kylegallnerrp · 30 days
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KYLE GALLNER as The Demon STRANGE DARLING (2024) dir. J.T. Mollner
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kylegallnerrp · 4 months
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kylegallnerrp · 6 months
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kylegallnerrp · 6 months
kylegallner: Right?! I’m getting nervous @.jabel! It’s just too damn catchy.
kylegallner: If I sing “Texas Hold ‘Em” out of nowhere one more time, send help ‘cause my fiancée might kill me. To be fair, I have been singing it every five seconds. // @willafitzrp
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kylegallnerrp · 6 months
kylegallner: If I sing “Texas Hold ‘Em” out of nowhere one more time, send help ‘cause my fiancée might kill me. To be fair, I have been singing it every five seconds. // @willafitzrp
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kylegallnerrp · 8 months
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kylegallner: Celebrating this lady made it the best day ever! Happy Birthday, Willa! You’re my favorite human in all the land, in every language, every timeline. I love you so desperately. Here’s to a hundred more years around the sun and to always being younger than me. I love you.
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kylegallnerrp · 10 months
Kyle scoffed, heading towards the patio door and widening his eyes. "I'll be right back." He winked dramatically as his shoes clicked against the wooden floor. Finding a pre-cut bundle of logs, he pulled them over to the pit and quickly started a fire before peeking his head back inside. "I've got our fire going. The owner left us a few logs to use. Nice, right?"
Willa stared in awe at the home he had brought them too. They had talked about this before. She was a little surprised he seemed to remember. "It's amazing." She pulled him in for a deeper kiss before watching him run off to the door. He seemed just as excited about this trip as she did. She followed him inside and looked around the home. it really was amazing. Raising an eyebrow when he brought up the ax she smirked. Both of them being horror movie regulars. "Just never utter the words I'll be right bck because I'll leave your ass here if there's a killer on the loose." She teased.
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kylegallnerrp · 11 months
The long trip to upstate Vermont dragged even longer due to their excitement. Kyle did his best to keep the surprise as under wraps as their flight would allow. By the time they landed surrounded by snow, he was antsy to reach the mountains. The two swiftly grabbed their bags, secured a rental car and made the trek to the outskirts of the city. Kyle was thrilled that they passed through the lively parts of the town before hitting their destination. If his surprise ended the way he hoped, seeing the city would be part of the appeal.
Finally reaching the warm cabin-esque luxury home, he leaned over to kiss her cheek. "What'd'ya think? It's pretty, isn't it?" He beamed, rushing to the door and unlocking it. "I'll get our bags in a minute. I want to see the place first... This is our home for the rest of the week. There's a fireplace, a fire pit outside, a jacuzzi, and the surrounding woods are ours, too. There should be an axe in one of these closets.." He began looking around. "I'm hoping I can get us some fresh wood to use for the fire."
Willagrinned as she started grabbing things that she would need on the trip and stuffing them into a suitcase. Cold weather starter kit meant all kinds of things. Skiing, hot chocolate, fireplaces, her mind went wild with ideas. Finally finsihed with packing she got dressed and tossed her hair up in a pony. "Okay I'm ready."
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kylegallnerrp · 11 months
Kyle couldn't wipe the smile from his face as he observed her excitement. "Wear something comfortable enough for a flight. Bring a coat, too." He knew that was an odd ask for the current weather in their area. "You should definitely pack a bag to last the rest of the week. Plenty of warm clothes. Gloves. Beanies. Socks. Boots.. The freezing winter starter pack should suffice."
Will moaned and tried to burry herself deeper into the covers but she smelled coffee and Kyle's words were just too intriguing for her to ignore. She did love a good surprise. She pushed off the covers and sat up taking a sip of her coffee. "You know I'm imcapable of resisting a surprise." She took another sip before before moving to sit next to him. "Do I geta hint? What should I wear?" She kissed him before heading for her dresser and diggin through her clothes. "How lon are we going to be gone? Should I pack a bag?"
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kylegallnerrp · 11 months
Smirking as the dim sunlight that illuminated the early morning peeked through the curtains, Kyle slowly approached the bed. Carefully placing Willa's favorite mug on the bedside table next to her, he leaned down to softly kiss her cheek. "Good morning, beautiful." He whispered. "It's time to get up." Chuckling as she stirred, he sat on the edge of the bed. "I know it's early and we're on hiatus from work. But, I have a surprise for you. It requires a bit of a drive. So, we gotta get going." // @willafitzrp
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kylegallnerrp · 11 months
kylegallner: Watching The Fall of the House of Usher. @.willafitz looking HAWT. 🥵 // @willafitzrp
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kylegallnerrp · 1 year
Kyle sighed, swaying as they held each other. "Who cares about everyone else?" He whispered. "When you know it's right, it's right. We're lucky 'cause we know." He scoffed. "What's that quote from When Harry Met Sally? When you find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, you want the rest of your life to start right now... That's it, isn't it?" He grinned, pulling back just enough to see her eyes. "I think that was what scared me, too. I knew I wanted to be with you forever. But, that might be too much to expect you to want, too."
“I should’ve told you a long time ago.” He whispered, kissing her softly. “I love you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just knew I would’ve rather had you as a friend than not at all. It would kill me to see you with someone else. But, I’d do it just to keep you.” Stroking her hair, he smiled. “I want everything with you, Willa. The house, the stress of balancing work, money, and kids. You’re the only person I can imagine doing any of it with.”
