kvngsevlgi · 3 days
I couldn't agree more. Need more Red Velvet music out there. We just like performing and seeing the fans. Don't like feeling like my schedule has no room for free time. I'm very proud and made sure to let the girls know. Aww, I'm glad you think so. I try to be. It really is. Feel like when I have a free moment, something else comes up. Yeah? I'll skip work too. We need to spend time together. @ycoas
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The world always needs a Red Velvet comeback. I'm the same way. I always whine about how heavy some schedules can be, but I really love having comebacks. It's an insane growth! And one you should be proud of. I'm so happy for you girls. You've been deserving this beautiful comeback for a long while. You're the sweetest, you know that? You're telling me. It's difficult finding time to spend together with our schedules so full, but we're trying~ I'm willing to skip work to make this happen! @kvngsevlgi
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kvngsevlgi · 3 days
Ooo! Please do bring her by SM. I'd love to see her there. Though you can totally bring her by my exhibit next month. I'm sure she'd love to see all the photos I've taken. I bet it is and just makes me want to see this more. Besides making sure to not be nervous about people seeing my passion besides music, not too much. @kmjcngins
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Feel free to drop by whenever! Or better yet, I can bring her by SM whenever you're free and around and you'll be able to see her in all her glory. It's seriously so damn cute if I do say so myself! Aside from work, what's been keeping you busy? @kvngsevlgi
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kvngsevlgi · 3 days
You're too sweet. Those type of videos are a ton of fun. Plus I just love seeing different outfits people have. It's great seeing how many people get so excited about an outfit you wear. I do! I like collecting anything physical when it comes to music. I don't blame you for wanting her collection. Record collections are so cool to have. I'll be sure to do so. I'll have to figure out what outfits to show and make time to record it. I'm sure they would. Our fans are super supportive which I appreciate. All that work, you deserve a few days off. Haha, I mean I try. Sometimes I collect hearts without even meaning to do so. I have a film photography exhibit happening next month which I can't wait for everyone to see. I'm hoping that it gets all the love possible.
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No way, you're far too cute. I really like doing those kinds of videos, the reception is always so good compared to some other stuff I post. It's cool to see people get excited about fashion. You have a record collection? That's really cool, I hope to inherit my mom's collection someday, fighting my siblings for it if I have to. You should totally do an outfit video, your style is amazing from what I've seen. I bet if your fans love your record collection, they're gonna eat up an outfit video. I've been busy with my company, working with some brands here and there, trying to get a few days off too. I'll leave the heart-collecting to you, you're clearly the pro at that! How about you? Anything fun going on in your world?
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kvngsevlgi · 10 days
I couldn't agree more. I try to show off my authentic self when possible. I do what I can. Can't show off everything since no one needs to know every little thing about me. The latest thing I showed off to fans was my record collections which I feel they appreciated seeing.
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Truth I mean yes publicists and pr exist to make us shiny but some manage to actually be authentic even beyond the shine. Well good for you on that
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kvngsevlgi · 10 days
I miss you too! I am and I've been enjoying every minute of it. I do in a way. I like getting to be beside the girls and performing for reveluv always makes me happy. @kvrinas
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I miss you, unnie! I see you're out there killing it with RV as per usual so I'm not even shocked~ Do you like being as busy as you are now? @kvngsevlgi
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kvngsevlgi · 10 days
Once you feel like you have free time, it lasts only a little bit before work comes back full force. We do which makes it better in my eyes. It really is and I don't see her as much with us being in two different companies so our schedules never usually align. I'm glad I got to spend a little time with you before Red Velvet went on our Fancon tour. Been seeing fans wanting us to come to the states which I've love if we did.
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——- I get exactly what you mean — feels the same here. you and me both, we love what we do even if sometimes it feels like a lot. of course i do ! that's nice, i've gotten to do some of that myself and it's truly the best to do when you can, isn't it ? aww, i'd love that if you can — i miss you so much !
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kvngsevlgi · 17 days
Hello~ It's fine. I've been missing your pretty face as well. I know being a new mom is a lot so I'm glad you are reaching out now. I bet. I can give you all the girlie time you want. Well, me and the girls were in Jakarta for our Fancon Tour which was a ton of fun. Makes me wish we had a world tour so we could see our fans all over.
