l1ttlewolf · 3 years
For the roughly 30 people who follow me still for some reason. Hi! I’m back. I’m sorry I got lost for so long. I’m back now. Just in time for Yule and some new growth and new beginnings eh? I’m gonna start this tumblr over. Some stuff happened and I just need a fresh start. I’ll be making a list of tumblrs I wanna keep following and stuff. I’ll see you on the other side ^^
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l1ttlewolf · 4 years
Okay- if anyone has any sex ed questions at all, related to sex, your bodies, anything at all, I’m open to answering those questions as well as questions about safe alternatives to vanilla sex. How your body works, things to be aware of, safe sex methods and options, anything you want to know.
Again I teach this. As my job, as well as being a medical professional and ex-paramedic. I understand better than anyone that American schools are so closeted about this as if even mentioning human biology in front of teenagers or kids will kill them instantly.
However people deserve to know this. It’s YOUR BODY. It’s not America’s or your school’s, it’s yours. You deserve to understand it and be able to ask questions without being shamed or worried about backlash.
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l1ttlewolf · 4 years
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Not the celebrity news we ever expected to read, but the celebrity news we deserve to read.
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l1ttlewolf · 4 years
No harm to any religion. It’s just a lamp ads by an Australian company. However, it’s funny!
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l1ttlewolf · 4 years
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For starters, if you don’t know who Crowley was (no, not the Supernatural dude), he was a 1900s occultist who coined a portion of what modern witchcraft uses today, such as the word “magick” which he, although did not ‘invent’, popularised. (you’ll learn why I denounce that term and try to educate people who use it in a second). He was, in a nutshell, everything modern society hates. Racist, antisemitic, sexist, you name it and Crowley was it. 
Crowley wrote several books about the occult, some of them having slightly useful information and still are referenced today, but his occult books are not what I intend to talk about. Little known to most, Crowley wrote an essay entitled “The Jewish Problem”, that title is enough of a disgrace, but what is actually IN the writing is atrocious, which I will be going over in a second. In other writing, he refers to Jewish people as “parasites”, “a barbarous race”, talks about how Jewish people are their bad stereotypes, among other things. This article does a wonderful job of compiling some of his worst quotes and explaining how racist he really is, as well as explaining some of the undertones of the quotes.
“Christians and other troglodytes — but most especially the parasites of man, the Jews (The New Comment on Liber AL, III:11)“ 
“the Jews were an entirely barbarous race, incapable of any spiritual pursuit. (preface to 777, printed in The Equinox, Vol. 1, No. 8)”
“A similar case is presented by the Jew, who really does only too often possess the bad qualities for which he is disliked (Confessions, chapter 54)“
“But in America, the Christian elements have been removed so that wealthy Jews may reach the summit of masonry. (Confessions, chapter 72)“
“It has been said that every nation has the government which it deserves. I would add, the type of Jew which it deserves. (Confessions, chapter 61)“
“the Jews are a critically important factor in the social and economic problems of the day (Confessions, chapter 75)“
Anyway, he also used to throw slurs at his Jewish friend Victor Neuburg and admitted to being interested in fascism multiple times.
As for quotes from The Jewish Problem: 
“Israel has corrupted the world, whether by conquest, by conversion, or by conspiracy. The Jew has eaten his way into everything.” 
“The Jew, living so long on sufferance, by subterfuge, servility, and self-effacement, has taught his tricks to the whole world.“
And many, many, many more. 
Some of his comments on other groups of people: 
About Chinese people: “One cannot fraternize with the Chinese of the lower classes; one must treat them with absolute contempt and callousness“ / “The Chinese does not respect the white man as the Indian does — for his possession of high moral qualities.“ 
About Mexican people: “Neither the coyotes nor the turkey-buzzards will touch a dead Mexican. His flesh has been too thoroughly impregnated with chillies and other pungent condiments.”
About black people: “Where Islam and Christianity meet in open competition, as in some parts of Africa, it is found that only the lowest type of Negro, such as is accustomed to arrange matters with conscience by hanging a rag on a piece of stick, accepts Christianity”
About Indian people: “I am not fond of Benaglis at the best and he as the worst specimen of his race I have ever seen. He was fat and oily, with small piglike treacherous eyes.”
Crowley also heavily used the term “black magic” in reference to the “dark art” types of witchcraft, this term is now considered racist by a good portion of the community. Not to mention he was also a regular user of the N slur! I’m talking hard-R.
He was also heavily misogynistic and sexist, as if the dude wasn’t enough of a crapshoot. Here is a list of all the gross, sexist things he’s said! 
I never much liked the usage of magic with a K to start with, but I’ve been learning more and more about AC as time has passed, I’ve started denouncing it entirely and educating people about it’s connections to him as best as I can, most people have no idea how awful he is. It’s scary to think that someone so despicable is still heavily referenced and worshiped in the Occult community, so I wanted to finally make this post. I am asked a lot about it and why I hate the term “magick” so much, now you all know. I hope you will consider using the terms witchcraft, or even just magic rather than adding the K at the end, because we all know what the K stands for now, and who it represents. This is not even the beginning of how awful he was, there is so much more that can be dug up. I encourage you to do it, research him and understand how absolutely terrible he was. Please. 
