ladadadixx-blog · 6 years
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ladadadixx-blog · 6 years
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William Chapman | @wnq-psychology​ | @wordsnquotes
Source: wordsnquotes.com
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ladadadixx-blog · 6 years
Love or Respect
I’m torn between two things. One is love and the other is being respected. I sit and wonder if I should keep trying, when I know you have troubles controlling your anger. Even with your flaws I still love you. I want the best for you. And I tell myself if I want it that bad.....then I’m willing to do what it takes to be with you. But when I’m talking about respect....the way I am screamed at by YOU.....is not respect. Times like these are repetitive. I will not accept anyone screaming at me saying “SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH”.....that is not respect. These times make me doubt our relationship. They make me think that if not even my own man can respect me, he can’t love me. Respect is not screaming at someone when they’re crying to “Stop crying!” or ask “Why are you fucking crying!?” “Why are you still crying?”. Someone who loves you would comfort you when you are crying....These little fights we have make me think that one day you are just going to get sick of me and leave because of your anger. But just wait until the next....your anger will get the best of you with that one too....watch you leave then too. Or...even watch them leave. I try so to be positive through it all. Your constantly correcting me or you are constantly mad about the little things that I do.....I have to think about me. I’m always wondering when it will be enough for you. I wonder why you aren’t truly happy. And I’m always wondering what I can do to help this. I want an apology for making me feel the way I do about myself. But I guarantee that I’ll never get one. You make me feel like I’m the one to blame for your anger. But I am not. Every person is responsible for their own emotions and their responses to them.... I will not be the one to blame for your outburst. And you see....I am blind to see how much respect is not given to me because of my love for you. I hope I get both love and respect, but I feel like respect won’t be given until I leave.
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ladadadixx-blog · 6 years
Do you ever find yourself wondering why you can’t listen to your head and only can listen to your heart?
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ladadadixx-blog · 6 years
What I Do
I went to check the notification on my boyfriends YouTube and he went crazy on me. It’s like what I do is a problem. And it’s been like that lately. Everything I do is a problem to him.
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ladadadixx-blog · 7 years
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ladadadixx-blog · 7 years
Wondering why I'm scared to leave. Like he's gonna yell at me or something. But so much invested and so much love being ripped from my chest. He doesn't care that I'm crying. He just yells at me to shut the fuck up and stop fucking crying. He doesn't care.
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ladadadixx-blog · 7 years
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Thank You, Brain @13spankins
[enlarge image]
@fyp-psychology | @wnq-psychology | @psych2go | @introvertunites
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ladadadixx-blog · 7 years
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For more posts like these, go to @mypsychology​
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ladadadixx-blog · 7 years
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Same. (via mijukusdreamer)
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ladadadixx-blog · 7 years
Haha what? Lol
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ladadadixx-blog · 7 years
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ladadadixx-blog · 7 years
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Source: http://cabinetmagazine.org/issues/26/prochnik.php
Check out @dailypsychologyfacts for more real psychology facts.
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ladadadixx-blog · 7 years
Black on my Back
Have you met Black? Black might be an artful friend to you. Black will quite often be right there over your shoulder. He's always there but especially when you are alone.... You are never hungry with him. Quite sleepy. You feel like your feelings are twisted with him. He might be ravishing to your soul. He is pleased to grab your throat, twist your stomach, and water your eyes like a seductive light to moon. It lives as the feeling you get before you die and you're desperate to love it and leave it. He tells you that you aren't hungry. He tells you that your smile isn't going to aid your happiness. He likes to terror you in surprise. And quite often, he likes to make you feel like you need to do more, but convinced you that you can't. "Black, why are you so convincing?" .....You tell me that my bed is my friend and my social interaction frivolous. You say " give up now, nothing is worth it. You don't need to be here anymore" . Which one might admire because it's the easiest route. You come to realization he's pleased to tease you and leave you alone once in a while. He likes to pull you apart and put you back together.... but with the wrong pieces. "Where are my real pieces Black?"......He leaves the appropriate pieces of you on the ground of a city parade. Now you feel level to the feet of the many who walked those streets. You are a caring individual with a flame of dishonesty to your own heart. You amuse yourself with missions to distract your introspection."Who is that? The substitute? How long will you be here? Stay?" ...... NO. You will not be my teacher. WAIT Black is back. Black on my back.
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ladadadixx-blog · 7 years
The work of Depression and ADD splits my mind to directions not meant to be explored nor discovered.
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What You Say About Mental Illness vs What You Actually Mean.
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ladadadixx-blog · 7 years
I suddenly became strangely inebriated. The external world became changed as in a dream. Objects appeared to gain in relief; they assumed unusual dimensions; and colors became more glowing. Even self-perception and the sense of time were changed. When the eyes were closed, colored pictures flashed past in a quickly changing kaleidoscope. After a few hours, the not unpleasant inebriation, which had been experienced whilst I was fully conscious, disappeared. What had caused this condition?
Dr. Albert Hofmann
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ladadadixx-blog · 7 years
I'm bored with my life
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