ladyofspringcourt · 10 days
This is brilliant!
been a while since i drew my oc niamh with tam ♡
referenced the kiss by gustav klimt but reversed because tamlin deserves to be smooched. and held. like a lot. and then there's my attempt at beast form tamlin, not beasty enough yet.
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ladyofspringcourt · 11 days
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Jason Christ ✨
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ladyofspringcourt · 16 days
The only way I can understand the nickname tampon for Tamlin is in the sense that I indeed need him to be 6 hours straight deep inside my pu...(gunshots)
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ladyofspringcourt · 22 days
Discussing the tithe in ACoMaF:
Honestly, this is likely a hill I’m going to die on, but I’m willing. So, let’s talk about the tithe in ACoMaF.
The tithe:
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So this is the tithe. Giving something in exchange for getting something.
Tamlin did not invoke the tithe for the entire fifty years that Amarantha ruled the continent, even though it pays for keeping the court running. And even though technically speaking the springcourt was the only court that was 'free' under Amanarantha, as in, the citizens remained inside the court, and were not drafted to UTM, therefore still able to go about their day to an extent (I'll assume it would be enough to keep executing your profession, given that they also had enough time and energy to celebrate a folk festival every year, Calanmai). But still, Tamlin did not invoke the tithe during that period of time. After Amarantha was beat by Tamlin, and everybody went into the business of trying to get back into their former way of life, Tamlin eventually decided that it was finally time to begin collecting the tithe again.
However, keep in mind that it was not immediately after UTM. Three months passed between Amarantha's assasination and the moment when the second book starts.
Furthermore, when they talk about the tithe some pages into ACOMAF, it is explained that Tamlin still pushed the collection of the tithe back one month to give every one of his citizens just a bit more time to collect it.
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If however a faerie still fails in handing in their tithe by then, the following happens:
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That’s what Lucien tells Feyre.
Everyone who fails to bring the tithe will get an additional three days to be able to still make it. Granted, depending on what the tithe is, three days might not be enough. But, I’ll get to that in a second.
Note also: Tamlin will be expected to hunt them down. It appears that Lucien is referencing some sort of High Lord Rule. It could be a magical rule that gets Tamlin to hunt them, like a magical responsibility thing like the Calanmai ritual. Or maybe a legislative rule, written down in some sort of Court constitution. Or it could also be just a plain social rule that Tamlin is expected to abide by. Since that is not further specified, the only thing that can be said for certain is that a rule like that exists, though the nature of that rule, and with it the level to which one has to commit to it, is not known.
Despite that, we can definitely note that Tamlin does not enforce the hunt plainly because he wants to.
And then, when Tamlin does actually confront the water-wraith after they failed in handing in their tithe, we get this information:
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So, you don’t actually have to hand in the tithe in just three days. You can literally just wait 6 months and pay double. Now, double might seem like an unfair increase, but really it isn’t. If you think about it, all that this rule is, is an extension of the time that you get for earning the first tithe.
You just get an additional six months.
Also, as it was established, the tithe is literally calculated and based on your income and status. Now I cannot say for sure what the term 'status' refers to, as it is not specified, but I would make the fair guess that it means that even the rich that don’t have an income, but just a stale heritage, get taxed accordingly. So it means that acquiring the tithe isn’t an impossible feat. It’s really just taxes, but more fair, because this time the rich get taxed accordingly, too.
You might wonder: How much is the tithe for the water-wraiths that they failed to hand it in in the time given to them (four months)?
Through Feyre, we find out that the tithe for the water-wraiths is, drumroll please 🥁…. A bucket of fish. Yeah, a single basket of fish for the entirety of the water wraith population of the pond …
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All they had to do was hand it a single basket of fish. And they didn’t.
(Also, I find it so stupid that Feyre literally just says they don’t even need a basket of fish, bc how would she know? She never asked Tamlin what happens to the things people bring for the tithes. She just assumed that they don’t need them bc she is dead set on making Tamlin out to be this splurging man, living lavishly in unnecessary luxury, which we know is not the case. Tamlin literally shares his entire mansion with every spring court citizen that knocks on his door, but sure, he is a true feudal lord with zero regard for his subjects.)
Anyway, now, during the conversation the water wraith has with Tamlin, Feyre gets the impression that the water wraith is starving.
And why does Feyre think so? Because the water wraith claims the pond they live in is empty of fish.
Now, why is that? Because the water wraiths ate all the fish.
Feyre immediately makes the connection to her former life, when her family also struggled for food. See, they, too, know what it means to have no food, to feel the hunger. Feyre begins to pity the water wraith, which Tamlin apparently does not. She gives them her jewelry (which Tamlin had gifted to her) so they can pay the tithe.
