kylatayanagi · 6 months
Ok whatever then.
Todd is talking about his ex drummer because he found a book with her name.
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kylatayanagi · 6 months
Ok then go try to find her or whatever.
Todd is talking about his ex drummer because he found a book with her name.
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kylatayanagi · 6 months
It’s not like we can email her or something.
Todd is talking about his ex drummer because he found a book with her name.
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kylatayanagi · 6 months
Todd is talking about his ex drummer because he found a book with her name.
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kylatayanagi · 7 months
Ok then..
kisses him again
I wnana kis Kyl :(
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kylatayanagi · 7 months
Do wanna..? Y’knowww..
I wnana kis Kyl :(
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kylatayanagi · 7 months
He slowly lowered his hands to the bottom of Todd’s shirt. He didn’t want to go too fast
I wnana kis Kyl :(
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kylatayanagi · 7 months
He tries to take over the lead since his kissing skills are better
I wnana kis Kyl :(
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kylatayanagi · 7 months
We shhhould.. I wanna be yorrr boyfriend..
I wnana kis Kyl :(
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kylatayanagi · 7 months
I love you toooo.. more thaaan anything.
I wnana kis Kyl :(
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kylatayanagi · 7 months
Smiles and just relaxes
I wnana kis Kyl :(
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kylatayanagi · 7 months
He laughs a bit after seeing Todd embarrassed
You’re sooo cute..
I wnana kis Kyl :(
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kylatayanagi · 7 months
Holds onto his shoulders while kissing him
I wnana kis Kyl :(
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kylatayanagi · 7 months
Yeahhh we cann..
He stares for a few seconds then kisses him
I wnana kis Kyl :(
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kylatayanagi · 7 months
Hold his cheek
Yessss really..
I wnana kis Kyl :(
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kylatayanagi · 7 months
And youree cute.. so it’s a great factoorrr.
I wnana kis Kyl :(
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kylatayanagi · 7 months
You haaaave great tasteeee.
I wnana kis Kyl :(
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