kurosaki-makoto · 9 years
"Hey, Kurosaki-san, Merry Christmas! Here you go!" Hands over a present, which is actually a large tub of Yu Be Moisturising Skin Cream, considering he noticed how much he noticed you maintain your skin. Your girly hands particularly. It wasn't exactly cheap either. He couldn't believe that simple cream you rub over your skin could cost so much.
!! Oh...! Tenma-san. [smiling.]
I wasn't expecting to see you here, I-- oh! Thank you very much.
[it's not something he typically uses, Tenma, but he's very flattered. laughing a little as he lifts it out of the box.] Oh, now I can stop stealing Nee-san's. Thank you, Tenma-san, I'll definitely use it.
Did you like your own gift...?
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kurosaki-makoto · 9 years
It is, is that so... [just tipping his face up when you jump like that, face a lovely mask of concentration as you bring out your keshin. although it doesn't show on his face, there's always a sense of exhilaration, seeing one unfurling up towards the sky like a proud flag of passion.]
[holding up a hand, counting off seconds as your keshin hovers over you to when it dissolves away.] It's a yes, that's true. [looking back at you, and those red eyes hold a spark in them, challenging.] What can you do with it? How long can you keep it out?
"Huh? Oh, Kurosaki-san!" I greet him with a wave, and a tilt of the head in response to his words, before thinking. "I should be able to, yeah. The thing holding me back is gone now! Let’s see…"
I clench my fists again, and leap into the air, 
The keshin is summoned over me yet again, and when I land, I stand passionately with the keshin over me.
"Guess that’s a yes." I state, before it dissolves away again. 
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kurosaki-makoto · 9 years
[Sorry, Neku. these sharp eyes see a lot. you're... also not hard to miss, with that fashion, although your posture is unobtrusive and disinterested. giving you a smile, straightening, red eyes lively.]
I'm-- afraid I don't know of any others. [shaking his head.] Rather, I was told that the pieces by this artist were good for someone in my situation.
[turning back almost instinctively, eyes tracing the piece again.] I can see why. It has an air of freedom about it, doesn't it...?
♫ || kurosaki-makoto
There was a trace of surprise that worked its way across Neku’s face as the other spoke up. He thought he’d been standing far enough away to avoid attention, but…guess not.
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“Kinda," came an eventual answer, Neku speaking up despite not wanting to fall into a full blown conversation with this guy.
“—But I didn’t think people actually visited the murals back here, though." It wasn’t like Udagawa, but Neku quickly figured the places near Miyashita Park were easier to find than the backstreets, too.
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kurosaki-makoto · 9 years
Well, it's no good to just stand around breathlessly, correct....? [small smile, eyes honestly happy.] It's no good to let your tension drop unnecessarily. [slightest bite of command.] Are you able to do it again, Tenma-kun?
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kurosaki-makoto · 10 years
darkstrikingsword reblogged your post:What’s this about snowmen…? Also… Raimon’s...
"I wouldn’t really say I’m hidden away." Casually said, with hands in my pockets.
Then hide.
[considers.] Well-- actually, Hakuryuu may still be there. Merry Christmas, either way.
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kurosaki-makoto · 10 years
What's this about snowmen...? Also... Raimon's Tsurugi is safely hidden away, right...? I was at a Resistance Japan party and I'm afraid I was detained for quite a while by my own dear captain.......
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kurosaki-makoto · 10 years
[12/25/14, 1:18:51 AM] Coeus Heavens☄: i'm laughing at kurosaki's headpiece
[12/25/14, 1:18:55 AM] Coeus Heavens☄: is that gazard's
[12/25/14, 1:18:59 AM] talk dadly to me: Yes
[12/25/14, 1:19:05 AM] talk dadly to me: It's so big
[12/25/14, 1:19:08 AM] talk dadly to me: He can't see
[12/25/14, 1:19:14 AM] talk dadly to me: Someone help him
((for anyone not familiar with canon, see Keshin and Keshin Armed))
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that headpiece is so big on him you can hardly see his eyes half the time
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kurosaki-makoto · 10 years
I understand. [relaxing. it's hard to tell how tense he is til he does that. smiling.] No worries, I certainly understand games having more meanings than they seem. [a very dry inflection there. no kidding, Kurosaki.]
So long as you're having fun, though, that's really the best thing, isn't it...~?
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"Part of. I’m only a Unit who is part of the game since I’m a card. Though it actually had more meaning than others originally believed. Only certain people know that but either way, it’s a fun card game."
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kurosaki-makoto · 10 years
Yes, I apologize. [wryly.] I only realised how it sounded after I said it.
Connected to the Earth, is that so..... However, I assume in that case, that "Vanguard" which you described is something you-- are doing? Have to do?
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"It could mean a lot of things but I understand now. It should be as it’s connected to Earth…"
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kurosaki-makoto · 10 years
[the piece really is amazing, and he'd be very glad he-- well, wore down his "father" into taking his car and bringing him out here to see it. The rumours were that it was important, that this artist was important, especially for people like him, and in that case--]
[it's lucky for him that Hera'd stepped away from him, or he'd never have heard you, Neku. he has an uncomfortable feeling in his throat, as though something is hatched, bright and strange. turning, neatly.] Oh, I'm sorry. Are we blocking you....?
♫ || +2
♫; kurosaki-makoto
♫; tadashihera
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'…Just great.' The disappointed sigh that followed the thought was probably loud enough to be heard down the rest of alleyway, too. But Neku hadn’t ventured here to deal with people. He’d just wanted to see that new CAT mural. And they were kinda blocking the way.
