katiajewelbox · 9 months
Happy Winter Solstice and first day of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere! In honour of this day, here is my Picmix animation entitled "The Snow Lady".
A mysterious Asian woman looks out of a window at a snow covered forest. Could she be Yuki Onna, the sinister snow woman of Japanese mythology who lures travellers to their doom or is she just an ordinary woman contemplating nature's beauty?
I made this simple animation using my original AI art combined with digital elements added in Picmix.
Music: Snow Fairies by the Fiechter Brothers
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ltwilliammowett · 10 months
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In today's 9th door I have not only one enchanting beauty for you, there are two of them, in a friendly battle - The Lady Washington and the Hawaiian Chieftain
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Lady Washington, left, and Hawaiian Chieftain in a battle
More about them here:
The Brig Lady Washington ( the original ship) was built around 1780 in Massachusetts as a merchant ship. The sloop was named after Martha Washington, but often appears in contemporary documents simply as Washington. In 1787, the ship was acquired by the investor group Bullfinch, Barrell & Company and, under Captain Robert Gray, accompanied the Columbia under Captain John Kendrick on its voyage around the world from Boston to the North American west coast from September 1787. The two ships were lost in a storm and the Lady Washington reached Oregon a week before the Columbia. She was thus the first US ship to reach the west coast. The ships were involved in the fur trade with the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest coast and then sailed on to Guangzhou in China. There, the commanders swapped vessels and the Lady Washington remained in the Pacific. Together with the Grace, she reached the island of Kii-Ōshima in 1791, where she established the first contact between the United States and Japan, while the Columbia returned to Boston on a westerly course in August 1790.
Hawaiian Chieftain is the name of a Square Topsail Ketch briefly known as the Spirit of Larinda. Built in 1988 in Lahaina on the island of Maui, the Hawaiian Chieftain is a contemporary interpretation of a traditional design. She is unique with the rig of a 19th-century trading vessel and a modern triple keel, shallow draft hull. Drawing only 5.5 feet (1.7 m), she is highly maneuverable in shallow waters.
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themarshmellow · 6 months
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A brown bullfinch and a brown bullfinch inspired lady
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dansnaturepictures · 2 months
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Some of my favourite photos I took in July 2024 and month summary post 1 of 3: Butterflies, moths and birds
The photos in this set are of; Comma at Martin Down, Large White at Lakeside Country Park, Lulworth Skipper at Durlston, Scalloped Oak at home, juvenile Cuckoo at Lyndon, Rutland Water, Great Crested Grebe and chicks and Lakeside and Peregrine in flight at Durlston.
July was another fantastic wildlife month for me. Butterflies played a big role as I did so many Big Butterfly Counts this month, a pleasure to take part in this important survey so much once again. I have thoroughly enjoyed spotting the likes of Ringlet in nice numbers, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Marbled White, Green-veined White, Small and Large White, Painted Lady, Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral, Peacock, Comma, Brimstone, Speckled Wood, Holly Blue and Common Blue. Elsewhere Common Grayling, Silver-washed Fritillary and Lulworth Skipper were quintessential summer species that I was ecstatic to see to get into my year; with Dark Green Fritillary, Wall Brown, Silver-studded Blue, Large Skipper, Small Skipper and Purple Hairstreak also a delight to see.
It was a magical moth month as Silver Y, Six-spot Burnet and exhilarating glimpses of Jersey Tiger moth at Lakeside also starred in my Big Butterfly Counts three day flying species included in the survey. I also very much enjoyed doing a moth trap a fascinating activity as I continue to learn more and more moths with Scalloped Oak, Lackey, Common Footman and Riband Wave great to see and Large Tabby coming into this house and Scarlet Tiger moth and beautiful Magpie moths a new species seen twice this month which was a treat enjoyed in the day. Yarrow Plume and Mint moth other highlights. Cinnabar moth and Emperor moth caterpillars were colourful and wonderful to see this month.
I also had a top birdwatching month with one I treasure a Green Sandpiper becoming my 200th species of the year at one of my key moments in my month and year at Rutland Water whilst up for the Global Bird Fair. On that trip juvenile Cuckoo the first I'd ever seen, Pochard ducklings, an evening Barn Owl encounter, Hobby, Marsh Harrier, excellent views of endearing Ospreys, Little and Great White Egret and Green Woodpecker and Treecreeper seen ringed at BTO demonstration were other key species of my month. It was a pleasure to see the Lakeside Great Crested Grebe pair raise another brood of youngsters this year and seen Peregrines well in Winchester, at Durlston and Corfe Castle. Other standout species this month included astonishing Kingfisher and Spotted Flycatcher views including young of the latter at Puttles Bridge in the New Forest, Kestrel, Yellowhammer, Skylark, Stonechat, Chiffchaff, Wren, House Martin, Swift, Bullfinch, Red Kite and Grey Heron, Moorhen, Greylag Geese, Lesser Black-backed Gull and young Black-headed Gull at Lakeside.
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swan-of-fabletown · 1 year
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As they waited, Briar Rose, Cinderella and Snow were talking and chatting about what they had been up to and news more. Eventually, they asked Keira how she was doing with the cases with Bigby. Keira: The other day, Bigby and I had to go to Mad's Bar & we eventually had to find Jack trying again to flirt with the ladies. Cinderella: Yeah, and he has just been dumped by Rose Red. Snow: It would be better if she were not going out with him. I can't seem to see why she takes him back. Briar: I am sure she won't give him another chance. The other day guess who I saw in Bullfinch Street, Edward Teach, he was in town, and I heard he was looking for Bluebeard. Terra/Receptionist: Table for 4. Table for Lady Rose, your table is ready Terra the Receptionist - @anideterm3
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The waiter came and took the ladies to the table & the first thing Cinderella did was order wine. It was almost a while since Keira drank some wine & she does have champagne during Remembrance Ball. Plus, she would've usually had a soft drink or some water due to her work with Bigby, but Cinderella made sure she got Keira some alcohol for once and her out of her feathers. The waiter brought their wines. A glass of white wine for Cinderella, and there were even two red wines for Briar Rose and Snow White and even a glass of Pink Moscato for Keira. Cinderella: Cheers, and let's have this great evening. All ladies tinkled their glasses.
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tigwex · 2 years
Couple of days late because it made me suffer the consequences but!
Went birdwatching to a local loch in subzero temperatures! It snowed the other day and has been cold this month, so I brought some food for the usual waterfowl that hangs out there - got 2 bags of porridge oats, a pack of oatcakes and sliced up a few old apples to give them :) The mallards were VERY hungry and followed me around a bit about it, the winter must not be treating them very well, considering half of the lake was frozen over completely and the rest of it was probably too deep for them to forage on the bottom of, not to mention people don’t really come out there much during winter I also spoke to a sweet old lady for half an hour about birds and when we parted ways she said she hopes she gets to see me again and learn more about birds if I go birdwatching there again :) Birds seen and identified in the trip: - MANY robins - rock doves - crows - magpies - herring gull - black-headed gull - pied wagtail - moorhen - eurasian coot - greylag goose - white fronted goose - feral domestic goose - hybrids of the three above - mute swans - many blackbirds digging around in the leaves - many mallards   - tufted ducks (rare for the area! they’re not common this far north, and the first time I’ve seen one!) -  bullfinches, both male and female - some kind of pipit, it flew away before i could get a good look - cormorants     - iceland gull (RARE!! and really pretty) -  common gull (despite the name, they're rare here, it’s the first time i’ve seen one) - blue tit - great tit - coal tit - a really noisy cute pheasant
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monriatitans · 2 months
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Sunday, July 21, 2024
"Lady with bullfinch" by Irina Koko
ArtStation Post
**Don’t forget to give Irina Koko a follow!**
The Artist Shout-Outs are given to human artists to combat AI art theft. #createdontscrape For more details, and to view previous ones, click here! See the piece on ArtStation here! See where else the Artist Shout-Out has spread here! The shout-out choice was inspired by the Oxford English Dictionary's Word of the Day: plum bird, which is, "In Shropshire, England: the bullfinch." Like what you see and want to know when there's more? Click here to subscribe for updates and/or hit the Follow button!