Her giving away jewelry that was gifted to her is stupid for several reasons.
One, consider the aforementioned terms of the tithe. The water wraiths did not need to pay the tithe now. They still had six months before it would come to that, but somehow Feyre acts like it was a matter of life and death. Like it had to happen now.
Second, the water wraiths don't actually need the fish to sustain themselves. Shocker, right. Feyre knows that as well.
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This is one of Feyre's thoughts. The water wraiths can eat anything. They're not dependant on the fish since they're not biologically wired to only be able to digest them or whatever, they can eat anything. So all they would have to do from that day on is save two basket of fish for six months, and eat literally anything else in that time, and all would be well, but somehow we're supposed to believe they can't and won't do it.
The main reason, however, for why it was so stupid is this one:
We find out later that the water wraiths they're not starving really, but more so they’re cursed with "insatiable appetite". I'll try to wrap my head around that below. You'll see.
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You would think they’re not even starving, since the word appetite was used. They’re just constantly craving food. Appetite does not refer to hunger. It just refers to the desire to eat. However, in the line before that, it says that they do actually die of starvation, which ultimately begs the question of: HOW?
When is it that their hunger/appetite isn’t satiated enough (which, by definition it can never actually be, because it’s insatiable) that they starve?
Do you see how underdeveloped this plot point is? It’s all just super unclear and vague. It makes zero sense 🤦‍♀️😒
Okay, last point.
During the conversation that Feyre and Tamlin have, Feyre brings up the possibility of replenishing the pond. She asks Tamlin to do so, and when Tamlin declines, Feyre of course takes that as yet another reason for why Tamlin should be judged. She thinks him cruel and the reader is supposed to do the same thing.
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But, in the conversation with Alis (image before this one), it is revealed that actually no one, not a single faerie in the spring court, would have given the water wraiths money or anything else of value for that matter, because it virtually makes no sense. They just spend whatever someone gives to them, trying to satiate a hunger that cannot be mended.
And they know this. Everyone else knows it. But Feyre refuses to believe it.
The jewelry that Feyre gave them will last merely a week. A week. We're talking about royal jewelry, possibly the most expensive jewelry in the entire court. That’s nothing. But somehow, we’re all supposed to be on Feyre's side here and think that it would be the right thing to give them money or resources.
Until when? Exactly? Because as it is, there would never be an end to it.
Now I’m not saying that making them give away something is more sensical. It’s obvious that they struggle to curb their hunger and making them forfeit on food has proven to be an exhausting task for them to accomplish, given that they failed this tithe.
Only that … only that according to Tamlin, the tithe has been around for ages. His father did it like this, the father of his father did it like this and so on and so forth. Btw, that means it’s been a lot of time since faeries essentially don’t die unless they're killed. And all of this in turn means that the water wraiths have had to have paid their tithes in the past. Otherwise they wouldn’t be around anymore (bc royal hunt). So it gets you wondering: How come is it that they were able to pay every single tithe in the past and only now they can’t?
Now, it could definitely be that when Tamlin killed Amarantha and took over the spring court again, they struggled to adjust to it in the little time that passed. However, that’s just a guess. And it’s not backed up by anything, because Acotar has little to no world building and all that we know about the history we find out in the details that are conveniently added just how it fits the narrative whenever a new book comes out 😀 Also, if you look a little closer into this, you will realize that there is no reason for why one should assume that they somehow conveniently managed to sustain themselves in the fifty years that Amarantha ruled, and only now when times have literally turned better for everyone again, the moment that they have to hand in one basket of fish, suddenly they are in immediate danger of starvation. Not to mention that after the tithe is over, and another week passes (a week in which they were able to sustain themselves with the jewelry that Feyre gave them), we never hear anything about the water wraiths struggling ever again. Somehow, despite apparently starving, they still make it work and magically manage to stay alive long enough to repay their debt to Feyre later on. So either they have insane Plot Armour after that, or their situation was never that dire to begin with, and was only written so momentarily to make Tamlin look bad. As an author, you should not aspire to write either of those two options.
Therefore, the explanation I would offer is:
The tithe is just another example of Sjm's inconsistent, bad worldbuilding and it goes to show furthermore that she was just trying to find a way to make Tamlin's character look bad. Which was a total blunder. Like, it's embarassing how much this backfires the moment that you decide to untangle the mess she's written.
Anyway, I can’t believe I’ve spent so much time discussing the fking tithe, but this has been simmering in my brain for like two years now so I just needed to make this post!
