ladybebbanburg · 1 year
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ladybebbanburg · 1 year
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Hello everyone! Guess who is still alive :) Adult life sucks, how are you, what's new?
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
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Æthelflæd IN THE LAST KINGDOM, 2.07
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
Hello everyone! I am still alive but after the depression I had and many personal problems. I've made the decision that I'll stay away from here for a bit but you can find me on discord (I don't like to make it public but if you send me a DM I'll gladly pass it to you). I'm not 100% active but certainly much more than I am around here today. <3333 I MISS YOU GUYS A LOT.
¡Hola a todos! Sigo viva pero después de la depresión que tuve y muchos problemas personales. He tomado la decisión de que me alejaré de aquí un poco pero puede encontrarme por discord (no me gusta hacerlo público pero si me envían un DM con gusto se los paso). No soy 100% activa, pero sin duda mucho más que por aquí hoy en día. <3333 LOS EXTRAÑO MUCHO.
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
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Hvitserk looks carefully at the woman and then smile softly. “You don’t know what it is that I am going to ask you my lady,” he says with a soft voice. He doesn’t want to cause any trouble for her but he did want to make sure that she is aware that he wasn’t going to ask for anything foolish.  
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Skade ended up laughing but it was an exaggerated laugh before the words pronounced by Ragnar's son but she only took a step towards him. However, Skade was intelligent but also manipulative, she had power over the gods and it was clear that he wanted something from her. "What do you want?" she finally asked.
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
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“I’m sorry I kept you waiting Freydis,” He says softly and then smiles at her as he gently touches her cheek. “I hope that you can forgive me for keeping you waiting,” He says and then watches her for a moment. “There was a lot do unfortunately which kept me away,”  
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⌜—           "It's all right, don't worry," he spoke realizing that he had had his reasons. "I will, but you'll have to make it up to me" he expressed with a half smile. "You'll have to tell me what it was that kept you away" she moved closer to him at his touch and her gaze did not leave his eyes.              ⸥
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
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He looks at her and then gives a smile of some amusement. “Of course not. You don’t strike me as a woman who would be easily scared my queen,” He says with a small smile gracing his features for a moment before he looks very carefully at her. “You don’t need to fear me,”  
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⌜—           It was true, she was not a woman who would come to be easily frightened and this was clearly no exception. "I don't," she admitted at that look, she had fully seen the way he had won England and it was clear his desire to be king but now she was uncertain what would happen to her.              ⸥
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
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Ivar looked carefully at the young woman and his lips twitched into a half smile but he then nods. “I’m glad you see it my way Freydis.” the fact she agreed did please him. “You know that it was not my intention, don’t you? I lost my temper that’s all,” He says his tone rather measured.  
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⌜—           The truth was that it didn't surprise her, but it wasn't something she could ever say or do. In many ways she felt that he was simply a person who was not understood and at times when Ivar lost control, she knew it was best to back off. "I know, calm down" she moved closer placing a hand on his chin and looking him in the eyes.              ⸥
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
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lords, we cannot take eoferwic with this number.
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
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she’s only given you a dozen?. to retake a town?. you did mention brida, didn’t you, lord?
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
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i’m right where you left me.
