ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
“I think I’ll always be a romantic, you know? Someone could completely rip out my heart and walk away and I’d still be willing to believe in love again. They say hope breeds eternal misery, but really without hope, what else have we got?”
— Kristie Betts (via perrfectly)
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
Despite keeping to herself for most of the ball, Ella was still enjoying the event. Just watching everyone dance from the sidelines and listening to snippets of conversations was enough to keep her content. She’d felt plenty of eyes on her when she first entered the ballroom, but for the most part everyone had ceased paying her any mind after she took up residence on the edge of the party. Kit had approached her for a dance not long after she’d arrived, but since declining his offer she’d been alone. She spotted Rapunzel’s roommates, Flynn and Cass, talking not too far away, but her friend didn’t seem to be with them. A few other people she knew were scattered across the room, all in the midst of conversations that Ella didn’t want to interrupt. 
Still on the lookout for any of her stepsiblings, Ella decided a refreshment was in order and made her way over to the table where she’d heard some kind of sparkling wine was being offered. She couldn’t remember who was providing the drinks at the ball, only that it was one of the many festival sponsors. Ella reached out for a glass of what she assumed was prosecco, only for her hand to collide with another reaching for the same one. “I’m sorry, please go ahead,” Ella withdrew her hand with a smile. Her lips stayed upturned when she realized she knew the man standing beside her, “Hello Charlie, are you enjoying the ball?”
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
Nothing could compare to the Charmings’ ball months earlier, but Ella had to admit that Coolsville had done a wonderful job of putting together the Pride Ball (though she still half expected some ghoul to show up in the middle of the evening). It had the formality she expected from such events, while still retaining all the liveliness of the rest of the festival. While of course not everyone abided by the dress code, the vast majority formed a glittering sea of pastels. As she looked across the crowd she saw numerous rainbow tulle skirts and quite a few tuxedo-dress combinations. Many others had opted for outfits that utilized the colors of specific flags — gowns of orange, pink, and white reminiscent of a sunset or embroidered suits of light green, black and gray. Ella’s own dress was a flowering gradient of pale blue and pink, with a delicate crown of baby’s breath resting atop her head.
As she weaved her way into the party she lingered long the edges of the crowd, taking everything in while she stuck to the wall. She had a few friends she’d planned to meet, but she wanted to figure out if her stepfamily was in attendance as well and, if so, where they were in the room. So long as she kept out of sight from them, the night would likely go without a hitch. To her surprise, however, she’d caught the attention of Kit instead. He looked as gorgeous as the first night they’d met (albeit without a mask this time) and she couldn’t help but blush when he complimented her, “Thank you, you look lovely as well.”
Her heart stung with his next words. He had seen her at one of his own parties — he just had no idea it had been her. The memory of that night lingered in her mind as he extended his hand to her for a dance. They’d been here before and Ella hesitated. If they danced he might realize she was the masked mystery woman from his party or, worse, they could attract too much attention and she’d be noticed by her stepsiblings. “A very kind offer, but I have to decline,” Ella shook her head with a bittersweet smile. “I’m not one for dancing.”
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//closed event starter @ladyinsilvcr
Kit danced with numerous people, nodding and exchanging warm conversations to strangers and acquaintance alike. The people in their pastel colors swayed to the music from the ball and Kit enjoyed being part of the waves of colors. With every bow, he was reminded of the night he hosted a ball at their mansion. He was still looking for her – the masked woman. He would be lying not to say he hoped she would attend this ball. Part of the reason why he came in the first place, despite his prior commitments, was the chance of meeting the masked woman again. 
For the most part, Kit didn’t let her occupy his thoughts for much long. He had to be present, to enjoy the gathering regardless of her company or not. While he was still dancing with another woman, Kit noticed someone came in. His eyes followed her, recognizing the woman who came in pastel blue dress. It was obvious she caught the attention of the crowd, and he stole glances at her as waited for his dance to finish. With one final bow, he made his way towards the newcomer who had a familiar face. “Ella!” Kit greeted her with a smile.  He was pleasantly surprised to how gorgeous she looked. “I–, I mean, wow.” He mumbled, trying to find the appropriate words. “You look stunning.” Kit smiled, bowing slightly. “It’s a shame that I don’t get to see you like this in my parties.” Although it was true that Kit would love to see her all dress up, a part of him was glad that she didn’t. He was pretty sure that a lot of the male socialites would ask about her and Kit wasn’t ready to lose a friend. “Do you mind if I have this dance?” Kit said with a smile, offering his hand. 
