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Please for the love of all that is holy spare French speakers and use the above pronunciation and not 'Cat Noir'
Chat is difficult for English speakers to pronounce? Does that mean I've been living a lie by pronouncing Chat Noir the same way as Cheetah?
Ladybug and her partner, Cheetah Noir
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A quick LadyNoir comic for now 🐞😼
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I don’t know if there are more typos I didn’t catch but just in case y’all wanted to use these in fics, #5 is wrong. “I can’t live without you” would be “je ne peux pas vivre sans toi”, not “pax”. Also flipping through now, 15 might actually be “donne-moi ta main”, and “je suis désolé” (or “je suis navré” if they really mean it) is more likely to be “I’m sorry” for 17. I might be wrong though, I’m not a native speaker so it might be a dialect thing. Also “avoir coup de foudre” is the verb for falling in love at first sight, the noun is just “coup de foudre.” And you wanna be careful with that one because you mix up one letter and that takes on a whole new meaning. 
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Rest in peace, Mae. My heart goes out to anyone who loves her ❤
Dear Miraculous Fandom,
It is with heavy hearts that we come to you with some tragic news about one of our own fandom members, the wonderful, kind, talented @maerynn-blog.
Sadly, last week, we received word that Maerynn was involved in a car accident and tragically passed away.
Mae enriched the Miraculous fandom as an amazing writer. Her works included “A Beautiful Mistake”, “Both of You”, “Bring Me Home”, as well as various collabs such as “Under Lock and Key” with @edendaphne, “The Other You” with Totally Lucky ( @chocoluckchipz ), and “Broken” with @bbwoulfc.
Our hearts go out to her family during this terrible time. We ask you all to please be respectful. Questions pertaining to her unfinished stories and collaborations will be answered in due course, but now is not the time to be thinking of such things.
Instead, we ask you to remember her, join us in our grief and sorrow, but also celebrate the irreplaceable contributions she made to the fandom, and think fondly of the space she made in our hearts. For many of us, Mae wasn’t just a talented writer, she was also a true friend, someone who cried with us during bad times and laughed with us during good ones. She was always there, and the fandom doesn’t feel the same without her.
Below, feel free to offer your condolences or your favourite memories of Mae, or even quote your favourite part of her stories. We will do our best to pass on well wishes and love to her family.
We know many of you will be confused and devastated by this news, as we are. Out of respect, we will not be giving out any more information on her private life. Please be considerate, people cope with grief in various ways. For this reason, we know that there may be some who do not wish to see this post continually reblogged and ask that you use the tag #MiraculousMae
She will be forever loved and missed.
With love from,
Eden ( @edendaphne )
Midnight ( @midnightstarlightwrites )
Lucky ( @chocoluckchipz )
Ray ( @bbwoulfc )
Kry ( @kryallaorchid )
Liz ( @eizabet )
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Saw this and couldn’t resist myself.
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hey american followers
canadians reblogged fcc & net neutrality stuff for you so you had access to information - can you lend a hand and help us now?
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btw there’s a thingy called ao3rdr that lets you blacklist tags on ao3 (and a bunch of other things too, apparently) i found out about this from another post but it was a fandom post that i didn’t know about and also different from what the op was talking about in the first place.
chrome extension, firefox addon
blacklist your notp. blacklist your triggers. blacklist it all.
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cheek kiss
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Anybody who sends death threats over a fucking piece of fiction needs to take a long hard look in the mirror and ask themselves why they care so much. I get that fiction isn't just made-up stuff for a lot of people, including me. It has the power to invoke real emotion, but that doesn't mean you have to the right to tell someone to end their life. No one has that right. If you are so self-centered, so selfish that you see something you don't like and you immediately go to tell the creator "go kill yourself", you are an awful human being who needs to do a lot of work to be someone worthy of the barest respect. Period. Full stop.
If you have ever sent death threats, unfollow and block me.
If you have ever sent anon hate, unfollow and block me.
If you're homophobic, unfollow and block me.
on my experience in the ML fandom and death threats: a fan’s guide to being a better person
When I was 21, someone told me to “end myself you attention seeking piece of shit” on Tumblr.
This came moments after I posted a true story regarding a classmate who proposed to me for a Klondike Bar during the Student Involvement Fair on my college campus. It was a quirky little incident that happened to me, and I wanted to share it. It’s a cute story, really. Except, someone didn’t see it that way, and sent me that message.
“End yourself you attention seeking piece of shit.”
Do you know what it’s like to open up your inbox and see that? And the only thing I could think is that “oh my god, someone wants me dead.” Naturally, I told them to “go fuck themselves” because what more could I do? I was shaken, you know? Growing up, people prepared me to deal with bullying and teasing, but no one ever told me how to deal with someone telling me to go kill myself.
