kyungsoomint · 4 years
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940114, Happy Bearday, Jongin 🐻 — “I was so happy to see you happy!”
“As fans always tell me they get powered by me or they are thankful, I also feel powered by you and you make me happy. As much as you care about me, I do the same. I want you to feel that we’re connected all the time. And I hope feelingt hat makes you happy!” — ’Merry 开-Mas’ V Live.
[insp.] [templates]
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kyungsoomint · 4 years
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happy birthday to our precious, extremely talented, handsome, adorable and iconic king, Do Kyungsoo! I love you so much and cannot wait to see you return soon 💖
#DYODAY2021 #OurPrideKyungsooDay
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kyungsoomint · 4 years
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happy birthday chanyeol! 💕
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kyungsoomint · 4 years
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。☆✼★ Happy Lay Day ★✼☆。
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kyungsoomint · 4 years
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#HappyJongday #HappyChenDay #HappyBirthdayJongdae
26 letters for 26 reasons (of many) to love Kim Jongdae)
Dear my Chennie, thank you for being a joy to so many, unapologetically yourself and remaining a calm force for us. You deserve so much happiness and love. I hope that you remain happy and more importantly remain as you are, following your heart and doing what you love, and we will support whatever it is that may be, happy birthday
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kyungsoomint · 4 years
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Member: Kim Junmyeon / Suho (김준면)
Genre: Angst and pinch of Fluff
Word Count: 1.2 k 
Summary: ‘I really try not to miss you, but in the end, I do’
Notes: This is based on I Do by Astrid S x Brett Young. Uh, I also love Rum and Coke (usually they use Bacardi) and soo anyway, apologize for any mistakes made!
It was Saturday night when one of her friends was practically dragging her out of her flat into a club. Strangely, they went into the same club as she used to with Junmyeon, her ex when one of his friends was throwing a birthday party. Junmyeon and (Y/N) broke up roughly 4 months before that night. Her friends have set her up with a bunch of different guys, but none worked. The last solution they have in mind was alcohol. "You are going to look 10 years older if you keep on a sad face as that" her friend said. "I'm not, it's just how my face looks like" they went to the bartender to get their drinks. She ordered rum and coke, her favorite. She took a sip as the hotness of the alcohol traveled down into her throat. Soon, she found herself sitting at one of the couch while her friends were dancing right in front of her. She stirred around her drink with heavy eyes, probably because of the alcohol, she thought to herself. She looked up into the dance floor and saw Junmyeon at a glance. Funny, that must be an illusion. Once, space felt the one that she used to be with him. People were laughing and drinking, everyone was having fun. She was drowned within her thoughts that she heard someone shouted "Junmyeon". Her eyes almost shot up to see where the sound came from. But then again, she realized there was no way such name could be heard within the loud music. Was it because of the alcohol that made her more delusional or the fact that she might miss him after months? She took another sip from the glass.
Earlier that night, her friend passed up the news that she has seen Junmyeon hanging with a woman she has never seen before. She wanted him to live a happy life but she didn't think that it might come as early as that. As soon as she said that, many thoughts run through her mind. What's that woman like? Has he taken her to places they used to go to?. She tried to shake her thoughts away and that's mainly the reason why she is getting another glass of rum and coke. She tried her best to chug the drink away, she didn't want to think how happy he's without her. It's that classic feeling where you want your ex-partner to live happily yet it saddened you the fact that they live their lives better than you do. Turned out, the alcohol didn't do much help. Her brain kept on running thoughts that exhaust her. Heart and brain were fighting, she didn't want to miss him, she tried her best, but in the end, she did miss him. That one person that used to light up her life. It's funny how she remembered what went wrong within their relationships. Junmyeon worked a lot, that so much time he spent working she even thought that he doesn't feel the same way as her anymore. He rarely got home earlier than 12 am, he left the house early too. That was the beginning of an end, so much more of it that she decided her void must be broken.
The next Saturday night, Baekhyun was throwing a birthday party at his house. Baekhyun's a friend of (Y/N) and Junmyeon. Of course, he would invite both of them. Baekhyun has known (Y/N) since they were in college but befriended her after she was dating Junmyeon. Since then, Baekhyun has been a good friend to her. Junmyeon made his way into Baekhyun's house where he could hear music was blazing from the house. He was greeted by Baekhyun who showed him the counter full of alcohol as he has known how much Junmyeon needed that. He swallowed down a shot of vodka, it gave burn and pleasing feeling at the same time. Secretly, Junmeyon was waiting for her to show up. But hours later, after many shots passed through his throat he never seen her came out of that white wooden door. Baekhyun watched the figure of his friend, he appeared from his back and sighed. "In case you are wondering, she couldn't make it. She said she's sick of eating too much spicy food from Thai restaurant yesterday" Baekhyun placed down his drink at the counter. Junmyeon was startled to hear his voice, he didn't know since when Baekhyun has become a mind reader. "I saw her last week while I was having a business meeting. She didn't seem to notice me but I could see her back. If I'm not wrong, she was having lunch with a guy?" Then it hit Junmyeon pretty hard. "I don't mean any harm but you need to be happy too" Baekhyun gave him pats in the shoulder and left.