…Maybe if he stood here long enough, they’d actually move.
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kurosaki-makoto · 10 years
I-- I understand. [taking his hand off your eyes, pushing his hair back with his free hand a little flusteredly.] I apologize, I-- didn't mean to ask after something so personal. Rather, if you have a consciousness, I can sense you. That is my meaning.
If you don't mind my rudeness.... That planet is... Within our dimension? Or outside of it? [clearly impossibly curious.]
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"Let’s just say I know that there are a few others I know who have powers. I’m actually a Unit from Planet Cray. I’m in the card. Most of us just manifest as cards here as part of a game called ‘Cardfight!! Vanguard’."
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kurosaki-makoto · 10 years
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ASTERIAI collection, inspired by Greek nymphs of the stars – release date 12/25 | Aromaleigh Mineral Cosmetics V.2
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kurosaki-makoto · 10 years
[trace of a smile.] Who else, Tenma-san? [his smile does widen a little when you thank him, though, tenseness around his own eyes lessening. he just looks happy, and tired.]
[eyes narrowing again when you start to fidget-- he might be worried, but as usual, the expression in his eyes is hard to read behind that overall sharpening of focus. listening, tilting his head down and away, as though that could give you some privacy.]
...Aa. Is there any-- [pausing himself, contemplating. pauses for quite a while, glancing at the sky himself. it probably looks like you two are discussing the weather.] Have you told them that you want to stay here...?
"For me…?" I repeated, listening to to his explanation. The whole SSC thing had been on my mind lately, it was true. I was rather surprised though, and my eyes both widened and shrunk back to normal size while I was listening. "Oh…" A large smile appears on my lips. "Thank you! That’s nice of you!" I did notice that he seemed a bit uncomfortable though, but just shook it off.
Hearing the other’s question I got a little bit uncomfortable myself though, and shifted around a bit. “Y-Yeah,” I responded, shifting around the position of my shoulder bag a bit, just so I had something to distract myself with for a brief instant. I shook my head at the offer of a hug though, although it did help me relax a bit. “N-No, thank you. I’m okay and everything! It’s just…” I stop and look up, contemplating for a bit. I decide to be select with what I reveal, at least for now. “I might end up living with my parents again. But that’d mean moving away from Inazuma Town…”
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kurosaki-makoto · 10 years
Ah-- "as well...?" In addition to whom, might I ask...?
Well, I'm not sure what abilities I'd need in order to do-- other than sense you. You are-- a consciousness...?
And i's a pleasure to meet you as well, Blaster Blade.
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"So you have abilities as well but you just sense someone. That’s interesting. I’m Blaster Blade Seeker but you can call me, Blaster Blade. It’s nice to meet you, Kurosaki."
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kurosaki-makoto · 10 years
[directing his gaze very piously at the ceiling. it's very bizarre to here you talk in metaphor, Tenma, but honestly it's a little better than if you were to speak bluntly-- in that innocent tone of yours, he would probably expire.]
I... yes, that's a little simplistic, but basically yes... or at least, not "no," but do me a favour and don't write this stuff on a Biology exam..... Ah.
[putting a hand to his chin when you mention childbirth, a little thoughtful.] I'm... not exactly equipped to talk about that. Neither of us, really, neither of us being women... But as for the future, sometimes knowing something is going to happen doesn't always prepare you for it. There are "self-fulfilling prophecies," too.
[casting his eyes up. Tenma, if you stopped talking about women's anatomy forever, he would obviously be super grateful.] I feel I should mention for the record that I'm not interested in women that way... So if there's any kind of specific information you need, you may need to check a diagram.
About childbirth... Well, what I have heard, is that in Ancient Sparta, a man would only be deemed worthy of having his name on his gravestone if he had died in battle. A woman received that same honour if she had died in childbirth.
[faint smile.] So... painful, yes, I would imagine. I've heard that women are also more resistant to pain overall as well, which doesn't surprise me.
"A child is like a mixi-max…? …So a man is like a guy that water’s plants and a woman is like a flower? They have eggs inside of them…and…"
I look down, thinking deeply about what the other was saying. I noticed they were trying not to laugh, but that didn’t really matter. I was kinda amazed by all this, having not really known any of it before. Life was full of such amazing things and hearing how life was made was kind of nice.
"So women grow someone inside of themselves by eating…? After a man…um…fertilizes the woman’s egg?". After the other moves their hand away, I place my own to my stomach and rub at it. "That sounds weird…women going through that must be pretty tough…"
I look up though, at the mention of Kinako. I titled my head and thought,my fingers going to my chin for a moment. “Oh yeah! Hmm, well she’s not had a child yet, has she? I mean, it’s in her future, even though we all know it’s gonna happen…That must be kinda weird for her.”
I look up a bit, like I’m thinking, before looking back down. “…How does the baby get out? I mean, the woman has a few holes, like a mouth, a butt and…the place they pee from. But forcing a baby out from there seems painful…”
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kurosaki-makoto · 10 years
Not very clearly. Rather, that there's someone there. But I have to strain a bit.
Who am I....? You mean my name? [amused.] Kurosaki is fine. Yourself?
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"Can you also sense me…? But…Who are you…?"
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kurosaki-makoto · 10 years
Oh? What's this...?
[picking up the card gently with two fingers, ever so casually covering your eyes on it so he can't be seen clearly.]
Excuse me, you're radiating quite a lot of energy. [lowly, amused.]
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"*stays in card, trying to ignore everything*"
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