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
Ella’s heart was pounding and her legs wobbled with every step she took. Coming to the ball had been a mistake. For months she’d been nothing but careful and cautious, and all of it may have been for nothing because of one night. It certainly could have been worse, it could have been Drizella or Lucifer she ran into, but Anastasia was still no friend to Ella. All it would take was one moment of Ana wanting to earn her mother’s favor and Ella’s new life was ruined. Or, equally as likely, her stepsister could accidentally let slip that they’d seen each other — keeping a secret had never been Anastasia’s strong suit. It now felt like only a matter of time until her stepfamily finally hunted her down. Ella’s safety, her fate, rested in the older girl’s hands. The thought alone made her blood run cold.
She’d made her way back inside after the confrontation in search of a restroom, but her head was spinning and she couldn’t remember which direction it had been. Her mother’s mantra rang in her head. Be kind and have courage. Words Ella lived by that were doing her no good at the moment. One night of fun after half a year of hiding had been all she asked for. Was even that too much? Would she ever be able to live without having to look over her shoulder wherever she went? She felt like a coward for hiding from her stepfamily, but what else could she do? Anastasia had just confirmed all of her worst fears — that her siblings were indeed searching for her, and they intended to bringing her back home kicking and screaming if necessary. Though, knowing Lucifer, she was sure that dragging her by her hair would actually be the preferred method.
With so many thoughts racing through her head and that last glass of champagne finally making its way through her bloodstream, Ella had gotten rather turned around. But at least she was alone, which was all she’d really been aiming for. She leaned against a wall for support and stifled a small cry as tears began to brim in her eyes. It was moments like these when Ella wished she made more than a mere echo of her mother’s wisdom to rely on. Ella gathered up her strength and tried to steady her breath, but the memory of her parents only brought her walls crashing back down again. She was so caught up in the emotions of the moment that she didn’t hear someone approach, and let out a small gasp when she looked up and saw Rapunzel standing before her. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there,” Ella apologized, discreetly wiping away the stray tear that managed to escape down her cheek. She tried to hide her pain, but her voice still shook when she spoke, “How are you?”
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
It had taken weeks of persuasion from her friends and the gift of a beautiful gown from Ms. Goodwin to convince Ella to attend the Pride Ball. It had been easy to avoid the rest of the festival as carnivals weren’t something she was really interested in normally, but the ball had an allure to it that was hard to ignore. Although she hadn’t been asked to accompany anyone in particular, she had plenty of people who were looking forward to seeing her there.  And after she’d been given such a magical dress to wear for the evening, Ella finally caved and committed to going. 
Most of the night had been spent along the outskirts of the party, watching everyone dance and partaking in a glass of champagne or two. Part of her wished she could join in the festivities to the same extent as everyone else, but the fear of attracting too much attention and getting spotted by her stepfamily (a few of whom she was certain would be in attendance) kept her content to remain as a wallflower. After her third and final glass of bubbly, Ella discreetly made her way to the restroom. It was surprisingly empty, which gave her a nice moment alone to just breathe. She’d spotted Drizella and Lucifer mingling among the crowd about an hour earlier and had been on edge ever since. Common sense told her to leave the moment she saw them, but there were still a few people, like Rapunzel, she hadn’t gotten the chance to talk to yet. If she was lucky, there would be another party they’d leave for before the night was over. 
The distinctive clicking of heels altered her that she was no longer alone in the restroom, but if she’d known who was standing just outside her stall she would have never left. Ella found herself face to face with Anastasia and froze. For a moment she wondered if her anxiety was playing tricks on her and it was the reflection of a different redhead in the mirror, but the sound of her name on the girl’s lips made things all too real. The moment she finished washing her hands Anastasia was dragging her out of the restroom and through the hall. Ella had no clue where her stepsister was taking her — for all she knew, it could be directly to the other Tremaine’s — but fear had clouded her judgement. The lights of the ball blurred in her peripheral and the voices of partygoers were a mere buzz in her ears. Her heart was practically pounding out of her chest and she wondered how much worse she would have reacted if it was Drizella that found her instead. 
