kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
This is the announcement that no admins like to make, but we feel it’s time to close this group. This group had some of the most amazing members that we ever had the pleasure of writing with, and we will be incredibly sad to see it go, but we believe it’s time due to the drop of activity and drop of interest in the group.
Any members are absolutely welcome to continue playing out their roles, wether in small groups or 1x1s, we just ask that no one try to recreate the rp, or use the same plot for a new rp. 
We’ll leave the OOC blog active for anyone who wishes to keep communications going. We are truly sorry to our amazing members who have been so committed and have really made this roleplay a great one to be in. We hope to one day be able to write with you all again, and wish you all the best. 
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kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
would you be interested in seeing Ned Porteous?
Provided there are enough resources available for you to play him, we would love to! Though I will admit, I did just do a quick tag search for Ned Porteous gifs/hunts and there weren’t any. If you personally have the resources, though, then by all means.
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kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
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The following character(s) are currently on activity watch, due to reaching three days of inactivity. If they do not post or contact the main in the next 24 hours, beginning 02/11, 6:00 PM EST, the role(s) will be reopened:
@annie-daniela (1)
@mackenzieiris (1)
Strike system ( ) = current number of strikes explanation:
1 = warning
2 = drop a character, if you play two
3 = last chance before removal
There are currently (3) members on either hiatus or semi-hiatus, therefore they and their character(s) are excused from this activity check.
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The following role or roles have been reopened, either due to exceeding our four day activity limit, or have asked to be removed due to personal reasons. Please unfollow the following:
James Anderson (inactivity)
If you would like a hiatus for any reason, please remember to fill out this form, and submit it to the main.
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kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
I saw that your Fabray is listed as a solo. How would that work if applying for Quinn?
While we do like to accept canons if possible, Sarah was initially applied for as a solo, and the player was kind enough to expand to twins multiple times now. However, as there has been a lot of turn over for a twin to Sarah, she’s now back to a solo as we don’t feel it’s fair to the player, so we wouldn’t be able to accept a Quinn at this time.
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kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
Are the states the characters are located able to be changed?
They’re not, as they’re placed strategically per family. However, the states/colleges are definitely not a big focus here; the premise is based around the characters staying in touch through the KUWTT app. We also don’t mind if you want to make up majors, we won’t be checking that the school you picked actually offers it.
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kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
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kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
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@JONATHANPARKER is now in your network
NAME: Jonathan Meeks. NICKNAME(S): Johnny. JP.  AGE/DOB: 21. 4/20. LOCATION: Harrisonburg, VA.  GENDER: Male.  SEXUALITY: Heterosexual.  RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single. SCHOOL: JMU. SELFIE: [click here]
FULL NAME: Jonathan Parker Meeks GENDER: Cismale PRONOUNS: He/Him BIRTH ORDER: Second TYPE: Twin ORIENTATION: Heterosexual/Heteromantic MAJOR: English MINOR: GRADE: Senior FACE CLAIM: Chris Wood
When Jonathan was a young boy, he absolutely hated to read; he hated school, he hated having to wake up early just to waste his day somewhere he didn’t want to be. To his teachers, he was nothing but trouble, a boy who often questioned everything even when there was no need to. One summer, he picked up a book that his Language Arts teacher had added to the summer reading list. At first, it looked stupid and he wondered why it was so popular, but as he read it, he became enthralled by the world of Harry Potter — so much so that he spent the entirety of the summer holed up in his room reading as much as he could. That summer, everything changed. That summer, something shifted in him and he no longer was the boy who questioned everything out of annoyance and anger, but rather out of curiosity. Jonathan wanted to continue reading and continue learning everything he could.
As he grew older, Jonathan was known as the boy who would do as much extra credit as he could, and who would go above and beyond when it came to his classes. Jonathan was nerdy and sweet; likable and personable. Jonathan was the type of guy who somehow found his other half in Mallory Rose — a girl who he thought of as his partner and his equal, and someone who understood him better than he understood himself. Everything was perfect, so much so that they were planning their futures together, knowing that they would be that couple who would make it all throughout high school and college, and who would get married and show up at their ten year reunion together, happy and in love. When they found out Mallory was pregnant, Jonathan thought of it as an indication of good things to come. Even though they were mere high school seniors, they were happy about it, their friends were supportive and they even had a name picked out for her — Melody Rose Meeks.