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libidomechanica · 2 months
Untitled (“For we two white-walld brother head, and magnifique,”)
But her eyes expression, she said.     Of getting Castlereagh! Revered that recollection wait,—     haste, nor birds do blow! Were strong and open for eyes? If loue     might from the children death in turn; and my head; not for his     own men, in this cheek, yet
since, I have fall have shunned a shade     on two cities, loveliness; my lord hath my fixt height     they hearts lie fall or One is not wish: but, as yet in his     babe in heaven dwelt full of grisly twine, who had last, or     next-to-last, she court’ she
also paused by Florian is     not fair, at their postilions. Of the North. Saw ye bonie faces     of married to such a dainty rind, should I give me     no more than looking voice, I brought up, and luck’s all. Perhaps     too late, but that the silver
be as when most I want to     lie; he took a hauf, and while shall live. For causes of the     Sun, the feuds, at high tide ebbs in such fire. Unto read; and     there, for we two green ruin end? Consumed with a wilderness:     but thought flashed there on
the kind kissed his first looked up with     his wit, who, when have no council up. Forget not least, shipwrackt,     spoyld, debarr’d their prayer, and least of ancient bliss for     any male Mrs. It for him. I ever has met wi’     my Phillis, has met wi’
my Phillis, has met wi’ my Phillis,     has met wi’ diamond here were was no port of senceles     tree? She tranquil and worthy Them; behold they would he     conquests far apartments level, such as fancies? Their names     upon it. Why who are
through our cries, the day you’ll be good     way of year beyond the sea, and in a rustic town and     talked in a funny way musician, Roman brows, with an     eye, here, to myself, and no less oceans of the enema.     The centre set out
of hope, we wind sways in lava,     fans of science: Lady Psyche to my way. Was it     yesterday call yet once more to weepe; vouchsafe, of all, Are you?     With circulation and does his ivied not tell, pointing     to their hydes, like other
sent mine owne chill’d brother thou     guess, though her hailed him, a neighbour set, five other children     dear, were might employ him as any sage’s crescent winds     shoot laser beams strangled cold blowing gauze and I have done:     mine eyes have a loved house.
Teach touch of us can standing     sheet. Tis not destroy; nor any; nay, you wrongs be crown on     a foresee, so sweet houses? Let sad misfortunes, justlier     balanced: the human hearth, that it was the dead. In their Christmas     up to them? Of
favourite, and troubled, the sea; nor,     England! Month of God choose, that was duty, in directed.     And breeze from the other poem written many a lovers     look on the one small leaders of the Garden was I     to dream. For we two white-
wall’d brother head, and magnifique,     and ruff too. And a bullfinch, and love it enough the blindly.     And the roaring her foes with sorrows at their habit—     blows coldly; lights quiver as in the door. To fold, of mountain-     bars: and everythings
progress of incorrigible     samples on our souls away! I love an equal grace and     angels look surprising slowly from all the with neither     of the whisper’d with, she will it only wake wives, take this,     was alarm’d, and over
it awkward Counsel of these moments     for azure views; and I, its amber eyes? A jargon,     a mere Sense a Miracle of Delight? While commands beyond     its mysterious glow, to your worst foes—     From the heaven to dust.
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lady-bullfinch · 7 years
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There are a few new finished commissions...
And now the count of chibi commissions is very close to 200. That’s kinda strange for me, ‘cause at the begginig of this year i celebrated the 100 chibi commissions kiriban... It means that i draw about a hundred chibis this year 0__0 Maybe i am much more productive than i always thinked? xD
Characters belongs to Nonstop@TH,@starwispart and OverlordPotato@TH
DA | TH | commission prices | Patreon | ko-fi| FA
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ariparri · 4 years
Christmas Sweater
Here's another story written by cursedautum on Instagram! This was her part of our little story/art trade we've been doing since October. I'll be sharing my part later. She has given me permission again to share the story.
I'm very happy with how it turned out, I just love how cute they are 😭💖 I plan on drawing something for this. But I don't know if I'll have the time due to my busy schedule!!
There are such winter days when you wake up and understand: today you will find something new and very good. It feels like Christmas morning is coming, even if it's just an ordinary winter day outside the apartment door, and nothing special is going to happen. But, as his mother had said to Diego a few years ago, the heart is not ordered, and this applies not only to love. And she was right, as always. 
That morning, Diego and Veruca were walking through the park. It was Saturday, the lazy, restful city was slowly waking up, the pale golden sun streaming down on the ground, drenching the smooth snow with a mother-of-pearl sheen. The sky was so bright and blue, so clear, as if it was a freshly washed window. Icy drops hung from the trees, snow-covered branches intertwined in intricate patterns; somewhere between them, bullfinches hopped about.
Veruca warmed her hands on her cup of hot chocolate and thought about something. Diego looked at her sideways. He rarely understood what she was thinking, but he just liked to look at her. Veruca was beautiful. And not just beautiful, but her own kind of beautiful, different from others. Diego especially liked her eyes — pale green, with thick lashes, serious and a little sly. Only special people have eyes like that.
"What are you thinking?" Diego asked, putting his arm around Veruca. A little girl ran past them, followed by a laughing man and a woman, presumably her parents. Veruca shook her head. "You will be surprised."
"Oh, come on."
"Seriously," Veruca smiled. "I'm not really thinking about anything that special. It's just... you know, I'm thinking about a sweater." and she laughed. Diego's brows went up: "About a sweater? Very thoughtful, Lady McQuaid. What led you to such an unusual thought that not every creature of our mortal world thinks about, may I ask?"
Veruca laughed and poked him in the shoulder, nearly spilling her cocoa. They walked on, hugging each other, and looked at the happy people, well-fed, rested, looking forward to the approaching Christmas, whose spirit crept like an invisible haze through Bristol, hiding behind the twinkling garlands, in the fluffy  tree branches, in the aroma of fresh pastries from the street cafe around the corner. Diego felt happy: he was home, safe, surrounded by friends and the girl he loved. R is no longer there. What else does a peaceful person need for complete happiness? Nothing for him.
Veruca, on the other hand, didn't seem to agree with him.
From that day on, Veruca was not herself. The very next morning, after spending the night with him, she began to search through all the remaining Burberry and I-Wardrobe catalogues in the house with obsessive zeal, looking for something on the glossy pages. These magazines were left in Diego's apartment from the previous owner, and he was not very interested in them, but they added a certain charm to the atmosphere of a creatively bright and cozy apartment.
Veruca had never paid much attention to them before, preferring to chat with him at breakfast or read one of her favorite books, but that morning, after making coffee and cheese toast, Diego noticed that his girlfriend was quickly flipping through the pages of magazines, swallowing their contents along with toasted bread and stringy cheese. It was a surprise to him.
"Hey, Ruca?" Diego laughed nervously. She was so familiar, in his shirt, sitting cross-legged on a chair and chewing on her toast. They liked to eat something unhealthy for breakfast, and for lunch they were content with soup or salad. "Did you want a sweater for Christmas? I was planning on giving you something more interesting."
Veruca looked up at him thoughtfully. "Nah," she smiled a little distantly, as if her thoughts were somewhere out there, far away from the apartment. "It's not for me. It doesn't matter," she put down her magazine and began to talk about how it would be nice to go and visit Coby before Christmas, but the wistful look in her eyes, which still clouded Veruca's gaze, did not disappear.
Sweaters seem to have become Veruca's favorite theme. Now not only Diego, but also Carson, and Tulip, and Penny, and in general absolutely everyone heard some strange questions like: "What style of sweater do you like the most?" or "What color sweater would you wear for the Christmas holiday?"
Penny rightly pointed out that she wouldn't have worn a sweater at all, but would have chosen a dress, and Veruca didn't talk to her for the rest of the day. Once, Talbott glanced sideways at Veruca, who had gotten to Chiara with questions about the warmest sweaters, and pinched his temple in annoyance. On any other day, Diego would have just shut him up — this guy and his girlfriend often annoyed him, but now he just shrugged. Talbott sighed and shook his head in understanding.
