ladystormlander · 2 years
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        warmth  falls  from  his  lips  in the form of laughter as he watches his older sister be captivated by the comet. he’s missed seeing her smile, having bore great guilt over making her worry so ever since his arrest. but that is all behind them now and now this city and its vipers will be too.        ❝  then it is blessing you and ayleen alone.  ❞        he smiles. the comet is a grand sight; stefan only wishes they were viewing it from any place but here. however, he does his best to share in his sister’s good cheer.        ❝  and perhaps our older brothers too.  ❞
jocelyn smiles to her brother, an affectionate hand raising to pet his hair. “your wisdom will come with age, sweet brother.” she assures him, her words softly slurred from the wine she had earlier. “with every lesson you learn you will become wiser. we all have challenges we must face. hopefully safer ones once we return home.” soon enough the wedding festivities would end and the baratheons would make their way back to storm’s end. she would miss the allure of king’s landing, but certainly not the danger that lurked. 
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ladystormlander · 2 years
open starter !
“oh look !” jocelyn calls out, her pupils widening to take in the beauty of the red comet painting the sky. there was something about nature & the skies above them that fascinated her so. she felt safe for a moment, blanketed in the warmth of her joy & forgetting the judgement of those around her. “the crone must be smiling down upon us, don’t you think ? blessing those who are wise.” she finally looks to the person beside her, her gaze kind and genuine. 
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ladystormlander · 2 years
OPEN   EVENT   STARTER   ,   accepting   responses   !
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               looking   at   her   now   you   would'nt   be   able   to   tell   she’d   been   overcome   with   sorrow   for   weeks   now   ,   and   that’s   exactly   how   she   wanted   it   .   to   forget   about   sadness   and   focus   on   happiness   .   she   stood   by   the   refreshments   ,   a   chalice   of   wine   in   her   hand   that   she’d   been   too   nervous   to   drink   until   she   closed   her   eyes   and   took   a   sip   .   face   scrunching   into   sourness   before   settling   into   one   of   delighted   pleasure   .   “   that’s   delicious   ,   i   wonder   where   this   is   from   ?   ”
she’d been indulging in the drinks provided for a few hours now – wishing to enjoy herself for once rather than worrying over her family’s well-being every second she breathed. jocelyn felt very joyful & open to conversation, so she is happy to provide an answer when lady hyacinth speaks. her brother had been proven innocent of murdering the grand maester, so she assumed there would be no ill-feelings between them. “a wine from andalos, i believe. it’s certainly a rare import from essos,” it was a wine she would never have seen at home in storm’s end. the targaryen’s show of their wealth  never failed to both bother & delight her. 
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ladystormlander · 2 years
This was the first Talia had heard of lady Jocelyn in quite some time. Though the fault was not on Jocelyn herself, while at Nightsong Talia had been occupied by other things. Despite their laughter even Talia could sense the bit of awkwardness in the air. “Have you been in King’s Landing long?” The recent business with Stefan wasn’t going to go away any time soon but she wasn’t going to bring it up. What could she say about it anyway. “I hope you’ve been enjoying yourself, the king has spared no expense for the festivities.”
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“not long, i arrived shortly before..” her voice trails as she realizes her arrival had coincided with the death of the grand maester & subsequent arrest of her brother. life seemed to be uninterested in giving her any reprieve. “before the grand maester’s funeral,” she forces herself to finish the thought. to her relief, she finds a way to push the focus away from it. “oh, of course ! i’ve been enjoying the treats most of all. if only we could have such delicacies in our every day life.” 
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ladystormlander · 2 years
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lord  laughed  heartily  ,  though  could  not  blame  the  lady  baratheon  for  the  inquiry  .    “    would  you  believe  me  if  i  were  to  say  no  ?    ”      a  question  he  already  knows  to  answer  to  .  do  not  blame  him  for  liking  pretty  ladies  .      “    ah  ,  but  let  us  not  forget  the  lords  as  well  .  it  would  be  a  shame  to  exclude  them  ,  with  so  many  of  them  gathered  in  the  keep  .    ”
the targaryen lord’s laughter is enough to soften her resolve & she gives him a warm smile. still, she stands her ground & replies with an obvious “no, i’m afraid not, my lord.” though she is not above providing constructive criticism. “you may have to strengthen your argument.” his mention of lords brings out a laugh from her. “ah, how generous of you, my lord.”