Sure, he tried his best not to think of her when he's working, the problem seemed to reappear at times like this. At the time where he felt lonely at best. Junmyeon took more shots that night. His mind kept on repeating all of the good stuff they had done in the past. It's funny that he couldn't seem to remember the reason why they broke up, he remembered that one day before they broke up, they still had ramen together at her favorite place. He could even feel her wide smile warming up his body that night. It was a confusing one between vodka and her. He tried his best not to contact her again after the day they broke up. It was one of the requests she asked him that chilly evening. Months later, his sister even paid a visit to check up on her brother. Junmyeon lived in the city where his sister has been working abroad. She frowned a few times seeing the condition that her brother was in. Although he said that he's fine, she knew that he's not.
Back at Baekhyun's party, all of their good memories have flooded their ways back into his mind. He started to think, what went wrong between them. Sure, he has planned his life 3 to 5 years ahead, one of the plans includes him marrying her. She was one of the figures that kept him sane from working. Alcohol did generate some wild thoughts around his head. He even crossed his mind to call her, he wanted her to remind her so badly what went wrong between them. He knew that even when people asked him whether he has moved on or not, he would always give them a big smile with a nod yet inside he's falling apart. He's afraid that even if he's sober, he'll miss her again even more than the state he was in that night. And there he said it through the loud music, "I miss you".
The next day, Junmyeon woke up with probably one of the worst headaches he has ever felt within his entire life. The clock showed 9 am, he was able to make some good breakfast and took aspirin. There was a light pain burning through his chest, at a second he thought maybe that's because he was having too much drink. Then he realized, he still missed her, very much. He made his way into the bedroom to take his phone. The line was buzzing three times,
"Hello? Junmyeon" her voice was still as sweet as before.
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kyungsoomint · 4 years
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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟: 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘦𝘰𝘭 / 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘦𝘰𝘭
𝟲 / 𝟵
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kyungsoomint · 4 years
YOURS: Emotions
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Member: Park Chanyeol (박찬열) / Byun Baekhyun (변백현)
Genre: Angst, Fluff & Smut (Later on)
Word Count:  3.8 k
Notes: So for this one, I tend to overdo it. I said to myself that I should stop but sometimes you just can’t :) Apologize for any mistakes made!
| Above & Beyond | Emotions | Endless Night | Moments | Future |
Next Update: August 9
Seoul, 3 months later
"Well I know that you need a car because you don't like people driving you around," her father said, "That's why I bought you a car" he extended his hand to give BMW's car key to her. "You don't have to dad, I'm fine with everything" she was deeply moved by another kind gesture of her foster father. "Oh please! I know that you love big car, SUV and you used to own an Audi. So I thought maybe, getting another SUV with the different brand seems like a fresh start for you" she was awed at the fact that he knows she likes SUV best more than a sedan. She was adopted by a couple, Kim Youngchul and Kim Eunkyung at the age of 7 years old. At that time, she wasn't even sure if someone wants to take her as their daughter and yet there they were raising her as their own child with all of the love and expensive gifts they bought for her. She was grateful for the fact that she's raised by a loving couple and also eager to pay them back.
It was 9 am when Baekhyun came into her office, with the biggest boyish grin she has ever seen "How's your flight yesterday?" he was leaning into the door frame. "It was nice, great weather with no air turbulence" she automatically smiled at him. Baekhyun is just that person that always brings up a smile on people. "Well, that's nice. Anyway, we have a board meeting in an hour. It'll be interesting to meet everyone on the board!" She was about to question him about the 'interesting' part but he quickly got out of her room after saying bye. She shrugged away her thoughts by continuing what her father has left her with pretty much already organized works. She happened to understand the way her father works, so it wasn't a big problem for her.
The meeting room was massive, pretty much designed for board or investors meeting. There was floor to ceiling window that brings light into the dark atmosphere. Black furniture mostly with some touch of black granite. "Good morning, Junmyeon" she greeted Junmyeon who just entered the room. Junmyeon was followed by a much taller man behind, that person sat in front of her. She would categorize as handsome as fuck sitting in front of her, that person didn't look familiar for her. In which, Baekhyun realized that they haven't got to introduce each other, "Oh! So this is Oh Sehun, our Chief Marketing Officer" Sehun then waved his hand, "Hello, I'm Oh Sehun. You must be (Y/N)!" His eyes were projecting excitement. She replied to his enthusiasm with a smile and non, just after that, Chanyeol entered the room. Not surprisingly, his aura radiated throughout the room. She knew even if he smiles, he will still radiate the same energy, the same dominant energy out of him. It's just simply not because he lacked smiling but there's that too.
The meeting started as soon as Chanyeol sat on his chair. They were presenting about weekly reports such as marketing strategy or how well the products received by their customers. Most of the time (Y/N) just took notes to understand the company more. She noticed the way Chanyeol was giving out comments to everyone, in most stoic yet dreadful ones. Whilst, Baekhyun smiled every time he talks about something. He seemed passionate about what he's doing, even if the CEO's not him. "Let's end the meeting here. Baekhyun, I want you to look out a more efficient way of producing the new product, something that doesn't lower the value" his brows were squinting together, "And, (Y/N) I need the weekly financial report by 3 pm. Please report to my office by then". Sure, it's very Chanyeol, she thought to herself. Only three hours to compile everything, she tried hard not to roll her eyes at him, well because of course, he's her boss for fuck's sake. She could see that Baekhyun was giving her an apologetic smile for his friend's usual behavior. It didn't shock her at all, she knew that even if she had so many experiences before, she still has to prove herself to Chanyeol. Man of an action not words, that's what he's. One thing for sure, she immediately thought that it's better to work for Baekhyun than for Chanyeol. She was also unsure why Baekhyun didn't take the role of the CEO since they started the company together.