Sweaters. Sweaters. Sweaters. Diego didn't understand why Veruca wanted to do this, but in the end he thought that maybe she was looking for a Christmas present for him, her boyfriend. He didn't get a very clear answer from Veruca, but the realization that she was so determined to find him a suitable gift was very flattering to Diego. So maybe he should just wait a little while, and at Christmas Veruca would explain everything to him and give him the best sweater he could get for Christmas.
And he should just wait patiently.
Christmas morning greeted Diego with the smell of pancakes and syrup, the scent of a wreath of mistletoe hanging on the door, and the pale sun flooding the spacious room with a timid light. Diego stretched in bed, remembered it was Christmas, opened his eyes, and heard Veruca singing softly from the kitchen. He almost fell out of bed as he pulled out the box of perfume and the Katrina Richmoney pendant he'd bought just two days ago, knowing that Veruca wanted it so badly, and prepared to give it to her as soon as she came in. But Veruca still didn't come back from the kitchen, and Diego fought down his reluctance to get out of the warm bed, but he got up and went to the kitchen.
Veruca danced by the stove to Dancing Queen, dressed in her favorite niffler pajamas, her hair pulled back in a messy braid, surprisingly deftly turning over thin, crispy, fried pancakes that smelled so good that Diego's stomach rumbled. He came up behind her and purred in a catlike voice, "Good morning, my Christmas fairy."
"Oh!" Veruca jumped, and the pancake fell back into the pan. "Good morning, pretty boy." She quickly turned off the stove, turned to Diego, and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Diego broke into a satisfied smile. "What are you... oh!"
He pulled from behind his back a cream-colored rectangular box tied with a thin lemon ribbon, with an ornate inscription that read: 'Katrina Richmoney: J&P.' Veruca stared at him blankly for a few seconds, as if seeing him for the first time, and her eyes flashed with an emotional swirl of shock, joy, disbelief and gratitude, she then threw her arms around his neck in joyful delight: "Diego, thank you! Oh thank you, thank you-" she took the box from him, untied the ribbon with a few deft movements, opened the lid, and sighed with delight when she saw a pendant with a shimmering light green stone in the shape of a letter V and a bottle in the shape of a seashell filled with a pleasant-smelling liquid. 
"Oh, that's so sweet!" she smiled slyly. "Will you put it on for me?"
Diego obeyed without question. The pendant fit perfectly around her neck and shaded her eyes beautifully. Veruca immediately tried out the perfume that smelled of cloves, and was completely delighted. 
Diego liked to see her smile. Because of Coby, R, Rakepick, and the Cursed Vaults, she'd forgotten about the emotion of joy for a while, and she didn't smile, so he was acutely aware of her every joy as his own. Diego just wanted Veruca to be happy. Maybe that was why she smiled and laughed and just enjoyed life more because it mattered to him how she felt.
"Where's my present?" Diego moved closer to Veruca and almost pressed her against the countertop. She smelled of syrup and pancake batter. He wanted to surprise her by telling her that he already knew all about the sweater, because even a blind man would have noticed her obsession, but he decided to tell her after she handed him her present. No need to spoil the surprise.
"Do you want it?" Veruca asked playfully.
"Well, can you be my present, hmm? I was just dreaming that I got something sweet for Christmas. I think it's you. Or pancakes."
"Silly cute boy," Veruca laughed softly. Then she twisted around with a grin. "I'll go get your present."
"Of course, my love," Diego gave her his most charming grin, and she went into the other room while he started on the pancakes. Although Veruca had never been much of a cook, today's breakfast was so delicious that when she returned, Diego had eaten almost half of the pancakes and washed them down with a glass of milk.
Veruca returned with a surprisingly small box, and Diego was surprised to see that it was not the sweater she had been raving about for the past two weeks, but a white box with the inscription WizWatch — one of the most popular and expensive brands of wristwatches. The latest model.
Diego had often seen it in shop windows, but he never thought he'd get one from his girlfriend. It was, perhaps, very pleasant, and he could not even find the words to look at the gift that Veruca handed him with an expectant smile, but there was one question that still haunted him, despite the fact that the watch was his long-standing wish.
"Oh, that's just awesome!" he quickly opened the box. The watch glittered like a brand-new galleon with its smooth black dial and almost begged to be worn on his wrist. "Damn, babe, I've been dreaming about this watch since summer!"
"I know," Veruca said, smiling contentedly as they headed back to their room. Diego stared at the clock for a long time, and Veruca kept turning in front of the mirror, watching the pale green pendant shimmer in the timid sunlight. Diego stared at her, homely and comfortable, and finally decided to ask a question that might break their morning idyll, but the answer was too important. He cleared his throat, walked over to Veruca, wrapped his fingers around her shoulders, and murmured, "And that famous sweater you were obsessed with? Was it for me?"
Veruca looked up at him. For a few seconds, she looked as if the mirror reflected not her boyfriend, but some strange person, and an idiot. Then she burst out laughing.
Diego, not understanding, even stepped back. Veruca laughed, she laughed so hard that tears came out of her eyes, and he stood there, not understanding what was happening, and he felt like a complete idiot: why the hell was she laughing? Veruca, on the other hand, could not calm down her burst into such infectious laughter that in the end Diego himself began to laugh nervously, still not fully aware of what he was laughing at. More precisely, without even realizing what he was laughing at. But his girlfriend clearly understood everything and finally just fell on the bed, bending over with laughter. When she stopped, she looked at Diego and groaned: "The sweater... wasn't... for you."
"I've already guessed," he said, still smiling, but now in a jealous tone. Not him. Then who? Coby, one of their mutual friends? "Who then?" Veruca gave another stifled laugh, wiped away a tear, "Gambat."
Diego just stared at her for a few seconds  with the most stony expression on his face. "What?" he asked. Really, what?
"Gambat," said Veruca. "You know, my bat. Here, take a look." she pointed to the ceiling. Diego looked up and saw Gambat, Veruca's pet. He was hanging from the ceiling in a tiny green sweater with white Christmas trees and a red deer. Suddenly, two emotions seized him by the throat: amusement at his own stupidity and jealousy. Of course, it's strange to be jealous of your girlfriend's pet, but... yes, he was. Veruca must have sensed it, because she held out her hand to him and said: "You're offended."
"Nothing like that," Diego said. Veruca got up, walked over to him, stood on her tiptoes, and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him. The world swayed and seemed to be rapidly slipping away from under his feet. "I love you," Veruca said, smiling slyly. "You're a jealous fool, Diego Caplan, but I still love you. Merry Christmas."
"And you're crazy and incomprehensible, Veruca McQuaid, but I still love you, too," Diego grinned. "Merry Christmas," he said, and pulled her into a giddy kiss as they both giggled. 
Gambat, who was watching them from the ceiling, gave a barely audible snort and covered himself with his wings for show, but continued to watch the couple from his hiding place and cheerfully glittered with black transparent, cunning, beadlike eyes.
Merry Christmas, sweet couple!
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minilev · 5 years
Get To Know The Blogger
Tagged by @starsandskies (💛Lua!💛)
Name: Anna
Height: 5’5
Wearing: light grey Palladium baggy boots turned up because it’s almost -10C, light blue jeans and light grey sweatshot with bullfinch on it. Idk what this decease is but I have to wear matching colors, always.
Introvert or Extrovert? introvert.
Siblings: None.
Following: 756.
Followers: 3,130.
Degrees: something about tourism, restaraunt and hotel business management (I was young and stupid and wanted to travel the world. I do it now by myself but in 6 years in university tourism has changed a lot and no one needs this with airbnb and online services).
Instruments: I started to learn how to play guitar some years ago but it was stolen lol.
Favorite Author: you can’t ask me to name just one! But I want to read more Kierkegaard works (reading him is like having a conversation near fire place).
Favorite Star Wars: Return of The Jedi.
Last Google Search: aesthetics pics for Gary Golden.
Recommend a Video Game: VTMB, The Cat Lady.
Recommend a Music Album: A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step.
