kusatta · 8 hours
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the lovers / your lover’s back does not look quite the same this morning. no one else would notice the difference, if there even is a difference, but you could swear they have more vertebrae than usual. something in the breathing, as you stare at them in the morning light. the light in the kitchen is just as warm as it always is, the coffee just as hot, but you cannot meet your lover’s eyes. they kiss you on the forehead, go off to work, shake their keys on the way out as they always do. did they eat anything this morning ? did they speak ? of course they did. you’re probably losing your mind. you would call your friends to ask, if you had any friends left. you don’t, of course, haven’t for months. you only need each other. you only need them. you haven’t spoken to anyone in months. you count the notches on their back. you watch them breathe. you pray they don’t turn around.
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kusatta · 16 hours
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she listens to the other speak carefully, head canting ever so slightly as he talks. she knew the feeling well, unfortunately, brows furrowing ever so slightly as the tiefling settles besides criminal. eyes, always sharp, lingering, assessing. it left her mouth dry. a gentle hand rests upon the other's forearm, an attempt to console something within him as best the beauty cleric could. " it appears we'll have to see it through, this little journey of ours. " gingerly, she squeezes. " whatever comes, we will see it through together. for now, that has to be enough. " / @saturnmused.
@kusatta // keanu & ???
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❝ i don't know what it is, it's just this . . . feeling that i get, ❞ criminal says, and that alone should be a red flag to others, given his nature and his well-known affinity for emotional aptitude. ❝ like we're not alone, not really. someone is watching. i can't tell . . . who, but they seem like they're growing impatient. ❞ an eerie feeling, one like treading on eggshells, makes empath flinch, and he turns to other, expression open and unreserved. ❝ i don't know what t'do with it. it's there regardless of what we do, what decisions we make. ❞
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kusatta · 1 day
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" are onions supposed to make you cry ?! " a concerned tone, mantis watches the other in subtle horror as the other continues to snack on these atrocious sounding fun - yuns ! immediately, she raises a cupped hand to the other's face, " — spit it out, peter ! spit out those fun - yuns at once ! they should be called cry - yuns, how deceiving ! "
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"uh, no— fun-yun. wha—?" brows furrow at her question and hand waves through the air as if to dismiss her worries. "no way, mantis. they're always fun. that's kind of their thing." hand falls to reach into the bag after her, pulling a single, larger ring out. "dunno. i think they like, fry it or something." he shrugs and brings the funyun to his mouth, opening wide as he shoves it in. he bites down with a satisfying crunch, brows wiggling as he does. "see, s'so good n' crunchy," he says around chewing. "probably healthier than a real onion. these don't make me cry, anyway."
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kusatta · 2 days
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" yeah, figured. " she moves closer, canting head to inspect wound before she lets out a gentle sigh. " i have a don't ask, don't tell policy. got it ? " a quirk of her brow, she waits for a response as she places gloves. " looks like a grade two injury. it's going to need sutures. "
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what an odd woman. there's a chance she might use this to call some heroes, but even if she did, he wouldn't be pissed. sure he's hurt, but he'd burn them all to a crisp before they take him in. so he moves closer, taking a seat. he winces as he pulls himself up onto the examination table. "you gonna fix me up, doc? i can't pay ya."
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kusatta · 2 days
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oh, okay … jail.
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kusatta · 2 days
@sasouken asked: "I never thought I could love someone so deeply, only to have that love thrown back in my face." taiyo to rina
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perhaps it was easier to let him believe this little story he had spun rather than having to tell him the truth ; allowing grief to swell in her chest, tears fall from wet lashes as they begin to cascade down her face, breathing surprisingly even despite current circumstances. after all, the commission had foretold this, didn't they ? it was her curse. to experience love but never truly grasp it. she would never be good enough, not when she was so broken. not when she was just another stepping stone, a pretty little thing to keep.
" i'm sorry, " she breathes, gaze stagnant as her vision begins to blur over. " i never wanted to hurt you, igarashi - san. " i love you, she wants to say, they made me. a sharp inhale, " i . . . i understand if you no longer wish to . . . " a hand is raised, wiping at cheeks, " i understand if you no longer wish to be with me, but please — don't hate me. "
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kusatta · 3 days
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the hierophant / the plan is perfect in every way. everyone where they need to be, at exactly the right moment, with exactly the right smile. you have moved and manipulated the situation, but did you remember to put yourself in the correct position ? you, after all, are still a player in the game - whoever thinks they control the pieces still has to make the next move eventually. whoever is playing the game is playing against an opponent. ensure that they have not played better than you.
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kusatta · 3 days
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eyes remained downcast, a light flush spreading across the apples of her cheeks, porcelain skin tinted. " i - i don't know if i - i can, " she mutters, wringing at her hands before lashes flutter. " you're too bright. "
@kusatta liked for a random lyrical starter! | Still Accepting
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❝ Oi! Don't you dare look back. Just keep your eyes on me! ❞
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kusatta · 4 days
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" i fail to see how that's supposed to make me feel better. " he watches the other, eyes sharp, a sense of knowing there was possibly more to this. " if she yells at you like that again, i won't just stay silent. stressed or not, i'm not letting her talk to you like that. "
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"if it makes you feel better, i think she's more used to being upset with me than any of you. comes with growing up together." he grins, though even that wasn't as obnoxious as usual. "it's fine. she's just stressed."