Back at her office, sure the work environment that she's in made her think from important to the most unimportant stuff. There were lots of stuff going in and out from her mind from how good looking everyone is, how could you even manage to have good looking people with an amazing brain? And there's Chanyeol, she knew that Chanyeol was being skeptical of her. She wanted to prove to him that she got the position not solidly because her father too, she has great potentials, her performance used to be praised by the previous company. Sure if there wasn't her father, she wouldn't be here, but she crawled herself up into this peak point through sweat and tears. Even if she knew that she might lack stuff yet she's ready to prove himself to him.
While overthinking, suddenly Baekhyun entered the room with his fresh cologne blazing through the air. "Hello! How are you doing so far?" Baekhyun entered with a cup, where it seemed to be coffee? "You are gonna be used to Chanyeol" he continued with a smile "Here's a coffee for you, to get through the day". Baekhyun's surely a nice person, with a very bubbly life of course. He sat in front of her, "So, how's your first day?" Baekhyun placed his hands on the table and wrapped his fingers all together. "Well, it's nice to have some pressure and I'm also used to that" she took a sip out of cup and Baekhyun gave a sigh. "Chanyeol is always like that in the first place, eventually he will warm up to you. I can guarantee you that, he wasn't even like the idea of my existence, look at we now" Baekhyun scrunched his eyebrows together, "Hmm, he still hates me sometimes but I do know sometimes what he shows outside doesn't reflect what he's feeling inside" Baekhyun turned into a big grin kid. She returned him with a smile, "You two almost look alike, the fact that I talk much more than the two of you, that horrifies me" Baekhyun pretended to look scared of her. "You talk a lot, Mr. Byun, that's why probably I talk lesser than you" Baekhyun huffed, "Why is everyone keeps on telling me that? But surely those who said that love me" Baekhyun winked at her which earned a laugh from her. Baekhyun sure is a silly person, she thought to herself. "Okay then, I'll disturb you again later on, just because you have a report to be done in 1 hour" Baekhyun went out from her office. Baekhyun sure was loud and talkative but he's the person that will light up the mood for the room. She kinda liked that about him, he made her feel easier to work here by having those types of vibes.
She made her way into Chanyeol's office 5 minutes before 3 pm, she hasn't been inside but she saw his office while her father and Junmyeon were showing her around the office. She met his secretary in front, if she wasn't wrong, his name's Jaejin. "Sir, Ms. Kim is here to hand over the report," he said through the phone. "You can go inside Miss" he was giving a polite smile to her. She went inside his office and she mesmerized by the black interior of his office. Sure, black does give a feeling of safety and comfort to her. His office faced the busy street of Seoul with ceiling to floor length glass. It's almost dark yet warm experience at the same time. Everything in his office seemed to be nice and well designed. "Do you find my office that interesting?" Chanyeol broke the silence which made her jump a little bit because she was so focused looking around. "I love black, so I should say that is place is nice and interesting. I love the ornaments, everything in this place seems nice and comfortable" she turned around to have a good look at his office while smiling. She suddenly realized what was she doing and feeling embarrassed, she handed him the report he asked earlier. "Here is the report you ask, 3 pm sharp, sir", Chanyeol shot his head up after hearing the word sir came out of her mouth "Please call me Chanyeol, as colleagues, I think sir seems too old for me" well, once Chanyeol actually smiled. That was the first time she sees him smile whereas, he rarely showed any emotions before. She was amused to explore that side of him which made her slip out a little back. She tried to gain composure as soon as possible while Chanyeol turned his head into the report. He scanned the report pretty fast, "Impressive work for such a short amount of time" he placed the report at the side of the document that he was signing before she got there. "Working under pressure is my forte", Chanyeol raised an eyebrow at her and leaned back into his leather comfy chair. "Well, you will be looking forward to more of that in the future, you good to go" she gave him a nod and turned her heels around to exit his office. "I almost forgot", she turned to face him again, "Tomorrow, we are meeting one of the key investors. I need you to go with me, 11 am" there was what she would call as a bossy attitude with calmer vibes getting out of him. He used phrases that someone would take as a bossy/possessive person yet that person talks with confidence and calm energy. "Sure, where?" She questioned him. "Don't worry, I'll drive you there" he replied. "Well, okay then" she walked out of his office and realized the fact that he said he'll drive her there.
The rest of the day went by quickly before she realized that the sun has set itself for more than 1 hour where everyone has gone home. As she walked out of her office, she noticed that light still coming from the corner of the big hallway, that's where Chanyeol's office located. Out of curiosity, she made her way down to his office. His secretary was nowhere to be found so she straight out knocking into the wooden black door. She sneaked her head through the door, "Aren't you going home?" She was curious knowing that having a black-themed office at daylight is awesome, at night, well it's scary. "I usually go home around 9 pm, if you are curious" there was a slight flush coming out from her cheeks, fortunately, Chanyeol's office was dark at night so she believed that he couldn't see it. She hummed, "Thank you for the information" she almost wanted to roll her eyes. "Have a good night" he replied with a nod and left his office. Chanyeol could hear the clacking sound of her heels fading out, almost how he heard her approach his office before, the same Valentino black heels. He was taken back by her sudden visit into his office, but like always he plays it cool. After she left his office, she was questioning herself about her unexpected visit too, clearly, auras were clashing. She wasn't the type of person that could be dominated nor was he. So there's a reason why and also she won't be easily be scared of someone. Mainly that's the reason why she was brave enough more than other people to stop by Chanyeol's office, peeping through the door and asking stuff that most people didn't do.