A blast of cool night air brought her back to her senses. She only caught about half of what Anastasia said, but didn’t dare ask her to repeat herself. Ella took a shaky breath as she answered, “I will not allow every aspect of my life to still be dictated by your family.”
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event starter for @ladyinsilvcr​
The ball was well underway, and Anastasia took a moment away from socializing to breathe, finding herself in the bathroom. It was relatively quiet in there, and she leaned against the counter of the sink while she scrolled through her phone, looking at the photos she’d taken earlier in the evening. She was sure Drizella was going to find something wrong with each of them, but at least she’d tried her best, pulled her weight. There had to be something in there that was deemed acceptable to use.
Anastasia hadn’t even realize that there was someone else in the restroom until she heard a flush, and she looked up from her phone as she heard the stall door open. The phone nearly fell out of her hand as she immediately recognized who was walking out, and it was as if she’d seen a ghost. “Ella?” she asked, though she knew exactly who the girl was. What the hell was she doing here? Anastasia waited until she’d finished washing her hands before practically dragging her step-sister by the hand out of the bathroom and into the hall, searching for an exit. She had a million and one questions, but they were going to have to wait until the two were outside.
“What are you doing here?” Anastasia blurted as she finally burst through the door, making her way into the cold air of the night. “What are you thinking? Are you trying to get dragged back by the hair to our house?”
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
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                         𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞 — 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
Rapunzel always felt a pang of jealousy when people spoke about doing things or knowing people for all of their lives. She knew it was childish to feel that way, but most of the people she knew besides her mother had only been in her life for a fraction of it. It made her feel like she was robbed of the chance of having childhood friends, or, in Ella’s case, a sweet old woman who had watched her friend grow up. Her mother would tell her about a few people here and there that she ran into while in town, but Rapunzel never knew the details. “That’s so kind of you. You’re going to brighten her whole day, I just know it.” 
Rapunzel was sure Kit wouldn’t mind her painting in his garden, either, but she couldn’t tell Ella why. She was sure her friend was right, though she’d only ever seen the estate at nighttime during his parties. “I would love that, but Flynn gets really weird about me going over there without him. He’s like my chaperone whenever he lets me come along for a party,” she shrugged, inspecting a yellow flower before adding it to her bunch. If anyone would understand the struggle of having to be a bit too careful in public, it was Ella. “You should bring me some from the garden so I could have a piece of it, though. If that’s all right with Kit, of course.”
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There were very few people still in Ella’s life from her childhood. Even fewer since she ran away from home and had to distance herself from most everyone who knew her well. She knew the moment she left that Lucifer would be looking for her — if not because she’d stolen a pair of broaches of his mother’s shoes, then at least to get back a maid who he could freely terrorize. Fortunately, Ms. Goodwin was one of the only old friends of her parents left who her stepfamily didn’t know about. Her stepmother had met the older woman a few times before her father’s passing, but after his death she hadn’t been able to come around the estate. Ella doubted Mrs. Tremaine even remembered the seamstress, or, on the off-chance if she did, she probably assumed she hadn’t stayed in contact with Ella over the years.
“Thank you, I certainly hope so,” Ella smiled, looking back at the flowers in her hand. She was fairly certain that Ms. Goodwin never actually needed any new flowers, as her magic as a light witch and half fae could keep any bouquet alive and preserved, but she was always happy to receive anything Ella gave her. 
Flynn was an interesting man who Ella had only met a few times when he accompanied Rapunzel somewhere. He seemed more protective of her than really necessary sometimes, but there were a few moment where Ella had caught him looking at her friend and wondered if there was something more there — it would explain why he wouldn’t particularly enjoy Rapunzel going to the home of a notorious womanizer alone. Regardless, the idea of always having someone around to protect her from her past certainly sounded nice. “Of course, I’ll be sure to ask him soon and find something interesting for you to paint,” Ella nodded happily. “I’ve been meaning to pay you and your roommates a visit for some time now anyway. Would it be alright to drop by this weekend?”