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ladystormlander · 2 years
open to: anyone where: the sept of baelor
septs to saera usually meant funerals. tradition. something you get over it. she’d never been particularly pious; sure, the septa taught her all the prayers as was her job, but actually praying had never occurred to the targaryen, not until her father’s death. she couldn’t do anything to protect her family, maybe the gods would help, as the septa had told her. desperate times, desperate measures. most of the time, she wasn’t even praying. she just liked the solace. the darkness illuminated by nothing but the candles, the way her steps echoed across the building. once again surrounded by death and bad feelings of what’s to come but this time in king’s landing, saera found herself in the sept of baelor. it was much bigger and more beautiful than the one in castamere. she stayed there for a bit, alone with her own thoughts, until she heard footsteps approach. “the gods don’t actually listen, do they?”
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she could play the role of lord baratheon’s pious sister quite easily, but it was not all a cover to her. jocelyn had been clinging to what little faith she held, praying often, & hoping for a miracle. it was one of the few things that kept her from giving into the belief that house baratheon was fucked. as she enters the sept, seeking a moment away from it all, she cannot ignore the targaryen before her. especially when the lady proceeds to strike up a conversation. “i could not say for certain, my lady,” jocelyn confesses, as blasphemous as it might be. “i only know that they saved my brother.” she could still feel the wrench of her heart as she witnessed her brother mere inches from being pieced by a blade. the gossip surrounding the targaryens of castamere had not missed her ears – a knight taking the life of princess helaena’s lord husband. many more had left with the stranger since then. there was a constant reminder of one’s mortality around them all. “why do you ask ?” perhaps it’s wrong of her to pry, but the words still leave her lips.
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ladystormlander · 2 years
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braxton laughed, nodding in agreement with the young woman. “ yes, i fear if i return to her emptyhanded, i will soon be joining lord harlaw in the sept,” he joked, giving her a slight smile before his attention returns to the flowers she lists off. when the shop owner glances at braxton, he nods to the man to continue onward with making the arrangement. it might hurt his coin purse but his wife was deserving of such beautiful flowers, especially considering his eyes lingered too long on jocelyn’s lips for a moment. the lord’s gaze snapped to the flower she was lifting up for him to see, he cleared his throat before speaking. “ they are nearly as beautiful as you are, my lady. they would fit perfectly in with the other flowers,” he smiles warmly at her. “ i dare to say you fit in perfectly yourself, among all these..delicate blossoms.”
lord harlaw. at first, she had let the guilt drown her over his slaying. however, recognizing that it could have just as easily been her own brother in the sept, she has come to accept the will of the gods. if only her newfound friendship with lady alanis did not have to sour so soon. so, she gives in to the upturn of her lips at the man’s jest. that would indeed be an unfortunate end. though she could not be certain of his his livelihood if he upset his lady wife another day. 
storm’s end was not known for its abundance of flowers or beauty, you would have to go further into the stormlands to find a semblance of anything pleasing. but, the vivid colored dresses she enjoyed wearing were enough to brighten up the fortress. her father once called her a perfect blossom amidst the storm. who was she to disagree ? so, when someone appealing of the eye compliments her, she will gladly accept it. though she could feel her late mother’s disproval of her relishing in the attention of a man she should certainly not be entertaining. the man’s audacity is quite telling. complimenting her when he clearly has a wife waiting for him. how could it ever be an innocent comment ? “you flatter me, my lord,” she replies humbly, unable to hide the blush that rushes to her cheeks. “should you ever need assistance again, you need only ask.” 