Seoul, the next morning
"I love driving. Also, I love off-road big SUVs. I hope that's sufficient enough to answer your questions" Chanyeol said which answered most of the questions going through her mind. They were standing in the lobby when a grey metallic G-class Mercedes Benz approached them. Unimportant thoughts started to flow through her mind, quite unexpected for a CEO to use G-class since they usually use S-class or such and of course, they don't drive by themselves. She was shocked and amused at the same time by Chanyeol's impromptu answer. "It's written within your face, don't people do that a lot to you?" He said as they were already inside the car. "No. Pretty much not a lot that can identify or find within me" she replied which earned a nod from him, the car fell into silence mode. Chanyeol sure didn't do much of the talking, when he does, he's really good at it. There was an instant urge coming from her, something that she wanted to ask, "Do you know that you radiate that sort of dominant energy all the time?" There she spat it out, in front of her new boss. Chanyeol turned his face to her for a second but she failed to notice because she was looking out of the window. "Does that bother you?", she hummed in response to him, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. Chanyeol lightly tapped into the steering wheel, "We both know that we have the same energy going. Doesn't it always bother people like us?" There he said 'us', she was taken back by his use of describing her and him. He seemed to take a lot of interest only to the company and himself and him saying that seemed like a different world. At the same time, Chanyeol didn't realize the word he's using was something he didn't usually use as for people to people conversation. After that, the car ride fell into silence again. She could say that Chanyeol's very interesting person and you could say much like him to her too.
They returned to the office around 1 pm, whereas the work has pilled up alongside with a crumbling stomach. Suddenly, Baekhyun perked up from the door. "Hello!" His voice sounded very energetic like always. "I know you haven't got to eat lunch yet", Baekhyun placed a brown paper bag into her desk, "So I bring you some salad with sesame dressing". Her lips formed into an 'o', "Wow, how do you know?". Baekhyun sat in front of her desk while opening his own salad, "I called Mr. Kim to ask about what kind of dressing you usually have?" He said with a playful smile. She mixed the dressing and salad together, "And why are you doing that?". Baekhyun tried to answer her but failed miserably since his voice was getting muffled by a mouth full of salad. "I said, It's because I want to impress you of course" he then proceeds to stuff more food into his mouth. "Well, it's impressive, thank you Mr. Byun Baekhyun" Baekhyun continued the rest of the lunch with endless topics like he wasn't going to run out of it anytime soon. She found Baekhyun as a very interesting and outgoing person, she talked to her almost like he has known her for such a long time as if they have been friends for years. "So last Sunday, I went cycling at the park and I almost face plant myself into dog poop, as I said almost, I think it's within 2-3 centimeters from my face" Baekhyun made a 'yuck' sound. She let out some light laugh and packed the finished foods into the bag again. "I'm looking forward to more stupid stories", he gave her continuous nods "Sure thing", he gave a wink and went out from her office. Baekhyun's a fun person to hang out with, time went by fast with him.
Weeks and months went by as she has fully adjusted into the company. Chanyeol has taken her to more key investors for financial report presentation. One time she thought that Chanyeol was very keen to keep her busy not only behind the table. The more she worked with him, the more she understood him. That day was another day of investor meeting, "I'm going to drive today, not you" she took the lead out of him without hearing Chanyeol complained behind her. They made their way into the basement where (Y/N)'s car was parked. "I didn't know that this is your car, the car that somehow always park next to me?" Chanyeol was amused to know that the car that's always park next to him, which is also an SUV was droved by (Y/N). "Yeah. How about that?" She opened the car door and both of them got inside. "You were surprised to discover that I drive such a car and now look at yours, it's massive." For once, she really got to roll her eyes at him, "I'm sorry, did you just roll your eyes at me?" Chanyeol has fully turned his body to face her. "Weren't you being judgemental at me?" He continued. As the car approached into the street, she then proceeds to face him, "Then, I'm sorry, sir". Chanyeol proceeded a huff of disagreement, she knew how much he hates to be called that from the directors, "What did I say about the sir, I'm not that old". Her eyes were focused on the road, "In my knowledge, I know one thing for sure that you are older than me, sooo" there was a slight smirk forming from her lips, "using sir sometimes does suit you".
"I love driving big SUV, I used to drive one too in NYC" she broke the usual car ride silence which earned her a nod from Chanyeol. "Isn't driving SUV makes you feel you can see everything clearer and better?" It hit her at the perfect spot, "YEAH RIGHT?" Her voice was louder than he has ever heard before. "Sorry, you were startled weren't you?" They were stopping at the red light, "There are of course many things that I don't know about you and that one counts". There was a sudden urge coming from her that wanted to say well you too not so different. It was around 5 pm when they arrived to have the meeting. That's why the sun has set when they finished. "Let's grab something before I drop you off. I'm guessing that you are a picky person, regardless I'm still picking the place" she said before Chanyeol was able to cut her. "Impressive, you don't even need my opinion" Sure she could sense his sarcasm well, "I do need to impress my boss still" she shrugged. She stopped at a parking lot, "I see nothing here" Chanyeol said. "Of course we need to walk it's a narrow street, cars can't get in" they got out of the car and walked side by side, which was awkward yet comfortable as the night summer air blazing through.
