kuroyarn · 4 years
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kuroyarn · 4 years
The Supernatural Finale Red Herring Theory
Or reasons why it was the AU guys we saw in the finale, not our Sam and Dean.
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1. It makes me feel better.
2. I can just see them doing this for the Ackles reboot because it’s an easy way to reopen everything.
Having felt better joking about this with @margarittet all morning I wanted to share it 😊
We see Sam and Dean walk away from Jack at the end of 19. From here is the split.
What we didn’t see:
Our Sam and Dean walk away from Jack... and head back to the bunker. En route Sam calls Eileen. She is alive! Duh, they all are, Jack brought them back. They liaise about where she is and Sam takes her car back to her, because he has her car and they are in love. A happy reunion and much motel shagging ensues, Dean jokingly put 3 packets of condoms in Sam’s bag before he went but they came in very handy, so Sam ain’t complaining.
Meanwhile Dean mopes and drives around, he’s happy for Sam but he’s devastated for himself. He calls Charlie to check she’s ok and yes her girlfriend poofed back and they flew to Vegas and got hitched within the day. “Gotta grab those opportunities for happiness Dean, I wasn’t letting her go again”. He can’t help but be jealous. He longs for Castiel. He might be happy for Sam and Charlie, but he can’t forget about Cas. He just can’t.
So of course as a recall to earlier canon, Jack feels his longing and resurrects Castiel for Dean as he did only a few years ago. But this time it’s more obviously because he romantically loves him back.
So while driving Baby aimlessly and thinking about Cas just a few days after the end of the world, Cas reappears on the side of the road, just as he did after purgatory. Dean, now he knows how Cas feels, wastes no time and they have a grand romantic reunion right there on the side of the road, then a less grand and more frantic reunion in the car, and when they’re arrested for indecent exposure, because Dean only now realises Cas chose to come back human (because of course Jack asked him what he wanted) and they can’t get poofed away, they have an awkward call with Sam posturing as an FBI agent to have them let go. Sam, of course, never wants to think about this ever again, while Eileen thinks it’s hilarious and brings it up mercilessly whenever she can. Sam and Cas have a wonderful brotherly reunion back at the bunker, then they all discuss how they want to retire now things are in the best position they can leave them in and they deserve it.
They pack up their personal things, call around various friends and family to let them know they’re retiring, but always at the end of the phone, and then they call their AU counterparts to let them know they can either stand down or take up the mantle. They decide on the latter as they are just ridiculously bored, and stupid, so they leave the bunker to them. There’s a lovely metaphorical scene where they hand the keys over at the bunker door.
What we did see:
Episode 20:
We follow AU Sam and Dean as they attempt their first cases as hunters pretending to be this world’s Sam and Dean so they can retire unlooked for and in peace. It’s kinda sweet, but they’re just a bit crap at it.
They continue to be charicatures of themselves. A fun indication that this is AU Sam and Dean is how their personal habits are flipped with Dean the messy one and Sam the tidy one. They make cheesy jokes and have a stupid faceplant pie scene. AU Dean is a dog lover. It’s all cheesy, because they’re the AU bros. They’re morons.
They remember a bit about what their counterparts told them about saving the world, they vaguely know of Castiel, who they ran into briefly years ago. When Sam brings up his sacrifice as told by the others, Dean thinks huh that’s a shame he’s dead he was kinda hot, but oh well he’d want us to keep living so meh, he continues to eat pie.
This is the only explanation, given our Dean has frequently lost the plot and even killed himself when Cas is dead. This guy doesn’t even know who he is. Ok then. Pie.
And well, unfortunately they’re just not that good at hunting and AU Dean gets rebared.
Tough gig. Didn’t last long fellas.
Dean’s kinda confused when he gets to heaven to find this guy Bobby but it’s ok his parents are round the corner and he likes them :)
Meanwhile AU Sam never even met Eileen so he just marries blurry wife #1 and carries on. He has photos of his mom and dad in his house because he had a pretty good relationship with his dad actually, in the AU, so that all makes sense too.
In the end, it’s sad but these guys are just charicatures of our Sam and Dean, we saw them attempt hunting and fail miserably at the easiest hurdle, they have no memory of the people they loved deeply just a day before, and, basically, they’re just not very good at anything and they don’t act like our Sam and Dean, like at all, throughout the whole episode.
And that’s why it makes more sense that it’s these idjits, not our world’s Sam and Dean who we watched be massacred in the finale.
The End.
