ladytimshel-blog · 9 years
August Update
So here it is, August 4th, and my weigh in today was 291.6! I’m very excited about keeping with exercising, and portion control. I think I’ve finally got over the hump. I spent 3 weeks in July and purged my system, working out every day, and strictly monitoring my intake. 
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ladytimshel-blog · 9 years
Goals for July 1) Get under 300lbs. 2) Portion Control - get back on track with food logging and portion control 3) Get back to wearing FitBit every day
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ladytimshel-blog · 9 years
Back on Track
I have completely fallen off track of my weight loss plan. Like any person struggling with weight loss I tend to make excuses for my failure. This time it is nobody's fault but my own. I had done so well losing weight, exercising, and eating right. I went from being 335lbs down to my lowest of 288.3lbs. Last October I met a guy and we started dating, unfortunately he lived a horrible lifestyle of overeating junk food and not exercising. I fell into my same old habits eating out, overeating, binging on junk food, and putting up excuses and not exercising. Then a short time later my father suffered an accident. I took a lot of time off work to spend with him in the hospital and to spend with him once he got home. The stress of that, realizing my father's mortality, caused me to fall into my old habits, and one day I got on the scale in April to find I now weighed 310.5lbs. Now, here it is July, and my last weigh in put me at 304.5. I have truly decided this will be the last time of my life I am this weight.
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ladytimshel-blog · 10 years
The Stabbing
"Dispatch to 369."
"369.  Go ahead."
"I need you en route for a hospital transfer for a 7o year old female.  C/C is a nose bleed and a knife wound."
"Uh…could you repeat the C/C?"
"Nose bleed and a knife wound."
"…Dispatch, I’m going to call you.  Not sure you’re coming through clearly."
"Dispatch, this is Mark."
"Hey, Mark, it’s Harkins on 369.  I just wanted to ensure I heard the patient’s C/C correctly over the radio."
"Sure thing.  Looks like…nose bleed and a knife wound on a 70 year old female."
"Huh.  Well.  Mark us en route."
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ladytimshel-blog · 10 years
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Down 50lbs. Can really see it in my face!
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ladytimshel-blog · 10 years
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ladytimshel-blog · 10 years
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ladytimshel-blog · 10 years
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ladytimshel-blog · 10 years
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ladytimshel-blog · 10 years
September Goals
Start: Weight 296 Clothing size 22 (looser but not yet a 20) Energy level: fantastic! I crave walking and activity. Been doing about 6 miles a day and did a 15.6 mile hike.
September Goals: Weight: 285 Pants: still a 22 I think. If I remember right I hit a 20 at about 270lbs. Activity: 10,000 steps (about 5 miles) 4 times a week. I signed up for Pact app that syncs with my Fitbit. Bought some dumbells for at home (I have a set at work too) want to work on my arms (chicken wings!) At home more.
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ladytimshel-blog · 10 years
Did it! Weighed in at 297.6 on the first of September! New goals to come at the end of the week
Right now my last weigh in was at 306.5, I’m sure it’s a little over that, the last two weeks have been filled with travel and fast food.
Right now I’m here:
Weight: 310 (rough guess)
Clothes: 22W
Bra: 44H/I
Energy Level: none, nothing, dead. I can go do a 5-7 mile hike (prefer to go by...
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ladytimshel-blog · 10 years
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ladytimshel-blog · 10 years
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This morning it was too early, too dark, and I was too tired. But I made those miles my bitch and kicked ass.
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ladytimshel-blog · 10 years
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ladytimshel-blog · 10 years
Weighed in tonight when I woke up.. 298... OK so I'm up a little. but I spent the last week traveling and eating out, with no exercise, and I'm on my period. It's still progress! 
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ladytimshel-blog · 10 years
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One of 2 new pairs of shoes I rewarded myself with for my progress!
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ladytimshel-blog · 10 years
An update just for the hell of it. I’m down to 297.1!! However I burned my foot yesterday, don’t drop a boiling pot of water on yourself….. so my exercise for yesterday and today is house cleaning. Which believe it or not, is quite the workout!!
Have planned a backpacking trip for the first week in September and am super excited!
Also I've decided to do progress photos every 10lbs. As soon as I hit 296 I'll be doing another round!
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