was seated to view his condition with better detail. You cradled his face in your hands, “I know you were concerned about me, but I think you’re the one we need to worry about. I have some water in my bag.” He took a sip and thanked you for being so attentive.
Murasakibara: Atsushi really wanted to buy a bag of crisps. He was headed out the door when you yelled at him to wait for you. He had a habit of leaving suddenly with little notice, to make it sound better than it felt you considered this spontaneity rather than childish immediacy of needs. He sighed and asked you to hurry up. After buying about ten bags he opened one on the walk back home. While nearing the bottom he abruptly stopped walking, his face as though he had sucked on a lemon. “Owwwww! ___-chin, it hurts. It’s too hot out here.” He was already breathing hard, but now he was getting heat cramps. You spotted a bench at a bus stop and urgently ushered him to sit down. “Atsushi, stay right here okay? I am going to get some ice from that convenience store right there.” He nodded and waited till you came back with ice. He took the bag as soon as you arrived. “Wah... This is so much better.”
Midorima: Oha Asa horoscopes had brought you to the beach. He had already gotten his lucky item for the day but was desperate to find yours. You were supposed to have bad luck today which meant that he wanted to minimize the effects as much as possible. The pair of you were on the lookout for a seashell, but each shell you found was rendered too small by Shintaro. After searching for a solid hour he decided that your bad luck was truly inevitable. “Your luck is so bad we can’t even fix it. Now close your eyes nanodayo.” He pushed up his glasses and waited till you eyes were close. You hear him shuffle through things and was pleasantly surprised when you opened your eyes. He had laid down towels and placed an umbrella in the sand. “Midorima, this is really nice, thank you.” He offered you a hand as you situated yourself on the towel. However, you noticed that he looked quite hot and slightly pale. “Mido-san, are you alright?” He signed and placed a hand on his hip, “I am in the beginning stages of heat stroke.” You laughed but felt a bit concerned. “Perhaps we should go swim and cool ourselves down.” He nodded and trudged through the sand.
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kurokosvanillabean · 8 years
How about something with Kise and Aomine on how they first meet their crush but it's something embarrassing and memorable, like they feel into a pool and grabbed the guys out of reflex and dragged them in to?
Awkward Moments
Kise: Riding a bike in the city can be dangerous. You wanted to exercise a little more and thought that instead of taking the subway you would bike to school. The cars only left a little room each time they went by and the sidewalk was not exactly meant for bikes to go on. This one particular vehicle decided to leave the smallest sliver of road for you to ride on. The precision it took to keep yourself balanced was rather daunting. The front tire hit a pebble and sent you off course enough that your steering began to wobble. You had no choice but to turn onto the sidewalk or risk falling into the road, but well, the sidewalk had people on it. With your balance completely off kilter, you yelled to the pedestrians to watch out, but one particular young man could not move out of the way in time.
Both of you glanced at each other with surprised faces before crashing into one another. “Wah…..I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to do that! Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” Kise scratched his head, “Ahhaha I’m alright, a little banged up. Did you hurt anything? That guy was driving way to close to you.” he shoved the bike off of the pair of you and placed his hand on your shoulder as he asked. No one really fancied crashing, but you would happily crash into him any day. “I think I scraped my elbow.” you responded. Kise immediatley grabbed your arm and examined the scrape. “You did scrape it quite nicely there. How about I go help you clean it and get a bandage? After all, I only help pretty girls.”  
Aomine: Instead of feeling sleepy, this time he felt hungry. He was supposed to attend practice but well, he was hungry. There was no point in practicing on an empty stomach. He selected the first place he saw which happened to be your usual after school hang out. Your were there with two friends of yours and instantly noticed his presence; Aomine had a way of making the room feel heavy sometimes. He ordered his ramen bowl and caught you catching a quick glance at him. He raised an eyebrow before collecting his bowl and began walking to an empty table behind yours.
Unfortunately, your friends knew you had a slight crush on him and gave you that almost devil-like suggestive look that you knew meant they were up to something. Right as he walked past your table your friend happened to stick her foot out in his path at the last minute. Aomine suddenly flew forward, he tried as best he could to control the bowl of ramen, but his bowl handling skills were nothing compared to his basketball skills. Your eyes widened as the noodles appeared to reach out to grab you. The ingredients of his lunch had soaked your clothes and the noodles draped all over your upper body. Aomine slouched and placed his hand over his eyes, an awkwardly curved smile gracing his lips, “Ah…….I’m sorry.” he mumbled, blushing slightly. Your friends began to laugh. You looked down at your shirt and was embarrassed to find that your bra was showing through the white school shirt. “I-I….!” you wrapped your arms around yourself in attempt to cover the sodden fabric. Aomine took his hand away from his eyes. He smirked for a split second, feeling slightly satisfied at his mistake. “Here,” he said as he removed his jacket and placed it over your shoulders. “I want it back, though. Come to the roof sometime.” he winked and left the store.
