lacedia · 10 years
She didn't laugh along with him; a shrug was her only response to the quip. "Cooking is too much effort and the result is often the same... it turns into shit." Sometimes it was green. Sometimes it was black. But no matter what, it was boring. If it could boost her abilites, that would be interesting. Alas...
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"Sometimes I like things. Chocolate is nice. Whatever Two cooks is good. But I'm alone now. I only need basic foods..."
"... but I've run out."
Interesting name for a interesting girl.” It’s nice to meet you, three.” He gave the girl a nod as he continued to lead her back to his place - well the apartment. Attention was caught when mentioning she didn’t mind tomatos at all. 
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" Well I should have some of that in the fridge, minus the grass." A soft chuckle escaped , he found it rather funny .. hopefully she did too. "Not a picky eater , I take it?"
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lacedia · 10 years
     "... It does. I wonder why? " Something to study later, she mentally noted. Perhaps by caging the heads of a child and an adult, clipping different parts of their tongues until she made sense of the phenomena. But it was something she would tinker with later. For now, sugary delights called out for her.
Seated now, with the much talked about cold-hot little something before her, Three poked and prodded the semi-solid cream. But looking at it and smelling it wouldn't tell her how it tasted and the chocolate was threatening to cool off. So she dug into it and took a bite. ... And another. And another. And one more.
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    "It's tasty... ...Like the melting corpse of a snowman, a black stone at it's core." She clinked her spoon with his, a small smile on her lips. 
" Thank you."
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         { ❀ } — “Chocolate it is then, milady! It does have the tendency to bring fond memories to mind, doesn’t it? It’s happened to me on multiple occasions."
                       And thus the pair set off towards the establishment of the male’s recollection, eventually having settled down in a booth across from one another. Two servings of what he’d just learned were called ‘hot fudge sundaes' were laid upon the tabletop and Inigo had already taken a gernerous bite or two from his own.
                       ”Go on, it’s my treat! Let me know what you think. Does it meet the warm-cold standards you were hoping for?" He would point his spoon in the woman’s direction as he asked his question, face rested in his opposite palm.
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lacedia · 10 years
     Three's eyes remained focus on her reflection, the dark mirror of her coffee as still as her expression. But she was attentive; quietly focused on his words and feeling a strange sort of... admiration for the young lad. Which culminated in her reaching over and petting his head, an appreciative that was a little on the rough side, once he had finished speaking of his interests. "... You're a good boy, Morgan. "
     " A good boy... that I would like to one day make a doll. You'll see them. Someday. No one but me likes them. No one but me understands them. So I hope... that you will be different."
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     She shook her head, nearly scoffing at the suggestion." No. I'll continue my work tonight and the night after and the night after that. Until I can't keep working. That's that.""
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" Well, I’m studying to be a tactician. It typically involves learning about other battle plans from those who had commanded the fields before me, but I’m finding value in learning about how the land works and how to take advantage of such during times of battle. It’s quite a lot to take in at times but I find the knowledge to be valuable! " He would take a sip from his own drink and—oh it had a chocolate taste to it! As he listened to Three speak of her hobbies.
" Oh, you create dolls? A curious hobby if I do say so myself! I would love to see them one day if you would allow me such! " He would watch as she yawned, taking another sip of his beverage before choking on it, hearing Three talk of her sleep schedule.
" T-Three days without sleep..?! I don’t know how one could manage..!! By the gods your body must be feeling exhausted..!! Please promise me after tonight you will get a good night’s rest! " 
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lacedia · 10 years
     "My name is Three." And follow she would, head facing the ground, her eyes focused on his feet. Up or down, left or right. If he had ever planned to run, he wouldn't be getting rid of her easily.
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     "Tomatos are fine, cooked or not. Potatoes too. Carrots. Cherries. Mushrooms. Grass. Meat. Cooked or not. It's all the same for me.
”.. .. ? ” 
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Ludger gave a firm nod , lucky for her he knew how to cook up a good meal! “I’m Ludger, and you’re ?” Assuming she would follow the man where ever they needed to go for him to cook. “Do you like tomato’s ?”
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lacedia · 10 years
     "Your... studies? What is it that you do." She took a drink from her own cup, sighing as the steam brought warmth to her cheeks.
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     " My dolls. They need much of my attention. I can't forgive myself if I began to neglect them just because my body cannot keep up. And this city-- " She stopped for a moment to yawn, eyebrows creasing in annoyance by her own interruption.
     "... Makes me sleepier than I'm supposed to be. I'm tired. And only after three days of no sleep... I'm very tired..."
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" Oh! Coffee, you mean? I can quite agree with how it keeps people up with enough cups. If that’s what you feel like, I see no problem with it. "
     Cut to a bit of a walk later with the two now sitting down at a coffee shop, Morgan having bought a “mocha” something in hand as he looked towards Three.
" Truth be told I don’t drink a lot of this as often as I should hope so, given how much I stay awake during the nights in my studies. What do you usually stay awake for? " 
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lacedia · 10 years
     " ... It's been a long time since I've had chocolate. Not since I've shared a piece with Two. To fill my mouth with nostalgia... that would be..."
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     " ... Acceptable. Let's taste this dessert."
         { ❀ } — “Cold but warm, you say? Well.. The only idea that comes to mind is something I tried the other day, though I can’t recall the name."
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                        “It was cold, yes, yet covered in warm chocolate. Very delicious, if I do say so myself! Would that be something you’d be interested in?”