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hello there, gorgeous. i feel so bad about being the worst at reaching out and being in touch with people these days and i've definitely been missing your pretty, pretty face. i'm up to my elbows in diapers and it's the most rewarding thing ever but i miss my girlie time. tell me what's new in seulgi's world these days? / @kvngsevlgi
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kvngsevlgi · 21 days
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Kang Seulgi attends the wedding of Lauren and Bill at Whitehouse, Savanna-la-Mar, Jamaica on September 4th, 2024
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kvngsevlgi · 1 month
Please, I'm not over how cute you were in that video of you showing off your black speckled dress with the matching shoes. I loved seeing it. I think the only thing I've really show when doing videos myself is my record collection. Makes me wanna almost do an outfit video now and I'm sure the fans would love it. How are you, lovely? Besides collecting hearts left and right. @taylurhill
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kvngsevlgi · 1 month
If you had to pick one role as your favorite that you've done, what would it be. I know it's a hard decision but I had to ask since I'm curious. For me since I do music, I think my favorite that my group has done so far has to be our song Chill Kill. I'll always love our older song like Psycho but something about Chill Kill just makes me happy especially since it came out after we hadn't made any new music in such a long time. @joshyoxo
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kvngsevlgi · 1 month
It really is. I know some fans would be all for seeing how we are when the cameras aren't rolling but I feel it's not much different or they might be disappointed. I try to show who I am as much as possible but I even keep some things under wraps.
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I get it, it's a huge way to control your world and image?
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kvngsevlgi · 1 month
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"gooooooooooood evening brazil, how are we all doing out there tonight?" he pauses and smiles brightly while he glances around at the huge crowed followed by a bunch of cheering and wooping. "how bout a big round of applause for the groups and solo artists we've all see so far, they're all out here killing it aren't they?" he himself gives a few claps to the other acts that have already come and go, "now i'm not the best at presenting things, i'd usually have my boyfriend holding my hand or something, or fiddling with a paperclip to calm my nerves, but not today." he chuckles softly, "i am actually here to introduce to you all yet another amazing kpop group. these five lovely ladies have definitely got me feeling like a psycho, with all their amazing hits they've put out over the past ten years, can you believe that? as of august first they have celebrated their ten year anniversary and continue to take the world by storm. it is with great pleasure to introduce these lovely and beautiful ladies, let's give them a huge round of applause, please welcome to the stage, RED VELVET!
@kvngsevlgi // @hollywoodfamerp
mentions of @itskitconnor
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kvngsevlgi · 1 month
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➟ 🌠 ℝ𝕖𝕕 𝕍𝕖𝕝𝕧𝕖𝕥 𝕤𝕖𝕥𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 ℍ𝔽ℝℙ 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕔 𝔽𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝 🌠 ( @hollywoodfamerp​​ )
Some aesthetic notes: the mood and lighting change depending on the song they are performing.  All are dressed in outfits that allow them to dance easily and they change their body language/expressions depending on what song they are performing. Also if you have issues with flashing lights, be weary when watching since a lot of the stages have that.
intro notes: the vibe is set to give an eerie feeling in a way. it's soft but also feels like something is off to set the tone of what the first song gives. the girls come out, all with flower crowns adorned on their heads. they keep up the vibe by linking hands and spinning around for a bit before stopping. they quickly get into formation, smiles on their faces before they start the first performance.
Cosmic - They keep that soft but almost off vibe though are smiling whenever they can due to how much they are enjoying themselves. They might switch up being in character and out of character from time to time
Chill Kill
Bad Boy
Feel My Rhythm
Monster - Felt this needed to be here and the other girls are right there cheering on Seulgi and Irene as they perform
Birthday - They throw in cute gestures and cute faces whenever the chance comes their way
Queendom -
Underwater - They have the screens show off a calming underwater scene while also making the floor look like there is water under them. (This song shows off their vocals pretty well honestly)
ending notes: The girls stop to say a few words while also waving and smiling to the audience. They say how grateful they are for the chance to perform here and would do so again in a heartbeat. They end up doing cute poses and face for the audience a bit in between others speaking. They finally give one fine goodbye before leaving the stage
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kvngsevlgi · 1 month
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Red Velvet attends and performs at the Hollywood Fame Music Festival at Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on August 24th, 2024
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kvngsevlgi · 1 month
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Confirmed to be performing at the Hollywood Fame Music Festival: Red Velvet!
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kvngsevlgi · 1 month
It happens and it feels like things keep getting added on. That's the joys of working in the industry though and I wouldn't have it any other way. Aww, I'm glad you think so. Makes me happy. I get that. I got to catch up with a friend in person a bit ago but it's so rare when the two of us are always busy. At least I'm more free now and maybe I can come visit you. Been too long since I've gotten to spend time with you.
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——- Being the person always working on something like acting, music or my makeup — i get just never feeling like you get a break. i think you do truly amazing with the different concepts. i really am all for it. i suck too, especially with working and i feel i have to keep up a few always and so i miss some and i feel bad sometimes. it's always forgiven though, good friends and all. i always ask my friends what's up when we talk, so i can keep up.
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kvngsevlgi · 1 month
Aww, I love that so much. Making my heart happy here. I need to see this for myself. Already know she's the cutest with her Seulgi fan. Auntie Seulgi will keep making her proud~ I already can't wait and look forward to the next performance we'll have. Gonna be on the look out for the both of you. @kmjcngins
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I went to the company recently and actually got her one of those fans with your face on it and needless to say, she loves it. Waves the thing around everywhere! She's proud as hell of her Auntie Seulgi~ Next time you guys have a performance, we'll be there. @kvngsevlgi
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