ladyakari1 · 4 years
My experience working at a liquor store for a month and what the fuck happened in which resulted me losing that job.
Karens are apparently a regular thing that will happen about once a week or so. And welcome to covid Karens! So, because of Covid-19, it’s been difficult for liquor stores all across the US to receive literally anything from overseas, which happens to also include Italian, French, Spanish, and German wines, beers, and liquors. Covid-Karen gets upset that we don’t have any Italian and Spanish wines and liquors that she’s looking for, for her 50th wedding anniversary and decided that it was my fault for ruining the day for her. Look, bitch- I don’t control that shit but whatever- have a nice day. Or a shitty one. I don’t care what kind of day you have. Fuck outta my face.
Had another fun Karen while I was wearing a Patriots sweatshirt. This woman comes up to my register with a 12 pack of cheap ass beer. I’m not exactly one to judge, but I mean, she was acting as if this stuff was the nectar brewed specifically by the gods and she was the chosen one and all that other shit. Declares that she doesn’t like my sweatshirt, i say, “that’s fine, you don’t have to.” She rolls her eyes and asks for a nip (a 50mL bottle) of Jameson Irish whiskey. I ring it up, she and I both discover the nip is $3.50. She declares that it’s too expensive, I offer to take the item off, she declines and purchases it. Then demands a bag for her 12 pack of beer that already has a handle to conveniently carry. Ok, no big deal, right? I struggle to place the beer in our largest size bag. Karen gives me this look, crosses her arms and says “I meant a bag with handles. Fix it!” I didn’t know what to do, so I said we didn’t have any bags with handles. Apparently, she could see that. Goad her eyes work. Told her to have a nice day like I do with all my customers. She said, “don’t tell me what kind of day to have!” Ok. Have a day hope it gets better.
Had a man come in twice within an hour and a half to two hours. The first time that day, he bought a 4 pack of specialty locally brewed beer and complained about the cost and said it was a lower price on the shelf (because of course people say one thing and it’s actually another, literally all the time!) and also bought a pint of whiskey and a pint of vodka. Came in a little later, dude was talking in cursive! So, I let my manager know. The guy asked me a few inappropriate questions, I felt uncomfortable, but there’s not much you can do, other than politely tell the guy he needs to leave the premises.
A couple small things happened with expired licenses/IDs, which leads to us not legally being allowed to serve them. Vertical IDs are also a thing we’re not allowed to accept.
Male Karens are a thing! Dude comes in and immediately shoves a receipt in my face and says he never got his 10% military discount (a month ago) he then goes on and on about how much of a terrible person I am and how he didn’t fight for his country only for me to act like oh idk, a store employee who has to get clearance from any of her managers first....? Honestly, for a veteran, he sure as shit doesn’t act like a normal one. This, coming from a girl whose family and family-friends served. I grew up around veterans and absolutely none of them have ever acted like this particular person. Even with the 10% discount, the alcohol sales tax in my state is 9%, so in reality, dude is just getting a 1% discount.
What lead to my getting fired though- my use of the word to describe the tiny, 50mL bottles of liquor. I call them “nips” because that’s exactly what the fuck they’re called. A manager who, as a person seems to think he knows literally everything. A “know-it-all,” if you will. So this guy goes and tells me I can’t use that word. I said, “uh, why...?” He says, “it’s a derogatory word!” I was still pretty confused so, I asked “can I say nip it in the bud, I got nipped by a dog/cat, cheese nip, it’s a bit nippy outside today?” He said “no, because that word is a derogatory word for the Japanese!” So, I’m pretty confused at this point in time, because in all my 29, almost 30 years in life, I had never learned any of this information before. So I asked about it and apparently, here’s a history lesson, in World War 2, the term “nip” originated from the word “Nippon,” which is apparently Japanese for “Japan.” The term “nip,” was allegedly used by Americans during ww2, to call people of Japanese descent. How long ago was ww2? Oh right- 75 years ago. The term has been a dead term for at least 70 years.
So I got fired for using the correct terminology for a tiny ass bottle of alcohol, because some white guy decided a term that’s been dead for 70+ years was “racist.” Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot make this shit up.
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ladyakari1 · 7 years
“tea is just leaf water!” “yeah well coffee is just bean water!” wow, it’s. it’s like everything is made of things. this door is just wood rectangle. this poster is just ink paper. this lemonade is just lemon water. wow, it’s like you can combine ingredients to make things that are more enjoyable than the initial parts of the equation. sure is a magical world we live in
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ladyakari1 · 7 years
All Tiffany’s are dumb cunts
All girls named Tiffany are the most snooty, dumb bitches I have ever fucking encountered!
For instance, in high school there was a Tiffany and she sat behind me in my sign language class, constantly kicking my chair. Asked her to stop multiple times, always gave me this “oh I’m so much better than you, I can do what I want” type of look. You know, snooty. And she would keep fucking kicking my chair and flicking the back of my head and laughing about it and pretending like she didn’t do anything. Asking for fucking help didn’t do shit either! All they decided to do was a “peer mediation,” which by the way, doesn’t fucking work. Take a bunch of teens and lock em in a room together to have the victim explain what’s going on IN FRONT of her tormentor, while that person is giving this look like “why do i need to be here? This is a waste of my precious time. Can i go now?” Who the fuck does that?
Last night, this other Tiffany girl was taking up 3+ fucking parking spots! How? By being a dumb cunt and not being considerate of how many other people may live in a house. I mean, she parked her cheap ass car like it was a fucking McLaren!
So, I called up my friend to let her know that she and I cant park in our spots because someone else took literally both with just one! So then I parked in the circle till I could figure out what to do, not really knowing about the parking pad yet. (I know now!)
My friend calls the house, asks something about what’s going on with the parking situation because someone else is in a spot I would usually be in and its not the weekend yet and not only that, to find that she also doesn’t have her spot for her raised F350. So we’re wondering “what the actual fuck?”
It’s not “first come, first serve” parking around here. People have their assigned spots because we park our cars there literally every single day! Guests can park somewhere else! And maybe NOT take up so many spaces where other people can’t park? It’s called common fucking courtesy.
So, I end up getting yelled at because I called to essentially complain about parking.
Tiffany gets a little bit yelled at for taking up a bunch of spots and her only response was “oh well I was here first so I’m not moving!”
All girls named Tiffany are snooty, act spoiled as hell and all think other people should be kissing the ground they have just walked on!
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ladyakari1 · 7 years
Nebraska used to have the abbreviation of NB but was changed to NE so that it wouldn't be confused with Canada's New Brunswick
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