kyriatisarpas-blog · 10 years
Morning starts for Ioannina and there are two immediate concerns at hand. She sits up—still without a roommate, and so she is allowed a slow, peaceful (albeit somewhat lonely) start. Starting with blinking her eyes and her system awake, Ioannina thinks—and becomes just a little saddened—of not having officially met anyone else in the orchestra yet. On the other hand...
"Apollyon should be arriving today..!" A harp wasn't anywhere near the definition of portable, and therefore had to be delayed. At least she had someone else's help transporting her all the way to here; Ioannina had that to be thankful for.
The notion of spending the last several days idle in waiting made her miss her companion all too much. In no time she's ready and and expectant and sure enough, the truck arrives, her harp in tow. All sealed up in its nesting box for now, but soon enough..! 
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kyriatisarpas-blog · 10 years
Her gaze has been fixed for quite a while now—she seemed frantic, if not actually upset. Though Ioannina herself is new to London and its occupations, and she gauges she can't be of much assistance, but still. It's impossible to turn her head away—-
Oh, she's started walking off somewhere... at a slightly familiar direction, it seems. Then again, there have been a few new people around these days. She could be one of them. 
With a short jog, she catches up to the woman, making sure to be seen from a respectable arm's length as she taps the other's shoulder. "Hello! Do you, maybe.. need some help to where you're going?" she offers, fumbling with her choice of words along the way. 
New Beginnings {OPEN}
Dorms.  Dorms, dorms dorms dorms, where the hell were they? It had been enough of a hassle to actually get here to London, but now she couldn’t find the damn dorms. She set her bags down, and all while keeping a careful eye on her bags and instrument cases (she knew how easy it was to swipe a bag, or even a twenty pound instrument), pulled out her phone, and looked at the directions once again.
With a little huff, she picked up her bags, and started in the opposite direction. She had two choices, find where she was going to live, or go back to Italy, and only one was going to happen, even if she froze her ass off out here looking those damn dorms.
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kyriatisarpas-blog · 10 years
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kyriatisarpas-blog · 10 years
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kyriatisarpas-blog · 10 years
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apó to charaktí̱ra;
    this is the only satisfactory doodle since yesterday aah why is it so hard to draw her ;v;  oh well. i'll just do more—
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kyriatisarpas-blog · 10 years
apó to charaktí̱ra;
    working on a decent bio (plus a few other pages—) first before I get to work on everything else! 
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kyriatisarpas-blog · 10 years
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