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ladystormlander · 2 years
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braxton smiled gratefully at the young woman, setting aside the few flowers he had picked out blindly. “ yes, they are for her. i am attempting to ask for forgiveness, my beloved was terribly frightened when i fell from my horse.” it wasn’t entirely incorrect to tell the woman that, he did not see the need to inform her that he was asking for forgiveness about shaming their house so publicly. “ she is partial to purples..” he pauses, contemplating the yellow flower before shaking his head. “ what if i wish to convey undying love, strength, and forgiveness?” braxton turned to face the woman. “ which flowers shall i pick then?”
a woman scorned carried as much fury as the stormlands & jocelyn felt benevolent enough to spare the man from such a fate. though, in all honesty, there were very few that she was not willing to help as of late. after her brother’s trial, she wanted to help mend house baratheon’s sullied reputation. “you are wise to use flowers as a gesture then. you should not return to her empty handed.” her father never returned without something in hand for her mother after their spats. “this lilac aster would be excellent with pink hydrangeas &...purple hyacinth,” as she names off the various flowers, she is handing them to the stall owner who begins to put together the arrangement. “a show of your love & heartfelt feelings, while also asking for forgiveness.” the lady hums, eyes perusing over anything else that might suit the lord. she pauses at the valerian flowers & contemplates her other choices before speaking. “bluestars represents strength & determination. what do you think, my lord ?” she lifts the star shaped flower for him to see more closely. though, contrary to its name, this variation of bluestars were white. 
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ladystormlander · 2 years
where: festival of matrimony | the flower stall  when: day 4 of the tournament  who: open for everyone!
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the bright colors of the stall had attracted him, making the lord pause in his tracks, walking closer to survey the options before him. his fingers lightly brushed the petals, picking up a few odd flowers. braxton observed them in silence, turning them every which way before letting out a frustrated sigh. “ always been ass at this,” he muttered under his breath, placing one of the flowers back and hovering over another. the man noticed another presence beside him, turning to them. “ are you knowledgeable on the meanings of flowers? i am a bit lost.”
jocelyn had come to the flower stall to pick an arrangement for her brother & his newest betrothed. while she had been shocked by the announcement, she wanted her support of him to be known. little did she know, it would lead her to an interesting interaction. she was undeniably amused by the sight before her. clearly something had captivated him enough to stop, yet he was unable to make a choice & jocelyn was more than willing to help. “i am. who are the flowers intended for, my lord ? your lady wife ?” jocelyn browsed the various flowers before her & grazed her fingers over the petals of her favorite flower. “purple lilacs are my favorite, they symbolize one’s spirituality. flowers & their meanings can be very perplexing. take this purple hyacinth for instance, it can convey one’s sorrow...while this yellow one here can imply jealousy.” 
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ladystormlander · 2 years
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[ID: Two gifs of Xiao Lan Hua. She is seen waist up and smiling widely, standing amongst falling petals; she holds her hands up together to catch some, then drops them and looks up to watch the petals. /End ID]
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ladystormlander · 2 years
What a coincidence, the person that she had called out to was one of the Baratheon sisters. More focused on remaining hidden Talia couldn’t recall her name at the moment. She had only met Theodore’s sisters on rare occasions despite being their vassals. “Shorter people tend to find the superior hiding places. At least that’s what my experience tells me.” Despite the smile on her face Talia did have to fight back the conflicting feelings that began to rise within her. Now was a time of celebrating and having fun, the mess of the trial and the consequences of it are for later. There was no place for her negative thoughts when playing hide and seek. “You are one of Lord Theodore’s sisters right? I’m Talia, it’s nice to meet you my lady.” She giggled a bit “under sneakier circumstances.”