"You thought, I'm going to take you to some fancy restaurant right? Nope," she said as she scooped the soup with rice into her mouth. "I'll say that I kinda like it" sure, of course, he liked it, the restaurant has been here for what? More than 30 years? "I might drive BMW, wear expensive clothes but let me say this, I like this type of food. Right here" a smile escaped from her lips, for once she saw tenderness from his big round eyes. She quickly drifted her gaze back into the food. "I'd like you to take me places," Chanyeol said which made her shot her head up again, back at him. Then, it hit him "I MEAN RESTAURANT like you know, foods, nice foods" he almost shouted and struggled to find the right words. It was followed by a nervous laugh from him which laugh's also rare when it comes to Chanyeol. "Sure, it's not like I'm going to resign tomorrow" she gave a cool shrug, masking that inside part of her was scrambling like crazy.
She drove back to S&S Co. Building where the time was 10 pm already. Surprisingly, they found out that they have already closed the access to the basement. "Shit, I forgot to tell them that my car's still inside" Chanyeol pressed his hand into his forehead thinking what a dumb shit fuck he is. Of course, (Y/N) would feel bad if she just left him there, "I can drive you home" Chanyeol was still trying to get hold of his assistant, "I can grab a taxi, that's fine" which earned a disapproval huff from her. "No, I actually insist on doing it since you pay for the food before I can!" With that, she hit the gas and drove away from the building. Chanyeol sighed at his defeat, "Now, where do you live?". "You need to turn right" he pointed out into the street. "I-Park Samsung" those words alone brought her head to face him. "I-Park?" And Chanyeol replied with a nod. "What tower?" She asked more and more to fulfill her curiosity because she lived there too. "102. Why you ask?" The more she asked the more relevant it's to her. "What floor?" She continued to ask him, "Floor 45" fortunately, she was stopping at the red light. She quickly glanced at him, she wanted to know whether he knew she has been living on the same floor with him or not. Chanyeol was giving her a confused look which means he didn't know. The thing's there are only 2 units on the 45th floor. "I'm not sure whether you know or not. But I live there too, same tower" she released one deep sigh, "same floor. Which means we have been neighbors for months" Chanyeol's eyes widened, "I thought you are living with Mr. Kim?" He questioned. "Fun fact of me, I like to live alone probably because I spent much time alone abroad" little did she know that Chanyeol understood what she's talking about yet he didn't expect her to live next to him. It was thrilling yet exciting to know who's your neighbor, knowing that her neighbor's not a psychopath or some sort of crazy person. But the fact that the person's Chanyeol embedded more meaning.
The next day, she offered to drive him into the office. It was weird coming out from the door at the same time while entering the door and seeing the same person too. But Chanyeol was polite he actually said thank you at her. Another rare thing she experienced. As she got into her office, Baekhyun burst into her office with a maroon suede suit. "I just want to inform you that" he took out his phone and show an image at her, "In two weeks, we will have the 8th anniversary of S&S. This year we are throwing a party at one of the Clubs owned by us. You need to come" Baekhyun said excitedly. She could only reply to him with a yes following with nods. "Good, now I have to do some works" Baekhyun left her office. She was left with her own thoughts, shit, a party? How long has it been since the last time I went.
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kyungsoomint · 4 years
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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟: 𝘒𝘪𝘮 𝘑𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘥𝘢𝘦 / 𝘊𝘩𝘦𝘯
𝟱 / 𝟵
EXO travel ladder from exosubs2018
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kyungsoomint · 4 years
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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟: 𝘉𝘺𝘶𝘯 𝘉𝘢𝘦𝘬𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯
𝟦 / 𝟫
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kyungsoomint · 4 years
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Kyungsoo Day 2020 | The sweetest smile 💖
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kyungsoomint · 4 years
Stay in Love
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credit to respective owners for photos 
Member: Oh Sehun (오세훈)
Genre: Angst. oh lots of it
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: ‘Sometimes I wish you’d put me first, nowdays you are such a blur’
Notes: This is based on Sugarplum Elegy by NIKI. I love this song so much, sad yet beautiful at the same time. Hands up to NIKI! Apologize for any mistakes!
She sat alone in the living room, watching the tv blazing with lights. One of that night where she watches the rerun of her boyfriend, Sehun joining variety shows. He was laughing and smiling widely. He on screen was even more alive than he has ever been with her these days. Days where he said “I’ll be back before 10” yet there she was waiting after midnight. It is love, that was the one she wants to believe. Thinking that this might be just them walking in uneven roads, with no sign to direct, to help.
‘Don’t forget to cover yourself with a blanket, you might catch cold if you don’t use one’
She texted him that message before her head’s getting heavier after time, she slept at the couch inside a place where she called home yet it doesn’t feel like that. The next morning, she woke up with no sign of Sehun still. She tried to pick herself up and just go to work, thinking that working may ease her mind a little bit. As soon as she walked out, she felt better. Why is everything seems to be better when I walk outside?
