lalasweirdness ¡ 4 years
one of the most fucked up things about the internet is how it has given us so many new ways to self harm that we don’t even realize is self harm. it’s something i’ve seen getting addressed little by little recently, as it’s finally being recognized for what it is.
it’s the kind of addictive behaviour we engage in that doesn’t actually benefit us in any way, such as:
- Reading The Comments
- ruthless discourse that won’t accomplish anything
- checking up on people and topics you shouldn’t
- 90% of body image stuff
- constant stream of devastating news
and so on, and so on!!
there are suddenly far less barriers and boundaries between our hearts and the entire rest of the constant, churning world, and sometimes the only thing holding us back from pointless hurt is our own willpower. that’s not always gonna be enough.
we feel shame for turning off anon, for blocking those who hurt us without giving them a “fair chance” first, for leaving a discussion, for leaving a space, for going offline, for missing out. we keep martyring ourselves, and for what? our hearts are not made for this.
we’re still adapting to whatever internet culture is and does to us. remember to breathe and forgive yourself every once in a while.
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lalasweirdness ¡ 4 years
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lalasweirdness ¡ 5 years
Artist: *draws a Klance comic where one of them laughs and the other gazes lovingly at them from afar*
Me, every single goddamn time since 2016:
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lalasweirdness ¡ 5 years
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lalasweirdness ¡ 5 years
I dreamt I was casually dating someone who either *was* Lana del Rey or *looked exactly like* Lana del Rey and she told me “I know a drinking game. I call it Girlfriend Material. The game is you drink Limoncello mixed with lemonade and read aloud the Wikipedia pages of female politicians who hate men. When you run out of politicians, you have to become the next one.”
I don’t know what this means but I feel what others must feel when they’re visited by dream Obama
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lalasweirdness ¡ 5 years
I finally did it I had a dream wisdom Obama dream
So I was in a movie theater trying to help my best friend hide the dinosaur spikes she was growing so her date wouldn’t notice and Obama made eye contact with me and said “this is what the world comes to when death is as impermanent as flies” and then I woke up
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lalasweirdness ¡ 5 years
Last night I had a dream that Obama showed up at my house while I was crying and he sat next to me on my bed and asked what was wrong so I was like “I’m overworking myself and I’m stressed” so he looked me in the eye, gently held my hand and said, “I think you need to take a break. Even if you love what you’re doing, you need time to relax. Even in the most beautiful song, if you hold a note for too long it just becomes noise.” and that shit was so deep I woke up crying.
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lalasweirdness ¡ 5 years
Some of you have never met Barack Obama in a dream and received some of his signature cryptic wisdom, and it shows.
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lalasweirdness ¡ 5 years
Dialogue Prompts With a Raw, Powerful Energy the Third
(Sources listed in the tags)
“And there he was... gone.”
“Fun isn’t something one considers when balancing the universe. But this does put a smile on my face”
“[Chuckles] You mean the chaos emeralds?”
“It’s impressive that such strength and ferocity can be contained in such a small vessel.”
“My guess is no one has ever loved you before. Because you know nothing about hearts and love!”
“The more you run from him, the faster we’ll grow.”
“Now do me another favour and die.”
“I won’t kill you. ...but I won’t save you.”
“Then become the dirt I walk on.”
“Love and fury can coexist.”
“Since that encounter, my life has never known peace...”
“The anger in your heart warms you now, but it will leave you cold in your grave”
“You have no chance to steam a grilled burger!”
“This is the Wild West and it’s gonna be wild!”
“You have to ask yourself; would you rather be comforted by a lie or strengthened by the truth?”
“I will fight you upon a mound of bones.”
“You are a single bead in the string of lives that I hold together.”
“You can get used to a certain kind of poison.”
“Sometimes that little light escapes the darkness of your heart, and then you cage it again.”
“Only the dead can know peace from this evil.”
“Shhh. Rest now and close your eyes... you won’t ever need open them again...”
“I have nothing to prove to you.”
“Are you gonna cowboy up or lay there and bleed?”
“What the fuck did you just bring upon this cursed land?”
“This is not your fault, but ours for believing in you.”
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lalasweirdness ¡ 5 years
Guys, I had one of those “prophetic Obama” dreams last night.
We were sitting in a courtyard, watching a couple of deer, and Obama just looked at me, nodded and said, “only bare your teeth if you’re willing to get blood on them.” And then stood and walked over to feed one of the deer.
Like, the fuck?! I can’t come up with advice that good when I’m awake?!
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lalasweirdness ¡ 5 years
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that’s how he gets his attention
(coffeeshop au of sorts eheh)
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lalasweirdness ¡ 5 years
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“In 2020, millennials will equal Boomers in number of eligible voters. But that doesn’t mean they’ll actually vote–turnout was 42% for millennials vs. 64% for Boomers in 2018.”
~ @FrankLutz
——————— 2020, one-in-ten eligible voters will be members of Generation Z
Source: Pew Research Center
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lalasweirdness ¡ 5 years
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lalasweirdness ¡ 5 years
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lalasweirdness ¡ 5 years
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lalasweirdness ¡ 5 years
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james acaster: repertoire
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lalasweirdness ¡ 5 years
cute couple things i’ve seen on campus this semester that make me want a stupid boyfriend
girl and guy were sitting on the same chair with the guy behind her only he was hugging her waist and fast asleep on her shoulder while she was working on her computer
saw this couple across the street from me waiting for the bus. the guy did the thing where he pretends to look for something in his bag and pulls out a finger heart instead
in the hallway i watched this girl run up to her bf and he gives her the biggest hug and goes “see told you you’d kill your presentation” then kisses her forehead
girl sitting next to me in the library has been grinding on an assignment all day (like i’d have been in the library from 10-3 with breaks in between for classes but she’d been sitting there the whole time) and her boyfriend would come in every few hours, put down food or coffee on her table, kiss the top of her head, and walk away without a word
in one of my smaller classes (probably around 30 people) this guy’s phone rang and he sprung up and left the class to answer it. usually profs don’t care if you leave class but this one is really small and he knows all of our names/faces, so when the guy comes back in the prof asks if everything was ok. he has the biggest grin on his face and says “yeah, sorry that was my girlfriend. her flight took off right before it started snowing so i was worried. she’s okay tho.”
was sitting outside and reading when it was warmer and i could see this couple sitting under a tree a little ways away from me. the girl was laying in his lap while he was on his phone. suddenly i heard an alarm go off so i look up and they start switching places so now he’s laying his head on her lap and she’s reading sitting up. it happened twice more after that
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