kuwlitz · 6 months
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❝ let me help you with that, sweetheart. just… rest in my back for now. ❞ ❙ syzoth / reptile fluff fic.
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syzoth had a shattered heart and the thought that he was meaningless in his head when he met you. you had sweet eyes and you moved with a certain dexterity that pushed him to approach your figure with catalyst, to look for you before you vanished in a cloud of smoke as if performing a magic trick. he was a stranger to you, a man made of metal who was attracted by your magnetic aura. it was arduous for him to strike up a conversation with you, to connect the words and create a little game that made you wait for another encounter with him. however, the reptilian humanoid didn't know at that moment that you were interested in him since you saw the emerald green of his orbs. he had helped you with the afternoon shopping, your old straw basket being carried by his burly arms covered with scars and tattoos. you had thanked him with a cup of tea, the kind your grandmother taught you to make when your mother was despondent and in penury of energy. he had refused at first, such an action reminding him of his late wife. you insisted with an adroitness that did not irritate him, sitting tensely against the chair of your small kitchen table. you passed him the mug benevolently, and the contact of the heated liquid against his dehydrate lips made him slump his shoulders and sigh undoubtedly, missing feeling at home. what he did not expect was that, looking at your tender and lingering face after he had emptied the cup, he had realized that he was at home.
he was fearful of falling in love again, tumbling deeply into a woman's aphrodisiacal scent and not wanting to stain the sleek skin they had. the constant paranoia of losing you was beyond the outworld, stinging his insides vehemently. he was overly protective of you, hissing at anyone who would get closer to you more than they should. your fragile arms were always wrapped around his when he accompanied you shopping or when you had those spontaneous dates you both loved. every night before bed, you found yourself in the role of reminding him that you would not leave his side, your hand resting on his beating heart. disastrously, those attitudes created out of his incessant terror that you would no longer be there physically had become a characteristic of his personality, doing anything so that at the end of the day you would hug him before you went to sleep with that breathtaking smile on your face.
the smirk behind his mask was not perceptible. however, you could tell by the wrinkles at the corners of his shrunken eyes that he was as delighted as you. your spirited, contented figure making his heart pump, relieved that you liked the basket he had built from branches that were tied together with strips of strong leather for the weight of the fruits and vegetables you picked up at the central market. his hand dragged the chair you sat in at that moment, wanting to analyze the creation he had made, him desiring you to be a breath away from reaching out.
" thank you, zoth. now i can bring more ingredients to make you dinner. " you clapped your hands with gratification, leaning towards him to crush a peck on his lips covered by the thick material of his mask. he hummed at the warm sensation, slightly frustrated that he hadn't been quick to remove the garment. letting it rest on the table that he planned to replace with a more enduring one, he left a chaste kiss on your temple.
" anything for you, my love. " he muttered against your hair, strands flying in diverse directions thanks to his hot breath. he exhaled in approval as you snuggled into his side, giving him the warmth that even the small house both of you lived in couldn't give him.
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© 2023 sojiowo :: please, don’t be an asshole and steal my work, layout or creations as if they were your own. anyways, god bless you.
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kuwlitz · 6 months
❝ ain’t you a cute little thing under my hands? c'mon, you can speak. ❞ ❙ choso + smut drabble.
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choso kamo was a mystery to you; his wood—like eyes eagerly reflecting someone hopelessly innocent in the intimate setting. he was not the alpha man they called toji, covered in experience behind those mountains of muscle with a sand toned skin. much less did he have gojo’s invisible armor of bravado and lazy denial of sexual tastes. he was interesting in his own way, so there you were.
he was impatient, absolutely. but above that cloud of smoke in which his hormones fluttered teasingly alongside the electric current tickling his pelvic area, he was savoring his fulfilled desires with the tip of his wet tongue; with every exhale and whimper that had no time to get stuck in his throat, he let it all pass slowly, torturously.
it was a lovely sequence of images to watch; his head pushed against the demolished pillow as his huge hands and bony fingers clutched with impetus at the flesh bubble of your ass, leaving a reddish mark, the one that burned pleasurably. he let you think you were corrupting him, feeding your hidden ego and that fetish that towered over your dilated pupils and the huge trail of your scent perfuming his underwear. he granted you the base of control with which you handled the situation the both of y'all were in, the one he was grateful to be participating.
the caress of your covered pussy against the tremendous bulge trapped in the black fabric tickled his ears. the heat radiating from your bodies seeking each other with anticipation, wanting to meet their ideals, had him buzzing in satisfaction. there was this white dot in a dark room, yearning to be touched by the pads of his fingers, but it was out of his reach. with each leap a growl of frustration appeared. he needed it, he needed you.
he exhaled and inhaled, moaned and explored desperately for it; he begged.