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
Kit smiled as he stared at her, talking about loss which was an all too familiar feeling for him. She seems to be incredibly wise and gentle as she spoke. The sun shone upon her blue eyes and he caught himself in a trace. Seek out. Her words repeated on his head. The first thing that came to his mind was the masked woman he met before. It was rather an odd feeling that a beautiful woman in front of him gave him the idea, a go signal perhaps to search for another person whom he desires to meet once more. “Do you suppose that we actively seek out happiness instead of waiting for them to appear in your doorstep?” He asked, curious as to what she had to say. Of course, she didn’t know what he was talking, not a lot of people did. However, he was certain that he finds no peace until he discovers the masked woman’s identity – his truth that the night they spent together was something heartfelt and valuable. No matter how foolish he thinks it might be, his heart rebels and clamors to see her again.
Kit rose up, elated by her answer. “Oh what a delight! We shall go then! Now!” He grinned, a rush of excitement running through him. He extended his hand to assist her standing up. “I shall meet you in an hour at this very place.” He gave her a slight nod, and motioned her back to the house. “After you, Ella.” He smiled. Kit had a gut feeling that she was the kind of woman who’d love to stroll around a vineyard, his favorite place to roam around when circumstances are rough or just simply when needed a break. It felt like he was about to share part of his soul to this stranger, but he had no qualms about it. His mind was at peace that Ella will be the first woman he’d ever bring to the vineyard that he’ll someday own. 
Kit went back to his tower and prepared as usual. He went for the casual clothes, a hat and his good ol’ boots. It was very different from his normal formal wear, and yet he was more excited than ever. An hour has passed and he went back to their meeting place, “Hey.” He waved, running towards her. “I have my car park in front, shall we?” He said, exposing his elbow for her to hold as they went towards his car.
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Ella thought on his question for a moment. She did not believe that actively seeking out happiness was the only way to find it, but she also knew that waiting for it to arrive on one’s doorstep could take years. As for Ella, it had taken act of quiet rebellion and a night of unusual enchantment for her to finally find the motivation to leave her own misery. She answered carefully, “I believe that good things come to everyone eventually, but if you merely sit and wait for happiness to arrive all on its own, you may be waiting in vain. As lovely as dreams are to dwell on, it’s easy to waste your life away by doing nothing about them.” Ella had plenty of dreams of her own she enjoyed indulging in, but she never let herself believe that one day they would simply come true without any action on her part.
Kit shot up and Ella found herself blinking in surprise, “Now?” He extended a hand to her and she couldn’t help but take it. Despite all her better judgement, she was unable to reject his kind offer. Even if they didn’t have any secret history together, Kit Charming was still the sort of person it was hard to say no to. With that warm smile and his old fashioned charm, Ella was fairly certain he could get away with most anything — whisking her away to a vineyard in the middle of the day being one of them. “But I still have work to do, and—” She cut herself off. If her employer was the one telling her to take the rest of the day off, it didn’t make much sense arguing the matter. And if she worked a little faster, Ella knew she could get most of it done within the next hour as well. A smile had worked its way back onto her face, “Alright then, see you soon.”
The next hour passed by like a breeze. Ella dusted all around the house, made up the beds in a few of the guest rooms, swept the foyer, and lent a hand in the kitchen to help the cook with lunch as she’d already eaten hers. She’d been busy as a bee, yet the whole time she couldn’t suppress the excitement slowly building within her. She wondered if the Charming vineyard would look like her father’s or if it would feel completely different. Was Kit simply trying to officially welcome her onboard his staff and befriend her, or was there something more behind his invitation? What was she meant to wear to an outing like this? In the end, she decided that it would be best to not even consider whether his invite held any greater meaning, and that she’d dress just a little nicer than what she already had on. A simple white blouse, a flowy floral skirt that fell just above her ankles, and the same pair of little brown boots she’d been wearing earlier.