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That day, anniversary day, she’s surprised that Sehun even remembered about it. He asked her which suit is better, “Black or navy one?”. “You look good in both” she gave him a simple nod. Sehun rolled his eyes playfully, like a kid “Should I take that as a compliment?”. “Yes of course, why wouldn’t that be?” she smiled at him. She watched him putting the black suit, one that she bought him a few months ago, months before she wished to be his clothes instead of his girlfriend. Even when it’s supposed to be a good day, it wasn’t. She tried to cover the fact that Sehun might be doing that because he felt sorry for leaving her all alone. Even when he promised, he wasn’t there. In the middle of the dinner, he excused himself to get the phone call. “Baby, I’m so sorry, I have to re-record some lost part from the album. Do you mind if we go home now?” She couldn’t reply with anything other than a simple nod, with a forced smile. He drove home with a silence lingering in the car, “I might not make it home tonight, you can sleep without me” of course that was what she had in mind, alone again. Like every other day, every other promise.
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“I’m sorry, the schedule is too tight, I’m not sure I can be home on time, baby,” Sehun said at the end of the phone while she was sitting alone in their dining room. “It’s okay, you can finish up first and catch up later on” she tried to gain her composure to talk to him, it was her birthday. “Umm, they want to have a wrap-up party after the shooting is done, I’ll go home as soon as I can, I promise” she caught one single tear that tried to escape from her right eye. “Okay then, have fun” was all that she could say before hanging up the phone. It was the saddest birthday ever for her, she knew that promise’s something that he couldn’t keep. It has just reached the point where everything seems to be bitter, unpleasing, sickening. To keep a relationship afloat was almost something she wanted to let go of. She spent another night alone and crying thinking that went wrong in their relationship.
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The next following week, Sehun has sent so many different kinds of flowers into her office. But not once he showed up by himself after that night. That night where she could feel everything was falling apart, so was he. She knew that having a relationship’s not easy, even more with a celebrity. But sometimes, too much is just too much, so much that he has taken away from her that nothingness is the only one can be found inside. That was the time she had to pick up her phone to call him. “Is it possible for you to come home tonight?” Her voice was straight, no emotion can be found. Sehun replied with a yes, “Good then, I’ll see you tonight. I love you”. There was a pause in the line, knowing that Sehun must be taken back by her words “I love you too”.
Sehun really came home before 7 pm and that was something unexpected out of him. She was cooking one of his favorite dishes when he hugged her from behind, it almost feels warm. But something inside of her seems to have died long before this should have happened. She broke free from his hug, an excuse to get the plates ready. She could tell that he’s very confused but choose to remain calm. They had probably the most normal dinner in months, where there was no phone call, no anything. Unfortunately, that was the moment everything needs to be done, for good, for him and for her.
“We need to talk” she bravely said those words and tried to be calm as possible. Sehun knew pretty much what’s coming at him, yet he too tried to remain calm. “This house was supposed to be called a home. Do you remember that?” she looked all around the house, the day when they chose what sofa should they put, how many glasses should they buy, memories. This was another way of her not looking directly at him, even she knew inside there’s still a place for him. A place that needs to be closed forever. She could see that Sehun was giving her a nod, “To be honest” she took a deep breath “I don’t feel that anymore. I bet you felt that way before I do” still no response from him. “It was great, everything feels warm. You and me. I thought nothing could go wrong, nothing”. She tried to look at him only to see him facing the ground, “And here we are, being in the space, in the same room, yet feels so far away from each other. It’s almost like we live in a different world. It’s almost” she stopped herself while brushing her slow falling tears. “You don’t love me anymore, or you just don’t feel the same thing that I do to you” his head shot up to see the woman he has been dating for years cried while she used to be the strongest person he ever knew. “Don’t say that, you know that I love you. Please just don’t leave me alone” his voice was small compared to the tightening air around them. “You can save that to yourself, all these nights I spent alone, crying, wishing you were here instead. You don’t get to feel me, Sehun” at this point tears were already pouring out like the rain outside. Sehun tried to reach her hand, but she brushed it quickly, she thought if she feels his warmth, she wouldn’t be able to leave this house again. She would fall in the same darkness as before. “Just don’t” she tried to gain her composure back, she examined his face for the last time. Memories were vivid yet she wasn’t convinced that this Sehun was even hers anymore. She walked past him into the bedroom which eventually he followed. She took the bag that she has prepared before. She placed her hand into his stained cheek, “I love you too much to stay in love”, tears were gushing out of him and so was she. “I’m so proud I got to love you once, where once we were really both loving each other dearly”. With that, she left the house with a massive weight lifted from her shoulder where inside, Sehun was sobbing and regretting the time he has lost with her.
