lafayefferson · 5 years
warm-hearted asks 💘
cup of tea: what is your favourite hot beverage?
gentle embrace: do you enjoy physical intimacy?
friendship bracelet: how did you meet your best friend(s)?
lullaby: do you often remember dreams when you wake up?
forehead kiss: what is your family like?
soft blanket: where do you feel the most comfortable?
moonlight: are you a night owl?
love letter: do you have a crush?
teddy bear: do you own any plushies?
pink sunrise: what is your favourite colour?
holding hands: who is the most important person in your life?
sweet serenade: what is your favourite song right now?
bouquet of flowers: do you like receiving gifts?
whispering secrets: is there a person who knows everything about you?
shooting star: if you had one wish, what would you wish for?
old photograph: what is your favourite memory?
cloudgazing: are you able to do nothing?
rose petals: what would your dream date be like?
ray of sunshine: how does one make you laugh?
handmade scarf: would you describe yourself to be a creative person?
colourful butterfly: what makes you feel free?
strawberry field: what is your favourite season? why?
raindrops: is there a sound that always soothes you?
sweet nothings: are you good with words?
daydreaming: if you could live in any fictional universe, where would you live?
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lafayefferson · 5 years
@latehamiltontrash is way to kind and genuinely an amazing person. I couldn't have asked for a better way for our friendship to go. Theatre was a medium that we both seem outlandish in, but also excelled. Every bit of success I've experienced in the theatre department, from doing basic tech, to becoming tech director, into acting in a lead role, to dirrecting a play of my own, I owe to this kind soul. I really have to thank them for helping me find a passion that i still work with even to this day.
Colorful butterfly and friendship bracelet 💕
Colorful Butterfly - You know. I'm not sure. There are days I feel very free having a whole house to myself. But....there are days it's very lonely too.
Friendship Bracelet - I met my best friend in theater class in high school. I taught him how the lighting system worked. Being around each other everyday could of ended in one of two ways. And I'm very happy it ended in being best friends.
@lafayefferson is a great guy, and I'm proud to call him my best friend. Feel free to give him a follow!
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lafayefferson · 5 years
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I am watching too much star wars.. i swear to god…
How about a star wars/ hamilton AU???
In this AU Alexander is the Padawan of Jedi-Master George Washington.
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lafayefferson · 5 years
Jefferson: Whoever threw this paper, your moms a ho!
Hamilton: Hahaha jokes on you I don’t have a mom!
Everyone in the cabinet meeting: ........
Jefferson: Dude why’d you have to go and make it sad?
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lafayefferson · 5 years
Lafayette: Hamilton's injured!
Hamilton: I wasn't injured, I was just lightly stabbed.
Laurens: I'm sorry, you were STABBED!?
Hamilton: LIGHTLY stabbed!
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lafayefferson · 5 years
Hey y'all. I was womderin' if any of yall would be kind enough to help me out in trying to win tickets to the jonas brothers comcert in my area (maybe yours too??) But every person who follows this link and signs up gets 10 enteries for me. It would be greatly appreciated if any of yall would help a partner out. I love you all! Thank you!
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lafayefferson · 5 years
idek anymore
Alex: *staring at John dead serious* Let me kill her.
John: Lexi, it’s no big deal.
Alex: Let me kill her.
John: She didn’t even cheat on me! They were my best friends-
Alex: Let me kill Maria for cheating on you with Eliza or I swear-
John: Y O U A R E M Y B O Y F R I E N D
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lafayefferson · 5 years
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Oh look! Some deleted scene from the cabinet battles!
wait…what do u mean that didn’t happend??
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The scene is from ‘’the Legend of Korra’’ [S1 E1]
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lafayefferson · 5 years
Alexander: G—really? Everyone just melts everytime Eliza speaks
John: Hello, Eliza
Hercules: Hi, Eliza!
Eliza, softly: Hello!
The entire Hamilsquad: Awww!
Alexander, shaking his head: Hello, Eliza…
Lafayette: How can someone be so cute?
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lafayefferson · 5 years
Hercules: You had me banished for tying my shoes!
Alexander: It took five minutes!
Hercules: It was hard
Alexander: IT WAS VELCRO
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lafayefferson · 5 years
Little Peggy: [falls off of her bike and starts crying over a scraped knee]
Little Angelica: I don’t think we need to cry over this anymore.
Little Peggy, still crying: This is in NO WAY a “WE” situation!
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lafayefferson · 5 years
I took off for a while for mental health issues and some family issues. But i am better now and have the other stuff figured out. Im here for yall once again!
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lafayefferson · 5 years
@weirdowithasweatshirt @bhishak @moxiethesimplenerd @latehamiltontrash @disaster-of-a-human @gaymom666
give ♡ this ♡ to ♡ the ♡ twelve ♡ nicest ♡ people ♡ you ♡ know ♡ if ♡ you ♡ get ♡ five ♡ back ♡ you ♡ must ♡ be ♡ perfect ♡
@kiihyun @demonkyun @tinyjjks @wonhojiminie @softie-yoongi @sugahoped @wonseoks @softjeon @guksdimple @jogeumdeo @joonsoulmap @sugawithluv @minhyukstealer and you because you are the sweetest for sending this. 
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lafayefferson · 5 years
@literally all my follower! Love y'all
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due to personal reasons this person believes you deserve love | requested by anon
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lafayefferson · 5 years
John: You’re cute when you’re angry
Alexander: Well then, I’m about to get really fucking adorable
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lafayefferson · 5 years
reblog this to delete europe 
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lafayefferson · 6 years
Thomas: John, if your turtles came with instructions all it would say is "Caution! VERY slow and boring!"
John: *obviously a hurt*...
Alex: *trying to defend John* OH YEAH!? WELL IF YOU'RE CAT CAME WITH INSTRICTIONS IT WOULD HAVE SAID "Dont underestimate my ability to cause chaos!"
James: That's what the instructions that came with you said..
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