#( ╳┊❝ Int: Gisela Hathacanutesdottir ❞. )
ladybebbanburg · 3 years
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╳┊The lady of Bebbanburg presents... formerly with Gisela & Villiame feat @sorcierchaton​​
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⌜—           She had no home, her only family was the one who forced her to marry a much older man she didn't love. She had heard about how cruel he was, she didn't want that for her life. She wanted something more, she needed to believe the gods had something more for her, she refused to think it was her destiny to marry a man just for silver, to join lands. "But you are a Dane, you would fight to the Saxons no matter what" she ventured to think though with a half smile because she understood even though Gisela was not entirely bled but despite being the ones who would lead her brother to become king and believe himself with the great power to do what he would wish, the great king of the north, of Saxons and Danes. "The monsters? In what way?" she asked unsure what she meant. "I... I don't know, it used to be with my brother but it's not like that anymore" she admitted with her eyes down though the next thing she missed, the invitation. "Where will you go?" she asked curiously, perhaps it was what her fate awaited.           ⸥
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uhtredxbebbanburg · 2 years
Gisela & Uhtred feat @siihtric​
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“No dejaré que te suba a la cabeza que ahora eres oficialmente el Lord de Bebbanburg” expresó con diversión hacía Uhtred cuando lo vio sentado y terminó por sentarse a su lado con una sonrisa. Estaba contenta por encontrarse ahí con Uhtred, que hubiera podido recuperar su hogar después de todo ese tiempo, sabía cuánto significaba para él. “Me encanta este lugar” admitió, y que estuvieran todos sus hijos con ellos era sin duda gran bendición. Tan solo deseaba que eso pudiera traerle la paz a Uhtred que tanto merecía. ​
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xdestinyisall · 3 years
╳┊ @ofimaginarybeings​​
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          She heard her son's screams from where she was and it caused Gisela to immediately know what it meant so she left everything to leave her home in order to welcome her husband back home. She carried little Stiorra in her arms and smiled broadly when she saw him even though it caused her to giggle slightly combined with a lot of tenderness from her children's excitement at seeing their father, it was normal, they had days without seeing him. ❝——Hi, I'm so glad you're back❞ she approached giving a short kiss on his lips. ❝Say hello to your daughter❞ she spoke with a smile.
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ladybebbanburg · 3 years
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╳┊The lady of Bebbanburg presents... formerly with Gisela & Uhtred feat @ofimaginarybeings​​
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⌜—           His lips, the touch of having them against hers was a glory, she felt blessed. She had dreamed so much at that moment, to have him back with her and she waited every day for his return, every day she clung to the fact that he was well and that it would all be worth it, she realized that was for sure. She stroked his chin, feeling her heart skip a beat. She felt like she loved him more every day, she didn't know if even that was possible but she felt that way. "I will always wait for you, you are my greatest joy" she whispered against his lips as she broke the kiss but rejoined before them for a while longer, she wanted to hear about his journey, what he had done but nothing was more than having him there with her. "I missed you so much, Uhtred. I'm glad to have you here again" she admitted, it could be days, weeks but the emptiness was always felt when he left. She knew for a fact that not only she felt it, so did her children but the joy came back double when she was back with them, with that little family they had formed and she loved more than anything.           ⸥
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ladybebbanburg · 3 years
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╳┊The lady of Bebbanburg presents... with Gisela & Uhtred feat @bebbanburged​
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⌜—           The first time Gisela set foot in Bebbanburg, it had been a world full of emotions. She had never imagined the place to be such a place but she was so happy for Uhtred, she knew all she had waited, fought and suffered for it but she was finally back home, a place where their children would both end up living. She approached Uhtred with a wide smile unable to take her eyes off him. "After so many years, you finally got your home back. I'm too proud of you but also so happy" she looked into his eyes, it was impossible to even try to look away from him.Gisela stroked his chin, gently and just hoped he could finally have that peace he so deserved.              ⸥
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ladybebbanburg · 3 years
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╳┊The lady of Bebbanburg presents... Gisela & Finan feat @inprometheanfire​​
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⌜—           "Lord Finan, I didn't see you arrive, is everything in order?".           ⸥
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
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╳┊The lady of Bebbanburg presents… with Gisela & Finan AU! Modern Verse feat @inprometheanfire​