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kyungsoomint · 4 years
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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟: 𝘡𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘠𝘪𝘹𝘪𝘯𝘨 / 𝘓𝘢𝘺
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kyungsoomint · 4 years
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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟: 𝘒𝘪𝘮 𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘮𝘺𝘦𝘰𝘯 / 𝘚𝘶𝘩𝘰
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kyungsoomint · 4 years
YOURS: Above & Beyond
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credit to respective owners for photos
Member: Park Chanyeol (박찬열) / Byun Baekhyun (변백현)
Genre: Angst, Fluff & Smut (Later on)
Word Count: 2.1k 
Notes: Hello everyone! I’m back. This idea has been in my mind for more than... a year? well unsurprisingly, I was very busy last semester. Like very busy, but still catching up with EXO. Well enjoy! Sorry if there is any mistakes, it’s been so long since the last time I write something:( OH, It’s CEO!AU
| Above & Beyond | Emotions | Endless Night | Moments | Future |
Next update: July 26
New York City, 3 am
The phone rang at the most unexpected time. It’s 3 in the morning, why would someone call so early. She realized when she picked up the phone, ‘Dad’ was blazing through the screen. She squinted her eyes before answering the call. “Hello?” She sounded drowsy. “Hello dear. Oh my god, did I wake you up?” Her foster father always forgets about the time difference between Seoul and NYC. “Um, I think it’s 3 am. But it’s ok, what’s the matter?” She tried to regain her soul from the deep slumber. “It’s very early! You have to work in the morning, I should call you later” sure, she needs to but he rarely calls in this hour. “No, it’s fine. I sense that you want to talk about something. I can smell it dad” she chuckled which earned a small laugh from him too. “So well, you know I’m turning 60 soon and also you know that I plan to retire when I’m 60 years old” there was a pause to the next sentence “And yeah, I need someone to replace my position here. I just want to ask you a favor, but please don’t be burdened, will you take my position? I couldn’t think anyone that can match your superiority” he sounded nervous, which rarely from him.
The world seemed to stop moving as she heard those words. (Y/N) just got promoted as a Financial Controller 6 months ago in Harper Collins. Pretty much she has achieved everything she wants. It’s all located there, in New York City. “(Y/N), are you still there?” His foster father seemed worried about her, knowing that it must hard for her since the majority of her life has moved to NYC. At the end of another line, she knew that she has to pay back everything that her foster parents have given to her for the past 20 years. But at the same time, she loves NYC. (Y/N) has achieved so much in her life, letting go is the hardest option for her to take. But then, she realized that it’s the only chance for her to repay them. “Um, it’s ok if you don’t want to I ca-“ she cut him off “I will try to figure out first with HC and I will let you know later on. Besides, I have never stayed in Seoul for a long time since 13 years ago” she tried to lighten the mood knowing that her dad might feel guilty for talking about this. “Dad? It’s ok, I can assure you that I’m totally fine and pleased to move back to Seoul for you” he let out a deep breath. “I’m sure you’ll do great in S&S” she knew that the company has treated her father nicely for years. “Ah, do you still have my CV? I bet you have lost it again” she virtually rolled her eyes. “How can you know me so well? Can you send it again to me?” He laughed at the end of the line. “Sure thing dad” she quickly grabbed her laptop and sent the CV to him. “Now you can go back to sleep, I’m sorry for disturbing you love” there’s always a hint of tenderness even if he’s not her real father, she was blessed to have him around. “That’s fine! Have a great night dad” she hung up the phone.
Seoul, 5 pm
“Mr. Kim Youngchul is here to see you sir” the phone buzzed as Chanyeol was signing some important documents that need to be sent tomorrow morning. The old man sat in front of him with a wide smile plastered within his face and Chanyeol noticed that he brought something for him. “Chanyeol, I hope that you remember I’m turning 60 in 3 months. Which means…” he chuckled. Chanyeol didn’t get what he meant in the first place, seconds later his body stiffen. “Don’t worry, I have someone to cover for me. It’s probably the best candidate I have in mind” he gave Chanyeol the papers. He quickly scanned the CV given, he realized that she is someone that he knows. “You are right, you know her, she is my foster daughter, (Y/N). She is currently working in NYC” Chanyeol returned himself to check on education background and working experience. It is said that she’s a Harvard Graduate major in Business and currently working in Harper Collins in NYC as Financial Controller. “You seem unsure about her” he laughed, Chanyeol sometimes still amazed that he knows what’s in his mind. “I know that she is young, even younger than you. But she is a very independent woman, smart and also stubborn, in a good way. Almost like you but in the form of a woman I might say” he smiled while talking about her, he’s very genuine to her.
“I couldn’t thank you enough for the opportunities that you have given to me, to Baekhyun and the company itself” Chanyeol smiled. Kim Youngchul was the man that gave the company the chance to be born. He introduced Chanyeol and Baekhyun to potential investors, simply because he believed in their potential of growing nothing into something. He even worked for the company to help manage the operational by being Chief Financial Officer. “Oh, it’s nothing. Trust me, I love working, especially here. Anyway, look at this company now. I saw potential inside you and Baekhyun. It’s all worth it for me” he glanced around the room, thinking that he might not come here again after 3 months. He loved to see this company grows with the founders. Chanyeol let out a deep sigh while still holding the CV, “she is a hardworking woman, like me, I raised her so that one I know for sure. Giver her a chance, Chanyeol” with that he left the room. He returned his focus into the CV, sure she has grown into someone else. He remembered the first time he met her, she reflects him in the way no one ever does. Chanyeol took out his phone, “we are going to interview someone that will replace Mr. Youngchul, be ready” he hung up and spun his chair facing the busy street down.
New York City, 5 pm
(Y/N) went home earlier than she ever been before, sure she tried to talk to Harper Collins about the 3 months prior resignation. They also tried to keep her around since her performance was exquisite. She placed her bag into the chair, took out the phone and texts her dad
To: Dad
I have talked to Harper Collins about my resignation. They weren’t very happy about it. I’ll be resigning in 3 months. I can go to Seoul next week or the week after, just let me know the date! Happy to see you again!
