lady-bullfinch · 7 years
I just want to say that that all my commission info you can find only in two places: On my DA and on my TH. And i don't advertise my commissions to people personally on any sites excluding TH.
Also, i usually don’t use tumblr direct messages, if only someone don’t send mr DM first. And i don’t  plan to use it in the future.
So, please be careful and don’t let anyone scam you...
Scammer Targeting Tumblr Artists
The title says it all really. So if nothing else, please share and reblog this post to raise awareness for those that might be caught out - both artists and followers. For a TL:DR, please look at the bottom of the post
What is happening?
Right now, there is at least one person actively impersonating multiple artists across tumblr in an effort to scam their followers into paying for fake ‘cheap commissions’. The scammer will clone a tumblr, usually using a slight change to the url/account name to look like the real deal. They will then message people directly through Tumblr with messages along the lines of “Hey, i’m doing cheap commissions right now. DM me to get one”. Naturally, this is ends up just being a way to take their money without giving anything back in return.
Who does this affect?
Everyone. Simple as that. As long as the scammer in question works unopposed, they are free to spread their influence and continue to scam more people. Even if you haven’t been targeted yet, it does not mean you are safe or immune. Several artists have already fallen victim to this scammer, and I encourage any artists that have to reblog this post with the details of their affected account(s) and the ones the scammer has set up.
How can we stop this?
Tumblr, like many other social media platforms, seems to care very little about ‘minor’ occurences like this one, and despite reaching out directly to them over a week ago through multiple avenues of contact - they have refused to comment on the situation, provide a recommended response for users, or take action on behalf of those already affected. Despite this, there are still tools at our disposal that we can use to make this scam more difficult, and to increase its visibility to those within Tumblr staff that are required by policy to take action. Tumblr has the following to say on the topic of impersonation: Confusion or Impersonation. Don’t do things that would cause confusion between you or your blog and a person or company, like registering a deliberately confusing URL. Don’t impersonate anyone. While you’re free to ridicule, parody, or marvel at the alien beauty of Benedict Cumberbatch, you can’t pretend to actually be Benedict Cumberbatch. They then provide a link to this online form that you can fill out if you suspect someone’s identity is being confused. Unfortunately, this can only be filled out if you are the victim of impersonation. In other words, only the artists can fill this out legitimately. So, what about the followers and users of tumblr whom aren’t being impersonated? Our most valuable tool in this online platform is the platform itself. It enables us to spread our word near-virally across all the many sub-communities on Tumblr with remarkable efficiency for a user-driven system. We can take advantage of that effect to increase awareness of the situation. Even if you - the one reading this right now - aren’t an artist or don’t know an artist, the act of reblogging this post or sharing it directly with friends improves it’s ‘ranking’ in popularity increasing its chances to be seen by more people. We don’t need everyone on Tumblr to see the post for it to be effective, just like we don’t need the entirety of the human population of the world to be immune to a disease for that disease to be rendered ineffective or eradicated. If enough people are aware, the likelihood of pulling off a successful scam increases dramatically reducing efficiency to a point that it no longer becomes profitable to continue.
Why should I care?
It disheartens me to say this, but of the many artists I contacted directly over the past week to warn about this issue many of them refused to listen or dodged the responsibility with lines like;
“I’m not being impersonated, so it doesn’t affect me”
“I’m just one person. I can’t make an impact”
“I need to take care of my community. Other people can look after theirs”
This is honestly disappointing that so many artists or art-rebloggers care so little as to intentionally wave the responsibility of keeping their followers and fellow artists safe from this, that they cannot spare 10 seconds of their time to share an informative post. I’m not here to bash artists, but it is time that everyone takes responsibility for their own communities, and of those around them. Artists: You have a responsibility to ensure that your followers and fans aren’t being abused by someone who may impersonate you. If they succeed, your reputation will be damaged, and your followers will resent you. Your followers are also almost guaranteed to be following other artists meaning your efforts can spread beyond your own circle of influence, so don’t be naive when you think you have little effect. Followers: You have just as much responsibility to be aware of those that might try to scam you or your fellow followers. Don’t just sit in silence when you see something wrong: Ignoring the issue only makes it more resilient to our efforts to stop it. You are the vocal majority if you just use your voices to be heard!
A scammer is impersonating artists and scamming money from their followers under the guise of ‘cheap commissions’. If we ignore the issue, it will get worse. Every single person that reads this can afford to spend just 10 seconds to reblog and share this post. Those 10 seconds can save others from being scammed for hundreds of dollars. Reblog & Share
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
Long time no see...
I just want to let you know, that because of troubles with picarto i created twitch channel...
And i am online right now:
Feel free to join me^^
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
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Hello, guys! I open commissions! \(*3*)/
Only 3 slots!