She had been worried that she’d be the one running late, but she actually managed to return to the large oak a few minutes before Kit. It felt strange to see him dressed so mundanely, since even outside of formal events he still dressed up to a certain degree. Strange, but nice. It reminded Ella that he was just a person too — not some fantastical creature to be intimidated by. He may have even felt some of the same nerves she’d been dealing with for the past hour. “Hello,” Ella gave a small wave back at him. She hesitantly looped her hand around his arm, trying not to think about how they hadn’t been this close since the night of the ball, “Please lead the way.”
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
The warmth of the sun felt pleasant on his skin. He had been coddling up in his tower for hours that the light and company of Ella by his side felt like a relief. “You must be an explorer.” Kit assumed from her response. His eyes turned to meet her, observing the mini picnic and the artbook the she recently closed. Kit felt gravitated towards her soft laugh and warm smile, but her eyes – it had a hue that felt made him feel. “There’s nothing to thank me about.” Kit continued, making himself more comfortable on their make believe chair. “I believed you’ve noticed, I lost my mother rather early. This is my family, Ella. You are.” He gave her a tender smile, brushing his hair away from his face as the warm summer breeze flew past them. “If there’s someone worth thanking, it is you.” He never knew he could feel so tranquil under the soft rays of light on the outskirts of his house with an almost stranger. Everything about the moment felt familiar, it felt like home.
“That sounds lovely, I bet you always do this.” He motioned his head towards her mini picnic/art session. It was rare that Kit saw the artist even more beautiful than the art itself. “In all honesty, I am rather jealous. I have not known peace ever since…” His voice trailed, remembering the one night he met the masked woman from the ball. That was the only time in his life that he felt no amount of societal pressure could reach him. Kit kept looking for her, with all the power he could muster but none was able to even utter a name. Still he met her in his dreams in warm conversations under the brightly lit moon he fondly remembered. “Until I lost someone.” He admitted. He wasn’t even certain whether Ella was already with them at the ball, but he figured not to confuse her with trivial things. “Oh, but enough about that. I’m starting anew now. And I guess you are too.” His string of hope never left him, but he had to move forward. He met someone new and perhaps that was his way out of the fairytale he got lost in. 
Looking back at her closed drawing book, Kit thought of a bright idea. “I have a cottage not far long here. It is near the vineyard Charles owns.” Kit exclaimed. Perhaps it was like her home. “I’d love for you to come with me today and see it. That is, if you’re not burdened with duties.” He can change that of course. However, he’s not going to use his power to force her to come. 
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“I have my moments, though I still prefer the comforts of home to anywhere else,” Ella admitted, her voice lifted and teetering on the edge of a laugh. It was strange, the circumstances of their present meeting were entirely different from the first time, yet it felt nearly the same. The light of a sparkling chandelier and flickering candles had now taken the form of sunbeams falling through tree branches. The murmuring of a crowd became gentle rustle of wind passing through the landscape. She wore a simple white frock whose edges were undoubtedly tarnished from cleaning earlier and sitting outside, but Kit’s gaze was the same as when she’d been dressed in a glittering gown. Maybe not as caught up in the moment and entranced by her as he’d been that night, but still just as kind and warm. 
Her heart skipped a beat when his smile landed upon her. To be considered part of a family again was more than she could ever ask for. More than she’d dreamed was possible, and she did a lot of dreaming. But if she leaned into the fairytale, would she only end up hurt? It was easy to get lost in the moment with Kit. Brushing his fingers against her cheek, inquiring into her life, making her feel important — it all brought her back to that fateful night. She’d gone to the ball seeking a taste of the freedom others took for granted, but left it completely captivated by her surprise suitor. Kit had made her feel special in a way no one had for many years. Their connection felt unique. Yet... here she was months later as a stranger before him and he treated her the same. It made Ella wonder if somewhere deep in his heart he knew she was the masked woman he’d enchanted, or if what they’d shared had ever even been special to him. Certainly enough time had passed for him to move on from someone he’d only met once. Perhaps she was the only one still holding onto the magic of the ball because she had nothing else left. Her voice wavered faintly, but she maintained a perpetual small smile, “It’s a wonderful feeling to be welcomed with such open arms into your home. I don’t believe it’s usual for maids to be treated with such kindness by the head of households.”