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though she was a lifelong friend of raveena & knew more of jeyne through her brother’s former betrothal, for the life of her she could not remember the name of the third caron sister. thankfully, her reprieve came when she introduced herself. talia. yes, that was right. she had heard the name a few times over the years. “sneakier circumstances indeed,” the lady giggled. “i am. i’m pleased to make your acquaintance, talia, i’m jocelyn.” she knew there was tension between their families since the breaking of stefan’s betrothal to lady jeyne, but she had hoped her friendship with raveena would help to prevent any long-term grudges. now, she realized, her interactions needed to extend to the other carons as well. thank the gods, it seemed they could enjoy one another’s company. they were, after all, born & raised in the stormlands just the same. 
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ladystormlander · 2 years
—     setting:    gardens,    night  during  the  banquet —     availability:    open  to  everyone
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“    the  stars  are  bright  tonight  .    ”        words  drawn  out  carefully  ,    afraid  his  interruption  would  break  their  little  moment  of  peace  .    moonlight  coated  figure  ,    and  he  would  be  lying  if  he  were  to  say  he  missed  the  chaos  happening  inside  .    wine  and  dancing  ,    he  was  familiar  with  :    but  eyes  bore  onto  him  from  all  sides  and  that  .    that  made  his  skin  crawl  .    face  turned  to  look  at  his  company  ,    analyzing  them  with  curiosity  .        “    but  none  seem  to  shine  brighter  than  you  .    ”
her eyes break from the eventide sky when her company speaks, her attention shifting with ease to him. she hadn’t spoken much since coming out to the gardens, a rare occurrence for her, instead she was awed by the very stars he spoke of. “do you use pretty words with every lady who graces your path ?” jocelyn asks him in a mildly amused tone. she would never understand how men so easily resorted to flirtation. 
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ladystormlander · 2 years
open   event   starter   ,     accepting   !  
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               he   keeps   to   the   edges   of   the   hall   ,   after   all   one   like   him   doesn’t   really   belong   there   –   a   simple   merchant   .   no   matter   how   rich   he   is   .   emerald   hues   gaze   across   the   hall   ,   towered   tall   at   four   inches   past   six   feet   .   carrigan   gets   glances   ,   he   knows   ,   curios   looks   at   to   who   this   outside   is   and   how   would   he   benefit   them   .   he   wouldn’t   yet   ,   he   would   answer   if   answered   .   he   fiddles   with   the   ring   on   his   pinky   finger   ,   a   gift   from   his   deceased   father   .   the   merchant   makes   his   move   from   the   edge   ,   moving   further   into   the   room   –   and   a   servant   steps   in   his   path   .   carrigan   bumps   into   them   ,   moving   quickly   and   able   to   catch   them   and   their   tray   of   goods   rather   gallantly   .   “   apologies   ,   here   you   are   ,   ”   he   said   ,   setting   them   right   and   handing   them   a   small   bag   of   coins   .   “   for   your   troubles   ,   again   i’m   terribly   sorry   ,   ”   he   sends   them   off   with   a   smile   ,   easily   recognizable   despite   his   bearded   face   .
jocelyn was a social creature, always seeking people out & wanting to know who’s who. so, she was rather melancholy when there seemed to be no one of interest around – until she was about halfway to her chambers. how odd, jocelyn thinks, as she stops to watch the interaction between a servant & a man she does not recognize. no lord had ever done such a thing before – at least none she had met. nor could she place him in a house by either his appearance or clothing. perhaps he was of a lesser house she had not heard of. “do you hand out coin to every person you bump into ?” she asks him, wishing to fill the silence, after she realizes she had been staring for far too long. “it is surprising for a lord to be so benevolent.”
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ladystormlander · 2 years
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Love Between Fairy and Devil  苍兰诀: Episode 17
Xiao Lan Hua
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ladystormlander · 2 years
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closed  starter  for  jocelyn  baratheon  (  @ladystormlander​  )  .