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kuroyarn · 4 years
35K notes · View notes
kuroyarn · 4 years
if you support donald trump unfollow me. full stop. hopefully no trump supporters are dumb enough to think they’re welcome here, but seriously. gtfo my page. block me while you’re at it.
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kuroyarn · 4 years
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A brilliant explanation of consent for anyone who STILL doesn’t get it. 
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kuroyarn · 4 years
so women are supposed to grin and bear the books, the comics, the movies, the plays, the tv shows, the stories, the sci-fi, the translated ancient poems, the fucking millennia of men writing about their self inserts torturing women and it being declared as High Art by other men, we’re supposed to read it in our free time, study it in classrooms, include their styles in our own writing, accept their cultural influence as natural, watch it in the cinema, write about it, talk about it, accept it, aspire it, but men can’t tolerate three seconds of female wish fulfilment of a woman snapping the wrist of a creep without feeling personally kicked in the balls.
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kuroyarn · 4 years
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kuroyarn · 4 years
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the fight is harder each year.
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kuroyarn · 4 years
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kuroyarn · 4 years
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136K notes · View notes
kuroyarn · 4 years
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136K notes · View notes
kuroyarn · 4 years
Weird Plot Holes with No Closure in SPN Season 15
Castiel’s grace was fading, it’s pointed out multiple times (he couldn’t heal Ketch (15x2), he struggled to heal the boy’s leg (15x6) and Dean’s hand (15x9)) and Castiel even says he “doesn’t know why” multiple times.
Ruby asks Castiel to save her from the Empty (15x13)
The demons were rising up against/betraying Rowena (15x13)
Dean doesn’t ask Jack to rescue Castiel from the Empty even though earlier in the same exact episode (15x19) he asked Chuck to do it and even offered to kill himself or Sam in order to bring him back (and save the world.) 
Lucifer was resurrected from the Empty by Nick in Season 14, it can be done multiple ways.
Dean says the only way to honor those they lost is if the keep living. Later in the same episode he is wounded, doesn’t let Sam call an ambulance and accepts death. (15x20)
If Chuck was gone, why give him his ending?  writes a bad episode and a bad ending (15x4). It’s acknowledged as lazy writing and boring. The actual finale (15x20) almost exactly reflects what we are told is bad in (15x4). Was Chuck the CW?
Sam forget’s about Eileen in 15x20. Eileen was brought back from the dead to be Sam’s love interest for the last season. 15x17 shows Sam being deeply distraught at even the concept of losing Eileen. 15x18 Eileen gets Thanos snapped with the rest of the world and Sam is visibly upset. Sam gets a blurry/faceless wife in 15x20.
Obviously no closure on Dean and Castiel. It’s like if two episodes before the end of Star Trek Spock tells Kirk he’s always been in love with him and then gets trapped on an alien planet. And then Kirk says and does next to nothing about it. It’s so bizarre. 
Dean says he’s not the ultimate killer (15x19) reflecting Castiel’s speech where he tells Dean there’s more to him than killing (15x18) and Dean goes back to being a killer in (15x20)
All of the side characters/other hunters get Thanos snapped in 15x18. Even though we can assume they get restored with the rest of the world; It’s like they don’t matter to Sam and Dean in 15x19 and 15x18.
Jack’s explosion in the Empty made the Empty loud. In 15x13 the Empty being loud woke Ruby. It can be assumed that the dead angels and demons are awake in the Empty. And???
Time moves differently in heaven how?? Did Dean really drive a car for forty years? Or was it just a quick car ride to him and then suddenly Sam’s dead from old age. Does that mean a couple of heaven days later Sam’s great-great grandchildren will be joining them?
(feel free to add more)
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kuroyarn · 4 years
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Great a'tuin and the Discworld by finallyenjoyinglife
70 notes · View notes
kuroyarn · 4 years
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Okay so I searched the bunker to find something to give away and I found this under my pillow and Idk what it is but it’s kinda pretty and feels like maybe it’s something some of you might want
Rules and info:
You have to be following me. Not because this is a grab for followers, but because this is a giveaway for the folks that have put up me over the years, or even recently
No giveaway blogs. Feel free to reblog this as many times as you’d like, but you can’t win if you’d made a whole separate blog just for the purpose of winning the giveaway. Sucks, I know. Deal with it.
Like or reblog before November 28th, 2020 6:00pm CDT. I’ll use a random generator to pick a winner.
I will ship to any country. If you win it, you win it. Congrats.
You must be willing to give me your address if you win. For obvious reasons, I’ll need that.