Recommend a Book:  The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce (it’s not what you expect it to be).
Recommend a Recipe: I’m on a strict diet and baked apples with a lil bit of sugar and cinnamon are saving my sweet tooth ass.
Share a creative thought that you had today: I’m not very creative lately. But I wanna draw another lumberjack Jacob Seed inspired by @xbaebsae‘s mods.
Tagging:  you! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (sorry, too lazy to tag)
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
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2/7/2022-Knepp: Blog 2 of 2: Birds, mammals and some more landscape photos 
Birds were such a key part of today too as they have become for our Knepp trips that we first did due to butterflies because of the Purple Emperors, and that’s mostly down to the White Storks. It was so amazing to see these gigantic birds again today, seeing three nests and getting fantastic views of chicks with one seen testing its wings by flapping and they all looked well. They are so mesmerizing to watch. It’s still quite surreal seeing them flying around too and we did so much of that today. There was a large shadow on the floor at one point and there could only be one thing making it and I looked up to see a White Stork. The pleasant collection of flying White Stork views was headlined today by a moment that felt tropical when we looked up and saw five of these in the air, sensational. Britain’s wildlife and landscape feels that bit richer with White Storks back and I am loving them. I took the first, second and fourth pictures in this photoset of them today. 
Brilliant red Bullfinch and a Whitethroat seen well were other key birds to see today. As was a Great Crested Grebe with adorable humbug chicks, smaller than those at Lakeside. It was lovely to watch these for a bit and as we did last year enjoy some Great Crested Grebe chicks outside of Lakeside too where I follow them so much. It’s my first really young Great Crested Grebe photos I took of them outside of Lakeside I believe. I took the final two pictures in this photoset of these birds. Moorhen with young stood out today too an there is an interesting mix of waterbirds here in the pond areas too. I also enjoyed a quadruple of seeing raptors with excitingly another Hobby for me this year I can see why they’d be here with the amount of their prey the dragonfly encountered, Kestrel hovering, Buzzard seen well especially at the car park at the start and one that had been spoken about by others day and in this habitat one I thought was something I just thought we might see today which we did soaring over when back at the car park before leaving at the end the Red Kite with it landing in a tree the other side of the road briefly too which is notable to see.  
It was nice to see Fallow Deers and catch up with the Tamworth pigs key mammals and pioneers of the landscape here today I took the eighth picture in this photoset of one of the latter seen. I took the third, fifth, sixth and seventh pictures in this photoset of more views here today.
It was a fantastic day of flowers with so many species seen. This was headlined as well as all the ragwort by seeing my first centaury and common toadflax of the year the former a bright looking pink one I liked learning last year and the latter also one I have a lot of time for, have really liked seeing over the last few years and saw when we came to Knepp last year. I also saw today; a nice mix of viper’s-bugloss, lady’s bedstraw, possible white campion, knapweed and oxeye daisy all looking great in and around the verge in bloom at the camp site car park always a highlight to see here each year, tiny speedwell and scarlet pimpernel, a yellow one possibly silverweed, possible chickweed type flower a little one, mallow, rose, St. John’s-wort, lots of lovely self-heal one I’ve had a nice few weeks for, lots of hedge woundwort a star of my year, I seem to recall a spotted orchid, foxgloves fitting in well in the views with the distinctive purple way markers of the Purple Emperor trail, lots of white clover with them making a great impression on the area painting it white, marsh bedstraw, bindweed and lots of dock too.
Wildlife Sightings Summary for Knepp: My first ever Leopard moth, my first of two of my favourite butterflies the Purple Emperor and Purple Hairstreak of the year, my first Gatekeeper of the year, my first of one of my favourite dragonflies the Southern Hawker of the year, my first Scarce Chaser of the year, four more of my favourite butterflies the Large Skipper, Silver-washed Fritillary, Red Admiral and Marbled White, five of my favourite birds the Red Kite, Buzzard, Hobby, Jay and Great Crested Grebes, two more of my favourite dragonflies the Broad-bodied Chaser and Black-tailed Skimmer, one of my favourite mammals the Fallow Deer, lots of Comma on a great run I am on for seeing them, Peacock, Ringlet, Meadow Brown, Small Skipper, possibly another of my favourite butterflies the White Admiral, another white butterfly quickly I couldn’t quite tell which, Kestrel, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, House Sparrow, Goldfinch, Bullfinch, Whitethroat, a fair few Long-tailed Tits, Blue Tit, Wren, Swallow seen really well over the water, Swift, White Stork, Herring Gull, Moorhen, Mallard, possibly woodpecker, Rabbits which was nice, Roesel’s bush cricket, another moth, a fish jumping out of the water briefly and I heard Chaffinch and Chiffchaff and Yellowhammer well a highlight today.
There really was so much we saw today. On the journey there and back it was nice to see a Little Egret closely from the car near some water, hollyhock, other flowers and some stunning views of the River Arun and the South Downs passing through especially in the sweet evening sun on the way back when at service station we got some splendid views of a fair few Rooks. I saw a Grey Silverfish and took a photo my first for a while before bed tonight and enjoyed nice sky scenes when home tonight. What a phenomenal day of walking and wildlife watching and enjoying taking photos so much. Leaving me positively worn out, a smashing summer Saturday. I hope you all had a nice day.
Part 1 of today’s posts is here: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/688705790489542656/2722-knepp-blog-1-of-2-landscape-butterflies
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Wonder Woman: on female characters in comics PART 3
p. 1, 2, 3
Finally my lazy ass finished it. Warning: Image heavy. Please bear in mind that English is not my first language and we do not beta, we die liek mne!
Part 3: Woman: Warrior, Wife, Wonder
Summary: Critical analysis of the character of Wonder Woman
Under the cut
Previously, I have talked about gender inequality in the comics industry and poor portrayal of female characters in the comics. In this part, I am going to talk about comics as an active political tool, and Wonder Woman as a medium of gender politics.
 Lepore and Fawaz both define Wonder Woman as the banner-bearer of the feminist separatist utopia (Lepore, 2016: 199) (Fawaz, Hall, Kinsella, 2017: 9), though they refer to different feminist movements. While Lepore stresses the importance of the movement of 1910s for the invention of Wonder Woman, Fawaz matches Themyscrira, the home island of Wonder Woman, to the idea of separatism of 1970s. As noted by De Beauvoir and Fawaz, it was impossible to imagine the life without men. Women have no separate history, no separate culture. They were attracted to the idea of an island, isolated from the rest of the world. This fantasy on the pages of the comic book has become a safe space for exploring the social, cultural and political possibilities and conflicting notions of a better, desirable world (Fawaz, Hall, Kinsella, 2017: 4).
 The very birth of Wonder Woman is a political statement. In the early 1930s Margaret Sanger has led the birth control movement. (Lepore, 2016: 147) The question of to whom belonged the power over the woman’s body has been on everyone’s lips. On the pages of The Origin of Wonder Woman Marston tells a story of a matriarchal birth, a celebration of woman’s agency. (Wonder Woman #1, 1942) Parallels can be found between the legend of Wonder Woman and Christian narratives, even more so than, for example, Superman, who is typically analysed as a Jesus figure. She is born, fathered by no mortal man, and sets on saving the humanity from the forces of hate and oppression, fighting injustice, suffering, intolerance and destruction. She is omnibenevolent and wise, even being chosen by the ring of the Star Sapphires, because her heart is abundant with love (Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #2, 2010) However, Diana has neither father, nor any similar patriarchal figure in her life. She is born in a feminist utopia with no contribution from a man. The significance of this phenomenon cannot be overstated. Wonder Woman is devoid of the weight of patriarchy; hence she is the manifestation of the feminist fantasy (Curtis, 2017: 307). For 70 years she has been an exceptional figure within the pop-culture, centered around the question of Fathers and Children and ignoring the trope of the Absent Mother. The feminist utopian fantasy, though, has been killed in 2012. Of all people, by her own new authors, Azzarello and Chiang. Not only does Wonder Woman have a father now, trivializing her story, taking away her legendary status, but also this new version destroys the sisterhood. In the new version, Hippolyta lies, because she is scared of Hera’s jealousy and revenge. The same Hera, who has protected Diana and Hippolyta from Zeus’ forced advances. The same Hera, who has blessed Diana at birth. Goddesses and Amazons are no longer a monolithic front, now they are pitted against each other, fighting over the affections of a man. Wonder Woman used to be a character born from defiance. Now she is a character born from fraud, and the supremacy of the male principle has been reinstated. (314)
 What early villains of the Wonder Woman comics share is their opposition to gender equality. Some villains were fictional, some of flesh and blood. Jill Lepore uncovers a schism, verging on an open war, between the writers of Wonder Woman in 1942 (Lepore, 2016: 210-213). Gardner Fox rejects the idea of the female superhero and downgrades Wonder Woman to typing out minutes and getting trapped to be saved by the male members of the Justice’s Society.