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kurokosvanillabean · 8 years
Akashi dealing with a fiery innocent s/o
That’s basically me and the hubby tbh ~_~ If this is bad I AM SORRY Q-Q -Admin Shay
Sometimes, you found yourself wondering why you were even acquainted with this man. His arrogance was found annoying to you while he acted like the boss. My orders are absolute my ass! You let out a “tch” in anger. Despite knowing that no one had ever defied him. You wouldn’t listen to anyone but yourself. It explained why you were so rebellious in school. Avoiding Akashi Seijurou wasn’t very easy as you assumed. He was already so popular and captain of the basketball team he was practically everywhere. Though as of lately, you’ve managed to only have small talk with him. Maybe even glance his way. But that was it. You wouldn’t dare to be close, nonetheless approach him.
So he did it for you.
After school, yet again you stayed for kendo club. Slowly but surely, you progressed with the skill. Though the fact the room for your club and his were so close, encounter was inevitable. It was the end of your activities as you both were in need of a drink. You were only filling your water bottle as he walked over to get a drink from the vending machine beside it. You glanced at him once, hoping the towel over his head was covering his side view to see you. Immediately as he went down to get his drink, you took a sip of your water and tried to leave. “I can’t help but notice how… Uninvolved you are with someone like me.” He stated as you stopped in your tracks. Sighing heavily, you turned around to face him with your expression blank yet it revealed annoyance. “Well of course, it makes sense to avoid those you don’t like.” He merely arched an eyebrow at you while taking a sip. But he was clearly shown to be somewhat offended. “Now what is so unappealing? My orders-” “My orders are absolute I fucking know!” You retorted while he showed surprise. “The universe always has to go with whatever the fuck you say. I’m not going to be one of your little pawns that will listen to your absolute orders. I’m my own person with my own rights! Not some maid to do your cleaning. But I’m sure you already have them.” “As a matter of fact I-” You groaned and rolled your eyes. Soon turning away to go back to your club and he would go to his. “Hmm.. interesting. ” Now his new order.. To make you his.
… Now he was /everywhere/ . Besides being in some classes together, he would stop by the kendo club; offer help on assignments; even defend you but that was rare. Even when walking home he offered a ride in his fancy limo. At first it was tiring at the least. You now going to listen to his orders were tiring. But you knew you couldn’t avoid it now. It progresses from annoying orders to actually enjoying the slight privilege. Slowly but surely, you had befriended him, possibly making fan girls jealous; maybe some guys too. You’ve considered watching his games but you and the rest of the school were well aware of how terrifying their team is.
Now the cherry trees have blossomed. You found yourself walking home with the heterochromatic male. For once you did something more… common with him. Yet there was a slight issue. How did you find yourself trying to get close to him? Why is it that you continued to stare? And now you can’t be around him without being unable to look him in the eyes? Being shorter was a slight perk to the last said issue. Just when a few more meters away until you will be home.
You felt a hand ruffling the top of your head. Managing to look up at him, you arched an eyebrow; your expression already asking for you. “You had a few petals on your head.” He states plainly as a few more fall. Some in your hair, your shoulders, even on your nose. You were so close to ridding yourself of them; then you felt his warm fingertips comb your hair. Immediately you swatted his hand away with your own. “Enough of this!” You suddenly bursted out as heat went up to your cheeks. Your head now hanging down to gaze at your shoes. “Enough of what exactly ___-san?” “Of everything! You just suddenly decide to come into my life. You help me with school, even with the club, and you suddenly start acting so nice to me. What is this?! What do you want from me? You want me to finally listen to your high and mighty orders? Is that it?!” Your body was then wrapped by secure, strong arms. Your eyes widened as he had yet to speak. So you continued. “Why am I feeling so weird? My stomach feels fluttery. My face feels so hot. I can’t even maintain proper eye contact. Damnit what the fuck are you doing to me?” He took a step back, brushing stray hairs behind your ear before cupping your cheek. “You see ___-san there is no issue here.” “Then explain why I’m feeling like this.” He simply chuckled before leaning in, lips soon pressing against your forehead before they whispered in your ear. “Darling, you have fallen in love with me.”
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