kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
There must be something going around campus...I should wear a mask so I don't get sick. That'd really suck.
Who want’s to bring me some soup? I’m too sick to get some myself.
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kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
French 3. How I ended up in that class I will never know, considering I took Spanish at my old school and barely made it through Spanish 1...
They let you do a test? How mean. What was it about?
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kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
Well that was a GREAT way to start off my grades here at Easton. Hello there, failing grade. 
Seriously though...who's idea was it to give a test to the new kid? Do I look like I know this stuff?
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kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
I kinda need to make sure I go to the academic building so I don't lose my scholarship. I think my mom might kill me if that happens. I've heard this place be compared to hell more times than not. I think I stay clear of asking anyone anything.
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Well, I didn't get lost today.
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kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
I think I'll manage to find my way around okay from now on. I don't really want to loo like the newb anymore than I already do. And...yeah. Drake. That guy Mike offered to help, he'd probably give me a tour. But it doesn't really matter much. I've already had one when I came to look at the campus. Doesn't help much.
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Well, I didn't get lost today.
I had one but some assholes decided it would be funny to throw it in a puddle.
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kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
I had one but some assholes decided it would be funny to throw it in a puddle.
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Well, I didn't get lost today.
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kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
Well, I didn't get lost today.
That's always a plus.
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kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
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I still don't get this whole house thing. It's stupid and just looking for trouble. 
...I have no idea where I am.
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The girls are more welcoming by the way. Especially the Pemberly ones. Look out for them.
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kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
Thanks. No, not really. Just some guys thinking they're funny, is all.
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...I have no idea where I am.
Well, if you see me ‘round, you can definitely ask for help. I’m not strong enough to lift a girl into a toilet, let alone you. The guys are usually friendly here; did something happen?
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kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
I'm not in it, I'm standing outside of it. For all I know this place could have a million gyms. It's huge.
...I have no idea where I am.
If you know where Mr. Arnold’s psychology class is in comparison to what I assume is the gym, that’d be cool.
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kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
Ouch. How'd you manage that one? The only time I've ever gotten punched was when some friends and I were screwing around in an old barn and we ended up wrestling for the fun of it.
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New Hampshire. North Conway, to be exact. But most people have no idea where that is, so I just say I was born on a mountain top.
...I have no idea where I am.
Well, I wish I could say the same for myself, but the faded bruise on my cheek isn’t exactly the start of a good track record.
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Where are you from, again?
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kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
If you know where Mr. Arnold's psychology class is in comparison to what I assume is the gym, that'd be cool.
...I have no idea where I am.
Just a bit. This place is huge.
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kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
Awesome. I'll fit right in then.
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...I have no idea where I am.
Laughs don’t happen here often, you take what you’re given.
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kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
Hmm...nope. That's a janitors closet. I'd stop and ask someone for help if I wasn't afraid I'd end up with my head in a toilet. Everyone seems so welcoming...until you step foot in a classroom.
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...I have no idea where I am.
That’s code for, “Take a left, nearest door to your right.” Kidding. But, I promise it’ll get better with time. You’ll be reciting hall numbers in two weeks flat.
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kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
I'm used to it. There are assholes all over the place but none of them compare to my old school. I'm not one to get into a fight anyways.
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...I have no idea where I am.
Shit, really?
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Don’t take those guys too seriously, they’re always looking for a fight and they don’t care who you are.
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kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
So funny I forgot to laugh.
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...I have no idea where I am.
You know you wanted to laugh.
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kyle--garcia-blog · 12 years
Just a bit. This place is huge.
...I have no idea where I am.
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