Even now, at 22, it hasn’t gotten any easier to deal with. Instead, things have turned scary.
A while ago, there was a post going around talking about the incidents of homophobia in the Miraculous Ladybug fandom, and there was a ton of backlash from it. People were providing evidence and receipts of textbook instances of homophobia. A lot of people had stories to share, messages to show, things to talk about. But a lot of other people had things to say about it too.
When we showed the fandom the homophobia, and all we asked for was respect, people told us instead:
1)    “You can’t force your ship on people.”
2)    “You can’t expect people to like these ships; grow up and accept that.”
3)    “Why can’t you just let people like this one straight pairing? Why does everything have to be LGBT+ anyway??” [Newsflash: it isn’t.]
4)    “There’s no homophobia. You’re just overbearing fans looking for an excuse to cry about your unpopular ships.”
5)    “Just because people don’t like your ships doesn’t make it homophobia.” [which wasn’t the case or the point of the post in question at all.]
Regardless, this post took off, and people had a lot to say. I got involved because I’d experienced this, and as a queer content creator, I felt the need to share the news from my point of view. All we wanted was respect, just for people to listen. We weren’t asking for people to read our fics or like our ships or share our art. We just wanted to be treated kindly.
But things got heated fast.
It started with a simple message: “I hope someone kills you.”
Then: “I hope you get drunk and die.”
“End yourself before you look any stupider.”
“The world would be better without you.”
“Delete your blog. No one needs to hear this shit.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“Die.” “Kill yourself.” “I hope you rot.” “Don’t wake up tomorrow.”
I had tons of messages like this that slammed all my social media at once. I don’t know who I pissed off or what I got into, but somehow they found me on Tumblr, Discord, etc. It was awful. It continued for a few days, and all I could do was block and hope for the best, but it didn’t work. They found new ways to get in touch and tell me the same things.
All I could do was ignore it and hope it went away. It didn’t.
To this day, I still probably get a message or so a week. Which, considering things, isn’t as bad as when it first started. But the fact of the matter is that it happens at all.
When I reached out for support from my fandom, begging them to stop, and to understand what’s been happening, not a lot of people responded aside from the friends I’d made or people who felt bad for me. Since then, I’ve been completely turned off from this fandom and the people in it. I have a tendency to lash out when I feel threatened because I never knew who sent these, and it could be anyone frankly.
But that scary part I talked about earlier?
It’s that I’ve grown used to it. Last year, when I received my first death threat, I was scared because I couldn’t fathom that someone would want me dead.
But now, I get these messages and I don’t bat an eye. I simply ignore, block, and delete and carry on with my life. Sometimes I think back to when it first happened, when crying myself to sleep became as commonplace as breathing, and I spent most of my day in constant anxiety/panic attack.
It’s gotten better—at least my reactions to it.
But what does that tell you, that I’ve become used to people wanting me dead?
All for a stupid TV show.
That’s what’s scary about the whole thing. No one should ever become used to something like that. No one should have to experience that in the first place.
So I ask you, no matter what you ship or what you like or what you don’t, please leave the shippers and content creators and other fans alone. They are not responsible for policing the content on your dashboard; that’s up to you and tag filtering or black listing. You are in charge of what you see, and if you find something you don’t like or don’t approve of, stay away from them.
They can’t hurt you. You can hide it and ignore it. Don’t send hate, don’t send death threats.
Because there are other people on that side of the screen. There are other people who might not be like me, who might believe you and actually listen, who might do something about it.
All I ask is you stay in your lane. Salt about this shit in private with your friends if you need to, but don’t take it to the fans themselves. Leave them alone. Post on your blog your opinion’s and all, that’s fine too. Just tag. You know? Be mindful of the fans who do like it.
And to the fans who might ship problematic things or have controversial opinions or whatever else is causing the fandom to flip their lids: leave those fans who don’t like it alone. Don’t go looking for the hate. Trust me, you’ll be better off. They’re allowed to voice how they feel the same way you’re allowed to voice what you lie.
So long as neither side engages, we’ll be fine. Treat other people with respect, know that there are a wide variety of people in this fandom who can like different things, whose views may not align with yours. Just be respectful, block and black list what you need to, and don’t get offended that people may not like what you do.
It’s really that simple. Sometimes staying neutral is the best thing. Ignoring things and moving on is also great.
So that’s all I have to say. Sorry for the 1,100 words, but they’re important. Every single word is.
I just hope people listen.
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easy, breezy, beautiful ✨
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Every time I see the words “Cat Noir” I die a little bit inside
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Y'all the Gabrinette discourse is real
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Vote 👏🏼 in 👏🏼 the 👏🏼 2018 👏🏼 Midterm 👏🏼 Elections 👏🏼
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I can’t believe season 2 episode 1 made Slytherin Marinette canon
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me @ Nathalie the whole first episode
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