But, it wasn’t meant to be. The perfect future that Mallory and Jonathan had envisioned for themselves came to a crash when he had to rush Mallory to the hospital only to find out their baby was gone. Everything changed then. Of course, he tried to be the perfect, supportive boyfriend but they were both too grief-stricken to be level headed and soon, their loving relationship became toxic. They were constantly yelling at one another, and she often voiced the fact that she blamed him for it all. Jonathan knew it was tougher on Mallory, since she had been carrying Melody for eight months, and so he kept most things to himself. Instead of voicing everything he felt, he turned to drinking and drugs, which followed him to Harrisonburg, VA, where he enrolled at James Madison University after declining his acceptance to both the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech.
After losing Melody and being away from Mallory, Jonathan became a shell of himself. No longer was he sweet, kind and loving — he was hard, douchey and uncaring. There was no love in his heart, not toward himself, his family or any of his ‘friends’. When he lost his girls, he lost everything. When he lost his girls, he also lost himself. Jonathan Parker Meeks lived a monotonous life, and his only joy comes from being an asshole.
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kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
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kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
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@RORYELISE is now in your network
NAME: Mallory Rose NICKNAME(S): Rory, Mal AGE/DOB: 21. Dec 25th. LOCATION: Washington, DC. GENDER: Female. SEXUALITY: Bisexual. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single. SCHOOL: Georgetown. SELFIE: [click here]
FULL NAME: Mallory Elise Rose GENDER: Cisfemale PRONOUNS: She/Her BIRTH ORDER: Second TYPE: Triplet ORIENTATION: Bisexual/Biromantic MAJOR: Music MINOR: GRADE: Senior FACE CLAIM: Melissa Benoist
In many ways, Mallory Rose was a blessing. As soon as she was born, she caused absolutely no problems for her parents. In fact, when her sisters would act out – Millie would say to them: “Don’t you see how Mallory’s acting? Please try to be like her.” It was never something that Mallory really understood, because she hadn't tried to be that perfect child. It was just a part of her personality, as much as her love for spaghetti was when she was five years old. It was simple, really: she loved to smile and she loved to make those around her smile as well. Always feeling like her name was far too long and formal, Mallory opted for everyone calling her ‘Rory’ – it just felt like it had fit her personality perfectly.
As she grew up, this stayed the same. Rory had always been the kind of person that would run up to others and give them a tight hug and tell them that they’re beautiful just for the sake of it. She loved spreading happiness. To her, it was incredibly important. Even more so, when she learnt how much she loved singing and playing guitar – she wanted her music to bring happiness to others.
As soon as high school rolled around, it was no surprise when she and the sweetest guy in school – Jonathan Meeks – starting dating. They were the same kind of person and it was incredibly easy to fall in love with him. The two of them were attached at the hip and oftentimes talking about how they couldn’t wait to get out of Ohio, go to college together and then maybe one day start a family together.
Much to their surprise, though, Rory found out that she was carrying Jonathan’s baby the summer before their senior year. While most would’ve seen this as something terrible to happen, both of them were thrilled. Perhaps they were too young, but they were young and in love and knew that they wanted to be together for the rest of their lives. The rest of high school and their senior year was spent getting ready for their daughter – whom they named Melody Rose Meeks – and those around them were constantly congratulating them and making sure they gifted them with several things for their child.
Late one night, though, Rory woke up in a great amount of pain and immediately Jonathan drove her to the hospital – always wanting their daughter to be as healthy as possible. They had one more month before she was going to be born and they hadn’t wanted to go into labor early. Instead of this, they were greeted with the news that their daughter had passed and the only option was Rory to give birth to their already dead daughter. Rory had never known was heartbreak felt like until  that very moment. The two of them were able to hold Melody as long as they wanted, and were gifted with a birth certificate reading Melody Rose Meeks.
As much as Rory had tried to remain positive after this, it was impossible to do so. Her once bubbly attitude was angry – angry at the world, at God for letting something like this happen, and at Jonathan for getting her pregnant just so she had to go something like this. She was buried in depression and anger, and Rory wasn’t the same girl that she had once been. The sweet girl who loved to make everyone smile hadn’t cared at all what they felt – all she knew is that she felt anger and emptiness.
This, of course, led to both Rory and Jonathan’s break up. The two of them couldn’t bare to be together after their daughter’s deaths, and went separate ways. While they had planned on staying in Lima to start their family, Rory found an acceptance letter in the mail that was from Washington, DC – far away enough from everyone and even better, far away from Jonathan. She still holds onto the pain and instead of being the once happy girl that she was, she’s angry and malicious – uncaring of those around her and always mourning what her life used to be.