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
Good night <333
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
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╳┊The lady of Bebbanburg presents… with Gisela & Finan AU! Modern Verse feat @inprometheanfire​
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⌜—           Gisela was sound asleep when the phone rang causing her to wake up, she was surprised looking at the clock that showed that it was 4:00 AM, who was talking at that time? She didn't know but it irritated her even though she ended up answering the unknown number to learn that her best friend and her husband, Sihtric, had died in an accident, the girl had survived because she was with the nanny at home. She was asked to come to the house, for an instant she thought of the little baby they had, she was only one year old. She felt a lump in her throat, trying to get to know the tears at that fact. "I'll be there" was all she could say as she tried to process what had happened. Her best friend was dead? It must have been a nightmare, tears streamed down her face but she did her best to hold back, she ended up getting up and changing so she could head to the house and face the truth. However, when she arrived, it took her several minutes to get out of the car but she stayed in front of the door without being able to enter even though there were several policemen in the place and many people that she did not identify.              ⸥
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
El fuego no tardó en apoderarse de los salones al oriente del castillo, lo que sembró el caos entre los hombres de Mercia y los de Wessex que luchaban en los callejones y murallas. Y fue entre ese caos que los Berserkers de Anlaf se movieron buscando a Astrid, tenían que huir del reino cuanto antes y si no se llevaban consigo a la princesa, todo lo que habían pasado habría sido por nada. Para su buena fortuna, entre el humo y las llamas, pudieron esquivar los combates y dieron con la patrulla que se llevaba a la sajona en un callejón cercano a los establos.
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-¡Por Odín!.- Rugió el señor vikingo, al cargar junto a guerreros contra los hombres de Mercia, tras emboscarlos. Su hacha de guerra dio con el rostro del primero de ellos y sus propios vikingos se encargaron del otro, que trató de huir. Encontraron a Astrid en el suelo, aterrada.-¡Eh, eh! Calma, amada mía, soy yo.- Le tranquilizó Anlaf, tras quitarse el casco y la besó en la frente como hacía siempre que se separaban.-Tenemos que irnos, hay hombres de Mercia en todas partes y el castillo esta en llamas.- La ayudó a levantarse y ladró ordenes a sus vikingos, que de inmediato les abrieron paso hacia la muralla mas cercana. El guerrero le quitó una espada a uno de los hombres muertos y se la ofreció a la princesa.-Esperemos que no la necesites, no te separes de mi, Astrid, no dejaré que nadie te haga daño.- Le prometió, antes de llevarsela consigo.
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⌜—           Los gritos siguieron y lo único que provocó fue que Astrid se sintiera aterrada en muchas formas mientras terminaban por llevarla contra su voluntad cosa que simplemente provocó que su corazón se acelerará del terror implicado pero al final lo único que ocurrió fue cuando terminó por caer, notando como atacaron al hombre que la llevaba y terminaba el resto por huir, trató de huir pero escuchó a Anlaf levantó su vista, sus ojos se cristalizaban en demasiadas formas posibles. “Anlaf” susurró sorprendida por verlo vivo terminando por levantarse con su ayuda, sentía su corazón que se iba a salir ante todo ese aspecto. “¿Qué? ¿En llamas? Oh no... Wessex no puede caer. ¿Y mis padres? ¿Y la gente de Winchester?” preguntó queriendo negar el irse de ahí mientras observaba el castillo arder frente a sus ojos. Tomó la espada cuando se la dio y asintió con la cabeza. “Tenemos que ayudar a mi gente, no podemos huir” pidió, desesperada. Era su gente, su pueblo, ella era la futura reina, debía de poder hacer algo, sajones atacando sajones, eso no era algo que podría permitir o si quiera terminaron por ver venir, sentía su corazón hecho un nudo, sentía repulsión de todo lo que presente.              ⸥
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
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“ it seems a wish that you had always hoped for. “ he gives her a gentle smile, canting his head to study her. she truly was strong, admirable and he couldn’t help but find her absolutely someone that he would always want to remain with. he reaches over to touch her hand gently, holding her eyes. “ just as your father wanted. he would be most proud. “
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⌜—           "Maybe you can have it both ways" She finished by smiling though she couldn't say more in the face of that aspect because she never believed she could marry someone she would love and at the same time put the good of Mercia above all else. He knew after all they would simply have to wait for it to happen but he was confident it was for the best. Mercia was very weak and if Uhtred was willing to make that great sacrifice, being by her side he believed that everything could be possible. "Maybe though I don't think it will cause him much happiness that you are about to marry his daughter" she expressed letting out a light chuckle in between.           ⸥
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