She smiled as she fought back tears at his words. “I love you too. You’re the only one I’ve ever imagined any of it with. You’re the only one I can imagine spending life with. The thought of not having you kills me. Maybe we’re crazy but I don’t care. Because it feels right. I’ve never felt about anyone how I feel for you.” It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She was having trouble figuring out how to process everything. She didn’t know if she should laugh or cry.
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kylegallnerrp · 1 year
"I should've told you a long time ago." He whispered, kissing her softly. "I love you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just knew I would've rather had you as a friend than not at all. It would kill me to see you with someone else. But, I'd do it just to keep you." Stroking her hair, he smiled. "I want everything with you, Willa. The house, the stress of balancing work, money, and kids. You're the only person I can imagine doing any of it with."
Kyle was taken aback but couldn’t help but laugh through the kiss. Completely elated, he pulled her into his arms, speaking between kisses. “I was scared. I didn’t want to lose you if you didn’t feel the same way.” Scoffing, he lifted her onto the island, wrapping his arms around her waist. “It was kind of fun, too. I can’t believe you didn’t figure out that it was me. I thought some of my hints might’ve been too specific.”
She couldn’t hold back the giggle that came out of her when he lifted her onto the counter. “I wanted it to be you. I just thought it was wishful thinking. Figured you’d known me this long you would have said something.” She let her hands move over his arms and to run her fingers through his hair. “I guess we’ve both just been scared. I didn’t want to say something and you not feel the same and then this thing between us would be ruined.”
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kylegallnerrp · 1 year
Kyle was taken aback but couldn't help but laugh through the kiss. Completely elated, he pulled her into his arms, speaking between kisses. "I was scared. I didn't want to lose you if you didn't feel the same way." Scoffing, he lifted her onto the island, wrapping his arms around her waist. "It was kind of fun, too. I can't believe you didn't figure out that it was me. I thought some of my hints might've been too specific."
“Brownies.” He hummed, helping her search the pantry for ingredients. Another opportunity, he thought, his stomach fluttering anxiously. Placing a bag of chocolate chips onto her kitchen island, Kyle swallowed. “Wills…” He gently took her hand, turning her to look at him. Smiling nervously, he stroked her hand with his thumb. “All those things that we talk about all the time… Living in a nice house in the woods somewhere with a fireplace, a brick oven… holidays in a beautiful place, all of it..” He sighed, unsure of how to form his words. “Have you ever thought about what it might be like if we did those things together?” He shook his head. “I mean, we’ve been friends for so long. I just think it would be- we could…” Scoffing, he ran his hands over his face before grabbing the vase from its spot on the counter and placing it in front of her. Quickly making eye contact, he reached into his back pocket to remove his wallet. Opening the billfold, he pulled a business card out that perfectly matched the card on the vase. Placing it on the counter, he slid his hands into his pockets and chewed his lip, waiting for her to put it all together.
She hummed happily as she reached up to grab the jar of flour and set it down as he grabbed her hand. Her heart was racing in her chest when he called her Wills. He was the only one who ever called her that and it felt like something special between the two of them. Her mouth dropped open slightly at his words. He was saying everything she wanted him to say. She couldn’t wrap her head around it. She watched as he grabbed the vase and pulled a card from his wallet. She looked back and forth between the flowers and the card. He was her secret admirer. It had been him this whole time and he hadn’t said anything. Turning to face him she slapped his arm. “I can’t believe you didn’t just tell me you dork.” She couldn’t wipe the ssmile off her face and before he could say or do anything she grabbed him by the front of his shirt and kissed him.
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kylegallnerrp · 1 year
"Brownies." He hummed, helping her search the pantry for ingredients. Another opportunity, he thought, his stomach fluttering anxiously. Placing a bag of chocolate chips onto her kitchen island, Kyle swallowed. "Wills..." He gently took her hand, turning her to look at him. Smiling nervously, he stroked her hand with his thumb. "All those things that we talk about all the time... Living in a nice house in the woods somewhere with a fireplace, a brick oven... holidays in a beautiful place, all of it.." He sighed, unsure of how to form his words. "Have you ever thought about what it might be like if we did those things together?" He shook his head. "I mean, we've been friends for so long. I just think it would be- we could..." Scoffing, he ran his hands over his face before grabbing the vase from its spot on the counter and placing it in front of her. Quickly making eye contact, he reached into his back pocket to remove his wallet. Opening the billfold, he pulled a business card out that perfectly matched the card on the vase. Placing it on the counter, he slid his hands into his pockets and chewed his lip, waiting for her to put it all together.
Kyle chewed on his thumb as she pulled away, worried that he’d made her uncomfortable by holding onto her for so long. He had to be more careful. “I’ll be ready for you.” He released a deep breath. “I think we should make dessert.”
“Sure. What do you feel like Brownies or cookies? I think I have the stuff to make either.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him back inside. She started to grab everything they were going to need out of the cabinets. Baking would be a good distraction. Lighten the mood back up and take away the seriousness of the tone. She could almost feel the tension that had formed between them. Maybe she had been to clingy.
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kylegallnerrp · 1 year
Kyle chewed on his thumb as she pulled away, worried that he'd made her uncomfortable by holding onto her for so long. He had to be more careful. "I'll be ready for you." He released a deep breath. "I think we should make dessert."
“We’ll move our families out to the woods someday and start our own commune.” Kyle grinned, nodding happily. “That sounds perfect. You stay a bit busier than I do recently. You let me know when you’re free and I’ll make sure I’m there.”
She grinned, nodding as she forced herself to move away from him. They were friends and if she stayed that close to him too much longer she didn’t know much longer they would be friends. She had never been the best at keeping secrets but her feelings were the one secret she had sworn to keep. “I’  check my calandar.”
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kylegallnerrp · 1 year
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