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kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
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MR. JONATHAN MEEKS, it is with great pleasure that we are writing to inform you of your acceptance to James Madison University. As a graduate of WMHS, you are automatically granted access to your high school’s official KUWTT website, instructions pertaining to which can be found by clicking here. Alex, please submit Jonathan’s account within 24 hours, along with the provided form. We’re excited to write with you!
FULL NAME: Jonathan Parker Meeks. TITLE: Mr. AGE: 21. BIRTHDAY: April 20th. COLLEGE: James Madison University. GRADE: Senior. MAJOR: English. MINOR:
When Jonathan was a young boy, he absolutely hated to read; he hated school, he hated having to wake up early just to waste his day somewhere he didn’t want to be. To his teachers, he was nothing but trouble, a boy who often questioned everything even when there was no need to. One summer, he picked up a book that his Language Arts teacher had added to the summer reading list. At first, it looked stupid and he wondered why it was so popular, but as he read it, he became enthralled by the world of Harry Potter — so much so that he spent the entirety of the summer holed up in his room reading as much as he could. That summer, everything changed. That summer, something shifted in him and he no longer was the boy who questioned everything out of annoyance and anger, but rather out of curiosity. Jonathan wanted to continue reading and continue learning everything he could.
As he grew older, Jonathan was known as the boy who would do as much extra credit as he could, and who would go above and beyond when it came to his classes. Jonathan was nerdy and sweet; likable and personable. Jonathan was the type of guy who somehow found his other half in Mallory Rose — a girl who he thought of as his partner and his equal, and someone who understood him better than he understood himself. Everything was perfect, so much so that they were planning their futures together, knowing that they would be that couple who would make it all throughout high school and college, and who would get married and show up at their ten year reunion together, happy and in love. When they found out Mallory was pregnant, Jonathan thought of it as an indication of good things to come. Even though they were mere high school seniors, they were happy about it, their friends were supportive and they even had a name picked out for her — Melody Rose Meeks.
But, it wasn’t meant to be. The perfect future that Mallory and Jonathan had envisioned for themselves came to a crash when he had to rush Mallory to the hospital only to find out their baby was gone. Everything changed then. Of course, he tried to be the perfect, supportive boyfriend but they were both too grief-stricken to be level headed and soon, their loving relationship became toxic. They were constantly yelling at one another, and she often voiced the fact that she blamed him for it all. Jonathan knew it was tougher on Mallory, since she had been carrying Melody for eight months, and so he kept most things to himself. Instead of voicing everything he felt, he turned to drinking and drugs, which followed him to Harrisonburg, VA, where he enrolled at James Madison University after declining his acceptance to both the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech.
After losing Melody and being away from Mallory, Jonathan became a shell of himself. No longer was he sweet, kind and loving — he was hard, douchey and uncaring. There was no love in his heart, not toward himself, his family or any of his ‘friends’. When he lost his girls, he lost everything. When he lost his girls, he also lost himself. Jonathan Parker Meeks lived a monotonous life, and his only joy comes from being an asshole.
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kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
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MS. MALLORY ROSE, it is with great pleasure that we are writing to inform you of your acceptance to Georgetown University. As a graduate of WMHS, you are automatically granted access to your high school’s official KUWTT website, instructions pertaining to which can be found by clicking here. Jordan, please submit Mallory’s account within 24 hours, along with the provided form. We’re excited to write with you!
FULL NAME: Mallory Elise Rose. TITLE: Ms. AGE: 21. BIRTHDAY: December 25th. COLLEGE: Georgetown University. GRADE: Senior. MAJOR: Music. MINOR: If applicable.
TW: MISCARRIAGE. STILL BIRTH. DRUGS. ALCOHOL. In many ways, Mallory Rose was a blessing. As soon as she was born, she caused absolutely no problems for her parents. In fact, when her sisters would act out – Millie would say to them: “Don’t you see how Mallory’s acting? Please try to be like her.” It was never something that Mallory really understood, because she hadn't tried to be that perfect child. It was just a part of her personality, as much as her love for spaghetti was when she was five years old. It was simple, really: she loved to smile and she loved to make those around her smile as well. Always feeling like her name was far too long and formal, Mallory opted for everyone calling her ‘Rory’ – it just felt like it had fit her personality perfectly.