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lacedia · 10 years
     "... A flickering flame would not betray the moth, the moon would whisper in a soft, soft voice..."
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     " Yes. That sounds delightful..."
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" Eh ? " he was surprised. " Alright ? .. I can cook you something if you’d like"
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lacedia · 10 years
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"A cafe is fine. What's bitter there, in those white cups... at the very least, it'll keep me awake. And in my little hopes, it'll keep me full.
... Let's go, Morgan."
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" Well, I know of a small cafe that I enjoy going to from time to time. Although at this time of night, it might be a tad odd to be eating something like that.. perhaps you’d favor more to something savory? " 
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lacedia · 10 years
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"... Sugar then. Something cold. But warm."
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lacedia · 10 years
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"As long as it's edible, I don't have a preference."
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" Oh, good evening Three, I—Um, well, what would you like to eat? " 
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lacedia · 10 years
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     "I'm hungry. Let's go eat something together."
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lacedia · 10 years
     " Cojones. It means testicles. They are used, shriveled, saggy little things... but once they fill with vigor... mm... I'm sure you already know. " Her words fell into a sigh, her fingers gently grasping the squashed bug freed from the weight of the man. A cricket. If only it were still alive then Cojones would be able to sing as well. It was a pity but she stuffed it inside of him, regardless. If she wished him to be like his namesake, it was necessary.
After a long pause, the realization had hit her that she hadn't answered his second question. 
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" I want it. " Three responded quietly, her voice curious. Almost as if she didn't understand it herself. " It's nice. It crinkles better than leaves. Cries sweeter than the wind. Colder than the tips of a fellow's hands... " She spared him a glance, lavender eyes regarding him with little interest.
" Can you think of anything better? "
✄-- Play Date
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lacedia · 10 years
23. A Noogie
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      The man was tall and Three had to tiptoe in order to rub her knuckles against the top of his head, her other arm wrapped around his neck for leverage. In the end, It was more of a pet than an actual noogie but such technicalities mattered little to her.
     " Is that enough for you? "
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lacedia · 10 years
A fluffy stuffed animal.
A slap to the face.
A confession.
A lengthy lecture.
A pillow fight.
My muse wearing an outfit of your muse’s choosing.
My muse for two nights.
A night time cuddle coupon.
A gift.
A strip tease.
A passionate kiss.
A nose kiss.
One day where they can do whatever they want to my muse.
A date.
A romantic night out.
A bubble bath with my muse.
A girl’s/boy’s night out.
My muse has to live out one fantasy for your muse.
To share a milk shake.
My muse will do your muse’s chores for three days.
A hot make out session.
A spanking.
A noogie.
My muse will sing any one song for yours.
My muse will be your muse’s work out buddy for a day.
My muse will serve as a body pillow for yours.
A drink at the bar.
A dinner made by my muse.
A vacation with my muse.
A free trip to a carnival with my muse.
Send me a "ø" and I'll generate a number, your muse will receive one of the following from mine:
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lacedia · 10 years
do you ever have that one draft that you actually really, really, really want to do, but every day it gets older and older and harder and harder to reply to and you just cannot work up the energy to do it but you want to continue the thread SO FUCKING BAD BUT IT’S IMPOSSIBLE AND YOU WORRY THAT THE OTHER PERSON WILL THINK U DROPPED IT BUT YOU DON’T WANT TO DROP IT 
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lacedia · 10 years
It doesn't look useful. It doesn't look tasty. And it doesn't look particularly cute. Coming from a world populated by magical beasts and unruly faeries, Three met the unusually colored deer with a gaze of indifference, cocking her head at its figure. From experience, the best method of dealing with such creatures was to ignore them completely and utterly: Don't bother them and they would not bother you.
But she doubted that would work now.
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     " Can you speak? What do you want? "
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A large gray deer casually walks around the corner. It’s pointed antlers look tinged in red, blinking with it’s pupleless crimson eyes. Quite a fearsome sight, though you only need remind yourself that this is just a friendly woodland creature who probably means no harm to you. Probably…  Is this another creature the scientists are experimenting on? Did it escape for from the zoo sector? Did it’s owner let it run free today? Most likely.
But in any event, it’s still a large deer and it’s making no motion of leaving or halting it’s gaze. You can occasionally see a gray tongue slip in and out of it’s mouth. Looks pretty hungry actually, the poor thing. And it doesn’t look like it plans to leave your trail unless it gets what it wants. 
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lacedia · 10 years
✄-- Play Date
Scissors scraped against the ground, clearing the concrete trail of dried leaves and withered fruits. Obviously searching for something, the purple haired intoner crawled around on her hands, unapologetically hindering the path of couples taking a leisurely stroll in the park. Every so often, she would pick up a pebble or a stick, shake her head and resumed her idle actions.
After a few minutes, her stoic expression became a touch warmer. With a gentle touch, she picked the dead shell of a beetle. Turning it around in her hands, she compressed it with a squeezed and stuffed it into the body of a filthy doll. A broken mess of  a toy, the fabric jagged and ripped and a considerable amount of stuffing missing. It was sad. It made Three feel sad. And she wanted to help it. Make the sweet thing whole again.
And bugs made for wonderful fluff...
Three stopped and pointed at the boy who crossed her line of sight, her lips pursed into a frown. " I want that. Under your foot... "  Thinking it would better make her point, she held the limp doll by the thread of it's foot.
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" ... For Cojones. "
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