She took a bath, it has been a long day for her. It suddenly crossed her mind that S&S Co. is owned by Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Those two kids were giving ambitious pitching to her dad’s friends to be their investors. She realized that even though her dad works for them, she rarely meets them. So rare that she forgot he works there. One thing that she remembered for sure, how different Chanyeol and Baekhyun are.
Seoul, two weeks later, 6 pm
Sure summer here’s hotter than NYC, even at noon, she could feel the tingling into her skin. She saw a middle-aged man standing behind the railing, waving at her with a wide smile. That’s Byungcheol, her father’s driver. “Good evening, miss. How is your flight?” He took the suitcase from her hand. “Well, it’s quite good. Long flight, I’m used to that” he replied with a smile and drove her into her foster parents’ house. Inside, Kim Eunkyung, her foster mother already waiting behind the door, anticipating her return even if it’s only for a while. “I miss you so much” she hugged her tightly. “I miss you too mom” she chuckled, “now let me go please, I can’t breathe” she loosen her hug only to stare at her now-grown-up daughter. “You still look beautiful as ever, just tiny eye bags there and there” she pointed out her panda eyes hanging like she hasn’t been sleeping for weeks. Well, it’s only been 3 days though. “Now, stop nagging me, I smell something good cooking inside” she walked into the kitchen to find her favorite foods being cooked. “Of course, it’s a special day you know” she smiled at her. “You know, it means a lot for us, we want to spend the rest of our lives in our Jeju’s villa” she spoke dreamily. “Oh now cut off the lovey-dovey part, can’t bear to hear it” she closed her ears with her hands. “(Y/N) please! Maybe you will find someone here, someone to settle with. Who knows?” She came closer to her only to whisper “Just between you and me, the c-levels there are all very handsome young men”. There’s no doubt that she wants her to be married, she just never say it out loud. “Now mom, excuse me, I have precious food to be eaten and no time for matchmaking” she made her way down into the dining room, at that time her father arrived and greeted her happily.
“Are you nervous?” Her dad asked. She hummed and reply “No I’m not, I’m capable of many things. Besides even if I do, I won’t show it”. For the first time in 13 years, she will be back fully in Seoul after years abroad. Within minutes, they have arrived in S&S Co. building, mainly black interior. Pretty much the color that she likes. “I think it’s this one” he pushed the door of the meeting room. The room was designed with two rows of seats and one in front of the table. Her father sat at the end of the second row. “They should be here any minute now” and two men showed up, one with a navy suit and one with a black suit. She knew for sure that both men are good looking. One smiling brightly at her must be Byun Baekhyun, for sure. They greeted her father first before Baekhyun basically yelled at her, “Hello (Y/N). It’s been a long time!” He shook her hand vigorously which only earned a smile from her. “You do remember me right?” Baekhyun narrowed his eyes at her. “Of course, Byun Baekhyun. One that doesn’t change for sure” his eyes were sparkling like crazy knowing that she still remembered him. “Junmyeon, she remembers me”, giving the man loud pats in his shoulder. “I’m sorry, my name is Kim Junmyeon, Chief HR Officer here” he extended his hand and she shook it. “I’m Byun Baekhyun, Chief Operating Officer” he grinned. “So, let’s start the interview shall we?” Baekhyun turned his head into the current CFO, “go ahead, she won’t be budge with your question” he laughed. The interview went great, they mostly asked about her working experience, struggles, and problem-solving materials which she answered easily and with confidence. Baekhyun and Junmyeon were impressed with her skill, mainly because she sounded so confident and smart.
Halfway through the interview, Chanyeol entered the meeting room which made the room fell to silence. She observed him walking into the chair next to her father, sure this man has grown muscular, probably taller and more handsome? Suddenly thoughts running through her mind like crazy. She lost her focus for a while and snapped quickly after that. The rest of the interview went well, while Chanyeol’s eyes basically could burn into a hole pass her head. He seemed satisfied with how well the interview went. “Well, I think it’s an immediate acceptance, Yeol?” Baekhyun turned his back to face Chanyeol, Junmyeon gave them an approving nod. “See, I told you, this is why she is my laughter” a heartily laugh escaped him. “There is no doubt of it sir” Baekhyun gave two thumbs up for her. Suddenly, Chanyeol walked over past the table only to stand face to face with (Y/N). “Welcome to S&S, we’re looking forward to having you here” he shook her hand. She felt the dominating presence running through the air, she tried to control her own only to show respect to practically his soon to be boss.
“I’ll have her to look around here, come on Junmyeon” the three of them went through the glass door leaving the meeting room to Chanyeol and Baekhyun alone. “Isn’t she beautiful?” Baekhyun nudged Chanyeol to which Chanyeol didn’t give any response. He glanced back at Baekhyun only to say “Stop flirting in the office, Baek” he rolled his eyes. “No, I’m just being friendly” Baekhyun practically whine. Sure Chanyeol found her beautiful, just like how he sees her years ago. Yet something about her, always makes him uneasy.
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kyungsoomint · 4 years
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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟: 𝘒𝘪𝘮 𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘰𝘬 / 𝘟𝘪𝘶𝘮𝘪𝘯
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kyungsoomint · 4 years
YOURS: Moodboard
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So I made this lil’ moodboard for upcoming series with Chanyeol feat.  Baekhyun.
Coming soon.
credit to respective owners (from pinterest)
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