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ladyofspringcourt · 30 days
The self-brainwashing promoted by the ACoTaR fandom is truly impressive. I’ve talked to people who said they don’t remember the fact that Rhysand entered Feyre’s mind without permission and made her see herself trying on lingerie for him as if that wasn’t a big deal, and I’ve seen people who said they don’t remember that Tamlin wrote a poem for Feyre specifically to help her learn new words more easily – with the intent of assisting her in learning to read in a fun way.
In other words, even though this is canon, the large amount of content produced on social media, especially on TikTok and Instagram, promotes ideas and perceptions so false that they affect people's memories. They read it and intellectually know it, but, I don't know, maybe emotionally, they can't connect the dots because of the massive amount of information that preaches the exact opposite: Rhysand is good and only good, Tamlin is bad and only bad.
Of course, I can't ignore the author's own influence on this, whose writing reinforces this idea as well, despite the fact that, when you observe things from outside the protagonist’s head, you can clearly see how many things are wrong in Feyre’s perspective, how biased she is, and how SJM does nothing to change that. But it's really this self-brainwashing machine that impresses me. Some people seem to be purposefully blinding themselves, making it very difficult to have any kind of minimally decent dialogue about the saga.
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ladyofspringcourt · 3 months
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Woah woah man take a deep breath. No need to get nervous. She is just asking a valid question.
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ladyofspringcourt · 3 months
Let’s talk more about accents in the Riordanverse!
• Percy with rounded New York vowels and that quick run-together way of saying his sentences. Percy with an accent you can’t quite place until he orders some coffee or water.
• Annabeth with a Virginia drawl and long vowels that don’t quite go away, even after years on Long Island Sound. Annabeth, who will randomly spit out phrases like “nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs”, whose cup always fills with sweet tea in the mess hall/
• Carter with a fairly standard American accent until he pronounces a word so bizarrely it’s clear he must have learned it halfway across the globe. Carter, who gets slightly antsy in the same place for too long and goes to language classes at night just for an excuse to practice.
• Sadie with a London accent that’s begun to fade after years in Brooklyn House, who accidentally says “cheers” when people hold the door for her. Sadie, who skips over her t’s and who drops consonants and, like Carter, isn’t exactly sure where her home is.
• Magnus and Alex with strong Boston accents and nasally a’s that Hearth is glad he can’t hear. Magnus, whose accent gets stronger in battle, who intentionally leans into it when he’s on the West Coast. Alex, who makes people guess where she’s from and tells them something different every time, who argues with Magnus over whose accent is stronger.
• Jason Grace with languid California vowels, who drops the end of every word when he’s relaxed and over-enunciates when he’s in charge. Jason, whose accent is only present when he’s comfortable.
• Leo Valdez with a Texan accent to boot and quick clipping consonants, whose accent sounds nearly the same as Annabeth’s to the untrained ear, but insists that they’re completely different every time someone brings it up.
• Hazel Levesque with a thick New Orleans accent, whose vocabulary is peppered with French and old-fashioned phrases and the occasional Southern saying. Hazel, who sticks to Deep South manners (and passive-aggression, when necessary), who orders in French when she goes to a bakery and watched old black-and-white movies when she feels homesick.
• Frank, who sounds American except for when he says “sorry”, who speaks a bit of Canadian French (which Hazel hates, because she can’t understand it), and gets teased every time he says “about”.
• Piper with a slight valley-girl sound that she’s worked hard to get rid of, but tends to slip into when she’s tired or angry. Piper, whose voice becomes sweet and soothing in charmspeak, who understands every fluctuation and intonation and how to use them to her advantage.
• Nico di Angelo with a seemingly standard American accent, until you pick up on the odd transatlantic pronunciation or Italian rolled “r”. Nico with an arsenal of phrases so jumbled and eclectic that people do a double take when he talks.
Just. Yeah. Riordanverse accents.
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ladyofspringcourt · 3 months
I will not let anyone forget that the minute feyre was back in spring with her insane revenge plan in mind,the first thing tamlin does is admit his behavior in acomaf was wrong and he apologizes without trying to make excuses for anything he did. And we see him in acowar actually trying to be different and going through with his words here.
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A man reflecting back on his behavior and admitting he’s wrong and apologizing without giving us a 7 page monologue full of excuses?? Unacceptable!!! Kill him!!!
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ladyofspringcourt · 3 months
I think this is a problem with SJM's books in general. She glamorizes suffering so much that her readers begins to see it as transactional/noble/sacrificial (take your pick) and not as abuse. Like, she uses suffering to justify so many nefarious behaviors that...it lost its weight. It became a plot device, nothing more or less. People only care about suffering if they're gonna make sad edits about it, otherwise its just there.