Ella’s brows furrowed slightly. With the mention of his mother’s passing just a moment ago she’d thought he was still talking about her when he said he struggled to find peace. But if he’d already been so open about her death, why be so vague about who he’d lost? She secretly hoped he was talking about her, but that felt like a romantic delusion at best and a child’s fantasy at worst. She peered up at the leaves above them, “I’ve lost people I loved as well, but when I sit here among the trees and flowers I find myself feeling close to them.” Her eyelids fluttered closed as she basked in the warmth of the sun for a moment. “Peace is something I’ve always believed one must seek out and cultivate for themselves, not something that just comes with time.”
The mention of a vineyard made her perk up. Memories of visiting her father’s own vineyard lingered in her mind and Ella wondered how her stepmother was managing it in her absence. Ella’s eyes lit up at the suggestion of a visit, “Oh that would be lovely, thank you.”
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
Rapunzel had admittedly never seen the Charming Estate in the daylight. She’d only ever been to a few parties, accompanied by Flynn, of course, but she had a feeling that Kit would want to change that if she ever brought it up. His forward nature was a little intimidating, but Rapunzel was coming to see that people in the real world could just … say what they wanted, and go for it. It wasn’t something that neither her mother nor her books she’d read taught her. “Oh, I bet it’s beautiful over there. Who’s the old friend you’re going to see?”
“They’re just for the house. Cass and Flynn don’t really pay too much mind to the decor around the place, so that’s usually my job,” she shrugged, plucking some daffodils from a bunch. “They’re too busy working and things to worry about that stuff. But, I need to paint them first, before they wilt.”
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Both the Charming Estate and Kit’s country home were beautiful. His father’s home was grand and luxurious, almost like something out of a fairytale. At least, that was how it had felt the night of the ball. She supposed a masquerade could make anything feel magical though. The country home on the other hand, while still relatively large, placed a far greater emphasis on the outdoors than the mansion. Large windows allowed anyone inside to gaze out at the expansive garden behind the home, leading all the way back to the edge of the Enchanted Forest. Personally, Ella preferred the home she worked at over the opulent manor closer to the city center, but that was likely because it reminded her so much of her own childhood home. 
“A seamstress not to far from here. She was close to my parents before their passing, so I’ve known her for most of my life,” Ella answered with a bittersweet smile. Being cut off from her home, Ms. Goodwin sometimes felt like the only connection she still had to her past, to her parents. The older woman hadn’t been invited into the Tremaine house much after Ella’s step family had moved in, but over the past few months she’d been trying to make up for that.
Ella enjoyed drawing every now and again, but they felt like child’s play compared to Rapunzel’s paintings. They were fantastical and full of color, capturing the magic of the world around her while maintaining just enough realism to keep them grounded. “I’m sure they’ll look beautiful, I’d love to see it whenever you finish,” Ella spoke sincerely. She always enjoyed seeing Rapunzel’s latest piece. “You should come by the estate soon while all the flowers are still in full bloom. I’m certain Kit wouldn’t mind someone painting in his garden.”
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
Being the daughter of two parents who wrote about plants for a living meant that Coraline could have either grown up hating plants and gardening in general, or she would have a deep appreciation for it. Luckily, it was the latter and Coraline liked getting her hands dirty to tend to the garden that was right outside the Pink Palace and practically in her backyard. It wasn’t the most lavished garden or anything, but it was enough to keep Coraline happy. It was a great stress-reliver when the normal things didn’t work. She had already tended to the garden today and felt a great sense of accomplishment from it. But she still didn’t feel like everything had come together, so she went out to get a nice bouquet for her home. It’s been a bit since she had any real good flowers inside and she figured that was the pick me up she had been missing. It couldn’t hurt to look and she had nothing but time on her hands since it was her day off.