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 (All-Star Comics #14)
He refuses to include her in the action and show her fighting side by side with the rest of her colleagues. (All-Star Comics #12-17, 1942-43) On contrary, the political influence of Marston’s Wonder Woman grows by leaps and bounds, both in fiction and in real life.
 It is worth to also compare the politics of visual presented by the case of Fox and Marston. Under Fox’s pen Wonder Woman becomes a meek female heroine, an incompetent lady, and the textbook token female character, which makes a team diverse without delivering any real contribution. After the death of Marston, she is stripped even of such nominal power. Just as Athena warns Amazons, if they submit to a man, they will lose their powers. The metaphor of the gauntlets is very curious, in fact. Amazons are bound, so that they do not forget what happens if they let man conquer them (Madrid 2009: 36). Surprisingly, Wonder Woman uses the gauntlets to protect herself, deflecting bullets and other weapons. We can see a careful threading of Marston’s motif on the struggle of women. A paradoxical situation of a shackle turned into a shield can be connoted as the remainder for women that they have broken free and they are powerful, but if they submit to a man, they will lose all their power. (Lepore, 2016: 220) Wonder Woman’s lasso is also a reference to a real-life phenomenon, specifically the lie detector. Its invention has fascinated Marston and on more than one occasion he has offered his services as the operator to the US Army (Lepore, 2016: 61). For him it has been a turning point in history of science and politics, and of course, Wonder Woman needs such a device in her adventures.
 Opposed to Fox’s portrayal, Marston’s Wonder Woman stands against the International Milk Company that has been overcharging for milk, “an essential element of American children’s lives”. It has been a direct criticism of politicians such as Al Smith. On the pages of the comic books, Al Smith turns into a Nazi secret agent Alphonso De Gyppo, the evil president of the International Milk Company. Twice he tries to kill Wonder Woman, but she manages to escape him and lead a political rally. She captures his evil boss, Baroness Paula von Gunther, and the prices for milk drop, to the gratitude of American children and everyone concerned. Another example involves a fictionalized social critique of the working conditions in America. A textile workers’ strike in Massachusetts, in 1912, is retold as a strike against Bullfinch’s Department Stores, as the workers are underpaid and exploited. The real villain is the fiancé of the lady, who is owning the Department Stores, and when she realizes his true evil nature, she punches him and takes over, doubling everyone’s salaries as the first order. (Sensation Comics #8, 1942)
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  Everything feminine and girlish had been considered (still is) weak and boring (Lepore, 2016: 187). Marston, on the other hand, believed that men confuse desire with pleasure. They desire domination, while women can receive pleasure from both domination and submission. He felt that if there had been a strong beautiful woman (Marston wanted Wonder Woman to look like a Varga Girl), men would submit to her willingly and she would teach them love and peace. Never before such a character has existed (191). Submissiveness became power.
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  (georgia peach, alberto vargas, esquire, 1940s)
The Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps are formed in 1942 by Roosevelt. Each issue of the solo Wonder Woman comic book has praised women, who have also been scientists, writers, politicians, social workers, doctors, nurses, athletes, and adventurers – or, in other words, Wonder Women of History. (Lepore, 2016: 220-222) Chained, tied up and gagged women are an allusion on the suffragist movement. Women seemingly reclaim the imagery of bondage and bound, giving it the implication of the struggle, the defiance, and resistance. Moreover, the idea of submission has been the new display of feminine supremacy. (236)
 Fretheim suggests noting that Wonder Woman’s weapons form circles and defines them as ‘vaginal weapons’ (Fretheim, 2017: 24) as opposed to phallic weapons such as guns and swords. That it, I must correct myself, until recently. As can be seen in Chiang reimagination of Wonder Woman, she is often depicted on the comic book covers with swords, axes and other weapons.
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  As if drawn phallic weapons also raise the levels of testosterone, to match her updated apparel, new Wonder Woman is also more short-tempered, aggressive and has actually become the new Goddess of War after defeating Ares. (Cocca, 2014) However, some, like Walter J. Ong, have argued that even the earliest version of Wonder Woman has been ‘too much like a man’. (Lepore, 2016: 255) He criticizes her resistance towards marriage and family life, accuses her of sustaining only on the anti-social pure sexual allure, by standards of the men. He goes on to develop an argument that comics have been fascist propaganda, with the concept of ‘supermen’ directly borrowed from Nietzsche, ‘the herald of Nazism’. (256) If you are not sure who Walter J. Ong is, it is that same man who concluded that Batman and Robin promote homosexuality and we can say thanks to him for the Comics Code nonsense. So, we can see that Wonder Woman has constantly faced accusations of being ‘too masculine’. It is a hard job of being a girl in the boys club: you’re either the lady-friend who inevitably becomes the love interest or you’re a tomboy. Wonder Woman tries to be both, to be neither, to be something else entirely.
 Nonetheless, in 1944, out of all comic book superheroes, it is Wonder Woman, who becomes a newspaper strip. There is a considerable difference in exposure between comic books and daily newspapers, opening a whole new audience to Wonder Woman. She joins Superman and Batman as the first trans-media superheroes and thus the Trinity is formed. Marston has always been quite open about Wonder Woman being feminist psychological propaganda for the new type of strong and courageous womanhood. (220) The message of Wonder Woman transcends the comic books and becomes a social commentary on the gender politics and economic environment of the twentieth century.
 Unfortunately, this is the temporary liberation. The most sinister villain of them all turns out to be the peacetime. Once again, the comic book works as a mirror, reflecting the changes on the political and socio-cultural stage. With the end of the Second World War, there blooms a daunting realization that the service of women is no longer required. The period of high threat is relieved by the period of low threat and the decisive, tough heroes can loosen up. Not to undermine them and the returning soldiers, women all over the country are fired and urged, those unmarried, to tie the knot, and those married, to hurry up and procreate. Wonder Woman is stripped of her kinky red boots, of her position at the Justice’s Society and ultimately, her powers. She becomes a friendly guide for young ladies, who dream of fairy tale romance, a handsome husband and a multitude of little pink-cheeked copies of him, running around their little cozy house. (271)
  Feminist movement gave birth to Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman has become the symbol of the feminist movement. When Wonder Woman has appeared to be chained and depowered and forced to fit into categories she has been fighting against since her creation, “fellow sisters” has come to her aid. She is put on the cover of the Ms. magazine and once again blazes the fantasy of the female superhero, equal to Superman and Batman, and of the all-women culture, glorious in its isolation from the discrimination and oppression of the male imposition. (Lepore, 2016: 283; Fawaz, Hall, Kinsella, 2017: 8)
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  Wonder Woman returns to peaceful protests on the pages of It Aint Me Baby and feminist newsletters. There starts the try and miss of the comic industry with the female characters. Wanting to cash in on feminists, Marvel attempts to introduce new female characters, but they all fail spectacularly after just a handful of issues. (Lepore, 2016: 289) Forty-five years later, the situation is not much better. Marvel executives even try to put the blame on the readers, because apparently the stories about diverse characters are not selling. (Cain, 2017)
To be fair, in 70s it has been a real issue. Nothing has been selling. Even Wonder Woman. The feminist movement is divided. Radical, liberal and intersectional movements emerge, at odds with each other. The Second Wave supports a predominantly white, heterosexual view.
