blaiselumiere · 2 years
//open event starter (loc: somewhere there’s a bar)
Lumiere sat in front of the bar just to start warming up. He didn’t have a date, and he only planned on going to the ball because he wanted to see how the food was going to be served.  Of course he’ll probably flirt with a couple of ladies along the way, but that was already a given. Whether he will wake up with a woman beside him entirely depends of how he will spend his night. Hence, the best way to start it was to drink at the bar. To his amazement, the ball was even better than the parties he had before. It had more life to it, and especially more art. He took the rainbow colored cocktail and examined it. It must have been a fun experiment to taste the cocktail if he had the ability to do so. Still, he drank it and relied on the alcohol to keep him off his thoughts. 
Ever since Claude came out to them, Lumiere felt the need to be more involved. The ball was one great initiative to do so. He sat on the stool, looking around to see if his best friend was around until someone from beside him slipped in. “You having a great time or what?” Everything was all too new for him that he felt a little bit excited as the other person sat beside him. “Look, I have glitter highlights on my face. This is amazing.”
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lucifcr · 2 years
Open Starter Location: Pridemania Festival
Lucifer was not the type for these events. However, he did have to keep up with appearances. So, there he was at the pride festival with a faux smile on his lips every time he greeted someone. He did enjoy some of the festival foods and drinks though. He couldn’t complain there. Still, this wasn’t his scene and he just wanted to seem supportive. He was in line to get a funnel cake when it was taking forever. He was already impatient but as soon as someone skipped him he got pissed. “Hey! You totally just cut in line. Do you know how rude that is?!”
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gastonnlegume · 2 years
//OPEN event starter
The Pridemania Festival really outdid themselves by situating the activities at the Coulter’s Beach. Gaston wasn’t much interested about the rides and games. He only wanted to try out the waves of this particular famous resort. He took his surfboard and went directly to the beach. If he was to prove to himself that he could, in fact, do anything then part of it was winning against the waves. He took his shirt off, placed it on his bag and left the items on the shoreline before running towards the tides.
He took his time surf boarding and enjoying the gigantic waves from the beach. He swam and surfed for hours, not giving a care to the world around him. When it was time for lunch time, he went back to the shore and patted himself dry with a towel. He was still pretty beat up when he noticed someone looking at his direction. “The hell are you looking at?” He grunted, drinking from his water bottle. “You surf?”
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wendymadarlings · 2 years
event starter for @bbillysmee​
Wendy had decided that maybe Hook’s right-hand man wasn’t so bad, after all. He wasn’t anything but nice to her when she ran into him outside the Lost Boys’ concert. He hadn’t even gone inside and wreaked havoc on the show, as she might have previously expected him to do.  So, when the older man was standing next to her at the bar, waiting for a drink, Wendy decided to not run away and pretend like she didn’t see him this time. “I can’t believe I’ve caught you alone twice in a row now,” she greeted with a small smile. “I suppose Mr. Hook doesn’t like to come to these sort of things?”
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
open starter location: coulter’s beach and boardwalk
daphne was super excited to be near the beach and soaking in the good vibes from everyone there. echo creek had really outdone itself with the bursts of color on every corner, and the carnival itself just looked so lovely. daphne wasn’t even sure where to start and since she had yet to find her crew, she was just walking around aimlessly as she tried to decide what to do. she eventually stopped for some cotton candy and had been nibbling at it a little bit when she spotted a familiar face. “hey! so glad to see you here. have you gotten on any of the rides yet? i’m like, so overwhelmed that i don’t even know where to start.”
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claudecogsworth · 2 years
event starter for @celinepotts​
Claude was not a fan of children, but there was one that was an exception to him, and that was Chip. He was one of Cogsworth’s favorite people, and when Celine said that she would be bringing him to the carnival, Claude was quite excited. “Don’t tell me you’ve already handed him off to Blaise,” he said disappointedly as he found his friend on the boardwalk. “Not that it’s not lovely to see you, too. But, you know, I was here for Chip. If anyone, I’m the only uncle he should be spending time with at a pride event,” he teased.
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punzgothel · 2 years
event starter for @mrkitcharming​
It had been a few days since Rapunzel had gone on her date with Kit. It went surprisingly well, as well as she thought first dates might go. It was exciting to actually do something with her feelings for once, but tonight, she just wanted to keep the peace between the two most important men in her life. That was way more important than any feelings she had. “Are you sure this thing is stable?” she asked him as they waited in line for the ferris wheel. Rapunzel crooned her neck up to look toward the top; she wasn’t particularly afraid of heights after living her whole life in a tower of all places, but she was afraid that the circular metal structure would just roll onto the sand in a moment’s notice. “We’re not going to just roll into the ocean, right? This is totally safe?”
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itskimibtch · 2 years
“Look how high up that goes,” Kimi breathed, her gaze captured by what looked like one of the more daunting rides, and the people shouting at the top. She wasn’t afraid of heights or anything, she wasn’t a wimp! But she was still a little cautious. One couldn’t live with Chuckie as long as she had and not be. “Would you ride with me? If I die, I don’t want to die alone.”
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sk8rgurlmiriam · 2 years
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Miriam Wexler’s Pridemania Festival Outfit.
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ladyinsilvcr · 2 years
Despite keeping to herself for most of the ball, Ella was still enjoying the event. Just watching everyone dance from the sidelines and listening to snippets of conversations was enough to keep her content. She’d felt plenty of eyes on her when she first entered the ballroom, but for the most part everyone had ceased paying her any mind after she took up residence on the edge of the party. Kit had approached her for a dance not long after she’d arrived, but since declining his offer she’d been alone. She spotted Rapunzel’s roommates, Flynn and Cass, talking not too far away, but her friend didn’t seem to be with them. A few other people she knew were scattered across the room, all in the midst of conversations that Ella didn’t want to interrupt. 
Still on the lookout for any of her stepsiblings, Ella decided a refreshment was in order and made her way over to the table where she’d heard some kind of sparkling wine was being offered. She couldn’t remember who was providing the drinks at the ball, only that it was one of the many festival sponsors. Ella reached out for a glass of what she assumed was prosecco, only for her hand to collide with another reaching for the same one. “I’m sorry, please go ahead,” Ella withdrew her hand with a smile. Her lips stayed upturned when she realized she knew the man standing beside her, “Hello Charlie, are you enjoying the ball?”
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mrkitcharming · 2 years
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Kit Charming || Pridemania Festival
Ball & Beach
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blaiselumiere · 2 years
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Blaise Lumiere || Pridemania Festival
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jinkie-v · 2 years
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Velma Dinkley || Pridemania Outfit
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gastonnlegume · 2 years
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Gaston Legume || Pridemania Festival
Ball & Beach pictures.
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wendymadarlings · 2 years
event starter for @rctherodd​
Wendy was now officially friends with both of the librarians in town. She had known the older one, Belle, fo much longer. Wendy admired the woman more than pretty much anyone she’d ever met: she wanted to be just like Belle when she grew up. She knew she could count on the older woman to help her with her newspaper article--she understood the importance of getting work done, especially when it came to writing. “Okay, so, I just need to know why you decided to come, what your favorite part of the night has been so far ... the basics. Thank you so much for helping me, you have no idea how badly I wanted to get this interview part out of the way so I could just enjoy the rest of the night.”
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
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Daphne Blake || Pridemania Festival
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