It was weird how her time with the bedlam still affected her. Certain flowers made her think of certain smells that brought her back to that world. That false reality. She couldn’t stand it. Nothing felt right and everything always felt like the bedlam was still whispering in her ear, telling her to come home. Coraline was in a trance staring at the many different arrangements and when she was interrupted by a soft voice she snapped right out of it. “Oh..Yeah…sure. I don’t mind helping.” She took a look at the flowers and thought about it for a moment. “Umm…before I say anything, what is the occasion?”
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Ella immediately felt bad for having interrupted the brunette in the midst of what appeared to be a deep thought — and not a particularly good one at that. She cast a glance over to the flowers that her new acquaintance had been eyeing. Perhaps they reminded her of memories she otherwise tried to push to the back of her mind? If so, Ella could sympathize. When her stepmother first moved into the estate she’d immediately gotten to work redecorating. All of the flowers her mother once loved that Ella kept in the house were tossed aside in favor of the new Mrs. Tremaine’s calla lilies and black roses. Those flowers were now forever ruined for her. Ella’s lips parted to voice an apology, but a question was asked before the words left her throat. 
“Nothing too special, just paying a visit to an old friend of mine,” Ella replied. “A sweet woman who I think could do with some springtime inspiration.” The last time she’d gone to see Ms. Goodwin, she’d had been working on a few new dresses that were meant to look like flowers. Perhaps these tulips or peonies could help spark some creativity.
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
Lumiere was startled as the blonde girl turned to him for advice. He looked at his back to see whether she was talking to somebody else, but it seems that the lady came up to the worst man to ask for some floral advice. The last time he bought flowers for someone took him an hour and a half with part of his soul praying that she’d like it. “Hmm.” Blaise stared at the flowers, giving his best effort to put much thought into it. After careful consideration, he bit lips and sighed. It looked the same to him – both beautiful and pleasing to the eyes. He was about to give up and choose randomly when a thought pops in his head. “Both are equally pretty, lady. However, may I ask who’s it for?” He pondered, remembering that colors and shapes always signify some sort of meaning. “I mean, the pink peonies are wonderful to look at, but don’t you think they’re a bit romantic and sweet? Like a blossoming relationship.” Blaise allowed his feeling to judge, unashamed by his method of choosing. “Meanwhile, the pastel tulips feels warm and dignified. Like a sign of respect for someone you care about.”
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Ella glanced between her choices as he spoken, taking his words into consideration. She usually put more thought into the meaning of the flowers she chose, but with this particular recipient the intent behind her bouquets was always recognized as nothing but gratitude and respect regardless of which blossoms it contained. Ella wasn’t sure if Mrs. Goodwin However, she could certainly see his point about the peonies. They were reminiscent of pink roses and a bit showy — like something you’d give to make a great first impression. If there was any flower that symbolized a blush, it was peonies. The tulips, on the other hand, certainly did feel more refined in their own way. Despite their popularity in gardens, she felt like she seldom saw them in bouquets. The man’s advice was well-founded and Ella greatly appreciated his input, even if the traditional symbolism of the flowers was actually the opposite of what he’d said.
“Thank you for sharing with me your thoughts, you have a wonderful perspective on the matter,” Ella smiled warmly and placed the peonies back with the rest of the blossoms. “They’re for a family friend, a kind old woman who I try to visit as often as I can. I think the tulips will do nicely for her.”
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
Celine loved spring time for the abundance of fresh flowers to choose from. Each room in her apartment came with it’s own vase that she kept full with all sorts of flowers. She told herself she was helping the air quality in the household, and well they just looked pretty. It was impossible not to smile and admire them every time her eyes caught sight of them. Shopping around she heard a familiar voice and turned with a loving smile. “Of course my dear.” Celine started as her eyes wondered towards the flowers in her hands. “Hm.. well you do have a great eye. Why not do both?” She asked before looking up from the selections. “Though if I had to really just choose one I would go with the pastel tulips. Everyone assumes they’re bright colors, so to see one that’s different is always a win in my eyes. And next time you’re out shopping you can come back and get the other.” 