As she grew up, this stayed the same. Rory had always been the kind of person that would run up to others and give them a tight hug and tell them that they’re beautiful just for the sake of it. She loved spreading happiness. To her, it was incredibly important. Even more so, when she learnt how much she loved singing and playing guitar – she wanted her music to bring happiness to others.
As soon as high school rolled around, it was no surprise when she and the sweetest guy in school – Jonathan Meeks – starting dating. They were the same kind of person and it was incredibly easy to fall in love with him. The two of them were attached at the hip and oftentimes talking about how they couldn’t wait to get out of Ohio, go to college together and then maybe one day start a family together.
Much to their surprise, though, Rory found out that she was carrying Jonathan’s baby the summer before their senior year. While most would’ve seen this as something terrible to happen, both of them were thrilled. Perhaps they were too young, but they were young and in love and knew that they wanted to be together for the rest of their lives. The rest of high school and their senior year was spent getting ready for their daughter – whom they named Melody Rose Meeks – and those around them were constantly congratulating them and making sure they gifted them with several things for their child.
Late one night, though, Rory woke up in a great amount of pain and immediately Jonathan drove her to the hospital – always wanting their daughter to be as healthy as possible. They had one more month before she was going to be born and they hadn’t wanted to go into labor early. Instead of this, they were greeted with the news that their daughter had passed and the only option was Rory to give birth to their already dead daughter. Rory had never known was heartbreak felt like until  that very moment. The two of them were able to hold Melody as long as they wanted, and were gifted with a birth certificate reading Melody Rose Meeks.
As much as Rory had tried to remain positive after this, it was impossible to do so. Her once bubbly attitude was angry – angry at the world, at God for letting something like this happen, and at Jonathan for getting her pregnant just so she had to go something like this. She was buried in depression and anger, and Rory wasn’t the same girl that she had once been. The sweet girl who loved to make everyone smile hadn’t cared at all what they felt – all she knew is that she felt anger and emptiness.
This, of course, led to both Rory and Jonathan’s break up. The two of them couldn’t bare to be together after their daughter’s deaths, and went separate ways. While they had planned on staying in Lima to start their family, Rory found an acceptance letter in the mail that was from Washington, DC – far away enough from everyone and even better, far away from Jonathan. She still holds onto the pain and instead of being the once happy girl that she was, she’s angry and malicious – uncaring of those around her and always mourning what her life used to be.
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kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
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The following role or roles have been reopened, either due to exceeding our four day activity limit, or have asked to be removed due to personal reasons. Please unfollow the following:
Dallas King (personal)
Carter Meeks (switching roles)
Madeleine Rose (switching roles)
If you would like a hiatus for any reason, please remember to fill out this form, and submit it to the main.
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kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
As we were unable to do an acceptance round on Thursday, and both admins are around tonight, we figured it would be the perfect time to do a few hours of RAPID ACCEPTANCES! All applications received after this post will be reviewed within thirty minutes of us receiving them, right up until 10:00 P.M. EST. If you have any questions, we’re here to answer them, and of course to review and accept your applications!
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kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
are players here reliable with the roles they take on?
We’d say so, yes! However, we’re not huge fans of this question, as RP is supposed to be fun, not a chore. We’d never force someone to keep a role that they didn’t have the muse for, so if someone picked up a role and decided to then drop it and pick up another because they had a stronger muse for someone else, that’s not something we’d say no to. As previously stated, RP is supposed to be fun, so who are we to tell people not to use it as it’s intended?
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kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
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The following character(s) are currently on activity watch, due to reaching three days of inactivity. If they do not post or contact the main in the next 24 hours, beginning 02/10, 5:30 PM EST, the role(s) will be reopened:
@jameseanderson (1)
Strike system ( ) = current number of strikes explanation:
1 = warning
2 = drop a character, if you play two
3 = last chance before removal
There are currently (3) members on either hiatus or semi-hiatus, therefore they and their character(s) are excused from this activity check.
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The following role or roles have been reopened, either due to exceeding our four day activity limit, or have asked to be removed due to personal reasons. Please unfollow the following:
Alexander Clarke (muse issues)
Lanea Davis (muse issues)
Daisy Flanagan (muse issues)
Camila Lynn (muse issues)
Naomi McCarthy (personal)
Orion Puckerman (personal)
Wesley Rutherford (muse issues)
If you would like a hiatus for any reason, please remember to fill out this form, and submit it to the main.
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kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
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kuwttrpg-blog · 6 years
Where could Daisy Ridley work? x
Daisy could work as an Abrams, Baker, Berry, Hudson, Hummel or McCarthy!
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