" please, doll. " his teeth clashed together, eliciting a soft hiss " i deserve it. i want it. "
a wriggle of your dancing hips and he found himself gushing a groan of exasperation.
" is that so, pretty thing? " you croaked, hot breath hugging the exposed, colorful canvas of his neck " think you deserve it, eh? " your icy tongue piercing down the path of his broad chest, the tip toying with his uplifted chin. your fingers hooked into the male tender cheeks, nails implanting superbly into flesh. skillful eyes snuck into the iris of a novice soul " you’d better hurry up and answer me, sweetheart, you know I'm only nice once. "
his head bounced up and down with strenuousness, sweat soaked strands pranced across his glistening forehead, a stifled whimper crashed in the course of protruding from his cherry—like lips.
" yes i do. you know i fucking do, doll. please, please, please . . . " he sang in an anguished tone, filling your heart with mercy.
a fluffy giggle hit the thick air that was choking them, and for a moment he thought it's all a painfully delightful game of his vapid, twisted mind. it was only when your nimble fingers groped cautiously along the prickly tip of his cock, curious and delicate, that he knew it was all real, so deliciously real.
" then let's give it to you, yeah? "
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© 2023 sojiowo :: please, don’t be an asshole and steal my work, layout or creations as if they were your own. anyways, god bless you.
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kuwlitz · 6 months
𖤐. 𝐭𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 : kissing and hope they caught us.
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toji can't go an hour, a few minutes, seconds, without touching you. his fingers snaked around the curve of your waist and your hip bone, the inside of his elbow wrapping around your fussy neck or your bouncing shoulders at the jokes he childishly murmured in your ear. yet he doesn't usually grope your face. there were a few times when the pad of his index finger brushed aside the curtains of unruly strands of your hair when they tried to push your soft cheeks, sparkling eyes and adorable nose out of his sight. he considered you too precious for him to ruin it himself with his fingerprints, so he just watched you with his emerald orbs glowing in admiration and fascination for your existence behind those dark pool of pupils. the assassin couldn't stop touching you even if it cost him his life, just as he couldn't breathe without a glimpse of your face, but he wouldn’t tell you such thing.
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© 2023 sojiowo :: please, don’t be an asshole and steal my work, layout or creations as if they were your own. anyways, god bless you.
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kuwlitz · 6 months
𖤐. 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮: hey, put on a happy face.
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gojo will always seek your approval when he's telling a joke. he's a confident, charismatic guy to the core, who every second won't go by without a joke from him. however, he was oblivious to the fact that every time he decides to tell them, his eyes ─ slanted from a wide smile ─ stare at you through his long, white eyelashes, analyzing your overly familiar face for any sign that you've found his strategies funny. if that is not the case, he will hide his flaccid expression by scratching his nose, rubbing his lips before licking them even though they are not dry and then play incessantly with his cloth; as long as his frown and slightly doubtful eyes are not perceived. if his joke was not to your liking, he will try to make you laugh twice as much the next time.
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© 2023 sojiowo :: please, don’t be an asshole and steal my work, layout or creations as if they were your own. anyways, god bless you.
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kuwlitz · 6 months
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❝ i want to see if your lips taste as sweet as my drink. ❞ ❙ tom kaulitz + fluff fic.