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⌜—           Gisela was sound asleep when the phone rang causing her to wake up, she was surprised looking at the clock that showed that it was 4:00 AM, who was talking at that time? She didn't know but it irritated her even though she ended up answering the unknown number to learn that her best friend and her husband, Sihtric, had died in an accident, the girl had survived because she was with the nanny at home. She was asked to come to the house, for an instant she thought of the little baby they had, she was only one year old. She felt a lump in her throat, trying to get to know the tears at that fact. "I'll be there" was all she could say as she tried to process what had happened. Her best friend was dead? It must have been a nightmare, tears streamed down her face but she did her best to hold back, she ended up getting up and changing so she could head to the house and face the truth. However, when she arrived, it took her several minutes to get out of the car but she stayed in front of the door without being able to enter even though there were several policemen in the place and many people that she did not identify.              ⸥
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ladybebbanburg · 3 years
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╳┊The lady of Bebbanburg presents a new year's eve party with pagans & saxons feat @siihtric​​
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⌜—           En todo ese tiempo jamás espero recibir una invitación del rey sobre una fiesta en paz, entre sajones y paganos, una de la despedida del año. Era claro que habría problemas si no tomaba las medidas indicadas pero le alegraba la idea de encontrarse ahí, llegó con su esposa e hijos al lugar, se acercó él directamente hacía el rey. “Gracias por invitarnos, Lord” hizo un gesto para posteriormente decirle a sus hijos que hicieran lo mismo.           ⸥
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⌜—           Solo había una cosa que le importaba más que nada, y sin duda era la cerveza, Finan había acudido directamente a tomar un tarro para beber un gran trago, observaba desde lejos al resto de los invitados que se encontraban ahí pero no dijo demasiado con la mirada, simplemente lo único que hacía era disfrutar de encontrarse ahí bebiendo, aunque alerta. “Deberías tener cuidado, las cosas están tensas” advirtió, a la persona continua.           ⸥
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⌜—           "¿No vas a tomar eso? Dame” terminó por tomar el vaso continuó que estaba a su lado, si iba a soportar una fiesta de ese grado necesitaba tomar demasiado, observó a su padre con el rey hasta que les mando a llamar y se acercó hasta que se bebió todo de golpee, se acercó saludando al rey. “Rey Alfred, gracias por invitarnos, tan agradable fiesta” habló con sarcasmo pero sonrió, una sonrisa tan adorable pero tan fingida ocultando una risa que solamente su hermano con facilidad podría detectar.           ⸥
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⌜—           "Esto debe ser una maldita broma” expresó una vez que había llegado con los suyos, una celebración de todos presentes ahí, el simple hecho le irritaba pero sentía que había una trampa o algo por el estilo, no podría existir tanta caridad empleada proveniente del rey de Wessex pero lo único que se quedó fue cerca de su gente, apenas se mezclaban aunque les indicaban que lo hicieran, lo único por lo que estaban ahí era para terminarse su comida y su cerveza, nada más.           ⸥
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ladybebbanburg · 3 years
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╳┊The lady of Bebbanburg presents... Gisela & Alfred feat @siihtric​​​
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⌜—           "Uhtred no se encuentra, Lord. Ha salido a cazar pero puedo servirle un poco de cerveza en lo que esperá” habló amable terminando por servirle para entrar el vaso. Lo cierto es que le sorprendía la presencia del rey en su hogar pero no le desagradaba, aunque temía que tuviera que esperar mucho porque en algunas ocasiones Uhtred solía ir más lejos.           ⸥
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ladybebbanburg · 3 years
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╳┊The lady of Bebbanburg presents... formerly with Gisela & Finan feat @inprometheanfire​
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⌜—           It was true that she never imagined she would find herself living in Bebbanburg without Uhtred, his loss would always be present but he had died fighting and was in Valhalla. She thought of him, constantly and would not give that up but she was sure she was with her family, with the gods enjoying herself and drinking, happy that she had achieved her destiny, regained her home and now it would end up being for her children, for her family and would continue to transcend. 
          However, she knew that much of that or most of it was due thanks to Finan and she was grateful that she had stayed. She could leave, she no longer had a Lord but for now she knew that as long as her children believed she would have to have someone stay on the sidelines and Gisela did what she could although it was never enough, besides they never respected a woman's voice or words, much less when it was someone like Gisela who never held anything back or kept quiet. "Finan, you were his family. Of course he belongs to you, you supported him all the time, you were by his side. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to get him back. I believe that if you will, he wouldn't want to see you sad. He is in Valhalla, he is happy, he died fighting and regaining his home, he fulfilled his destiny. Don't burden yourself with it”.              ⸥
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xdestinyisall · 3 years
╳┊ @siihtric​  “Would it help if I stayed?”
