kushcakes4daze · 10 years
Correction , I need medicine cough drops , honey tea . ughhhh.
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kushcakes4daze · 10 years
The sad moment when you realize how alone you actually are. No one ever messages you on Facebook first or texts you first or anything. So it gets to the point where you don’t want to put in the effort with people who don’t put in any effort for you, so you end up spending your life at home, never going anywhere.
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kushcakes4daze · 10 years
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kushcakes4daze · 10 years
If a guy ever spreads a rumor that he slept with you, don’t deny it. One, because there will always be people who think it’s true, and two, because that dumbass boy just handed you the power to say anything you want about what he’s like in bed, and people will believe it. Say he bleats like a sheep when he orgasms. Say he put on pearl earrings and asked you to call him Daisy. Say he couldn’t get it up until he watched an old Billy Mays infomercial. The power is yours.
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kushcakes4daze · 10 years
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kushcakes4daze · 10 years
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kushcakes4daze · 10 years
America is some fucked up dystopian shit honestly like how are y’all even surviving? Paying for healthcare? $60,000 on tuition? POC getting shot in Wal-Marts? White men shooting up elementary schools? That’s terrifying I’m worried about all of you
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kushcakes4daze · 10 years
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kushcakes4daze · 10 years
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kushcakes4daze · 10 years
Tomorrow I'll be sniffly even more . damn my sister & her little one threw a bug my way . Good thing I have the next few days off , plus I'll actually see boo thing tomorrow and get some . I'll never get close enough to get there with the one I want .
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kushcakes4daze · 10 years
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kushcakes4daze · 10 years
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What is it about elevators?
Fifty Shades of Grey | Valentine’s Day
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kushcakes4daze · 10 years
Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because the regret is stronger than gratitude.
Anne Frank’s Diary (via loverscarvings)
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kushcakes4daze · 10 years
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kushcakes4daze · 10 years
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kushcakes4daze · 10 years
I'm so pissed . I'm glad I'm single , cause this is the exact reason why. Don't waste My day. MY time , don't do that. I'll fuckin punch you in your face . Hope you're too horny to sleep and that you learn to not waste peoples fuckin time .
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kushcakes4daze · 10 years
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