labouclebeaute · 7 years
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Had to capture this. Programmed a candle for a friend, always a fan of the flame. #reikihealing #reikilove #candlemagick
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labouclebeaute · 7 years
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You receive as much as you out in. Infinite love = infinite abundance. Receptively discerful of what the magic of all that is has in store for me. Enjoying life
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labouclebeaute · 8 years
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GREEK MYTHOLOGY.   aphrodite.
Aphrodite can also be said to have caused the Trojan War. This came about in the following fashion. When the hero Peleus was married to the sea-nymph Thetis, all the gods were invited to the ceremony – all but one that is. The slighted goddess happened to a specialist in sowing discord, so she maliciously deposited a golden apple on the banquet table. The fruit was inscribed with the legend, “For the fairest”. Immediately all the goddesses began to argue about whose beauty entitled her to be the rightful possesor of this prize.
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labouclebeaute · 8 years
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And inked + colored ! Civil War: Choosing Side #2 - Storm page final (because sharing process is important - on a story by Jeremy Whitley) ‪#‎civilwarmarvel‬ ‪#‎storm‬
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labouclebeaute · 8 years
Speaks volumes
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Stay retro gang. New content is on the way. Art by Killian Eng via #NRWDaily #newretrowave
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labouclebeaute · 8 years
Very interesting and something I have been spotting a lot of. Just had a long discussion with a group of people that consider themselves enlighten but want to paint a particular religion with a very broad brush.
Today, a simple astrological reflection on the Saturn/Neptune dynamic that is very active and dynamic right now (and for the past several months)…
Things to think about:
* The last time this Saturn/Neptune square was around the Salem Witch Trials were taking place
* The religious, racial, and gender oriented persecutions of the past several months reflect the “witch hunt” theme
* The social media frenzy around events during this time may easily lead to trial and sentencing via mob mentality
* The media amplifies or distorts facts to favorably or unfavorably spin mass reactions to complex events…sometimes oversimplifying the nature of the events
* On the other hand, basic realities are able to be witnessed and no longer suppressed due to the fact that they can be witnessed by massive amounts of people almost instantly, or in some cases “live”
* The lines between truth and fiction, reality and sensationalizing, are also happening globally as millions of people are literally walking around their streets, parks, and neighborhoods catching virtual pokemon creatures…to the extent that some people have been injured!!
* Uncompromising, idealized, political, religious, or cultural fundamentalism is on the news every day, often in the form of acts of terror, but also in news feeds being overrun by self righteous rhetoric 24/7
* The difference between news, journalism, and propaganda is more blurry than ever
* The difference between a “leak” and “espionage,” between positive disclosure and manipulation of the masses, is potentially indistinguishable
* The oversimplification and reduction of people and complex issues to one liners, hashtags, and memes….but on the other hand the power and effectiveness of memes, hashtags and one liners to capture an ignored or repressed reality…
With this Saturn/Neptune square, we have to stay so conscious of that simple phrase, “the witch hunt,” and all the subtleties that go with it.
Prayer: Remind us to judge not, lest we be judged. Remind us to remove the planks from our own eyes before we rail against the splinters in other’s.
Adam Elenbaas
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labouclebeaute · 8 years
Love it
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Woon Young, on Tumblr
• So Super Awesome is also on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest •
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labouclebeaute · 8 years
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DIY Soutache Bead Necklace
What is Soutache Jewelry?
Soutache bead embroidery utilizes the soutache cord by stacking the cord in multiple layers and stitching them. In soutache bead embroidery, the soutache cord can be curved into different patterns, not only creating a stable base for adding beads, but a stunning piece of soutache jewelry. (via beadaholique)
You can find this DIY Soutache Bead Necklace Tutorial from El Cuaderno de Ideas here.
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Beadaholique has 7 Instructional Soutache Bead Embroidery DIY Videos here.
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labouclebeaute · 8 years
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“How long shall they kill our prophets While we stand aside and look?”
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labouclebeaute · 8 years
Always create an impact. Live to serve a higher
Each Day ✌🏿️
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James Jean
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labouclebeaute · 8 years
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Fashion of Black Teeth in Old Japan by lilsuika
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labouclebeaute · 8 years
Stretched lobes aren't new. 🙏🏾
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Madurai - Tamil jewelry is so beautiful - South India
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labouclebeaute · 8 years
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Courtesy of Ruth Cankudutawin Hopkins, The Truth Behind Pocahontas.
Image description: a picture of Disney’s version of Pocahontas with the following words: “Pocahontas was a nickname (meaning The Naughty One). Her real name was Matoaka. If we believe John Smith’s account of events, she would have been 10 or 11 when she met him. That’s hardly a romantic scenario, unless you’re a pedophile.
Pocahontas was kidnapped by the English. She was imprisoned at the Jamestown colony for over a year, where she was assaulted. While still a teenager, our young heroine married John Rolfe. Marrying the Englishman was a condition of her release.
Pocahontas was then taken to England, as a sort of living specimen and advertisement for colonization. She died at the tender age of 21, unaware that the English would create the Pocahontas Myth; one where she was the good Indian who rescued the whiteman from her brutish, savage Tribesmen.
This myth birthed many colonial stereotypes of Native people and was used as justification to make war against us.”
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labouclebeaute · 8 years
There's the beautiful woman Buddha again NOT JUST IN ASIA, she's seen in Africa as well.
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labouclebeaute · 8 years
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Sam Rodriguez
Drawing references from seemingly disparate sources such as Aztec culture, graffiti, typography and popular culture, artist Sam Rodriguez creates portraits that typify the hybrid globalized nature that is shaping identity in todays culture. 
typeface tornado, 2015
puma, 2015
quetzal, 2015
Freedom to Think and Speak series,  2015
Freedom to Think and Speak series,  2015
Bands, 2015
Work in progress, type_faces series, 2016
EZ, 2015
My Type, 2015
Gata, 2015, images posted with permission of the artist. 
Website | Tumblr | Instagram
_____ Discover more art on iheartmyart
Find us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Flickr | Mail List | Pinterest | Soundcloud | Google +
See more artwork by Sam Rodriguez on iheartmyart. Discover more illustration on iheartmyart.
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labouclebeaute · 8 years
As above so below.
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labouclebeaute · 8 years
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Penachos de Danzantes en Cholula, Puebla, México.
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