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oh that’s not🧍🏾‍♀️
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ladyofspringcourt · 4 months
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Hayato Suo
Wind Breaker E5
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ladyofspringcourt · 4 months
It's fanservice.
As usual, Sarah Janet needed another reason why Rhys is better than Tamlin, so she made him give Feyre the title. But if you think about it, she's nothing more than a consort. Whatever influence and power she had over that court is tied to Rhys, heck even the loyalty of her so called friends hangs on Rhys.
Which is why I am annoyed at all this High Lady bullshit. Because High lady is a title tantamount to a Queen regnant. A Lady ruling in her own right. There is nothing feminist about making an important title than emptying out all its meaning because SJM ran out of reason why the readers should chose Rhys. I mean, remove the High Lady title from Feyre and nothing changes, because it had no weight other than being a bragging right.
So, it's known that in the ACOTAR world, the magic chooses the High Lords and links them to their lands and people.
Rhys made Feyre High Lady in a cermony, but the magic didn't choose her. Even when he died when she fixed the Couldron, it didn't transfer over to her.
Soooooo... I personally think that negates the entire title, making it honorary. I've been debating this with someone, and I wanted to read y'alls take on it.
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ladyofspringcourt · 4 months
Imagine Tamlin fighting & trying to protect as much of his people as he can alone when Hybern attacked. The same people for whom he made a deal with the Devil to keep them safe even during war. Just because of a lie spread by someone else who also swore to make the life of the same people better.
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ladyofspringcourt · 4 months
If Tamlin is against tyranny, why did he allied himself with a slaver aka Hybern?
Let's check the facts.
Hybern plans to go break the Wall. Tamlin's Court neighbors the Wall. Inevitably, his court will be first to be invaded. Not Summer, not Velaris, the Spring Court.
He lost sentries during Amarantha's fifty years of terror, and is still trying to revitalize his army from whatever he was left with. Not to mention, there are monsters on the loose that he has to take care of.
His messy wedding that did not go through and Feyre's subsequent kidnapping by Mor did not do him favor in terms of alliances. As if the High Lords did not already dislike him for being wild and beastly (as said in ACOTAR).
He has very limited time to come up with a military strategy to protect his court and people, all the while finding a way to get his bride back.
Conveniently, his father was an ally of Hybern. If he pretends to ally himself with Hybern:
He can protect his court. His deal with Hybern entailed that no soldier or civilian had to fight an obviously losing battle.
Use Hybern's forces to get Feyre back (from Rhysand, who by the way, was the villain who used to leave dead bodies in Tamlin's yard at Amarantha's (and Rhysand's) prerogative.)
Gather information from his enemies to use against them when the time is right.
But he Did Not HaVe to Do ThAt!! He is High Lord and he could've tried to defend his land instead of rubbing elbows with the enemy.
Even Rhysand the mOst PoweRfuL high lord was not able to defend his rainbow city—and Nightcourt's army took the lesser burnt from Amarantha's tyranny.
Look at what happened to Summer. Even with the IC helping—read through the death and destruction they endured and tell me if Spring, which was Amarantha's target #1, would survive another onslaught.
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ladyofspringcourt · 4 months
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Older Zuko and Katara with their babes
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ladyofspringcourt · 5 months
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Yup, DON'T ever tried to tell me that Tamlin never tried to teach her writing & reading.
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ladyofspringcourt · 5 months
Feyre’s lack of political awareness and need to dickride the IC in any circumstance is actually astounding. Especially during the High Lords’ meeting when she just assumed her little gang is somehow better than everyone else
Feyre during the HL meeting: yeah Mor & Azriel could take on all 6 High Lords in a battle, no problem🥰
MY GIRL YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THESE PEOPLE!!! YOU’VE KNOWN EVERYBODY IN THIS ROOM FOR LIKE 6 MONTHS MAX!!!! And you were a human who knew nothing about them before that!!!!
Genuinely, have we even seen Mor or the Bat Boys do anything that warrants them being stronger/better than the guys who are literally magic personified??? The mfs who have been picked specially by a higher power, mind you. I’m sorry, but the Inner Circle is getting obliterated if it’s them against the High Lords 😭
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ladyofspringcourt · 5 months
there’s something about a fourteen year old Feyre hunting in the woods for her family being absolutely horrifying to the inner circle but a fourteen year old nesta forced to use her body to seduce older men so she can get a marriage alliance for her family is just a funny little story for the inner circle to have a giggle over that gives them the idea that they should have adult Nesta use her body to seduce an older man into a marriage alliance. for her “family”.
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