In conclusion: 
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Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
Special thanks to @alistaires
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l1ttlewolf · 4 years
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since i haven’t seen this floating around tumblr i figured i’d post it!! the link on the tweet is broken but this one works too
and as a reminder to the lovely gringos who follow me
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(that’s a british pound my google is in portuguese srry)
your money is worth a lot here
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l1ttlewolf · 4 years
you don’t get to choose your theme song, your theme song is assigned to you by a cruel uncaring fate
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l1ttlewolf · 4 years
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l1ttlewolf · 4 years
Yo Biden just announced an infrastructure devolopment/clean energy/environmental justice plan and it's honesty pretty fucking amazing and much more ambitious than I ever would have expected from him, goddamn. He's trying to Eisenhower/New Deal our way out of the economic collapse.
Some notable points addressed by this plan:
Expanding American railway systems
Fixing the crumbling roads, bridges, dams, etc. that haven't been kept up
Capping abandoned oil wells
Undoing Trump's financial bailout policies for unclean energy companies
Reinvesting in American-made automotive companies
Getting America to 100% clean energy by 2035
Fixing air, water, and ground pollution issues that disproportionately affect poc
Getting justice for victims of environmental racism
Reinstating a bunch of environmental and medical jobs Trump had cut
Getting the US back on the Paris Agreement/Climate Accord
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l1ttlewolf · 4 years
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u/Cant_Even18 shares the horrific details of what it was like to have COVID.
Wear your masks. Wash your hands. Socially distance. And most importantly: stay the fuck home if you can.
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l1ttlewolf · 4 years
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A survivor drags a former concentration camp guard by the hair while American troops look on at the newly liberated Dora-Mittelbau concentration camp, April 1945.
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l1ttlewolf · 4 years
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l1ttlewolf · 4 years
Apparently I forgot to reblog this but on the off chance there’s anyone who scrolls through my 90% reblogging stuff, don’t feel awkward for interacting lots. You’re cool. Be chill be happy maybe say hi if you wanna.
if youre adhd/autistic (or both like this dude here) im just here to say you're NOT annoying me when you scroll through my blog for half an hour (or longer, who cares) and reblog everything you like. doesnt matter if my notes are you and just you for what feels like a mile of scrolling. hyperfcoused on my blog? rad. autism/adhd are your special interests / hyperfixations? amazing. just got stuck in executive dysfunction and you actually have been wanting to do the laundry for two hours but youre still scrolling? i hope you can function that executiveness tm soon but youre amazing too. any other reason? dont worry youre good. thats all i had to say really, but i truly want you all to know this.
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l1ttlewolf · 4 years
re-blog if you're accepting anonymous asks from anyone about anything
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l1ttlewolf · 4 years
I want you all to know that an Arab Muslim from Tunis proposed the Theory of Evolution near 600 years before Charles Darwin even took his first breath. Don’t let them erase you.
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l1ttlewolf · 4 years
For only $20 you too can fuck Satan
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This post is about vaginas. My vagina in particular. I get yeast infections pretty regularly, and until recently I was able to afford to see a doctor who could prescribe me fluconazole.
Fluconazole, a drug also known by the brand name Diflucan, is a small pink pill. You take two pills a few days apart from each other to restore balance and harmony to your bountiful folds. I’ve never ever had a bad side effect from taking this pill.
Cut to November 2016. I’m a recent college grad without reliable health care coverage in the process of finding a job. And I’m dealing with a yeast infection. Before I moved out of state, my previous doctor told me about Miconazole. She said it was as effective as the pill and hallelujah, it’s over the counter! I decided to purchase the cream pictured above. This treatment only lasted 3 days, a convenient time frame for my schedule.
The application process was a little messy, and some of the cream came in contact with my vulva and labia. Within 5 minutes every piece of skin that had come in contact with the cream, excluding my hands, was on fire. I wanted to scream it was so painful. I began frantically searching for what I should do online. 
I found a whole forum of people on drugs.com who had experienced something similar. These comments saved me, and these were just on the first page. There were 33 pages total, the earliest dated July 2009.
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I was writhing in pain at 2AM when I found this forum (which I found by searching “my vagina burn itch hurts after miconazole” on Google). As soon as I read these comments I threw the devil cream directly into the trash and jumped in the shower. I didn’t feel any actual relief until I reached in and scraped the cream out of me. I paid $17 plus tax on this bullshit, but I could have just as easily ripped up my money or paid someone to not hurt me. 
The moral of the story is that vaginal health care is is completely fucked up because we don’t have access to an over the counter cure for yeast infections that is safe for our bodies and also YOU SHOULD NEVER BUY THIS CREAM EVER.
Reblog to save a vagina.
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l1ttlewolf · 4 years
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Ending the stigma of drug use will save lives.
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