kurstineh · 4 years
Confess something anonymously.
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kurstineh · 4 years
These days I just appreciate people who keep it real with me.
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kurstineh · 4 years
8🌼Do you have any ‘bad’ habits?
I think the only bad habit that i have is i don't speak or open up whenever their's something bothering me.
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kurstineh · 4 years
10, 12, 13, 14
12🌼What have you eaten today?
Basta last meal ko chicken macaroni salad
13🌼What is your home situation like?
Saawa ng Diyos. Okay naman kami dito sa bahay lahat hahaha
Thank youuuuuu!
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kurstineh · 4 years
Hiiii! 6, 10, 14 :)
6🌼What are your favourite animals?
10🌼What’s the last song you sang to?
Diko alam title basta pampatulog kay baby haha
14🌼Are you an introvert, ambivert or an extrovert?
Hiiiiiii! Thank you hehe
0 notes
kurstineh · 4 years
“People never learn anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves.”
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kurstineh · 4 years
“It is three at night. I have something to say. You are so valuable. You shine out. You are a magic star. You are a body of blood made beautiful. How I admire, sit back and adore you. How thirsty I am for that. How you feed me.”
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kurstineh · 4 years
Get To Know Me Ask Game
1🌼Are you named after anyone?
2🌼Do you have/want children?
3🌼Are there any fictional characters you relate to/identify with?
4🌼What are you currently wearing?
5🌼Do you have any plants?
6🌼What are your favourite animals?
7🌼Describe your aesthetic in emojis.
8🌼Do you have any ‘bad’ habits?
9🌼What is your sexuality?
10🌼What’s the last song you sang to?
11🌼What are your favourite colours?
12🌼What have you eaten today?
13🌼What is your home situation like?
14🌼Are you an introvert, ambivert or an extrovert?
15🌼Describe your current mood in emojis.
~please ask me~
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kurstineh · 4 years
find myself listening to music i loved years ago and i realize i still am her
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kurstineh · 4 years
hey guys unpopular opinion but you’re not a bad person if you don’t care about every bad thing happening in the world all the time, or if you do care but you’re not constantly reblogging posts spreading awareness and information
it’s okay if you’re just on tumblr to have fun and reblog things you like or that make you happy.
humans aren’t made to process trauma and suffering on a worldwide scale without any breaks whatsoever & the internet has created an unprecedented access to bad news so please never feel guilty for scrolling past it because you can’t process it! and you’re not doing anything wrong & there’s no need to feel guilty
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kurstineh · 4 years
Never apologize for being yourself
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kurstineh · 4 years
Growth is admitting I too possess toxic qualities & carry unhealed traumas I need to work on
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kurstineh · 4 years
You spend too much time looking for more, instead of appreciating what you already have.
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kurstineh · 4 years
I’m so detached and distant and cold at times. But I swear if you spark my interest, I’ll become so clingy and you’ll become so important to me and I will put so much of my time and effort towards you. But then you’ll get tired of me.
156 notes · View notes
kurstineh · 4 years
Daming porn blog na follow sakin ah? Ano meron? Block kayo agad di ako interesado hahaha
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kurstineh · 4 years
Learn To Say
No, to people when you don’t feel like hanging out
No, to people who don’t deserve your time
No, to people that make you feel uncomfortable
No, to people that threaten your happiness
No, to people that don’t let you be yourself
No, to people that make you ashamed for what you like
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kurstineh · 4 years
im that friend that gives u lectures about life but does everything wrong
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