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          there  have  been  many  decisions  in  his  life  that  have  been  made  for  him  -  including  every  single  one  of  his  betrothals  .  while  he  had  never  been  cruel  to  those  who  had  been  given  the  same  cruel  fate  as  himself  ,  olyvar  was  not  secretive  of  his  intentions  to  end  whatever  betrothal  came  his  way  .  thankfully  their  betrothal  came  to  a  mutual  end  when  the  lady  baratheon’s  parents  died  …  even  if  the  circumstances  were  less  than  ideal  .  still  ,  he’s  grateful  there  was  no  ill  will  held  between  them  and  after  recent  events  ,  oly  figures  it’s  best  to  stay  friends  rather  than  enemies  with  house  baratheon  .   ❝   lady  baratheon  ,  it’s  been  quite  some  time  .   ❞   he  greets  ,  bowing  his  head  out  of  respect  .   ❝   i’m  glad  to  hear  of  stefan’s  freedom  …  i  always  knew  he  was  innocent  .   ❞
in truth, she had never expected much of her betrothal to the tyrell. she could see his resistance towards the marriage from their first meeting & she held the same opinion to a lesser degree. the tyrells may have had money, but none enough to make her endure a marriage that wasn’t wanted. “lord olyvar, it certainly has,” jocelyn greets him just the same. she hardly believes him when he talks of her brother’s innocence. the trial clearly reflected that very few believed in stefan. it took a trial by combat & the senseless death of another to earn him his freedom. still, she assumes that olyvar means well enough & shows him her gratitude. “thank you. all that is left is for the true culprit to be unmasked.” a daunting task. however, it seemed the matter of finding the killer of the grand maester was being pushed from many minds with the festivities. if only the same could be done with her own. 
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ladystormlander · 2 years
Open Starter
When: The Festival of Matrimony
Where: The Maze, The Gardens
Talia had been going through the maze for quite some time now playing hide and seek. She didn’t want to brag but Talia was particularly good at playing hide and seek. That was the one benefit of being short and having a hidden talent of climbing. She’d managed to maintain her spot for some time now and no one had found her. Talia found a very good spot and was only slightly able to hear the sound of footsteps. She held her breath before recognizing the movements as someone else who was hiding. “Hey!” Keeping her voice at whisper “over here quickly, you won’t get found!”
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she had not played this game since her childhood, when she was still allowed to run around with her skirts dragging in the mud and where propriety was far more lax at storm’s end. now here she was, a woman grown, finding joy in a children’s game. admittedly, her hiding skills did not suit mazes very well. she wandered for a while & did her best to avoid the sound of fast paced footsteps, until she heard a voice calling out to her. jocelyn paused, wondering if it was a trap, before deciding to follow it anyway. after she was able to pinpoint the location of the mysterious voice, jocelyn made her way towards it. to her delight she was now with a fellow hider – a caron. “thank you, i was starting to think i would never find a place to hide,” she whispered back.  
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ladystormlander · 2 years
open starter : sunroom; red keep
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sʜᴇ ᴅɪᴅɴ’ᴛ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴡᴏʀsᴇ. the horrible headache she currently suffered or being in such short proximity of that woman. for as large as the red keep was,emel was made to suffer through the excitment . the baratheon boy being arrested, for the death of the maester. then his relase. it was a wonder how the council got anything done at all. and the replacement maester ; bless him didn’t know a damn cure to ailed her. “ enough leave me befoe you make it worse,” she mutter gently waving off the ladies rubbing her temple and her hands. letting the with of her own cover her eyes as the door of the sunroom open. her blue eyes fell upon the figure, reaching a hand towards them. “ aye yes, a distraction, ” eyes closing for a moment. And when she open them again found them closer now. “—seeing as the only good maester is gone and buried. perhaps your company will sooth me. seat my dear, join me.”
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there seemed to be something the matter when jocelyn passed the sunroom that morn. had she been in a poor mood she may have continued on her way, but a voice within willed her to pause. it was not difficult for her to make an inquiry with the ladies & pull some strings with the information she was provided. with her brother’s freedom newly won, the baratheons needed to maintain good appearances. “of course, my lady,” jocelyn obliged her elder. she took the hand extended to her & settled aside the former ruling lady. “i hope you can forgive my overstepping – i had a tea made for you, made from fresh leaves of feverfew. it has eased my headaches many a time.”
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