I draw: humans, furry (anthro), fanart
Not draw: robots, animals, NSFW, too detailed armor
- Extra characters +100% of the price!
- Simple background
- Payment through Paypal
Contact me: Messages on tumblr
Please, reblog this! Thank you! ^_^
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
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New commissions for Paeonn , Wicked and ChilieChii
DA | TH | commission prices | Patreon | ko-fi| FA
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
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And more commissions... All this batch belongs to OverlordPotato@TH
DA | TH | commission prices | Patreon | ko-fi| FA
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
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There are a few new finished commissions...
And now the count of chibi commissions is very close to 200. That’s kinda strange for me, ‘cause at the begginig of this year i celebrated the 100 chibi commissions kiriban... It means that i draw about a hundred chibis this year 0__0 Maybe i am much more productive than i always thinked? xD
Characters belongs to Nonstop@TH,@starwispart and OverlordPotato@TH
DA | TH | commission prices | Patreon | ko-fi| FA
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
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I finished a few commissions yesterday...But i don't feel happy because of this.
I just dreaming about having a little bit of free time for my personal works, but this is too difficult for the artist that earn money for all them irl needs via commissions and adoptables... I don't complain, cause i do what i really like, but... I work everyday, but it still looks like if i don't work enough.May be i have this feeling because i look at the commission prices by other artists and want to order commission, but after a sight on my PP balance i always realizes, that must stop buying a food for a week to order something... Understanding, that i worked hard for a long time, but still don't have enough money to acquire something besides the things of prime necessity, is such a pain.
It feels like...Like if i dont live, just survive every day...Dear god, it sounds like the useless whining... May be the best way for me is stop nagging and go back to the work (╬ಠ益ಠ)
DA | TH | commission prices | Patreon | ko-fi| FA
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
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I am always so happy when someone orders a fullbody or halfbody commissions from me*__* I love working on the backgrounds, love thinking about a pose that will better depict the character's personality...I love adding some details in the picture...
But may be i kinda overdid this time, ‘cause there is about a 700 stars on this picture... And, perhaps, i almost hate stars atm...
Anyway, i love the result...
DA | TH | commission prices | Patreon | ko-fi| FA
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
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One more chibi batch is finished, and i am almost dead... But i love it <3
DA | TH | commission prices | Patreon | ko-fi| FA
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
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I am sick and don’t want to do anything, but work can’t wait... So here are 3 new commissions i finished last week... Hope you guys going well and like the result of my work^^
Btw, atm i am open for commissions only here  ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)
DA | TH | commission prices | Patreon | ko-fi| FA
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
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For the last day of october i drew my cat, Marcus, who looks cute but are a real monster^^
DA | TH | commission prices | Patreon | ko-fi| FA
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
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No one in my twitter wants to request art from me TT-TT So, the last days of inktober i just focused on my OCs...Paola sleeps, as almost always... And Morrigan plan to put the spell on you xD
DA | TH | commission prices | Patreon | ko-fi| FA
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
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I finally finished the description of my new closed specie, so now my first werewho is open for adoption  ^^
Do you think you met werewolf? No, no and once more NO.
The whole conception of werewolves doesn't fit to this creature. Werewolves are humans who turns into the wolves, but werewhos don't turn into someone. A wolfy part of them is an actual wolf, and the humanoid one is the unnamed creature from the deep of the wild forest. They both have concluded the contract and now live in some kind of symbiosis as one organism. They switches theyr bodies in accordance with the situation. Wolf takes woman into him body to protect her, she takes him inside her body to help him communicate and search for food. They both possess theyr own minds and personalities. So it's not a transmutation, just a replacement. Wolf can almost complitely hide girl into them body...And girl can almost complitely hide the wolf.
And one more thing: forget about the moon phases and that "werewolf bited me" things. Werewhos can changing theyr bodies at any time, and if one of them bite you, don't worry, you will not turn into something. They just plan to eat you. This one is in theyr middle form.
More info you can find ind Werewhos QNA
Btw, reblogs are highly appreciated as always^^
DA | TH | commission prices | Patreon | ko-fi| FA
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
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Who forgot to post inctobers yesterday? That was me, that was me... I feel myself so guilty TT__TTBut i have some explanation: my best friend had celebrated her birthday yesterday, and i am always much more focused on my friends than on the other things^^
DA | TH | commission prices | Patreon | ko-fi| FA
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
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Halloween is coming, and it’s monster time^^
DA | TH | commission prices | Patreon | ko-fi| FA
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
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I am sooo slow…But i finished one more commission today
DA | TH | commission prices | Patreon | ko-fi| FA
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
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More inctobers^^
DA | TH | commission prices | Patreon | ko-fi | FA
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