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it was a freezing night. approximately two hours and twenty–six minutes ago, the thursday that seemed to be perpetual had been left in total abandonment, providing a warm welcome to an unsuspected and routinely friday with the artificial lights flickering at the same time you did as you took in the aroma of the plastic wrappers of sweet popsicles with explosive flavors and the bursts of dust coming from the shelves where cans of peach and lemon soda resides.
a rapturous yawn hit the silence of the small grocery store, and for the thirteenth time during her night shift, you cursed the instant you considered it a good idea to take the night shift at that irrelevant gas station in taiwan.
scratching your nose, you persistently tried to convince yourself that you needed the money, even if it didn't have a salary to brag about with derision. you have to get a humble car, pay for college and balance the rent, you repeated in a cadence that tried to be catchy enough that you don’t consider it a completely dilapidated plan with which you was just wasting time. your cat–like eyes darted from left to right, fixated on the row of chemically delicious bags of chips, dye–coated treats and sugar–filled drinks on the shelf that after several weeks you had realized was beginning to wobble. the monotony of the scenario you found yourself participating in injected you with a liquid akin to anesthesia, leaning against the counter that without fail was neat due to the lack of customers and the excess of boredom you acquired in return, hammering you with entertaining yourself in a habit of cleanliness that only tickled you in that place.
you were able to notice through the slightly fogged window mr. huang leaning uncomfortably on one of the three gasoline machines that would soon be rusty, on his shoulders he carried his forty–eight years, so it was totally justifiable. he unconsciously stroked his belly bulging with cheap beer and continued to snore, causing you to search incessantly for another vantage point with which to squeeze himself for the remainder of the night. mrs. liu was sweeping to a torturous tune a corner of a floor that could be considered white, shuffling around her stall like a floating soul. her eyes surrounded by soft wrinkles were kept closed, from time to time opened for the purpose of observing her surroundings. your thumb dragged at the corner of your mouth, trying to avoid the smile that terrified you with an appearance and dominate your face, finding funny in the elderly lady action if you compared her to the robot that was fascinated with cleaning and storing things from that pixar animated movie that had come out several months ago, wall–e.
" what are you laughing at now, child? " she questioned immediately. you couldn't see anything behind her closed eyes, but you knew there was no rancor behind her pupils " is it me? "
" of course not, mrs. liu. how do you see me capable? " you countered quickly, moistening your chapped lips " i just found the little drawing of the peach soda amusing, the doll's head has a somewhat questionable shape. "
the weariness in the opposing orbs slowly deteriorated as they watched said product with impressive disinterest.
" why do we keep selling them? no one buys them. " she grumbled, her shoulders twitching with each glide of the broom.
resting your head against the metal of the cash register, you calculated the time it would take for the pain in your neck to whip you. the distinctive taste of the drink took over the heaviness of your saliva, swallowing it with fervor, falling into disappointment at not providing satisfaction to your fierce stomach.
" it's not as bad as it sounds, it's one of my favorite sodas. " you admitted in a mumble, avoiding at all costs falling asleep during work hours.
" that doesn't count, we don't buy hundreds of packs of that stuff for just you to drink it. " she stretched her wrinkled, bony fingers, kneading her hips over the red shirt worn only by those in the gas station service.
" oh, please! maybe if you try it you'll change your mind. " your fingernail that was slowly losing its violet glaze playfully stroked the pigtails of the honey candy wrappers piled to her right " you must give the little peach chumi–gu a chance or he'll be sad, mrs. liu. " your bottom lip expanded, forming an exaggerated pout.
the woman snorted, penetrating the soda as if expecting the doll to actually change its cheerful expression. she rested the wooden stick on her left arm, her free hand curling around the can with disdain. her parched lips rubbed together, then planted it on the polished counter.
" are you going to buy it? " you questioned, your slightly bushy eyebrows furrowing and your tone sharpening in surprise.
" i'll buy it when someone besides you does. " you took the drink as a snort escaped your lips, your nimble fingers maneuvering to open it and take a giant, needy sip. A delectable sigh ran down your chest to the outside.
" boring. " the tip of your tongue hastened to rescue the droplets that escaped over the edges of your flews " How about this? if you take at least one sip of this soda, the next person who buys one of these will be the love of my life, i will marry and have a family of nine children with who do it. " you raised the can above both of y’all heads, as if it were a treasure that had been irrelevant for centuries and could actually be the beginning of humanity's change, your palm tapping in gentle blows on your chest and then raising it to the side of your skull in a silent promise.
a smirk took over your face, your cheeks with some irritation after several seconds as your eyes looked as if they would disappear. you wished to guffaw in that instant, for there was no way any other individual besides you who could buy the peach flavored soda. mr. huang would not do so even if he could get his hands on the money to do buy five cans, which you found surprising considering that the man would devour anything edible. that such an act happened did not shake your body violently. also, it was not common to find a bewildering number of people entering the store, and they willingly wanted to drink the blissful beverage.
mrs. liu, however, seemed to consider it. either because of the inaccuracy of sleep or the numbing boredom. her head tilted to the side, listening intently to her tiny angel and little demon. her eyes for a moment scanned her surroundings, until they remained transfixed on a stall beyond the establishment, visible to her through the glass. her hands lay on the end of the broom, resting her cheek on it along with her mangy grin that was not discernible from her spot.