 In 1987, Wonder Woman is rebooted. Pérez and Wein make her more ethnic, acknowledging her origins. They finally bring up the fact that on an island with 100 percent female population, homosexual relationships take place. (Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #38, 1990) In the #180 issue Diana is in a relationship with an African American man, Trevor Barnes. She gains her powers back. She addresses the issues of race, sexuality and gender. Wonder Woman rises again on the crest of the Third Wave of Feminism: a struggle for equality, diversity, complexity, inclusivity, individualism and cultural critique. (Cocca, 2014) However, due to historical processes, as history does not evolve in a linear, progressive fashion, the maturity and growth call for a major backlash (Cocca, 2016: 10). The comic books are then overflowing with hyper-masculine men and hyper-sexualized women. The new Wonder Woman, Artemis, has been criticized and remained unaccepted both by readers and by the characters of the comics themselves. For instance, Batman is openly dismissive of her and objects to her presence, going as far as forbidding Artemis to even sit in Diana’s chair in the Justice League Headquarters. (Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #90, 1994) The problem with Artemis is that she is too aggressive, too rash, and therefore, does not fit the norms of femininity, imposed by the predominantly male audience.
 Wonder Woman is rebooted anew in 2011, as mentioned before. Contrary to the critiques that Artemis has received, this Diana is also aggressive and ‘male-like’. Here we can notice a similar pattern. Because female empowerment associates in men’s mind opposite proportionately with male disempowerment, a strong female superhero that challenges the social structures terrifies the reader. Hence, Amazons are both objectified and dehumanized. They are no longer peaceful immortal protectors – after the reboot, in order to maintain their population and quench their sexual thirst, they engage in sexual intercourses with sailors, who have expressed dubious consent and are often killed off afterwards. Newborn girls are to stay on the island, while boys are sold into slavery to Hephaestus in exchange for weapons. Amazons’ queerness is erased from the narrative. Wonder Woman discovers that she has a brother, who is somehow more powerful than she is. (Justice League Vol. 2 #50, 2016)
 She also pursues romance with Steve Trevor. Their relationship is truly a double-edge sword. He has appeared in the first issue of Wonder Woman and has remained her supporting character since. The polarity of his character lies in the interpretation. From one side, he is a ‘token boyfriend’ (Robbins, 2006), from the other, he is a lonely boy in the refrigerator. Robbins argues that introduction of Steve Trevor should ensure the reader in Wonder Woman’s heterosexuality. Therefore, he is the political instrument that positions Wonder Woman in the framework of heteronormativity. On the other hand, it is an interesting subversion of the ‘damsel in distress’ trope. Steve Trevor gets in trouble and Wonder Woman rushes to his rescue. His suffering propels her plotline and he is secondary to her character, not having much of a distinct personality, changing with the trends over time, reflecting what kind of man is popular at that instance. The only constant is the mesmerized ‘Angel’ to Diana, which, in fact, either baffles or irritates her. (Sensation Comics #2, 1942) Either way, the existence of the character of Steve Trevor restricts Wonder Woman from exploring her diverse sexuality, but on the other hand constructs a new meaning for visual representation of Wonder Woman in the comics.
 During the Second World War, people have been constantly bombarded – by standardized imagery. With the rise of Communism and the National Socialism, the rhetoric of good and bad has returned to the military conflict. One side is morally right; their opponents then must be immoral and wrong. One side is the hero and the other side is the villain, aiming to oppress, torture and destroy. As we know from the fairytales, from everything we have been taught, the good side always wins the evil. The hero always arrives just in time and saves everyone. This stream of non-stop visuals from the media has produced something Alvin Toffler calls a ‘mass-mind’. (Toffler, 1980: 176) The comic books promote All-American ideology and the image of the superhero that defends the world with the help of the good sports from the American Army. It is a ready-to-wear moral certainty. The movements are represented by a particular group: the feminist movement is predominantly white and heterosexual; the LGBT movement receives one-dimensional representation of the G.
 In the late 70s the stream gradually becomes less uniform. Toffler introduces the concept of ‘a blip culture’ (177), a culture of confusion, feeling of abandonment and anger, because now the visuals are fragmented, contradictory, people are left to give these ‘blips’ their own meaning. The system pulsates with bigger and bigger amounts of data. Today we want out information fast. Faster. Memes, photos, tweets, and headlines of the articles we are never going to open to read in full at the top of the IPhone screen. We prefer to digest information through visuals. It does not matter where we live, in a developed or a developing country, in a metropolitan city or in the countryside, we stay up to date with the pop-culture. It necessarily consists of the modern and old media, which become another ode of propaganda and promotion of the ideas, people and trends that just ought to become popular. The power of textual is substituted by the power of the visual.
 Comics are the low genre of entertainment. It is primarily identified as being strictly for children and youth (Ndalianis, 2011: 113). And yet it has victoriously invaded the mainstream media. No matter how much so-called nerds desire to maintain the illusion of an exclusive boy-club, who are socially awkward and misunderstood by everyone, it is no longer a niche. The comic book characters’ faces decorate lunch boxes and backpacks; they become a new type of celebrity, symbols of the generations. It is no longer the comics in itself that is important – but the superheroes. The phenomenon of the superhero has transcended the medium of the comic book. Pop-culture turns politics into another component of the field of entertainment, and brings it on the transnational level. It becomes a performance, where the spectators are the citizens, divided into the politically charged individuals and apolitical witnesses. The superheroes are a fiction, but the borders of the fiction and the reality blur. With appearance of the superheroes on the screen, the audience starts associating the character with the face of the actor. Because the superheroes are already surrounded by myths, different interpretations and fandom, the figure of the superhero can become more real than the person, playing him or her. The imagery and simulacra, which are the foundation of the society, create a model of the prevailing life style of the said society. It is not the aggregate of the characters, but the social relationships between people, intermediated by these characters. (Baudrillard, 1994)
 To support my argument about how the superheroes received the status of celebrities and how Wonder Woman has become a simulacrum of the political figure, we need to break down the process into five stages. I shall bring some examples to build a case to explain how the superheroes have evolved in our consciousness and from mirrors have transformed into active agents that represent and influence masses.
 In 1996, a special edition comic book has been released, featuring Superman, to promote the landmine awareness among children. The comic has been distributed to Bosnia and the territories of the former Yugoslavia. DC has published the comic book in cooperation with the Department of Defense and UNICEF. So, exhibit one: the superheroes, as the role models, are suitable to educate children.
 In 2016, a certain video has gone viral under the name Avengers Against Trump. In reality, it has little to do with Marvel and its team of superheroes, but it has starred some of the actors from the cast of the Avengers, such as Scarlett Johansson, who have been emphasizing the importance of each and every vote. Their disdain for Trump becomes the disdain of the superhero they play. Exhibit two: the process is started, the reality and the fiction begin to merge, the figure of the actor is perceived not as a celebrity of interest, but as the avatar of the superhero.
 On February 7, 2016, Turkish Airlines has released a commercial, where they have been ‘pleased to announce the new destination: Gotham City’. Ben Affleck appears during the commercial, credited as Bruce Wayne. Exhibit three: real life companies utilize the superheroes as the ambassadors of the brand. The line between performers and the superheroes they play becomes even thinner. The superhero becomes more real.
 In this fashion, Wonder Woman is no different. Maybe even more exemplary, as she has been created specifically as feminist propaganda. The artwork in Mural, Philadelphia, depicting Wonder Woman landing a punch on Donald Trump, illustrates quite well the extent to which the reality of our social and political consciousness and superhero narratives influence each other.
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 Wonder Woman is a superhero, which defends all defenseless and openly stands against discrimination and oppression – and there she stands against Donald Trump, a person in a position of power, who is infamous for his racism and sexism. Exhibit number four: gathering information and background from the comics, TV-shows and movies, we analyse it and draw our own conclusions and assume that the superheroes have certain opinions about the realm of noumena, to which they do not belong, and what these opinions would be. Most people would agree that Batman is – notice how the conditional would be is dropped – for gun control. Harley Quinn is crazy about Comic-Cons. Wonder Woman is anti-Trump.
