kyeoptin ¡ 2 months
i wonder if you think about me even for a second or maybe even the way my mind subconsciously thinks of you, wondering how you’re doing, if you’re ever feeling sad. are you happy right now? are you satisfied with your days? how are you doing with your hobbies? are you not getting nauseous so often now with your aerial classes? do you miss going to drag shows? how was solo leveling? were you able to finish it? i hope you’re still considering watching the bear for me. are you watching any other anime right now? i really want to take dancing classes you know but of course i wouldn’t want to take classes with you that would be embarrassing. i hope you’re eating well. how’s your laptop? has it been fixed? i hope your cats won’t destroy it again. i really miss you, every day. i know it sounds weird, maybe even borderline creepy. but i can’t control my mind and my heart sometimes. it does long for you, to get to know you more. i always yearn for the day i’d be seeing you again, talk to you again, maybe even get a hug from you again. and i hope you don’t feel weird or awkward about seeing me again. i promise i would get over these silly feelings of mine. but i can’t promise i won’t get butterflies in my stomach if you ever message me again or if i ever lay my eyes on you again. but promise i would keep it a secret. i won’t even tweet about it. so you won’t know. so you won’t have to worry about hurting my feelings because you don’t feel the same way.
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kyeoptin ¡ 5 months
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Mahmoud Darwish, Memory for Forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982 (trans. Ibrahim Muhawi) [ID'd]
on context: "[set during] the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon and the shelling of Beirut [...] Memory for Forgetfulness is an extended reflection on the invasion and its political and historical dimensions. It is also a journey into personal and collective memory. What is the meaning of exile? What is the role of the writer in time of war? What is the relationship of writing (memory) to history (forgetfulness)?" (source)
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kyeoptin ¡ 5 months
the fact that i'm no longer the same age as the protagonists of novels and films i once connected to is so heartbreaking. there was a time when I looked forward to turning their age. i did. and i also outgrew them. i continue to age, but they don't; never will. the immortality of fiction is beautiful, but cruel.
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kyeoptin ¡ 5 months
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kyeoptin ¡ 5 months
i know you might not believe this but there are ppl in this world who genuinely love you and will love you!!! with all of their heart!!! and they won’t take pleasure in seeing or making you suffer!!! they’ll want to work with you and grow with you. love and affection and companionship in all of its forms are possible!!! that’s what human beings are best at!!! forming bonds and supporting one another!!!
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kyeoptin ¡ 5 months
I hope you come into the love you deserve. I hope you drink it in full, devour the entire plate. I hope you find peace in the war you fight with yourself. I hope you know you are worth it all.
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kyeoptin ¡ 5 months
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A Burst of Light, Audre Lorde
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kyeoptin ¡ 5 months
Sometimes I talk a lot and sometimes I don’t talk at all and somehow both are embarrassing
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kyeoptin ¡ 5 months
you have to stay alive. you're going to be such a beautiful middle aged freak. young freaks will see you in the street and know that things can be okay.
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kyeoptin ¡ 5 months
they should invent a brain that doesn’t whisper bad things to you
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kyeoptin ¡ 5 months
so. bad news. we have to keep going tomorrow. good news is that I’ll keep going with you
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kyeoptin ¡ 1 year
“I used to not talk unless someone made me. ‘Would anyone want to hear what I have to say?’. But now, I just say whatever’s in my head. It just… comes out. And… I have this feeling I’ve never had before. Suddenly… I feel lovable.”
mijeong; my liberation notes
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kyeoptin ¡ 1 year
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aftersun (2022)
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kyeoptin ¡ 1 year
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Aftersun (2022) dir. Charlotte Wells
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kyeoptin ¡ 1 year
i mean this completely seriously but… a cup of coffee can save your life a little, a shower can save your life a little, making your favorite meal can save your life a little…….little things actually add up to really big things in the long run if you let them, the secret to surviving everyday is infusing a little bit of magic into the mundane i truly believe that
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kyeoptin ¡ 1 year
Sometimes we feel like we're failing because we recognize we're hitting a bad patch again, or that we're falling into bad habits. We feel like this erases all our progress. And it doesn't. Recovery isn't linear. But here's another thing to think about... The fact that you can recognize that you are falling into that bad patch or those patterns is a sign of progress in itself.
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kyeoptin ¡ 1 year
reminders for artists
no matter what kind of art you make, whether it be music, paintings, photography, drawings, ceramics, writings, etc. you are an artist.
no matter how often you make art, you are an artist.
no matter your skill level, you are an artist.
no matter how long you've been making art, you are an artist.
no matter how old you are, you are an artist.
no matter how long it takes you to complete an artwork, you are an artist.
art is about expression. it isn't a race, competition, or anything like that.
create art that you want to create, as long as it does not harm others.
try not to compare your art to others'. try to instead compare it to your own previous artworks.
congratulate yourself on your progress.
it is okay to take breaks from making art. your health and needs come first.
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