" alright, I'll take the deal. "
the moment she muttered such words, it was not long before the space was haunted with the bell that alarmed the workers of the intrusion of an individual from outside. It was a man, of an appearance not towering above twenty–five. his head was covered by a black beanie, which went hand in hand with a t-shirt of the same shade and a few sizes larger than required. he took confident steps toward the cash register in a pair of worn grayish baggy jeans and black sneakers that squeaked against the clean floor. his arms swayed in rhythm with the coordination in which his african braids snaked through his scarf of red, black, gray and white triangle patterns. from the structures of his face, it was evident that he was a foreigner. his cheekbones that delicately protruded below iridescent eyes that at some distance were a dark and indecipherable color thanks to the shadows provided by his long and abundant eyelashes, but the more you paid subtle attention to him, you were able to notice the pure honey–like shade. those glistened even standing outside the lights that hung inexplicably from the ceiling, and sparkled with every product that tried to catch his curiosity.
still, as he took in the other people around him, his actions became slightly sluggish. turning around, his gaze fixated on mrs. liu and the abruptly on you. he inspected every detail of your presence. he seemed to create a conversation with you through his pupils, the glow from them moving across the brown mantle of your eyes as he observed your petroleum–like hair and the diverse moles on your cheeks, chasing the drops of soda until they fell into the drink to which your hand clung. the black spheres of his piercing at the corner of his lip blustered after his wet tongue moistened the lips that didn't need to be, crashing into each other and then rubbing himself with a certain determination in his movements. with his back facing you, he took between his fingers a can of peach soda, observing with a certain charm the energetic cartoon it possessed, to let it rest on the counter.
with a mental snap, you set aside his drink to hurry up and prepare a bag. your brain was covered in a sheet of shame that was tucked in with regret. you wanted to snort, to grumble like the trumpet of a truck barreling down an empty highway. it didn't seem at all justifiable to you that in the instant when you could take a little fun out of the situation in which you were a participant, thousands of universes agreed that it was the best time to crush you like that.
" uh… is that all, sir? " you murmured in a soft throat clearing, your orbs plundering the opposing ones, who watched you with an intrigue that enlarged his pupils. these traveled and shifted horizontally, reading the name on your shirt.
" that’s all, y/n. "
his accent that laced in english words and sprouted into a deep melody that bordered on deeply soft tone, made your abdomen seem to be wrapped in strong arms that squeezed you with such force that they snatched the air in your lungs, the warmth of them causing it to be a tolerable experience.
you packed up the purchase, handing back several coins after he offered you a dollar, which had been displaced by the polished wood in order to avoid a physical contact that was denied as he stepped forward to take his money before your arm disappeared behind the counter again, the slightly rough pads dragging across the skin of his hand to your knuckles. the man said his farewell with a 'thank you' above a smile that didn't flash his teeth, causing his face to look inexplicably more attractive and boyish.
his body vanished as he stepped into a late–model car, leaving behind him an explosion of smoke and a panicked mr. huang. your eyes flicked from the window to mrs. liu's mocking face. she laughed as she picked up the abandoned can beside her, and took a good sip.
" if you want, i can help you with your wedding preparations. " she cooed, hiding her huge pearly smile behind the metal container.
rolling your eyes, you went back to leaning against the edges of the cash register. it had just been a pure coincidence, you mentally convinced yourself, trying not to be tortured by the older woman's teasing in that way.
" i was just kidding! who knows, maybe i'll never see that boy again. "
you tried to reason with the elderly lady. still, there was no way to take that night's victory off her shoulders. returning to his earlier work, she set the drink down on the counter, moving further and further away from his area.