Might also give you a lemon or something idk
Go nuts. Thanks for putting up with me. Have fun trying to get ....whatever this is.
It’s kinda warm
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kuroyarn · 4 years
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Okay so I searched the bunker to find something to give away and I found this under my pillow and Idk what it is but it’s kinda pretty and feels like maybe it’s something some of you might want
Rules and info:
You have to be following me. Not because this is a grab for followers, but because this is a giveaway for the folks that have put up me over the years, or even recently
No giveaway blogs. Feel free to reblog this as many times as you’d like, but you can’t win if you’d made a whole separate blog just for the purpose of winning the giveaway. Sucks, I know. Deal with it.
Like or reblog before November 28th, 2020 6:00pm CDT. I’ll use a random generator to pick a winner.
I will ship to any country. If you win it, you win it. Congrats.
You must be willing to give me your address if you win. For obvious reasons, I’ll need that.
Might also give you a lemon or something idk
Go nuts. Thanks for putting up with me. Have fun trying to get ....whatever this is.
It’s kinda warm
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kuroyarn · 4 years
I have decided to make this mainly a GISH blog. Mostly because I have little else to post.
Let’s start with my first year of GISHWHES 2017:
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#5: Nobody likes elevator music in an elevator – unless it’s flute or pan flute music played by a wood nymph. (We must see unsuspecting passengers in the elevator with the wood nymph.)
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#9: I can assure you, THAT has never been frozen in jello before! How did you manage to do that?!
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#24: She wore a raspberry beret... Wear a beret made out of raspberries as you shop in a second hand store.
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#55: Make a homemade Castiel kite with a child. We must see the kite in flight.
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#86: Everyone thinks unicorns are beautiful, magical, gentle creatures. You know better. Prove it to the world! You may use any media you like, including Photoshop. – Traci Akierman
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#171: A stump grinder with a unicorn decal, with a child no more than 7 years old wearing a pink princess costume in the driver’s seat. (Edited because Misha is not much into stump-grinding and thought a stump grinder was something else.) It should go without saying, but this is a photo op. The stump grinder should not be on or operational. Safety first!
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#175: Everyone knows “high noon” means “high tea”. Bring a little bit of civilization to the frontier with Wild West teacup and saucer holsters.
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#189: The World’s Worst Lawyer.
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#202: A gisher wrote me recently stating, “I started gishwhes in 2015 myself and my children all joined in and had the best week of our lives, so much fun, so much love, so much laughter. In December 2015 I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer… But I didn’t let it beat me. We signed up for gishwhes 2016 and made beautiful art together and performed many acts of kindness to those around us and in need, my children now 10 & 8 have those lessons in their hearts now, to spread kindness and love to all around them! Unfortunately I am too sick to participate this year, but hope to still be here to see all the wonderful creations everyone makes, and if I’m not still here when gishwhes starts I will be watching down on you all, cheering everyone on.” Obviously, I cried when I read that. We emailed her back, but haven’t heard back… So this one’s for you, S. (and your kids), with love from me & everyone in the gishwhes family: Find a local hospital or cancer center and coordinate with them to deliver a comfort bag(s) to a patient. Fill a cheerfully decorated canvas or cloth bag with items to provide palliative relief and comfort to a cancer patient: soft eye masks, scarves, a soft blanket, socks, ginger tea or candy, unscented natural lip balm, sudoku or coloring books, puzzles, poems, etc. Include a note of support or encouragement if you wish. (Please don’t say “get well soon.” Phrasing like, “we’re sending you our love” is better.) Please do not take a picture with the recipient… Just the bag. We trust you to deliver.
0 notes
kuroyarn · 4 years
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Okay so I searched the bunker to find something to give away and I found this under my pillow and Idk what it is but it’s kinda pretty and feels like maybe it’s something some of you might want
Rules and info:
You have to be following me. Not because this is a grab for followers, but because this is a giveaway for the folks that have put up me over the years, or even recently
No giveaway blogs. Feel free to reblog this as many times as you’d like, but you can’t win if you’d made a whole separate blog just for the purpose of winning the giveaway. Sucks, I know. Deal with it.
Like or reblog before November 28th, 2020 6:00pm CDT. I’ll use a random generator to pick a winner.
I will ship to any country. If you win it, you win it. Congrats.
You must be willing to give me your address if you win. For obvious reasons, I’ll need that.
Might also give you a lemon or something idk
Go nuts. Thanks for putting up with me. Have fun trying to get ....whatever this is.
It’s kinda warm
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