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          ❝——Uhtred, estaré bien. Ya he traído a dos de tus hijos...❞ Y sin embargo, esa vez se sentía distinta, no se sentía del todo bien y Gisela lo que menos deseaba era preocupar a su esposo que tendría que hacer lo que fuera que el rey le hubiera pedido, tenía un juramento y ella lo comprendía. Se encontraba recostada y apenas podía abrir los ojos. Sin embargo, en el fondo lo que más deseaba era que no se fuera y se quedará con ella, trataba de mostrarse valiente pero en el fondo estaba aterrada. 
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ladybebbanburg · 3 years
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╳┊The lady of Bebbanburg presents... with Gisela & Uhtred feat @siihtric​​​
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⌜—           Había pensando mucho en el pasado en como sería su vida, había leído las runas, había sabido que se casaría con un gran guerrero y tendría tres hijos pero nada se comparaba con ahora haberse todo vuelto realidad. Gisela disfrutaba de tener a Uhtred en casa, con la paz reflejada y aunque sus hijos ya fueran mayores o al menos quisieran aparentarlo, para los ojos de Gisela seguían siendo esos niños. Osbert, el más pequeño de ellos era quien más se parecía a Uhtred, un guerrero que deseaba seguir cada paso de su padre, Stiorra, una soñadora como Gisela pero con el coraje de su padre, deseando explorar y devorar el mundo, y su pequeño Uhtred, tan distinto al resto pero con el corazón más puro que existiera. “Uhtred, siento que nos dejarán pronto y no estoy lista para verlos partir” confesó, siempre solían ir al lago en la noche para compartir solo un momento ellos dos. “Se que debemos de, pero aún son tan pequeños” admitió con una leve risa.              ⸥
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xdestinyisall · 3 years
╳┊ @inprometheanfire​
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          Gisela could pretend, she could just pretend she hadn't lost someone important but she had and despite the months the pain would still be there, it would probably always be that way. She never imagined that Uhtred would die in battle and even though she had recovered for her children they were still too young to even be Lords and for Gisela it was quite a ride.
          In all that time if it hadn't been for Finan's help, she wouldn't have known what she would have done. He had always been by her side, every step of the way. As always proving how faithful he had been to Uhtred and to them. Gisela had told him he was free to leave, and yet he had not. Not even once had she let him finish his sentence. Gisela had prepared some honey water and brought two glasses, she approached Finan to hand him. ❝——And are you used to living in Bebbanburg yet?❞ she asked with a half-smile as she took a drink.
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ladybebbanburg · 3 years
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╳┊ “ would you pretend to be my date? “ with Gisela & Finan feat @inprometheanfire​
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⌜—           She would never have been able to get ahead if it hadn't been for Finan who had supported him at all times, and she had always known why Uhtred had chosen him as his right hand man, or let him be as Lord of Bebbanburg until Young Uhtred was old enough to take the position, he had done everything for his family and for her. However, it was the first time he had ever asked her for anything and that surprised her although it was amusing because she didn't even know why, she was sure he could choose any woman. why her? However, she didn't even hesitate for a second, she approached him ending up nodding her head.
          "Of course, I'd be happy to pretend to be your date" though it wasn't like it bothered him to simply have to pretend either. "And with whom or what's going on?" she asked curiously ending up simply standing face to face with him.              ⸥
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xdestinyisall · 3 years
╳┊ @liftedrelics​​
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          After all that time when she thought she had lost Uhtred forever, he had come back for her and saved her from marrying someone she didn't want or love. Since that day she had not been separated from him. Gisela had had the most intimate and beautiful wedding she could have ever imagined with him. It had been two months since they had been together when at that time she began to show all the signs of being pregnant, yet she had not told Uhtred. She wanted him to focus first on that big battle he would have with his brother to get his home back and avenge his family, they would be leaving in a couple of days. She knew it could wait, however, she found herself leaning on the door frame outside her home watching him train and without erasing that love-struck smile she had since the first day she had seen him. When she noticed that he had taken a short break she approached him with a jar for him to drink some honey water. ❝——Are you ready for the big day?❞ she asked with interest.
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xdestinyisall · 3 years
╳┊ @ofimaginarybeings​   26 . a kiss on the stomach
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          Gisela's eyes were closed but she was not asleep, yet the feel of the kiss on her stomach made her smile. ❝——Looks like someone is happy that he will have another child❞ her voice was sweet and low, she opened her eyes slowly to meet her husband's gaze. She shared the same joy he did, she loved each of their children and that they would have a third couldn't help but make the excitement even greater. ❝I think it's going to be a boy, he's moving a lot❞ and she didn't know if it was because he heard them talking or Uhtred's kiss but he was moving. She gently took her husband's hand to place it on her belly so he could feel it.
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