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kusatta · 4 days
" do you not remember me ? " a furrow of the celestial beings brow, she pouts. " but we saved the universe together — you said we were friends ! " she reaches out, hand pressed along the other's bicep, antennas glowing. " why are you so confused — did spider - man hit his head ? "
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"uh— no. no, i screamed because i was tackled and my spidey-senses didn't go off." he's crossing his arms over his chest, eyeing her up and down. "i'm not— listen, m'am, i'm not. . . did you just call me pe— uh, it's spider-man. " she was stressing him out, maybe more than even miles had when they'd first met. "who are you again?"
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kusatta · 5 days
" listen, dad, i know, but — ! " voice dies down as he listens to the other speak, pout evident on features as his father scolds him. he kicks a nearby rock sheepishly, eyes avoidant as he lets out a soft sigh. lips part, apology on the tip of his tongue before body perks up. " wha . . . really ? " a toothy grin, he rushes towards his father's side, wrapping him in a tight hug before he's off towards the garage. " 'kay ! "
the other crosses his arms , giving his son a stern look . ❝ how many times've i told ya not to go to that abandoned scrapyard without me ? it's dangerous , son , an' i don't wanna see ya get hurt . ❞ of course , landon isn't able to stay mad at keith for long , and he shortly gives him a sly smirk . ❝ get my toolkit from the shed . i'mma help ya fix it up , then i can teach ya how t' ride it , 'kay ? ❞
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kusatta · 5 days
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face shys away from the other, gaze downcast as the galran prince leans in closer. he can feel his breath on his skin, touch hot as he pulls him in closer. the intimacy is not lost on keith, evident in the way his brows furrowed, porcelain skin flushed. a sharp breath in, & he finally turns to look at his ' supposed ' lover, expression softening. " the other's may trust you, lotor, but you still have yet to charm me the way you have the princess. " a smile, he moves his hand, rests it upon the other's cheek in a seemingly tender embrace. " i want you to remember that. " voice nothing more than a whisper, his thumb brushes along the apples of his cheek.
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a smile adorns the prince's lips and he leans towards keith to keep up the illusion that they are, in fact, a perfectly happy and in love couple. the arm around the paladin's shoulders pull him closer into his side, slender fingers moving up and down keith's arm— an intimate touch. "you and i both know that while allura excels in peace talks, she tends to let her emotions get in the way. you, on the other hand, have much better control over yourself." a pause, a huff of laughter, "most of the time, that is. you are quite feisty, if i remember correctly. besides," he points out, "your infiltration abilities are much better than hers."
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kusatta · 6 days
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" yeah, i've noticed . . . " he lingers besides the other for a moment or so before he decides to sit next to her, looking out into vast, infinite space. " — but, i just want you to know, acxa, wherever you go, that's where i'll follow. it doesn't have to be earth. "
@kusatta liked for a random Lyrical Starter| Still Accepting
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❝ It's taken a toll on me. I'm trying my best to keep from tearing the skin off my bones. ❞
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kusatta · 6 days
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time to nap. i might be on later, but just in case, have some stats.
drafts 17 queue 74 asks 47
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kusatta · 6 days
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" lorcan is one of my more sensitive patients ; it's likely he's reacting to your scent on me rather than acting out of aggression. " a pleading look, he continues to guide the other away from viewing station. " it's instinct, you can't blame him for acting the way he does. "
" in time, you'll understand where i'm coming from, mr. todd. " a gentle smile, weary. " they are more than subjects to me, i care for them very deeply. "
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muscle tenses under nikki's fingertips as he looks over at lorcan, mouth downturned with a frown. nikki was often too kind, too forgiving. this lorcan could chew off his arm and nikki would swear it was an accident and that he's fine, really. it's only a flesh wound.
"kind people still bite," he says, finally turning his gaze to nikki. "you need to stop letting them get away with so much."
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kusatta · 6 days
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also . . . can i interest anyone in a lyric starter call ? probable one - liners but feel free to set the tone / length in the replies hehe.
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kusatta · 6 days
@purposeclaimed asked: /drop kicks self in here. ngl i cant remember when exactly i followed but i do remember stalking you & bee's threads forever ago on the dash for AWHILE before i did. & even after it took awhile before we actually started talking??? but that's okay bc you're stuck with me now. stayed bc maannn i love your writing, your characters, you just being you. i love how you treat bee & i love how utterly warm & inviting your hugs are LOL / tell me why you followed my blog and tell me what made you stay.
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NO YUE BECAUSE I LITERALLY TOLD BEE WHEN I GOT HOME ON SUNDAY THAT THE HUGS YOU GAVE ME AT AI WERE SO NICE & WARM LMAOOOOO. we need to write more. asap. i am biting u. also we just need to talk more i am just so bad at communication lmao.
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