" whatever you say, y/n. " she fiddle with your name, eyebrows jumping as she recalled the tone with which the stranger man called you. " and that drink of yours is atrocious. "
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© 2023 sojiowo :: please, don’t be an asshole and steal my work, layout or creations as if they were your own. anyways, god bless you.
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kuwlitz · 10 months
i need a moment.
$. untouched.
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what would an angel say, the devil would like to know.
warnings; language, smut (18+), dirty talk?, virginity, possessive tom, unhealthy?, oral (m recieving), hand-job.
the kiss was messy, sloppy, and everything but clean. he had been desperate, his hands fighting at the hem of her shirt until finally, she’d given into his twisted desire to remove it.
the minor bumps of the bus became nothing as she felt tom’s mouth invade her own, his tongue swirling and tasting her saliva. she struggled to keep up with his ravenous behaviour, finding that the other times in which they’d kissed had been different, softer, kinder.
he was altered now, stronger, desperate, full of aching lust which grew present beneath his boxers. as tom’s hand travelled to her hips, he hoisted her on top of himself with ease. beginning to massage at her butt, his hands lingered from waist to breasts simultaneously.
“tom…” she whined against his lips, her own swollen from the forceful and irresistible kiss.
“ill take care of you… don’t worry.” he mumbled back before pulling her in by her long locks of hair, beginning to work at the clear canvas of skin which he so desperately needed to cover with his own markings. his hand spread almost completely along her skinny neck, fighting against his own strength to not grip too tightly against its delicate frame.
he couldn’t help but dig his nails into the plush skin of her thighs as she moaned against his touch, growing drunk off his body against hers, the way he slowly began to use her hips to grind against the growing erection contained by only a few layers of fabric.
he needed her, needed to devour her whole, appreciate every piece of untouched skin and claim it as his own. he needed to violate her, take away the only thing in which belonged to her—soon belonging to tom. her innocence was a precious thing, a thing that only turned tom on ever more.
as fast paced as he was going, he had attempted to slow down, attempted to halt the hand in which was now making its way to her own—desperate to move it to the erection which lay underneath his boxers. he couldn’t contain himself.
“tom, what are you doing?” she slightly flinched at his rough touch as his calloused fingers led her own to the fabric of his boxers. his eyes grew dark as they looked into her own. she watched as the forest of brown lit to a fiery lust, drowning the once calm, cool gaze in something that she could only guess was sex.
he didn’t respond to her question, only began moving her hand up and down his length. her mouth hung open, cheeks flushing a scarlet red as her vision seemed to go blurry. she was new to all of this, never seen letalone touched a dick before. it was something that seemed so distant to her, so far away that she’d never have to experience it, feel how it throbbed beneath her grasp—though being with tom, she’d found that that unfamiliarity was stripped from her.
she stared intently at him, feeling as though if she looked at what he was doing with her hand, it would make it real, force her to face the scene which was now laying out Infront of her blurred vision.
“there you go…” he mumbled, voice breathy as his hand guided her own, lip bitten and eyes lingering on her tangled expression.
“do you want to go under?” without giving her time to answer—though the answer would have been a slow nod if she hadn’t been shell-shocked—her hand had been beneath the shield of fabric once hiding her from what she felt to be afraid of, that thing which had been so unfamiliar to her, so unsung and untouched.
as she felt it, her eyes staying avert, she noticed how its veins stuck out against the stretch of skin. she swallowed, finally blinking after what felt to be centuries of staring.
“does…” she paused, watching how tom’s breath hitched in his throat as she continued working at him.
“does that feel good?” she questioned, awaiting eagerly for a response, then receiving a slow nod before feeling the warmth of his hand disappearing from her own. her safety net had left, her hand was now deserted with his dick, continuing to work at its twitching self before slightly fastening her pace.
“fuck…” he cursed under his breath, the hand which once was something of a set of training wheels for her now making its way to her shoulders, pushing her downward hesitantly, plunging her until she was forced to come face to face with the very thing she was avoiding.
though being unexperienced, she got the hint. gradually, her knees shuffled downward on the king-sized bed until her arm had been comfortably situated, allowing her to continue working at his stiff cock.