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Ella lit up at the sight of her friend. Celine was a fellow maid, though not for the Charming estate. She was a good eight years older than Ella and the younger girl occasionally thought of her as the older sister she’d hoped for in Anastasia or Drizella, but never gotten. Outside of Rapunzel, Celine was also one of the only people to know the truth about her current situation. She allowed Ella to drop the mask of courage she put on every day and provided her with a safe space to cry. Though with a young son of her own to take care of, Ella often worried she would become a burden upon her friend’s already weighted shoulders. “The tulips it is then! Thank you,” Ella smiled and placed the peonies back. “Are you looking for anything in particular for yourself?”
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
“Perhaps you’re right.” Kit bit his lips, embarrassed by his reluctance that his familiarity was something more. “I apologize for not seeing you so soon.” He gave her a slight nod, aware that his duties of maintaining the house sometimes fall behind his list of priorities. Although if he had known that a beauty such as her would trail around his house, he would have made excuses to prioritize meeting her above all else. 
Kit sat still on the oak as he looked towards the garden filled with flowers of different kind. He never really had the time to fully capture its view, and it was only now that he found himself rather engulfed by it. Although the scenery was a spectacle as the sun lit brightly at the flowers of different hues, Kit was much more enamored by the lady on his side. He stole glances at her from the side of his eyes, his heartbeat a little bit faster than normal. Was he nervous to see his housemaid? Perhaps – when she fits right in the category of a princess. The idea of it seems presumptuous, and he would never dare to make her feel uncomfortable in his own house, so he took his habits of flirting to the side. Friendship, at best, was the only thing he should settle in. Suppressing his slight adoration for her was something that he can live with.
“What happened?” He asked, removing his hand from her cheek as he felt her slowly pulling away. He gave her a soft smile as she mentioned that she was happy with her new company. “And I’m delighted to hear that from you.” He responded. “Please never hesitate to talk to me when things happen to you. It is my duty to protect you, and everyone else here.” Kit explained, knowing that her soft voice could be hiding pain. He had already known that the scar might have been from where she came from, to which he had no idea where. “Tell me Ella, what’s it like back at your place? Well, before you came here, I mean.” He continued, curious to learn more about her history.
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“It’s quite alright, I know you’re a very busy man,” Ella easily accepted his apology. In all honesty, she’d actually rather enjoyed him not paying her any mind thus far. It was much easier to avoid someone when they were hardly even ware she existed. When they were apart, it didn’t feel quite so much like she was lying to him. There was no active deception, only truths that had not yet been uncovered. But now, as he sat next to her and began prying into her life just like he had at the ball, she felt her stomach churn as she was forced to conjure up more lies to answer his questions. Realistically, Ella knew that this man would not be her savior if her secrets came to light, yet when she felt his gaze upon her a fluttering sensation started up in her chest.
Ella stole her own discreet glances at Kit in turn, allowing her eyes to flicker across his form as he looked out upon the estate. As she watched him take it all in, it suddenly occurred to her that it may not be something he often got the chance to do. He appeared to her as a man who had seen something a hundred times, but was only just now looking at it. With his days occupied with work and his nights spent at parties, he surely did not have the time or peace of mind to simply sit and enjoy the garden. Light spilled down through the leaves and branches above them, casting patches of gold across his skin. But what hypnotized her more than anything were his eyes. In the low, romantic lighting of the ball, Ella had thought them to be a dark emerald green. Now they were aglow in the sun and she found they were much lighter than she’d believed.
“The consequence of falling out of a tree much like this one I’m afraid. A branch nicked me on my way down, but I'm grateful it was my only injury,” Ella said with a soft laugh, hoping her apparent lightheartedness about the topic would keep Kit from pressing further. Whenever she thought back on the incident, she swore she could still feel the sting of the cut. The concern still lingering in his eyes told Ella that he may not have fully believed her story, but he was far too much of a gentleman to call her out on it. “Thank you, it’s wonderful to be working for someone who cares as much about their staff as you do,” She smiled genuinely. After being shackled to the Tremaine household for so many years never feeling respected or valued, it practically felt like a dream to be told that she’d be protected. Speaking of which, however, Ella’s smile wavered at his question. She should have expected he’d want to know more about her — he’d tried to get as much information out of her on the night of the ball as well. “Oh, it was nothing too special. Just a little cottage away from town. Not many neighbors, but plenty of forest to explore,” Ella answered.
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