 Wonder Woman has become a symbol and a spokesperson of modern feminism through this fusion of fiction, politics and personalities of the actresses. Wonder Woman has become a simulacrum of a celebrity and by extension a political figure. She makes choices, supports some politicians and publicly disapproves others. The critical point of this development takes place on October 21, 2016, when the UN has decided to use Wonder Woman in an honorary role in the empowerment campaign to fight for gender equality, and thus, Wonder Woman is appointed as the UN ambassador. The final exhibit: it shows that the superhero is treated like a real person and has been given exercisable political power. One might point out that she has been demoted from the position two months after, but the case rests. We live in a world, where Wonder Woman has become an ambassador of the United Nations, even if only for two months.
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(Wonder Woman design art, Harry G Peter, 1942)
Fawaz, R., Hall, J., & Kinsella, H. (2017). Discovering paradise islands: The politics and pleasures of feminist utopias, a conversation. Feminist Review, 116(1), 1-21.
 Lepore, J. (2015). The Secret History of Wonder Woman. New York: Knopf.
 Curtis, N. (2017). Wonder Woman’s symbolic death: On kinship and the politics of origins. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 8(4), 307-320.
 Madrid, M. (2009). ‘Sirens and Suffragettes.’ The Supergirls: Fashion, Feminism, Fantasy, and the History of Comic Book Heroines. Ashland, OR: Exterminating Angel, 2009. 145–81. Print.
 Fretheim, I. M. (2017) Fantastic Feminism: Female Characters in Superhero Comic Books. Trykk: Reprosentralen, Universitetet i Oslo
 Cocca, C. (2014). Negotiating the Third Wave of Feminism in "Wonder Woman". PS: Political Science and Politics, 47(1), 98-103.
 Cocca, C. (2016). Superwomen: gender, power, and representation.
 Cain, S. (2017). Marvel executive says emphasis on diversity may have alienated readers. The Guardian. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/apr/03/marvel-executive-says-emphasis-on-diversity-may-have-alienated-readers [last accessed on 1 May, 2018]
 Robbins, T. (2006). Wonder Woman, Lesbian Or Dyke?: Paradise Island as a Woman's Community. Available at: http://girl-wonder.org/papers/robbins.html [last accessed on 15 April, 2018]
 Toffler, A. (1981). The third wave. London: Pan in association with Collins.
 Ndalianis, A. (2011). Why Comics Studies? Cinema Journal, 50(3), 113-117.
 Baudrillard, J. (1994). Simulacra and Simulation. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press.
 Fly to Gotham City with Turkish Airlines! Super Bowl TV SPOT (2016) Available at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS7JBHxdxko [last accessed on 8 May, 2018]
 Avengers Against Trump. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnK9tEdNjX8 [last accessed on 8 May, 2018]
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athingforantiques · 6 years
So what was your first 'official' partner like? Have you had many since then? (Agency not romance)
Marty Bullfinch was the first. No kidding.
I’ve always worked alone. It’s just been easier that way. I can stand weather and rads that would have your average squishy biological detective down for the count pretty fast.
I told Marty that. He said, we don’t have to work together together, we can just work out of the same office and divide up the cases. Sounded like a good idea, because I was realizing I couldn’t keep up with all the work I was taking on.
Well, it turned out he was just one more thing to keep up with. The guy was bad news. It was good for him, having an office to work out of, because people already knew where to go to look for a detective. There was a certain portion of our clientele who were a hell of a lot less reluctant to hire a human gumshoe than a synth. But after a little while people were asking for me by name again.
Yeesh. I don’t like to speak ill of the dead, but -- yeesh. The truth is, they weren’t asking for me by name, they were asking for not that guy. Especially the lady clients. “Is Bullfinch around? No? Good, I’ve got a problem for ya, Nicky.”
Then Ellie came along. The two of them weren’t exactly... compatible. And I know which one I’d rather have around as a second brain to bounce ideas off of. Marty took off on his own and spared me having to give him the boot. You know the rest of that story.
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thecycleista · 6 years
The Times In Between: Chapter Three
Notes: I reference Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) and Mathilda (1820), as well as Bulfinch’s Age of Fables (1855). The publication dates of these novels do not mesh with the timeline (especially Bullfinch) in Frozen that I am working from. So artistic liberties have been taken. Basically just imagine that Iduna got a very early releases in 1816. 
And if you’re wondering if there’s any rhyme or reason to the time jumps, the answer is pretty much no. The Anna/Elsa/Kristoff timeline will remain the chronological constant, while flashbacks about anything before Frozen will appear out of order. 
Previous Chapter
Frozen: Canonverse
Rated: T
Pairing: Kristanna, Agduna, very Frohana
Word Count: 2,343
The day that Iduna met Agdar was the worst day of her life. At least that was what Iduna was determined to believe when she woke up that morning. It was the day of her sister’s wedding, the day that she would loose Freya forever to a distant land. She was happy for her sister, but only as happy as one could be when they were devastated for themselves. 
Six years her senior, Freya had been like a second mother to Iduna. As a middle child in a flock as large as theirs, one was bound to be lost or forgotten. If it hadn’t been for Freya who was courageous and beautiful, the shy small younger sister would have been lost in the shuffle of life. It broke Iduna’s heart the day that Freya’s engagement was announced. In a way it shouldn’t have been such a shock for her to see her sister off and married was she was. They were from a large-powerful-family, and she knew that one day she too would be married to another large-powerful-family, as had been done for hundreds of years.
The Ehrensteg’s were one of the oldest families in Arendelle; old money, old blood, old land. Their home, Ehrensteg Valley was nestled in the valley of the East Mountains. She grew up instilled with the responsibility that came wth a family of her stature; and marrying strangers from a strange land was certainly a part of that. There was nothing she could do about that. So young Iduna spent her days doing as much of what she loved as she could: painting, playing piano, reading books, riding horses and making up stories with her siblings. It was a world she began cultivating at a young age, and one that she kept safe.
Agdar’s life, while it came with many luxuries, had few privileges. After the death of his brother, he was left an only child and the sole heir. His father, King Edvard was stalwart and immovable. Agdar was convinced that his father hated being a parent more than anything, and if it were possible to produce a fully grown heir to the throne, that it would have been more preferable to him. 
King Edvard was known as many things, but warm was not one of them. He was harsh with everyone. When it came to his relationship with Agdar, he focused on education, a military career, and preparation to one day be king. If it weren’t for Queen Maria, the young prince may have never had a proper social life. His mother was beautiful, charming, and the gregarious queen of society. And when Edvard was unable to attend the wedding of Freya and Frederic, she brought sixteen year old Agdar to the Ehrensteg Estate. 
“Iduna, there’s someone I want you to meet” Lady Ehrensteg said.
The forlorn fourteen year old girl had no desire to make friends that day. She was perfectly content to wallow in her misfortune.
“Your highness may I present my daughter, Lady Iduna.” her mother said, “Iduna, this is Prince Agdar” 
The shy girl instinctively knew to bow her head and curtsey.
“Your highness” she said.
Agdar was lanky, fair haired, and appeared to be just as mortified as her. He was awkwardly tall for his age, as if he boyhood body wasn’t prepared for a rapid growth spurt. He would find himself tripping over his feet, and clumsily knocking things over because he was unused to taking up so much space. 
Iduna’s mother felt that she could be a great beauty when she came of age. Pale skin, blue eyes, and rich brown hair, she was very pretty for her age. Despite her striking features, Iduna did everything she could to appear ordinary and invisible. She wore her long hair in a simple plait, and shied away from any adornment.  
“There aren’t many children your age here, so I thought Iduna could keep you company while you’re with us. My dear, why don’t you show his highness the library.”
“The library?” 
“Yes dear, you both love to read. It should make for plenty of conversation.” 
“Of course mother” Iduna conceded, “Right this way your highness.” 