“don’t stop…your mouth will be on it next.” her hand buffered for a moment as his words sunk in. tom watched her eyes travelled from his own to his dick, watching the obvious thoughts of ‘how am I going to fit that into my mouth?’ run through her mind. he’d been proud of his length, it had been big, she thought maybe too big for her to take.
she knew he’d rip her open, tear her in two, though she’d do anything for tom—even if that meant allowing him to destroy all she knew—innocence.
“I know you can do it, c’mon…” his large hand had now rested peacefully atop her head, guiding it until her mouth had been only inches away from the tip of his now leaking dick.
she had seen how people had done it before—how they gagged and choked and somewhat died against a man’s abdomen—she didn’t know if she could do that, it was a stab to the heart.
“i-I don’t know if-“
“I’ll teach you.” he interrupted, fingers traveling from her hair to her chin. his thumb swiped at her bottom lip, she opened wide, allowing for his fingers entrance. tom couldn’t help but hang his mouth open as he examined her own enclose around his thumb, licking at its bud before pulling it out with a pop.
as though it was instinct, her mouth now made it to the tip of his dick, tongue pressing flat against it as she licked once upward.
tom let out a slight grunt as the warmth of her saliva began to coat his twitching cock. he coudln’t tear his eyes off of her as he watched how she gained the courage to begin lowering onto it, her eyes shutting tightly as she avoided using any other senses, muscles, or movements for her first time. she wanted to make him feel good, impress him, show him how she wasn’t just a scared virgin, a deer in headlights.
“t-that’s it…” he allowed his head to fall backward against the plush pillow beneath him, feeling as her tongue and throat sucked any of the excess juices off his dick, swallowing as much of him as her stuffed throat would allow.
after finally lowering a few sluggish times to his base, she found that holding back her gags had been a challenge. using her free hand, she began to work at the empty space whilst her tongue and throat swallowed all that it could. she allowed for her pace to quicken,  listening to the quiet moan that escaped tom’s parted lips—it must feel good.
and god did it, tom was almost shocked at how experienced her tongue already felt, apart from the fact that he could feel her teeth every now and then—though knowing that his was the first cock to fuck her throat, knowing that his dick was the first that her delicate hand got to touch, was almost enough to make him finish there and then.
he had violated her just as he wanted, the only thing to do now was to violate her insides, fill her throat with his salty seed and plant his own entrails into her.
“just like that, fuck!” he couldn’t help but claw at her hair, pulling and weaving through its thick locks until finding just the right spot to take control.
she felt lost, unknown in a dark and distant world she’d never been to as he began bucking his hips into her mouth, her eyes flying open as she watched his eyes roll to the back of his head.
though her throat felt to be on fire, felt to be rubbed raw, knowing that tom was about to finish because of her virgin mouth, because of her soft and untouched tongue, was more than enough to fight back the tears which began streaming down her face.
as he huffed and puffed, awaiting for his high, she felt her jaw begin to tighten, ache, almost screw unloose as she was forced to be stretched out completely. she’d never made the sounds she was making before, the vile and unreducible noises of gagging and every other sin under the sun filled the room.
“you take me so fucking well… god.” he slurred against gritted his teeth, finally finding the strength to lift his head from the pillow. and as his eyes met her own watery ones, he felt a shiver run through his length.
the way her salty tears streamed down her face, the way her pale cheeks filled with his size, the way he was almost abusing her throat as he chased his own high. he was her first, he was the one which opened the door to the unknown world of lust, the unknown world of all that tom seemed to revolve around. and as her muffled cries ran vibrations up his length, he felt his guts and inside twist and turn until he shot his seed deep into her fucked-out throat.
he let out an almost guttural groan as he pushed himself one last time all the way down the virgin girls throat, violating her raw tongue one last time before finally, allowing her to move away from his dick.
he was wordless as his orgasm washed over him, causing his ears to ring and vision to go black for only moments before opening his eyes once more. he looked below him, there she lay, the pathetically fucked-out girl who had experienced her very first blow-job. she was fatigued, her jaw aching and feeling almost broken after being abused.
she hated to admit it, but she adored the way he looked when he finished, adored the way his grip was so harsh on her scalp, adored the way he hadn’t held back only because she was unbeknown to this scene.
she needed to be used by tom again, needed to be split in two, needed to feel the pain which now lingered in her throat again.
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kuwlitz · 1 year
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