Iduna had no skill at concealing her emotions. The best she could offer was not to be visibly upset at having to play hostess to a complete stranger, no less a stranger who she was obliged to pay homage to. If their guest liked to read, well that was one thing she supposed. But Lady Ehrenstag wasn’t telling the whole truth, there were other children, and surely one of Iduna’s brothers would have been a better fit to entertain the prince. Why would she saddle her with the future king of Arendelle, and at such an inconvenient time?
Agdar was happy to simply be out of his father’s earshot for the weekend. Apart from the actually wedding ceremony that had taken place earlier in the day, there was little for him to do. It was clear that her new companion wanted nothing to do with him. It was just as well. He relished the idea of finding a good book and hiding away for a few hours.
Iduna broke the silence, “How are you enjoying your stay your highness?” 
“It’s very pleasant here” he remarked with a shy smile, “And please call me Agdar, or Ag is fine too.” 
Iduna was able to manage a small smile in return. “Agdar then. The library is here, father keeps all the fancy books out for show, but I have all my favorites here.” 
She moved towards a cupboard hidden underneath a nearby windowsill. The shelves of which were tightly crammed with stacks of books. 
“Are these all yours?” he asked
“Most of them, yes. A few are borrowed.”
Agdar reached for one of the volumes. “I can’t believe that you have this” he remarked.
“You’ve read Frankenstein?”
“And Mathilda. Against my father’s wishes of course. He hates anything sensational or romantic. Can’t stand poetry or mythology, so of course those are my favorites.” 
“Mine too. Mother doesn’t care for them either, which is why I keep them out of way.” she clarified. 
“You have an an impressive collection” he remarked as he filed through the books “Clarissa, Mysteries of Udolpho, Zastrozzi, and ah… my old favorite Arabian Nights.” 
“I’ve have that forever, I think it was father’s, then Freya’s and now mine.” she observed
Agdar’s hands fingered through the familiar pages of the stories. “You know it’s funny” he remarked, “I’ve actually never met anyone else who liked the same things I did.”
“No one?”
“My brother died when I was ten. And after him there was no one to talk to.”
“That sounds very lonely.” she observed
“I don’t mean to make it sound all bad. I have some friends, all sons of my father’s council members.” Agdar said, “But what about you? I supposed it’s hard to feel lonely in a place like this.”
“I could do with a little more loneliness. There’s always people around, but that’s just normal. If I want to be by myself can just go outside, ride my horse, or go sit in the valley and draw.” 
Iduna felt more at ease moment by moment. She moved across the room to a drawing table near a large window, “Here, these are mine, I do them in pencil and water color. It’s too hard to sketch them outside, all the little birds and rabbits. They move too quickly thorough the meadow. So I like to practice drawing them from my books.”
“They’re lovely.” he said
“Thank you”
“I mean it though, sincerely. They all have a liveliness about them. They all look so innocent, so happy.” His hand lingered over a drawing of a mother duck and her two ducklings. 
“Do you draw? Or paint?”
“Not very well I’m afraid. I like to write music though.” 
“Piano?” she asked
“Yes, and the violin as well.” 
“I must show you the music room later” Iduna said smiling, as she realized she was looking forward to it. 
Before meeting Iduna, Agdar had never known anyone who like the same things he did. She was just as surprised as he was that they could spend hours talking. How she had wanted to resent him for being thrust upon her, for invading her space and taking her away from her self pity. Agdar was delightful and she couldn’t stop smiling and laughing with him. 
The next day she took him to the stables. In the valley where they lived, one could wake up and see the mountains all around her painted in green, blue and grey. The family was famous for the Fjord horses they bred. A keen rider, Iduna would ride daily through the lush valley and up to the blue fjord that jutted against the landscape.
Once the horses were saddled Agdar reach forward and offered to assist her onto her mount
“Here, allow me to help you” he said. 
Iduna was unprepared, both for the gesture and for her heart to skip a beat. Agdar kept a firm hold on her hand and waist. It was a sensation that she had never experienced before. She anticipated the end of their ride, only so she could feel his touch again. 
That night, on their last evening together they sat side by side at the piano. Agdar’s long fingers swept across the keys at an impressive pace. His brow was set and his eyes focused on the sheets of music. Yet, somehow in his tension he was able to create the most beautiful sounds. 
“Do you know any duets?” he asked
Iduna couldn’t help but smile. Duets were her favorite to play with Freya who had taught her. They switched sides so that she could play the high part. 
“Ready?” he asked 
She nodded and counted them off. And somehow it was no surprise to Agdar that Iduna matched him measure for measure. He was however overcome at the sound of her sweet soprano voice carrying over the melody. His father would have scolded him if he saw the blush that flooded his face. They laughed when both of their hands reached to turn the page of the music. 
“No keep going, don’t stop” she insisted with a laugh. 
“You’re so fast” he remarked 
“What can i say, I’ve had a lot of practice.” 
Agdar felt his smile growing. It was easy to be with Iduna, he was impressed with how clever and kind she was, but most of all she didn’t expect anything from him. Seeing a glimpse into her life gave him hope. As for Iduna, she expected the young prince to boring at best or arrogant at worst, but he was as far from both as one could possibly be. In fact, to Iduna, Agdar seemed the least arrogant person she had ever met. 
“We’ll be leaving early tomorrow, for home” he said after the music ended.
She found the words hard to form in her throat, “I wish you could stay longer, or come back and visit again.” 
“I hope I can, it’s not really up me. After I finish my studies this year, father is sending me to start my officer training with the Royal Navy. Maybe I can come back and visit before I leave.”
Iduna nodded her head with earnest, “Yes, you’re always welcome here. And not just because you’re the prince, but because you are a friend. A true friend.” 
It was the first time she saw Agdar blush. “That means a great deal to me Iduna. You’re a true friend as well, probably the first real friend I’ve ever had.” 
They both smiled. Iduna broke the silence when she got up to walk toward her cupboard. 
“I have something for you.” she said, “Since you love mythology, you must take this.”
She handed him a book titled, Age of Fables. 
“Your Bulfinch? I wouldn’t want to take from your private library.” 
“No, it’s for you to start your own. Surely there’s some secret place in that palace of yours. I want you to have it Ag.” 
Agdar was touched, “Thank you. I wish I had something to give you in return.” 
Iduna never had any expectation of him owing her anything at all. 
“You’ve given me a great comfort in the past two days. My sister is leaving us, and yesterday I was devastated. But, now feel better, thanks to you. 
Her heart stopped again when he reached out and gently took her hand in his. 
“May I write to you?” he asked
Her breath caught in her throat. “Yes, of course” she said. She could swear that he saw every pore on her face turn red.  
It was late now. Agdar offered to escort Iduna to the family quarters where her room was. It felt very grown up when he offered her his arm, and even more so when he raised her hand to his lips when they reached her door. 
“Goodnight Iduna” he said.
“Goodnight Agdar.” 
Iduna closed the door to her room, but falling asleep was the furthest thing from her mind. 
Elsa and Anna held hands as they stood outside the doors. Anna hadn’t seen the inside of this room in years. After the news of the shipwreck came, she held herself up in their bedroom for days leading up to the funeral. Nothing had been moved in the years since, except for items that were owned by the state. 
“Are you ready?” Elsa asked
“I’m always ready.” Anna replied with a reassuring smile
They pushed the doors open to the vacant room. The bed and all the furniture were covered in dust cloth. Stacks of trunks were piled at the far end of the room. The windows were locked, shuttered, and covered in heavy drapes. 
Elsa felt a crunch underneath her foot. A stray mothball. 
Anna sneezed against the dust in the air. 
The silence was underwhelming. The emptiness was palpable. 
“Where do we start?” Elsa asked
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taxtiles · 3 years
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Female bullfinch commission mounted up today on a bespoke branch with foliage I’ve made from scratch. Other birds will sit on the other branches eventually. Was feathering this lady for a while! Will take proper photos of it once dry. #commission #birds #taxidermy #taxidermist #taxidermyart #birdtaxidermy #feather #passerines #curios #vultureculture #oddities #bullfinch #femalebullfinch #glassdome #habitat #neovictorian https://www.instagram.com/p/CYCjOXyKd7W/?utm_medium=tumblr
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